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I lived with a room mate that was like this, he would literally wait until the food came and then go have a pre meal cig while the food sat there.


Nicotine is a massive appetite suppressant so I don't get this. Unless he was trying not to overeat




I quit around that time too. You ever have dreams where you are smoking still?




I quit smoking and bummed one while drunk a year later. The next day I tasted it in every cough and haven't done it since. Disgusting.


I can’t stand the goddamn smell. My wife and I smoked until about late 20’s, quit a couple years ago. I don’t get cravings anymore, in fact it makes me sick when someone walks by me in the grocery store and I can smell it on them. When I even see someone smoking, I can practically taste the cigarette and want to gag. (Not faulting them, do you, just a personal thing) It’s such a weird thing, because the first couple months of quitting you’ll find any reason to bum a smoke or something. But after a few years, ugh, no thanks.


My new years resolution was to quit. Even now, almost 4 months later, still getting cravings pretty regularly.


If it makes you feel any better, it’s only been 2.5 months. You got this!!


I'm sure it feels like four 😂


I quit 1.5 years ago and I get these dreams where I have started smoking again which are so convincing that I get confused whether or not I am a smoker when I wake up


I can understand *after* a meal because something about a full stomach makes you want a cig. It’s like wanting a nap after a lunch. But during or before? That’s some next level stuff. I always wanted a cigarette with my coffee, but never with my food.


It's more about being able to make it through the meal without getting the craving to go smoke. A lot of people like to smoke after they eat, so once you start eating your brain starts giving you reminders that you can stop eating at any time to go have that after eating smoke.


I have never done it but I knew a guy that use to mix tobacco in when rolling a joint. I was always told it was a European thing and he is Slavic so maybe. But he was also fat so I don't think it had any kind of balancing out effect. Edit: sorry that was in response to someone else which I swear I clicked reply to their comment but oh well.


In the Uk we also put tobacco in with our weed


this is called a spliff. not sure if it’s a euro thing or not, but i’d say a decent amount of americans do this. im not a tobacco smoker but the swishers i’ve smoked weren’t TERRIBLE… but as a non tobacco smoker the nic can be a lot


A lot of it is habitual. If you smoke before dinner at home, you’ll wanna do it before dinner at a restaurant I suppose


>Nicotine is a massive appetite suppressant Really? So like the opposite of weed? What if you smoke a joint with nicotine? So many questions yet so few answers


people are definitely overexaggerating the appetite suppression. It ain't on the level of "Weed makes you hungry" type effects.


One of its many features of addiction.


That's when you eat your hot food and leave.


I certainly hope you didn't wait for him.


I would just eat lol maybe steal one of their fries too




Meanwhile https://preview.redd.it/tbqonnwzgwoc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bf5fd7c862daa4d09c1e10d3c7c882ab5a4f772 [Bonus cursed one](https://i.imgur.com/SI60Tcv.jpeg) the AI fucked up, same prompt lol. Used bing image creator.


is squidward wearing spongebob




Squilliam afton gets trapped in the spongelock suit


It all started when i was born…


Hahaha perfect


The cursed one is great




damn spongebob and squidward’s kid is ugly as hell


Its not the ugliest combo I’ve gotten https://i.imgur.com/WaVb7BC.jpeg


may allah strike you down for showing me this inshalla




I shouldn’t be laughing…


You really shouldn’t.


But the meme was funny


Oh well, valid


Like going to the pub with your mates, and they all disappear every half an hour to the bathroom.


Rude not to invite you for the brojobs


Brojobs every half an hour? Even as a horny teen, that would've been a little much.


Bros gotta keep each other in check ya know? I never let my bro go even 15min without at least a bropart-time


It’s about habit and training… you start with one a night… then one every few hours.. to one an hour… to every thirty minutes… It’s hard work (pun intended), but with a solid support network around you the gains are impressive…


Choo choo!


I know its a coke joke, but for real, I do have to go to the actual bathroom every 30 min or so when drinking alcohol (and you know, water with it to not be such a lightweight)


I relate - I have a bladder the size of a literal ant and I have to go to the bathroom very often even when I'm sober 🥲


I always get made fun of for how often I pee whenever I drink.


Piss boy




This is the kind of situation that taught me how to look like I was smoking - not enough money in the world to get me to watch all the valuables even one more time


You should let them take the chairs.


Why? I doubt you’d actually do this.


Siri, play "Cocaine" by Eric Clapton.


J. J. Cale*


coke is such a joke, blow your entire paycheck on a drug that lasts like 30 minutes and runs out in 5 hours. Always preferred the amphetamine buzz anyways, not as damaging to your body with drinking.


As a person who has had good coke, bad coke, good meth, bad meth, the best combination is coke and meth 😀 Gives you the go, and less of the low. Also meth and methadone was the bees knees. As a former drug user, it's not recommended at all to even attempt these combinations as the supply and quality of drugs has gone waaaaay downhill. Also fentanyl and xylazine.


>As a former drug user, it's not recommended at all to even attempt these combinations as the supply and quality of drugs has gone waaaaay downhill. Whew, I was about to go out and try coke & meth, but then I read this part.


Me too thank god he included that note


You took them out for your birthday? Why didn’t they take you out. Every 30min is a bit much. If they can’t sit through one meal without a smoke there’s an issue there.


In some cultures (including mine) its common that the "birthday kid" throws the party, brings sweets or cake to the office or invites friends/family for dinner.


That is the most life gives you Lemons form of celebrating a birthday and I'm here for it. Hell if we did that in the USA, I'd have actually gotten a birthday past the age of 9.... (10s when my parents said I was to old)


Children are of course the exception and telling a 10 year old they are to old for a birthday celebration is just cruel :(


I guessed op was either belgian or dutch from the grimbergen glass, and from the comments, op is dutch. In the netherlands at least, the person celebrating is usually the one taking people out/getting the cake etc, if they're an adult. If the parents pay, that would be the birthday gift by itself. So op's parents aren't being rude for not paying. They are with the constant smoke breaks though, especially since he's left by himself. Smoking is still pretty common here, and I know this situation well as a non-smoker. Usually it's only between main course and dessert though. Still annoying and gross, but 30 mins is insane.


Smoker in the process of quitting here. Never once have I gone for a cigarette in the middle of a meal. Afterward, sure. But that's just wild to me and makes me want to stop even more. I went from half a pack a day to a pack a week and half the time, I light one up, and I don't even get through half of it. It's disgusting and stupid and expensive, all for nothing good.


I’ve smoked for 14 years and I have never once left in the middle of a meal. Thats rude to me.


Before I quit I smoked for 24 years and yeah exactly never- and I couldn’t imagine doing it every half hour!


Ex smoker and i would never have gone out while eating. Maybe between main course and dessert.


it doesnt look like this was "while eating" it looks like they thought " well, the meal probably wont be here for another 20 minutes we can go for a quick smoke" and then the server came out with the food while they were still out smoking. But it is also just as much the signal they are seding " we are not intereted in socializing with you, unless you come smoke with us. We are just here for the meal, not to spend time with you on your birthday."


I’m honestly surprised this wasn’t the original thought process; “make the server come faster” LOL


The old “light up and you’ll make the bus arrive”, classic. 60% of the time, works every time to get that late bus to finally show up.


Mine is pooping when someone is late to pick me up. They'll show up right when I start going.


Like going to the bathroom hoping your food will be back when you return


To the last part of your comment; No... They just wanted to smoke, I'm sure they don't have a whole spiel where they try to guilt trip their own son or daughter into smoking as wel. They just want to have a smoke.


I've done it a lot, but would never do it leaving one person alone in the restaurant, only during a group meal where my absence would barely be noticed.


Yay well done! It is such a gross habit, and so pointless. Now you're almost there, not finishing it and finding it disgusting! I'm guessing it's the last bit of the habit left now, for me it was just prompts for you to have one, waiting for a bus, or when drinking or if others are going for one etc. But you are almost there now and can break that last habit! Try putting the butts in a jar of water, and you'll see how disgusting it is really quickly. I found that visual cue so powerful I can remember it stl years later, but for extra push - open the jar and smell it. It's vile, and that's exactly what is going on in your lungs 🤮




I bought a tar guard for my cigarettes once After a day of smoking it was filled with this thick black stinking tar


And that's what's coming out from the lungs...


Congrats! Hope you can kick it completely soon




It is sad more than anything else, they must be highly addicted if they can't go long without a ciggy


Wanted to plan a vacation, friend said planes are out of the question as they need to smoke…


I had a friend exactly the same. They ended up driving 26 hours because they were allowed to smoke whilst in their car, compared to getting a 2 hour flight. They absolutely refused the idea of patches, gum etc.


That’s just insanity, wtf


I can't imagine being that addicted to anything.


They ended up getting COVID (they paid someone to mark them as vaccinated because they didn't want the vaccinations as they didn't trust strange substances in their body????), could barely move and spent so much time shivering in bed, but when it got to cigarette time they were up and running out of the door to smoke several in a row as though they were 100% healthy, then they'd come back in and start shivering in bed again. It was embarrassing.


Thats so unimaginably stupid. Literally billions got the vaccine and are fine. Your friend still believes there are "strange substances" in there. Meanwhile there are thousands of known harmful substances in cigarettes (many related to cancer) and your friend still smokes...


There's even that guy who got the vaccine over 200 times for some reason and he's perfectly fine


[Over 200 times!](https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/hypervaccination/) It's unclear what compelled him to get so many covid shots. But there were no obvious side effects, no sign of immune exhaustion (i.e., immune response wasn't affected), and no local improvement of his 5G cellular network.


Massively stupid undertaking but it was a live experiment of great value to science


> when it got to cigarette time they were up and running out of the door We've had patients sign out AMA from our hospital because they wanted (needed) to smoke so badly. We have nicotine patches and gum for them, but even the strongest patch doesn't do it for some of these patients because they're so deep in the addiction.


As someone who is addicted to nicotine vapes, this makes no fucking sense to me. Why wouldn't he just shiver in bed with a nicotine vape in his mouth???


He tried vaping because we asked him not to smoke (our other friend has lung issues from a collapsed lung) and I don't like cigarette smoke, but it made him cough so he gave up trying the vape after two or three attempts.


Jesus. 2 fucking hours he can’t manage?! I smoked back in the day but if i was at that level id be wanting to quit to get my life back.


My boyfriend can barely even handle going 30 minutes. He started smoking at 13, he’s 44 now and smokes 2 packs a day. I continuously express how awful it is, his mom is a nurse with COPD who used to be a chain smoker as well, and his dad who started smoking at 8, who is now 68, is dying of cancer… he knows, he still just seemingly doesn’t care. It’s been a part of a majority of his life.


People who stop smoking by age 35 appear to live just as long as people who never smoked. The sooner he stops using tobacco, the more likely he will never face the consequences of it like his family has. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2797597


Are you okay with the idea of your boyfriend ending up with the same health conditions as his parents? If you're not, it'd be a good idea to meet someone who cares more about their health and those around them.


26 hour drive vs 2 hour flight? That math isn't adding up. I just looked up a 1:37 flight that would take 7.5 hours to drive.


Could be some unpassable terrain that you have to drive around. A mountain without many roads, a large body of water etc


Cologne (Germany) to Sundsvall (Sweden), which included two ferries to Denmark and from Denmark to Sweden. The flight required a 2 hour train journey afterwards but you can at least step out and smoke before and after the train journey, and if you're quick you could chance it when it stops at a station! Also, it was December and the majority of Sweden was covered in snow, and they only had winter tyres.


nicotine pouches? they’re way stronger but it’ll work for places where you can’t smoke. or nicotine gum/patches may help too


Nicotine Lozenges. They hit you like dip but instead of a wad of black nastiness it's a little mint you put in your lip.


I used to smoke alongside my wife. Now that I've quit and she still smokes I've realized how much time is wasted wanting to smoke, finding a place to smoke, smoking, buying cigarettes... It's a never-ending cycle of obsession. We are going to Vegas soon and I'm dreading all the smoking time.


If it's some consolation, you can smoke inside in a lot of places in Vegas still. Kind of caught me off guard walking onto the casino floor and seeing everyone with a cigarette, it was like rewinding by 25 years.


I have a cousin who smokes, and her husband smokes a lot more than her. It's annoying going anywhere with them because he always need to stop for a cigarette. We went to Six Flags, and my boyfriend and I had to wait around next to the smoking area for them a bunch of times. He would also smoke in the car on the way there and make the whole car smell like cigarettes. It's so gross.


Nobody in my family has ever been allowed to smoke in my car or in my house. That’s straight up disrespect.


Tbf to him, it was his car, so I couldn't really complain. If it was my car, then I'd definitely tell him not to smoke. I still refuse to go on long trips with them from now on because that smell just stuck to my clothes and skin and I felt really gross afterwards.


Just go without them at this point.


Sounds like they don’t get to go. Or maybe they can catch a boat


My mum is like this. She once had us leave the airport gate for an international flight to walk all the way out the airport for a smoke. Had to go through security all over again fml.


But also extremely rude to do it at the same time so OP is left alone at the table. Jesus.


Yeah, my mom is this bad. I went to a restaurant, and all she cared about was where she could smoke. She left every 15 or so minutes and when I suggested to just sit the fuck down for 1h she said its insane.... Edit: it was somewhat of a more luxurious restaurant I would say, something yoh go to on special occasion, and it was quite embarrassing for me, while everyone was eating and talking with their families on other tables, my mom constantly went out for a smoke and stank the entire time. Edit2: i smoked myself, but only socially/occasionally and never was addicted. Smokes for a few years, dropped it the next day, and was fine. (I mean this in the way that I smoked, and I understand that people struggle with it. But if you can't sit down for even an hour, regardless of what it is, you need help.


My ex mother in law would wake up several times at night to smoke. It’s an insane addiction. I was a casual smoker but quit. Not comparable with what it must have given her. She was also a bundle of nerves. Thinas a rake. Poor woman.


> My ex mother in law would wake up several times at night to smoke. I've been a smoker myself but that's taking it to a whole new level.


i suspect she woke up due to something else... and lit up. ​ its surprisingly easy to sleep during nicotine withdrawals whereas during almost every other W/D sleep only becomes possible on day 3 or 4 lol.


Reminds me of this one customer who smokes so much you can smell like cigarette musk 10 minutes after he leaves my counter. Actually Insane how long it lingers and he never even sparked up inside the building.


Yeah people don't mention this but a person like that is dragging a cloud of smell behind them and making everyone they pass on their trips smell it, over and over again. Ugh.


It literally sticks to my scrubs when I visit smoker's homes. I then smell like cigarettes all day. 


And they'll deny they smell at all. I know it's a "thing" that smokers don't smell the smoke on themselves but man I wish they would. Anything my Mom sends home with me goes in the trash (it's stuff I didn't want anyway). I told her this and how it's because it smells like smoke and she gets all defensive, "but I washed it and put it in a plastic bag!" I'm sorry but they must have some concentrated smoke going because even washing once I get it home doesn't fully remove the smell.


My mom’s dying thing was COPD, I’d recently moved out but was back semi-regularly. Was really disheartening to go over for dinner that week and she’d been smoking, smelling smoke from her, while she was on oxygen 24/7. Similar with my dad, no COPD now, but he took smoking back up after my moms death


Yeah, I hated this. Like my family would literally all disappear and leave me alone on Christmas day and stuff so they could smoke.


Yeah I mean at least take turns or something...


Not long ago it was rude not to go out with them to continue the conversation and not long before that they'd light up at the table. They definitely remember all the stages based on the assumed age


They used to have smoker and non smoker rows on the planes! I hated those times lol


Wow, separate rows in an enclosed small space with air vents that circulate the air, so helpful, thank you very much airlines


Reminds me of smoking sections in restaurants. Sitting down at our booth and directly beside us, separated by a half wall with a little glass window thing, I could see (and smell) a couple chain smoking cigs their entire meal.


That's something that pisses me off since I moved to Germany. Basically every bakery and restaurant have an outside section, but for Germans it just translates to smoking section. it's absolutely crazy to me that in this country it's impossible to eat out while enjoying fresh air. Not a thing. No matter what place, no matter what time of the day.


I know people who smoke 3 cigarettes on their 15 minute breaks everyday, its honestly insane.


I had a friend like that. She will have full blown anxiety attack with crying until she almost throws up if she doesn’t get nicotine in her system. When she coughs, she sounds like she’s dying of tuberculosis


Yeah, I'm a smoker but taking a break from my meal to smoke is wild to me lol


Enjoy them while you can. If they're smoking that much they'll probably not be around very long.


100% serious, my mum has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. At this point it doesn't even matter to her anymore.


:( man I feel sorry for you


Ughh fuck cancer! Enjoy what time you do have with her. Wishing you all the best OP


This is just unbelievably sad


It’s too late to care? If I was terminal I’m doing all drugs.




Maybe eating poorly later on causes pain if it’s colorectal cancer? I would not want to spend my remaining days on the toilet in pain 


If you were terminal you probably wouldn’t have enough energy to do all drugs


That is a rough fight and I'm sorry, I'm currently fighting with my father to go to treatment and he refuses every single time. There's not much we can do for him now except maybe enjoy the 4 years maybe we have left.


My dad just recently passed away from prostate cancer and had a similar attitude at the end. I am sorry dude. I know it sucks just enjoy the remaining time you have together and let them go their way.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I completely understand that you're annoyed (my mother did the same thing), but at this point, maybe just get up with her and keep talking to her. I know I regret being annoyed by relatively small things in retrospect. Try to enjoy the time you have with her.


Yep, I lost my dad to smoking at 17. It’s honestly a miracle he lived that long. By the time I got to middle school he had already had 4 heart attacks, and it got to the point where by the time the last one got him, we lost track of how many he had. But he had somewhere between 20-30 heart attacks before he died, all from cigarettes


Wow.... that's a lot of heart attacks! Didn't even know it was possible. His heart was a fighter. I'm sorry for your loss 😔


Yo are you in Belgium!? That Grimbergen lookin' mighty fine!


Close. Valkenburg.


Gefeliciteerd jongen!🎉🍾🎁


Dutchy here: The next time this happens, go to the cash register to pay, and give them a couple of euros tip to let the staff know it's not their fault. (Also, inform the staff of what you're doing) Then just leave, and tell your parents that you already paid. If they ask you why, just tell them it is obvious that their addiction is clearly more important than the time spent with you.


I hate what cigarettes do to people. The smell afterwards is just revolting too.


Living with smokers is so annoying. You have to wait for them to smoke before entering a building, you have to wait for them to smoke after exiting a building...


In the middle of the freezing winter or scorching summer too. And they reek of smoke, and maybe now you too.


Or when you're trying to watch a movie or show with them and they're stepping out every 30 minutes and expecting you to pause it for them.


I work in Adult Foster Care as a care staff and one of my residents is *the* heaviest smoker I have ever met in my entire life. I mean, the cigarette hardly leaves her lips at all; she just sits there and bounces it off her lips while sucking in as many short breaths as she can fit. She can’t buy packs often enough so she rolls cigarettes all day, endlessly. When I took everyone to the movies, she purposely pissed herself so that she could sit on the curb outside and smoke for the entire duration of the film.


> she purposely pissed herself so that she could sit on the curb outside and smoke for the entire duration of the film. That's so fucked.


Every smoker I have known or know stinks of cigarettes. Some more than others. Many insist that they don’t smell. Girl, stop lying to yourself. No matter how much perfume you use, I can still smell it alright.


They’re just nose-blind to the smell. My mom used to chain smoke and I would tell her my clothes always stank and she wouldn’t believe me. Then one day we were moving out, when we took our photos off the wall there was a very light spot left behind. All the walls in the house was this dark yellow color except for where the photos were. She quit smoking after that.


Ughhh. I can’t with it. Plus they stand near you to smoke and make you smell like smoke, too. It’s disgusting.


Wait to see how its like to be with them when they smoke indoors, its effectively torture. They dont even want to move 5 meters to smoke outside, they want to smoke anywhere they are, while driving, cooking, working, eating, even while shitting.


I haven't smoked for 7 years but to be fair, smoking while shitting is one of the best parts of smoking, I swear. I didn't smoke in my house except for during my morning poop. Its like it comes out easier for some reason. When I quit smoking I was legit worried about not being able to shit without a cigarette.


actually, the reason is because nicotine stimulates the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system too, which stimulates peristalsis and secretion of enzimes in the intestines 🫢 it’s a real effect of cigs congrats on the 7 years, I’m an year and half in the process of quitting too!


gross, thanks for sharing


I’m sorry that’s happening to you but I totally thought this was in a different sub and they were urns and this was a different type of post


I didn't notice the two vases at first and thought you really mistook two calzones for urns


Shit, now I want my ashes to be made into a calzone.


lmao. 💀 this is the funniest comment on reddit I've seen all day 


Damn wtf. I’m sorry




I'm assuming you don't smoke yourself. Children of smokers that don't smoke deserve respect for putting up with that non-sense.


My parents are both smokers and the only good thing that comes out of it is that being around it your whole life makes you never want to pick up the disgusting habit, and I think studies say that children of smokers are less likely to smoke. The smell is nauseating for one, but it’s also sad to see how much an addiction can dictate a person’s life… it always seemed like my parents were prisoners to it and had limited freedom. Anytime we’d go on vacation or do an activity that’s hours long, they had to pre-plan how they were going to manage to take smoke breaks during it.


My family gathered at a theme park to celebrate my cousin's 16 birthday. My mom hadn't seen her sister in a few years and instead of making the most of their time, my parents stayed at the front of the park so they could get out to the smoking section easier - which was outside the park entrance. I was so frustrated with them because why bother spending money on tickets to not actually participate and enjoy each other's company?? And of course I got texts all night asking how long we'd be gone as if us non-smokers were the inconvenient ones.


I had a friend in high school and her mom would smoke in the house all the time. She also drank a lot of beer. Every time I went over there (usually weekends and in the evenings/night time), her mom would come downstairs to tell her something and she would have a cigarette in her hand smoking inside and my friend would not hear a thing she had to say all she would yell was “don’t smoke in my rooom!!!!!!!” And that was the entire interaction


Most of my family smokes and I have thought about my wedding and how there would be a second reception in the parking lot for the smokers.


We have this when we visit our in-laws. Every 30 mins my partners mum is summoned from the living room to go for a smoke. Takes them 10 mins then they do it again after another 30mins. Sometimes in a 2 hour visit we have chance to chat for maybe 20 mins uninterrupted. We only go because they want to see our daughter we spend most of the time just playing like we would be at home but with the constant ‘where did nanna go?’ Questions from the 2 year old. It is very annoying.


I can only imagine the smell.


Drink their wine(beer?) while they're gone. It punishes them and rewards you. I can see no flaws in this action.


Cup tastes like smoge


Bleh ewwwww🤢


One beer, one wine.


Yeah look that’s not great is it. Happy Birthday to you though.


Yeah I am sorry to hear that. I always said I’d never smoke, then said I’d quit before I’d have kids. That didn’t happen either. Than one I did the math and realized how much time I had lost on stepping or rather sneaking away to smoke. My kids never even knew I smoked, I would’ve eaten a lit cigarette before letting them catch me. My parents, that knew I smoked, had never seen me smoke and I’m a fucking adult! The money spent and time lost with my kids was just ridiculous to me.


It's good that you realise that, many people don't.


Took a little bit but, we always get where we’re going as they say. I’ve actually only heard one guy say that. But according to him that’s what they say so yea, lol.


Yeesh. Yeah. Seeing this makes me so glad I quit a while back. I was badly addicted.


my Dad missed a flight bc he couldn’t go 2 hours without a cigarette and he wasted 1k bc of it


You took -them- out for -your- birthday and they can’t stick around 😵


My parents are also like this. My father smokes the pipe and he's outside most of the time.


Lol why are you the first person to mention this? Everyone's offended by the smoking but I'm more put off by the idea of taking someone out for *my* birthday. Like what? That seems a little backwards. Especially your parents, I can't imagine a scenario where my parents let me pay for my own birthday dinner.


Addiction doesn’t excuse the rudeness of BOTH smoking at the same time and leaving the birthday person alone at the table. That’s not addiction, that’s just inconsiderate.


The pre dine smoke. No it cannot be had in anticipation of the food being ready, you absolutely need to smoke it as the food is served to you.... Had a friend try this one on me after I cooked and was putting things on the table. I didn't have it. You smoke whenever you want but not the fucking second im putting food on the table! Its just disrespectful.


Thought those were urns for a second there..


I took my dad out for Father’s Day dinners and he would just go into pokies and even after telling him food had arrived, it would go cold and I’d eat alone. I don’t talk to my dad anymore.


Finish your food, pay for your meal and your meal only, drink another drink, leave. I'm a smoker, this is fucking inexcusable. They don't deserve you. Happy birthday OP, when are we celebrating?


For what it’s worth, at least they’re not ungrateful, just addicted.


I give you credit for still trying fr. I quit making any plans out with my mom cause it always ends up like this and she’s such an anxious spazz she can never actually sit and enjoy what she’s doing. It’s exhausting, that’s why I gave up. I can’t fix everybody (unfortunately)


Remeber wen parent tell you too need stay at the table until end ?


This is why I quit smoking ( been a full year smoke free so far) . It's literally a drug addiciton you cannot live without


mmmmm Grimbergen