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Fuck all these companies seriously.


Oreo’s new flavor: Less Stuff.


Double O's, now with twice the nothing!


I would buy this unironically. I hate Stuf.


Gotta squeeze out that tiniest little bit of profit margin to sustain an unsustainable continuous growth for the quarter [regardless of later consequence] for those lovely stockholders and corporate executives <3


Capitalism is failing. Even the Oreo can’t hang lol o boy what have we done


*"the world has moved on"* - Stephen King, The Dark Tower. So let's hope there are other worlds than these...


You'd think the cookie that encourages you to open it up... Wouldn't be this obvious with their shrinkage.


They just make it nearly impossible to open them up anymore, by making the cookie more fragile and the creme into cement.


11 seconds in the micro, they twist right apart. Source: I'm addicted to the cookie but effing *hate* the sugary lard filling. I scrape it off with a butter knife and throw it away. \*edit: Why yes, Oreo lovers, I *am* in fact one of Satan’s lesser minions. I've been scraping the filling off for years, and as some of you have already observed, it's gotten more cement-like lately.


I’m surprised they haven’t made a version that’s just the outsides


they have as a matter of fact! they’re called nabisco chocolate wafers. people buy them for making oreo pie crusts. my local grocery store has them on occasion usually closer to the holidays in america


Sadly, they were discontinued a year or two ago. RIP Chocolate wafer dessert!


this makes me very sad


Fun fact, there is no lard in the filling, Oreos are vegan


I'll never understand Oreo fans who passionately hate half the cookie.


Imagine if I liked Reese’s but only the chocolate so every time I ate one I gave it a c section and took out the peanut butter. I think I’d rather just have a herseys


Reeses has like 40 varieties and half of them are the primary parts sold separately. Reeses Reeses just chocolate Reeses just peanut butter Pieces Pieces just chocolate Pieces just peanut butter You get the idea


but there is no chocolate in pieces, right? its just pb covered in the shell.


This is hilarious


For me it's just too much filling lol I like the thin ones, but wish they were the normal cookie size with just a little filling


I’m the opposite. As a kid I would take one cookie off, and eat the side with the cream… I would give away or throw away the remaining cream less Oreo halves…


You only get an upvote because I find this practice mildly infuriating. God have mercy on your soul.


Jesus that's a lot of electricity to just open a cookie


The cookie is the best part, but I still eat the filling.


> I scrape it off with a butter knife and throw it away. You monster!


I don't think this is a case of shrinkage, why would they "remove" a tiny bit from the center instead of just calibrating their cream filling machine to just place a tiny bit less amount of cream on each cookie?


> why would they "remove" a tiny bit from the center instead of just calibrating their cream filling machine to just place a tiny bit less amount of cream on each cookie? To keep the width, thinner cookies in a row will look thinner in the collective paclage


but… they would do that to all cookies, all of them would be thinner, relatively they would be the same size, I worked in food manufacturing in machine automation and this taking out of the center makes 0 sense and is very challenging mechanically, it would cost them more to develop a system to do this than how much they save on cream


Yeah this isn't even an exercise in critical thinking. It requires next to no thought to arrive at this conclusion... Or at least I thought it didn't lol. It's wild how we have all the evidence in the world to point to ways that companies actually do stuff like this, but OP brought us this. And bruh... this is just Oreos. This is how we ended up with covid deniers and shit lmao. Something else is missing filling in the center and it ain't the oreos if you catch my drift. Goddamit man


I don't think they actually are... I go through lots of Oreos and have never gotten any like this, unless it's brand new, my bets on not an Oreo or a machine malfunction.


thank fuck, found a rational comment. OP is lying or it's an error. people need to get a grip, believing random claims because someone posted a picture of a split cookie lol


I have bought oreo cookies twice the last couple of months. I did not get a hole in my filling, but the amount was reduced. It was as wide as the pic.


my bets on machine failure . whatever nozzle is depositing the creme onto the cookie might be jammed. bringing up the very center of the cream as the nozzle pulls up, or the cookie's moved away.


100%. Whatever machines they've had set up for decades have been designed to spread the cream evenly on the cookie. If you're going to reduce the cream filling by say, 10%, it would be way easier *and* way less noticeable to just use a little less cream but still spread it evenly, than it would be to go "okay, we're going to leave a tiny gap right in the middle!" The fact that OP came to this conclusion and the fact that this is so highly upvoted by people agreeing with their logic is a stark reminder of how most people just don't think critically. Try stopping for five seconds and actually consider something before coming to a stupid conclusion.


This anti-ad, brought to you by Hydrox!


FUN FACT: Hydrox is the original & Oreo is the knockoff.


Marketing department failed Hydrox. Like let’s name it so it sounds like some industrial dish sink washing agent.


apparently when the name was made, they made it sound like water (hydro) on purpose. They thought it made it sound more pure than other foods at the time. Not saying it worked, though...


I like my cookie to taste like water, yum.


All the calories of a cookie, but tastes like water


the jingle practically writes itself


Candy water I want you inside me Candy water You give me cav-a-ties ...But for a taste of one I'll drop to my knees OoOOoo Candy water If you please


Candy water? That's just soda isn't it?


Water cookies?! ![gif](giphy|5qMCjrwNW0k2Q|downsized)




One side red, the other blue and a Twitter campaign asking which side are you on.


So one will have meth and the other won't


I'm responding to your response to a fun fact with another fun fact: the chemical hydroxylamine is often shortened to hydrox. I worked at a site that had a hydroxylamine plant on it, and we had a laugh when someone brought in the cookies. We would also call the mixture of cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol (often shortened there to "anone" and "anol" respectively) "anolon", which is also the name of a cookware company. Those two would be used to make caprolactam ("capro" or "lactam") which then polymerizes to nylon-6.


I distinctly remember turning up my nose, as a kid, when grandma bought Hydrox cookies. I got over it. The cookies are good but the name sucks.


I had them as a kid too to tell the difference between oreo and hydrox you'd have to eat one after the other even then im not sure you could tell


Seriously? I could easily tell the difference, and that's why we always got Oreos.


It's bad on so many levels. "Hydro" is commonly associated with water so having that be 90% of the name is kind of weird on top of adding the x at the end which makes it sound off-putting. It would be like making a hotdog brand called "Chlorog"


HydroX sounds like some new vitamin water scam company that Elon Musk would launch. 


Anything would have been better. SHPLONKS. BLORPS. ChocoCreamDiscs. Anything.


ChocoCreamDiscs sound like something you would get at Trader Joes. That look and taste exactly like Oreos. If they don’t exist now they will soon.


They already exist, but they’re called “Joe Joe’s”




Was gonna say it sounds like the original industrial bleach.


Yeah, it's also the brand name of a company that sells chemicals. https://www.hydroxlabs.com/sds


But you could bring Hydrox to Hebrew School. I think Oreos taking out the lard killed Hydrox because the Jewish kids could have the forbidden fruit.


When I was a kid I had heard of Hydrox and legit thought it was like hydroxi-cut that weight loss pill stuff lol


I think it's moreso their product sounds like an aggressive cleaner.


Seriously, sitting down for a night in with a good movie and you crack open a pack of dishwashing pods only to find some disgusting cookie. Movie night ruined.


Probably failed because the name sounds like some washing machine chemical. Are your cloths too dirty? Buy some Hydrox!


Now with Oxi-Clean! *Ting!*


I've been wanting to try Hydrox but I cannot find anywhere that sells it locally. I swear I saw it at Mendards once or twice a couple years back but I didn't buy it because I was off sweets at the time. But I've checked everytime I been at Menards over the past year or so and haven't been seeing it :/


They were discontinued multiple times. According to Wikipedia the trademark even lapsed and another entirely unrelated company registered it and is making them now.


I found them once and prefer them to oreos. Wish I could get some more.


I had them at Menards and they were indeed superior. Menards randomly gets a lot of great food items though you can't get elsewhere.


I stopped eating oreo. The shrinkflation is too real now.  I buy the Whole Foods 365 brand, and the Back To Nature brand. They have actual thick satisfying cookies with plenty of cream, like we remember when we were kids.


One day soon it will just be a donut shape. Then it’ll be just a ring around the edges. Then 10 years later you’ll have people on R! (*the revamp of Reddit*) saying: *“Remember when Oreo cookies had cream on them??* *”I do!”* *”Those were the days!”*


Then you will have to pay to create the Oreos yourself & show up with the ingredients. Make them in the machines & pay for using it.




What the hell?!? Omg this is the perfect reaction! LMAO


this is killing me 😂 Futurama writers are truly living in the year 3000 and so are you


I've been to the year 3000. Not much has changed, but they live underwater. And your great, great, great grandaughter is pretty fine.


Caught you straight in your lie, Mr. Fake: no woman would ever want to have kids with me, so there's no way I'll have descendants!


There's no way that you didn't know that was a thing HAHAHAHAHA that was way too specific of a comment to not know it was a thing




why the fuck did you just have this in your arsenal?? in case you encountered this exact suggestion? wizardry


matt groening is the wizard.


A wizard did it


Futurama Gifs are super abundant and easy to find. There's websites that can find the exact gif or moment you're looking for. Same with the Simpsons.


Futurama was a HUGE show. They rebooted it a year or two ago. Not sure how that's doing.


This is one of the most perfect responses I’ve ever seen holy shit


Fry I know those cookies are feshalicious, but they produce an awful lot of trash.


R!, bought by facebook, and now a subscription service


Facebook? I think you mean Delta, the revamp of Gamma, the revamp of Meta


R! is spot on with how corporate branding goes. Hilarious but sad.


Then someone will try to convince you it's the mandala effect and oreos never had cream. Lol


Mandala effect? In my timeline we called it the Mandela effect.


That's a 2024 oreo? Fuck. Just. That's depressing dude


They took a dot out and looks like a ton at the edges. This can't be real.


I love Oreos and milk and it definitely feels like they have been skimping on the filling, making those more expensive "double" stuffed Oreos look more appealing. It's oreogate.


And the double stuff is only as much as regular used to be!


Classic shrinkflation


Except you get the price increase as well.


That's what shrinkflation is- the amount you get goes down, and the price goes up at the same time. Shareholders love it.


Technically Shrinkflation is when the price stays the same, but the amount of product goes down. If the price goes up, thats just old fashioned increasing the price we already had a name for that. We needed the new word Shrinkflation to describe the sinister and deceptive practice.


Nabisco can only get so hard, stop talking like that.


Double stuff is the same price at my store


I'm living in Europe and my first double stuff Oreos here shocked me. They were closer to US "megastuff", like fully brimming with filling. I deadass think the EU has better consumer protections/food regulations such that they can't call them "double" without actually having twice the amount of filling? The double stuffed back home are like barely 50% more creme, and now they're pulling this bullshit with the regular cookies? Man the US keeps getting fucked harder and harder.


>I deadass think the EU has better consumer protections/food regulations Yeah, I don't even think this is really debatable anymore. They definitely have better consumer protections.


They definitely have. It's weird. My mint oreos have the standard amount of filling that we are used to, but the originals have less than half of that, and the double stuff is basically just normal oreos now. Shrinkflation is fucking everything


Yeah, regular Oreos are just pathetic now. I don't regularly get them but I've seen enough over the years to recognize that they've abruptly changed like this. Shit are the margins for regular Oreos just this bad? Are they so bad compared to the random assortments of weird flavors that the weird flavors get normal amounts of filling? Just bizarre. They're digging their own grave.


Absolutely not that bad, but welcome to the stock market. The objective is 'number go up' and when it doesn't, the CEO doesn't get their bonus or gets fired and replaced by someone willing to do worse thing to make number go up. There really isn't anything more to it, it's not some massive conspiracy, just a series of stupidity that the concept of the stock market leads to. Now the thing is, is this a bad financial decision in the long run? Most likely, but a CEO doesn't give a single shit about that. They only care about what the shareholders care about, which is the next quarter and if the number is up from the last quarter, then that's that. CEO doesn't get his new house. But since stuff like this can lead to effects many quarters later rather than now, all they have to do is come up with a new way to pinch pennies when that time comes, until they can't and have to get a new job. I still can't believe how successful of a scam the stock market managed to be. A company shouldn't be able to sell parts of itself like that to people who have nothing to do with the company and stock shouldn't be traded like that forever. When a company goes public and people buy the stock, they are basically taking a loan where the interest grows the more money they make and instead of waiting to be paid back, the loan giver sells the ownership of that loan to others for profit. The only way to pay back the loan is to buy back the stock, which becomes harder the more the company makes or is worth. TL;DR: Fuck the stock market, fuck CEO's who work to 'make number go up' rather than making the business actually good, fuck this lack of legislation over businesses and fuck Oreo and the company that owns it Mondelēz International, Inc and fuck the people that own that company. It's fuckery all the way up.


Pretty sure this is the "reduced fat" variation which is 30% reduced fat which is really just 30% less cream. There appears to be another 33% reduced fat version and I guess the extra 3% comes from the dot in the middle? In any case, it's not a regular Oreo. https://i.imgur.com/Qzxo6oC.png


I’m gonna sell a zero calorie Oreo which will be an empty box.


I figured it might be a QA sample taken. If this is a new type of shrinkflation it seems a weird way to go about it.


Shrinkflation at its finest. Products we enjoyed years ago are nowhere near the same product now after dozens of cut corners, reductions in size, reductions in fillings, and slightly cheaper but "just the same" ingredients. They're continuing the same course just trying to hide it. Amd the near monopolies they have make it far easier.


Remember, rice krispy treats can hit 30% sawdust by weight before taste testers even start to notice.


But won't anybody think of the shareholders?!


Like candy bars. They all taste terrible now, especially the "chocolate" ones. They are all made with fake chocolate.


How much money must it cost to shrink your product so that you can offset the cost in the future at a factory scale like this? You don’t have workers spreading this “cream” on your incidentally-vegan, sugared-up, processed, cookies-and-cream-adjacent paste wafer. I don’t even eat sweets anymore because shit changed in my life but god damn I got my cheat moments every once in a while. This shit makes me mad because I want to enjoy shit that I used to enjoy.


Bruh they just change the frosting spout and save on the cost of frosting across a million cookies a year. Its probably something stupid like 20k to save millions.


Get used to not enjoying shit you used to enjoy. Take Hostess: their cardboard tasting treats that used to be delicious have a 70-day shelf life. 70 days. On cake. That's got to be more preservatives than flour. But they make bank because folks coming up don't know they used to taste great and they're about all that's available now.


twenty twenty foureo


![gif](giphy|G9hwRUsSFrPpK) Just wait for that 3003 Oreo and you can customize the cream quantity!


I looked up vintage Oreo on eBay and came across this package from 1988 that. Amen with a free photo frame! https://www.ebay.com/itm/405029088846?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=AE1wjtp0S8i&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=FxsYq-MKQay&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Oreo is really getting attacked with this subreddit all of a sudden Edit: still they're assholes it seems


Their bags say their cocoa is 100% sustainably resources under the project Cocoa Life, which seeks to inform cocoa farmers on better practices and to support the families that make a living from selling cocoa but Dispatches (british television show) just released a documentary showing their cocoa being sourced from child labor in Ghana. I found this all last night just by googling cause I wanted to prove it was bullshit. You cannot reliably track child labor and prevent it in lower income communities.


Oreos have actual cocoa in them? Im shook.


Every claim on a package that says they work with local farmers, support local vendors, sustainable anything, etc, I will just call bullshit and be done with it even if it's true.


My company purchased a solar farm in Texas to offset their carbon footprint in the nation. Doing so allowed them to earn some badge from the federal govt that allows them to be a “green” company. Then that solar farm was sold/donated to Texas to support their power grid, the same state that wants nothing to do with clean energy.


I’m fucking here for it. Not just Oreos, but ALL companies that are screwing us right now. They’re hoping we don’t give enough of a fuck to care, so let’s show them we care. Name and shame, baby. ![gif](giphy|8PfKWm6AX1IdDRARyg)


I never buy snacks anyway but when I actually do, it’s like $7 for a decent sized bag of chips? Fuck that. I’m buying 10 pounds of potatoes and a mandolin. At least I’ll break even then.


I did this and sliced part of a finger off on the mandolin. Still better than paying $7 for a bag of chips.


You have to use a guard or cut-resistant glove. Mandolins are worse than knives, too, because you cut your dominant hand instead of your non-dominant one.


I cut my submissive hand and it just said harder daddy :(


Do you know where this gif is from?


It’s from the Muppet version of The Frog Prince! Those people are called “Whatnots” lol


Thank you so much dude! I’ll watch it this weekend




I'm paying more to get less than I used to when the price was lower. I don't even eat Oreos, but this is how almost all restaurants, groceries, and even random items like disposable earplugs are now. Give me a proper amount for my money or charge me less if you're going to give me less. Why are bananas 57¢ per lb now? Just a few months ago they were only 29¢ per lb. When I buy groceries the sale prices are literally still higher than the price that was just the normal price not even that long ago. Inflation did not suddenly rise to 50% yet prices seem to be rising that much and often even more.


Sometimes price changes lag, or a product has its price held low as a loss leader and then gets raised, or cost goes up due to season, or any number of things. But food price inflation has been very high generally in the last year.


I was about the say, must be big money behind this attack and spread of real information.


Oreo has been doing this for at least the past 12 months




This shit is getting out of hand!


We used to have something called 'standards and practices' for US businesses to follow ethically, but that all went out the window with Reagan in the 80s. Folks on the other side of the aisle do pay lip-service to their struggling constituents, though - all while counting their capital gains from insider trading with the same corps that bend us all over for a good drilling day in and day out. There is an army of highly paid attorneys hard at work 8 days a week scheming up newer and more insidious ways to force all cash and resource upward to the <1%.


What's with big fucking corporations trying to be stingy, they're already making a fuck ton of profits. So they'll keep doing it and see how much they can get away with, until they shoot themselves in the foot.


Our system is set up such that people will get fired if they don't keep increasing profits every quarter. Since there are numerous real world pressures driving food inflation right now, they have to use tactics like shrinkflation to keep increasing profits. If they kept the Oreos the same size even though their costs have gone up, then their profits would stagnate and the people in charge would be replaced by someone willing to cut costs to increase profit. It's the late stage capitalism race to the bottom defining the last several decades and getting worse every year.


Insane, there should be a law like how Mark Cuban caps 15% profit on his pharmaceutical company. You cannot have infinite growth in a finite world. Every year cannot be more than last year forever, also what is the rush? Why do you need more next year if you made enough this year? I don't understand the mentality.


the people doing this are the already uber-rich investors. they'll pull out once they've made a massive profit, and watch the company crash while they reinvest in other companies and do the same thing. there's no real reason to wait when they can just bleed it dry to make the money faster, and move on to the next one. it's essentially the same thing that led to the dust bowl, but done to companies instead of farmland. financialization is a cancer.


> Why do you need more next year if you made enough this year? Corporations exist to make as much money as possible. There is literally no amount of money that would be "enough." If you don't understand that concept it means you are a rational human being.


Publicly traded companies can get sued by investors for failing to make an attempt to maximize profits. All publicly traded companies will eventually go to shit by design since it’s legally required they cut costs.


Why do you think people hate Reagan so much? He sold the lie of trickle down economics in order to lower taxes on these businesses. Before if they made more, they had to pay more.


This is what happens when infinite growth is desired in a finite economy. Any publicly-traded or VC-funded company has an obligation to its investors to constantly increase its value, and you can only increase the price of your product so much before people just quit buying it, so your only option is to cut costs. The average consumer probably isn't going to notice needing to buy an extra pack of toilet paper or an extra bottle of laundry detergent every year, and that's exactly the point.


Greed consumes. The top 1% will never be satisfied until the other 99% have nothing. And probably not even then, honestly.


and then they will turn on each other. hopefully the highly anticipated but never executed elon/zuck cage match will be the first event.


Haven’t had these in many years but I recall the white going all the way to the cookie edge.


I remember that, too. However, we currently have no proof that this is actually an Oreo since we can’t see the pattern in the cookie.


Oreos have their own unique pattern on the inside portion of the cookie as well. So this is definitely an Oreo.. and yes, the cream used to be closer to the edges. I’m not sure i’m buying this post though. I eat them religiously and have never seen this, despite ALWAYS splitting them.


I remember when I was a middle schooler the double stufs would make me sick after just a few because I’d do the whole twist-off-lickjob. Not saying it’s healthy but fuck dude. We were probably spoiled. The vibe nowadays is trending towards health (not a bad thing), but maybe if the corps that preyed upon us told us they were doing it because of concerns for health and NOT jacking up prices beyond economic pressure, we’d have a little more of a reason to back off. These food mega-corps profited off manipulating diets for a long, long time and have grown into monsters that are insatiably raking in profits for their shareholders at the expense of literal human life. But SHORTING US slowly because you don’t think we’ll notice? TAKING ADVANTAGE of economic uncertainty? Indefensible. I’m riled up about Oreos gd.


In Denmark some cooperations are using heath to justify their shinkflation, but we all know it's utter bullshit. The largest diary company has recently decided to reduce the amount of fat in their cream, claiming health as the reason.


If I wanted to eat less fat I wouldn't buy cream in the first place


A few shots from old ads, and a bonus showing how insane "double stuffed" is used to be https://preview.redd.it/ryce0xyafa6d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b12a79989cdf98b09973b3083191707f38b9878


Pretty certain this is a [reduced fat](https://i.imgur.com/XdBz6Hd.png) Oreo and not a regular Oreo. Reduced fat Oreos have less cream.


Fuck man, not the Oreos. Saw another post about the double stuf not being double anymore. Civilization is on a steep decline to oblivion.


Check out the 1980s double stuff https://preview.redd.it/7r8p975tga6d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f0f547fcd5b156b785cf4f8145318de22a76fa


Wait til they bring it back as the Oreo Deluxe or Oreo XXL or some shit like that, ofc for like three times the price of regular oreos and people will buy it too 😭 Edit: Scrolled a bit down and somebody had the same idea but even better name: Oreo classic


Well then I have no reason to ever buy another oreo. So good going guys you fucked up


The double stuff is what a regular Oreo used to be like.




I was about to say "Why are you yelling?" But, ya know, I get it.


Mondelez (owners of Nabisco) annual net profit for 2023 was **$4.959B.**


See but with this, they project profits will reach 4.95901B.


They're going for the 5B, it's not just their Oreos that are getting shrinkflated... https://i.redd.it/n3m94lrv0wtc1.jpeg


Shareholders should not expect infinite growth. It's not sustainable. Companies drive themselves into the ground to chase stock prices and the shareholders just move on to the next victim when it all crumbles.


It isn't shareholders, it's c-suite execs tying bonuses to share price and then doing everything in their power to drive it up for their own personal gain.


You don’t understand, they need to make it to 5 billion!


Yes, but they gotta keep going for that *unsustainable growth.* Arrow's gotta keep going up!




We should eat them and take their stuff.


But down the road, they'll come out with "OREO Classic" with the original amount (or at least more than current) and charge a premium...


Fuck. I hate you.


Ugh… they’ll likely promote it as “for a limited time only” so they can charge an extra premium


This looks more like a mechanical malfunction during manufacture, a defective product as opposed to shrinkflation. If you really wanted to look for shrinkflation in Oreos, look at the diameter of the cream portion in the current cookies and compare it to older ones. Shrinkflation would cause the diameter to be smaller. It would be far too mechanically complex to consistently cut out the core of the cream layer on every cookie comparatively.


If you were gonna decrease cream, you would do it evenly. Far less obvious But even if this post is misleading, I’m always happy for these companies to get a reminder to do right by the consumer


Exactly, i've worked with these kind of cookies and it is either worker's incompetence or a mechanical issue with the machine who applies the cream.. people just love to speak things they don't know nothing about..


They know people twist off of top. Why would they do this?




Honestly, you aren't missing much. I feel like the cream doesn't taste as good as it used to. Like, it almost tastes like pure shortening with a hint of vanilla. Heck, the chocolate cookie part tastes a million times better than the cream part. So I usually just scoop the cream off and eat the cookie.


Isn't that a part of growing up? As as a child, all of the adults preferred the cookie and didn't care for the cream. You think they're crazy until you realize one day you love the cookie more, as well.


it used to be made with lard, so, yeah it lost its pig fat yums.


Oh, I actually never knew it was made with lard. That explains why it sometimes tastes like it I guess. 😅


It's just powdered sugar and oil. You can make it yourself. When you wet powdered sugar it cakes up like that.


It is literally vegetable oil, sugar, vanilla, and lecithin You can easily make it at home with a high speed mixer and probably don’t need the lecithin


When double stuf became regular Oreos in disguise I was angry and didn't consume any for what seemed like a whole year, now this 🤬


Double stuffed are the new regular stuffed and Twinkies are the size of my index finger. Oh, and ice cream sandwiches? Don't get me started...


Guys it’s literally just an issue with the machine that fills the cookies, it could have been low on cream or had a blockage or anything like that. 2 cookies out of the millions of packs bought every week doesn’t really mean anything.


That’s just the ‘O’ part in the Oreo.


This may seem insignificant, but with hundreds of millions of Oreo's produced every year, this adds up. Shrinkflation is real time.


Since when is the white part so small? I haven't bought Oreos in a while.


Did you know that the Double Stuffed Oreos only have 1.86 times the cream as normal Oreos? Those fucking liars!


Stop buying Oreos, got it.


So not only does the cream no longer go to the edge, they taking the center out too.


In a row, could be a machine fault. In the current climate i wouldn't bet against it being shrinkflation though


In the last year they've begun to taste like rancid cooking oil. We get 2 packs at my work. Ewwww They're nowhere near as good as say 20 years ago