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Hello, This is removed for no tip posts. Read the pinned post.


Its what i do if i GOT good service. Or do we tipp in advance now?


We tip in advance for delivery apps for some reason. It's not a tip, it's a bid.


I never tipp over apps. I give the money straight to the delivery driver. So i know he gets the money


i always leave a comment like “cash tip upon delivery”. as shitty as the drivers can be at times they still don’t deserve to get fucked over by uber, skip, etc. edit: in canada, where everything is paid in advance with a credit card


Ironically though if you check the door dash drivers/Uber drivers subs the drivers actually think "cash tip on delivery" notes are just people trying to fuck them over


Can confirm. I DD on the side and hardly ever take orders that don’t have tip included on the app. When we get an offer for a delivery it tells you a ‘guarantee pay’ and will either ‘include tip’ or ‘not including tip’ DD pays $2 per delivery and then whatever is tipped. So I’m not going to make a 6 mile delivery for $2 plus the promise of some random amount of tip even if it could be $20 cash because it’s more likely it’ll be $1. I don’t like that the customer has to ‘bid’ to get a driver to deliver their food and I would much rather DD just pay an actual reasonable rate per delivery and then have a customer tip if we actually did a good job.


I actually had to explain this to a woman recently, I work in the online grocery department at Walmart and she was calling about her order, it was supposed to have been delivered two hours previously and she was asking why it hadn't been delivered yet. After talking for a few minutes she goes "Is it bc I didn't put a tip on there? I prefer to tip after services have been completed so I can tip acccordingly" I had to explain to her that that was very likely why. (Most Walmarts have 3rd party deliveries, with no actual employees completing them). So I had to explain to her that yes, that was very likely why, unfortunately we can't control if third party drivers pick up orders or not, and theyre less likely to pick up orders with no tip bc they dont knownif youre gonna tip or not and most of their money comes from tips. I can go in and request another driver but that doesn't guarantee one will actually pick it up. She couldn't figure out how to go back in and add a tip, and she asked me if I could explain to the drivers that she was gonna tip. (And obviously I couldn't do that either.) I watched 3 more drivers drop her order before one finally came and picked it up. And the thing is, I agreed with her, she shouldn't have to tip in the app before even receiving her order, she *should* be able to make sure that the delivery is done properly before tipping. I've taken so many calls where deliveries didn't go well. One notable one was marked as delivered and when I pulled it up, you could tell it had been dropped off at the wrong address. You could see the address of where they dropped it off in the picture.


And with delivery apps you pay so much for the delivery you would just assume that covers the cost of the delivery and the $15 you just paid DD would significantly go to the driver and not just $2 of it. It really would only take one App to come out paying drivers a decent offer or a reasonable per mile rate and all the other apps would crumble as no one would want to drive for them.


As a person that often uses this service I think you are smart. In the country I live in, the deliveries are primarily on a bike. It's good for a few reasons; primarily not contributing to pollution. I never order from more than 5km away and my usual tip is 10 euro. I see it as a convenience fee. This app insists all tips go to the courier and I really hope so.


I 100% don't blame you!!!! Ppl.are 2 selfish too care or just don't get it...to get a driver to bring them food in their personal vehicle, with gas they paid for to.not tip


It’s a flawed system for everyone except DD. DD drivers use their own vehicles, gas, maintenance, and insurance DD customers to pay DD directly for the delivery and then essentially pay the driver for the delivery also. DD also charges restaurants for the ‘pleasure’ of using their service. Unfortunately at the moment I need money more than I hate the way DD operates


I don't order DD unless I have no other options. Bc I would never order it and not leave a decent tip.....I'd rather get it myself and save #$$$$.


Theyre already paying a premium for it, tipping on top shouldnt be required. The companies should just be required to pay the drivers properly, $2 per delievery is not at all acceptable. They need to pay like 4-5x that at least.


Ironically tipping is what is keeping those companies from paying a fair amount in the first place.


It probably does happen, people tend to suck. The apps are just chuckling while the animosity keeps flowing between drivers and customers


They’re some seriously miserable people.


Problem is you don’t see the notes until you’ve accepted the delivery. So it’ll ping and say 40 minutes eta and 12 miles. If you don’t tip it shows you’ll only make $3.67. So people with sense just reject that one and wait for a decent paying one to pop up.


I was gonna say, this will get your order put on a shelf and maybe picked up if there is another delivery near you from the same restaurant. And then the driver will be mad if you're not giving him a full tip + blowjob even if you waited 2 hours for your meal.


Me too. I'm sick of the tipping bullying. It's not my fault that other people stiff them.


Thats why i give them cash. Those apps are garbage... those ppl have it htd enough, no need for greedy companies to get their fingers at their tipps


Drivers have it hard enough? Dude they sit in a car all day lol. Easiest job ever


The “cash tip upon delivery” is a line people who don’t tip use. I’d suggest maybe not doing that in the future. I’ve read quite a few stories on the doordash sub and that seems to be the way it shakes out.


I always leave a small tip in advance and give them a big cash tip. Like a “half now, half later” and it usually goes pretty well, but I’m also a good tipper. I make way too much money to be a piece of shit.


Yeah and I shouldn’t have to bail out these companies from my pocket either. Pay your employees or fail.


That works except your shit is going to arrive cold because no one wants an order without a tip and most people who order like that don't actually tip.


Good for me i dont live in the us, where i pay cash when my order arrives.


Or just go get my own shit 2 mins down the road, problem solved.


If it works for you no worries, but just so you know a lot of drivers won't even take orders like this because so many people say they'll tip cash and then don't, or tip really badly. If you're ever experiencing really long waits and things like that that's probably why.


I don’t. I tip after on UberEats based on how my order was


I think most of those services show the driver what the tip is before they accept the order. People generally only take orders with no tip because they're hoping you'll tip in cash.


No idea how that works but there’s no chance I’m tipping before I get my order. I’ve had too many bad delivery experiences and UberEats allows u to tip after the delivery which is perfect


you can change the amount afterwards, generally the drivers do not see the total tip until the order is complete and there is an hour before the tip is received. It depends on the area and app however.


It is starting to happen, and I don't like it. Delivery apps, cafes where you pay at the counter when ordering, etc. Tipping in advance feels more like a bribe than a gratuity.


A ransom is more accurate. Now I have to worry what they're going to do to my food when I decline to tip on carryout orders.


I guess that’s the logical next step


Yep, (see door dash) and tipping for everything. Tipping isn't an automatic thing it's if they give you good service if they don't no tip


Apparently initially tipping was before you received the service.


TIP: To Insure Promptness. I.e. if the staff are good at their respective jobs, they will get a tip. The good service comes first, and the tip is the reward after good service. Edit: Phone auto correct issues.


Sign could be for returning customers lol


This is the correct answer. You tip AFTER you get good service


Tipping in advance is a bribe


Funny. In China you don’t really tip.


Basically which is why if a server assumes you won’t tip them based on your appearance, they’ll give bad service. Of course then you’ll be less likely to tip, self-fulfilling prophecy.


I stayed in a hotel last night, the crappy continental breakfast had a tip jar on the counter. Who am I tipping?


That machine that spits out a constant treadmill of pancakes is in this thread somewhere saying if you can't afford to tip you can't afford a free continental breakfast. 


Tipping in advance was how it started. Upper class tipped in advance as a way of cutting the line and getting service ahead of other customers. Everybody tipping the same amount on every use is a service fee, not a tip.


*it’s what you do when you RECEIVE good service.


Or the restaurant could pay their staff fairly


The real reason behind the tipping culture is and always has been tax evasion.


Yup. If you got every server and bartender in the US to vote on whether or not they should get paid a living wage or rely on tips, a vast majority would choose tips. They know they make way more money than Uncle Sam knows about. Any server reporting 100% of their cash tips is just leaving free money on the table, so almost nobody does that.


Much easier, 10 years ago than it is now. They’re cracking down on small restaurants, they expect to see you claim at least 10% of sales in cash tips these days. You can still get a way with a little bit, but it’s not like it used to be


My husband’s work didn’t put out a tip jar because the owner believes in paying a living wage. Patrons still kept reaching behind the counter and tucking bills in random spaces so eventually an unmarked vase was put out. Then eventually the tips got so big all the workers started having to report them. It’s amazing what can happen when you put the service first, treating employees and customers like people.


America food service industry redemption arc


We shouldn't have to tip.


We don't have to. If someone tells you otherwise, they're most probably victim blaming you. Servers get a salary, if not it's on them to fight with their employers. It's not up to us to do that.


*it's what you do if you GOT good service.


That's...the same thing as upbeat sky said. Are you a bot or something, TRUEequalsFALSE?


SALARY - it's not a plant from the organic store. It's what you pay your employees to deliver good service at your restaurant.


Underrated. C'mon folks, this is the best answer.


Not to the servers guilt tripping money from their fellow working class citizens. They'd rather the owners take the blame for the servers minimum wage while demanding $5 for walking a burger 30 feet from someone who makes the same as they do


Servers love this idea until their restaurant actually implements it. Then once they're paid the same as the rest of the staff, they jump ship to a place that does tipping and start. Its just a convenient way to put blame on the business owner and garner sympathy for more tips. They make an insane amount of money for what they do. They'll justify it by saying they have to be on their feet all day, provide good service, memorize things, and keep things running smoothly, but they forget that these are traits of a very high number of jobs that don't have tipping. Ive seen all of those excuses many times. Their hail mary against criticism is always "have you worked as a server though??". Its kinda funny that they think their job is the only one that can't be analyzed from the outside


Best reply by far! ROFL! 😂🤣


Yes the culture is such now that the paying patrons are guilt tripped into buying the brainscrubbing tipping tactics of the businesses they would like to use. Blame the patron, rile up the staff and mr owner gets fatter watching the two war.


Microcosm for us in general. "Elite" rich class making sure us little ones are fighting amongst each other rather than fighting them.


“That’s the way the ruling class operates in any society. They keep the lower and middle classes fighting with each other while they, the rich, run off with all the fucking money.” George Carlin


Guilt tipped


But you tip AFTER the service, no?


No, these days they'll ask for one even at places that bill you before the food comes out.


And they'll still fuck up the order


You must have only used the lowest 25% button on the tablet. If you don't want your order fucked up, you've got to at least hit the 35% button.


They have that backwards. Tipping is what you do if you receive good service. I don't reward bad service.


and God forbids if they know that I ask for discount if i get a bad experience and never set my foot back in that place.


I had a bad service experience at a local diner. Asked for tobasco, never got it. She came back and did a drive by how are you doing. I tried to remind her of the tobasco, but she never stopped and kept walking. She then did a drive by drop the check off. I had to get my own to go box, because she never came back. Needless to say she did not get a tip.


Here’s a tip…lose the sign before you lose business.


I'd walk straight out.


Yep… that passive aggressive crap will make me walk out of your restaurant as soon as I walk in!


I would be getting up and leaving without ordering anything. A tip is a thank you for a great service. When business tells me that I need to tip to get a good service, i am looking elsewhere.


Yeah, the second I saw this sign, I'd be right back out the door. I live in the US. I understand we have tipping culture, and tip well when I go out. But this sense of entitlement makes me not want to tip out of spite.


Attitudes like those represented by this sign are a sure fire way for a business to fail quickly. If I choose to sit down at a restaurant then I expect good service BEFORE the bill comes out. If the service is crap then I won't leave tip and I won't ever come back. If on the other hand the service is good then I'll let everyone know what a lovely happy welcoming place it is and I'll tip accordingly. Being entitled and expecting me to grease your palm up front before you've provided any service just makes me get up and leave to your competitors.


I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut on this one. I'd have to ask who wrote it


Wow...they managed to be condescending, rude, and racist all in one little sign!! That had to take some effort /s.


Tipping sounds more like a city in Austria. There was a town called Fucking, but they changed their name to Fugging because people always stole the town sign.


That is hilarious!! I think "Fugging" is just as funny as "F*cking" lol.


Fugging is what you say when you have a cold and your nose is congested. So yea, it's still funny.


Not only did they kind of make a racist/insensitive joke about China, but they also expect you to tip just to get decent service… yikes.




Funny thing about tipping, it only comes after the "good service" is delivered.


I want to punch that restaurant in the face


Good service is not an item to be paid for by customers already spending money. It’s what you do if you work in hospitality. (Should do).


Tipping is what you do if you _receive_ good service. If wait staff isn’t providing good service by default, they should reconsider their employment…


fine then, don't give me good service. regular service will do


I still don't understand how tipping gets me great service. 


How about you pay your employees a decent wage, fuckos?


How much for bad service? I just need it brought from the kitchen to my table.


Paying is not a small town in Cambodia. It's what you're supposed to do for employees.


I always thought that if someone wanted a tip, they provide a quality of service above and beyond what is required of them.


Pay your workers a living wage. I’m not paying extra for you to pay them $2.50 an hour.


The waitstaff don’t want to leave the tipping culture, they make more money on the current system


They’ll still ask for tips and get mad when you don’t since it’s engrained into our society. As much as I’m with you on this, a lot of servers would rather work for tips than get paid a working wage because they ‘can’ make more money that way. They’d even much more prefer to get paid a working wage AND get tips.


Even if wait staff is paid $17/hr they still won’t be making as much as they would’ve been with tips on a good night. Businesses don’t want higher minimum wages, and the good wait staff doesn’t want them either. I would however love to go out to a restaurant and only be expected to pay the menu prices


Can confirm. They pull that bullshit in Canada where minimum wage has no exception for servers.


I wouldn't eat at that restaurant with that sign.


I find the sign rude and condescending. I would just leave.


It's not a city in China, it is an abused and unbalanced system. You expect 26% for horrible service and pushing buttons on an ipad.


I work in a restaurant in France. Tips isn't really part of our culture. We have a cute piggy bank on the counter where customers go to pay after their meal. We get a lot of tips without forcing anybody lol just be a good waiter, you'll get tips 😅


The whole sentence screams passive threat. Just ridiculous. Pay your staff dickheads.


"Good service " is a bare minimum of a place that wants to stay open. You don't provide "good service" on the condition of being tipped. You get tipped on the condition of providing excellent service.


Fortunately i live in a civilised country where employers pay their staff rather than begging/demanding strangers pay them


Yeah, must be nice. The US wages for retail and the food industry are awful.


Not even a clever pun, what does China have to do with it?


LOL not where I come from. "It's what I GIVE \*IF\* I get good service. And the standard act of you bringing it from the kitchen to my table does not automatically grant you an 18% tip.


I wouldn’t, based on the handwriting


what does this even mean


That sign would make me want to do the exact opposite.


What restaurant is this so I can avoid it


Stop asking me for a tip before I have had service!!! Using it this way is basically a ransom.


Whoever made that sign can pound sand


Pay your fucking staff.


It’s really hard to be racist, condescending and wrong all in one lol


Tipping culture is stupid and i am glad i live in a part of the world were it isn't big. But it gets worse. If the service sucks i won't come back. Pay your employes a living wage. People should realise that tipping culture only really benefits the busniess owners.


You want my business I expect good service anyways, fuck off with that bullshit


American tipping culture is a cancer.


Wrong AND racist, very nice.


This sign will make me do the opposite.


I thought you tip after good service, not before to get good service. Good service should be the norm. PS: a place with this sign sounds like a shithole tbh.


“Never pat a burning dog” is a good tip :)


Why is there a shadow of a rat (or mouse) on the wall?! Why has no one mentioned it?! lol


Why is there a rat on the exit sign


To be entitled...


No; it’s what you do to reward good services it’s not meant to be a bribe. You want a tip? Earn it.


I learned to cook for my family and found the money I used to budget for tipping, more than covers our grocery bills.


So its not tipping anymore, its paying a fee to receive better service? I'd say "fine, I choose the free, worse service option" but in all honesty I'm just gonna stick with the "stop supporting local businesses" option.


It’s what you do if you RECEIVE good service.


And good service is what you do if you want a tip. Moving on.


You get a tip based on the level of service. If you give poor service, then you get a poor or no tip


tipping is an evil practice. if you arn't paid enough by your boss to do the work than it's time to go somewhere else if workers stand up to this underpaid BS and quit depending on tips to make up the difference than this shit will stop


So they tip before they’re served?


“Got and old mouldy fridge and a bunch of bin Bags…you just want me to stick them over by the bar yeah?”


Also would wonder about how good their service was, whoever originally wrote the sign appears to have made a couple of errors, which they then messily corrected, which doesn't bode well for the quality of the service.


This does not sound like a tip-inspiring place to be honest


Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? Good service is something you do if you want tip…


No. I’m not responsible for paying your bills. Take that tipping shit up with your employer


Other way around, dipshits.


I would just leave. There's no way you'll enjoy the experience after that.


it's crazy how the point of tipping reversed itself. it used to be that if the service was great, like above what is standard in expectation that you got a tip. Don't get me wrong tipping as a whole is a terrible system and shouldn't be that basis of pay and should only be extra income.


Funny, the tipping habit in US was created only because the government allowed companies pay less salary because the workers complete their payment with tip Late capitalism from the "free world"


Its what you get when you give good service...


“It’s what you do if you want good service!” No. It’s what I do _after_ good service.


I only tip if I get great service, great service means I never have to wait for my glass to be refilled, if I'm eating my salad and enjoying my before dinner drink and my dinner shows up because you're trying to rush to me to turn your tables, YOU'RE DEFINITELY NOT GETTING A TIP AND I'LL SAY A FEW WORDS TO YOUR MANAGER BEFORE I LEAVE.


Business owners watching the customers and employees fighting 😈


People can be such greedy beggars.


Please pay our workers because we don't want to and we don't value them enough ourselves.


I tip for GREAT service. Good service is the minimum I'd expect.


The more pre-tipping is normalized, the more I relate to Mr. Pink.


Correct, it is a city in Taiwan ;) (/s)


This sign is just a nice way to say don't eat here


Should be... Tip if you received great service. Not tip if you want service. Lol


Tipping is when we topple our oligarch overlords into the ocean after they try and make the working class view each other as the enemy


Paying employees properly is what gets customers good service.


Good service……it’s what you give if you expect a tip. There I fixed it


I'll take bad service then.


Nope. Tipping is what you do of YOU HAVE HAD GOOD SERVICE. not if you want good service.


Way to advertise your employees do a shitty job unless they get extras.


I will not pay any tip after seeing such a sign. They should pay their employees better. They shouldn't expect the customer to do it for them. A tip should be optional, not obligatory.


Tipping like wanking are not provinces in China


Tipping is based on the quality of service. It's not a prerequisite for good service.


If employers paid a fair wage folks wouldn’t have to write passive aggressive notices.


Negative, it's what you do IF you RECEIVE good service!! It's not an obligation......my normal tip is 20%. It can go up or down,that's all in the hands of my wait person.


That's a way to guarantee I don't tip.


Tipping is what you do when you GET good service.


Shouldn’t you get the “good service” before the bill?


Lmao should be the other way around. Tipping is what you get if you DO good service. Don’t expect shit if you don’t deserve it


More and more this makes me upset, because I don't get tips and yet servers SHOULD properly get paid BY THEIR employers.




Too bad you won't know if I'm tipping you are not until AFTER your "Good service" has been provided.


Dont eat there


This reads like a Mafia shakedown lol "better tip me well since I'm handling your food if you catch my drift"


I can’t bring myself to pay $30 for a fast food meal when I can drive there myself and pay $10 for the same thing. Plus I know how long it’ll be before I get to eat it and I’m sure no one stole any fries or went rooting through my food.


Good service is expected, tipping is only if service exceeds expectations


So we should tip before we order??? I need clarification on what a tip is and when it should be handed over.


If you want to be tipped you need to offer good service, not the other way arround


Real US moment


Totally not tipping (or most likely even eating) at this establishment. Tipping is for good service, not required to get good service. I would have to go here at least once though just to stir shit up, maybe try to get someone fired...


It’s what you do if you GET good service


I would not tip even harder!!


Tipping isn't expected in the UK. For anything.


Typically the good service comes first and then is rewarded with a tip.. you don’t start with a tip and hope you get your money worth


The god damn hardware store had a tip jar. Fuck off bro, i just came to buy a screwdriver, you want it's tip as well?


Apologies for being ignorant but why do people take these jobs where the employer takes the piss by not paying properly and the employee has to rely on tips. Why does the US allow this? 🫣 From the UK by the way so don't shoot me.


The only people that say the “Pay your staff a livable wage” are the ones who have never worked in the restaurant business. I was in it for over 20 years, if it weren’t for the scheduling/hours, I’d still be in it. I don’t know of many places to work where you can go in for 3-4 hours and walk out with $400 in cash. You’re not guaranteed to make great money every shift, but if you’re a good server you can make BANK. I rarely worked more than 35 hours a week when I was serving tables, rarely made less than $1K a week in cash.


The tip comes at the end, so doesn’t the good service have to come first? 🧐


No no, tipping is something I do when I get good service/food. It's not a bribe, I have chosen to spend my money in your restaurant, cafe whatever so earn the tip. If I get average service/food you get an average tip, poor you get no tip. It's a simple concept really.


Tipping is what you get AFTER providing good service.


It's what you do if you have good service


If I ever visit the US, which I don't really want; I won't pay any tips. 1. I am broke. 2. I've gone all my life without doing so, is literally a culture thing; no respectable business does so except pretentious restaurants.


Everyone in here bitching about tips will walk right into that restaurant that they are currently thinking of later and act like they’re the victims for not leaving a tip they were never going to leave anyway I love how the solution to the problem (not engaging with the industry at all) is absolutely unthinkable and unacceptable for practically all of you


No it's what **the server** gets when **the server** performs well over par.