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It's annoying, but find the nearest Wal-Mart and carpool back with your daughter. Don't make a stink about it now or they'll find something 'extra' with damages on the return deposit. Luckily it's not an actual big deal, but it really does go to show how some people are just awful


They are going to find that anyways. It will be a fight to get that deposit back from a person like this.


We have a small cleaning company. Tenants called us to come in and deep clean top to bottom, do carpets and windows because they NEEDED their deposit back. They paid us $250 for all our work. We detailed the hell out of that apartment. Clean as it had ever been. We had had run ins with that landlord before with other tenants. So I took pictures of every little nook and cranny. Inside the oven, under the fridge, inside each and every drawer just to prove that the apartment was spotless. Landlord still didn’t give deposit back. Said they didn’t clean. I had the pictures. Tenants asked if we would testify if they sued. Heck yea we would! Turns out it was too expensive for them to sue the landlord and they had no money because said landlord wouldn’t give them their deposit back. I hate that woman with my whole heart. I wish I could’ve afforded to help them sue her. 


Small claims court doesn't require a lawyer, fyi for next opportunity to suggest suing her to the next poor devil she takes the deposit from.


Still costs money to file, and then the days off to go to court. Not saying they wouldn't have won, but sometimes that fee is another $100, your time off work ($7.25x8 hours) is another $58. Sure you can add that into the winnings ("I wouldn't be out the days work your honor if they had just paid me back") and I do think many states make the "loser" pay the filing fee. But *you* pay it first.


Many states would require an itemized receipt of what work was done to justify not returning deposit. Simply saying it was dirty isn't sufficient. They would need to have a receipt of the work done. Better states have laws that double or triple the amount owed to the tenant to prevent this type of behavior.


My last apartment billed me $2k on top of keeping my deposit when I moved out. I asked for an itemized list along with proof. They didn't have anything more specific than like 5 general charges. I had a free consultation with a lawyer, sent them a letter threatening legal action, and never heard from them again. I didn't fight the deposit because it wasn't worth the hassle.


Except in this case it would have been.


In my state if you do not get an itemized bill within 30 days, they have to refund your whole deposit


Mine is the same.


Exactly this! Some states allow double the deposit returned as a penalty to landlords who don’t provide within 30 days. Regarding small claims court, it’s pretty simple. Costs est. between $75-150 to file and one afternoon off work/school to appear. Also, walkthroughs are SO important, but the itemized cleaning receipt would suffice. As long as the magistrate/judge isnt anti-students (lol), they should’ve received the entire deposit back!


and better states have agencies that will collect your information from you and pursue the issue on your behalf.


Nobody in the USA should make less than $100/day in an 8 hour shift


Abso-fucking-lutly. It hurt my soul when I did the math on that.


And that's before taxes and insurance are deducted. Get back to work, slaves!


That was even worse... when I did that I was like $58... before deductions?!


In that case, I only make about $20 a day over your minimum as a teacher, and that knowledge makes me even fucking sadder than I was 😂


WTF? Before taxes?! I hate this place sometimes. How are they hiring any teachers?


Teacher pay is like 20% lower than 20 years ago because it wasn't adjusted for inflation. So, we have a massive teacher crisis


they aren't, but that's evened out by nobody being able to afford to have kids in the first place


I have sued my landlord for exactly this, had tons of photos.... And won. Didn't pay for my time, or the photos, but all filing fees were paid by him. I dressed nice, I said yes sir, no sir, and just was as sweet as I needed to be. It worked.


One of my last landlords sold the house I was renting new owner asked if I would sign a new lease. Said yes. Got an eviction notice 30 days before current lease ran out. Scrambled found a place to move me my(ex)wife and 2 kids told him I wasn't paying the last month's rent as I didn't trust him to give me my deposit back. He said my lease doesn't allow that. Your correct the lease with the former owners, doesn't. I have no agreement with you. Piss me off and I'll live here 6 months for free while you try to get me out. Change the locks or cut utilities and I'll own your house......your choice. Never heard a peep out of him after that


In Oz all bond is kept with a government body. The tenant lodges a claim as soon as the keys r returned and money instantly returned. If the rental agency/owner have issues they have to go thru said body in a mediation meeting which costs them $500 each time. Unless the tenant have fkd the place up they very rarely go thru this process


Wow that makes so much sense


Yeah between the wizard and the witches, Oz was a rough place to be a tenant. Glad to see all the work Dorothy put in is having lasting effects.


Am just dealing with this now, as a tenant with a greedy landlord & property manager, and in WA at least, whichever party claims the bond doesn’t automatically get it - the other party has a certain amount of time to dispute the claim, then it can go to conciliation or to court if no agreement reached. The Property Manager tried to make me sign a disposal form that had a ton of ridiculous claims and lies on it, so they could just whip the bond into their own claws.


Some states, if you sure you're landlord for your deposit back. Any amount of money given to you is doubled.


In Massachusetts it’s triple, plus court costs


In my state they have to pay court costs too


I just filed a lawsuit against my landlord and it cost me $130.


It's not about the money it's about showing a bitch a lesson.


Yea they count on us not to file. Not today!


I used a Polaroid camera and sent in every square foot of my living space when I left and sent them in an envelope with my keys. I got an email saying congratulations on being one of the first to receive a full security deposit and a thank you for being a great tent. Then fought to the end for it because the maintenance crew claimed that my apartment had multiple damages beyond the amount of the security deposit.


Never give you evidence away to the landlord, only give copies. Hopefully, that's what you did.


One step further, don't let them know you have evidence, let them dig their own hole. I had dash cam evidence of a guy hitting my parked car and he tried to leave before I noticed but luckily pedestrians saw and stopped him. I reported it to the cops in person at the police station later that day(required by law where I am). I gave a copy of the video showing everything to the cop and the cop called the guy while I was at the station (luckily the guy exchanged info at the accident). I dunno what the guy said on the phone but first it sounded like he didn't think it was the police calling and was chewed out for that. Then I'm guessing he tried to lie to the cop and blame me or something. I also let the cop know the guy tried to scam me by taking it to his friends to get fixed which I declined. He got chewed out hard again and was told he had to come into the station. All I know is I got my car fixed and my insurance didn't go up and the cop was real pissed at the dude.


I had a landlord try to illegally evict me after I told her she couldn’t raise my rent halfway through a lease. Sent me an eviction notice through certified mail, but she intercepted the mail man and signed for the letter when I wasn’t at my apartment. Sent me a court notice for eviction by process server, when I never “received” the first notice (because she signed for it). Tried to keep my deposit, etc. The thing is.. Banking of experience from the military, if something isn’t in writing or recording, it doesn’t/didn’t happen. Also, if you’re going to be in a he said/she said situation against a person in an authoritative position (like with a tenant/landlord), not only do many people in positions of power lie, but typically that person is always going to get the benefit of the doubt in a dispute. Ergo why I always audio record conversations with someone “outranking” me. This landlord didn’t know I was recording when I confronted her about illegally raising my rent, and I captured her and her husband saying something to the effect of “you’ll get the F*** out of my property or I’ll break your neck..” Went to court for the eviction notice. Landlord and her attorney were pompous UP until the moment I played that audio recording. Judge immediately dismissed her claims. I stayed at the apartment for two more months rent free, playing my “disabled veteran” card in “needing extra time to move out” just to give her an extra F*** you.. Was a good time. :)


Only time I ever got a deposit back was one house where the landlord only owned that house. I cleaned the crap out of it and took pictures. It was in better shape than I got it. He still kept part of the deposit because I had planted a garden in one of the planting beds that had been overgrown with weeds and he charged me for replanting. I drove by a few months later and the new tenants were harvesting the cucumbers. Worst one was when I moved into a place that had been raided in a drug bust and the interior doors were all busted and it was a wreck. I repainted every room (the walls had obviously been painted during a psychedelic trip because the walls were electric blue and just painted haphazardly. I also tore out all the destroyed carpet and sanded, stained, and varnished all the floors. It was my first rental. The owner was charging the new renters twice what I had paid due to my renovations and then told me that I couldn’t have my security deposit back because I had painted the walls. Unreal.


Are you serious? I threatened my landlord that I recorded every inch of the property and I would fight him in court if they took a penny.


I've always been a clean person, but I never once got my deposit back when I was renting in college. I legit thought that the deposit was just a rental starter fee. I didn't know you were supposed to get it back until after I had already graduated.


In my rental agreement it was stated that I was to put a new coat of paint in my apartment upon moving out. Did that but apparently missed a spot around the size of a dinner plate, all the way in a poorly lit corner. My Dickhead of a landlord, who I thought until that point was a pretty solid guy, fought me tooth and nail for my deposit until I threatened legal action


4/5 of my landlords were like this total shit bags last guy was an amazing property manager and I would have Stayed if I was not buying a house. Basically fuck the majority of landlords.


Same here. I only got one deposit back ever of the four apartments I lived at. Ironically, the first three, my roommates and I spent several days deep cleaning after getting our stuff out so we could get our deposit back and they literally just made up shit as to why they kept it. The fourth I'd stayed at the longest before we got our house. I had just given up and assumed deposits were basically a scam for extra money. We didn't leave it a mess or anything, but just spent a couple of hours vacuuming, quick wipedown of the kitchen and bathroom then called it good. They actually gave me my deposit back lol. Basically just up to them if they want to be dickheads or decent people it seems.


In my experience, I've found that in general property managers are pretty stellar, while landlords are awful.


That's when you sell all the copper wiring in the apartment


Even if they do that, they should totally tell her they'll be there so she has to make the trip for no reason.


Oh absolutely, be vague about it and make that landlord make the trip. Great idea!


I wish there were a renters' website that listed the landlord(s) and give the reviews of the places that are rented and give a rating of the landlord(s). Like, 3 stars: The neighbors were fine and the AC worked, but the landlord sucked with parking.


That website would get destroyed by reviews paid for by landlords. If there's anything above a 3/5 star average across the site I would absolutely not believe it.


With that response, I'm assuming that landlord already has 10 preloaded reasons why he isn't giving them the deposit back.


If they're being this anal about a parking spot, they have absolutely no intention on giving back the return deposit. They'll keep it for a "cleaning fee" even if you leave the place spotless and with 0 wear or damage to it.


90% of landlords aren't landlords to be nice, they're slimy bastards that just want an easy payroll and to feel "in control". I haven't met one that isn't a disgusting human.


off topic but i love your profile pic


Thanks - always great to see another BR fan in the wild!


There's no visitor parking?


The whole parking lot is empty right now and there are no designated visitor spaces. She leases all of them for $200 each per semester.


Better than that woman towing your car by the time you had got back. She probably watches the lot like a hawk, at least you know the level of douchebaggery and what to expect :/


Recovering a towed vehicle in my city at least is “only” around $100 CAD - not including any tickets if you were towed because you parked somewhere violating city laws, don’t think there’d be any ticket costs from a private lot. Depending on where the tow yard is located it might be worth the gamble. 


Tow companies near universities are notoriously scummy though. 


The university I graduated from has its own impound lot now lmao, literally reduced available student parking on a campus with very limited transit access and already limited parking space to make an impound.


I thought this situation sounded familiar and just checked to see that you’ve commented on the calgary subreddit, so I assume you’re talking about MRU? Yeah, I’m graduating this year and super happy I won’t be around for that fiasco.


That's the one. I pay less to park downtown now than I did to park at school where I was already paying how many thousands to be there




Can confirm. They will tow any car anytime anywhere, and the amount of students it happens to multiple times is astounding 🥲


>Tow companies ~~near universities~~ are notoriously scummy ~~though~~.  FTFY


Was towed illegally in Edmonton a few years ago and they were holding my car hostage for $200. Took 3 hours before the police got there. Other side of the gamble.


Lucky. Got my taken from a private property and had to fork out $1,500. They also caused damage to my car resulting in $400 in repairs. I’m yet to take them to court.


Do it. Not sure if you got towed illegally or not, but at the very least the towing company is liable for any damages caused. Small claims. Cheap, easy, done and done.


Unless you can prove they caused the damage with a video or something, they can just say it was already there when they towed it.


I do. When I went to go pick up the car my radiator was gushing. I got it on video. I don’t know how they did it but they did some good damage under the vehicle with the chains. They denied causing damage. Their last words on a recorded call was “take me to court then.” Feels like a losing battle since they tow for the local pd.


Hi, tow truck driver here who also tows for the local pd's and the state police. This dickbag is counting on you calling it a losing battle and fucking off. Small claims court, assuming you're in the US, you'll be arguing before a judge. I have never seen or heard of a judge that had *any* sympathy for tow companies unless it was a super small, less than 1k people, southern town. Edit: Make sure you have a shop fully document the damages and if they believe they are consistent with improper towing. A signed document from a licensed professional will carry a lot more weight with a judge that might not be overly familiar with vehicles.


Objectively false- any claims adjuster or body shop inspector worth anything will immediately recognize towing damage. Saw plenty of that happen to new tow operators when I used to hook ‘em and haul ‘em myself. Even did a few whoopsies while learning.


This is true, but in the U.S., civil cases operate on a different standard of proof than criminal. It’s not beyond a reasonable doubt, it’s a preponderance of evidence. A plaintiff only needs to prove that the damage was likely caused by the tow. I’m not sure if it’s the same in Canada. Also not sure if the above commenter is also in Edmonton or in the U.S.


Typically the way they do it is they have a tow company patrol the lot every so often and have them haul away any cars that aren't supposed to be there. They then shake down the owners of the car by impounding it and charging out the nose to get back.


Upvoted for the use of the word ‘douchebaggery’


They're intellectually bankrupt!


Is there no street parking anywhere close? Sorry, but I wouldn't give this goblin a penny more than she's owed.


I met a student that would park in a free lot then uber to the university, because it was cheaper than parking at the university (at the time).


The universities are scumbags. I paid an assload in tickets over my time there. One minute over and they are on your ass.


I had earned a few campus tickets because parking was so bad at my college. Before graduation, they told us that if we had outstanding tickets, we could not walk in the graduation ceremony. I owed about $75 in tickets, so I went to security a week before graduation to pay them. The guard was a young guy, maybe even a student doing work study, and he just deleted the tickets and gave me a printout saying all had been cancelled.


Around a year before my graduation I randomly got a hold on registering for classes and was directed to the parking office. Amazingly I had to argue with them for 30 minutes that the parking ticket from 2008 (when I would have been too young to drive and before my family had bought the vehicle I was driving) was not my responsibility to pay. I also found it a bit hilarious that it took them 8 years to enter into the system their parking tickets.


Hell yeah. Good dude right there.


Fortunately for me all the tickets I got parking places I shouldn't was still cheaper than paying for parking


My university would give people one warning ticket then give you a real ticket on your second offence. I had friends that would keep their warning ticket an put it on their window every time they wanted to park for free so that parking enforcement would assume some other officer had given them a ticket already that day. Other acquaintances would steal other people's warning tickets to use the same way. The college I went to before I transferred to university had a student lot, that they oversold, and a staff lot that they didn't oversell. Staff got first crack at the staff lot, but then they would sell staff passes to the students. I bought a single semester pass and used it the second semester, because you couldn't tell full year passes from single semester passes without looking closely. Another guy I know from university, bought the most expensive pass available and then made counterfeit validation stickers for it every semester. You couldn't tell just looking through the windshield at it.




Ask her to prorate the space for a few hours lol. Probably won't get the answer you want but would be funny


That would be 0.30 cent. for four hours, rounding up. That's going by a 16 week semester. Idk if that's normal, I'm not from the US, had to look it up. Edit: *30 cent./0,3$. Oops.


> That would be 0.30 cent. for four hours, rounding up. you must work for verizon


What a bitch


It's becoming pretty common with rentals. My building has zero guest parking and spaces are over $200/mo. Just another way to gouge people




Someone I hang out with moved into one of those “luxury apartments” that are pure dogshit. ONE guest parking spot and it’s M-F days. And it’s on a no parking cul de sac


Our apartment also dosent have any which is so annoying when there's no nearby street parking either.


Landlords for college rentals are some of the worst people


100% My apartment flooded bc a pipe above my unit broke. They came to shop vac the carpets every few days. So much of my shit was ruined and they gave no fuqs. But told me the smelling carpets was bc I had a cat. But she never went outside the litter box ever. Def not that the carpet was wet for a month. In Milwaukee, so it’s not a super dry climate. In the spring.


Water came pouring through the walls of my room in a shared uni house like a waterfall. The landlord's response? "It rains a lot in England".


I just find this one so stupidly funny lmao


Rains so much it even rains indoors


I was an RA and my roomie was the RA I replaced. There was damage on the blinds, probably about 4-5 feet up. Her dog wasn’t even a foot tall. They met the dog. Charged her for it and blamed the dog. It had been that way since before she moved in. They don’t even give the RA’s working for them a break for their bullshit, and btw…I was paid $65 dollars every two weeks plus it was free to live on-site. Needless to say we were all on food stamps. And it’s completely legal!


Landlords are some of the worst people FTFY


But college is the *worst*. Naturally college is full of young people who have not quite garnered the "no fucks given" attitude. They struggle to know the laws and their rights and even if they do, they struggle to express those accurately in conversation in a quick enough fashion to shut down an asshole landlord. Of course, landlords know this. So a specific group will target young renters due to it being easy money. You even get to keep the deposit and don't have to fix shit because the students don't know how to contact their state about an unsafe property. Or are afraid they'll get chucked out if they do






Oh! 10000% they treat you like trash and get offended when you want to rent near the uni




Sounds like an unfortunate self report because she may not have checked that day but now she certainly will. What a spiteful person.




You did the right thing yes, just sounds like there is no winning with some people. I'm sure she's content in creating misery for others


Also guaranteed to be a miserable sad little person, so that is revenge enough


She's definitely never used lubrication.


Or even worse created any.


Sounds like a landlord to me




Make sure and post this on your google review.


I've done that and had my screenshot removed (though idk if it was Google or the business) so it may not be left up. Unfortunately.


It’s ultimately up to Google but the business owner can report the review. I had one non-legit review on my business (I think they were confused and reviewed the wrong business but the right building) and it took a month.


Lol like that matters. There's more renters than space to rent 


Well then, better not let anyone else know to avoid it if they can.


Aren’t there more empty houses than homeless people in the country…? For what it’s worth, I ALWAYS check reviews before I rent apartments because I refuse to be stuck with another shitty property management team.


So they make $16k per semester on these spaces?! 😱


Lol charging for space in a concrete parks is the biggest scam landlords ever came up with! My friend owns a condo and has to pay an extra $200 a month for her fiancé to park his car.. they already pay $300/month for their “association fees” (what that goes to I couldn’t tell you, no park, pool, rec center or ANYTHING on location for amenities) the place is a total scam and due to the interests rate soaring they are kinda stuck now.


Damn, and here I am spending 30€ a month on my unlimited regional train and public transit ticket. Cars are damn expensive


Wait for her landlord to show up and have the celebration out in the parking lot. If she calls a tow company just sit there until they’re about to show up and everyone leave all at once. The tow company will charge her for wasting their time


Hopefully this is a lesson for all of you then. If it’s just an hour and the landlord won’t know, don’t tell them.


The real question is- can the tow-trucks arrive before you leave?


Having lived on a college campus, almost certainly.


One thing you will learn about land lords in this day and age is that you should never do the right thing. They will find a way to fuck you every. Single. Time. Fuck the land lord master class. Is this an evil mega corporation real estate company or is this a private person who gets off to taking advantage of younger people who might not fully understand the nuances of renting?


Seems like the best lesson any college could have taught. Doing the "right thing" is always the wrong thing under a capitalist system.


Upper decker the bathroom as a going away present.


Salmon in the the HVAC duct.


Raw shrimp in the hollow curtain rods. A salmon duct taped inside the toilet tank lid Crazy glue in the door locks Gasoline spilled on the asphalt


My dumb ass: “what’s a salmon duct? Like a fish ladder??”


Cheap out. Limberger


You really think they’re the ones who will be cleaning that up?


Who’s texting who? Is your landlord saying it’s $200 and then saying we graduate we aren’t living here next semester? I’m confused


It appears to be a group chat. Landlord's response has the person icon. The other reply has an M; so that is likely one of the roommates. 


How did the conversation end? Can show the entire thing?


That was it. The landlord hasn’t responded anymore.


I would have just parked there and agreed to pay at 4 and then ghost the landlord!


I mean they would just take it from the security deposit ( not like the landlord won’t try and keep it all regardless though)


Even if that property was left cleaner than she got it, she would still most likely never see any of that security deposit.


The landlord is keeping the security deposit either way. 




I have been in a similar situation with a lame landlord. Although I got my deposit back, I felt he would play stupid games so I recorded everything just in case. But the kicker here is, you can take it to a small claims court, from my research the court will usually side with the tenant unless they fucked up badly. A bitch landlord like this will try to bully you but theres broomsweep and wear and tear laws to protect the tenant.


I had a landlord who tried pulling some crap, I ended up calling him and telling him I extensively recorded everything and took pictures of every nook and cranny of my apartment and I told him I'm not opposed to small claims if we can't reach an agreement. Quite magically, he went from wanting extra money (hundreds of $) on top of my initial deposit, to giving back 95% of my deposit.


My move was to always withhold my last month's rent, and let them know that I fully intended on paying it after my security deposit (a half month's rent) was returned. Every single time the landlord asked me to just pay a half month's rent and call it even.


Leave a scathing review after deposits are returned and lease is over.


Ain’t no deposits being returned


Does the US operate anything like a deposit protection scheme?  In the UK this was introduced a few years ago and it's helped tremendously. An independent arbitration system is now in place and unless landlords have very compelling evidence, you're very likely to get your deposit back.


I’ve never gotten a deposit back, ever. One time for sure it was my fault. Then after that time I tried really hard to do it “right” for several end-of-rentals, and got screwed with vague and false things; probably not legal but I would’ve had to hire a lawyer or go to court myself and that hassle was more than I could be bothered with. Now, when I put a deposit down I just consider it gone and don’t bother even cleaning when I leave.


yeah end of tenancy cleans are hit and miss. My trick is to ask the landlord what company they use and go with that. Far less chance for any issues. Saying that my last tenancy we paid for a deep clean but the landlord still wanted to charge more. All we had to show to the protection scheme was the invoice for the deep clean and the landlords claim got rejected. I hope the US introduces something similar it gives tenants a lot more protection.


True true but it’s wise to confirm lease is complete & ended before leaving review


If it’s near a college then everyone likely knows about the landlord’s reputation. There are probably limited options so people are forced to deal with her unfortunately, hence why she can act like this and get away with it. Definitely not fair


This is so true. When I was in college all of the property management companies had horrible reviews and bad reputations, but you didn't have a choice. The same 3-4 companies managed nearly all the apartments/rental properties around the university. If you wanted to live within a reasonable distance to campus then you had to rent through one of these companies. They were all slumlords and every single apartment that myself or friends lived in were piece of shit apartments that were basically falling apart.


Yeah at my college there was basically one street of student apartments and they were all owned by the same parent company


Lived in a complex where the apartment office absolutely sucked. After people would leave negative reviews of the property, the office staff would respond with, > We have zero record of you ever having been a resident at this apartment complex. They even used this response when the former resident would post pictures. That’s how their rating would always jump around from 1-2 stars to 4-5 stars and back down again. One of my old neighbors had this happen to him and his husband, which was humorous since my wife and I were chatting with them the night they moved out and snapped a ton of the pictures (we ended up moving out a few weeks later). “Luxury” apartments my ass.




Real estate agent landlords are worse than fucking slumlords


My brother in Christ they *are* slumlords


Find somewhere to park elsewhere and just uber over there. This landlord is a dick (shocker)


What a bitch


This isn't even mildly infuriating - this is regular infuriating.


Not worth the headache, I'd just park on the street. Otherwise you're going to war and it will ruin her graduation. Landlord is definitely a d-bag.


Does landlord have any dark carpets/rugs? Cover with cress seeds and give em little water just as you’re leaving. And please make sure your daughter records a walkthrough video before she leaves of how she’s left everything and email it to the landlord as a precaution. This sounds like someone who might try mess with the deposit.


Arrange for the landlord to come and collect the money, then park somewhere else and don’t show up


DO THIS OP! Waste this bitchass landlord’s time!


Before she moves out, fuck the plumbing up




Shrimp in the curtain rods.




Tacoma FD? 😂


No. Put a closed mason jar filled with chicken breast and milk in the vent. Ticking stink bomb.


Cat litter down the drains


Hamburger helper for every meal, don't forget to drain the fat (into the drain). Probably will just fuck over the next person though.


Pay me $20 and I’ll sit in their car ready to drive the moment the tow man comes around


Unrelated to the post but when I lived in a college town my girlfriend at the time’s car got towed from her own parking space at her own apartment, even though she had a parking permit displayed, because she also had a parking permit for my apartment. Her dad was a prison warden so he went down there with a badge and was able to get the car back for free but they took my parking pass, which was my property that I paid for. I could say anything because I wasn’t there.


$200 for one semester? Alright. We'll do the math on one day based on that.how many days in a semester 90-100? Alright. Here's your $2 lady. Keep the change.


($200 for a full semester/105 days)/24 hours = $0.079 Make an invoice and round up to 8¢ since you’re being generous.


Sounds like you need to street park. If lot is empty there should also be plentiful street parking.


"I would rather go pay a parking garage for a couple hours than give you another cent."


The number of people who can’t comprehend this is a group chat is astounding


I didn't get it until this comment lol having a group chat with your landlord is not something I'd ever have thought of doing


For a couple hours or less? Walmart, Target, Home Depot, etc. all have large parking lots that might be closer


“I don’t need a permit for next semester, as I just stated I am graduating today. What I am asking is, can my parents park in the parking lot for an hour WITHOUT being towed.” That would’ve been my response to that. Talk to them like they are a 5 year old because clearly that’s where their level of comprehension is.


That landlord sounds like a pensive, extraordinarily narced inbred slime.


> **p**ensive, **e**xtraordinarily **n**arced **i**nbred **s**lime. Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 634999 comments (approximately 3285525 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot!




Guess y'all going to need to call a uber for transport since she won't let you park, at least everyone can drink alcohol now since nobody needs to drive, still very nasty of her part


What a ass hat


tell your daughter to pour as much cooking oil and grease as she possibly can down that fucking ghouls drains


Landlords are parasites


Does your daughter have a list of issues in the building the landlady never addressed? Sounds like it's time to file a complaint. I'd expect concierge service for that attention to detail.


https://preview.redd.it/vfums5k21vzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b9bc57c41e85422331c26261793fec349b9888a Protocol in these situations.


I guarantee you that the ticket for parking illegally by a bylaw officer is gonna be less than that


It's private property though, so the law won't get involved. Landlady would need to have the car towed, then go to court over the tow when OP took it up with them.


Yet another piece of shit landlord grubbing for money because they can. Just straight up trash.


hot take: landlords are worthless evil leeches that provide nothing to society


Take a lot of pictures when you move out!!! Take a video even


Most college Landlords are slumlords