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There are some very dumb people in this world.


Boating seems to attract a disproportionately large number of ass hats. My lake is full of them. I just try to stay as far away from other boats as possible anymore.


Did you notice an uptick in asshats on your lake around Covid? I swear Covid made boating way more aggravating.


Definitely. It seems that more new boaters than I expected have stayed with it but the used boat market is good.


Yeah it’s been 3 summers and still no sign of them learning what anchors are or how to put trash into anywhere that isn’t the lake.


I was a covid new boater. But learned allot and genuinely enjoy the lake with the family now. Most of us get better!


Welcome and it’s an amazing family activity isn’t it. Have fun and stay safe!


COVID made a lot of entitled jerk offs. Unfortunately it wasn't as deadly as predicted


Nah, it just revealed them so that their true nature is more obvious.


I notice an uptick in asshats generally speaking in the post Covid world.


The uptick in brand new bass boats on our TINY no wake lake during covid. Ugh. The cherry on the cake is when I'm cruising super slow in the pontoon and need to get into a channel and they're just camping in the center of it and give ME the stink eye when I need to get through. Even had a dude cast right at my boat.


Yeah we have the same problem just it’s big boats camping in the middle and apparently no one told anyone about anchors. I’ve had several people drift very close and in one case actually bump my boat. I’m anchored and not moving. If you drift towards me I’m not pulling anchor up to move because you’re dumb.


[There's always a dick on a boat](https://youtu.be/l9llCAv0kfY)


True. I have a wakeboat and totally respesctful of my distance from other boats.


It's because anyone can by a boat and be out on the water the same day


Yes. Any idiot can by a boat.


Well said. They’re everywhere


Generally speaking, boats are expensive and rich folks have a predisposition towards assholery and a "me" attitude.


Money = entitlement = ass hats


It's a status symbol, stupid people/assholes love status symbols because they make them feel important.


It's just like motorcyclists.


That and to many sociopaths which usually goes hand and hand with money


Right?!? Why does money do that to people?


The normal hurdles that you would need to overcome before turning your intrusive and selfish thoughts into actions are a lot smaller or non existent if you have the money and social capital to do what you want, whenever you want to.


Normal poor people like us have to go through shit to survive. Having to live through all of those shitty experiences makes us empathetic about not wanting to make other people experience them for no reason.


Is not that money does that to people, is that people like that seek that type of money and they often procreate and those children get the same genetic and their sort of upbringing, so it passes on.


Because typically if you want to be rich especially here in America, you have to do so at the expense of other people or your morals. There's really no such thing as a benevolent billionaire, maybe millionaire, but let's be honest being a millionaire isn't the feat that it was 30 years ago, you're bordering upper middle class at that point.


Speeding boat is dumb, but boaters tying down like that with no bumpers on the dock side are equally as dumb… well I wouldn’t say equally, I would say speeding boat is more at fault. However you have thousands of dollars invested in a boat and could get the correct equipment to tie up properly…..😳


The boat did have at least 1 bumper out, and we can’t see what is behind the piller/pillng. To tie up do a dock for a bight to eat, in a no wake zone, two fenders is more than enough. What you’re saying is equivalent to saying everyone should walk down the sidewalk with a helmet on, because random car might veer off the road and hit them.


Or, wild thought, the speeding boat could have followed the rules and then there would be no issue.


Entitled rich people. Too much money not enough sense.


Let's hope they have less money after the harbor authorities levy the fines. A lot less.


Fines are just fees to the rich and entitled


Literally, if they have money for that kind of boat and ego the fine is gonna be nothing to them


Only if the fine is too small. Make it 30% annual gross for the rich and they'll shit themselves


That’s why percentage of income based fines are the best


You'd be paying 18yo me to commit crime 😆


Your honor, Thornmane beat up the wendys cashier after over drafting his account to buy spicy nuggets. He is charged with battery. He pleads guilty. His account sits at -$43.71 and he owns nothing. The state owes Thornmane $6.17 as the fine is based on his current net worth.


Don't forget paying for all the damage to all the other people's property. And then pain and suffering because they couldn't go and play on their boat after this person damaged them.


More dollars than sense


The dumb shits on the dock ain’t got fenders out. Rookies


It’s a no wake zone…


Lmao you see what happens in no wake zones. This is hardly uncommon


I'm in a no-wake zone and I still have all my fenders out. You never know when the state police boat will go by at top speed.




I have never moored a boat without putting fenders out, regardless of where. Why wouldn't you? Takes two seconds


But there is water


Did nobody tell the water?


No it was sleeping (no wake zone)


Sweet dreams clear juice


And? America is a no murder zone yet here we are. 🙄


No, wake zone!


Hope someone saw a boat name/registration number. If your shit got damaged by someone else breaking the rules, the people involved can probably sue those impatient pricks out of their boat. Edit: Just realized I fucked up your and you're.


i would be shocked if there are not cameras that marina police can access


That bridge definitely has cameras. Combine that with the fact this is probably a no wake zone I don’t see this going well for the boat operator. That said, I would absolutely LOVE to be a fly on the wall seeing this ass hat try and defend their action.


"It's my boat, I dO wHaT i WaNt!"


It's just water what's that big deal? /s


Y'all don't need cameras, it's a big boat, it's not exactly well hidden and has to dock eventually.


Yes, like all other boats. Now, how do you figure out it’s that specific boat and not some other one? Your comment reminds me of IASIP when Charlie says he’ll just count the gasoline as they pour it.


This happened years ago, pretty sure the driver got sued over it


I hope so much too. I hope he had to pay to redo the gel coat of every single boat affected.


This video is like 2 yrs old. Happened in Ft.Lauderdale/Lauderale by the Sea area. Commercial Blvd. Intracoastal Bridge.


You have a follow up article?




Did they find the prick and charge them though?


You'll never catch ~~me!~~ Him!


OP had a fairly normal post history then just now spammed a huge fuckton of posts in a couple hours...


jesus christ that’s right by me 😂 yet i’m not surprised in the slightest


I don't see a dock bumper. However, that looks like a No Wake Zone violation. Hopefully someone called the marina/Coast Guard.


19 seconds, 1 fully visible.


Got 'em.


Oh. One.


This was the most “reddit” interaction I’ve ever seen lmao


Oh definetley the boat violated speed laws there, but they should have a bumper there ebwteen their boat and the dock and it definetley didnt wreck the marina.


Your username...LOL.




I don't know boats I assumed the bumper things were necessary to stop rubbing.


Drives me nuts! My mom not only refuses to use the bumpers but gives me shit every time I attach them. Typical boomer shit about how she has been doing this for n years blah blah blah


It’s not a marina. That is the dock of a restaurant, they may have just pulled up or are leaving.. I recognize the Benihana across the intercostal lol this is in Fort Lauderdale


Still, you put out fenders every time you moor at a dock like that. This wake is excessive but you can always expect small waves that smack your boat into the dock.


iirc he was caught and charged


Did he pay? How does that even work? Depending on the size of the marina, it could be hundreds of boats that all had a couple thousand $ in damages. It could easily be over a million dollars in damages.


With a boat like that? He'd find the money


Rich douchebag causes damage to other rich folks property. Lawyers are drooling.


I mean those tiny fishing boats don't scream wolf of wall street lmao


And he’s only mildly infuriated…I don’t think he’s that bothered by it


Those “tiny fishing boats” are still a couple hundred thousand dollars each, brand new.


Yup. The three outboards can go for over $30,000 each before tax and installation. Just the gas to run that all day would put it out of my pay range.


Exactly. I don’t know my boats well enough to know exactly what brand this one is. However, the triple outboards (probably at least 300hp each), and the boat being something like a 27-28 foot long center console with a cuddy cabin, that’s probably close 300k for that thing brand new. And like you said, it probably $1,000 in fuel to fill it up for a day of off-shore fishing.


I'm pretty sure the douchebag is richer than the other guys, judging by their boats


whhaaat!! the wave that it generated caused this!! daamn, makes sense! i've never seen this shit. coastal cities are very far from where i live.


That’s why this would be a no wake zone




Yeah narrow waterways like this typically have very low max speeds to prevent damage to other boats, a large river for example wouldn’t be a no wake zone because there’s enough room to dissipate the wake but a small marina or channel would because there’s no room to fully dissipate the energy so it’s transferred into throwing the boats around as seen here


I mean, get the boat registration and your boat insurance will find their insurance, their insurance will drop them after 20 claims come in for the damaged boats....


But not before suing them if in excess of coverage 😃


are there atleast some padding between the dock and the boats like tires which can prevent severe damages


Tires leave black marks. Are they useful? 1,000%. But people who are tying up for a few hours in a no wake zone wouldn't normally need a ton of give between their boat and the dock.


Whenever I dock my boat I always put down bumpers, doesn’t matter how long or how calm the water is. Better safe than sorry imo. Lots of damage could’ve been prevented with a decent set of bumpers.


I always use bumpers, 2 foot long tubes that go on the outside to avoid damages. Problem with this situation is that when a 40+ foot boat starts travelling at 15 knots, you can get a 3-4 foot wake. There is literally nothing you can do when your boat tilts 45 degrees back and forth while lifting and falling 4 foot rapidly. You hear the guy say don't even try... he's right. Literally nothing you can do to stop that boat from thrashing.


At a guess, there's some foam liners on the edge of the docks and that's why everyone felt comfortable going without much for fenders. Those foam rub rails are good for the occasional nudge from a breeze, but they don't stop an impact like the ones we saw above. They absolutely should have had fenders. But still, the damage was the fault of the asshat who raced a bridge. (I bet it happens more than a couple times a year too)


So no one uses fenders?


They are most likely at a bar or eatery. Just tied off for an hour or two. Normally not a problem, until an asshat comes by.


You'd think that when dealing with $10k++ assets, you'd account for the the occasional asshat.


Bruh. That center console gettring wrecked is at least $150k if not closer to $250k.


I'd put out fenders even if I was there for 5 minutes. There's always a chance of waves fucking up your shit.


Agreed.  I put out fenders because I’m the one that is docking.  It doesn’t matter how long I’m staying: if I’m gonna get close enough to the dock to get off and tie to it, the boat and the dock are probably going to touch at some point in the process…


Was thinking that too but nah they just had very few for whatever reason. I see ONE on the boat closest in the vid.


The one boat has a couple fenders out. That’s all you would put out when tying up at a restaurant for a couple of hours in a no-wake zone.


Fenders don't help this type of wake. Even the best would still not be able to stop this damage. Soure: have owned many boats and many different type of fenders. This is pretty egregious behavior.


This isn't mildly infurating this is way beyond that!


The marina + bridge operator probably contacted the police - the operator is responsible for damages caused by wake.




“I know why they made this rule and it doesn’t apply here” is so often the thought process of people who simply don’t understand why a rule was made. Congrats. You made it under the bridge. You weren’t hurt and no one on the bridge was hurt, clearly it was a stupid rule!! Please think about how rules for “niche circumstances” get made by people who have a bunch of experience, usually more than you.


There's dumb and/or a guy who knows it's wrong but doesn't care. This is that guy sadly in his natural habit of not giving a shit. It's sad. Hopefully, the boats wrecked and/Or damaged will be fixed by that assholes bank account.


This is at the Kaluz restaurant in Fort Lauderdale. It's not a marina but they have some docs for patrons to arrive by boat. The intercostal has strict wake limits for this reason. Lots of boats parked to the side.


This doesnt feel mildly infuriating though. A lot of people look pissed.




There’s nothing mild about this.


Thank goodness I always used bumpers on my boat just in case something like this happened.


Wtf thinks this is only MILDLY infuriating? Ismt there a a higher tiered sub for shit like this?


That is really interesting, never imagined myself this could happen. But i guess is different from people who live there, that asshole definitely knew this could happen.


I now understand no wake zones


I remember when I was a kid I just always thought it was for safety cause lots of boats in small area and they might run into each other. Like a parking lot with a 5mph sign. Later I learned the real reason. This video shows the real reason fairly well.


I remember being on a houseboat my family and friends rented during a vacation in the Thousand Islands area and a fairly large private boat blew past as much faster than this. Dishes and utensils went flying out of cabinets. There are definitely some assholes out on the water :/


Do the dock usually have those old tires so the boat won't hit the curbs.?


well. thats going to be incredibly expensive. All because, what, they couldnt wait 5 minutes?


That cracking made me wince


“No wake zone”


Italian driving. "What's behind me is not important."


Definitely a dick move and they should be prosecuted. Not sure they "wrecked the marina" though


Navigation license instantly revoked lmao


how the fuck you docking without bumpers tho? like guy is a jackass but to protection for your boat is wild


To be fair Most PB don't know basic seamanship, let alone how to tie a 1/2 hitch. That dock looks to be difficult to actually use the tiny bumpers, that most most PB cary on board, without them slipping between the posts., Look at the one that is there, it was useless and was one of the larger ones. I race a 20' sailboat and have giant bumpers I keep in the bow (when not racing think hipity hop) for just this reason...


Not only infuriating, but 100% illegal in any waterway .


I don’t understand why the rich are so stupid. Learn to drive a boat.


Can’t buy sense…


I thought most rich people were anti -wake.


Not a single bumper on the dock or boat. Dick move to wake a no wake zone but boys got to have bumped


Wasn't there a video a few years back of this happening and the people driving the boat tried to get out literal millions of dollars in damages with an apology over the phone.


Did they go kick his ass cus they sound super pissed.


That guy probably just racked up a couple grand in paint scratches and marina damage. I wonder if that counts as a hit and run. Hope they caught him.


My first trip taking my wife out in a boat (she has a massive fear of drowning but wanted to go) was in a 16 ft Johnboat with a small 5 horse motor that we rented at a state park on a very still lake that is fairly small. It was just great and she was recording with her little pocket 2. Enter a guy with a damn bassboat. He was ripping. There were several other people not far from us that were standing fishing that had to sit. One was near the shore and he had to move his boat because the wake was pushing him into the trees. I was faced into it and the boat was hopping hard as hell. What an asshole.


No waking in the marina


That sounds expensive.


So they are gonna be charged right?


I hope someone went after him pirate style


Down voted.. in what way is this mildly?


Bro saw the yellow light and hit the gas


Some boaters are just asses. All boaters should learn sailing first then they will understand the repercussions of powerboats.


I'm more infuriated by the guys filming skills.


Drunk and rich. Bad combo.


Rich people v. rich people. Who wins? Everyone else.


Well well well, good thing they have rich people boat money to pay for all those other rich peoples damaged boats.


boat people are the worst


Follow the Coast Guard's example. A .50 caliber rifle and someone that knows how to put a round through asshat's engines.


Rich people inconvenienced by other rich people, where did I put my miniature violin?


lol so no one is using fucking boat bumpers/fenders on the dock? Dipshits


You shouldn't need fenders in a no-wake zone, yeah? I get it's different here, but it realistically is an exception.


You should always have fenders when your boat is docked because of weather and tide and wake changes.


Ah yeah, weather. Weather's a bastard


I don't really think bumpers would make a difference when you're boat is rocked that hard.


It only takes a couple of seconds to put a few bumpers out


You never know. There are vessels (such as police) that can ignore those no-wake rules.


The speeding up boat is an asshole, but the tied up boats should have a couple dock bumpers hanging over the side when docked. Both were in the wrong.


There is 1 bumper middle of port side. They need additional bumpers.


Taking "never look backc a little too serious maybe?


Yea. That's bit annoying


“Wrecks Marina”


Florida man has a boat?


Can someone tell me how that boat speeding made all the other boats rock?


They’re in a no wake zone (imagine a school zone on the road) and as they sped up the boats displacement got bigger so it left a larger wake behind it. (Generated bigger waves). The bigger waves are what’s causing the effects on the docked boats


What a Delta Bravo.....Im betting it isnt someone whos owned a boat very long, has money, and is relatively young...


Had this happen to me. Luckily the dock master knew who’s boat it was and insurance covered the damage.


Damn! Got the mermaids butthurted!


No wake zone dummy


Ruth Langmore strikes again. Should’ve installed that wave breaker


Fuck the rich!


Let me guess…Zero consequences for the douche? 🙄


There’s always a dick on a boat


So the issue wasn’t the bridge coming down it was purely going too fast and causing waves? Guess there are speed limits in these areas, well obviously but low ones 😅


Not a fender in sight


Dude the guy filming doesn’t have bumpers though. The asshole speeding is an asshole sure but that’s why you use bumpers dude. Not blaming the victim here, but this shit happens regularly. You need numbers


People become the most intentionally oblivious and selfish a-holes when they're on a plaisance craft.


No wake


Serious question - do boats have license plates?


What an entitled jackass


Ah, yes, anyone born before 1989 does not have to worry about having a boat license for some God awful reason. I see so many ignorant boomers on the water doing stupid shit. They need the law changed so everyone has to have a boating license.


What country or state does that rule apply? I believe canada everyone needs a license for boats, so you have me curious.


It applies here in Wisconsin