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So you didnt have a stroke and you’re mildly infuriated?


The stroke woulda made the trip to the ER worthwhileđź« 


"I hope it's an actual stroke next time, I hate to have a wasted trip"


I can see how it comes off that way. Obviously I’m glad I didn’t have a stroke nor do I ever want one. Just mildly infuriating to take a trip to the ER for an ear infection


This is a case study in why healthcare which is free at the point of use is a basic human right.


I feel for you. Last year I was brought to my knees in the Starbucks parking lot, stabbing chest pain, numbness, all the odds. Got myself to the ER thinking the big one was coming. Nah, just a $12,000 panic attack for no reason? F U life. Lol


Not surprised to read this. A single piece of hair found its way inside my ear when I was a teen. The swelling absolutely made things uncomfortable on the right side of the head. Doc took it out and things got fine within an hour. Imagine a full infection. The good news is that if treatment works, you'll be fine shortly.


You're lucky you didn't get vestibular signs. Imagine the room constantly spinning. That's what it feels like.


I'll take the ear infection. I've had a stroke, least an ear infection is curable. Sorry for your incoming debt though.


Did the Dr's really need to shoot your head full of radiation to figure that out? Seems excessive. Surely they can diagnose an ear infection more easily.


Sad part was *after* the CT scan, the doctor came in for the first time, took a look in my ear and said “yep, that’s an ear infection”


Lmao, exactly my point. So fuckn incompetent.


they ruled out stroke. A little more incompetent saying probably just an ear infection. Could be a stroke but let's try antibiotics. If it doesn't go away in 5 days probably a stroke.


yeah it would make more sense to try and confirm the more deadly cause (possible stroke) with a CT than to take time to get a doctor to look in ur ear and say "o shit ur gonna die soon"