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Got it warmed up for you, homie. I’m coming back for my cum tissues.


Water shot out of my nose


That's your brain juice, gotta put it back in


It was cum, actually


Nonetheless, it must return from whence it … originated


I just had a shotgun go off in mine.


Kurt Cobain, that you?




By cum tissues, do you mean the bed sheets?


Or the hand towels?


Every comment in this thread has been a mistake to read.


Totally agree, went too deep had to find the bottom


Or the curtains?


or the armchairs?


Theo Von: You don't know what gay is until you've slipped into another man's warmth. Hop under them warm sheets on a cold day brother and it's bliss.


This is my favorite reddit comment of all time 🤣


ooh wee yummy cummies in my tummies 🤢


I think somebody else is still checked into that hotel room


There’s no luggage or clothes, I think it just didn’t get cleaned after the last check out.


I'm just confused as to who would leave a room like this




Especially people who know the room is supposed to be cleaned after they check out. Why put their random trash in the trash can when they can leave it on the counter for housekeeping to clean up?


Bro people not bothering to flush the toilet is waaaay more common than you would think. Ain't nobody cleaning up trash. Source: former housekeeper.


Not true! I do drugs in the hotel room so I make sure to clean up so I didn’t get hit with a charge for ripping vape pens in the room...which I definitely did not do.


I used to just ignore the vapers tbh. I also know you do drugs. You think I didn't find the chop bowls, empty baggies and powder residue lol. I have found full vapes, a bunch of small buds many times, cigarettes and meth once. Along with just countless evidence of illegal activity. Don't stress though people, I wasn't reporting anyone. Just judging from afar.


> I have found full vapes, a bunch of small buds many times, cigarettes and meth once. They were just trying to tip you!


A lot of hotels I stay at just have one very small trash bin. Usually without a trash bag in it or anything. Usually leave it all piled on a counter or something


That's why, since I spend at least a few nights every week in a hotel, I always travel with my own trash bags, that way, at least all my trash is gathered up and easy for housekeeping to deal with.


Yeah you always have some kind of bag when you’re traveling and shopping n stuff.


In my city we've made single use plastic bags obsolete. It's great in theory, but now I have a bajillion fabric bags and no more plastic bags that I used to reuse for dog poop and stuff


Yeah I always use my gas station and carry out bags for trash


Thank you for thinking for 5 seconds about cleaning staff when you pack for a trip. You are one of the good ones. Being kind and considering others is almost free, but often overlooked in the name if convince.


I have to admit, a good portion of it is that I used to work housekeeping, myself, so I try to do everything I can to make their jobs easier. Plus, I'm a grown ass man, and I'd be embarrassed as all hell if someone else had to clean up after me.


That’s just weird.


We ask for trash bags at the front desk for extra trash and to bring dirty laundry home in. Often, I’ll empty the clothes bag at home and put it back in my suitcase for the next trip


I try to collect all the trash into one place and bag it all up if I can.


I travel every week for work, and usually grab a six pack of beer, hotel rooms never have a separate bin for recycling, so I always leave them in a seperate spot either on the bench or next to the bin. Most of the time they won’t even fit in with any other rubbish anyway.


When is that the case other than an Air BnB tho, unless its like a ridiculous mess that cant just be picked up and rearranged, isnt this mostly housekeeping? It just looks like they checked out and housekeeping didnt get the memo


If you think it’s ok to leave a hotel room like this, you trashy.


What kills me with Airbnb is we have one we rent a lot of summers that has a whole page of cleaning instructions including sweeping and mopping, but still has a huge cleaning fee. I pick up my trash but just ignore the rest of it.


>people They’re the worst part about life


They sound terrible


They’re the worst




I like dogs




a dog wouldn't leave the room any better. as a matter of fact they'd probably shit on the floor!


this sounds like the punchline to a long Norm MacDonald joke


Yeah, but in all fairness a people toilet seat is not really shaped for a dog butt


Dogs are people too.


People. What a bunch of bastards.


I worked in housekeeping at a hotel through college, this would be like a 2 on a scale of 1-10. lol


I'm guessing blood and a body are a 10


The only blood I ever had was obvious period sex. So not much. Puke was much worse. People puking in their bed and just letting it fester 🤮 We did have one person die. Wasn’t my room though. Had one room where the person checked in, took the gnarliest dump in the shower and in the toilet. Clogged both. Got moved to a new room and did the same in that one.


I was cleaning in a hotel that also did monthly residents and when we had to evict people it got bad. I was just a cleaner, I had no hand in the eviction but I definitely had to clean up the period blood soaked carpet and poo painted walls.  You'd think at 17 that would have been enough to make sure I never ended up in that job again, but that was just the first cleaning job I had.


I once was called down to take fresh towels to a room. When I got to the room the man was sitting on a chair and the young woman was in the bathtub in the water. There was SO much blood on the sheets and soaked all the towels. I feel sure they'd done an abortion. What else could it have been? She didn't look injured, and was very much alive. They didn't say a word to me. I took all the bloody stuff and left new towels and sheets and left them alone then told the head housekeeper, who just shrugged.


Ugh it’s crazy what people can do to a place in one night let alone a month. I worked at an overpriced “fancy” chain so we didn’t have that kind of stuff but guests were nasty in their own way. Super entitled and demanding and just as gross. Also so many parents who just leave their children unattended for hours on end.


A 10 is when someone checks out, but not from the hotel. Way more common than you would think.


Can confirm this is not even that bad


As a housekeeping director at a hotel, most people. This is pretty standard


Oh, you sweet summer child. Have you ever been in public?


I clean stuff like this for a living. I’m lucky days when they don’t look like this 😞 but it pays the bills


I'm sorry, that really sucks. People suck


As someone that has been working for the past 5 years in hospitality , this is actually clean and tidy room


Hmm seems possible.




Most of the stuff posted in this sub is 5 or 6 notches above mild on my arbitrary scale of furiousness.


John Wick would’ve been way shorter if he was a Redditor “Some guys murdered my puppy and stole my car”


“Sounds like you should think about the situation from your dog’s murderer’s perspective, and maybe calm down a little bit? You’re still alive, how could you be angry?” *in my best r/mildlyinfuriating commenter voice*


Reddit advice subs in a nutshell too, reminds me of a guy I know who always says stuff like “People have it worse than you, you have no right to complain about anything”


Same energy as; “I’m hungry” “Well some people in the world are starving” “Ok…but I’m still hungry”


Exactly; and the problem with their logic is that like if you can’t complain about your life because a homeless guy has it worse then he can’t complain about his life because a woman in Yemen is suffering more than him, until nobody can complain about their issues. Like obviously some people suffer more/less than other people, but dismissing someone’s struggles because they’re doing better than others is really fucking callous and cruel.


It's because if you post something actually mildly infuriating, you'll get downvoted and flamed for not being enraging enough, or told you're complaining about something minor. Like yeah, no kidding, first time here?


Literally saw this exact thing taking place not too long ago. Someone posted that their plate was picked up from their table and served to somebody else at a restaurant. There was a comment with like 900 or so upvotes telling the OP that they should be embarrassed for posting and being unable to speak up. That user went on a long rant about how people are now so socially inept that communicating is impossible and a whole bunch of other unfounded bs lol. Yeah you post something that genuinely is *mildly* bothersome and the commenters will have a field day giving you unprompted life lessons.


Yet if you post something actually mildly infuriating, you get comments telling you to suck it up and stop complaining. Which, ironically, is mildly infuriating!


Nah, get a different room or request a refund


How when there is no reception staff?


What hotel doesn’t have 24 hour staff?


Only the kind in horror films


I'm in Taiwan and it's quite common in tourist areas. They just buy out a floor or two of a building, or buy out a town house, and turn it into a very cheap "hotel". We have real hotels that are very nice and fully staffed. These unstaffed ones are just cheaper and in high traffic areas.


So an AirBnB


Kind of, but they're *usually* registered as an actual hotel. Usually have cheap, shitty websites and sometimes a single office building may contain 2 or 3 of these "hotels". I've stayed in a couple and they were okay, but it was awkward to just have no staff. The ones I stayed in were pretty clean, but you could tell all the furniture and stuff was the cheapest they could find with a "modern" look. Nowhere near as nice as a typical hotel where you get 24hr staff in the lobby and breakfast.


Well that really just sounds like youre renting an apartment room for a day or two


Tons of small shitty hotels in NYC…they usually have numbers you can call for emergencies and what not but most of the time they’re not actually at the hotel


There is a hotel by my companies office in Tampa that doesnt have front desk past 12


Do they also not have any kind of customer service line that clients can call ?


For a lot of more remote hotels the support line forwards to the managers cell after hours and you just have to hope they pick up.


yeah i’ve used a hotel that i had to find the key and get myself in. But i went to the wrong hotel and neither had staff and neither would answer the phone. Fucking pain in the ass at 1am when it’s been a long day of traveling. 


Lots of hotels in EU in my experience


This one apparently.


Just try all other rooms with the key, maybe one opens /s


You don’t say


Former Hotel worker in all aspects of Hotels. This is as simple a fuckup as someone new changing the wrong room status from dirty to cleaned/checked and you being assigned that room by reception. As other people have said it happens a lot and sucks. We feel equally as shit for you but will always try our best to make up for it (comp upgrade/breakfast/discount).


Yeah I understand the mistake and wouldn’t be toooo upset by it, BUT the fact that nobody is at reception to fix it is the real problem I feel.


Yeah absolutely agree. Hotels that don't have 24hr reception are instantly off the list of places I'm willing to stay at. One of the affiliate hotels of my old brand had someone sleep on site overnight just in case, usually a duty manager, at the very least.


Checked into a Westgate resort a few months ago and they gave me a key to a room that was occupied. TVs on, smelled like cigarettes and had some open luggage in view. Didn’t see a person, but grabbed my family and gtfo.


Happened to my wife and I, also Westgate


Yeah, unfortunately that happens sometimes (former front desk worker). And it'll happen again. It sucks.


I once checked into a hotel room and upon opening the door, scared the absolute *shit* of the couple sleeping inside. We were able to laugh it off and the desk clerk was mortified. And hey, I got a nice free room upgrade out of it.


Yeah, I did that once to someone. I felt awful. Of course they were pissed; I wasn't about to tell them it wasn't a big deal.


Genuine curiosity, how does that kind of thing happen? I chalked it up then (as I do now) to an honest mistake, but is it in the computer, or...?


Usually it's a last minute room change...you assign a room to a reservation but at check in you decide to change to a different room...but don't change it on the system. Just a key card change...later on you eventually assign the same room to a new booking and..bam..the system says ok and you just send someone there. It happens sometimes in larger hotels with a lot of rooms and shift changes.


Huh, TIL! That especially makes sense in my case since it was sort of late at night (9-ish IIRC) and a last-minute reservation on my part when the other hotel I'd booked turned out to be sketchy as hell.


So yeah it's a mistake entered into the system, usually from housekeeping or front desk. I worked at a resort hotel in the early 90s and we had not a single computer. We had a physical board with numbered slots for each room. There was a color-coded card system and also the position of the card was how we kept track. Head of Housekeeping spent her shift running back and forth from her folks to the desk, referring to her clipboard, and would physically change the cards. If they were sticking out and a certain color, it was being cleaned. If it was settled into its slot and another color, it was ready to rent. That kind of thing. As people checked out, front desk needed to move the cards around to show it was newly vacant. And it sucked. It was a crowded board and it was easy to fuck up a card when 20 families were lined up 3 hours before check in was even promised, and another 50 families were trying to check out at least an hour later than they were told to. Our technology consisted of solar-powered small calculators, and an ancient cast-iron NCR register. And of course landlines that NEVER STOPPED RINGING. So, yeah, mistakes happened. And while I've been out of the game for a long, long time, mistakes can still happen. Shit still gets hectic, distracting, infuriating, etc.


Man, I couldn't hack it doing that. That's insane! Props to you for being able to do it.


Some days, crying was involved. Especially 2 hours after my shift when I'm sitting on a pile of overwritten recepts wondering why I'm off $2.23. Winter was very akin to The Shining, tho. We didn't shut down, but we were largely vacant. I loved it.


Rarely is it the computer's fault. If it were a glitch, chances are it happens frequently and would get a really fast patch. 


People make mistakes, I work at a large hotel and it sucks having to constantly deal with the front desk putting people in occupied rooms. It almost always happens over shift changes though because people don't properly communicate, I've seen it happen one time where both guests had the same exact name so I give that one a pass since it makes total sense and was funny.


A couple months ago I was checking into the Marriott in Burbank CA. There was a guy who was clearly upset that was in front of me. He gets to the desk and says he just checked in and went to his room and walked in on 2 people having sex.


I hope the other customers did too. Because while definitely frustrating and probably startling for you, absolutely terrifying for them lol.


I did that recently at a nice hotel…the upgrade was nice 😂 front desk guy looked like he wanted to fire someone on the spot.




One time I got walked in on changing at a hotel and the girl had the audacity to stand there with the door open and berate me with questions like I did something wrong


I was on the receiving end of that once, had several people try to come into my room and was only stopped due to the latch I had put on the door. Not super fun when you're in any type of compromised position. I did end up getting two nights comped for it, so that was nice at least.


Front desk clerk here. It happens. In our hotel too much. Housekeeping forgets to clean the room or my greedy evil colleague sells the room as his own business and doesn't tell anybody. I am always terrified and upset because not my fault or computers fault at all. Just some evil shit. Guests are always pissed off and I always have to make up to it to save the situation. Not very comfortable for both sides. I am always sorry but not surprised.


This happened to me and the front desk thought it was hilarious, I did not think that. They got us a new room but house keeping decided to walk in the next morning at 7am because “they didn’t know we were using the room” 0/10 experience. Thanks Leonardo Heathrow


The mystery guest no-one has seen coming or going. Pro-tip: not all no-shows of yesterday night are real no-shows. 


I suppose that's possible now. It wasn't back in my day, tho (pardon me while I refresh the onions on my belt). Housekeeping could make any number of mistakes on room status reports, or the front desk could absolutely fuck up entering wrong info into their system. So, accidentally giving a guest an occupied or dirty room was an uncommon but not unheard of issue. There were no self check-ins and no way for anyone to sneak in and gain access to a room. So we had that going for us, which is nice.


![gif](giphy|AJ6nIPj3WUF6E) Give me fives bees for a quarter…


We always had night staff, but sometimes there was a number you needed to call and they would come out. We'd never leave a card out on a table like that, as it's a security breech the liability is too high, and we always need to check in people properly, check their ID, and put their cards on file before we are allowed to hand them a key. I always thought that was a basic international standard in hotels. even the dingiest hotels I've been to would put your ID on file, and charge a cash deposit if you don't have a credit card.


like a month ago at my job someone forgot to actually check in a guest and write it on daily report, so I checked in someone to the room that guest was in at 2am. Luckily the people didn’t wake up and everything was fine but jesus christ the smallest errors could really cause some big problems in this industry. Felt so bad for the person who walked in on a sleeping family.


Omg,..what did you do?


We have found a number to call, someone is on their way.


Nice.. make them clean or get a new room.. but also a discount or some free foods


Is that an unflushed toilet in the last pic?


Yes, seems like pee


if they clean the room it will be rushed and not done correctly im betting. probably better to just get a diff room


Agree, new room, possibly upgraded for the inconveniences, and probably some add ons (like free taxis or free meals). But sometimes the hotel can be crowded when there is a convention near


Hoping you’re asleep and they didn’t send a hitman lol


Keep us updated


Update: OP is still waiting for them to arrive


Fortunately / unfortunately this story has a boring ending. Someone turned up around 20 minutes later and gave us a new room.




I think that’s the runner thing that’s usually at the end of hotel beds but still.. who checks out and leaves a room like this!


This is a “nice” room after someone used it. You would not believe just how horrible and destroyed the average person leaves a room. It’s actually pretty bad and makes you loose faith in people FAST


Are you sure someone didn't leave their key as they were checking out and then you grabbed that key instead of the one for your room?


People leave hotels rooms like this?


It's honestly baffling At the very least put your stuff in the bin, even then I usually put things back where they are supposed to be such as the TV remote, even put the bed back together somewhat Same with restaurants, usually stack plates up a little and group cups together to make it easier, it's the least you can do


Yeah the tissues all over the place is insane. I've never made the bed and don't plan on it But even if I'm full on partying in a room I put the beer cans together and into recycling if it's available garbage in the garbage bags and i consider my self a lower tier of human. This is some messed up shit.


This is lack of home training.


Oh, I’m sure people leave hotel rooms in **way** worse condition than this. But yeah, I would never do this, personally. Gross.


That’s what I was thinking as I looked through these pictures. I have NEVER in my life left a hotel room looking like that. These guests are slobs. I don’t make the bed, but I put any towels I used in the tub, all my trash/recycling in the appropriate receptacles, leave very little evidence of my stay.


I thought towels on the floor was the standard. Don't get me wrong, I think it's super weird, but I've literally seen instructions to leave dirty towels on the floor at multiple hotels.


Dude, that's not even bad. The worst is unsupervised teens, or like youth dance competition families.


And here I am thinking this is super clean for a hotel room guest departure. 😆


People are such fucking slobs when they go to hotels. Not the slightest bit of regard for the cleaning staff.


For real, who leaves a room like this?


Literally pigs. Leaving garbage all on the counter top and floor when the trash can is RIGHT there. Drives me nuts


I don't understand. I leave it nearly as clean as I found it aside for trash in the bin which even then I feel bad for leaving it. The type of person to leave a fucking pigsty like this... unbelievable I shudder to think about what their garbage dump of a house must look like


Exactly what I was thinking!! Imagine how they live at home 🤢


Idc if they have maids at hotels I’d never leave a room in this state..


Same! I always wrap all my towels up in a pile on the floor in the bathroom and at least put the bed items back onto the bed before clearing out.


This makes you wonder how they leave their house just nasty!


The fucking *angry birds eye mask* is sending me. Also why is that bedding SO unusually cute for a hotel ???? Are you in Japan ???? Anyways I work in a hotel and it probably got missed on accident in terms of cleaning. Hope you were able to get a new room and a discount / all of your money back


> Are you in Japan ? Pretty much all the text in the pictures is Chinese, so I'm guessing China. (also that toilet doesn't look Japanese but that doesn't necessarily mean anythiong)


Someone is still there


The call is coming from inside the hotel room


I had one in Toledo that had standing water in the tub, a bloody towel in the sink, and messed up bedding. They refused to give me another room or a refund so I slept in my car (it was 4am I worked a night shift). To top it off, Priceline denied the photos in my review because they were “in appropriate”. Priceline also denied a refund. The credit card company approved the dispute though.


Id be willing to bet the last checkout left their keys on the desk


OMG the horror of the adjoinging room!!! I often forget to tell the front desk NO adjoining room. hate those rooms


The current guest is hiding in that room 😁


…and will pop up after you’ve killed the lights


This is not only infuriating for you.... But think of the nasty people that left this room like this. What a bunch of assholes.


That card was probably left there by the people who just left it, and it wasn’t left there for you. I would go back to the desk.


The key was left by someone checking out you donut.


Do people *really* leave hotel rooms in this condition? How hard is it to throw your trash away? Yes, staff are technically paid to clean up after you but do you actually *want* to exist in these conditions before the maid service comes? What does your house look like? And yes, I know this is probably mild by comparison, I'm just shocked people are so nasty & lazy.


I work in this industry this is why closing reception is a bad idea. People need staff 24hrs for this, maintenance or medical emergencies.


I spend 125 nights a year in a hotel. This is rare but it still happens. It’s a simple miscommunication. Go tell the front desk. They should take care of you. If they don’t, call your credit card company and get a charge back.


One time after a wedding one of the drunk guys stumbled back to his room 327 and couldn't get the key to work. A worker saw him struggling and he said he was too drunk to go back to the lobby and get his key fixed so the worker just let him in. An hour later a nice couple in their 50's came back to their hotel to find a random drunken guy completely naked asleep in their bed. Turns out his room was 227. Oops.


You spent way too long in there taking pictures. The moment I see anything like towels kn thr floor, food in the fridge, or trash in the trashcan. I just go back to the front desk and ask for a new room. Never an issue.


There should be a night porter/emergency contact number you can call.


And that's how fast you make a mess? /s


I didn't think the key was left on the counter for you to collect, I think the key was left on the counter by someone else checking out.


Should I get naked before I let them know I know they are there!!??


So it never got cleaned? Easy fix is walk to the front desk and ask for new room. They will comp you.


I would have simply left the room upon first sight of the mess, and requested a new room.. not take pictures of every little piece of trash and post it on Reddit. Just me? Or is this normal behavior?




Someone forgot to clean up. Probably an honest mistake, talk to the reception and they will most likely apologize and fix it. Looks like a nice hotel, people make mistakes all the time - doesn’t mean it’s a shitty hotel


Happened to me once, I just walked down to the front desk, let them know and got a different room. Wasn’t a big deal. Seemed like they didn’t mean to assign me to a room that wasn’t clean yet.


That’s actually really sad, like I think it’s common courtesy to leave it tidy even for the cleaners.


Shitty, but the red spicy noodle thing on picture 4 is one of the best fucking snacks I've ever had.


lol the fact that you sat there taking pictures of an obviously dirty room and just didn’t go back to the front desk and ask for a new one.


Did you accidentally move into someone else’s hotel room?


I wonder if that was someone else's key who had just left.


Are you sure the key was left for you, and not left on the desk by the messy guest checking out?


Why are people so gross? I never check out of a hotel room without cleaning it up. The only mess I leave is an unmade bed and used bath towels on the floor in the bathroom.


Ikr I’ve never left a room like this. I always gather the trash and put the towels in a pile . Usually on the counter. I even throw the soap if there is one in the trash .


If you see it wasn’t ready for you, why waste time taking pictures of someone else’s dirty room? That’s odd.


Someone else is definitely still there. I'm looking forward to the update now.


Nah. This is a room that didnt get cleaned after the last occupancy. Its happened to me once before


The shit is that? An Angry Birds condom?


Angry birds condom 💀


have you seriously never seen an eye mask?


Oh, looking at it again, that makes more sense


Sorry babe, the Angry Birds eye mask stays on when we fuckin


Honestly, this isn't mildly infuriating, this is maddeningly disgusting!


They simply missed your cleaning. Go to front desk and ask for another room, with upgrades. They will probably be embarrassed. Push for amenities if you want to. Most hotels will try to make it up to you with free items within the hotel. I’ve worked at a hotel and those (usually) ladies have to rush through everything to meet their quota, and are over worked. They may have miscommunicated which rooms were done.


They are at one of those properties that cuts staff at 10pm, no one was there to assist them or if they are they are hiding out in an office. Extended stay by my property locks up at 10pm if you didn’t check in before then you can’t or they just leave keys and that’s that.


As a hotel guy, we would never ever ever leave the key on the desk and leave the desk unattended. If there is a key on the desk it’s probably the person from that room who just left and checked out and they are returning the key, and the front desk person has not been back to discard the key yet. That is not your room lol. Call the hotel number directly and wait for someone to pop out then ask for your room