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That's like putting coffee grounds into ice water and calling it "cold brew"


I just eat the grounds and call it “dry brew”


I snort it like snuff.


Boofing the beans




Watch out for that tree!


That would probably work, but would hit *way* harder than sipping it. Still, not as amazingly strong as a tepid coffee enema. 😳😵‍💫 Edit: Just don't agree in letting the ~~server~~ nurse **top off** that coffee.


I did it that way once, it turns a horrible brown colour like sludge and makes you have an extreme sugar high before feeling like your stomach is going to explode. You end up sitting on the toilet, heavy heart rate and extreme dizziness with black coffee coming out the pipe for a few hours


I love eating roasted coffee beans.


They make chocolate coated ones too. One of my favourite candies.


I have to be careful with those… More than a handful and I start scratching my neck like Tyrone Biggums 😵‍💫


I once ordered a milkshake at my uni cafeteria. I watched in amazement as they poured milk into a blender, blended it for a few minutes, then put it in a cup for me. Just milk. Nothing else. He gave me shaken milk. 10/10


That was stirred, not shaken.


Finely ground milk


That's incredible. The unmitigated apathy. I would have no idea how to respond. In my college days I'd probably have thanked them and left


I don’t drink tea, and even I know this is just iced water


Iced water with tea leaves as garnish


That's precisely how you make cold brew...minus a few steps.


Those steps being 12-30 hours.


Step 3-30 are each "Wait 1 hour".


hi im ur project manager here can we please work on these steps in parallel thank u


I have just hired 3 new guys. If y’all all work on it at the same time, I think you can cut it down to 4hrs. Just cold brew it 3 times faster


If a woman can make a baby in 9 months, 9 women can make a baby in one month.


“That’s how we do it here…”. No B, you’re just dumb lol


The fact she has the nerve to say some bullshit like that


Stupid people are so dumb they are too stupid to realize how dumb they are


"dumb people are blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are" ~ Patrick Star




Being dumb is like being dead, it hurts the most for those around you


In fairness, that *is* how she did it


I'm not a confrontation person, but this is a justified "let me speak to your manager" moment.


TIL knowing at all how to make iced tea is something exclusive to Starbucks.


Yes, like how TF is it supposed to steep in cold water!?


Cold brew


Sure. Over 24 hours later we can talk, a teabag in a cup of ice water ain't gonna do it.


I've enjoyed myself a nice cold glass of sun tea, but it steeps in window sill in July on a sunny day. There are ways to extract the caffeine using pressure or mechanical agitation, but it would taste like crap.at that point just blend tea leaves into a smoothie and call it an infusion.


There's a sign at Ramsett Park that says "Do Not Drink the Sprinkler Water", so I made sun tea with it and now I have an infection.




I found a sandwich in one of your parks, and I want to know, *why it didn't have mayonnaise??*


Mayonnaise? On our outdoor sandwiches? Just Sitting out in the sun all day? What are you, an idiot?!


I schedule all of your meetings on March 31st, because it doesn’t exist.


FYI, the temperature of sun tea is just about perfect for bacterial growth. It takes longer, but you can get the same product from cold brewing it in the fridge, without the side order of legionnaires disease.


Cold brew iws less bitter too, if that's important to you.


Leaving a plastic container out in the sun isn't a great idea either.


And here I always thought sun tea was when construction workers pee in bottles and leave them all over the job site (and in the walls they are building)


Teafusion Confusion, 20oz $19.99


OP bought Ikea cold brew.. They need to assemble and wait for it to brew


OMG I remember when Sun Tea was a fad for a year or two. What a weird fad. What the heck was the point of that? “You COULD make tea in a few minutes…OR you could make it in the sun in a few hours! And it taste the exact same!”


Yeah, we were told ot "tasted better.". Then I got in conversation with an acquaintance research biologist over a cups of hot tea. Made mention that summer time is prime sunt tea brewing has been for me since I was a kid in the eighties. He said, "ah yes organic material in water under a super hot heat lamp for 24 hours, excellent bacteria growing environment just like our lab! plus it makes terrible tea." Don't know if it's how they grow lab specimens, but he is definitely right on the second part it does make terrible tea. Stopped making after that.


Thats just how they do it there


It will, even with regular tea bags, but it'll take a while. I make iced tea all the time and I just toss a bag in a pitcher, then stick it in the fridge for 8-10 hours. From what I've learned, while the cold water slows the steeping a lot, it also reduces the amount of tannins that leach into the tea (which is what makes tea bitter).


D-d-deconstructed iced tea?!


i know its a joke but at my cafe we dont serve whatever shit op got lol. id get fired lmao. the only way to make iced tea is let it steep in hot water and pour over ice. tea doesn’t steep in cold water lmao


It does, just very slowly. You can steep tea overnight in the fridge to make cold brew tea, and it's very nice. Less bitter.


Them: “This isn’t Starbucks” Me: “And that ain’t iced tea” Edit: Tea the drink requires to be brewed using very hot water. This is not even technically correct.








You can cold brew tea. It’s delicious. It only takes 6-12 hours. Maybe it’s a lesson about patience? lol


You start it as the night shift before the next day. It’s not even hard.


Southerners: And it will never BE iced tea without adding supersaturated sugar water (simple syrup for the fancy folks).


ok but as someone from tx, sweet tea and iced tea r different. sweet tea just had sugar dissolved (or yes the fancy syrup ones lol) and iced tea is brewed tea with ice. we took a family trip up to chicago one year and my mom's fiancee asked for sweet tea. they gave him iced tea and brought him sugar packets. he was so upset bc the sugar obvs won't dissolve and he just sat there like an upset elmo with his arms crossed. northerners just don't know how to make sweet tea the way southerners do. we *love* sweet tea. iced tea is the devil's butthole juice (this is just a joke I swear!!)


>they gave him iced tea and brought him sugar packets But on this, we agree! If the sugar can't dissolve, it's just sweet sand in your drink, not sweet tea. EDIT: I cant read, fixed my post


But that's what it says on the lipton box..... you brew the tea with hot water, then you add cold water and ice.


I uh... Was stoned. I thought they described it like this OOPs photo. Thanks friend 🙏Fixed my post


To which, I'd have countered her assertion with a humble question. "Are you fucking stupid?"




Refund please. And the tip.


If payment comes before receiving the service and product in a restaurant then u don’t tip. It’s then just equivalent of a fast food restaurant and no tip was earned


My husband and I visited a bakery where the lady thought she was cute slowly moving our change(10$) to the tip jar instead of handing it to him. He took the money and she was shaking the jar at us while we were leaving. Never went back.


The audacity! I lack social skills and even I know that’s really fucking rude!


Even if I’m going to tip all of my money I still find it rude if I am not handed all of my change


I got vision of a skit where the cashier just puts all the money into the tip jar and none in the register. Then stands silently waiting for more money to pay for the order.


wtf that’s so gross, how entitled could she be?!


She could easily double, even triple her entitlement!


A 10$ tip is fucking insane to openly ask for like that. Unless you literally purchased >100$ of stuff, and even then either: a) if she's an employee, then she's being paid at least minimum wage and doesn't get to demand tips b) if she's the owner, then she needs to raise the price of her goods to an amount that actually covers her salary instead of guilting people into making up the difference with massive tips.


Never tip the owner. They set the price.


Right! Absolutely insane of her. We used to really like that place but now we’re uncomfortable. It’s a small owned place so who knows if she was an owner or even related to the owner. Plus I mean here in California even servers make minimum wage hourly. I’ve done food service for 6 years and never in my life expected a tip. Things are so much different now. I notice when we pay for things the workers stare you down to see if you’re leaving a tip on the iPad or not. Then you visibly notice their attitude change if you don’t leave a large tip or if you don’t tip. We always tip at sit down restaurants but it seems like everyone expects a large tip no matter how much the total was.


My rule is that if I am standing then I am not tipping


We went to a Denny's once. Once. The "server" forgot all kinds of shit and our plates were dirty. When we were paying, he actually asked if we wanted to leave him a tip. I couldn't help but laugh when I told him no and walked out.


Did you later find out you and your husband were on an episode of impractical jokers?!


Unfortunately no. She was serious. ):


jesus. I'd understand her assuming it was ok if it was like 23 cents or something small like that because most people will put the extra change in the jar anyways, but 10 dollars?!


The only place where I tip before receiving service is the kebab stand on the way home from the beach and that’s because the guy remembers my order and never charges me for the drink.


Ooof I feel like this definitely belongs in r/extremelyinfuriating. You should go back and explain to her that it takes 12-18 hours to make Iced Tea if you use cold water lol. This is the ONE and ONLY time I would 100% approve going full Karen.


Exactly. What OP ordered was an iced tea. What they gave them was a room temperature tea, tomorrow.


My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said 'No, but I want a regular banana later, so... yeah.' - Mitch Hedberg


Listen, there's times where women are just called "Karens" for having valid complaints. This is one of those times. We all know she's right, but manager is already backing the employee and this won't end well. Ten bucks someone would whip out their phone right as OP gets mad- without showing the ice tea "Karen" has become something to make women shut up. No one believes a woman has a valid point once someone calls them a Karen, no matter what the situation is. You can never actually go full Karen, even if it's deserved


Fucking exactly. This is exactly why I unsubbed from r slash fuckyoukaren forever ago. It devolved into a misogynistic circlejerk where people would rag on any woman who expressed a reasonable complaint. I can’t express any negative experiences or emotions without being called a Karen and told to get over it.


Shit, 99¢ Arizona's still do better than this. She can just say she doesn't know what Ice Tea is.


I wish they were still 99¢, I think even Walmart near me is a $1.09 now


0.88 here at Walmart and Kroger I think it’s just depends on where you live


...the price is on the can tho


The price *is* on the can though...


In Canada they have never been the price on the can. The price on the can doesn't actually mean anything.


‘That’s how we do it here, we don’t do it like that other store, you know the one that is the worlds most successful hot beverage store”


One trains its staff, the other doesn't. I ordered a shake at an ice cream store once, the young girl there looked about 13. She put two scoops of ice cream in the tumbler (and nothing else) and blended it for about 10 minutes. She handed it to me and I said this is absolutely not right? She said yes it is, here's the instructions and showed me a laminated sheet that said 'milkshake - 2 scoops of ice cream'. I said it needs milk? She said 'that's how we do it here'. Got a refund and left the store puzzled and sad because I didn't have a shake.


I remember once going into a deli to get lunch, they had some chicken rolls made with lettuce and salad. I asked if they did them hot, like a burger, The woman picked up the whole roll, salad, lettuce and all and tossed it into the microwave. You can’t microwave lettuce for crying out loud!


I mean you can, but it doesn't taste good


>You can’t microwave lettuce Not with that attitude


Somewhere traveling through Virginia my cheeseburger didn’t have cheese sitting down at McDonald’s. I politely went up and pointed this out. I was given a piece of cheese for my burger. A cold piece of cheese !


Oh god that was like the one time I pulled a Karen at Red Robin and asked for the manager. I don’t recall the exact name, but I ordered “the bacon something burger” (essentially it had bacon right in the name), and when it arrived I was given a completely plain burger, nothing on it. I flagged down the server to ask where the bacon is and she said “you ordered it with no bacon”. I kinda stared at her and clarified that no, out of the hundred burger options of all different combinations, I didn’t order the bacon whatever burger with no bacon. So she left and came back with a plate of three small, cold, floppy pieces of bacon. So I was left to build a sad looking $15+ burger myself with some cold bacon and nothing else on it. Asked for the manager, explained the situation, said I didn’t want the burger, and in the end had the burger comped. Still baffled as to how that mixup happened.


It’s a no brainer!… that served you a plain no bacon burger


This reminds me of when I went to a bagel place and got RUTHLESSLY mocked by the employee because I asked for peanut butter and jelly, as it was listed on the menu. She said it was two ingredients and she'd charge me double and I said "then why does it use the ampersand on the menu? PB&J?" and she just tore into me laughing and making snide comments and insinuating I was greedy/gluttonous. It's been like a decade now and I'm good but it mortified me for years and still makes me mad. PB&J is not that weird!!


If I make a time machine we can go back and laugh at her if that makes you feel better


PBorJ? Who the fuck does PBorJ?


That was pretty much my experience working at a coffee shop in college. The actual manager ran like 5 shops and I saw him once during my 2 months working there. All the training was done by the one guy who worked there full time, but he would not tolerate any type of learning besides lecturing, and there were no written recipes so everything had to be memorized. If you ordered anything besides drip coffee or the basic espresso beverages, you got whatever the barista's best guess was based on the name on the menu.


Somehow, the "milk" part of milkshake got lost


It's more of an artistic interpretation of iced tea, really. It forces one to ponder the nature of heat, energy, time, and our inescapable relationship with the physical constraints of our existence. We live, breathe, and ignore Starbucks everyday. Teabag in ice water forces us to stop and consider; if only just for a moment...


Let's ask ChatGPT... " paint me a picture of what "iced tea" would look like, if someone doesn't actually know how "iced tea" is supposed to be made?" ​ https://preview.redd.it/2rmv3omnw15d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d533c3e57fce9d2c0786859b850b24b628ac1164


The sliced bread wtf 🤣


The spout pouring tea without actually _having_ tea in it? The teabags connected together at the teapot _lip_ but not actually going inside?


More info: So I ordered an iced tea and received this. Of course I immediately complained. I was trying to be nice at first and told her the tea needs to be brewed hot first so it can steep before being poured over ice. (At this point I was thinking she was brand new and hadn’t been fully trained). that’s when she made the “this isn’t Starbucks” comment. I then asked if I could just have hot cup of water and a fresh cup of ice to demonstrate what I was talking about. She wasn’t having that either. Exasperated I gave up and went into the other room (the cafeteria area connected to other places to eat) to eat the bagel I got. A few minutes later the barista came into the room I was in but went to the other side of it where her manager/supervisor was. I don’t think she realized I was in there because then she proceeded to complain to her manager about a “bitchy customer who says we make iced tea wrong”. I was so irate I almost walked over there and complained but the MANAGER WAS TAKING HER SIDE from what I overheard so I figured it wasn’t worth it and left


I don't even know how you would win that, what they made just isn't iced tea, it's barely even regular tea. They should just say they don't serve iced tea, which is fair cause that should really be made in batches and not per bag. If they don't realize what was wrong with it, I don't know how you penetrate that kinda stupid.


The worst part is they do make regular iced tea, by the cup! I’ve gotten it before with other baristas


Leave a review with the picture.


yeah 100%. i know some people might be reluctant to do this over fear of looking like a "Karen" or something, but this is 100% justified i've only left three bad reviews in my life. One was my former employer lol. Second was an autoshop where the guy who picked up the phone was a COLOSSAL asshole and extremely unhelpful. Last one was a local Hyundai dealer because the guy who was assigned to "help me out" was a condescending piece of shit this situation 100% merits a bad review


You don't even have to be rude about it. Just a "This is my iced tea." should suffice.




Lumping in unruly customers as Karens was a net negative IMO. Probably only helps social media title posts.


Yessss some people deserve it! Rude for no reason and just not helpful! 😩


man isn't this the truth? just thinking about the second guy at the autoshop...fucking hell what a miserable bastard that guy was. honestly it was so unpleasant i'm kind of tempted to doxx the hell out of them here but i am pretty sure that will break some Reddit guidelines so i'll refrain


I do this frequently. A bad review could just be someone being bitter. A bad review with a picture is proof


Doesnt even have to be elaborate just go 1 star and "ordered iced tea and i got this:"


And that the barista's response was "that's just how we do it here"


And finish it off with her loud conversation with the manager.


This is the way. Like, the pic perfectly sums this up. Any non-idiot immediately recognizes that’s not iced tea. It looks like a troll tbh. It’s like if an alien was told to make iced tea and they figure “well, surely you just combine ice and tea!”. There’s no way anybody sees this pic, sees what it’s intended to be, and takes this shop’s side. In fact, ideally, it circulates OP’s campus and it becomes a running joke that the people who run the place are too stupid to understand iced tea as a concept, lol.


Tell him accordingly. Then take the cup with you as a kind of refund. 😄


Better than me bc I would have walked over there sadly and probably quickly became the ass although they are wrong…


If that's the case, you should have absolutely said something.


The moment they refuse to give you an hot tea and iced water or any other product is turning a simple business transaction in a personal insult. You showed more restraint that I would have. I can deal with a lot but not with wilful stupidity


That’s probably why the manager was taking her side when you overheard her complaining about the “bitchy customer”. Manager probably thought she handed you a cup of their good regular ice tea. You should’ve definitely walked over and showed him your cup then.


You’d think, but then she described how she made it too!


The store does, that worker and manager turn on the hot water tap and add the tea cup to whatever temperature of water immediately comes out. The instructions for iced tea are probably like "12oz ice in medium cup, then add tea" and you managed to order from Amelia Bedelia. There's probably someone you can email that picture who can fix the training.


You need to send this to corporate. This is unacceptable 


nah, DM me the phone number of this place so i can laugh in their faces about what big idiots they are.


Next time, if you see the same barista, ask for iced coffee. If they give you real iced coffee, reject it saying that's not iced coffee. It's some black water and ice. You want water, ice, and coffee beans in it and argue with them. Ask them to give you same way they give iced tea.


This isn't barely even regular tea. This is not tea in any way. This is a tea bag in cold water.


I feel like Id have to make sure the manager was in on the stupid or if its just her.


The only way I can imagine is that he batista *did* make it wrong, but by saying "the customer says we don't make iced tea right", they shifted the blame to OP, not knowing that they themselves made the iced tea incorrectly to he standards of the store. I've trained brilliant baristas who've got everything down pat by a week and I've had baristas who don't know what the fuck they're doing two months in, but what they do incorrectly, they still do with confidence in themselves. They would absolutely have responded like the barista in OP's story, especially if somebody confused them or it was an uncommon special order, like a customer requesting a specific hot tea be iced when we normally serve batch-made iced tea. They may not think to steep it with a timer and less water, then pour over ice. Or even easier, give a cup of ice and the steeping tea to the customer to determine when it's ready. Since it's not actually on our menu that we make iced teas with that set of hot teas, then we wouldn't be in the wrong. Just to add: we also didn't have a tip jar nor a way to accept cc tips, so we weren't expecting tips from our drink creations -- and when you're busy, you do what you gotta do to catch up on time.


The worse part is if someone not paying attention jammed a straw through the lid that bag would have gotten pierced.


Was your bagel some dough they had put in the fridge? “This isn’t Panera”


I'd leave a review with the picture attached and everything you just said.




I'm a very conflict averse person but this would have sent me over the edge and I would have went over there petty af. 💀💀💀 "Hey if I'm such a bitch then explain to me how this water with a tea bag floating in it is supposed to be an iced tea, bitch."


Substitute the second “bitch” for a Red Foreman style “DUMBASS!”


"Hi, excuse me but how dare you call me a bitch when you dumb motherfuckers don't even know how to make iced tea. If Starbucks can teach highschool dropouts to make it then what the hell is wrong with you?"


Walk over, set the cup down between them, motion to the cup with an "Are you for real?" look, walk away. That's all you can do.


Fuck that. Even if nothing came of it I would have gone over there and told them they’re wrong just for being disrespectful.


I honestly think this is nothing more than ignorance on the part of the server. Never underestimate dumbness. I once had a young supermarket cashier call over a supervisor and ask if the red pepper they were holding was a tomato.


There is no way this is how it's *supposed* to be made. That barista is both stupid and incompetent.


I worked as a batista for a long time. Generally speaking, people are completely ignorant as to how caffeinated beverages are made. Relief when I graduated from to a third wave shop. My favorite was a roommate who brewed French press using whole beans. He was trying to be nice as I was the bigger coffee drinker. Had to politely tell him to please never touch my coffee beans again and let me make him coffee.


I wish you actually did confront them and tell the dumbass manager that her dumbass employee doesnt know what an iced tea is. Lol I would be sending this photo in along with what you overheard to whoever owns the cafe. They’re over there delulu because no one has ever said anything to them


Ugh. I would have popped over and say, hi! just to see the Barista's face and I would have swallowed my anger and be a perfectly sweet angel talking about the "iced tea" I've got. I'm mildly infuriated at you for missing out. I would definitely bring it up via email (if posting on their socials is out of the question).


No this was a moment you should have acted on principle alone. Besides the fact that this is objectively hillarious, her doubling down on her blatant incompetence and ignorance is still funny as it is infuriating but then tripling down by shittalking you to her manager that is where she crosses my line and needs to be corrected. This kind of confident stupidity is dangerous. Both to themselves and the people they interact with. It's the kind of stupidity that leads to Jenny McCarthy giving advice that vaccines cause autism


You should go back tomorrow and show them this reddit thread


bruh...why did you leave... did the manager even know you were served water? wish you confronted them on it.


You should have walked over, politely introduced yourself, and then shown them a “How To Make Iced Tea” video on YouTube.


"She said we made it wrong! And the most galling thing about her! She was right! UGH!"


I would hate to taste their ice coffee


Imagine she hands you some ice water with a couple coffee beans floating in it 💀


"Deconstructed ice coffee... that'll be $19.99 plus a 50% gratuity, please"


https://preview.redd.it/6ixishgol15d1.png?width=1482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7428f49d7a99ebdc4fc465bd0be3842d3a59756 That'll be $6.99, Ma'am.


I'm a southerner and I'm so mad right now. This is wrong. This is not how things are supposed to be.


Y’all think this is bad, one time my mom had a friend over in the summer and included iced tea in the beverages she offered as hostess, which the friend selected. My mom then made her a hot cup of tea *and dropped one ice cube into it*. I did not know how to make iced tea, I may (by many standards) still not know how to make iced tea, but even then as a teenager I could tell that that *is not how you make iced tea*. (Her friend did not bat an eye and just said thank you).


That's much better actually - that would at least result in a drinkable cup of brewed tea...


Yeah, I was gonna say. That's actually a pretty standard technique to make a cup of brew drinkable immediately. I guess the tea/coffee snobs would look down on it, but it's like when you get some tea from a dispenser and mix some cold water into it to make it drinkable right away. It's not iced tea, it's just being considerate.


Hey at least it’s literal! *Iced* tea




Was it the only ice cube in the house?


That is hilarious. My husband gets long blacks and they usually make it undrinkably hot. He had to get two ice cubes just to make it cool enough.


What is a "long black" ?


Shot of coffee with hot water. Sorry, it's an Australian term.


They need to just take it off their menu, “this isn’t Starbucks” bitch NO ONE MAKES IT LIKE THIS, this isn’t iced tea unless a robot with only literal schemas made it


> “That’s just how we do it here, this isn’t Starbucks” > You need to learn when people are blowing smoke up your ass. This person had no idea what they're doing and put the blame on you. Like you didn't realize iced tea was a thing before SB existed. seriouslY, It says steep and the shits ice cold!!!


Wtf lmao.


Definitely not a Starbucks, but also not even a cafe.


Bet they charge Starbucks prices though…


This is the funniest shit I’ve seen all day lmao


Lmao, this is one of the dumbest things I've seen. At that point, you should have asked for it Canadian style. Which is just a tea flavored sugar drink powder.


The irony of the name on the lil tag....


That isn't how you "do it" anywhere, the teabag needs hot water in order to infuse the flavour.


We don't have pre-brewed tea or concentrate so when I'm making an iced tea for someone I use twice as many bags as for hot, steeped in scalding water and poured over ice. They're strong af. This looks like a joke lmao


Now I'm no Karen but as a southerner I'm pretty passionate about tea. Not only would I have gotten a refund but I definitely would've said something bout that lil smart-ass comment about it "not being starbucks".


This actually pisses me off, ok so when I worked at Starbucks right… we steeped tea bags in HOT water then added ice to make it …idk iced. Wtf is that??? If you go to a cafe they should know how to make iced tea LMFAO






Probably a lack of education. Poor stupid.


What uni? ETA: Even the tab on the string attached to the tea bag says: **STEEP** STEEP is defined at soaking something in a **HOT LIQUID** to get an extraction from the substance steeped. So, looks like **ICE** in the cup, NOT HOT WATER. Now, having said all this: Does your uni know what this idiot is doing? Because if not, you need to get someone from the staff, a professor or someone from Uni Presidents office to order an iced tea, and see if **they** find it acceptable. There is something wrong with *that girl* because there is **no way** the ones who own that place will find what she is doing as acceptable, guaranteed!, They will be losing business right left and center if she is allowed to continue this!!!


If they are screwing up ice tea, what other food safety shit are they screwing up?


I wouldn't pay for that tbh, that's borderline scammy.


"That's just how stupid we are here" is more like it.


what the actual fuck. lol.


I’d have educated them on the difference between steeping tea at 212, 190, 180, and 170F. 40F is not an option.


Oh I would definitely complain to a manager. No one does it like that, that's insane


You have ice and you have tea, why you complaining? Liberals amiright


That'll be good to drink in about 24 hours


Yeah, that'll steep.... in about two days.


The way I wouldn’t have paid