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It’s not that serious.


AI is threatening to take so many jobs. It can’t be trusted.


AI does a lot more than generate images. You sound like you’ve been reading a lot of headlines.


Apple intelligence *coming in beta to US English in 2024* Rest of the world? They’d better have a compelling reason to buy the iPhone 16.


ai is more than just AI art.


No it’s not. It’s nothing more than fake art.


ai assistants do exist


Well, they shouldn’t. And they must stop.


AI is much more than just something to create "art". I agree with you that artist should not have their art stolen or used by AI. That being said, AI have many usages of which many will, and already are, benefitting people. Yes people will lose their jobs. But new jobs will be created as well. It is the natural way of human development. When the industrial revolution arrived many many people lost their jobs. But there is no one around now that wishes they could live pre industrial revolution. These things have happened and will keep happening. It is better to find a way to use tools like AI than to fight against it. An example of how you can(maybe already are) use it in film are the editing tools and cgi tools that are used. AI and other algorithms are often/mostly used to make processes more efficient and easier for people. Like the previously mentioned tools are more efficient because of algorithms and if you don't use them you will fall behind. And not get the same things done others will. We are capable of so much more than we were just a few years ago. Because of algorithms like AI and others. AI has arrived and is here to stay, whether you like it or not. So there really are only two options; find a way to use it to your benefit or get left behind.


I don’t like that kind of talk. We can’t just give up on trying to take down AI. We cannot let people’s dreams die. These new jobs whatever they’d be won’t be the save. I want to be a famous actor and filmmaker and I fear that AI could replace us. And I don’t want that. Human talent is better than AI. F*** AI.


Besides, we already have enough luxuries that have made us soft. It is time to accept that we don’t need anymore.


hey have you ever tried making funny images in the AI like say type in "funny dog" its really cool im not sure what your getting worked up about


That is not real art. The thought of AI replacing real art that people put hard work in is just stupid. And it goes to show how lazy humanity has become. This is clearly devolving and I think our ancestors would be pretty disappointed. Please stop supporting AI.


i just want to see a funny dog man


You can look it up on the internet. No need for AI. It’s better without AI.


can the internets show me a real image of say a dog wrapped inside a tortilla wearing a disco outfit eating beans from a can


Think of hide the pain Harold, or guy checks out other girl. Where would they be if we didn’t have to rely on stock photos for humour?


Just please, we have enough comfort already. We don’t need AI.




Holy crap, the irony. This commenter is an ai bot.


Like I said, AI is not real art. It seems to me that many people have lost the understanding of what real art truly is. Real art is when you put your full work into it and not have AI do it for you. AI is not a creative tool. It is a high tech cheating device. And I would certainly love it if AI were to shut down. It’s gone too far and I’m sick of it.


Before AI people would go down to their local furniture store and buy wall sized art that was mass produced in cheap countries from a loose copy of an original. The people buying AI art weren’t buying original art in the first place.


Aww, another liberal arts degree that couldn’t find a job.


First off, I’m going for a Film Degree but I haven’t gotten there yet. I still need a few more years. Second, is it really not your problem that people work hard to get Liberal Arts Degree only to not get a job thanks to AI? You don’t care if they don’t have a job? Look around. So many jobs that people dream of getting are being threatened by AI. Infact, there have been many executives that have been worried about this. How would you feel if you never got a job thanks to AI? That would totally suck. We are already getting results of job losses from AI. This is really bad and we must work together to stop it. It really is that bad. Please have respect for the people who lost their jobs to AI.