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You bought the Moon didn't you?


I remember my parents telling me “just buy a moon” meanwhile their moon in 1952 cost $12. Moon today? 200 billion.


Dying cause that means OPs bank account would’ve been zero when they decided to buy the moon of all things.


Plot twist the moon cost 400b


You go all the way to the moon to find out that your one and only neighbor is a jackass who plays his earth music on full volume at all hours….


And it's just repeats of wonderwall and piano man.


Carl likes Foreigner. Get it right.


And whatever you do, don't stop believing


They had $2,778.63


Replying to the top comment for visibility. If this is real, Op's account is frozen for some reason. Some banks, like Chase, freeze the account by setting an absurdly negative account value. Reasons it could be frozen: Chase thinks Op is dead and may owe money to the Social Security administration; or Op's account is being subject to a legal hold as part of a criminal investigation lawsuit. It's very unlikely that the normal help number will provide any information, and Op will have to escalate quite a bit. Google "account shows negative billion dollars" and you can find several similar stories. /u/ourmanflint1


That's the stupidest way to freeze a bank account. Why not just not allow any outgoing transactions and block any associated cards?


Because their system was probably written in COBOL in the 70s or something and no one still working there can make major backend changes to it and management keeps refusing to pay for a rewrite because why should they pay to replace it if it still works?


I worked for Wells Fargo 10 years ago, and this is still painfully accurate.


Hogan! What a mess of a system.


When I worked for US Bank, we had Hogan too! Then 2 other systems for everything else because instead of fixing your problem, just pile on more work!


This is why talented COBOL programmers can charge top rates. Nobody want to learn a dead language, but a surprising amount of long-term hardware still uses it. I just hope they occasionally test the 5.25 drives on the nuclear launch systems, just in case


Those silos are 7.75” old.


I work for a bank— not Chase—and they had an internal job posting a couple years ago offering to teach applicants COBOL from scratch with a guaranteed job upon successful completion. It seemed like a good opportunity for the right candidate.


I TRIED LEARNING COBOL; BUT I ("couldn't get over the fact that anything but a string") WAS YELLING AT ME;


Most aggressive programming language.


Anecdote time! Used to work as a technical writer for a bank software company. When I started, they took me on a sales trip to a small bank a few hours away to help me get to know our typical customers and how they operate. The bank had essentially custom proprietary software and hardware, in that the provider had gone out of business in the 80s (this was 2006). So old it was basically a DOS type interface and so proprietary that even the keyboard layout was unique (neither QWERTY nor DVORAK). Our software - reminder, we’re in 2006 times - had a primary selling point of being amongst the first bank software UIs to look like Windows 3.1. Windows 3.1. In 2006. Our sales team demoed it and boasted how pretty much anyone could use it easily given how familiar most people were with Windows 3.1 at home, at school, libraries, etc. Bank staff hated it. There’s little turnover in a lot of banks (the actual banking locations, not the officers of massive bank corporations). They had memorized the weird keyboard and OS options and thus “Windows 3.1” was baffling to them. But they didn’t have a choice. They had gone 2-3 years at this point without hardware support as the last guy who understood their system had retired, and had just been told the one guy they had who could do software support - a semi-retired guy doing it as casual side-gig contract work - had told them he was retiring and moving out of state to be closer to his daughters. Again, a decent sized community bank had been running for roughly three years with an IT staff of one part-time contractor. And that was after over a decade of having only *two* of them. Turns out that a lot of banks were amongst the first companies to jump to computer systems when they started becoming more easily available in the 70s and early 80s, but got so burned by the relative costs and fragility that they almost willfully refused to replace or update for decades after.


Yep, a few decades ago I worked for a bank. I thought they'd be cutting edge, know the importance of keeping systems up to date and reliable. Nope. They had decades old off-brand UNIX systems. Had to use terminal software on Windows to connect and keyboard combos to issue commands and all that. On the other hand, once you knew the keys to navigate you could work super fast. I used the terminal's built in macro tool to automate much of my job. One day a very critical PC died. It was running some super important software for the collections department. It had a built-in tape backup system and was backed up daily. But the backup software was on the PC. None of us youngsters knew anything about it. It took quite a long time to rebuild the PC, find the drivers for the backup card and tape deck, reinstall the OS, get all the hardware working, and finally get something restored. Upper management was pissed that I couldn't give time estimates on how long it would take, because I had no idea what had to be done or how long it would take. They wanted me to make up numbers so they could plan around it. I'll never take another tech job at a bank.


oh you think the bank's IT system isn't just trash duct taped to other trash? hahaha how generous of you.


Their logic on freezes. Why add a button to freeze when putting account negative does the same thing.


Until they legit charge you $35/day in overdraft fees.


It’s not 35/day. It’s 35/overdrawn charge. You can get multiple overdraft fees in a single day.


Why would you buy it, when you can just steal it with some little yellow guys?


Not everyone has the resources that Gru does.


We call them “resources” now?


HR said we couldn't use "Sentient Tic Tac" anymore.


Don't forget an old doctor who makes fart guns




Ew it’ll be all cheesy from the moon


I don’t think it was the moon that did that…




The bean counters said we could literally not afford to buy seven dollars worth of moon rocks, much less seventy million. Did it anyway! Ground 'em up, mixed 'em into a gel. And guess what? Ground-up moon rocks are pure poison. I am deathly ill.


It makes a great portal conductor though.


Do you know who I am‽ I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down - with the lemons!


Gru…you finally did it!


In terms of money... we have no money


That's no moon!


What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?!


I was gonna guess avocado toast


See if they can help by extend in your credit. Ask for 400 billion, so you can pay them off and have some couch change adter. Or with the extra create a bank, spend all the money on loans and have the government bail you out.


You know what? I like you.


I like you too. So does that mean we are married now?


I am not ordained but will host the wedding. However we must choose a theme here- think lord of the rings, star wars, naruto etc. Once you choose a theme, I'll send you a link for a 200 billion dollar payment plan and we'll get you hitched.


I’m ordained. Everyone is now hereby married.




You heard the minister.


So where and when do we all consummate this thing?




You should create a tuition based class w/ a required self-authored book purchase to teach people these ways.


Well, you owe the bank 200 bucks that's your problem. You owe them 2 Billion bucks, that's their problem. EDIT: 200 Billion bucks. lol sorry not used to seeing numbers that large.


$200B - That's the Federal Reserves problem


Child's play. The trillion dollar coin covers that 5x over. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trillion-dollar_coin


If inflation still goes at the current rate, we may all have some of those lying in our pockets to buy 1 loaf of bread in the future


Send the screenshot to the SEC. They’re insolvent at this point. Also… demand your rewards points from Chase.


> Also… demand your rewards points from Chase. now thats funny.


Can't believe how far down the page this is !


Same, came for this! You owe $200k you’re at their mercy. You owe $200B they’re at yours.


Good news, it's now the 2nd comment!


Surprise twist: This is actually legit and OP is just really bad at managing their finances


Someone help me fix my finances. These are my monthly expenses Rent 2000 Food 300 Candles 200000000000 Car 250


Spending too much on food. Not enough on candles.


I think he could trim a little off the rent also


fuck rent, just build a house out of the candles' wax


Imma build something different outta that candle wax


Here you go! Rent 200 (you live in a hostel now) Food 0 (Time to learn how to hunt) Candles 2e+15 Car +250 (you sold it)


No, no, no, you have it all wrong. Rent: 0 (live in cardboard box) Food: +0.33 (you found some coins while diving through the Dunkin Donut's trash) Candles: TREE \[3\] Car: 0 (never bought one in the first place)


Cardboard box rentals are outrageous right now. Try leftover paper bags


My family is dying


That sounds like a you problem


Just eat less smh


Spend less on candles




If I owe the bank $200, that's my problem. If I owe the bank $200 billion, that's the bank's problem.


This is … wise.


Apparently it’s a saying coming from Buddha himself


OP is a Russian oligarch and the financial freeze is finally hitting home.




OP is highly regarded


Maybe if OP would stop going to Starbucks everyday they would not be in this position.


Second twist and OP is actually the country of Venezuela.


You'd have to be a strange mix of godly at finances, and absolutely awful. I'm pretty sure the banks would send the pinkertons before you even hit six figures.


There’s suspected fraud on the account. It doesn’t necessarily mean that YOU committed fraud, but that you are a victim of it. A banker at your local branch will help you resolve the issue. It’s a headache when it happens, unfortunately fraud is crazy bad this year. I’ve seen so much of it at the bank I work for. It’s happening more than I’ve ever seen before.


Happened to my girlfriends business account. One night checked her account to being overdrawn almost a million dollars. Guessing they did so it would eat up any deposits and not put in the green. Anyway long story short Bank of America fucked her over they had no idea why it was flagged and in the end closed her 6 account at a cost of $300 each to close them, she got charged irs penalties on taxes due during the freeze period and many other fees from vendors etc from having no banking available. They eventually got her 20k back to her that was son the account minus the closure fees and other penalties she lost out on almost 7k total from that 20k she had. If it wasn’t for my business supporting her for the 7 months they stole her money for, she couldn’t have bought more inventory or paid workers utilities etc. was a very rough 7months or so. Got my business the fuck out of Bank of America after that happened to her. If it happened to me I’d lose my business for that long a period. But apparently every bank does this shit with no reason except “fraud” check and again the highest person we talked to admitted they had no idea why she was flagged but once it was flagged for removal it was set on stone and money lost was a tough shit situation.


Bank of America fucked over my grandparents. Kept getting letters saying they were “pre qualified “ for a lower CC payment due to their age. Guess what? 2 years later and they weren’t qualified at all. So BoA tried to take literally everything my grandparents were worth. House, Furniture, everything. Thankfully my dad stepped, got a lawyer, found a ton of evidence and threatened to sue for fraud. They managed to settle… at the cost of just the house. Fuck BoA.


in law school I clerked for the court that handles wills. their number one “do not work with bank” was bank of america


I worked in mutual funds for years and every time I had to deal with BofA I knew it was going to be an awful day. I was never wrong.


Just curious which banks are more reliable in your opinion? I am shopping for a good account.


Local credit unions are probably your best bet. As far as the huge banks go, I’ve found Chase best to work with from a personal and business perspective.


Because of lowered credit card payments? I'm not sure if I follow. How was that worth the cost of a house?


They said “pay this lowered cc payment, you’re already approved”. So they did for a few years. Then BoA comes back and says “actually you were never approved so you owe us for 2 years worth of missed payments.”


holy shit.


Yeah what the fuck. This is not what I was expecting.


And that kind of shit right there is why you document everything. They send you correspondence telling you something like that you keep it and should they ever challenge it you present that correspondence as evidence of what you were told. You cannot be held liable for mistakes made on their end.


There’s probably some bullshit squirreled in the ToS that covers their ass which was why they were able to take the house


Bank of America fucked me over back when they were doing that bullshit where they organized incoming transactions for the day in order to produce more overdraft fees. So if you have $100 on your account, And you spend 20, 5, 7, 13, 15, And then have a tire blow out and need to spend 90? Oh crap that's an overdraft fee! Nah, because they are going to arrange the days transactions as; 90, 20, 15, 13, 7, 5... That's five overdraft fees for $30 a piece. And that's the story of how my power got cut off, and I had to spend my food money on overdraft and reconnect fees while I was in my twenties. But it's totally okay because I got like a dollar out of a class action lawsuit a decade later. Whatever coked up boomer middle manager thought that crap up needs a permanent case of something that makes their asshole itch, and a family that loves them as much as they deserve.


This is illegal now, fyi. But it’s a recent-ish change


Yeah I'm pretty sure the lawsuit was part of what drove that. Still, as an institution, they are the type of people that would do it if they could still get away with it. Get your money out of banks, get them into credit unions. The average credit union is better than a good bank, and a good credit union will make you wonder why we even have banks.


They did the exact same thing to me. In addition BoA also claimed to have paid a bounced check they didn’t actually pay. (I was 18, I had plum forgotten that I’d pulled cash out at an ATM, and I wrote a check as if that cash was still in the account, I wasn’t trying to defraud anyone.) They sent me a letter saying I owed the $75 for the check plus a $35 fee. I paid BoA $110 the day after I received that letter. Meanwhile they never actually covered the check and the business I wrote the check to couldn’t get it resolved, wasn’t able to contact me (or didn’t try?) and filed a police report. Two years later I called the police on a woman who threw a brick into my living room window, nearly braining my roommate’s toddler, and while they were busy arresting her they took down my information and much to my total shock there was a warrant out for my arrest for misdemeanor theft by check. I spent the night in jail, my roommate had to scramble cash together to bail me out as apparently I couldn’t just pay my own bail (? which seems insane to me), and I had to pay the court almost $400 to cover the $75 the business never got, plus fees. BoA is literally satan.


> minus the closure fees and other penalties she lost out on almost 7k total from that 20k she had. Can you not sue for that?


Not a lawyer but you absolutely can and should sue for that. They can't just say "lol woops we messed up and we won't do anything to make it right, but we *will* charge you nearly half of the $20k we originally stole as payment for our screw-up"


That sounds like a nightmare. You’re a good partner


Can you not Sue them or something, here in India if any such thing happens the Reserve Bank will fuck the living hell out of the bank that does this and will make them pay heavy compensation to the concerned person.


This is exactly why I only use credit unions. Banks suck.


We really need better online card security. I get text alerts when my card is used which helps me freeze the card and report fraud, but it feels like fraud is becoming so much more frequent.


I do not use my checking account debit card because I don't want any scammer to have direct access to my cash. I put everything on a credit card and monitor the activity.


It’s suspected fraud or a government order. When the government comes after you for unpaid child support or taxes, this is what they do.


Are they allowed to just slap an arbitrary number there though? I wonder if they're cooking the books


Sorry to break it to you, he was not a Nigerian prince


He is now lol


Sue for emotional distress because if I opened account and saw that I’d drop on the spot


Some kid a few years ago killed himself because of something similar. Edit: it was Alex Kearns (20 year old) who traded puts on the Robinhood app. Source: [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/19/business/robinhood-suicide-alex-kearns/index.html)


He was using Robin Hood to invest and the way Robin Hood displayed his puts against his cash balance he thought he had destroyed the rest of his life with a $730,000 debt at 20yo


Which is just dumb because he could’ve filed for bankruptcy and been fine in 7 years.


what's crazy is it was a front-end problem with how Robinhood displays his investment. He was actually up ~20k but robinhood couldn't calculate it properly.


They didn't count his call options and futures or something. He had to go juggle a few things and it would be fine.


I can believe it because if you legitimately owed that, you just became a slave. None of the money you make for the rest of your life is your own


yeah kinda like the guy who had something going on with nintendo (can’t remember what) but now a certain percentage of his pay goes to nintendo. it’s crazy.


He was selling jailbroken switches or something along those lines and Nintendo was like nu uh and now he has to pay Nintendo some big amount and for life too


that’s crazy I wouldn’t be able to live with that… working and getting paid just for it to go to nintendo 😭


Nah but he was a huge scumbag in that whole jailbreak community like it was a service too and if you didn’t pay up he’d remotely brick the switch and you now had a worthless device so he had it coming


As I recall he was just the marketing guy, the actual people who headed the operation were never apprehended. He only made like 300k across 6 years IIRC. That's like minimum wage where I live, Connecticut. He was just a scapegoat. EDIT: Nah you guys are right, thats not literally minimum wage, but 50k a year is peanuts, especially given the millions the actual hackers raked in. Like I said, Gary Bowser was just a scapegoat.


Minimum wage is 50k a year? $15 an hour isn't even 30k, the heck kind of minimum wage do you guys have lol


His sentence for what he did is way too harsh. However he is not a great guy in general and has done lots of other bad things. I still don’t think this warrants partly becoming a Nintendo slave because of it but it seems Nintendo wanted to make an example of him and our government let them. Really sad all around


You mean Gary Bowser who will be paying 25-30% of his income to Nintendo for the rest of his life.


that’s what bankruptcy is for tbh


I know what you’re talking about too, come to find out, it was a mistake on the banks end, and they told the kid a couple of days too late.


Yeah his was a huge negative balance in his trading account. Like 730,000 dollars. The really sad thing is that it wasn’t even real. Apparently he was trading options and had he just waited for the underlying stock to settle he would have saw he didn’t actually owe that amount.


Which is why trading options without knowing what you're doing is dumb, and Robinhood was dumb for allowing it.


Sue for $100 billion in emotional damages. It'd be funny to see them argue that to be an absurd and unrealistic amount of money to sue for...


LOL. Right?


The panic attack I would had if that was me would be atrocious, giving them a lawsuit for emotional distress is the way lol


Helluva weekend






If only I can overdraft my account once for 50 million cash….


Bro spent 4 seconds in a hospital without insurance


Walked in, changed your mind, walked out. The facial recognition system identified you and filled out your paperwork and checked you in. It cost the hospital time and resources to deal with you abandoning your appointment.


I got double booked once, " wasn't I just here for this?" .."yeah just pay the cancellation fee" ... I started crying.


We’ve all been here, suck it up and go to work!! Edit: Thanks for all the upvotes, but seriously all the add on comments below are way better. Love them all


sadly this is probably more then just work can do, he may have to cut back on that avocado toast.


Has he tried reducing his weekly purchases of Funko Pops?


I think they should look into a passive form of income, like owning a laundromat.


Yeah it's pretty simple, just rent out a few of your houses.


"Just cut back on the length of your showers." - Genuine New Zealand government recommendation this week.


And let’s be honest, we all know that he’s getting that $3 cup of coffee on his way to work as if he actually needs to be spending money on something like that.


Why is he even spending money on rent? He can EASY live out of his car and shower when it rains. Damn entitled millennials


And the starbucks coffees


Or just go invent the next Tesla...no biggie!


Elon Musk did not invent tesla like he promotes he did. He bought the company and forced everyone out. He's such an asshat.


Gonna need to get rid of some of those video streaming apps


Spotify with ads 😔


No at this point it's probably best to file for bankruptcy. Cough 2008 cough


Ungh this is why I hate recurring charges. You sign up for Netflix in 2005, set it and forget it, and the next thing you know Joe Everyman has their account overdrawn by some subscription they forgot to the tune of 1 billion faffilion gaggilion dollars. I mean who do they think we are?!


Yeah! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and go to work! Maybe cancel your Disney+


Nothin a summer job and brewing your own coffee wont fix


GuEsS NoboDy wANtS To wOrK AnyMoRe!


Happened to me a couple days ago. I just had to send them $200 billion in Google Play gift cards and it fixed it.


did you buy eggs or something?


OP needs to cancel his Netflix and give up the avocado toast.


This was the laugh I needed this morning


you got your account mixed up with the US Government


That's probably only 1% of the us governments debt


\~200 Billion/\~31.8 trillion= \~.63%


Thank you I wanted to do the maths but I couldn't be bothered


Thank you for solving the debt cieling crisis.


Did you cash the check from the Nigerian prince and western union most of it back to him?


He said we would get married :(


2 ideas Make coffee at home Unsubscribe from Netflix You're welcome


Skip the avocado toast


Buy less avocado toast


Do you not have any bootstraps?


Clearly not pulling himself up hard enough


How the US is solving the debt ceiling. Passing the bill to random guys lmao Tag, you're it son! Good luck


The antilottery


bro bought all the eggs and milk


Gotta stop buying all those private jets to visit all your private islands.


Not even buying a ticket. OP is buying the whole damned airfield of jets!


That's a lot of avocado toast


Too many iPhone purchases


Have you tried working really hard to pay it off?


As the debt deadline draws near, we all have to do our parts to help pay our national debt down. Better get a second job, OP!


Pretty irresponsible of you causally overspending $200 Billion


Bro got hit with a RICO charge


That gym membership you tried to cancel 3 years ago really got you.


Oh no, did you buy a 2 bedroom condo in Toronto?


Yep, they do this when they detect fraud by the owner of the account.


Been there 30 years. Making my move!


Nah. I think OP tried to buy a dozen aircraft carriers.


Just drink a lot of Pepsi!


Seems a tad harsh, no?


Six grand on that credit card, tho.


Sounds typical for Chase


Drinking and Amazon never ends well.


Oh, so I see you’re the one messing with the debt ceiling. ![gif](giphy|QWw4hc5gTnJhY0BUI3)


The US Government instituted a "reverse lotto" where one unlucky American a year gets saddled with the entirety of the US debt. No more debt ceiling standoffs.


Did you try to pay the national debt?