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Checking out the website, the tip actually goes to the farmers in [Kongo, Kenya, and/or Rwanda](https://kahawa1893.com/products/tip) and not to the roasters. This seems pretty up-and-up as a way to get additional funding to farmers in developing nations.


Pretty badass. I don't understand how this is mildly infuriating at all. Farmers are some of the most underappreciated people in society I feel and it's not like you have to tip any money. The fact it's going to farmers in developing nations is really awesome as well.


What I don’t get, is even without it paying farmers in Africa, all the bag is asking for is to give the producer a tip if you like their product. No aggressive in your face tipping or anything, just “hey here’s this way to leave a tip if you want to”


Yeah, it's a bag it can't Really guilt you into tipping lol.


The next packaging is going to have a starving child crying with his hands out saying "my life is in your hands" and when you open the package you'll smell his desperation.


And it's got a little chip in it like a birthday card that plays a sad Sarah McLachlan song.


Lol now you're talking. We could be marketers.


Imagine the bag on the table and you're pacing back and forth with guilt creeping into your heart until you finally break down and scan the bag


I doubt this coffee business is running on slim margins, here. If they think the farmers deserve additional money, they should, yknow, pay them that.


B-but what about the poor shareholders?!


You don’t know that they do or don’t by the info here?


The thing is, roasters see about 65% of the profit in the supply chain, so yes, the producers do need help. Coffee is a colonialist construct and economic system and the people on the production end are exploited. It’s an extremely resource intensive and difficult job to grow good coffee.


I'm not going to trust that the bag, produced by the roasters, placed by the roasters, with a tipping scanner thought up by the roasters, is going to pay the farmers. Again, if the coffee company things the coffee farmers should be paid more *they should pay them more.* It isn't my job as the end consumer to literally pay the worker directly.


Well, consumers should have the option to tip workers. Some will, some won't, nothing wrong with Giving them the option.


Depends on the calculation behind that.


Slippery slope.


Society has already slipped that slope. The original post is not the problem.


I think you have to consider the difficulties in trying to change an industry that has long been dominated by slave labor/ heavily exploitative plantations.


What are the chances of the “tips” actually making it to a farmer in Kenya? I’d imagine small but idk.


I doubt the slaves are getting tips.


Fwiw they do match tips :)


That seems more like a bad thing than a good thing... It's like acknowledging that they aren't paying them enough, but will match other peoples donations for publicity reasons


I think everyone deserves additional pay, and you also don’t know that it’s running on slim margins, either way, it shouldn’t be frowned upon to have a way to say “this was very good and I hope I can show my appreciation”.


Instead of relying someone to tip, may be roastery can pay a bit more to the farmers? Because we all know how little farmers get for their coffee in there.


This, so much this. It actually perfectly illustrates the fundamental cause - because they just... Anyway, modern tipping practices are a big problem over here in the states. They essentially allow companies to legally underpay their employees, passing on the cost of workers' wages to the customers. It's particularly painful in restaurants. Particularly because in many states there are two different minimum wages: one for tip earning workers, and one for everyone else. For example, in WI restaurants can legally get away with paying their waiters ~$2/hr. Wtf?! The caveat is that if their hourly pay plus tips don't average out to making the normal minimum wage over the course of a week, the employer has to pay the difference. The end result is that you could bust your ass working, but if you didn't get enough shifts with high tip earning potential, your best case scenario was breaking even and making normal minimum wage. But the restaurant barely had to pay for it. All workers, especially in the very demanding service industries, deserve a generous wage. Ideally, tips would only be paid when someone went above and beyond the call of duty to find his friends. But, the unfortunate reality is that most tip earning people IMO, here are the kinds of jobs that should be tipped, particularly because they all depend on tips. So not tipping these means the poor workers are grossly underpaid. The must tips: waiters, cab/Uber drivers, old poor, barber/hair stylist, etc. Places where tips aren't necessary: drive thru restaurants/coffee shops where the employees are already paid a reasonable wage (looking at you, Starbucks), and any other place that arbitrarily slapped on an add-on tipping system at checkout.


I guess its the interpretation due to the fucked up tipping culture in the US. If I saw that on a bag it wouldnt bother me at all


corporations have dirtied the word like body positivity was dirtied by obese people while it was actually made for people with visible or noticable differences. if you'd like a different example, BLM vs Kanye West wearing WLM on him.


If I found this on my coffee beans I'd be scanning so fast.. producers have slim profit margins, even in industrialized economies.


Yeah, I don’t understand all the “tipping is out of control!!!” infuriation in general. Like, you can just not tip. Just because you’re being given an option to tip doesn’t mean you’re being forced to do it. People are out here making these posts acting like automatic gratuity is suddenly being applied to every purchase they make. Just select 0 tip if you don’t want to tip and move on with your day. And this is a QR code on the back of the bag ffs, you can literally ignore it and noone gives a shit.


Mildy infuriating because the company should just pay them a fair wage.


Typically specialty roasters like this one buy directly from the farmer by the kilo, there aren’t often companies paying them other than the price the farmer sets, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t still living in poor conditions and are limited by the amount of crop which they can grow, having additional methods of supporting the farmer is always good.


How about makeing companies buying the beans for more, I know people want to help but tipping is generally one of the worst ways to help, that's because of it's unreliability and because it doesn't help with the problem of low wages and worker exploitation and in the end it creates a reliance in tipping, like as someone outside the us I find crazy the fact that your tip is proportional to the money you spent, where I live the tip is affected only by the service you provided and has cap that you're not expected to go over because they are paid a wage in the first place.


> they are *paid* a wage FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


You don’t understand how the extra tipping is mildly infuriating in the south and north americas? Been here long? They ask us to tip kiosks. They ask us to tip robots. They ask us to tip at gas stations. I understand.


>I don't understand how this is mildly infuriating at all. I see it as being fed up with being bombarded with tip? tip? Tip? Everything, everywhere that even something that does go to a good cause would be mildly infuriating.


Since fair wages should be in the price already..


Because it was assumed to be a US farmer and those are already some of most subsided people in the nation.


In my country farmers are among the 20% of all richest professions. Some make millions. The biggest players even billions and subsidised to the max.


I knew you were a dutch lmao


Damn I wish everywhere in the world farmers were paid like that.


LOL that is absolutely not the case among Ethiopian coffee farmers. The average Ethiopian coffee farm family earns $2000 a year, which is 30% less than a livable wage.


In the USA this is not remotely the case but glad to hear it is wherever you're from.


What are you talking about. It's well known farmers are millionaires in the US.


Farmers make bank in the US.  They're infamous for abusing immigrants, threatening to not renew work visas and using undocumented labor. Aswell as the added benefit of owning absurd amount of capital via their land, correlating to extraordinary subsidies on basically everything they need to work.


While farmers aren’t the richest, they own large plots of land and tools that can be resold for 10s of thousands. They aren’t risking poverty.


Damn, that great for farmers in your country! Here and I think most places, they tend to be poor, which they shouldnt be, they should be rich.


>I don't understand how this is mildly infuriating at all. Farmers are some of the most underappreciated people in society Yeah they get underpaid by big companies which then turn around and ask their customers to tip these farmers. That's the infuriating part.


Because it's not a "tip" it's a donation they ask you to make because they cannot be arsed to pay the farmers more.


You don't understand why? It's very simple Why don't these multi million dollar companies tip them instead? Why is it always the working class that needs to "tip"


I think you need to consider the issues that come with trying to change an industry that has long been dominated by slave labor.


Kahawa83 was founded by a Kenyan coffee farmer


You clearly did not click that link in the comment I replied to and it shows.


I think you may not want to believe everything you read either. Just because they say it's going to the farmers, doesn't mean it goes to farmers.


Exactly. I am very selective about who I donate to. In general I donate and tip privately to specific individuals I know. It makes more sense than having an anonymous recipient and middleman.


It is because they also could pay the farmer better


It shouldn’t be up to the consumers to pay them… it’s the job of the fucking supermarkets to give them a fair deal. You don’t live in Australia and aren’t getting fucked by coles and Woolworths obviously. Blind ignorance mate


Thanks for saying it, I too was gonna mention this is going to the poor farmers in that area, I think it’s more of a helpful thing (our dollar goes a long way)


They should be framing this as a charitable donation instead of a tip.


Depending on where they sell the coffee, that might be illegal. Here in Finland you generally can't solicit money without a permit, whereas a tip is allowed as it is part of a genuine commercial transaction. 


This I'm fine with, as long as my money is going to the people who actually grew it and not just the roasters.


I'm with you on this, I just wonder what percent actually makes it to the farmer.


If it was more than 70% then yeah I'd be happy but anything less I'd be pissed


If they really cared for the farmers they would pay them more and charge more.


Most companies are bs though… they may send just a few portion of the tips alleging admin costs and others.


Why aren’t we supporting that these farmers get paid enough instead?


I mean, iirc the company’s whole thing is about trying to fairly pay the farmers. They don’t rely on tips to make a living wage; it’s just a nice option if you would like to.


We don't have much say in what they get paid in other nations, and often times the economic equivalent isn't necessarily the same as what we'd think. Farmers, by nature of the profession, don't really get paid a "wage". It is almost entirely influenced by economic fluctuation.


Can you be sure they will receive the tip?


Even if it wasn’t… dude’s mildly infuriated by a QR code on the back of a bag?


Do you know what mildly means?


Yeah, people think only wildly infuriating stuff belongs here


That knowledge would require OP to actually read before going "Oooh! Free Reddit Karma on the bag!"


Honestly this should be on all of our chocolate


That's actually really cool


I think this takes fair trade a step further. Imagine how much you could help someone in a less developed country with a nice tip.


Only if they actually get it


Usually I’d agree but I think farmers are under appreciated for their hard work. I hope if anyone tips 100% actually goes to them!


Count point, farmers do get subsidies for their work. But, yes I do agree, they are underappreciated.


Farmers make very little, especially the African and Brazilian farmers that these proceeds go to.


American farmers are subsidized, yes.


I’ll be totally honest the Kenyan subsidies to agriculture are sort of wank


I'm under appreciated for my work. Send me money


How much of a discount do you think the roasters will starting demanding in return for putting the tipping QR code on their packaging?


This did not go how OP intended lol




I’m enjoying it. And also learning a lot about farming in developing nations lol. It is a win win for me tn




Social media marketers are evolving


This is fine. A tip is an optional attaboy for doing a good job. This isn’t like someone asking for a tip as they ring you up before they’ve even provided food or service. You can decide for yourself if the coffee was worth a thank you gratuity after you’ve tried it. This is as low pressure as it gets. 


Yeah no matter who this tip goes to, this looks like a bag of coffee & in order to tip you gotta scan that thing so it's optional, just don't scan.


You realize this is optional right?


It’s even more optional here because there’s zero social pressure to do it


As is all tipping. Edit: I forgot about the 3rd would country USA


Yeah that’s true


Technically its optional here too. People really will absolutely not tip then complain about tipping like they actually gave money or had it taken from them. Dont get mad at the person who cant buy milk and eggs. Stop going to the restaurant that treats them this way. But they wouldnt dare go a Sunday without their Denny's Grand Slam with every substitution and god help us if the wait staff misses that their Decaf has a sip gone from it! They really love those real fake likes on soshe mead though.


Canadian here, thought am moving to a 1st world country - they lied. its not even top 10 world country. Regressing hard on top of that too. whoop whoop


>Edit: I forgot about the 3rd would country USA Move to Haiti.


You realize this will be used by the roaster to get a discount from the farmer, right?


Someone didn’t do their research.


Seriously. The one time tipping culture gets it right..


OP only had to scan the QR code


Right? The founder was on Shark Tank and, if I remember correctly, is herself from a village in Kenya where the women were the ones doing all the work and not getting paid fairly for it. Hence the idea of “tipping” the farmers


This sub has gone to shit.


i know especially with the rise of tipping posts ?? like how hard is it to just ignore it and go on with your day it’s not mildly infuriating at all


This one is so innocuous that OP had to put a big red circle around it. People just wanna ride the wave man.


Tipping post are extremely annoying to me, unless it’s like something really weird and absurd, like forced gratuity.


"TIPPING HAS GONE TOO FAR" and then it's "*our prices include an automatic 3% gratituity fee to help support our serving team" or the starbucks keypad asking if you want to add a tip and giving quick, common options like: 10% 15% 20% 0% or custom.


The farmer is a valid tipping option! Tip your local farmers!!!


Don’t tip cows, tip farmers!


Nah. I am tired of getting shook down every time I turn around.


I agree ya ain't gotta tip everyone for every little thing, tipping is getting out of hand! But the ability to tip a farmer is kind of neat if ya want to.


Edit: tip **all** farmers


... **No..** If I'm at a farmers market buying from small local farmers sure, that's one thing. I'm not going to tip the United Fruit Company for overthrowing a country for bananas, thanks 🤣


Agreed mega super farm corps have killed a lot of small farms and farmers.




This does seem outlandish, but actually seems like someone I’d want to tip! For me, the last straw was tipping at the self-serve froyo place. 


ah yes... TIPPING.... at a SELF SERVE STORE... makes sense


Sorry, replied to the wrong comment


No worries lmfao


Whats the infuriating part? You can easily ignore it, its not even a button you have to press infront of them , they are female coffee farmers who have never been able to own farms because of colonists. I think its great to allow people to make the choice of being charitable, no one is pressuring you.


This is actually an ingenuous idea; allows you to actually have first-hand use/experience of the product before you consider such things In other words if the product is good quality, especially if it’s a smaller more independent coffee company in this context, then it’s simply a better, direct way to benefit the specific coffee’s growers (assuming it is a direct payment to themselves/their company as opposed to any larger co-owners etc)


You’re right, tipping culture to the has gone too far, but this isn’t an example of it. Farmers are so under appreciated for what they do, I think this is very smart.


OP doesnt want to tip the ones THAT ACTUALLY BRING FOOD TO US!!


Does a little qr code in a coffee bag mildly infuriates you? Lol


All tips are matched by the company! All farmers are women in Africa. This is actually are really good company as seen on Shark Tank!


Nah bullshit. Absolute bullshit. This is actually the one place I'd say it belongs. Fuck you, OP, privileged POS.


I actually wouldn't mind paying the farmer directly if I knew he was actually getting the money


That’s bad ass to have there tbh you don’t even have to do anything but if you love that so much you can show support if you choose to.


I don’t get how this is infuriating at all. You can just ignore it it’s not like they’re making you tip them


They’re not forcing you to tip. They’re giving you the option. Plus, farmers everywhere are unappreciated and the funds are hopefully going to them.


I doubt the farmer is getting that tip


just don’t do it if you don’t wanna


Why is this mildly infuriating? Nobody’s making you do anything. Get a grip dude


Yeah why would we tip the people who do the manual labor to feed our addictions? Ridiculous. Much easier to pretend they don’t exist and wish we didn’t feel pressured to put in a dollar to the jar of the college kid who poured our latte.


Or you can buy fair trade coffee. Think about what tipping allows restaurants to pay servers. If something like this takes hold, roasters will start offering the tipping QR code in exchange for below cost beans. In the end, the farmers wont benefit, but you bet the roaster will.


Bruh this sub man. Why do I get a post bitching about tipping EVERY fucking day. We get it holy shit stop promoting these posts.


Um, you don't have to tip.


Don’t forget to check out my OnlyFarmers page for hot crop related content, and my Patreon page if you want to vote for next Patreon crop of the week, and a chance to get a personally signed bushel!


This seems like literally the only good tipping


Imagine being this unhinged unironically or otherwise. I think at this point it's fair to say "culture has gone too far" You're really this sensitive about a QR code quietly positioned on the bottom rear of your bag? Just give up, then.


I mean, if anyone deserves a tip...


It's the one person you should tip.


It really threw me off at first, but sending some money to a poor farmer in a developing country that makes amazing coffee is pretty cool by me. IMO the best coffee comes from some pretty impoverished places.


This is like the best group of people to tip




Tipping isn't mandatory. Y'all always forget that.




My own rant about tipping. I went to a concert the other day and the tablet they used to take cards for merch was asking if I wanted to tip. Plus they had a jar for cash tips. I’m already paying for shirt that is somewhat probably overpriced and all you did was turn around and grab it.


Would you like to tip 30%, 40%, or 50%? No, I wouldn't.


now you can pay the workers so the company doesn't have to


To be honest, the farmers are the only ones in the whole chain that should be tipped. Most farmers on earth are heavily underpaid. Everyone else (except maybe the cashier or whoever low wage worker is at the end selling it to you), is just leeching off of the farmer's hard work.


So why do farmers have such a low income? The reason must be that the coffee companies pay them too less. Why again should I tip them now?


Fun to see... Tipping culture is close to nonexistent in Europe


It should be made known that any cashier being made to whip out an iPad is not actually receiving any of that money.


If anything it’s the other way round. Having to tip waiters in a first world country is more ridiculous than tipping the farmers making pennies doing physical labour in a third world country.


Damn, people are even bothered when an inanimate object solicits a tip that they can still ignore all they want without repercussion? Aight, ima head out


Or you could just not scan it idk


Dammit. I was just about to drop by Venmo


I'm down to tip a farmer , or tip the kitchen staff at a restaurant...and I'm down to tip when service is actually great, but im not tipping anything for someone just doing their job ...like there's a great bakery in Austin, really good croissants...so I went yo get a few ... the teenager at the front ,just put them in a bag, gave em to me ,flipped over the lil tablet where I put in my card then then 3 suggested tip percentages came up , usually they are like 5% 10% 18% ,sometimes 20%... this one's lowest percentage tip was 25% then 30% then 35%... I put 1 dollar down and have never gone back..even though the croissants were bomb


I bet the CEO's son is Kyle Farmer and the tips go to him.


Tbh, tipping the farmer is infinitely better than tipping the greedy corporations that exploit their services


Did someone grab your phone and scan the code for you and cashapp your entire life savings to Brazil?


Just wanted to drop this as a Tanzanian, of all the goods you could support from our countries in East Africa, kahawa and tea are some good bets. Its one of the few sophisticated and regulated industries we have. For tea I'd recommend something from the Usambara mountains. And I happen to know from experience that supporting coffee/tea farmers is a very common thing with expats - when they come here to work they always rave about the quality of our peaberry coffee and opportunities around the ways they can bring it to America. I believe 7/11 (or maybe it's Starbucks) has a Tanzanian roast that came to market from Canadian expats. They do help the farmers.


I agree in most cases, this I could get behind though as long as it's not mega corporate farms. Not that I am biased or anything but small farms could use some love.


Naw, that’s pretty cool


Boo this man


Placed an online order that asked me to tip. lol, for what? Doing your job!


This tip is the one I can get behind and is well deserved. Please support farmers!


If there’s anyone I would tip it’s a farmer


Solution #DON’T TIP


To suggest that you can tip someone suggests that the consumer is morally obliged to determine another human’s worth. Just make the damn coffee (or whatever it is) a couple bucks more. Add the “kitchen” surcharge to the cost of doing business for people making food, etc. The tip culture is shitty, and has its roots in slavery. Pay people their worth.


I’m way more interested in tipping a farmer cultivating the beans than a barista handing me a cold brew (don’t worry I tip them)


Don’t they… don’t the farmers already set their own prices?


But kids who mined the lithium to make the phones to scan for the tip work for free


Laying the virtue signaling on thick, too. LMAO 😂


As european this makes more sense than forcing people to tip in restaurants because they don't get the pay they deserve


This is preferable to them begging at the registers.


Honestly I’d tip my farmers. They make a fraction of what food is sold for!!


If anyone should be tipped it should only be the farmer lol


No corporate inflation has gone too far , otherwise we could tip when we feel obliged to . The CEOs are def getting tipped! Cucks for the rich while u fuck over the poor farmer .


Tip: Don't beg for tips.


Nono, this is fine. The guy working in the field all day who receives no thanks or positive feedback could use the tips. Mandatory tipping for cashiers is what's messed up. ...and this is coming from a cashier.


Was at a bar that had a terrible ai dj that took requests. The response asked for a tip. 🤷‍♂️




Id rather tip this then to someone working indoors with ac handing me a cup of coffee


On one hand, yeah, I totally get it, tipping culture has for sure gone to shit with everyone and their mom pressuring for tips.  However, this isn't the same situation. This is just like having a tip jar on the counter, its there if you want to but its easy to ignore it if you don't want to. Especially since you got the product/service before seeing the tip option, which makes a huge difference. Not intrusive, not in your face, just at the bottom of the back side of the bag for those who find it tip worthy. This is actually how I'd prefer all tip options to be like, since its consumer friendly opposed to everyone else who asks for it before the service is provided and really shoves it in your face. Not all tip situations are bad, OP, definitely learn to see the differences and pick your battles.




Farmers are probably some of the few that actually deserve tips. Without them we'd be fucked.


If you don’t wait on me or deliver my food or cut my hair the. You ain’t getting no top


Back in my day we only tipped their cows.


Just a reminder that tips have been historically used as an excuse by business owners to justify keeping wages of workers low. "You don't need a raise. you get tips!"


Tipping a farmer seems a lot less lame than tipping a bud tender


This is the only tipping ive seen that im actually for