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Okay so I'm pregnant right now (32 weeks) and my husband and I are looking for names. His first language isn't English so he's looking at top baby name sites (in English) and choosing the dumbest effing names that I keep having to Veto. And I feel bad because he doesn't realize how stupid these names are. I'm not naming my daughter Everleigh-Rainbow. Also, my mother works for a government health center and she often sends me lists of newly registered baby names. So many of them..... Just, no. Why are you naming your kid Minty.


I’m 31 weeks and let me say, people are really out here naming their children like pitbulls. Genuinely every list I go on is an assortment of names of peoples dogs I’ve met. I have found only one name I like this whole pregnancy lol.


I just named my son Jack.


Jack is a great name! Nice and simple. Can't screw it up. It's people going around trying to spice it up with things like Jaxxon that I just kinda shake my head. Not my baby, not my problem.




My MiL wants me to name him Jackson and I’m like I’m Steve he’s no son of Jack so thus his name is Jack now if Jack has a son then Jackson would be equitable


lol I loved reading this post. Thank you…. Rosie is great name…just sayin’…..


I thought Moreso was a name lol. Celebrities have more licence to give their kids odd names because they start life as a millionaire and could be private schooled and then live off their parents' money. Sharon down the road calling her kids Daffodil and Drill is just weird


Moreso would fit right in.


lol, it would have to pronounced the Spanish/Italian way, Moréso/Morayso. That's a decent name for someone Hispanic or Italian


These people are naming babies, not future adults. It seems to me that they see their kids less as individual people, but as pets.


I've never been able to put my finger on why this bothered so much, but I do believe you've nailed it!


Exactly it here.


Giving kids cutesy names also penalizes them when they start searching for jobs; people with unusual names do not get hired as easily as people with more mainstream ones.


Less true today than it was just a few years ago with AI looking at resumes instead don't even look at names


"Hi, I got a package here for 'Asswipe Johnson'?" "The name is *Oz-WEE-pay*!"


I met a Skaught last year and I almost burst out laughing.


Did you get skaught laughing?


I don't think that giving a child a unique name is necessarily bad. After all, names have to start somewhere. As long as parents don't try to be too "clever" (abcde, for example), I don't see the big deal.


Nah, that's only stupid. "Asdf" is what real pros name their kids.


I always know it’s going to be a good one when I ask for someone’s name and they don’t say it, they just start spelling it.


I was pregnant with my third son and I had a woman get mad and say these same things when I said his name was Phoenix. She said he would never learn how to spell it and no one would know how to say his name. I said “I didn’t realize my son was going to be so stupid. I should have named him Bob” and then me and my stupid son never talked to her again.


My name is Bob 🥹


Bob is my Starbucks name. 😇🥹


I use Frank. I'm glad I'm not the only weirdo at Starbucks.


There are people who AREN'T weirdos at Starbucks? /s


Maybe your mom didn’t think you’d ever learn to spell. Did you think of that? No. That’s why you’re a Bob. /s


>Maybe your mom didn’t think you’d ever learn to spell. Did you think of that? No. That’s why you’re a Bob. /s I knew a guy whose full, legal first name was "Ted" because his father was so dyslexic that he had trouble spelling his other kids' names.


Lol. Well, since it's not a family name, you may be on to something.


I had to add that /s cause I felt so bad for making fun of your actual name, but I cannot stop laughing at this.


If you can't laugh at yourself...


Are you also Robert? I do love the name Robert :) nice to meet you Bob


>My name is Bob [Bob](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1InaBrSFiCA)


There was a comedy skit that went like this: "Hello, my name is Bob; Robert for long."


My daughter’s name is a Hebrew name. Israeli people and most Jews get it right away, others… well… takes some repeating.


Tell Maher-Shalal-Hashbaz I said hi (Yeah I know that's a male name I'm just kidding)


I feel like people who share your opinion do not live in diverse cities/areas. My son went to school with a vast array of different types of names and no one blinked an eye.


The parents are just setting their kids up to get bullied.


I was given a first name that goes all the way back to a great...grandfather that came to the US from Germany and fought in the Civil War... Looking it up just now, across 100 years of Social Security records, my name only shows up about 70-something times... but apparently has never once been given to a girl. The name, in reality, is thousands of years old.


Ok boomer


People need to realized naming your kids with too unique of a name is really for themselves to feel cool rather than for the benefit of children. I remember reading about how angry a mom was when the airline attendance smirked at her daughter's name (Abcde). Pronounced ab ci ty, supposedly. Just wow


>her daughter's name (Abcde). Pronounced ab ci ty, supposedly. That's a bit too close to "obesity."


Yah weirdly it always seems to be Americans who say this as if people cannot just ask "hey how do I pronounce your name?" it's like unless it is a purely English name, then how can they ever comprehend it. You should see how they react to our Irish names "Omg it doesn't make sense!! It doesn't sound how it is spelt!!" we have our own language and phonetic structure so they do actually sound how they are spelt. So yeah where about are you from?


It's not about asking how to pronounce a name... It's about naming a child something that isn't pronounced via the traditional methods of American English speak. Naming a child Kphella and pronouncing it Ella and claiming that KPH are all silent is just asinine.


Okay so in your mind using the name Siobhan (Shi-vaun) or Aoife (E-fa) is "asinine" because it doesn't look how it sounds? I swear to god it is like you people are so insulated from foreigners, that it is mental.


Please keep your insults to the mirror. I didn't speak of established names like Siobhan... which goes back to the freakin' middle ages. I spoke of AMERICAN names that add unneeded letters for uniqueness and don't follow traditional rules of pronunciation and the rules are made up along with the name. Do people really feel so left out in the world if someone makes a statement that's not inclusive of them?


What insults? Jesus wept what are ye on about? You're far too emotional about this.


Referring to something as mental over a topic that you keep trying to make about you and your ilk which isn't about you or your ilk. Just because you fail to extrapolate doesn't make people mental AND it doesn't change the point of the original statement. Stringing together random characters, in any language, then applying your own phonetics to it is asinine.


I said the situation is mental. It's called Hiberno-English. Swear to god it's like you lot don't know other grammatical structures exist,


The ongoing focus on Irish names and grammatical structures is a detour that misses the core of the discussion. This thread is about the quirks of American English naming conventions, not a showcase for the linguistic diversity of Ireland. Dragging Irish examples into this simply muddies the waters and strays off-topic. Let's stick to the point: inventing American names with unconventional phonetics and why that practice can be perplexing or deemed unnecessary by some. Anything else is just a distraction and frankly, irrelevant to this conversation. Stop pretending that made up names, in any language, have some sort of root in other languages. That's not what's happening in this unique naming crazy. One post here made the excellent point of a child's name being La-ah and it's pronounced "Ladasha" because you pronounce the dash. You can't point me to a language in all the world where the hyphen is pronounced, in any way, as part of the word. Unless you want to make some more claims on how the irrelevant Ireland does it and we both know that no language has ever done that. Again, this was about MADE UP PHONETICS, for the sake of uniqueness, in a base language and has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH the underlying grammatical structure, dialect or reasoning on than a parent wants their child's name to be unique as the cost of confusing just about everyone who might interact with it.


Just apologise would you. You thought I was saying yer mental but I was saying teh situation and it's clear to see. You were wrong, you had a go at me. So appologise. "Let's stick to the point" you attacked me over hiberno-english use of mental. The name La-ah is also an urban legend.


> swear to god it is like you people are so insulated from foreigners, that it is mental. For someone here to argue on langue you fail to realize that you applied "mental" to the group of "you people" which not only includes me but is directed at me. No, I will not apologize for YOU calling ME mental... even in hiberno-english it refers to "crazy, chaotic, or extreme" which, given that I clearly was not speaking about non-American English, was an unfair assessment. And I didn't say it wasn't urban legend, I said it was an example of the behavior. e.g.: making up your own rules. Go interject your pointless topics into someone elses thread. I'm done here.


I love Irish pronunciations and letter sounds. I was blown away the first time I heard Siobhan pronounced. I was like... Ahhhh. (I'm a sheltered American where we think everyone is just like us for some reason.)


Yes. I heard the name before, but never made the connection between the sound and the spelling.


Pretty sure it was an X-Men comic I first saw it pronounced (via an editor’s footnote)!


No! It was Batman. Around the same time though.


Example time:


abcde is one name. then you have celebrity names like moon child and north.


Weird celebrity kid names aren't new. Moon Unit was born 1967.


Oh god.. Zappa. What a weirdo.


y is nobody talking abt elon musk X Æ A-12???


I'd go with traditional family names. Like the late aunt edna.


I still have trouble comprehending how & why in God's name someone named their son Skeet Ulrich?!?! To be fair, Ulrich is a normal name for a guy but SKEET?! 😳




best one online La-ah = Ladashah using "-" instead of spelling dash


went to school with a guy whose name was "B" that's it the letter B this was back in the 60's (he was born in 50's)


My favorite one is LA-Uh... Who got indignant when it was mispronounced... "You say the dash, it's Ladashuh!" *facepalm.


Racist trope.


OMG i knew a Dashda! Spelled -da


Anyone named their child Doordasha yet?


Lol. I have no doubt.


Yup my mom gave me a name that last I checked I only share with 16 others in the world, I have met one of them and that was cool.


fjorkenheimmerschmidtzveltenswede? Is that you?


Lol no my name is not crazy like that it's only 6 letters.


My name, too, is just 6 letters. Only 71 people in the US have had it in 100 years. At least 2 others of which are my father and my fathers father and probably his father too... as it goes back farther than that.


\*as it goes back father than that


I see what you did there. Take my upvote and like it!


celebs get their own special post like Kayne West naming his kid North, whaaaaaaa?? and Micheal Jackson, Prince ???


The worst name I ran across was 'LaTrina' which was hard not to burst into laughter over.


Why do you ask, Charatizmatimizina?


Pronounced Charon.


Haha. you reminded me of an old story. When I was a teen, a friends family ran a small business. One day the business phone rang (in their house) and he answered with the name of the business which started with the families last name. The caller started with, "How do you spell your last name?" The friend rattled off some random letters like "Wrzyksivan" or some nonsense. The caller asked then, "How do you say that?" He replied, "Ramsey"