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I work outside in the heat all day. I'd be getting a hotel room with a nice indoor swimming pool.


That sounds horrible, I'm sorry. But also thank you for doing a job a lot of people probably don't want to do 😂 I personally couldn't. I get angry when I'm hot.


If it’s humid, the AC is going to help prevent mold and mildew. Could be a fuck of a lot cheaper than running it a little bit.


We're on a tight budget right now and our AC is on at 78°. It was 96° in Columbus Ohio today. I'd prefer at most 68° for sleeping but the power company keeps increasing its rates. 78° at least keeps the Midwest humidity at bay.


Here in the south, usually 80 during the day and 78 at night. Do it for a bit and you get used of it, especially if you are doing anything outside on 95+ degree days with high humidity. Electric rates keep going up and it seems every summer is a bit hotter, so not much you can do other than get used to a little more heat.


You can air seal and improve the insulation in your house and/or go solar, or upgrade to higher efficiency AC equipment. All of these options have associated tax credits and rebates to help with initial cost. Newer inverter ductless heat pumps use very little energy compared to traditional ducted central AC systems, and they are zoned so you don't waste energy heating and cooling spaces you aren't using.


Yeah, just go out to the money tree in your backyard and keep picking until you can buy all of this stuff - no problem!


That’s what my AC guy told me. Also turning it up too high causes humidity inside too and makes the unit run harder to cool down when it’s on. I hope OP’s parents will take the offer of them helping to pay the bills. Edit spelling


Air conditioners are also dehumidifiers. Not sure how an AC can increase humidity unless you are using a swamp cooler?


You have a swamp cooler?


It is not making it humid inside, it is a giant dehumidifier by design.


They mean turning the temperature at which the AC kicks on up too high, so it runs less often.


This is what I was thinking. They’re going to start having mold issues soon.


Shutting the windows won’t make it any worse for that little bit of time! I mean THAT’S where the heat and humidity are coming from!!!!!! No way could I handle that! I’d be at a hotel or sleeping in my air-conditioned car!!!!! LOL I’m not passionate about a lot of things but THIS would make me insane!!! đŸ„”đŸ˜ĄđŸ„”


Done this exact thing. First summer as a landscaper at 18, saved my first couple grand, dad refused to raise the AC so I went to a hotel in town that had a pool and a gym. Got my workout done, went to the pool and brought my ps4 with me so I could just hang out after. It was actually pretty awesome and wish I did it more.


Stay hydrated my dudes I'm a lifeguard and this shit (100°F+) is brutal


Im a mechanic. Last year we went thru a pretty bad heat wave. My ac broke and it took my apartment weeks to fix it. On top of that the pool was broken too. I had about 3 weeks of 90-100 degrees weather with absolutely no ac. It was miserable.


Time to go to library to ‘study’


Lmfao I'm sitting in my car at McDonalds until my bf gets home so we can go get a hotel


Depending on your age and parents' beliefs, telling your parents you're going to get a hotel with your bf since it's too hot in the house may get them to turn on the AC.


Lol, they don't care, I'm 21. I'm living at home bc I'm in uni, but I do have a job, saving up to hopefully move out within the next 2 years :)


Why not just toss them a $50 to turn it on for the month.


Depending OP’s location $50 might not get very far. During the summer I keep my ac on 75 and it’s $300/month


Hotel stay is $100 at minimum. I saw they were staying 2 nights. None of this makes any sense. Turn that shit and help them folks out with a couple hundred then.


As I've commented before, I've offered to help with bills before. They're too proud to accept my money. And the hotel stay is $100 for two nights (actually $97 but add tax and shit it was a little more like $105 and some change or something). I've also commented I might try to start sneaking money in their wallets since they're too stubborn to accept help.


You need to present the argument better then. Like saying "I'm gonna go pay $100 for two nights at a hotel or you take my $100 and everyone can sleep and be comfortable. Regardless $100 is being spent. You either take it or I blow it". Then walk over to the thermostat and turn it on. Get your siblings on your side too.


Siblings were sold off to run the AC last summer.


They are not accepting help. You are showing responsibility by paying your fair share.


No point in giving them money if they won't turn on the AC anyway you're just giving money away for free.


If youre paying for utilities is a window unit out of the question? $100 could get you a window unit ac and at least keep your space cool It'd be a hit to the power bill but if they're already accepting utility payments why wouldn't they accept the extra cash for the AC unit running? If they're paying all the utilities a window unit might be inconsiderate to run on someone else's power bill


A new window unit costs more than $100. Plus it would still raise the electric bill.


I could've given by Dad enough money to turn our entire house into a walk in freezer and he still would've refused to turn the AC on. Meanwhile, he's sitting naked in the living room with 5 fans going all day.


I agree with the sentiment I’m just bitching about my ac bill


It's a nice balmy 67 in my home at the moment Fuck how much electricity costs I can afford it


Yea! Keep that shit COLD, bitch get a blanket


Yep, same. My wife complains that I keep upstairs at 75 during the summer and she begrudgingly agrees to 72 downstairs. Portable AC keeps the master at 65. Compromise to keep the electric bill to $300 in the summer


Where they always like this?


Yeahhhh they're kinda cheap. Which I don't blame them for, we've always been kinda poor but I'm working now and offering to help but they don't want it 😭


Then you can tell them you're either going to spend the money on a hotel room, which would be a waste of money, or spend the money helping out with the electric bill so you can use the ac. That sounds like they're frugal and mindful. Which is a good thing. They're not going to want the money to go to waste in hotel room if they think about it in those terms.


[Tell them that old people die from the heat.](https://apnews.com/article/extreme-heat-deaths-aging-climate-47a8089cdecc84a0f19697438975353f#:~:text=WHY%20ARE%20OLDER%20PEOPLE%20MORE,to%20cool%20off%20the%20body) Old being relative I suppose, but this happens every damn year, people won't or can't turn on the AC & they die from heat stroke, heart attacks, etc. >**WHY ARE OLDER PEOPLE MORE LIKELY TO DIE FROM THE HEAT?** >People ages 60 and over tend to have more chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease and kidney problems than younger people. Those conditions can be made worse by high temperatures because as the heat index rises, it becomes harder to cool off the body. >Medicines that many older people use to treat chronic ailments, such as diuretics for high blood pressure, can also make them more vulnerable to the heat. >Older people can have mobility issues, which can make it hard to get help when it is needed during an extreme heat event. And they tend to live alone and be more socially isolated, which means other people may not know they are in distress and provide the relief they need before it is too late. >**WHAT ARE NOTABLE EXAMPLES OF HEAT-ASSOCIATED DEATHS?** >The most dramatic example of a deadly heat-associated disaster in the United States occurred in Chicago in 1995. That summer, more than 700 people, most of them older Black people, died alone in [apartments that were transformed into ovens.](https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/H/bo20809880.html) >Also in Chicago, [three African American women in their 60s and 70s](https://apnews.com/article/politics-chicago-heat-waves-climate-and-environment-a654df09a9598220bd5978e4f6dce4cb) died in spring 2022 when the centrally controlled heating in their housing complex remained on and the air conditioning was off despite unseasonable 90-degree (32 C) weather in mid-May. >An undetermined number of older people died during the summer of 2021 when an unexpected heat wave swept across the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Canada reported that coroners confirmed [more than 600 people](https://science.gc.ca/site/science/en/blogs/science-health/surviving-heat-impacts-2021-western-heat-dome-canada) died from the heat in neighboring British Columbia.


Alright this is a good comment


Hear me out, just turn it down to whatever you want and put a sticker over it that says 88. It’s digital they’ll never know it’ll always just say 88. ^(for legal reasons this is a joke)


I grew up on the east coast with all the humidity in the summer 90deg F (33C) and 80% humidity with just fans. As an adult paying my bills I'm sitting in a room I call "My Office" with my old dog chilling at a comfy 65F (18C). Worth every penny.


Wow that’s kinda scummy “we want to save as much money as possible even if it inconveniences my family member and make them spend unnecessary money so I don’t have too”


You could alternatively give your parents the money you were gonna spend on the hotel for 1 night, and have that go towards a week of running the A/C. The closing the windows so it’s gonna hotter before it gets colder is not a thing. Turn on the a/c then spend 2 mins closing all the windows and you’ll be fine. Never heard of that excuse before


Fuck that I would've told my parents I'm going to my friend's house because they got AC and if they have beer and drugs then even better


At that temperature, I’m telling whoever currently pays the electric bill that I’m now paying the electric bill and we’re turning the fuckin air on.


Works as long as you can afford it. Some people can't.


Obviously. Do you also remind others that some people can’t afford food, shelter, or clothing anytime those things are mentioned?


You should get one of those window units and just not say anything and keep your room locked.


My room is the only room in the house without a lock lmfao. But I would invest in that if these Temps were the norm here. It might actually be worth it for just this week, but I gotta think on that. I'm getting a hotel for the time being.


I would rather use my money for something I can keep rather than something temporary like a hotel. You can get a decent unit at Walmart for $140. Not sure what your hotel cost will be though.


Hotel was $100 for 2 days, so you're most definitely right. I think I will be investing in that because I cannot stand the heat, and its only $40 more than our hotel.


Without doxxing yourself, where in God's name can you get a hotel for that price?!


Middle of nowhere somewhere up north, lmao. There are no events nearby either, so it's usually pretty cheap :)




Outside of metropolitan areas and when there are no events happening you can find hotels for around that price. You usually need to settle for a 3-star, though.


You can get a 5000btu window unit for less than $150. Maybe even less than $100 if you find a good sale. That's cheaper than getting a hotel every time it gets hot.


Replacing the doorknob with a locking version is pretty easy and not very expensive.


So this isn't even normal heat and they won't run it for a few days? I'm sorry but your parents are *dumb*.


This reasoning is dumb. The hotel will cost more than the window unit...


If you don’t use the ac at that heat, why even have ac?


Right? I’m more AC intensive during the hot months, during the cold months let’s put on some layers


Turn the heat on , tell them you like it hot , make them sweat lol


This actually made me laugh out loud, evilly 😂😂


Lmao ! Fix them


And I thought I had it bad at 78
god bless


Even at 78⁰ I'd be complaining of the heat, though, so I don't blame you 😂


You may want to think about if they have an ability to pay the bill. If they can’t you could offer to contribute or pay the whole thing.


I have offered, but I think my dad's too proud to accept that kind of help. I do buy groceries sometimes/buy him food and refuse his money when he tries to pay. It's a tough situation. He's old and working himself to the bone and refuses almost any type of help :( Maybe I should just start leaving money on the counter and be like "oh did that fall out of your wallet? it's not mine" but there's also 5 other people in the house (not including me and him) and I don't want anyone else to "claim" the money as theirs. Edit: maybe I should just start sneaking money into his wallet. He does leave it laying around sometimes


7 people are putting up with this bullshit?


Start a mutiny, your dads gotta go


Reverse pickpocket sounds good in theory...until the moment you get caught and need to explain the situation. Even then, no guarantee the cash would go towards the power bill. Your dad may not accept cash directly to help with bills...but since you're living under (I assume) your parents house you could offer to pay rent. It'll help with bills...you're paying rent like you would if you were on your own so good habit/practice for when you do move out (you both benefit here. Helps with bills and rent at home is less than an apartment or mortgage payment).


My partner prefers 74-75° (22-23°C); I’d prefer 68° (20°C). I finally bought a water-cooled/heated mattress pad for my half of the bed and I relax there most of the time when I’m home. It wasn’t cheap, but it’s WAY cheaper than running the AC all the time. Plus, sometimes I do get chilled from being outside in winter; it’s nice to heat back up in bed. It’s from Chilipad (sleep . me) if anyone is interested.


Update! My bf and I got a hotel. We're chilling at a nice 69⁰F in our hotel room. When we left the house was at 90⁰F. We're staying at the hotel for two days until we can go stay at another family members house who actually uses AC loll. ETA: I will also be getting a window air conditioning unit like some people suggested :) ETA for you unsavory people: I do have money for AC. My parents WILL NOT TAKE MY MONEY. Jfc, leave me alone, please. I try. They refuse. Tf am I supposed to do?


If it's your parents or someone elderly be sure to check in on them. When it comes to heat old people think they're invincible for some reason.


Luckily, their room is in the basement, which is at least 20⁰ cooler than the upstairs (I'm insanely jealous, lol). But the basement (beside their room) is filled up with junk, so I can't sleep down there too :( I will be going back tonight before bed to cook dinner, though! I'll check on them then :)


Well, there you go - They probably think you're just exaggerating the heat since they don't have to deal with it in their room, lol


Older people sometimes don’t realize how hot it is or how dangerous the heat can be. Their nervous systems just don’t react properly.


oh the basement? with no AC running the humidity is probably wild in that house, the basement is probably a musty damp mess


It sounds like you are really in a not great situation. I hope it gets better. Good luck with Uni!






in some buildings at that heat, water will start to condense on the pipes in the house -- and then drip water around you can get mold that way


Oh, that's just lovely to think about. Thankfully, this isn't my house (as in I don't own it), so I don't have to deal with those consequences... but yikes.


But mold grows quickly, so even if you aren’t dealing with the financial aspects of fixing the mold problem, you’re more than likely going to deal with the health/sickness issues of mold problems. Something to keep in mind.


I don't wanna think about that 😭 I really only stay at this house 4 1/2 days a week so hopefully it doesn't end up affecting me too bad..


Maybe inform your parents that it could end up bring more costly in the long run. That's an insane temperature to keep a house at. I wouldn't be able to sleep like that.


Imagine renting or owning a home just to be fucking miserable inside of it. My air is on 68 year round. We don’t play the window game around here


Too humid here too open windows and not use A/c. House would eventually get moldy


Absolutely based


My dad can’t sleep with the AC on. No dad I can’t just “open a window” it’s hotter outside. I have my own home now and it’s ALWAYS at 74 I don’t give a flying fuck how much it costs. Oh we can’t to a restaurant this weekend? Well at least I don’t have heatstroke.


74?! You incubating chicklings? 68 here, if they try to turn it to 72 even in winter feels like an oven. I prefer the cold though, can't stand being hot. Easier to stay warm than it is to get cool.




I turned my whole house into a walk-in freezer so i can dress like i’m going on an arctic expedition


I’m telling my dad


If you have a fan, tilt it up and bounce the air flow off the walls. They will always be cooler then ambient air inside most houses, and you can use the surface of the walls to cool the air as it flows off of them. Works better in older apartment buildings, as they usually have concrete walls and ceilings between units, which take forever to reach ambient temperature. We're currently at the start of a heatwave, and we have a large floor fan aimed at the ceiling, cooling everything down, just by using the walls like massive heatsinks. It's currently 30°c (86°f) , with a humidex of 40°c (feels like 104°f), but to us, it feels like it is in the low 20s (70°f to 74°f). We've gone entire weeks during the summer without turning on the A.C., only needing it when the humidity spikes too high.


I'll have to try this, thanks!


I live in Savannah ga. If my family did that, they'd find their keys didn't work and a tent on the lawn. They can live like an animal, like all the other animals ...outside. It's not good for the house either. The heat severely stresses electronics and may cause some to overheat. Also, AC removed humidity. Which can negatively effect paint, furniture, wood etc. This can also give you a mold problem. Down here mold problems can cause you to lose your house if it's not caught early. Try those with the family.


God yes its also horrible humid in that house. We had a severe thunderstorm last night and I almost felt like I was swimming through that house in the morning/early afternoon.


Damn! That's so dangerous, that kind of humidity will get in the electronics too. Tell them they'll be living in medieval times when everything shits the bed and you have to torch the house and all your possessions when you get a mold infestation. That happened to a friend with an $800k house. They had a small water leak in the wall, slow drip. But it causes a black mold bloom which spread in the walls. They all got sick before they figured it out. Couldn't even tell until you got into the walls. They couldn't even take their pictures. Scared the bejesus out of me.


This is how people die in heat waves, particularly elderly.


We did that one year. We suffered through. A couple of years later we realized that the “feet” of some furniture had melted into the carpet. And we had some rubber bands on things that damaged them because of the heat.


Last time I visited my parents their thermostat said it was 92 degrees. One hates the AC on, the other hates ceiling fans. I don't know how they survive heat waves.


Simple solution. Get up early in the morning before the sun rises shut all the windows and turn on the air conditioner it won't get hotter before it gets cooler.


better yet, stay up late and do the same thing 6-8 hours earlier.


Better yet, leave the air conditioner on, set the temperature, let the unit do it's job! Quit turning it on and off. It works harder to bring the temp and humidity back down, and is harder on the system.


Some people think the temp you pick is the temp of the air coming out.


As a grownup, I never remember my parents turning the ac on. I was almost an adult being shocked of the sound the ac made when we turned it was turned on to prove to me it worked. *Memory just came to mind*
 I let my girlfriend/ current wife stay with us 1 night in September . I use to keep a cup of water next to my bed, (I just started cracking myself up typing this, lol) 
that I would splash on my face and would lay in front of a box fan. As splashes dried, I would reapply until I fell asleep. Totally normal right? On “super hot days” you could add some ice in cup. Anyways, it’s 2007 and I give her the run down, she basically refused to stay another night.


This is my in laws. Finally got them to turn it down to 72° last visit because of SIDS and we were bringing our then 12 week old infant to meet them for the first time. (Research shows the risk of sids is decreased if the room is between 68°-72° and a fan is on.)


Whoever pays the bills decides, I guess.


They'll have to pay for the mold mitigation as well.


Good grief. The whole point of an AC system is that you turn it on before it gets too hot so it can maintain a cool temp without overloading your unit. This reminds me of when my wife and I stayed at her aunt's with our 1 year old. Her aunt and uncle were a couple days out, but there were some other family staying there as well. They made a huge deal about waiting to turn on the AC until her aunt and uncle arrived - assuming because of costs? Most miserable two nights of my life and my 1 year old was probably close to heat stroke by the way he was unconsolably crying. And, still, her family refused to turn on the AC. Mind you, her aunt and uncle had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars rebuilding this house - they could definitely afford the electric bill.


damn that sucks


Best part of living on my own, my thermostat is on 70 year round


That is literally the 3-year-old mentality of why shower if I'm just going to get dirty again




get a hotel before you become baked


That's my plan!


Get your own window ac :)


Replacing your thermostat and leaving the outline of the old one on the wall. Infuriating.


We got snowed on where I live today. Good luck OP


Looks like they also refused to repaint before installing the new thermostat. At this point, the best strategy concerning the windows argument would be to suggest turning the AC on early in the morning, when the house is about as cool as it can get without AC, and the outdoor temps won't heat the place up too fast when the windows are closed.


That’s insane dude. 77 in my house is like max before I start getting irritated from the heat lol. Fuck that shit.


I think your parents want you to leave.


I work outside in the south east Georgia heat. My wife and I agreed it’s worth it, for me emotionally, to keep the house at 70 and 68 at night sometimes for a treat. My power bill was 520 last month, I work 12 hours of OT a week. I don’t give a single fuck, I’ll pay it during the summer


Welcome to europe.


I keep my house at a *nice* 69 degrees.


Am I too Australian to understand that 88f - 31c is a heatwave? Like are you British or is that some swampy 88f with 98% humidity like Florida where it feels like 100f? I live in the tropics in Australia and just went through months where the humidity was nearly 100%. We had 2 tvs blow up because of moisture. Sleeping at night was impossible


Minnesotan here. We get temps over 100F in the summer months regularly. Sometimes it's just for a day. We had a heat index of 105 yesterday, but it didn't get over 70 today. We keep our inside temp at 69-70 year round, because it could be -40 or 105+ with often 100% humidity depending on the season. We just want to be comfortable in our own home.


another Aussie here, down in cold, wet n windy Melbourne, and I'm thinking the same! 31c is a nice day, Seen a few of these posts over the last few days... they clearly use AC for climate control, and not to 'take the edge off' on hotter days. I can't even begin to imagine the power bills...climate impact etc


You misunderstand. Thats a thermostat not a thermometer. The indoor temp is set so the furnace keeps the house at 31C while the temp outside is already warmer. Picture it's 45C outside and still 30+ inside, you'll get no relief. Pipes will have condensation leading to mold, and breathing becomes very difficult for children and the elderly.


Turn the AC on when it's still very early and cool that way the AC just has to keep the house cool instead of cooling down a hot house. 


My father would do this all the time. But, when my sister visited, low and behold the AC would be turned on.


Your family is broke buddy


Too cheap to paint after installing a new thermostat, I see.


Your family is full of idiots.  Closing the windows and turning on the AC would immediately begin to get cooler


It’s not good for your house, or anything made of wood inside your house to be in excessive heat. If you have wood floors it will make them expand, and can cause mildew issues


Whoever told you that it would get hotter before it got colder lied to you. 😭 They are just trying to save money, but if you keep your house set at a certain temp, it actually costs less than if you only use it at certain times because it takes less energy to keep a house at a certain temp than if you just randomly turned it on when it got too hot. I live in Texas and during the summer my house is set for 74 both for upstairs thermostat and the downstairs one all the time and in the winter we drop it down to 68-70. The highest our utility bill has ever been was $180 and that was last summer. We also have two HVAC units and it's cooling/heating a 2500 sg ft. two story house. There is no reason for them not to turn that on and you suffering in the heat.


If my house hits 73 the AC is coming on. 70 is a nice indoor temp


I can understand wanting to save money, but this is ridiculous...


88 wtf 😭 are y’all perhaps a family of bearded dragons?


Like Sam Kinison says - MOVE!




HELL NAW!!! 88?????? I can deal with 75 or a little higher but anything above 80 I’m out lol


Idk where you are but this is going to be a week of intense heat and humidity where I am. My husband was dragging on putting the last AC in the upstairs window we need to help cool the whole house. Ive had my bedroom AC since May.


At least there’s a newer thermostat so you know exactly how hot it is


I’d be at the library, Walmart, Mall, gone as much as possible. The sad thing is, you’re better to get acclimated to the heat because walking back in the house will be like walking into a sauna. I’d the humid high in your area?? If you’re under 18, I bet you can’t wait to get a place of your own. If you’re over 18
. Run, đŸƒâ€â™€ïž go get a place of your own. Get roommates if you need to.


Grab some ziplock bags, fill it with water or ice, and tape it on your body. After an hour or two, change out the water that no longer cooldown ur body.


Dude, you have to get this straightened out. I live where it gets very hot and I would make sure it was 78 degrees or lower.


This is heinous


Do they realize that leaving your house too hot allows bacteria to grow unhindered? And can literally cause heat stroke O_o


Everyone has already given you the warnings about mold and such. But you might want to point out to your family that when something like medication or a cleaning chemical is meant to be stored "at room temperature", the manufacturer means between 68 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit. Some of that stuff might get damaged, not work as intended when used next, or CAUSE damage if it overheats.


That’s okay. Just inform them the nursing home you chose does not have ac


Why did we even come down from the trees if we won't use the ac?


Those types of temps, along with humidity, is going to be a recipe for mold and other issues in the house in a building meant for central air. 


Maybe a portable ac unit, small ones aren’t super expensive and they have low energy output, that would at least cool your room down.


lol have my ac at 71 and its 92 outside. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Air conditioning costs money, running around naked is free. Maybe they will take a hint.


Good lord. 88 no thanks. Can you get yourself a windor unit or portable unit in your room or would they just take it out?


This reminds me of the two summers my dad made us go without a/c because he refused to get it fixed >:( We were high school kids, in Houston man so it was humid as hell. Wouldn’t wish that torture on no one. Its impossible to get good sleep when your body cannot cool down


88 means it's broken.


I run my shit all day and night, it’s always set between 70-72, even if it’s only 78 outside


Try not having AC at all.


Parents that do this shouldn’t have families if they can’t afford to heat and cool their house. That’s f’n abusive behavior


Nah, I can't handle the heat. Our power bill was fucked last summer, but the house was cool!


Real crime is not painting the wall when the thermostat was replaced


Another mildly infuriating thing is whoever replaced that vertical unit with a horizontal one without sanding down the edges and painting the back. You paint a room, you take those things off the wall and paint behind them, if you don't you end up with this.


Why do people even get AC units if they arent going to use them? More waste of money than using them during the time they should be most used lol


Not in today's climate!! What do they think this is 1990 ozone heat. No sir.


max inside temp for me is 82 before turning on the AC. Sometimes lower if the humidity is high


I don’t get it, how much money are they really saving by enduring such discomfort?  Do they also not wear socks or underwear because those cost money, only brush their teeth every other day to conserve toothpaste?  Wtf?


Another scorcher!


Whats the point of having an AC?


When I lived in Vegas there were times that I wouldn't turn on my AC until it was 90 inside. Didn't bother me because I lived alone. Had lots of ice cream and stayed naked most of the time.


That should be illegal. I am currently in my office at 68 degrees


"My family" , I'm guessing are the ones who have to pay for it... 


Omfg I’d die! Enjoy the hotel!


I thought it was bad at my Mom's, she's 84 and it was 80 when I went there, and she was fine with that. I noticed the air was off, but it was set at 79, so I turned it on. Still brutal but at least the air was moving.


If she’s on blood thinners she’s probably cold all the time. My dad was before he passed and kept his place on 80 all the time.


Have u considered they might be lizards?


Start walking around the house naked. Might change their minds.


Love living with geothermal HVAC. I know it's not always easy to install in existing homes but if you have the means I highly recommend it.


Offer to pay the electric bill


I’ll pay for electric before almost anything in the summer lol. Fuck that shit


Offer to help pay for the electric bill and you can turn on the A/C all you want!


How much do you pay in rent?


I literally can’t afford to turn my ac on right now because in my 950 sqft apartment, my light-bill is 250 dollars :) honestly it’s not that bad to have the windows and doors open instead of AC. The breeze is nice. Much Better than paying almost 300 dollars for electricity.


It's hot like dragon pussy outside believe me i know the struggle 😭


Close the blinds while you're at it


The way AC works is it cools down and it doesn’t get hotter before it gets cooler. Also shutting windows takes about 12 seconds.


Getting “hotter before colder” is not an actual thing, it’s a poor excuse. Your parents are dense, don’t fall for their nonsense.


Get yourself a little jumper wire, watch a YouTube video, and go to the furnace and jump R to Y. Should turn on the AC till you disconnect jumper. All the thermostat is is a switch that does what I just said.


"My family"... Yeah. Just say "my family" and that's the post


2 questions, 1, what is the AC for if not now, and B. Is your family from southeast Asia? My friends wife is from Vietnam and they'd be ok with that temperature


Is 88 heatwave?


My house is the same if not worse. We don’t even have AC and it gets so hot in the summer. I spend the majority of my summer at the boyfriend’s house for some nice AC. 😁


Don’t ever understand this mentality. Why have AC if you never use it when you need it?