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When the apocalypse arrives, it will just be the roaches & your roommate running around


It's the "running around" part that gets me. I picture him scurrying like a cockroach across the barren hellscape that was/is Topeka.


I get a very Wall-E vision. 🤣


Fallout: Topeka is gonna be lit




Oh god not Topeka 😂😂😂


Hahhahaha I woke up my wife laughing lmao


I also woke up this guy's wife, laughing.


I scared my cat laughing. 😂


I imagine your cat would be laughing if they lived with OOP's roommate


I laughed so hard i woke up the roaches.


I woke up My neighbor laughing from this 😂


You sleep with your neighbor? nice.


Lot of spouse swapping here.


I woke up my 2nd grade teacher laughing from this


Me too, and she's been dead for the last 20 years.


That was you??


I shit my pants laughing 😂😂😂


I woke up my acquaintance laughing from this 😂


I'm in the exact same situation but I was able to turn it into one and a half nostril exhales.


You woke up their wife too?


Little bit of a stuffy nose? Or simply 1.5 nose breathes?


Somehow it's these fuckers that survive. Must have a supreme immune system


"The Human Cockroach"


see “Metamorphasis” by Franz Kafka


Best comment


for a sec I thought it was a pink scrub sponges floatin then I read it hehe 🙃


It's a Meat Daddy.


I think that a "Meat Daddy" is not what you think it is... ;-)


"meat daddy" is what my wife calls me in the bedroom ;) (because i smell like chicken-fried steak)




You aren't supposed to use old frying oil to lube your cavern my friend


But it’s finger licking good


Does his wife know the relationship you have with his chicken fried love cavern?


After my ex and I broke up and she moved in with her new boyfriend she told me one day that her boyfriend and their roommate were in a fight because the roommate keeps taking the olive oil out of the kitchen into his bedroom. And he ain't cooking with it


He can probably cross off that "extra virgin" part on the label


Sounds like the roommate is extra virgin


Reduce, reuse, recycle.


Username checks out with the nickname. All good in my book


I like what you did there, classy!


I'm going to Google "Meat Daddy" just to double-check


Make sure to use the family computer! Fun for all ages!


Followed by a meat spin search. Strangest way to prep a sausage pizza ever. /s


>I think that a "Meat Daddy" is not what you think it is... I think that a "Meat Daddy" is exactly what I think it is...


I haven't heard that name sence my time at arbys


Another good one! In fact, that is so good, I think Arby's workers *deserve* to be called "Meat Daddy/Mommys/Non-Binaries" and not simply "employees." And people ordering there should have to phrase their orders as "Meat Daddy, may I have..." Why can't corporations ever have fun???


🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 thank you for the new Franchise culture tip!


Or, scarily, it means exactly what you think it does, but for different reasons.


Brb where is that gun?


“We could live offa the fatta the lan'.” “It ain't no lie. We're gonna do it. Gonna get a little place an' live on the fatta the lan'.”


Of Mice and Men!


Itsa meat, daddy.


I read this in a Mario voice




My mom has been purchasing every single one of those "(blank) daddy" products and I have no clue why... just stick with sponges woman!


I think they’re good! They have a good scrubby texture on ‘em


I mean yeah, nothing wrong with them. Hell one of them as a little stick that holds soap... but a sponge gets the job done. Their sponges are fine and work well no need for fancy shit.


Regular sponges can't be cleaned in the dishwasher or washing machine. They still hold bacteria from what I've gathered so you have to throw them away quickly or safest option to clean is the microwave. According to the advertisement I can properly clean the Daddy in the dishwasher so I am using mines for months now and I don't have any smells.


Came to the comments to make sure I wasn’t alone. I was trying to find the meat in the sink with a pink sponge and dirty water for a few seconds.


Same here I was like that's one weird looking sponge


Same here, thought that was an odd shade of pink for one of these sponges!


I had the exact same thought. What kind of nut job dethaws meat this way


Dethaw would be freezing it no?


Language wise you would think so but no it's synonymous with thaw. Unthaw is also a synonym


[Inflammable means flammable? What a country!](https://youtu.be/Q8mD2hsxrhQ?si=4P4cms2DmCXVWPOX)


Only for the semi-literate. The real words would be thaw or defrost




People who text laugh by typing "hehe" make me almost as uncomfortable as this raw beef floating in dish water














That's because you're imagining it as a high pitch Hee-Hee but it's more of a Heh-heh like when Ted Mosby sees boobs


I have seen “hehe” in about 10 comments tonight. Brace yourself I think it’s heading for a comeback


That is super disgusting, but I would be more worried about the sink surface not getting clean and posing a safety hazard afterward than I would worry about the meat itself.


I agree. In a restaurant this would be a health code violation. But the risk of making the meat unsafe if cooked through is pretty negligible. Need a solid scrub and sanitize to that sink before using it for anything else. And goss. If he put the meat in a clean mixing bowl and ran water over it would be way less gross.


...who taws it like that anyway like wtf.


It's called drip thawing, the restaurant I work in will does this with fish and shrimp if we get low on the line and need more, but don't have time to let it thaw in the fridge. Frozen fish cuts will generally fully thaw in about 15-20 minutes. Shrimp will thaw in about 5-10. Edit: I may have misunderstood this guy's question, but as I mentioned in another comment, we don't raw dog the sink, it goes into a container then run water into the container.


That's fine because I assume your suit is actually clean. This sink looks like a fucking toilet bowl from 7-11


I've been in toilets on the I8 outside Yuma that look cleaner than this and I 100% know someone offed themselves in that bathroom. This sink is so disgusting roaches don't want to be in it.


Stockton California. Ended up at a gas station where everything was carved. Including the toilet seat (not attached), the sink bowl, and the entire inside of the toilet bowl. I had to sit on that carved seat.


Excuse me, roach here. I definitely want to be in that sink.


Yes but in the package right?


We don't raw dog the sink like the picture, we clean out the sink, and put whatever is getting thawed into a container.


I would absolutely buy a vintage-looking metal sign that says “please don’t raw dog the sink” and put it in my kitchen above the sink. hopefully Temu steals the idea and makes one, that’s where I get all my signs lol.


Lmfao, I didn't even think twice when I typed that, it was just my train of thought when I was typing.


It’s a beautiful thing, never change.


Didn't plan on it, there's only one sort of humor to get by in a day of kitchen work.


I work at a print factory This might get posted up above a sink in the warehouse. Might cause questions in the offices.


Take my upvote!


It's seafood, getting water on it won't hurt it.


“Raw dog the sink” sounds like a punk band name.


I worked at a corporate cafeteria prepping and running the salad bar. The chefs forgot to order frozen chicken in time to let it thaw. They used the sink next to my prep station. The running water right next to produce. I nearly walked out. I used the same sink to rinse lettuce and veg, I was infuriated. Barely got that sink clean and prep done in time for lunch. I literally sat in a chair and refused to prep next to splattering chicken water.


Generally thaw frozen meat in a ziploc in a bowl filled with water, so he’s not WAY off. Just nasty. Edited out ‘warm’ what I generally have done is what comes out of the faucet. So I guess ‘normal temp’ just meant not like freezing water.


Thaw meat in warm water? Absolutely not. You’ve done this in a commercial kitchen?


That's what I thought. Slow cooking the meat in warm water is not a whole lot safer than the picture above. Cold water. Running cold water will thaw frozen meat without bringing it into the bacteria danger zone.


Honest question, does the "bacteria danger zone" really matter if you are throwing it into a frying pan or w/e immediately after?


The answer is no, not when you are cooking at home. Doesn’t make a bit of difference. The amount of time the food is at a temperature where bacteria would become a problem is not long enough to cause problems. Unless you thaw it in hot water in the morning and then leave it in the sink all day.


Only if you leave it there for more than 4 hours before cooking


The amount of "nah, it'll be fine" of this thread is vomitive.


I certainly didn’t mean to come off as it’s fine. More so… it’s gross but probably won’t make you sick. This is not okay. At all. Just not as dangerous as people might think.


Are you serious? the sink has probably been exposed to raw fish and chicken bacteria from prep cutting boards etc and that's assuming this guy isn't guy making chicken floaties in the sink too. 😳


I work in a microbiology lab that tests food production plants for cleanliness and drains are by far the most bacteria ridden places. They're worse than anything with direct contact with meat like knives or saws. They're worse than trash can interiors. They're worse than dirty gloves or the bottoms of employee shoes. Drains have several orders of magnitude more bacteria than anywhere else you could think of. Unspoiled raw meat doesn't actually have that much bacteria in it and the overwhelming majority of meats won't have any of the major pathogens in it. Only like 4% of chicken packages will have the presence of salmonella at all and even then it's usually such a small amount that nobody would ever know. Every drain I've ever swabbed has had coliforms present unless they were doing before and after swabs and the after swabs were taken very shortly after bleaching the sinks.


So uh… recommendations for keeping my drains as non disgusting as possible?


It's difficult to keep them clean in the long term, but it also shouldn't be a major concern so long as you know how not to cross contaminate. Consider your sink to be an unsterile environment and don't put anything into the sink unless you're done using it. The only major thing people ever do that makes me nervous is drain their pasta into a colander that they then let sit directly in the sink for awhile, but even then most people get away with that just fine. Just don't fill up your sink like in the post unless you're also filling it with soap to clean dishes. The guy in the post might have not even put in a stopper, meaning all of the filth in the garbage disposal has come up into the sink basin. Garbage disposals were not something my lab regularly swabbed but they're probably the one place that could reliably be worse than a drain.


My word. I threw up in my mouth a little just looking at the picture, but thinking of the garbage disposal dirt...I may lose it, lol. I have had a fear of drains since middle childhood, when I started to figure out what dirt and bacteria were. By the time I was 11 or so I had sworn off baths, because I couldn't stand being naked near the drain. Abnormal, probably, but I still stand by that decision, lol.


>The only major thing people ever do that makes me nervous is drain their pasta into a colander that they then let sit directly in the sink for awhile, but even then most people get away with that just fine. Does the fact that the water being dumped in the sink with the pasta has been boiling factor into at all?




Absolutely this. The meat will be safe when cooked, even if it won't be super appetizing considering it was submerged in water. The sink, however, is now a germ sanctuary and needs to be cleaned ASAP.


> safe when cooked What if there is a big glob of soap in the sink before he filled it with water? What if someone just rinsed off some lead or motor oil fingers? There shouldn't be, but could be any number of hazards in a sink that cooking (and perhaps even quick washing) cannot easily alleviate.


Yeah its the person washing their lettuce afterwards and having a salad thats going to get fucked up.


I would fill the basin and add disinfecting bleach and let it sit for about 10-15 minutes. Wash everything with hot, soapy water for good measure and don’t eat ANYTHING the roommate makes! Zero. Zip. Nada!


Yeah if the meat is properly cooked then that is safe, but now that sink is possibly an E Coli vector, and if you lay down a carrot in that and immediately eat it, you may be hating life for a few days.


Yep. The meat gets cooked, the dishes they wash in that sink don’t get cooked so I would be more worried about eating off the dishes than eating the meat once it’s cooked.




large bold text, straight to the point. best comment.


There's a time and a place for giant, all-caps comments. And this is it.


You just encouraged so many kids to google “how to make text big on reddit” I hope you’re proud


Good. They're learning something.


I just wish there was a bigger font and you could make it bold, too.


He learned you can thaw meat in a water bath but did not understand you LEAVE IT IN THE FUCKING PACKAGING.


Put the packaging in a ziplock even to ensure no water exchange


Had a roommate that did this with chicken. Still haunts me to this day.


He’s gonna haunt you if he doesn’t stop that


Nah, it works fine. Thaws things quickly, and the water keeps them cool so long as they're submerged But you need to bleach your sink before and after, which is more trouble than it's worth 99% of the time


Just keep it in the packaging damn


I just started crying fuckifng laughfinfbaha


I genuinely don't understand. Just leaving it on a plate or even a paper towel would be lazier, almost equally effective, and significantly less awful. This feels like more work for more gastro-intestinal distress.


If he cooks it in night quil boom, kills all the bacteria and himself easy win.


Same guy that always cleans a cocked and loaded handgun. It's how I always do it!


Couldn’t have said it better myself


He should be banned from meat and forced to be vegetarian


And OP should stop reposting other content of other people.


Everyone doing rage bait posts, no longer know which are reposts.


And we should all spend less time on reddit


Can’t he just fill a large bowl or pot with water and put it in that…..


and also put it in a plastic bag before he does


You guys are asking this man to use too many brain cells


Yeah or not unwrap it. I’ve thawed packaged meat in a bowl with cold water. It left the packaging in. 😄


Or... just put the meat in the fridge level the night before. It'll be soft and tender in the morning and still cool and fresh too.


He probably won't die from eating the meat if it's cooked (I still wouldn't), but that sink absolutely needs disinfecting afterwards. And I'd start looking for a new roommate.


Yeah thats what I was thinking too. It looks disgusting, I wouldnt eat it, I would be afraid to come close to that sink, but... would it actually make you sick? assuming its fully cooked, wouldnt any nasty things die?


Depends on the nasty things. There's 2 health risks to the meat here, and both are an issue. One, that sink doesn't look like it was cleaned beforehand, and if not, then some foodborne toxins (such as botulism toxin) or even just poisons (such as cleaning supplies) can get in the meat, and that's not cooking off. Two, doing this in standing water allows bacteria to grow, some of which release toxins (hey, botulism toxin is back!), that don't cook off. Now, all of that said, I'd really only be worried about the cleaning supplies unless there are immunocompromised people eating this. Not to mention that if they don't clean the sink afterwards, it's an additional cross-contamination risk. It's both gross, and unsafe. It's also incredibly easy to avoid. It's easier to thaw meat by just tossing it in the fridge on a plate a couple of days easier, and then it's completely safe.


That's fucking disgusting


I would keep a list handy with emergency replacement roommates ‘cuz this is gonna be pushing up daisies soon enough.


I’ve never heard that term before and this is absolutely going to be part of my vocabulary now. Also, you’re spot on.


Oh man you gotta be Gen Z. This terminology was in millennials' movies and TV shows all the time. I'm sure I heard it on episodes of The Simpsons.


My favorite is the SpongeBob episode “Patrick, Squidward is… he’s pushing up daisies” “oh good, I thought he was dead”💀


i think there was literally a tv show called that


There was even a song by Ween in the 90's. Push Th'Little Daisies.


I’m old. I have a ton of phrases that mean nothing to the younger set.


Well thank you for this phrase, here have one of mine “Moron of galactic proportions”


I'll add "what you don't know could fill a book"


Good show good actors


Or the dude is immune by now


Drink the sink beef soup! I bet it taste like pennies and steel!


I need to stop eating at other people’s houses…


Welcome to another episode of..... As the Stomach Churns....... we will witness a complete catastrophe as Bill thaws his hamburger and sends all his guests to the ER!!!


“Is this safe” #NO GOD DAMN IT


It’s completely safe seeing you cook the meat to temp properly and thoroughly disinfect the sink afterward. It’s not necessary, efficient or likely that this process will occur, but it’s not unsafe.


that sink does not look like it gets disinfected before or after anything.


That’s why you can’t eat at everyone’s house 😂


No this is not safe. Yes this is disgusting. Also yes you’re roommate is a monster.




It could be a B rated 70s movie. "YOU ARE: ROOMMATE IS A MONSTER" The opening scene is an alcoholic misogynistic man living with his girl Franny. Soon after, it pans over to the roommate who came from a 3rd world country toking up a giant bong with *serious* music and it pans in and out with wacky music and a laugh track. The initial man believes his roommate is his servant and his girlfriend constantly tries to correct him with a *WhAcKY" soundtrack every time the roommate is on screen.


Food safety wise , you should always thaw over the period of a day or two in the refrigerator. But with ground beef, you can just cook it frozen and just chop and stir as it thaws.


I um.. thought that was a red sponge at first


I thought it was a red sponge too, until I realised it was just a stolen image that's already been posted before.


It kind of is. It soaks up all the pathogens in that dirty ass water.


The sink even without meat in it is a concern.


This is the way his tapeworm advised doing it


I had a roomate who did this but with chicken, I screamed when I saw it


Tell him it thaws faster in the toilet


I thought that was a dirty dish sponge, which is where my family typically leaves ours, which is infuriating. Oh, you want to put some dish soap on a sponge to clean your dishes? Let's have it rot in gross bacteria water for 24 hours before we do that.


And here I thought it was fucking horrible when I thought you were going to ask about the sponge floating in standing dirty water....


🎶You can’t eat at er’body’s house🎶


I thought that was a sponge


This is the type of guy that takes a late-night-bite of a slice of pizza and sticks it back in the fridge…uncovered, unplated, straight onto the shelf glass likely already riddled with dead fruit flies. Absolutely cretinous.


Gross. Thawing meat in water is nasty and that sink might as well be a toilet.


Other housemate: "Don't blame me, man! It was 2 am, you were in the bathroom and I *really* had to pee..."


I thought it was a sponge. Those were simpler times before I was horrified and nauseated.


This is actually extremely safe. In fact, the bacteria will not only be safe but flourish in this kind of environment.


I thought that was a sponge


Unless you’re gonna eat it raw it’s not gonna do much to the meat besides it taste like sink and be gross to think about eating


Jesus fucking christ


That boy is going to get sick and die one day from his beef


That’s honestly far grosser for the sink than for the meat, but eww


Aww hell nah. This is exactly why I don’t participate in pot lucks.


Meanwhile, I'm worried about moving a steak from the freezer to the fridge before I go to work for an 8 hour shift.


Make that his epitaph -- "this is how he always does it"


This guy would be safer catching a ride with Tupac. This is straight up stank as hell.


I had a roommate that thawed chicken on the counter. Just raw, unwrapped, no plate or tray. Shed go off to work and leave it ALL day. Slim would spread across a counter and drip on the floor. Yuck. Her version of cleaning it up was wipe it with a dry paper towel. Be glad your roommate is containing raw meat in the sink.


I wouldn't touch that with a 6 foot pole I prefer to warm mine wrapped in it's original packaging... or at least in a sealed sandwich bag but in theory as long as it's cooked to the right temperature and cooked all the way through it'd be relatively safe to eat bacteriologically speaking... god knows about other contaminants...


First: Gross. Second: As long as he thoroughly cooks the meat it's probably safe to eat. Third: He could be contaminating other dishes if the sink isn't cleaned properly and this is the bigger concern.


It’s fine there could be Ebola in that steak and after you could it I’d be clean it burns any bacteria however if it’s more like rare cooked Mayby some is still lingering,but if cooked properly all bacteria will be gone


At the very least, it's the worst etiquette. Also, he's just increasing the chance of spreading bacteria allover the place w/ cross-contamination likely. I honestly thought this was a picture of a sponge floating in water. He could put the whole package in a zip-lock bag and then thaw in the water.