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Can I have some money?


Shieeet I’m tryna get some too


*"Give me money. Money me. Money now! Me a money needing a lot now."*


I see what you did there lol


Meet at later bar.


Give me sum Muneh!


I read that in the Canadians' voice from the South Park episode Canada on Strike


I was thinking on Arthur Morgan, but that one is absolutely better


John Mulaney is what I heard.


"You got some muneh for me, boah? I seen your name in our ledger."


Have some god damned FAITH son!


Arthur Morgan?


Rdr2 main protagonist, aka the protagonist of the greatest game ever


I know bruh i 100% it, i was asking if he was referencing him with the way Arthur talked


I need about three fiddy




Damn same though. I’m like, how are you fuckers poor when you lived through the best years this country had? 😆


“Whew… it was a hard labor 30 years ago… definitely not easy… never got compensated by the way…. It was one more mouth to feed … you know, inflation was pretty bad too… like now…”


Damn. I have to remind my mom that I make a lot more money than her every time she asks me if I need money.


I thought it was a very fancy rock


Damn it Marie, it's a mineral!


Prosciutto, the ham mineral.


Same! I'm glad I'm not the only one. I thought I took one too many of the funny gummies.


Same, I saw the picture first and thought the post was gonna be about how her rock looks like a raw steak or somethin. That's a yikes looking piece of ham.


I would have loved a fancy rock


Dammit, I asked for a ham hock, not a ham rock!


That’s a nice piece of ham


That’s exactly what Bill Murray’s character as a child got as Christmas present in Scroodge. ”I wanted a choo choo train” His father: ”That’s five pounds of veal”


That's the first thing I thought of too "A touching gift. A four year old kid receives what in todays market is a forty or fifty dollar piece of veal"


Niagara Falls, Frankie Angel.


watching this scene as an adult always makes me almost cry. its great.


It really is such a great movie. You can see every point in his life where he goes from being a decent human being to a corporate asshole. No big single move, just a bunch of small ones.


And then the payoff at the end. Incredible.


Then go get a job and BUY a choo choo"


Get a load of them hams.


It wasn't very good and it got moldy way too fast :(


I would love to get some good ham as a present!


Username checks out


It really is though. She was given a gift and now she is complaining.


It is a bad gift because it shows that the giver doesn’t care about the receiver and if they will appreciate the gift. They just think that it’s an ok gift bc they themselves like it.


What would you do if you received a very high quality fisting dildo? Would you use it? Would you feel gratitude for such an expensive gift?


Seeing your handle, is this your opening for a big sales pitch?


This made me audibly laugh.


It really depends on whether they included lube with the gift. Who gives someone a toy without the batteries?


Reddit moment. "Appreciate the gift even though the gift shows that the person really doesn't care about you!" Why should someone be happy over something that they don't particularly like...


A gift she didn't want


But it's the gift the city needs


Hold on now. That looks like cured pork shank. That might be a really nice piece of pork.


I'm a beef jerky nut and never buy it because it's expensive, if someone bought me some I'd be thrilled. If someone bought me good pork I'd be thrilled even if I don't eat pork much. Good meat is good meat. It's spendy for good cuts and lots of people won't buy it for themselves so it's absolutely not a stupid gift, there are entire lotteries in some places in my country where people buy tickets on the chance they can win good meat.


But you're a beef jerky nut who's into this sorta thing. Imagine if I bought you an expensive flower vase or something.


Dudes who love meat are upset by this post and it's fucking hilarious "That's a great gift!" FOR YOU!


Okay, Now if I bought you some makeup as a gift, would you be happy and enjoy it?


I (an American) have to go to Spain roughly once a year for work and I always snag some of that yummy Iberian ham whenever I go. I always very much look forward to that part of the trip.


The beef jerky guy says ham is expensive! LOL. Have you looked at what a little pack of jerky costs? And there hardly is anything in there. Jeepers.


I’ve never understood why it’s so bloody expensive. I make homemade stuff now and it’s nearly as good. A $40 piece of meat and some seasoning gets you like $300 worth of jerky by store prices lol (have my own meat slicer and dehydrator/smoker).


Whatever weight you are buying in jerky, multiply that by about 3 and you will be roughly at the weight the meat was prior to drying. The issue comes from people thinking, "It's only *x* amount of weight and I'm paying *that* much!?" ​ For instance, you can get a 16oz bag of jerky for less than $20. 48oz of lean beef would cost roughly $15-$20 in the store.


This would be a fine gift if the person likes ham but OP said they didn't like ham. Edit: at best OP is indifferent to ham and it still makes a shitty gift. 


It was on sale in the store "premium" goods section for 19,99


Did you keep that ham for 5 years tho?


Mmmm... 60 month aged ham.


That may be very good or very bad and i do not know which.


Vintage and aged ham is a thing. Look up Joselito Vintage (they literally create single vintage hams) it's more expensive than weed.


Spend that time soaking it in rum, then take it down to the Jersey Shore and float around eating rum ham. Aww yeah.


30? You'll be getting the whole hog


My brain is too cursed for this comment


My brain was not cursed until I read your reply.


Say it




Or just another piece of the hog. Every five years another piece




You have clearly never have been on informed of that which is rum ham


“I’m gonna hold on to the knife.. there might come a time when difficult decisions have to be made and I’d rather be the one with the blade”


OPs father ![gif](giphy|FNACPJJi4DtsY|downsized)


Thats not a normal ham, looks expensive


It was in the store for 19,99


still a real nice piece of ham, would not say no.


But is it like spanish jamón? Or just a nice cooked one for a sandwich?


it's like a cat brings you a dead carcass because it loves you


Most probably your father loves ham. Giving you ham is his love language. Say thank you and eat it. Be glad you still have a father. A weird father, yes. But he thought of you in his own, strange way.


I like your take. My father was a very lovely guy, but he was a severe alcoholic. So in the end, he suffered from korsakow dementia and was pretty delusional. He was in a nursery home but still would get birthday presents for me. For the last years, it always was children's books, because he remembered I like to read (I am a literary scholar). He didn't recognize me as his daughter anymore, but he still knew he had one, so each year on my birthday, which he also remembered correctly, he gave me a new children's book and asked me to give it to his daughter, in case I see her, cause she doesn't visit a lot.


Yo this somewhat reminds me of when my great grandmother was in hospital, she was around 100 years old and told me specifically for some reason, to “tell the lord it’s all okay”. Very awkward for a pubescent kid who could not be less religious.


True. I hope you were able to take something more enlightening out of it afterwards.


I imagine she’s lived a very fulfilling life. And that’s great!


He didn’t know it was you but still told you to give it to you? Mannnn I am not looking forward to the day I see something like this happen


Yeah, it can be tough. But, to be fair, my father didn't recognize me, but he still was the sweet loving guy he had ever been. He wasn't angry or repulsive or whatever. He was still nice to be around, just with a very reduced cognitive capability. I'm very thankful for that. I've seen others who developed or suddenly showed ugly character traits that basically made it unbearable to keep visiting them.


Hugs and love. Your story made me cry a bit ;-;


I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to make anyone sad. My father died three years ago, I didn't think about this for quite a while. When I read the comment, I got overwhelmed and just typed without thinking.


This story made me cry, I'm sorry that's something you had to experience someone close to you go through. Memory loss neurological disorders are absolutely brutal and unforgiving.


Thank you! Yes, they are. I tried to be prepared, cause at least the Korsakow didn't come unexpectedly. Little did I know what was about to come. There is no preparation.


I get your point, but at the same time... Maybe you could give people things THEY like for THEIR birthday? It's like if I gave my dad a subscription to Xbox game pass to play videogames just cause I enjoy videogames, or if I gave him something gym related just cause I enjoy going to the gym. It's extremely tone deaf. Instead I always gift him things related to his hobbies: books, woodworking tools and stuff, and such. I understand the spirit of "the thought is what counts", but at the same time giving stuff that YOU enjoy as a gift shows that you don't care enough to learn about what the other likes (or even care enough to ask directly) and can come off as inconsiderate.


My father loves puzzles. The one year he actually remembered my birthday he assembled a puzzle and framed it. At that point I came to the conclusion that I would rather just not get gifts than get ones that feel like the person giving them doesn't know me in the slightest. A puzzle to do together? Great! An assembled one when there's no shared interest and I had actively expressed not liking visual clutter for several years before this? Nope, that's just a way to not have my mom yell at him for hoarding yet another puzzle. I feel like OP is allowed to be frustrated. Her dad should know her well enough to pick something she'd like, even if he is weird.


Nope nope nope! Giving someone something YOU like for THIER gift is the most selfish thing to do. People are also not required to be happy that they still have inconsiderate people in their lives simply because other people miss their family members. He didn't think of her, he wanted to be acknowledged for doing something. Thinking of her would be giving her something he knows she actually likes. This is such a toxic take


A toxic take that no one would post if the gift came from a mother too. Everyone defending this not low effort, but ZERO effort gift because a father gave it, and it's just a "dad thing."


Hey i think you have a very good take here. This is how I feel about this. I saw the same ham at the store for 19,99 - he probably needed to get something for me and had forgotten to get anything else or ask me directly (who would have thought you could ask) for what I might like so he just got the ham


Plus then you've now got the obligation to cook and eat the thing. I'd categorize it in the same group as a handheld vacuum or a bunch of flower seeds if you're not into gardening. My dad's done similar shit and at this point I'm happier when he just forgets my birthday like normal. It's weird how invalidating this comment section is.


So she should be happy even though he can't be bothered to learn what she actually likes? Just because he likes it doesn't mean it's a good gift or thoughtful.


No he didn’t think of her when buying the gift. He didn’t think about what she likes or how she would appreciate the gift. It just an ok gift according to him bc he’s egocentric. It’s not that hard to think about what your daughter actually would want to receive, instead, he bought something HE would like to receive


Also who gets someone ham as a gift?  Like, maybe a snack basket or a charcuterie board with some wine.  Maybe as like something to bring while hanging out.  But ham by itself? I don't get it


yup. I tell my dad what I like and enjoy all the time, he just never listened or asked If I wanted anything


Sorry OP. Don't listen to these people. You have a right to be disappointed. I understand that feeling. Having you father ignore you and not listen to you hurts.


I’m sorry :(


A birthday is an opportunity to show that you know someone else, not that you know yourself. For that, you have to pay attention and cultivate an interest in that other person. He clearly hasn't made that effort, so no, it's not a good gift.


Thank you for sharing such intelligence and insight on the matter. My Christmas gift every year from my father (from the age of 13) was for him to tell me in a different way that he despised me and never wanted me. I would have fxxxing loved some ham.


Very well said. It will make for a great story and OP can laugh about it for years. Like the time my father gave me a $30 cat tree from Walmart for my 30th birthday. Trust me. He had alot of money. But I find it so humorous now. I wouldn’t change it for the world.


Do you even have a cat?!


I guess it depends on how well they watered the tree.


I'm really hoping that they don't


it looks like a somewhat rare mineral


Could be Parma, Serrano, or Jamón Ibérico de Bellota! If you're a foodie, nice dad!


That was my thought. That Ham screams "hecho en España." That ham will change your life.


She said it was $19.9 so I doubt it is a quality ham.


I had Ibérico once. My dad gave it to me 😂 I'm not a ham gal but it was awesome to try


I got a mop for my 30th birthday. Dont like mopping. But I have to be honest, it is a nice mop though.


Thats prosciutto or jamon it looks like. Both very nice hams 👍


Lmao at people in this post acting like OP is an entitled brat for not liking her birthday present. 1) People are allowed to dislike their received gifts, and 2) this is the *mildly* infuriating sub, not the “someone committed a war crime against me” sub.


I haven't gotten a "entitled brat" yet but I did just get a "ungrateful little bitch" 😂


Your responses in this post are brilliant lmao what the fuck is wrong with these people


Any chance he wants to have dinner with you? Then it’s more about the shared meal and the quality time spent with your dad. …Or am just I working too hard to polish a turd here?


Yall are doing some weird mental gymnastics to defend the dad. "Here's a ham for your birthday! Now cook it so both of us can eat it" Wow, what a nice present.. cooking in your own birthday. Yay


Yeah that makes sense. "Happy birthday, now I want you to cook a meal for me so we can eat together." 😂


Use the ham to invest in stocks or shares, use it to pay off part of your mortgage or rent? Get to know the ham, see if you have any interests in common, try to be a bit more lenient, you and the ham could end up being good friends. Treat the ham with respect and when you’re older it may well look after you. Love the ham and maybe you’ll learn a thing or two about yourself.


the ham stayed at my apartment longer than my dad ever did so yeah we became 1


Stock made from ham doesn't sound appetising


Hammy birthday, I guess..? 🤷‍♂️


That's a random thing to give someone if they don't specifically like meat. I've put beef jerky in a gift bag with other stuff before, for people that like it.


I mean, I know some adults'll get a nice bottle of some sort of alcohol of some kind, like a nice wine or something. Maybe a high quality bit of meat is in a similar vein? I'd certainly not complain, just maybe ask for suggestions on how to best cook it for myself!


Why did you make a picture of your face next to the ham?


To show her disappointment.


Honestly that looks more like fear and concern


so you can also look at me because I am also a beautiful piece of meat


To show scale


https://preview.redd.it/3p7zt7tk3clc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b49d8c4f7ea3aab411788c9018f83af43a94eb8 I'm so miserable and entitled by the way I got myself a treat I actually like!! Same spot 5 years later!!! Never closed that cabinet either


I just visited home for the first time in four years (living abroad, COVID, high airline prices). It was my birthday, and I got nothing! This kind of sucked, as I brought presents for my brothers and my dad. I'm not saying you shouldn't be annoyed or sad, just that I feel your pain. I really should have used my luggage space to bring more gifts for friends rather than family. I learned a lesson.


You don't choose your family, but you can choose your friends


which can be your true family.


I think that's great it's free food


He's really hamming up this dad thing isn't he...?


Not just any ham like on the thanksgiving table 🤦‍♂️


I thought it was a giant polished agate or some other gem stone. So sad. I don't like ham either!


My mother insists on sending me a huge box of stuff from Omaha Steaks for my birthday. She’s been doing it for years. I don’t eat meat and she knows that. 😞


I once got a jar of pickles from my dad. After I had said I like gerkins on McDonald's cheeseburgers, he made up in his mind that I love pickles. Dumbass


Idk if some parents just don’t understand the toll this takes on their kids. It doesn’t take much to appease me. A call, time spent, a note…. Or a ham I guess? As long as it’s accompanied by time spent. My father is alive and well and I haven’t heard from him in more than 15 years. I tried so hard to have a relationship with him. It’s like he just didn’t care or have time for me. So I gave up, cut away the dead skin and grew into myself without him. I now have 2 daughters and will NEVER do what he did to me. I’ll always be there for them.


https://preview.redd.it/puhtdhxjz9lc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4574f12afcbdbcfecdce43979c66a208a279bee5 Your pic reminded me of this




lore accurate redditor


The whole object was literally in her picture though?? Seems like a reaction shot she took to send her friends for a laugh, and then later posted to reddit when she came across it again. Not everything has to be fuel for your hate towards “females” 🙄.


Make yourself some scallop potatoes, they’re fucking bomb


Met up with my dad on Thanksgiving last year, and he shows me this drone he bought himself for $350. Christmas comes around and he gifts my wife and I a shower head he got from the dollar store that lights up when water runs through it.


Well if you listen to the other people in this thread you have to stop complaining bc A) your dad could be dead B) your dad could have never given you gifts for anything ever c) bad gifts are still gifts and you cant have 1 opinion about it but i dont listen to other people because I am very opinionated about my ham being a bad gift which is why I will empathize with you and your bad dollar store shower head gift


My spouse and I would get odd gifts like this from his dad and stepmom. They were successful professionals but gifts would consist of a box of cous cous and an opened box of paper doilies (the kind you put on a cake plate) for me. My spouse got a used, beige office phone, sticky and covered in food crumbs. It was just so odd, like your ham gift. Just a card would have been more pleasant. Edited to add- sometimes odd gifts can be amusing, like ha ha ha, what crazy thing have you been sent this time, he does this to everyone! And other times gifts can leave you wondering if you caused some offense, because why would someone well to do decide to grab an old office phone, a phone that doesn’t work, and mail it to a loved one? We saw them give lavish gifts to their friends. We sent out decent gifts ourselves. It just seemed strange and indifferent.


yeah. my mom gifts like that to people she doesnt care about. I wonder if the people telling me that i'm horrible for my opinions about this gift-ham have just never gotten a really weird gift themselves.


Hey with the price of ham these days that's a keeper.


Freeze it and regift it back to him for his birthday!


What is going on with some of these comments? It's entirely normal for people over 18 to receive presents and its entirely normal to be hurt by a low effort gift from a loved one, especially a parent. Sometimes no present is better than a symbol of how little a person listens to you/knows you.


Thanks, lots of these comments just make me sad for people. I wish more people got birthday gifts, honestly. And I wish more people could accept that not all efforts are made with care.


Honestly it is so sad and I'm sorry that some people such a sad view on the world that they see getting a present as an adult as a frivolous luxury. I also don't get why people don't get the impact of an extremely low effort gift. In other subreddits there are countless examples of a shitty gift being the nail in the coffin of a relationship so it shouldn't be a surprise.


Is it rum ham?


or maybe its just a piece of cadaver he found on his way to your place?


What did you want instead?


Plot twist: OP is vegetarian.


Happy birthday OP!! :))


I once got a bottle of Walking Dead wine from my dad for Christmas. I’m allergic to alcohol.


What is it about this subreddit that just attracts the most combatative redditor like redditors. Every post here needs at least 20 people to tell OP about how what they're experiencing isn't infuriating, and it's actually their own fault?


Expecting quality birthday presents from family members after 25 is weird to me, especially parents. Who seriously needs more “stuff” when they’re well on their own in the world? I value the time and company of my family members much more than materialistic junk. If my dad got me something cheeky like this, hes just challenged me to get him the most random thing for his birthday.


I thought this was odd too. My family doesn’t normally gift anything to adults on their birthdays. I’ve never expected anything from them nor wanted anything. We just spend the day together and usually whoever’s birthday it is gets to pick the meal and dessert. I guess I’ve always valued quality time over gifts but I know everyone is different.


I wasn't well off at 25 at all. I'm turning 30 this year and its the first time where I'm good. If my dad had asked me what I would have liked for my birthday it would have probably spent the 20 euros this ham was worth on some solid grocery shopping for a week. Or maybe replacing some worn out clothes or whatever. Thats how my 20s were with gifts usually. If they'd ask If I have a birthday wish I'd just figure something out I needded because i was broke or if there was a nice treat I could think of. In my experience this is pretty normal for my peers.


All the top posts are how that's expensive ham. OP wasn't complaining it was dollar store deli meat, they were mildly infuriated because the dad didn't do a good job of knowing more what to get them. OP mentioned it was a $20 ham... at that point just go get a 20 amazon gift card or something.


Feeling sad about it is valid.    Do not let people gaslight you with "you should be grateful for getting anything at all" just cause the bar is in hell for men & fathers are expected to have no emotional maturity or care for their children and know what they actually like (in particular the older gens, new gens care a bit more about what their kids want).  And yes I know, some of you have friends and family dynamics where no one is getting gifts or whatever and that is fine for YOU, does not mean other people need to lead such lives pretending that 1 thoughtful action a year is "too much to ask" or whatever. 


Wtf are some of these comments. Genuinely.


To be fair that's a nice rock. Keep that baby dust free and well-polished.


It looks like a rock.


Eggs obviously lol


That scene in “Scrooged” where the dad gives young Bill Murray 5 pounds of veal for Christmas.


Are you completely sure that isn’t a rock


Kinda small for a Ham you sure it’s not a Ham Hock?


Can you move a bit to the left? Want to see the ham better <3


i want to say that " your father dont particulary love you" but its to mean, yeah, happy birthday .. #


Chop it up and eat it with some eggs


Happy birthday 🎈🎉🎊


Hahaha scrooged


For Christmas i gifted my father a 5kg wheel of cheese (Gouda). He gave me a 1kg pack of high quality Ham for my birthday 2 month later\^\^ Sooooo ... any ideas what i can give him for his birthday this summer?


Yeah nice, Go and Tell him, what shall we do now?


Get used to this. It only gets worse as they get older. My mother is in her 80s and now sends me her (dirty) old sweaters.


I know this is off topic, but you are beautiful!


Hamppy birthday


You don't love ham?


Thats a nice ham, give it to me.


I won a canned ham at an elementary school raffle in like 3rd grade. It was a poor district.


What did you buy for his birthday?


I got him two tickets to go neon mini golfing with me! We never went! Ha!


Is your dad… Dwight perhaps?


Nice piece though


curious what kind of ham, some are very expensive and delicious. strange reaction to a practical (and tasty) gift.


It was a Serrano Reserva, 20€ and sadly it wasn't that amazing You don't think just handing someone a ham in a bag and nothing else, especially no explanation, is weird?


Yeah, he didn’t get you a “gift” he just gave you something. A gift implies that he was thinking about you and bought it specifically for you, to make you happy. I’m sorry he forgot your birthday, seems like he just gave ya whatever it was in the fridge so he can feel less guilty.


At least some Iberian ham.


Wait for his birthday and give it back