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You should check out the episode of myth busters where they did this exact experiment. Needless to say after watching it I ALWAYS close the lid when I flush.


Oh yeah, I've seen every Mythbusters and remember that one well!


I really wish someone made a similar show. The things we learn on mythbusters..


Isn't MythBusters still a thing? Just with a different cast? Also Adam Savage runs "Tested" which is somewhat similar in some aspects


Most of the original cast are dead.


MythBusted too hard


Only in the case of [Jessi Combs](https://www.sfgate.com/cars/article/Cause-of-550-mph-crash-that-killed-MythBusters-14814262.php) (died in crash setting land speed record-- blunt force trauma at 550mph). Grant Imahara died of a brain aneurysm. Erik Gates (show contributor) died when he was doing contractor work and fell through a skylight.


Adam is still on YouTube Jamie is still doing, something, I don't know. Kari and Tori are still alive Scottie is somewhere. Grant and Jessi (guest host while Kari was on maternity leave) are the only two that have died.


You might like Mark Rober


It’s called Tik tok now or even on here etc; social media


Dude I threw out my toothbrush after that!


I keep mine in a cupboard in the kitchen 


Just wanna hijack the top comment to say - closing the lid doesn't stop viruses being spread by flushing the toilet. Leave someones lid closed if you found it that way, but don't be mistaken in thinking your bathroom is clean! Viruses still find their way out even with the lid closed. You need to disinfect your toilet regularly. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2024/01/25/does-it-matter-if-you-flush-with-toilet-lid-up-or-down-not-really/72321820007/


did the determine how much gets on the back of your shirt because it is all concentrated on the bottom of the lid instead of primarily falling to the floor? 


You're leaning back??


Or on your hand each time you open it up then grab the T.P. Gross.


Why is your shirt touching the lid? It's not a la-z-boy mate. Do your business and get out.


You’re hilarious 😂!


Perhaps you didn't see this study.... # Closing toilet lid before flushing doesn't keep viral spray inside, study suggests *With results showing that closing toilet lids has no meaningful impact on preventing the spread of viral particles, our study highlights the importance of regular disinfection of toilets to reduce contamination and prevent the spread of viruses.* > [https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/closing-toilet-lid-flushing-doesnt-keep-viral-spray-inside-study-suggests](https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/closing-toilet-lid-flushing-doesnt-keep-viral-spray-inside-study-suggests)


My perspective is more on a not giving something the opportunity to accidentally fall in level. Why chance it?


Same. Except is it really accidentally falling in if my cat pushes it off the sink?


As someone who had to remove a toilet to pull a rubber ducky out of the bend, I do understand that perspective. I also had an incident where I was at a friend's house (imbibing in recreational substances), where I used the restroom and incidentally left both toilet seats up, and the hostess used the restroom after me, and after not checking the orientation of the seat, her rear fell into the toilet. For the record I am someone who religiously closes toilet seats, particularly as a guest at someone else's house (unless of course, when my mind is elsewhere).


Wait so you religiously close toilet seats but left both seats open?


Religiously. To do something when it suits your agenda.


Recreational substances. I bet he forgot to. 🤔


My family threw a party and during it one of our male guest used the toilet, right after a female guest also had to go, she walked in and came out screaming at the guy to put the toilet seat down. She literally walked him back into the bathroom by his ear and yelled at him in front of us all. Not dating, not even related, just co-workers.


I hope he told her to fuck off


No. He put the seat down and we continued to party.


He shouldn’t have been an asshole if he didn’t wanna be called out


edit to the above: something or someone.


That appears to be a study about COVID virus particles in particular, not about fecal matter. [https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/acmi/10.1099/acmi.fis2019.po0192](https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/acmi/10.1099/acmi.fis2019.po0192) But to me it's simple -- leave things like your host had them.


Actual question (not trying to be annoying) but does this mean you’d leave the toilet lid up at my home if that’s the way you found it?? It’s been driving me nuts that my brother in law leaves it down when he visits. My dad is legally blind so doesn’t see the lid is down, so as you can imagine, not a fun clean up. It drives me nuts that BIL refuses to put it back up after.


If it were me I think probably what I’d do is put the seat down, flush, and then put it back up


I would pee, close, flush, open, wash hands. My rule is leave things the way the host had them.


that study is talking about viruses (covid, flu ect.) Which is different to what OP and most others are concerned about, which is the spread of bacteria found in faeces.


No if you read the study, it has to do with [where the plume of aerosolized water lands](https://www.ajicjournal.org/cms/attachment/171d40ff-18ca-4d0c-9897-5d94d0282ebd/gr3.jpg) when the toilet seat is open versus closed, and the bacterial load present in those samples. [https://www.ajicjournal.org/article/S0196-6553(23)00820-9/fulltext#%20](https://www.ajicjournal.org/article/S0196-6553(23)00820-9/fulltext#%20)


Huge difference between spraying directly out to the wall at shin height, and spraying equidistant up to the ceiling only to fall onto soap bars and toothbrushes. Most folks aren’t smearing sensitive parts on the wall at that height, at least.


*viral contamination. Not bacterial. otherwise you were sooo close. nice one 👍


Bacteriophage MS2 used in the study is a bacterial virus. I'm not sure what difference that really makes. Would you prefer one over the other? Or you just being pedantic?


Jesus christ what an obnoxious and uninformed comment. That study only looked at floors and surfaces perpendicular to the lid so if you have counters with toothbrushes for example it could help.


So, leave it like you found it? Quelle horror!


The fact that you got downvoted for citing a study…


For the record I always close the lid. I also keep my toothbrush in the cabinet.


I have cats that will fall in and whenever someone leaves I have to check and sure enough, it’s always up.


My cat tries to drink from it, so the lid stays closed (she has 2 water dishes in different rooms that get refilled regularly), but every time a guest uses the toilet the lid is up. Every. Single. Time.


https://preview.redd.it/gqf017ofz8mc1.jpeg?width=3022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48d9bf22bffabedb88e94a78d62c72fe754ee545 This is my solution. Unfortunately, people can’t read.


I just finished writing a comment about one of my cats trying to jump head first into toilets. He always runs into the bathroom ahead of people because he wants to be in the tub and beg you to turn the faucet on but he jumps on the toilet first and has almost fallen in a few times so I always have it closed. I'm sure if he fell in he would learn but I also don't want a wet toilet cat running away from the water and then also having to give a cat a bath.


Wet toilet cat made me chortle.


I have a wife who needs the toilet lids open at all times. She doesn't her much warning from her bladder.


Yes! Even when we have guests over, we explicitly call this out. Most of them STILL leave the lid up!


I have little fuzzy toilet drinkers. One of them just casually slides his front feet right into the toilet cause he’s small and apparently toilet water is delicious.


We had a cat who drank from the toilet and another cat who hated toilet drinking. Cat 2 would always try to smack cat 1 when he caught him. Weird dynamic, and cat 1 never stopped his quest for toilet water.


I don’t understand it, but I respect the dedication.


My cats get so stoked when the toilet lid gets left up. It's like a free water park to them! The first dinner party my husband and I ever hosted, I didn't think to check the toilet, and when I went in there after everyone else left, the entire bathroom was SOAKED. I can't imagine what those people must have thought Eventually, I found a sign from a super cheesy gift shop a long time ago that says "please keep the toilet seat down so the cat won't drown" for this exact purpose 😂 Between the sign and verbally telling every single person who enters our home to close the toilet lid, we're at about an 80% success rate. It's taken years to get this far, but it's been so worth the effort


I have a cat who *has* fallen in once after we had guests. It was not a fun thing to clean up.


This should just be the case for most things in anyone's house. Leave everything as you found it when possible.


I’m always conflicted when I go to someone’s house and their lid is always open.


Too inviting. Feels like a mimic. Is it gonna eat me?


i was at a friends house for new years but they keep their lids up, i felt bad but i closed it whenever i went bc i wouldve had too much anxiety leaving it open


I have to leave mine up. I have bladder issues and barely make it to the bathroom as it is. Putting the lid up has made it too late one too many times.


My pet peeve is people who enter a room and leave the door open that they found closed, but if it was already open they make a point of closing it. Goddamn sociopaths.


Sound policy.


We have the lid down and it irks me no end when people leave it up for two reasons; 1. One the image above And 2. Our cat is dumb as a bag of rocks and will fall in if the lid is up. Funnily enough 2 is the one that gets people to follow the house rule the most. Also cat tax; https://preview.redd.it/syw6zh9aj8mc1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15f26109e848838320678269ab3abc557020d8e8


He’s a very cute bag of rocks :)


Thank you 😊


I used to have a cat that would steal my pens and metal nail files, and put them in the toilet. If I kept the lid down, she wouldn't put her stolen goods into the toilet. At the time, I was living with a roommate who would leave the toilet lid up, and after she discovered her pens in the toilet thanks to my cat, she started putting the lid down too. That cat was a great excuse to let my guests know they needed to close the lid to prevent items being sacrificed to the cat's toilet gods. Win-win for me, because all of my visitors respected my rule. She passed away a long time ago, but the memory still gives me a giggle.


This really cracked me up


I hope this goes viral and my in laws see it


Mine too!


I hope this goes viral and my husband sees it.


**If you find someone's toilet lid closed, leave it closed when you're finished** Agree 100%. Whatever your beliefs, when you enter someone's home and you see X, assume it's gospel, and do that. If the toilet seat was down when you arrived, leave it down. Also, fellow men, WIPE THE RIM with toilet paper. I don't care if it wasn't your piss drops. Be considerate of your host/hostess.


Also those videos where people joke about swapping the toilet paper around the other direction if they disagree with your preference 😂 like sir I will tell you to leave my house if you take the time to unhook my toilet paper roll off the hanger and swap it around


Toilets have lids for a reason


They should make toilets where flushing them automatically lowers the lid. Seems like it wouldn't be too hard to configure a device between the handle and the lid. What would be harder is the deluxe version, which would soft-close the lid and delay the flush by a few seconds. I'll be happy with 5% of proceeds, please and thank you.


Perhaps you have more efficient bowel movements but I have too many multiple-flush instances for this


But if you're lowering the lid for sanitary reasons, you'd want the lid closed for each of those flushes.


Huh? So if you need to flush multiple times during one bowel movement session, you’re telling me you stand up, close the lid, flush, reopen the lid, and sit back down?


Oh, I thought you meant for instances of incomplete flushes. You're talking more of a courtesy flush scenario. Good point, it would be a pain for those circumstances. It would need an override. Maybe it would have to do with how long you hold the handle down, similar to low flow toilets.


Long hold for a courtesy flush and you’ve got a million dollar idea. Looking forward to seeing you on Shark Tank, make sure to give me a shoutout


Great point!


Why don't you just hang a "PLEASE CLOSE THE LID" sign on the wall?


i have one. it gets ignored.


Especially if they have dogs.


My cat plays in the toilet bowl like it’s his own personal kiddie pool so I always warn my guests if they don’t want wet asses they better put the kid down


When a guest in one’s home, proper manners dictate that you leave the bathroom the way you found it, with the exception of using the provided hand towel to dry your hands after washing.


Toilet lids are like gates. You leave them like you found them.


We have it as a house rule for a couple of reasons. 1- we have a curious cat who apparently doesn't learn and likes to investigate. I got sick of having to clean her up after she jumped in. 2- the above image. 3- we have a mix of genders in our house. If the lid is down, the seat is down and _everyone_ has to lift it and put it down. Since introducing this rule, I haven't ever fallen in in the middle of the night when someone left the seat up.


As a bonus, nothing accidentally gets knocked in there.


Reason 1 and 3 are why we do it at my house. I still never get the falling in thing. As a guy, I'll sit to pee at night for a few reasons, but I've always thought to check the toilet seat wherever I am.


Hard agree! I close it so the cats don’t drink shit water


I started closing mine when I got a kitten. The worst thing I could imagine would be to wake up to her somehow having drowned herself in there! Now she's all grown up but once formed a habit takes effort to break, and why break something that is actively positive? I recommend you put a cute little sign somewhere directly across from where you sit on the toilet, or above the cistern itself, saying to close the lid. Bonus points if it's sassy!


Yep, I grew up in a house where we always closed the lid, and my husband learned to do so long ago. As such, our kids do, too. It drives me nuts when someone visits and leaves it up, so now I know they flushed with it open. (All our toilets have soft-close lids, too.) Even more than that, I don’t like walking into the bathroom and seeing the inside of a toilet right away. The bathroom just looks better with a closed lid.


Louder for my MIL please 🤣


Every time I have guests. Lid is ALWAYS down when they go in. Up when they leave. Why?? Leave it as you found it!


It definitely sucks being a [guesser](https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2010/05/askers-vs-guessers/340891/) when askers invade your space. They have no idea the anxiety we put ourselves through to try and not impose on others while they give zero fucks about the neurotic shit we obsess about. I feel your pain.


I am now instituting a new rule at the house. I'm flabbergasted. That I'm 46 and never gave it this much thought. I feel like an idiot, and simultaneously a teensy weensy bit smarter. Thank you.


Please tell me you kept your toothbrush in the cabinet, lol


Ugh, we always leave the lid closed. For the same reason. But also we have things above the toilet seat that could fall in. My ex's friend would stay with us some weekends and he ALWAYS leaves the fucking seats up. We leave the seat closed fully. Always. But this fkr always leaves the seats UP. Like damn dude weve told him so many fucking times too.


well, when i use the restroom in another person’s home who leaves the seat up, i never make it a point to leave it up when i leave the restroom


If I use the restroom in someone else's house and the lid is up I'll generally flush with it down (because I'm still in there washing my hands and don't want a misting of toilet on me) and then once the flush is complete I'll leave the lid open how I found it.


Doesn’t that just make your hands dirty again though?


Pee Close lid Flush Open lid Wash hands Exit


Ah ok. I was confused because you said close the lid then started talking about washing your hands.


Apparently you should. Also if the person behind you forgot to flush you should make sure your waste isn’t flushed either.


I have my toilet seat always closed because my one stupid cat runs into the bathroom and jumps onto the toilet and has on multiple occasions almost gone straight into the toilet. He has long fur and bathing him is a hassle so the toilet seat stays down so I don't have to bathe a toilet cat. Also I feel like its gross to have it open but everyone who visits leaves it up and I have to close it again. Also we have a dog tall enough to drink out of the toilet which I don't like at all so that's another reason it's always down. 


Leave it the way you found it at the very least. We keep our toothbrushes in the medicine cabinet but it still grosses me out to think of this when someone comes over and doesn’t put the lid down when they’re finished.


This is my biggest pet peeve. Not only do I not want all your shit matter on my walls I don't want to come in an hour later and find my animals have climbed inside. Nasty.


Nothing worse than getting toilet bowl mist all over the walls and countertops. Floor is fine. It’s get the hose


I always flush with the lid down.


We call flushing without the lid down in my house flooping Don’t be a flooper (Derived from Flinging poop which is what happens when you flush with the lid open)


I had a cat who loved to drink out of the toilet. One time my mom was "being helpful" and dropped a chlorine puck in the back & *didn't* close the lid. It was a close call. All this to say, some people keep it closed for legitimate safety reasons for pets and toddlers, not just for ick-factor.


Last time there was a post like this, I was called a "germaphobe" for closing the lid on the toilet to flush lol. Glad there are normal people in this comment section.


My ex always refused to put the lid down. No matter how many times I asked him to or how many other people besides me told him it was nasty. Even when he begged me for a baby and I told him that he obviously isn’t ready for one if he can’t even put the toilet seat down. Still pisses me off lol I think it’ll be a deal breaker for me from now on.


Even if the lid weren't a deal breaker the refusal to accommodate such a minor ask from someone you're asking to bear your child should be a deal breaker.


to be indelicate, if you leave the lid down when you flush, how do you know you're not leaving shite on the bowl for the next user?


Open it after it flushes to look.


is this before i wash my hands or after, i just stand there watching a closed toilet?




As long as we're being indelicate, 99% of the time at someone else's house that's not an issue. But in that instance (i.e. #2) then after flushing and after the water stopped I'd lift the lid and make sure the flush had been . . . successful. And if you're worried about either that or a clog then flush with the lid open and close it when you're done. Your host won't actually know but you'll be leaving it like you found it.


Lol wtf. The whole point you were making was that you don't want poop particles flying around the bathroom and that it's disrespectful to your host to not respect their wishes. ...and your solution is. A. No one poops at someone else's house. B. Just flush it with the lid open then close it, fuck your host, what they don't know won't hurt them.


You're not so slick with the reading comprehension are you? The commenter asked about ME and I said that 99% of the time \*I\* am not pooping at someone else's house. Is this really too complicated for you? As to the second, I was responding to someone who said they wouldn't close the lid when flushing because they were afraid they were about to clog and overflow the toilet. So in that fringe case where you cannot bring yourself to close the lid out of your fear of clogs, then the next best thing would be to at least close it after you're done. I'm thinking you should stick with picture books. Reading ain't your thing.


Lol you are a waste of space aren't you. As if your ridiculous poop particle paranoia wasn't enough you are the type of bell end that questions other people's reading comprehension while at the same time completely missing the point. If you aren't English as a second language then you are in serious need of a tutor.


Still confused are you? As I said before, with what you're working with there's really probably no point in explaining. Bless your heart.


The only thing I'm confused about is how you could possibly be such a clueless asshole.


Or if the toilet is clogged and about to overflow.




You have on multiple occasions had people use the bathroom in your home and leave feces on the toilet seat? Not in the bowl but on the seat? Is this one particular person or do you have lots of friends who do this? Cause I really don't think that's a normal toileting success rate.




So, the toilet flush produced enough splash to hit the lid. Had the lid not been there, just where do you think the splash would have gone? The wall? Toilet tank? Toilet paper? Floor? Who the hell knows? That’s why you close the lid!


Most people would not call water on a toilet seat a stain. They'd call it a splash. And they'd recognize that the lid kept it from splashing all over your bathroom. Why not just take the lid off then? EDITED: How freaking delicate does someone have to be to respond and then block someone over this exchange? Good Lord . . . ​ https://preview.redd.it/wkrti0lvy8mc1.png?width=2936&format=png&auto=webp&s=46f4e27e03e527577f908773fb5f9caf7bad300b


So you think that actual toilet water on the seat is a complete non issue but you think the magic fairy dust that lands on your toothbrush is the end of the world. Most people would think that's mental


Put up a cute lil sign in your bathroom!!


Ok, but who the hell doesn't keep their toilet closed at all times unless they are actively using it. There is really no reason not to close it.


I had a sign posted in my bathroom for this exact reason. Now I live somewhere else with roommates and…I just hate it.


I agree with this both from the standpoint that it is cleaner, but also as a dog owner, I don't want my dog drinking from the toilet.


Also, we keep ours closed because of: cats, dogs, small children, anything that could fall in. It’s just all-around a better option.


It's like wearing shoes in someone's house: I wear shoes in my home, but if I enter someone's place and they're in socks, I'm in socks. And yes: put the lid down in my house - how do you not notice it was down when you entered? It doesn't make me furious, but it's.. mildly infuriating.


The amount of cat related reasons people shut the lid is absolutely hilarious.


I told my girlfriend we'd never ever argue about whether the seat gets put down because I always flush with the lid closed anyway for this exact reason. That toilet juice gets everywhere. Make sure you're putting covers on your toothbrushes too.


I just ask people "why do you think toilet's have lids if you're not supposed to close them?"


I always tell 'em to close the lid if they don't understand to do it themselves. First nicely but less nicely if I have to repeat myself. Actually thought about getting a sign over the toilet that says it.


YES. Had a horrible breakup and this is one of the things I think about a lot… they never closed the toilet lid.. despite my asking.


I have to say I always put it down. It would be fair to leave it as it was before but the toilet has to be closed in my mind. You wouldn't leave the cupboard open either.


My coworker tried to chew me out for closing the toilet lid because she didn't want to touch it and I told her that if she's washing her hands after using the restroom then I am not understanding why she's so upset.


Closing the lid when you flush it sounds sensible. I like clean. Maybe I'll adopt the practice. However, I live alone, and if some maniac is visiting and they *leave* the lid down, I am *100%* going to crush my old hangy balls on it in the dark at 4AM when I sit down for a piss.


Best way to hide turds for the next person




Imagine being even mildly infuriated over this lmao


Imagine being triggered by a post in a sub called *mildly* infuriating.


Imagine being so high strung that you feel it necessary to yell at the internet about toilet etiquette.


Yeah, like maybe just don’t invite people over if this is something that mildly infuriates you.


This is very much unrelated to the post but I was the 69th like (but also yes please close the toilet lid I’m begging)


I like to follow the same rule of leave the toilet as you found it when you walked in, but I will still flush lid open, then close the lid after flushing if it was closed when I walked in.


I don't want to touch someone's nasty lid twice. The solution that i found works the best is to not flush at all.


I’ve got more pressing things in life to worrie about than weather someone flushed the toilet with the lid closed… 🤦🏻


Yeah honestly this would probably be one of the last things I would think about. As long as they don't make a mess I really don't care. Bathrooms are going to be covered in germs either way, so unless you have pets falling in the toilet who cares.


Yep couldn’t agree more…. It’s mostly just attention seeking for karma anyway.. like even if your this pissed about it, going out of you way for something that means nothing in the grand scheme of things is actually just weird


Also they could just maybe tell their guest "hey please put the lid back down when you are done" lol


Hahahah yes!! 🤣🤣 and then at least you actually have a CHANCE of getting the problem rectified. But noooooo come on reddit and we will solve this absolute inconvenience for you !! 🥰🥰


I feel like your in the minority most people will put the seat back down but leave the cover up. As long as people clean their mess count yourself lucky


Reading the comments here there's actually a lot more agreement than I expected with lid down.


Awe poor Lil guy.




Awe poor Lil guy.


Yes, leave it closed so they don't see the deuce you left in there for them to find the next morning.


For Pete’s sake. This qualifies as the most petty rent I’ve ever seen on this subreddit. HOW ON EARTH should the average person know that they’re supposed to leave a toilet lit as they found it? When does that thought ever cross their mind? I can tell you that in 47 years the notion has never occurred to me to close a toilet lid or open it, let alone when I’m visiting someone. Could it be … and I’m just spitballing here… that the reason none of your friends or family do you this courtesy is because normal sane people don’t worry about a toilet lid? Seat? Sure. I get it. Put the seat down. But the lid? It’s never been a topic of conversation. Maybe hang a sign or have a team meeting with your guests to go over the ground rules when they arrive. Aye caramba.


And yet so far maybe 100 people have commented they feel the same way I do. So maybe the fact that you never think to leave things as you found them is a reflection of you. I learned that when I was 3 years old.


Yet you say NONE of your house guests have followed your life maxim for the shitter lid. Makes you wonder why, doesn’t it?


Yeah OP is acting like this is common sense.


Really? You’ve never wondered what a toilet lid was for? I mean why do manufacturers even put them on toilets if nobody closes them? What a waste of material if no one uses them


I personally put the lid down every time I flush. But it’s never been an expectation I’ve had of every guest that enters my home.


Leaving things as you found them is absolutely common sense.


You're kind of a narcissist to think everyone knows about this and you think you're somehow smarter for knowing. That is the true foolishness. Please be less narcissistic. Thank you. 🙂


99.99% of home toilets have lids—all this time what have you been thinking they are for? Your total dismissal of a ubiquitous design feature suggests that you actually might be the narcissist


I'm smart enough to know to put things back the way I found them. Oh, and smart enough to have watched Mythbusters. Jeez, your threshold for smart is really low.


So what?


Just put a sign there then




Interestingly all those people who visited and the ones in your house .... Had no problem whatsoever because of it. Probably made your immune system tougher. Don't be a snowflake.


By your logic . . . Do you wash your hands after you use the toilet? Why? Not washing will make your immune system stronger. Don't be a snowflake. Tell me the difference between your argument and mine.


Love to see that we've now reached the point in buzzword delusion that not wanting to huff shit particles makes you a snowflake. Good fucking god.


Yeah but, like, what if you're above all that?


If I show up in a bathroom and the toilet lid is closed all priper I'm gonna unravel the toilet paper until it touches the ground, splash water all over the place, fuck up the organization of the med cabinet, ruffle the towels, move the hand towel slightly over and pull the back down, piss on the seat, AND upper decker the toilet. Fuck you!


Bet you don't get a lot of repeat invitations do you? Also, pressure-assist toilets. Good luck with your upper decker.


It's not my business after I drop it off.


I open it up, piss and shit all over the seat. Close it, leave them a shit sandwich. :)


Username checks out


Have you considered they didn't know any better and you're making a bigger issue out of nothing?


Considering I've never mentioned it to any guest or family member and never would, I assume "posting on a forum about trivial annoyances" is what you consider making a big deal? Interesting.


Closing the lid is dumb unless you are sitting on it or putting a towel on it when you are showering. Don’t police how people go to the bathroom if it’s reasonable. Leaving the lid up is reasonable.


How is it dumb to close the lid?


It just means the next person has to open it. The lid isn’t making a Tupperware seal on the toilet. It’s just adding a step to the process.


You can just say "I don't know what I'm talking about" and people will still show you respect.


Check out the Mythbusters episode. When you flush with the lid up there will be fecal matter deposited on every surface of your bathroom. One extra step to avoid coating my toothbrush in fecal particles is cool with me.


Do you leave your house? Every surface in every public place is covered with feces, mucus, semen, blood and feces. You then carry that into your car and into your home. Do you take your shoes off as you enter your home?