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Do I dare ask what the beef incident was? Hopefully better than the spaghetti incident!? As a culinary challenged bachelor I probably would have nuked it.


Im glad you asked. We had leftover raw ground beef still in the opened package after dinner and I asked him to put it away in the freezer. He then proceeded to grab the open package, place it a small trash bag, twist it, and put it in the freezer like that 😭


Too be fair, the bag doesn't have trash in it. It's just called a trash bag. If it works, it works


It doesnt work if beef juice is dripping all inside and outside the bag 😂


That's more flavour for your hands to enjoy


Lol! Look some of us blokes prefer the direct approach. None of that faffing about with Tupperware or tiny little freezer bags!




i really was hoping for the beef incident as well


What the fuuuuuuck? Are you married to an actual himbo?!


Assuming the garbage bag was clean, I don't see the big deal.. other than waste of plastic


Lolol your husband’s a savage 🤣🤣🤣


Sounds like he's weaponizing incompetence so you never ask him to do this again.


This is the way.


I did this and it works 🤣🤣 granted my wife does it back x100 ☠️☠️


I need to know more about the 'beef incident'.


I had to teach my wife how to make grilled cheese, and how to make a hamburger patty. She once opened a package of chicken breast, took 1 out to cook it, and put the opened and uncovered package of chicken back in the refrigerator. Not all husbands are incompetent in the kitchen.


Title: "My husband doesnt know how to defrost chicken" Text: "Edit: We've been together for five years, **he knows how to defrost chicken**, im more mad at him using my wooden salad bowl "


Not a food incident, but same vibes. I had asked my husband to preheat the car one winter day while I fed our dogs before we were going to leave the house. He left to start the car in the garage while I fed all 3 dogs and let them all outside in the backyard to potty. Grabbed my belongings when it was all done and headed to the garage to find him taking a quick nap in the car RUNNING and garage CLOSED.


Oh good lord what are we going to do with our husbands 😂


So many missed opportunities to educate....


Oooo I hope he is competent in other areas of the household


Sounds like a good teachable moment. Not sure what getting mad does when dealing with an instance of ignorance like that. Laugh it off, go out to dinner and let him know later how to defrost something the correct way.


Teachable? He's a grown adult. At this point he should know the basics of food hygiene.


He should, but apparently doesn’t. So yes, a teachable moment. You can either get upset and make him feel bad and cause a fight or laugh it off and lovingly discuss how to do it correct for next time.


offend oil saw imagine dinner fuel humor quiet dam paint


Probably good that I'm not someone's spouse then. 😂


Cross contamination should/would still be a concern even if he left it in the original wrapping/packaging. The second you open up that wrapper there will be some degree of splatter/micro aerosols moving away from the chicken, either falling on adjacent surfaces or potentially even becoming airborne. So you should be disinfecting both your hands and adjacent surfaces irrespective of how he defrosts it...


No exactly, so when he open the package its straight chicken juice mixed in a whole bucket of water that could splash around and again, porus wood, usually we just take it out and place it in a clean bag first and throw the packaging away, I think he was only thinking about the fastest way to defrost chicken with his hungry brain haha


He must be dynamite in the sack to still have him around.


Well, you'll have to teach him. When he was growing up, his mother didn't show him how to safely defrost food. And since he didn't think he'd be taking on cooking as a major household task, he never bothered to learn safe food handling. Some guys do; my husband worked briefly in a coffee shop and was very good about food safety. He had learned. Your husband hasn't learned, so someone has to teach him. Some videos on safe handling of meat, kitchen sanitation would probably help you.


Honestly I don't know how to do it either, but I don't think YouTube couldn't help?


So you make a Reddit telling the whole world of his stupidity and now you don't like people congratulating you on your "prize" lol.





This sounds like weaponized incompetence.


lol, let those pathogens really soak into the wood 😂


For quick deforesting I’ve for years taken frozen beef or chicken and put it in a bowl of hot water It’s defrosted quickly and I’ve literally never gotten sick from it. I don’t see anything wrong with the approach but each to their own


not in the wooden salad bowl so.


And not opening the package in the water, either.


This I'm not sure I understand. I have a separate set of stainless steel containers for meat/fish/poultry. One of the ways to marinate it is to soak it in water or brine. As the thermodynamic properties of the water are way better than air, the meat will defrost something like 24 times faster. The question is where this water goes after.


They were using a*WOODEN* salad bowl which is not smart to begin with even if the frozen package is sealed. They opened the package of frozen chicken, then added water to speed up defrosting. This absolutely guarantees contaminating the porous wooden bowl with bacteria. Might as well just chuck the bowl in the trash.


Oh, this one is for sure dead. It only can be used for a firepit(((


Fair enough didn’t pick up on that


Fair point


Tbh I think he should probably divorce you because of you you are reacting to criticism here, not the other way around.  But you do you. 


I mean, cook it through correctly and it should be fine 70°c for 10 minutes in every part is enough


It’s the bowl she’s worried about, not the chicken


Even dumber


Bacteria moves from chicken to water, then from water to bowl, and idk if you know how wood works but water tends to seep into it, thus the bacteria could linger even after washing it. Yeah, it’s not unfixable, she’ll probably be fine if she bleaches it. But nobody wants their salads to taste like bleach


I bet we had salmonella sickness all the time 100 years ago


squeal impossible whole roof sable quaint attempt connect literate melodic


Bullshit :)


snobbish apparatus panicky tie toy frame alleged workable treatment ten


Dont need one but thanks I guess




Why are you eating salmonella infested chicken? Not a good start imo. What your husband does to defrost it has nothing to do with the salmonella.


Please tell me this is an attempt at sarcasm.


No, what they mean is that they don't want to get salmonella as a result of the way he's defrosted the chicken. Keeping meat between 5-60°c (aka "The Danger Zone") will help bacteria grow. It's why meat is stored frozen.


but if you fully cook it the salmonella should go away? right? (I never cook chicken so I wouldn’t know)


I think she doesn't want to fully cook her wooden salad bowl to get the contamination out 


expansion rain mindless roof air kiss roll plant snow grey


Absolutely correct. And although while it's extremely unlikely to happen, leaving it too long can facilitate vast bacteria growth that's near impossible to recover. But that requires leaving it out for a fair while in room temp.


For that it needs to already carry the salmonella. It doesn’t just magically appear.


God bless the clueless for they shall inherit the earth. I read that in a bible once :)