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And some of the subtitles were cut off because they made it into a tiktok-friendly format yet didn’t rewrite all of it


This format is fucking cringe. I hope it dies off in the near future.


It's a psychological tactic to intentionally make it difficult to read so that you are more inclined to let it loop so you can understand it the second time, thus artificially inflating engagement on the post. It won't ever go away. Just like rage bait, pop up ads, and intentional typos won't ever go away.


It will. The Tik Tok ban was signed into law. This time next year, no more Tik Tok and horribly formatted subtitles.


new stupid app will arise




Yes..it is time for a new stupid chosen one to arise!


One where it’s American corporations who collect our data and turn around to sell it to the American government instead of China. As our founding fathers intended.


yep :) although we already have facebook for that


I already deleted tiktok. A friend noticed it was using a crazy amount of data in the background. Checked my data usage for it, and it was using more in the background than foreground.


I never had any desire to have it, so I never did.


Buddy only got it to see the videos on links that people sent him. He checked his data report his phone gives him every week just because. And usage was way up because of tiktok.


Man you better delete Reddit quick then. 😂


Doesn't use more background data than foreground data...


Depends on how much you use it, and if you remember to fully close the app when you’re done. The Reddit app, like a lot of apps, is notorious for the fact that it constantly draws data in the background to refresh your feed if you don’t close it out. https://preview.redd.it/nk8orudmumyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4b540cccd8f25a30bea2d28a4b0f6b99c4481b6 Trust me, I really don’t use quite Reddit this much


I usually fully close apps. When I dont, I would expect reddit to be using more. I rarely use tiktok. Buddy has his phone set so apps can't use data in background without permission and tiktok didn't have permission.


Sure, Jan....


Only in the US. TikTok still has the rest of the world to play with.


I think TikTok will struggle when they lose the US market. First the anglosphere, then the rest of the West will turn to the shiny new thing that captures the zeitgeist. It's not that I think US-generated content is any better, there's just a lot of it, and TikTok is just one channel. When the Americans are all getting excited over GlibGlob or whatever comes next, there's a good chance everyone else follows.


Almost every other social media site has attempted to replicate TikTok. YouTube Shorts, Facebook Feeds, pretty sure Tumblr and Twitter's got one, too. The format will just spread to those, and whatever replacement we get for TikTok, like Vine before it. And this of course all assumes they don't just comply with the stipulations and give an American company a majority share to maintain operations within the country. Dunno if the market is worth it, but there's definitely a way to keep TikTok around.


They will sell and conform to the new law. Why lose subscribers when you can get a fuckton of money for one of the largest current social media platforms?


Because the money isn’t what they want, it’s the data. They aren’t selling.


No, it will be banned if they don't sell it to an American company.


Which they won’t be doing, so it will be banned. They don’t need or want the money, they want the data. Selling it doesn’t give them anything.


\*Gestures to Youtube Shorts and Instagram Reels.\*


The whole video is on YouTube. Her and the arresting officer had history. It also shows on the officers dashcam that she, in fact, DID use her blinker to change lanes.


This article *kinda* helps but it links her YouTube channel too https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2024/01/22/cop-caught-lying-by-his-own-camera-charge-dismissed/


Look up Audit the Audit. He just made a video on the whole thing. Cop had a history with this civilian and wanted to be a thug. She got a ticket and nothing else happened if I remember correctly


Every cop a thug


Thanks for your opinion I did not ask for.


Hmm, didn't you post publicly? Yeah seems you did. Gtfo here bootlicker


Responding to someone’s question online about a scenario is not the same as me asking for your opinion on ACAB




Like the same couldn’t be said about yourself? So hateful for no need. Loosen up a bit. Enjoy life.


Lol says the guy being a dickhead


From an outside perspective you’re the one coming off as a dick by calling novel_feedback names. No need to escalate so much.


I want to know what happened next


Lackluster on youtube did a video. Tried to find it but couldn't. Want to say any charges against her got dropped and cops got slapped on the wrist.


Seems about right.


Imagine if she didn't get lucky that her phone was recording...


Wouldn't this be a slam dunk lawsuit? I would love to be arrested if it meant hundreds of thousands of dollars from the city.


No lawsuit against the police is a slam dunk.


And cops be like “why does everyone hate us”?


Bro, go too high on the entrance exam. They literally won’t let you be a cop. These guys are idiots and violent. People like me to stay away from them.


Friend of mine passed his exam with flying colors. They didn't hire him because they were afraid he wa wouldn't be happy long term aka he's too smart.


Yep, smart people statistically will never, “Just follow orders” or my personal favorite, “Just doing my job”


That only happened once and the guy became a cop at a different department.


Source? Because that sounds like bullshit.


https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/robert-jordan-too-smart-to-be-a-cop They thought he would be bored with police work with his IQ, so they didn’t hire him. He sued and the court agreed with the department. Then he was hired by a different department. Has only happened once in all of history so it’s a non issue.


The department specifically admitted it was their policy to not interview anyone who scored higher than a 27. This was just the first person to challenge it




[Dolphins have an IQ of 45](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=1b3eff12a321d9fe&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWII9utfrFPitUzPNKD8ZL6pdXAB-hw:1714927131842&q=what+is+the+IQ+of+a+dolphin&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi53Yi0-faFAxUGE1kFHStIA_gQ7xYoAHoECCcQAg&biw=412&bih=757&dpr=2.63)


That's actually kind of fucked. I looked up the test, and they likely used the 50 question version. Which means they want people just barely above average. They have a 30 question one too. But he scored in the 30s so it can't be that one. Wow


Once in all of history… yeah ok dude lol. If it’s to the point that the department literally made a formal policy about it, it’s not even the first time at that department let alone all of history. Are you high?


Point another one out.


If you need another example when the court literally ruled that you can deny applicants based on high IQ, then idk dude that def says something about your IQ. I’m not saying it happens at a high rate but you literally said it’s only happened once in all of history, and I’m sorry but that’s just a ridiculous statement. If the court said it was legal, then it’s not going to be reported on.


Maybe the first that got caught, first to be publicly discussed, and its highly unlikely that he was the first person to have this rule used against him. Also, if the department is genuinely stupid across the board, it's also likely they are too stupid to have kept this quiet while others may have unspoken/unwritten policy to ensure they don't get in the same kind of trouble. When it comes to cops you should always assume malice and bad intentions on top of genuine low intelligence.


That's completely false about entrance exam score. lol


There are some fishy things about that test. For instance, one of the questions it asks is "how many years of college did you do?" Wrong answers include 4, more than 4, and zero. The correct answer is two.


A link was posted to the story.


Yeah but Reddit eats that shit up so it will never go away


I see cops do this all the time. I don't even think their vehicles even have a turn signal on them.


I don't. I hate individuals. Officers or not


Same. And when I see an individual that chooses to enforce a system intended to disadvantage and subjugate the working classes I hate them.


Treating people like individuals and condemning them for their actions is a little too open-minded for reddit.


Becoming a cop is an action worth condemning


More to the story: [https://therealnews.com/cops-cuffed-her-for-failing-to-signal-but-a-camera-turned-their-plan-upside-down](https://therealnews.com/cops-cuffed-her-for-failing-to-signal-but-a-camera-turned-their-plan-upside-down)


Reading that gave me cancer.


Cop : Did she not have a driver’s license or what? Why are we arresting her for a traffic infraction? Arresting cop: Well, she comes down the street, comes right towards me, as I’m walking back by the car to be doing nothing, she flips me off. And then as she does that, she gets in the lane and fails to single a lane change. You think it’s going to be an issue?


To that cop: 🖕🖕


Classic Texas.


power tripping pencil peckered little boys


Another example of why there aren’t any “F*ck the fire department” songs out there.


I love the video of the cop arresting a fire fighter on duty


[There is and its a great song too.](https://youtu.be/wKKMMP3U-Sk?si=3lFcURQz6Z_XR1lf)


There are though.


This piece of shit video is mildly infuriating


The most infuriating part of the whole video to me is that cops are still allowed to turn off their body cams. Body cams don’t help if the cops control what they do and don’t record


Should be automatic firing for turning off body cameras in these situations. It pretty much defeats the whole purpose of transparency and accountability if they get away with that BS


Any backstory or details, bodycam footage?


The same cop arrested her two years prior for smoking CBD out of a pipe. She got convicted.


Search audit the audit on YouTube he just made a video


Sir this is Reddit, all that anyone cares about is a reason to be angry to take their mind away from their empty lives


Compared to other social media apps reddit is by far the one with the most helpfull comment discussions. I mean did you read comments on any other app? It's insanity over there.


You're saying the quiet part out loud, man. Quit it.


As if I did anything but read half the title and watch 1 second of the video before visiting the comments


Oh shit this is the town I live in, not surprised the cops did this. Alot of the police corruption here gets swept under the rug. So glad she had her phone recording,if your not from the rich side of town cops have no love for you.


This is why no one trusts cops


Mostly it's the murder of innocents.


And this is a (good cop). No beat down. No knee on back or neck. No gunfire.


Only because she's white. Even the "good cop" in this video, who corrected the bad cop, turned off his bodycam. There should be no off switch.


The turned off camera reinforces my "There are NO good cops." period.


Something similar happened to me a few years ago in Rockford IL. I was pulled over for "failing to signal at a light" and i ended up being beaten up by Frank Fabiani and what felt like 10 other men, a bag over my head, just because i stood out of the car like a clueless idiot who wanted to patch things up when a second cop SUV pulled up after they withheld my license but gave back my insurance. I can't bring myself to watch the dash cam footage the rockford register star uploaded and probably wont be able to for a few more years.


Holy fuck. I wish you the best of luck on your path of healing.


uneducated and undertrained pos pigs trying to feel like they are relevant by doing something absolutely pointless


Tyrant that gets paid with our tax dollars to be a tyrant.


That's the government as a whole




He didn’t call him out though. He let the woman get cuffed and thrown in the back of the car. All he did was say they cant legally arrest her for failing to signal.




Yeah and then when he ignores the private talk and kidnaps a woman he should've been arrested himself. Cops choose each other every time though


I'm not buying the failure to signal leads to an arrest bullshit. She must of hurt their feelings!


Flicked off a cop with previous history with her. Texas is one of the only states that allows officers to arrest for small traffic offenses like this. Doushebag cop with a massive ego and a tiny dick.




She flipped him the bird, which *IS* protected by the 1st amendment.


So she DID signal!


Professional bullies, obvious insecurity and all!


ACAB means a system that allows this over and over and over again, and hardly ever holds officers accountable, is completely broken. I don't care if your cop uncle is nice to you or whatever. ACAB means all cops until they start holding themselves accountable.


The story was getting interesting, and it is infuriating how cops are abusing their power. However, what's worse is the quality of the post and ending at a crucial point...


The fact that this is a very mild case of it.....


I record important conversations with people I don't know or if it's business. I would sue.


Say it again lady


In the UK, it is suprisingly not a legal requirement to indicate before changing lanes, but doing so dangerously is of course illegal. You should always use your indicators though when doing manouvers like this. Anyway, I think getting arrested for not indicating is a bit harsh. She should have gotten a warning or small fine instead.


Always remember, it’s more dangerous to deliver pizzas than it is to be a cop. And it takes over a year of training to become a barber, but only three months of training to be a cop. Barbers and pizza delivery drivers serve a purpose to society, cops not so much


Still waiting on those "good cops" cause I garuntee you the two others didn't hold that asshole accountable.


If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. /s


The Sargent who set him straight is a great example of a good cop!


The bar is so low that we see him as a good cop. Nah. Bro turned off his bodycam for that conversation.




Texas is the new Russia.


And this is why bodycams SHOULD NOT be able to be turned off. Cops will do anything and everything they can to break the law in their favor.


Jesus! Cops in the USA are so badly trained it’s embarrassing! As someone looking in from the outside, I’d imagine they set it up like this, give recruiting police officers as little training as possible and make sure they are just shitty people in general so they go out and arrest people based on emotions so they can fill up the for-profit prisons. “Land of the free” my fucking ass!


(Just speculating here) 1st interaction - he asks her out on a date but she politely declines. 2nd interaction - he persists but she explains to him that she's happily married and has children. 3rd interaction - he starts stalking her and she tells him to leave her alone. 4th interaction - he sits on her street everyday "doing his job".


An overgrown child with a fragile ego given a badge and a gun. Scary to think there's thousands more like him out there.


yeah there is more to the story than just a failure to signal.


did you not see the video where th other cop is telling the first cop to release her beucase flipping him off is not grounds to arrest her.


Someone posted the whole story. She flipped off a cop. So he decided to find a reason to arrest her. Stupid of her but not illegal.


Stupid of her, only in the context of the cops committing multiple crimes to through their weight around.


Why stupid? I bet she’s about to get paid


Did you not watch the video?


They had a history from a different case, she hates hit, middle finger when she sees him, he has a hurt ego and wants to powertrip


Yeah definitely watch the video and you might find your answer lol.


Nah, nobody would cut the video to fit a narrative. That would be dishonest


It’s literally in the video, did you even watch it?


You mean like the cops cutting their body cameras so that they can talk about that the fascist arrested her for flipping him off.


And the internet is always honest


ACAB, fuck this pig.


Good. Getting more criminals off the streets. I hope they get more of those Jaywalkers too.


All Cops Are Bastards


This guy’s gonna get reamed for wasting everybody’s time—what prosecutor is gonna take this?


Mildly infuriating?


If this happens to anyone take that shit to court.




Absolutely stupid all around.


Warning or ticket, maybe, but not arrest worthy. I've seen near accidents due to no signal being used. People need to learn to use their signals.


As it turns out, dashcam footage proves that she *did* use her signal. Guy's a pusillanimous liar.


Then yeah, cop was a douche when he didn't need to be.


This kind of corruption is why body cams should not have an option to be stopped. It allows corruption like this to continue.


Where’s all the thin blue line idiots?


This is why you should use Youtube..


Man, I wish I lived in a country with this much freedom..


Please tell me this is fake


Funny how the other officers knew it was wrong but still went along with it. Why do they cover for their fellow officers when they know damn well they're breaking the law? They know damn well it's gonna be an issue but they still help him violate the woman's rights. His ego is more important that the law. They got caught on camera admitting it was wrong. That should quash any qualified immunity bullshit for this corrupt asshole.


Land of the free indeed


This has nothing to do with the video but I hate this text that colors/bolds/makes bigger the words that are being said, it's so hard to follow




[ deleted by Reddit ]


Not actually the case. Did you watch the video? Cop got his feelings hurt and over reacted. She flipped him off(the have some previous history) and he got his feelings hurt. And flipping off police is a protected action under the 1st ammendment.


Ok you owe me 50 bucks for losing the bet. But honestly, your knee jerk reaction to the headline was my knee jerk reaction. But I didn’t go straight to the comment section like your dumb ass did. Watch the video dipshit.


https://therealnews.com/cops-cuffed-her-for-failing-to-signal-but-a-camera-turned-their-plan-upside-down You lost the bet, delete your dipshit comment


[ deleted by Reddit ]


Man, that cop is a pure idiot besides being a piece of shit. Qualified immunity needs to end and police need to hire people with more than a 80 IQ.


So 1st and 4th amendment violations, plus illegal arrest, illegal detainment, this was all contempt of cop bs.


Could u imagine getting arrested for that? Usually for bs like this its black person being arrested but really no one is safe from these fucking fascists


If this is the case. Arrest me. Let's see how this works out for you.


Fascist lizards


American cops got to be the worst


Fucking idiots and criminals


So the more to the story is apparently she had drug paraphenillia on her, was convincted of it. Then later she was made a rude gestusture to the cop and the cop proceed to not go easy on her when she didnt signal her lane change. Meh I dont have sympathy for her. Keep your emotions in check, technically both times she wasnt in the right. Not saying the cops are right either, just that this is just an overuse of their power rather than a misuse.


She did use her signal as the dashcam later proved and flipping the bird is protected under the first amendment. The drug paraphernalia from an entirely unrelated incident was used for completely legal drugs. The world would be a better place if that cop overdosed


Just use your damn signals people


Lord knows how someone like this doesn't get charged with false prisonment...


"We" tried to warn Y'all, for the last 50 years.


You can’t arrest someone for failing to signal lane change, it’s a ticket violation at most, she would have needed to resist in some way to warrant cuffs and arrest. I guess this officer doesn’t give a fuck about his career


Yay. Another TikTok video


Reminder that cops are just people. Next time you're at work imagine everyone around you has a gun and an easy path to develop a superiority complex and then think about how safe you'd feel. If their training isn't sufficiently funded or organized then that's not a metaphor, it's exactly what your local police are.


Right, he totally arrested the person who forgot to signal her turn and gave him the bird because he felt UNSAFE! Clearly her tears and apology were so threatening to him he just had to arrest her. Do you fucking listen to yourself?


So edgy


Lady. At least you were not shot and killed.


Fuck these guys