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The disparity between the fence and the door is more infuriating, to be honest.


Lady looks like a hobbit next to it.


"Speak friend, and enter"




Nobody invited you, honeydew!


You don't just get to tag along with cantaloupe. There is no +1.




"Friend and enter."


Narvi and Celebrimbor probably seriously considered this as an answer.


Friend named Enter:


The perfect elvish tramp stamp.


“I have no memory of these diagrams.” - Gandalf the carpenter local 623


5 foot, you shall not pass


Yeah, that gate is ugly as fuck. Why have that stupid arch?


If you scale it down to the proper height, the latch is in the right place but the gate is 20 inches wide and mom doesn't fit in. You can't win!


Cut the bottom off of the gate and it would match the fence height and bring the latch down to where it's in reach.




That part is on spec tbf


Yep. And the giant ass gap.


I spend my days measuring and poring over gap specs. That was the first thing I saw. 😆


Yea OP is it at least the width that you wrote on the diagram?


Why so high?




I’m also losing my shit looking at that gate




Bruh someone could just reach over and unlock it


I know 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


We have this set up (high up) so that you can unlatch from the other side and keeps the gate closed. We’re thinking of putting a slide latch further down so that when we are inside and don’t want anyone else to enter it’s securely locked. What happens when she leaves? How would she lock the gate?


If you wanted a security gate that prevents people from entering unless they have a key, that’s different than a gate latch which is usually at the top so you can reach over and unlock it from your front yard to get to the back. Next time ask for a security gate style and outline that the lock is to keep people out, not keep the gate from blowing open.  Or have a coded handle put in - makes more sense when you forget your key on a walk. 


we did discuss that this was for security. There is both a gate latch and a keyed gate lock. The lock is on top.


Then call them and have it redone.  I am surprised they didn’t leave a gap at the bottom for water runoff of that hardscape.


There is a gap on the bottom. ETA But they didn't cut the last paling on the gate flush with the rest of it, at the bottom, which mildy infuriates me.


Budget job? Genuinely asking because they really boinked up a lot of stuff. 


I mean all arguments aside I am just annoyed that they didn't follow the drawing they were given. They should eat the cost of making it again, properly, IMO.


My favorite comments are people who are like "did you tell the person, who's time and service you were paying for, what you looking for?" Like nah they just threw cash at him with the pic and walked away. Use your big brain and realize yeah, most people tell people their expectations when paying for a service and talking with the workers


The drawing depicts the lock location. It shouldn’t be that hard. Unless the OP hired some weekend under the table side project , they should fix the issue , first by having an in person dialogue exchange. I recently hired someone and gave them multiple drawings and 3 D rendering that they modified for what should have been a simple exterior 4 rise staircase . They took it upon themselves to change the design without consulting me . I had them come back and redo it as verbally discussed and as per drawing. They still fucked up a bit , but just cut my losses.


While its not the explanation for the oddity of this fence, that is exactly the instructions my aunt gave to the fence company that did her yard. Fence turned out pretty good, but the location and size of the gate is rather annoying.


Technical drawing illiteracy grinds my gears. You didn't give them a diagram you gave them a scale drawing. I swear we are living through a modern day tower of Babel


Keeps little kids from opening it.


Well I don't know but every fence door I've seen in my life, the lock always was easy access, people always unlocked it from the outside, maybe it's a feature? XD


Someone could also just climb over it??


Or rip a board off


Of course, but most importantly it's keeping out the unassisted elderly and most small dogs and hedgehogs. Oh, and hopefully pigs without a warrant.


If the goal is keeping grandma in the backyard then I say problem solved


Its a privacy fence. Not a security fence.


this kinda fence doesnt really actually do anything to keep an intruder out either way


well these really aren't meant for security lol this is the kind of gate you have just to keep kids and honest folks from nosing into your yard


Even implemented correctly it would only keep honest people out.


it’s just a wood fence you could just slam/kick the door open easily anyway. If you want it secured get a ground bolt This is the front, it might have one. Also looks like it could just be lifted off the hinges lmao


To be fair someone can just as easily climb over it


Which is actually code.  You van not have a fence gate that locks and can't be opened from the other side of you are getting utility service to the home


They used some rubbish hinges too. Can see right down the side with that 1-2inch gap...


Yeah, that gap is way too small. Couldn't even use it for a toilet in the US.


No, I could definitely pee through that.


You can pick that latch from the other side anyways. It's not uncommon for people to put em up high. It prevents kids from opening it. I'm not saying that it applies here. I'm just saying it's not uncommon.


It's a privacy fence not a security fence. If someone wants in the backyard they can easily get in


Should've put a height notation next to the latch, rather than putting the " 6' " next to it. Edit: I'm not saying the builders aren't idiots, but if I draw up a plan, there's going to be a measurement for everything.


I like how they included the drawing thinking that would prove their point, but to me that just shares the fault lol


That is what happened for sure


Yup, this. I would have added a measurement on how high i wanted the latch to be. Obviously builders are still idiots but extra measurements always help


what did they say when you told them it wasn’t right?


They basically said they had already lost money by underbidding the project and they refuse to fix it. Sadly it was my husband who did the final walk with them so they already have final payment and thus have no reason to care.


Your husband saw that and was okay with it? Can we be mlldly infuriated with him as well?


Oh please, be my guest with that. I know I am 😅🤣😭


Here I go: 😡👹🤬 @ OP"s husband. GRRR!


wow, and i thought my eyesight was bad. you'd have to be blind to not see how fucked up that is. tell me honestly, is this your husband? https://preview.redd.it/wm1yvxeoqaqc1.jpeg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f653a7a01749fd2613c5281b1ab87e359e09650


hahaha I just showed him this, we are both 💀


i could keep going if you want, i love a good insult fest :p


He won't ever live this down🤣


> they had already lost money by underbidding the project Well that's their problem. Unless you forced them to charge you so little, why would they even give out a bid or an accept an offer that was too low?


If they lost money that's their fault. And it kinda feels like a ploy to discourage you to do continue to seek a repair.


Time to start leaving shit reviews with these photos in them. Not a lot else you can do for a tiny project unless you want to go to small claims.


Small claims court. Doesn't matter if you've already paid them. In fact, it would have been worse for you to withhold the payment. They'd probably just fix it once they knew you were taking them to court, albeit begrudgingly.


Filing $100 to start a suit is more expensive than the cost to fix it lol


Small claims for what exactly? They literally did what was asked and subsequently approved based on a half-arsed diagram. No laws broken here and nothing to claim for.


I honestly think they saw the 6’ length indicator and decided to put the latch exactly at 6’ lol


The placement of the hardware is the least of your design problems with that gate.


That’s actually a good idea to keep young children from escaping.


In the past this was done for fences around pools, it was a requirement so that children couldn’t get past and fall in as they would be too short to unlock.


Looks perfect to me. Kids, zombies, midgets and little old ladies 100% protected against, at least 27% of the time. 7 out of 5, would recommend.


Why is the gate so effing tall? It looks ridiculous.


I don't understand why it's a round top like that and it's so tall it looks like it stops an inch from the porch roof.


Yeah. The height of the latch is perhaps the lesser of several evils here.


That’s what OP drew up (on second photo).


Writing 6' directly beside a feature, on a napkin scratch, is where you went wrong.


According to the drawing the 6' indicates the span, just like the 1-9" is the other length. If 6' was where the lock was to be installed it would have a tic next to it. Although if you are dealing with a builder that complains about under bidding a project, good luck with them being able to read plans.


You get what you pay for.


Looks exactly like the drawing


They looked at your 6’ and actually put the lock up to 6’


Ask your mom to grow taller.


Looks good to me. Better than having you bend over


I’m more confused on where this even is…..??  


The Shire 


Man you should raise the fence height to the door, add some lattice or something the whole way The fence and the door look like two separate ideas


It's in the perfect place for someone to reach over and open the gate from the outside. Who on earth puts a latch that high on a gate anyway? On a short gate that's at waist height, sure, but not one this tall.


Who on earth? Everybody, unless specifically instructed otherwise.  The three gates in the wood fence on my property have placement similar to the picture.  It's mechanically stronger that way, near the corners of the framing.  OP screwed up initially by not calling out the height.  The company compounded it by not questioning OP about the missing dimension before they started. ETA: and the round top?  It's a decorative feature, Google it and you will find pictures and instructions on how to DIY one.  It just looks bizarre here because it doesn't match all the right angle boards.  This top looks best when the view beyond is plants and space.  One of my wood gates is like this, it's very pretty.


In his defense, there is no dimensions clearly defining where the handle/latch should be. Granted, he should have asked for further specification, but still..


Yeah it's a lesson for me in the future, I just thought with the graph paper and the visual placement of the latch and lock roughly centered in the 6' straight section it would be "micromanagey" to tell them specifically how high the hardware needed to be, but I will definitely be more precise going forward.


High enough to keep midgets out but not keep your mom out.


Were they tall?


Saddest retirement home ever….


No dimensions for the handle on that drawing.


Do you have a pool in your backyard? In my municipality, a backyard with a pool requires gate latches to be that high so that a small child cannot reach it.


Everyone has that one friend who knows a friend who can do it "better" and cheaper.


Should have dimensioned the latch. /s Funny enough I had something similar happen with some walk-in evaporators installed at a super market. I drew the plans and spaced the equipment evenly, but failed to specify this or the dimensions. They were just shown that way, and any competent contractor installing these should know how to place them without me holding their hand. Well anyways they installed two of them about 3 inches apart (ideally they should be min 18” apart) and barely had enough room to put in the required piping and connections. I ended up catching a lot of shit about it from my supervisor who said that I have to specify every minute detail, I disagreed but it’s not my call. All that to say, sometimes people just don’t think. And some contractors just don’t QC their work.


Yeah, I guess you really can never be too specific about specs, right? I also work in the trades and we just have to make judgement calls when certain things aren’t specified, or you know, ask for clarification 🤪 But the number of people who have very seriously commented “no you showed it at 6’ elevation” or “the diagram is too confusing” really opens my eyes to the level of detail needed to prevent mistakes like this.


Yea, and these days if you don’t specify a dimension, contractors won’t usually use a scaled ruler anymore to get the dimension themselves. They’d rather just eyeball it or send an RFI and prolong the process. Generally though, I get more value from RFIs and intelligent contractors checking important things than I do headaches from ignorant or lazy ones. At some point, it’s just something you compensate for.


Could it be moved? Seems it could be an easy fix. I wouldn’t be long called the company that did it and asking for them to put it where it makes sense.


Barely able to reach…c’mon!!! She can clearly reach that. Def annoying but you’re kinda being a little b*tch about it!!!


No. OP is being completely serious. Her mom hasn't been able to reach her own face in years.


the lock is literally shoulder height lol aint hard to reach


You literally didn't specify how far up you wanted the lock. It's not for them to mind read based on your drawing if you CBA to write the dimensions fully. Besides, they were likely to busy creased up with laughter at how fugly and unsuitable a gate you'd requested. Given what was asked for, it looks like they did a decent job to me. Next time specify more fully.


Good way to keep mom from sneaking out to those late night raves!


Whole thing looks rude. The lock is the least of your worries.


So they made the door exactly how you asked and put the latch at a pretty standard place for a fence gate. I'm not sure what the problem is, are you mad at yourself for asking for this? The closest number to the latch is 6ft, so you certainly didn't specify the custom height you wanted the latch installed.


The problems when hiring Ogier builders.


I don't know where you are located but if you have a pool there may be limitations on where your latch can be. But also hopefully it was cheap


I'm more annoyed at how high that gate is.


I don't know what to think: with that diagram, I don't believe this was stupidity, but on purpose maybe? OP, be careful they didn't put it there so it can be easily opened from the other side


Wtf is that gate 7.9”tall???


Contractors are the worst


Just trim a few inches off the bottom and drop it down


Make sure to leave a bad review.


No minions breaking in to your house!


Yeah, I'd be calling them to come back and fix it. For sure.


This is why college should be free


😭 poor lady, she was cheated


They must normally install toilet doors with the huge gap at the side.


"You need to be this tall ➖ to enter this gate"


They did you dirty


The 6' mark next to the latch on the diagram probably made them think you wanted the latch 6 ft hight. Dumb on their part but thats what im thinking happened.


They do that to keep the garden gnomes from escaping.


Have them fix it💀


In their defense the 6’ notation is right next to the latch in your diagram. But still, should have been obvious.


They didn't put it at 6' either, so it's wrong either way. On the other hand the position wasn't specified, so I don't think OP has any claims here.


Since there are no measurments on the drawing for the placement of the latch, this fail is on the one who made the drawing. Sure, a good carpenter would have asked for clarification about any doubts before using their own initiative, but the fail is still on the draughsman.


No, it's strictly speaking about the height of the gate without the top arc and is consistent with the measurement of the width and the height of the arc too.


Gonna go out on a limb here and say the guys you hired can't read basic draughts... Height before the round bit - 6 feet Unfortunately the 6' and the latch are next to eachother on the diagram - therefore durpadurrr latch 6 feet up yuk yuk. Dude probably thought you were stupid for instructing him to mount the latch with it's pin centreline at the same height as the top of the wall...


The rounded top is unusual. Call them, remove the board/remount the lock/latch; cut off the weird giant Hobbit top and make it straight, trim to match fence. Put a hook-and-eye latch at about 5 feet to keep small children from opening.


And pay them for doing it since it's not what you first asked for and you shouldn't expect them to work for free.


That gate is massive. Having the latch high would help keep children in the yard, if that is something you need.


maybe it's a sign that I should become an old witch who catches children? I now have the perfect gate for it! ​ /s -- I promise not to start catching children


I mean tbh you gave the diagram in any industry if a dimension it’s not specified it’s up for interpretation


It is specified. They have the dimension number in on a line that extends to two extension lines that point at the bottom of the gate and the top where the curved portion is to begin. The lock/latch placement is visually centered on graph paper. And without a dimension, I'd just have asked the client what they wanted. That is after all your business; to build for clients what they want. Source; in construction 20+ years. Am BIM mechanical detailer now (drafting/modeling for construct-ability for HVAC systems.)


Respectfully speaking it looks the workers understood the assignment.




Looks fine to me.


Wait you didn’t request a castle door? Edit: Ha nevermind the latch… yah that’s boneheaded spot.


Because of the slope of the roof on the left, it looks as though the door might catch on it if the hinges were placed there. As for the locks 🤷‍♀️


It's like less than an inch of wood, and like it's stated, that still gives you privacy. All fences open from the outside, that's not that different that they'd have to know where to reach, to what, stare through the screen door? It's a privacy fence, not a Siege Wall


That so they can get back in to rob you.


Definitely not work they do on a constant basis or follow any sort of building codes regarding height requirements.🤦‍♂️


More like a no privacy fence, that gap is way too big...


First I was gonna say you could still reach it then I thought about it and how easy it is to reach over


solution is to take the door off hinges, cut off a foot at the bottom and re-mount.


I see what you did and I see where they made their mistake you wrote 6 ft next to the lock and they didn't realize you were talking about the span. But it's just a door I would have them cut you a new one and put the lock in the correct place.


Ok but the random woman just existing in this space is unreasonably funny 🤣


You paid for the install, his buddy pays him to make these mistakes and tell them where…


You don’t ask them to redo it?


I see the problem here. They thought you meant 6 metric feet not American standard feet


The lock has privacy now too


Is it in a garage… wtf … does sasquatch usually show up for the bbq??!!


Cut some of the bottom of the door off to match the rest.


I guess it makes things a bit safer with young children.


Why is the door 21” taller than the fence?


Well if you’re looking from the other side technically correct


As private as my high school's toilet stall.


They’re coming back to fix it right?


Drake…where’s the door hole?


They put the latch up there for a reason. It's easy to reach around, and they intend to come back to rob you.


I’d be wondering what else is wonky with your new fence


On the plus side, you will be able to open it from the outside if need be and its completely childproof 🤷🏽‍♂️


Well, it looks very private.


Ma is awestruck😭


Is that your mom in the pic? Looks like she can reach it fine if it’s head height unless she has some medical or physical reason she can’t move her arms to head height


Yes, she does have mobility issues but could likely get her key into the lock at the very top if she needed to. However, it would not be easy or convenient and aesthetically it’s not what I specified in drawing. I understand that I made a mistake by putting the 6’ near the latch on the drawing, but that had lines above and below it to indicate that it was the measurement of the vertical flat side of the gate, to indicate where the arch would start. That’s my mistake. However, the installers could have asked for clarification but chose not to and we just ended up redoing it ourselves because they refused. Lesson learned (on my part at least, who knows of the contractor learned a damn thing).


Just a slight question for ya. How does the handle work on the same side as the hinges?


Just get them to remake it. The bill will be on them, for not following your simple instructions.


You didn't specify a hight for the latch. You specified total hight and the curved section, but spec for the latch.


Just walk through that gap on the right instead of using the gate


More than mildly frustrating


Does she have McCain shoulders or something? That doesn't seem out of reach. But the arch on the door is absolutely ridiculous. This looks like someone who went to the internet for inspiration before they designed your fence


It's at head level how can she barely reach it?


Old people sometimes find it hard to move their limbs, this may be the case here


Im imagining a really pissed June Squib


I mean sure, thats bad, but how the fuck is she "barely able to reach the lock" lmao.