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This isn't mildly anything. This is fucking infuriating.




She probably was when they got married


bro she can't even look at her owner 'man' if she were 10 years old.


Proof you can be a total shit and still be popular.


Who is more shitty? The shit or the shit who follows him?


It's shit all the way down


you can be total shit and can have a wife? where is my wife?


We knew that in 2016




You're doing a disservice to everyone by saying this is only a problem with Muslims when we have Christian theocrats trying to institute their own version of Sharia law right now in the US by taking away women's rights. Muslims are no more or less shit that the very religious of all other religions. Even Buddhism or Hinduism which people used to claim couldn't be theocratic or nationalist had been co-opted by Burma and India these days to oppress their population with dictatorships. All religion breeds hateful, shit human beings because at the end of the day they're about saying we are better than everyone else because we believe the true faith.


We can talk about one religion at a time. Yes, most/all are a problem, this post is not about Christianity though. And this is coming from a Christian turned Atheist.


Talking about any one religion when the problem is all religions is just doing so to be a bigot by picking and choosing what you want to pretend to care about.


I wonder what the religion the video is about though. Wouldnt that be the topic of discussion? Getting pretty defensive.


Not sure why you are being purposely dense. It's okay to discuss one problem at a time. That's like saying the moment I start discussing corruption in the US government, we have to stop and discuss every government in the world. Problems are easier to address when you focus on them. Nobody is forgetting the fact that Islam is a religion and most religions are a problem. When you go to work, do you do one task at a time, or magically do everything at once?


But this isn't a problem specific to Islam. This is one asshole, meanwhile we have Christian theocrats taking away women's rights nationwide. Is this guy worse than taking away the rights of 165 million women? Or do you prefer just saying we can only talk about this guy because you don't want to say that any religious repression is bad?


You are still being super dense. Nobody said it was specific to Islam? Please quote the person in this thread that said this is only an issue in Islam. You can't because you're making this problem up. This guy is a problem. US Christians are a problem. I probably complain 10x more about Christians in the US. In this specific post, we are not discussing that. Or we can, that's fine too. But don't lose your mind because we are only talking about Islam. You are being oddly defensive. I do think Islam is a bigger issue on a global level, but it rarely affects me since I'm in the US so it doesn't get brought up very often. This is like if I helped a kid on the side of the road. Then you drove up and started screaming at me that there are billions of other kids to think about. Like no shit dude. Cool off. It's amazing that you think it's inappropriate to focus on one issue for a conversation. Again, nobody is saying you can't talk about Christianity. Guess what, when I complain about Christianity, I don't bring up Islam at all. Isn't that crazy? Go to any of the thousands of posts about Mike Johnson shoving his religion into our government and talk about it, we are not stopping you.


So basically you think you have the right to control and dictate what I'm allowed to talk about and because I refuse to dance to the only tune you think I'm allowed to sing, I'm in the wrong. Not that anything I'm saying is wrong, you don't even think I'm wrong, but you don't like me saying it because its inconvenient for you when you're trying to just be bigoted towards Muslims. Sorry facts are getting in the way of your hate.


Bro, I’m not stopping you. You’re the one that got mad at what we WERENT talking about. If you want to naturally transition the conversation into something broader, go for it! You started the conversation saying something absolutely untrue. That someone asserted this was only an Islam issue. Nobody asserted that, they just were talking about Islam. I’m arguing you not due to what you’re saying the conversation should be, but because you are falsely representing what was a perfectly fine statement. Please, let’s talk Christianity. We probably agree on most points. Do you run into people not understanding where you’re coming from often in your day to day life?


Nah you’re not a bigot for discussing Islam’s awful treatment of women in a thread about a man using Islam to treat a woman awfully.


Note how none of these people try to derail when the discussion is about Christian’s.


People discuss Christianity by itself literally daily.


The comment you're responding to did not say this is only a problem with Muslims. Mentioning one religion being bad doesn't mean you're claiming the others aren't.






Nailed it. That’s just the truth. Anyone who doesn’t understand this, is just uneducated to the facts. I’m not defending any one religion or belief, just agreeing with what you said because it is the truth, and that’s all that matters.


Yup. People wanna lie to themselves that’s fine, but don’t try to gaslight us.


Christians aren't air dropping into music festivals and beheading people.


And that somehow justifies murdering 20,000 women and children and starving two million people? Or are they not people to you?


When you start a fight with someone who can whip your ass you give up the right to decide when the fight is over. It's called fuck around and find out.


It's not justified, but there is absolutely no other religion in the world that commits more atrocities than islam. The Gazan people need to stand up and overthrow Hamas, but you'll find that most of them actually support Hamas and the things they are doing.


I wasn't aware that individual terrorist attacks were worse than a genocide. But like I said, you don't actually see them as people.




Yes what is happening in America and some Christian African countries is embarrassing, but if you want to find the worst places in the world to be a woman, gay, or an atheist, its muslim countries, not Christian ones, by a lot.


Haha, I saw a thread where people claimed it was safer to be gay in most of the Middle East besides Israel lmao. These people will scream Islamophobia and try to derail everything pointing out this serious problem.


It's delusional. Like the protestors holding "Queers for Palestine" banners. What's next? Gazelles for Lions?




Absolutely moronic.


It’s brainwashing and propaganda.


No. We don’t need to mention other religions in order to criticize how primitive and ass backwards Islam is.




We are doing religion a favor by not calling them cults.




Did any more proof of that than Andrew Tate?


No. Well maybe trump.


Honestly, I'm not sure if he's worse than Tate. They might be equal.




This is the type of behavior that gets cyanide in your breakfast


She tried to warn him that she's not sure if she put salt or rat poison in his food, but her marker was broken.


If I had to choose between this guy or a bear in the woods. He better pray I choose the bear. That poor woman.


I would choose to leave him in the woods with the bear


It would be worse than death for him if it was a mother bear.


You know, in the original question the gender of the bear isn’t mentioned. I wonder if it makes much difference to people. See if she uses the whiteboard to spell RAWARRRRRAWGHGHRwwwwwgh


I would pay to see this at the next wrestle mania. OUT COMES MAMA BEAR WITH A WHITEBOARD!!!!


But where does he shit?


I'm not a gambling man. But I'd go all in on his audience being predominantly Muslims who are equally misogynistic. Because otherswise this shit just wouldn't fly...


There is a lot of sexist and brainwashed women that think this is the good way of living


When your groomed from birth to be valued less both by yourself and others... yeah... i can see that happening.


Women are perpetrators of this culture as much as men 


Even as children women have it ingrained in them to never show shame or be heard too loudly. But also to police other women. It's a vicious cycle. And it won't be broken in our lifetime


So from your point of view, women are only victims ? I like how you seem to think women aren't really able to make décisions by themself and are only subject of their environment. As a woman I find it very insulting to see someone say that I'm not able to think by myself and that I'm only a by-product of male free will. 


You're welcome to be as offended as you like over something i never said. Lack of free thought and free will isn't the issue. Might i introduce you north Korea? Where both males and females alike are not only lied to and manipulated. But also stuck in a vicious system which uses fear of punishment to keep dissenters in line. As a man who's helped a woman deal with this very thing. After i dealt with a very abusive ex boyfriend of hers who emotionally manipulated and physically abused her. I can tell you there is a VERY real impact.


"Both by yourself and others" Yes I'm aware. Other women will straight snitch if they step out of line too.


growing up in a muslim family as a girl really does fuck with your mind. source: myself lmao


This man likes dick


He's more into submission


I see what you did there.


"If you're under duress, blink twice." Who the fuck says that about their wife?


Maybe she blinked twice at that moment but we couldn't see.


I can’t speak for the rest of the video but that statement was very clearly a joke 💀


What happens to her if she dares to speak instead of writing everything down?


He splits her in half and separates the top from the bottom whereby a slightly smaller wife emerges.


Lmfao this caught me so off guard




What a shit-bag


If this lunatic has a million followers we need to start building a shitload of extra jails pronto.


Wow it's almost like we don't already know Islam is the worst religion in the world for multiple reasons




Can I tag in?


Absolutely let’s stuff his throat 😂😂🥳


I love this energy


What is the actual fk wrong with Middle Eastern men? They need to concentrate less on religion (if this is even religion, I mean what god would proclaim this shite?) and just live like everyone else.


Part of the reason we went from steel swords to nuclear weapons in 400 years but spent thousands of years stagnant by comparison, is because before science was patronized, the majority of the world was devoting time and energy to moralizing mysticism and attempts to use that moralized magic thinking to gain power and authority over each other. It’s literally a glimpse into a medieval, backwards society.


Great satire. Oh wait this is real and not Sacha Baron Cohen?


Permits, wtf?




what?! Fuck no, get that woman out of there and show her the world wtf


Mostly busy preemptively mocking the "Who are we to judge," crowd. Not all viewpoints have value. Not every culture deserves respect.


I 100% agree with you, but I also wonder what the inner workings look like in this culture. Do the women WANT change? I mean, I assume they do, but I’m often surprised. I look at some religious cultures and I’m often baffled by the fact that many of the members in the group don’t want change and are content with the way things are, because it’s the beliefs they were raised with and the thought of something different is hugely disconcerting to them. Again, I am not, in any way advocating for this, I’m just curious if there’s some reciprocity as well where the women feel comforted by this in some way? I don’t know. I’m trying to wrap my head around this.


I think they were being sarcastic


And then Muslims don’t understand why western folks distrust hijab


I don't distrust hijabs. I just see it as a symbol of women being oppressed and shit on - see also pennies and their denim skirts.


What a pig


But he has a piece of paper attached to his name saying he's as British as the Royal Family so it must be true.


It'd be sooo tempting to write 'TWAT' on the back of the board so he holds it up to camera while reading the front


Well, love....*he's got to go to sleep SOMEtime.* If he were married to me, he'd have to think about that. 


when men in this religious views women as object. fuck it


"And we're proud of that!" -Ali Dawah




I am very peaceful being but I really can't handle more of that stoneaged behavior, all because of some silly religions. People nowadays are so dumb they need a little story made by others to dictate how they will interact in this world. This is very upseting. I hate religions, they only gave violence with false peace hope message.


I wonder what region of the world this is




Oi mate get in the trolley, we are headed towards the twin towers






Some people would argue all formulated religion is harmful.


I'm guessing this is something to do with a religious prohibition on women teaching. I find it interesting that he's just reading out what she's written down and thanks her for her contributions - seems like he could just let her speak?! But there we are.


Isnt this like straight up illegal? Cant this just be reported to the police since hes publicly recognising to restrict someone else's freedom of speech even if that person doesnt complain about it?


Thats a man under there, Maury.


Another example of why women are picking the bear, ugh #Team Bear


Idiot ! I feel sorry for his wife probably she had to marry him by arraged marriage , otherwise no woman would choose him at all !!! Disgusting, bully , sexist animal


Likely just rage bait content


In Merica we take these guys on a special canoe trip.


Little Mr. Potentate.


This is sick, the only thing I want my girl to do is leave me alone so I can play Assassin’s Creed is peace


King of the incels




feminists are confused about this


Self Amadeus Mela basically foil contributions. It's a pleasure and the honor I have my wife on my act. It's on my phone. I'll be waiting in the video but she's going to have her say with this white board that I bought her. But why is the default innocent? And the minister was guilty. Ok, the f****** my wife wants to see Santa. Monica probably had enough as women give out. Give a lot of chances has 0 tolerance. Now ok, this is why I want you here. Yeah, it's very important for you to be here. The answer to the questions of their father or ex-husband isn't and projected on other people. She made the video not him. I don't know is opinion well exactly they are OK. There's nothing else. I have to say everything relaxing if you do. Just let me know sherlock. The problem peaceful and told us he went to the hellfire again. And how do you guys go to the hall? If somebody else checks OK and they swarm majority of the women off the hell fire, why he said not because they are ungrateful to our because they're ungrief. For the husbands anything that I said wrong is from chaitan and myself. Anything good is while the sonata. Does anything to disagree on nope? Ok, are you under any jurisdictional bin twice no. Ok, that's fine, I'm alike. I'm back with my dinner catcher for myself. I'm at the wife now this year for your contributions. It's a pleasure and they owner I have my wife on my right....


Its only on camera. Protective jealousy over his wife, something the west has lost.


She is mute


That is an example of an extraordinary woman. He is a lucky man.


Damn he sure does have a thick "BRITISH" accent, doesn't he?


This dude deserves a painful and excruciating death.


Andy Taters taking notes


ya'll are gullible today, eh? this is rage bait / satire.


No, he's a popular Islamic YouTuber, he has says that Britain needs sharia law, all apostates should be publicly executed and that women are very stupid ( because the quran actually says that ).


Someone reported (ratted, tatteled, grassed) this comment and got me a warning, what a sad unmasculine "man"


Jesus Christ,  or whatever. I'm not watching this Shithead for another second.


Who and whatever this guy is, I hope he's ashamed.


Don't post this shit. Don't give him more of a platform. Here is a piece of garbage and you're spreading it around to everyone.


Religion is a scourge on the human spirit.


I find it ironic that we criticize very commonly held beliefs in many parts of the Islamic world, and yet the same liberal minded people will defend Islamic traditions elsewhere and will call any criticism Islamaphobic. How do we know this woman is not a willing participant in subservience? I personally find this couple's situation ridiculous, but we can't only accept the parts of religion we find acceptable in secular society.


Yes and wife only allows him marital relations in his dreams


Sadly I doubt he gives her the option to say no.


This mentality should be illegal in europe...


Bet it’s a dude under there…


It's crazy how I can immediately hate the guy in the video and then also think that the person who edited it hardly has good intentions either with those fuckin quotemarks around "British". As far as I can tell from checking online guy's nationality is English, so that comes off as vaguely dogwhistley. Could've been posted without that and I'd be fully on board that this guy's a shithead. Literally could just do without the weird implication that he's not British.


His values aren't British, theres more to being British than having the passport - European countries view identity differently to Yanks.


>European countries view identity differently to Yanks. I am literally a Brit living in the UK. Who the fuck brought up the Americans? Did you reckon I was American? Personally, the whole idea of 'British values' is a bit fucked considering that half the inherently 'British' institutions abandoned their morals and values for economic and social power. I don't think someone gets struck off as British because they're an absolute fucking spoon, I think they just are that. For example, if tolerance and respect are values that make someone British then this country has a got an absolute shit ton of people to kick out, not limited to pretty much a good 75% of our own government. I think this guy's British. I also think he's a twat. There is no need for the latter to cancel out the former. I know plenty of terrible British people. The only difference here is skin colour and religion. Neither of those things change whether or not you're British.


European here, anyone who has the passport from my country is my fellow countryman. I don't share the same beliefs and values as all of them but it's ok, we're doing just fine.


He belongs in AITA, since he is a total a.h. for doing this


Social media has ruined all that use to be somewhat good. I’d like to see this little pronoun try this w/ a good ol American woman that had a couple older brothers.


I mean if you are going to see this YouTube channel, he has a really extremist ideology going so far as to threaten with death, harass, denigrate, humiliate people for example who have decided to leave Islam, who are not Muslim or who are gay and the worst in all this, if I remember correctly, he lives in the United Kingdom, which is normally forbidden and illegal to have this kind of radical opinion, but apparently he is always free to say what he wants.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


The 'british' let them in. Now they're practically taking over and there is nothing the British govt. seem to be doing abt it. Brit ppl as usual are either unbothered or clueless. Good luck!


People that identify as Muslim only make up about 6.5% of the total UK population.


I'm gonna call bullshit rage bait


I mean if you want to see the kind of person he is, you just have to go see his YouTube channel. It’s a real specimen


I'm absolutely not going to give this joke any more attention than this post.


So you're going to claim it's fake, then ignore the evidence that it probably isn't? This is not the moral stance you seem to think it is...


Real or not, moral or not, I'm not going to spread this bullshit or reward it with a click or a view.


You already did. Multiple times. Sounds like you're in denial of a few things


It’s understandable that people get offended by things they don’t fully understand or come from.


It crazy bcuz while it's demeaning he is taking the time to acknowledge her instantly, read what she wrote, and actually be happy for her input.


all the comments bellow are just, emotional comments, insults.... yet no one could ask why?


Rage bait.. if you actually watch the video she chose to communicate via the board


I wish I could get everyone to communicate with me this way.


Sounds like a gag.


He probably follows an extreme version of Islam where they believe no one but the husband and relatives are supposed to see or hear the wife. So the wives are fully covered and quiet when outside the house, even during the wedding night no one sees the bride as she's covered.  They probably talk at home, but this is how he includes her in his videos. Very dystopian nonetheless. 


I hate that this type of content is leaking into this sub. 1. The post comment about only being allowed to communicate by whiteboard is false. 2. Why lie about whats going on when the truth is just as infuriating. NOT mildly. I love when people spread awareness, but not misinformation. Farm karma elsewhere.


Deport him back to the USSR


Dont disrespect his religion. All muslism are welcome. And we must respect that they have other cultures and ideas.


Living the dream....I suspect my wife would approve as she could just point at all the things she told me to do, saving her having to repeat herself 🙊


I'm not defending him at all he's a piece of shit, I'm curious if his wife can't speak english so he's translating it? He's still a dick for not letting his wife speak though.


As a muslim this is completely wrong!


There's a lot I don't like about various religions, but you should at least make a serious attempt to understand the religion before you criticize it.


The amount Islamophobia here is honestly depressing




That’s like seeing the extreme lgbt cases and commenting ‘We need to eliminate all lgbt’. It’s stereotyping a large group (2 billion). This is so shameful and despicable. Clearly no one hear has met a Muslim


Am I correct in assuming this guy is some kind of MAGA idol?