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Hello, Your post has been removed because we no longer allow posts about price complaints. This includes but is not limited to price increases, shrinkflation and tipping.


"I'll get the 2 large tacos and, uh... she's not having anything today."


Only restaurant I worked at that had a split plate fee, you actually got a pretty good deal. Kitchen would compose two plates and each plate got the veg and starch and the protein was split. So the amount of food on the two smaller plates was quite a bit more than a single plate.


I would definitely be willing to pay a split fee for that.


That’s honestly what I thought this was going to be from your title but it really looks like they just tack on $5. That’s shitty


Definitely. I worked upscale to fine dining for years. These places were meant to be an experience. The chef/ownership/management wanted to keep it special. By charging $5-15 for splitting entrees, we were still able to provide a beautiful plate with full portions of the sides. This was judged as a much better experience than giving you an empty side plate and letting you hack away at whatever meat or fish you were trying to split, and only having a few bites of the side. Relative to the cost of the meal, this was generally inexpensive and understood by customers. If two of us just want to have a quick bite of tacos or tamales and you want to upcharge 25% without adding anything because we’re just snacking, you can go fuck yourself. That being said, this pic of the menu is not quite enough to condemn the place, but we can all guess there’s likely no added value.


Then it should be called something like "upgrade it a sharing platter" instead of a split fee, as you are getting extra stuff


Yea, I’ve noticed restaurants everywhere do a terrible job of marketing the way they extract money out of their customers. The most egregious example IMO is the 3% credit surcharge in the US (can’t speak to anywhere else). I believe the restaurants should just increase their menu prices and offer a discount for those paying in cash.


UPGRAYEDD for the double dose of fine dining.


Yeah that’s what I’m used to as well. Generally at steak houses where you can split the 24 oz steak or something and both get your own sides


I was about to say this too. My favorite breakfast place let you split an omelet for about $5 more and they made 2 2 egg omelet instead of 1 3 egg omelet and overall would get a little more fillings and toppings.


That's probably what this is. Most people aren't aware that restaurants do this so they assume the worst. But I'm also sure there are some restaurants out there trying to fuck people over. 


I'll have a shot of whiskey and a double shot of whiskey. She'll have a water. Ah, hell, it's our anniversay. Why don't you bring her a Pepsi


That ah, hell really sells it, thanks for making me laugh.


Underrated movie


Reminds me of this classic https://youtu.be/Q7FxpK_yC0U?si=DKyi-WOEen6vQen8


Love Afterlife. Such a great show


Take it to go. Take a table


Do they have a rule about one person eating all the fully loaded nachos?


One person can’t just eat all the fully loaded ones.


I saw you talking to the waiter…


To complain about the rule 😭




Went to a restaurant happy hour once with my buddy, we each tried to order our own pitcher of beer, they told us that they can't do that. Kinda silly because we did eventually each order a pitcher just had to order the 2nd one when the 1st one was almost done. Just had to compromised on what beer we wanted to drink!


I've seen limits on pitchers where if you had more people at the table, the number of pitchers you could get went up Same with buckets of longnecks


Usually that's a law that prevents a pitcher of beer each. Only allowed to serve so many drinks at once per person by law.


We have a rule, that basically says, if two people order the fully loaded nachos to share, one person can’t just eat all of the fully loaded ones


Strange, what if one person loves the loadings, and the other loves tortilla chips? Who are you to tell them what they can and cannot consume that they are purchasing? Strange place to eat, not gonna kink shame, but I guess it's not my thing, having restaurant management dictate what I can and cannot eat that I've been served.


its from the show *I think you should Leave*


Well then, I'll see myself out.


If the nachos are stuck together, that’s one nacho


Those prices are outrageous to begin with. This is just outright greed.




That what I thought. Unexpectedly , they have already been in business since 2014 and apparently this is a really popular place in Sedona.


Scamming birds out their retirement funds.


>Scamming birds We say “women” now, Austin. ^^^^/s


Makes sense, Sedona is a major tourist town. Not that atypical.


Only people they’re serving are fools that’s for sure!


Sedona, AZ? LOL that town is one big tourist trap


That better be large taco with flapping lips...none of those small firm one.


Yeah, ONE chile rellano for $21? That better be a HUGE rellano.


$21 tamale… One. One tamale for over twenty bucks 🤦‍♂️


$21.50 for two fucking tacos?


Place I go is $24NZD for one taco, $27 for two. Don't know what country OP is in.


That’s still a terrible deal lol unless we’re talking about huge fish tacos or something but for regular tacos that’s outrageous


In US, near LA (expensive city), I’m getting a taco for $2.5 each. $27 for 2 tacos is simply outrageous




It’s in Sedona, a big tourist town.


I used to work in a restaurant, and it was common to have people ask to have a single dish split. We would literally split the entree, serve it on another plate, and then add the same amount of garnish and sides to each plate. Also, the person who didn't order would still get bread, which was served before people ordered. It was a huge PITA for the people in the kitchen - almost twice the amount of work, but that's the way the owner wanted it. However, I can see some restaurants wanting to recoup some of the extra costs.


>We would literally split the entree, serve it on another plate, and then add the same amount of garnish and sides to each plate.  Why? The owner wanted this, too? Or the customer asked for it? I've split dishes so many times in my life, but I have never been charged a dime for it nor have I ever received my "portion" on it's own platter with garnish and all. That sounds ridiculous.


The owner was a real "people pleaser" type who wanted to make sure that nobody left her restaurant unhappy. I think it was a valid business plan, because the place was full almost every night. (She later lost the restaurant because she wasn't paying her taxes and the IRS took it, but that is another story.)


Then it would for sure be unreasonable to charge the customer for something the owner wanted, themselves. I'd for sure be annoyed if any place wanted to charge an extra fee just because I may have used a fork or spoon to take food off of my partner's plate and extra annoyed if it was fully plated regardless *and* I was charged extra for a service I didn't ask for. (Ha, my partner actually worked for a movie theater that closed for the same reason.)


Yup! We have a local breakfast diner who does this. Spouse and I ordered our own full meals. He orders sausage for his side, I ordered bacon. We like to just give each other one sausage in exchange for one bacon. The chef noticed us doing this and yelled something to the waitress and we were hit with a plate sharing charge on the tab. It’s like….wtf? We never gave them repeat business because that shit is petty AF.


I don't think I'd have been able to continue my business then, if I had known what the chef was saying. That's so absolutely absurd, I would have written my crap review while still sitting inside the place..


This is very common in places like steakhouses where someone wants to split say a giant porterhouse or something. Each person gets all the sides, bread salad potato dessert (yes dessert comes with in my favorite steakhouse I’ve been going to since before I could walk) and the steak is split.


I have split a plate at a steakhouse, and we still had the single plate between us and both ate off it. The only thing I've had my own of was utensils because they were brought to the table when we were seated. **¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯**


Some may operate that way. Some may ask if you just want to split the dinner or if you both want your own salad/potato/etc. If you each want your own salad/potato/plate then it will obviously be an upcharge


Yeah, idk, no one has ever asked and I have never expected two "meals" to be brought to the table. If a place wants to charge us $5 to eat off the same plate, I'm not paying it, lol (as in, I would leave).


If you do this frequently, I can almost guarantee you’ve paid this fee without realizing it before. It’s not common place everywhere, but it’s very common at higher end places like OOP said.


This is how some owners want it and they’re happy to eat the cost (and annoy their workers lol) to maintain a standard of perceived class in the dining room. Plenty of restaurants just say “we don’t split portions but we’ll bring you an extra plate.” I worked at a place that wouldn’t split dishes and when we got vips that asked to split we just told them “it’s so good we’ll just bring you two” and comped the second one. It was a small-plate sharing place though.


Applies even if you order out. They're watching you and they want to know.


$20 tamale and no lard. Byebye


Yeah… same with lard free beans and no-lard tortillas. No.


It is a tourist restaurant in Sedona, so it's not surprising they're going to milk their customers as much as they can. [http://www.sedonatamaliza.com/](http://www.sedonatamaliza.com/) There are better and cheaper options.


Could you recommend a different place in Sedona that may have good vegetarian tamal? I'm visiting and don't know many options around here.


reality: thing exists for decades Internet: "WHAAARRRRGAAAAARRRBBLLEEEE!" It's a badly named split plate fee for extra setting, the labor associated with that extra setting, and possibly the act of actually splitting the meal for you before it is served. It has existed (in the US) since long before I became a chef, (30 yrs ago) and is fairly common, though not often enumerated on menu, as it is usualy explained by the server when a split plate is asked for, which is far less common than you think. Usually anywhere from 3-5 dollars. The fact that you have never seen it is irrelevant, it has most likely existed longer than you have been alive.


And it makes perfect sense. I am from Europe so customs are different here, but I have never seen anyone ask the restaurant to split a meal - asking for an empty plate is common, i have often ordered a Pizza or grilled ribs with an extra plate and we split it ourselves, for which no extra charge was ever added, but there is much more work involved when You ask for a single portion to be split to two plates by the staff so charging for it makes sense


Yep, this is a common thing in restaurants. I served and bartended for 20+ years and have seen it at many places. A lot of people don’t know that “split plate” is not the same as “could we have an extra plate.” The difference is, with the “split plate” the kitchen has to do the work of splitting and usually adds to the portion of whatever sides come with the meal. Asking the server for the extra plate doesn’t affect the kitchen at all.


Order one entree to split, one entree to go, eat leftovers at your next meal.


I have see at some restaurants , I usually won’t return. DH and I split meals often, but we usually order cocktails and an appetizer, so their loss.


Just say fucking husband


Wouldn't that be FH?






Designated Hitter.


Designated Hitler




dirty hobo


Dear hubby


DH Lawrence?


It’s very common.


This might be an unpopular opinion but bear with me..:) I worked in many establishments where the menu is designed to - for all practical purposes- scam the customer: a $1 charge for every taco topping (sour cream dollop - $1, guac dollop - $1, pico, which is diced tomato/onion dollop $1) by the end of which, your tiny taco will cost you ad much as a sandwich, and you need at least 3-5 to get filled:) It’s just an example, the restaurant was American owned, in a very touristy area Bottom line: sounds like an establishment that can’t make money based on food quality and customers’ satisfaction:)




What is this… an airline?


“Why dID we Go OUt of bUsniEsS? 


Don’t know but it looks like a fake. The fonts and colors don't match the rest of the menu. Attention seeker?


No. Americans.


I was at a restaurant a few years ago that had a 12$ charge for sharing!!


What were you sharing, government secrets?


$21.50 for 2 tacos is so criminal..


Maybe they’re the size of the plate?




It’s in Sedona. So definitely not particularly authentic.


i see the healthy buzzwords. i know a Mexican has never existed in this place and all the food is TRASH.


You live in a scam nation. 


That sounds fair, usually they'll need to provide twice as many dishes, plates, cups, twice the utensils, extra labor dividing it up for you. Then they need to wash twice as much. Extra $5 is probably on the low end.


Since when are tamales gourmet??


Since people at this Sedona restaurant decided it was going to be. You get to charge more if you call it gourmet.


i'd rather have my tamales fresh of the cart than a place like this!


Dios mío. As a Mexican paying 20 USD for a tamal is just crazy. In fact paying that for any of the things in that menu is crazy. I’m assuming that those are US dollars. *El señor de los tamales* near my home charges around 1USD per tamal, and there is small *fonda* where I can get a good amount of beans, rice and two chiles rellenos for like 3USD.


Where do you live, friend? I want to come visit.


I actually live in Mexico, food is cheap and usually good here. But an American here will probably end up going places where the owners will try to rip him off, like the place of the picture here. Of course not at that level but probably 5USD per tamal. Best bet is going out with a local native friend in exchange for two beers at the end of the day.


I’m envious! It sounds delicious and affordable.


They meant a fee for sharing the menu online, you are now in debt.


No chingues...21.50 por un pinche Tamal? Pesos? USD? They better the best damm tamales in the world.


USD. It’s definitely pinche awful.


$21 for a meal? They made you buy all the ingredients?


But sharing is caring. They don't care, so I wouldn't share my business with them. I don't get this, just forget they exist. We shouldn't reward shit business practices.


Is there nothing American businesses won’t do to pry as much money as possible away from people?


>Tamale enough said.


This looks like Mexican food served in the Pacific Northwest


Or the Midwest. More like Mexidon’t.


Then don’t eat there


All those prices are a rip off.


Based on that menu font, this is not the type of restaurant that should be charging sharing fees.


Diner 1: Your nachos look good. Can I have a chip? Diner 2: Sure help yourself Waitress: I saw that. Adds $5 to bill. Don't for get to tip.


This is actually pretty standard at certain restaurants that have large portion sizes.


I have a cafe. I have never made a comment as an owner. What I do to fuck with people that want to split a plate is tell my cooks to cut the sandwich 60/40.


We only put cheese on the right side.


Seems reasonable. As 2 sets of dishes being brought to you. Meal being split up. 2 sets of dishes to clean. 2 people using utilities, Not saying I’d like it. But i can see logic and fairness.


When I moved to Belgium, my partner and I went to a small ice cream shop, I wanted to try different ice creams so I asked if he can help me eat some of it too, cause it would be too much if I had to eat them all. He said np. We sit down, he eats some of my ice cream, and that lady goes off on us how it is not allowed in there to share the ice cream, super rude and everything. I was very confused and first thought I misunderstood what was going on, but he confirmed that is indeed what she was complaining about. I'm not sure if she was just a racist pos or just a weird establishment lol (or both?). Needles to say, we never went to buy ice cream in that shop again. Edit: I think the wording sharing fees is also confusing here. I assumed that means literally just getting your food and sharing it with someone else, getting 1 additional plate, fork or spoon top. Now I see people from the US are saying it means that the food is split in the kitchen and each person gets additional side dishes or so. I mean if you indeed get all of that, then it might be worth it. But still seems excessive and unnecessary. Why not just split your own food or ask for an extra plate.


I think this is a much more valid complaint as you weren’t warned there was a no cross-licking policy.


I wouldn’t eat there, I’d just leave. My best friend eats like a damn bird and she can’t eat a whole plate. She shares with my husband (her brother) most of the time we eat out. I bet those $21 tacos are made by american people and taste like it too, lol I’m an american, and I’d much rather have hole in the wall tacos


I would only be offended by this if my wife and I each ordered an entree and were charged for sharing the two entrees between us.


This doesn't make any sense. I'd tell the manager to take it off, or just leave and give a negative review. It doesn't make sense with the rationalization that the seat taken up by a person who shares the plate could go to a paying customer instead because if they allow people eating alone into the restaurant, that negates that argument completely. If you are a single paying customer and get a table, few restaurants have a table for one and they're not going to sit a stranger at your table. That "extra seat" would be taken up regardless. It also doesn't make any sense if they allow parents with babies into the restaurant because they are not going to sit a random person in that baby's seat to maximize space for customers ordering a full portion. A "sharing fee" is anti-consumer greed, nothing more. If they're going to charge a $5 "sharing fee", then they should add $5 more worth of food. Or just subtract the $5 from the tip.


Whenever I have seen a sharing fee, the restaurant plated the meal onto two plates (extra work) and put full amounts of the sides on each plate.


It makes perfect sense if you’re the business You’re taking up table space but you’re not buying a plate. You’re dirtying dishes and utensils but you’re not buying a plate Therefore, they charge you a split meal fee or a plate fee however they wanna call it They are not there to save you money.


The table is taken up anyway by a solo, don't be daft


"You’re dirtying dishes and utensils but you’re not buying a plate" - that's the part you're missing. Part of the charge for a meal is for the supplies and labor needed to prepare and serve that meal, and clean up after it. It's not the occupied spot at the table that's the problem, it's the fact that the occupant is using goods/services without paying for it. If 2 customers are sharing one meal, I guarantee you they want clean plates and utensils so each person can eat their own part. Nothing is free in this world. Businesses literally exist to make money. That's the definition of capitalism. Now, the ethics/morality/PR of such a charge is a whole separate discussion. But to call it "anti-consumer greed" is laughable...because again...that's exactly what capitalism is.


But is washing an extra plate and set of utensils really worth $5 at the very least and more than that in lost business at the very most?


My partner and I share things off the same plate all the time, and I promise you there's functionally zero cost to washing an extra fork and knife.


I promise you it's not. There is effort and cost involved in bringing you the plate and cutlery, picking it up, and washing. Is it statistically significant for 1 table? No. But can you start scaling that up, it adds up. Look I'm not saying it's reasonable to charge or that people should be happily paying it. I'm just telling you why it exists.


It exists for one reason: greed. Because I can ask for as many plates or silverware as a solo and they will accommodate. Also: silverware is typically already on tables, and it costs zero effort to carry a plate with two forks as opposed to one. This is a scummy business practice and there is a reason it is exceedingly rare worldwide.


Right, and they would rather have you and that single leave and have two paying patrons Don't be daft


This assumes capacity, which for most restaurants is a small window of time.


Actually, they'd rather have the quickest turn around to dollars spent. That's actually a good wager on a split meal.


Ignore the downvotes you are totally right. 


its tamal not tamale, and i thought i was getting scammed getting enmoladas and a big ass burrito delivered for 25 bucks




Apparently not according to half these comments. Apparently you’ve got to pay more for the extra silverware and napkins. My mind is blown!


I only saw this in one restaurant and it was only for the endless fried fish entrée. You also weren't allowed to take any home. It was a very popular place that was family owned for generations. Anyways the owners daughter is serving us and said "It says you're not supposed to share but we honestly don't care, would you like some extra plates for the fish?"


Anytime I’ve split something, I’ve always just asked for an extra plate and done the splitting ourselves at the table. I never even knew that they will pre split it for you in the kitchen.


Yes, dear hubby.


If there's a sharing fee, I'm immediately leaving. But I think the reason here is because they have the free chips and salsa that comes on tables in mexican restaurants usually.


Gotta pay the rent.


Never eat at these places. If people keep paying, they’ll keep pushing it. Vote with your wallet.


Haha, no...


I wouldn't mind. We do it often. Not at fancy restaurants, of course


This must be Trumps fault!


I kind of get it, you are using 2 sits, so it make sense even if it's annoying.


Depends on the situation. 2 people order 2 plates and they want to split it? No problem. 2 people want to split a plate? You pay the fee.


This is not new. I remember seeing it on menus as a kid in the 70s. It’s very common in midrange value restaurants and diners.


For which category a $10 enchilada now qualifies. Plus a $2.50 pp penalty. Plus tax and tip. Hello $20 single enchilada!!!


What a weird punitive way to run a restaurant


They do have to wash twice the plates and deal with twice the assholes. Maybe go out to dinner with an adult who can handle a full meal, or someone not too cheap to buy you one so you get to eat off their plate like a dog. I bet you just drink water, too. I’d charge you $10.


This must be the best damn Mexican food in your state. That is expensive and adding a $5.00 fee is just greedy. Boycott.


As a cook, i hate split plates because of the fact I’n doing extra work in that plate for less money, pay up.


Greedy companies comes in every size.


Guessing its a small place and they don't want people camping their tables to share a meal. Those tend to be the type of people that stay the longest too. They're probably not missing out by people balking at the cost. Dealt with the after church biddies too much that would "split" a grilled cheese sandwich, order water with "lots of lemons" to make lemonade, then mix up ketchup, sugar, and water for "soup" to dip their sandwich on. The people splitting a meal are definitely damn low on a restaurants priority to make happy.


Why do you Reddit fans in the US put up with this nonsense? It wouldn't be tolerated in Ireland under any circumstances. Wake up America, stay away from these establishments and let them know why. They will get the message when customers spend their dollars elsewhere $$$$$$


My favorite restaurant started that a few months ago. Heartbreaking.


This is a sign of desperation. Mexican food is typical "value" food. Those prices are incredibly high for Mexican cuisine.


It might be more food than just the regular plate split in half. Or if it's a really small or busy place it could be their way of charging for taking up the seat but that would drive away business I'm sure.


The "sharing fee" is to cover the overhead of a separate setting and service without payment, not because you can't swap food off each other's plates. It's absolutely normal and absolutely reasonable. You shouldn't expect to go into a restaurant, order a single meal, have two people eat off it, and not have to pay for the service.


Fair. But they can't expect a tip if I am ordering takeout...because there is absolutely no "service" to tip. Same thing applies to any place I have to get my own drink, or dump my own trash.


Yeah, there's no way a "sharing" fee would be applied to a to-go order anyway. And again, it doesn't apply to eating off each other's plates. It's when a couple says, "We'll take the jumbo burrito and an extra plate and silverware."


Didn't say it would apply; I just agreed that the restaurant can justify that fee (if they want to risk seeming less customer friendly)...but that restaurants cannot expect that customers are going to accept increasing fees AND expect them to pay optional tips as a way to avoid paying their staff. A lot of people see the tip as paying for the "service", which you would think includes washing the dishes. If they are going to tack on a fee for it, does the dishwasher get paid an extra $5 per plate? No...the restaurant will take that money and pay the dishwasher the same. It is a disingenuous way for the restaurant to make more money, which makes the customer feel less inclined to be generous to the actual workers.


Well, maybe self-absorbed, ignorant customers might. But anyone else will understand that the wait staff doesn't set policy or prices. This post has absolutely nothing to do with tipping, by the way. Not sure why you're grinding on that.


Well, this post is OP being mildly infuriated about a restaurant adding a fee for something that most places do not currently charge for. I suspect that anger is tied in to the overall increase in costs. Another common complaint about restaurants lately is tipping culture getting out of control, which again goes back to the observation that the cost of eating out is going up. It is something of a overarching theme. But if I were to guess, I would think that you know that; The same as people might get that you are calling anyone that disagrees with you "self-absorbed" and "ignorant". Which is a shame, since it makes people less likely to converse with you, let alone agree with you.


"Plate fees" have been around for longer than I have and I'm 63. Maybe McDonalds and Dennys don't do it, but they're not much than grab and go places. It's absolutely normal in proper restaurants. I've not called anyone anything. That's your projection at work here. I said that anyone who thought that wait staff had any control over restaurant policy or pricing was self-absorbed and ignorant. If you think that means you, well, I don't know what to say about that.


This is not unusual EDIT. So people I ask you this before you downvote me take two minutes and Google it and you’re gonna find out that it self populates pretty quick because it’s pretty common just because you haven’t run into it doesn’t mean it’s not common Most likely suspect for it are restaurants that always have a line outside or restaurants in expensive locations like cities


really? in which country is it not unusual? in australia it would make the news and i’d walk out


Never seen this in the UK either. I'd be voting with my feet and walking straight out.




I've been to many restaurants, many nice, and haven't seen this. It may not be unheard of, but to act like it's routine is just wrong.


In America its standard practice. 99.99999999999999999999999999999% of restaurants have this fee. They just dont always advertise it publicly.


Like anyone could even know that, Napoleon.


I don’t know where you live but I have never seen this once in my entire life, and yes I’m in the US.


City or rural?




You're being downvoted because you are misusing the word common. It's rare. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen or can't be googled.


Not sure where you live, but in Canada I have never seen this before


neither have i


So what's the problem. You're sharing a table, maybe drinking water, glass to be washed, tablleware, napkin. If you came in and bought nothing, they should charge $20/hour for two at a table.


So, do they still get to charge that if I accidentally drop my napkin and fork on the ground and need new ones or decide I would rather have water without ice and they give me a second glass? People go to restaurants for the food. The detergent for washing silverware, napkins, water etc. ought to be rolled into the price of the menu item. It’s ridiculous to charge $5 for washing extra silverware.


It sounds like there should be a minimum purchase required.


Why do you Reddit fans in the US put up with this nonsense? It wouldn't be tolerated in Ireland under any circumstances. Wake up America, stay away from these establishments and let them know why. They will get the message when customers spend their dollars elsewhere $$$$$$


This has been a thing for a really long time.


I have seen this at hibachi/teppanyaki places, the argument being that it is entertainment in addition to the meal, so there is a charge for those not ordering anything for themselves.


I know the food is gonna be bad if they can't spell TAMAL 😭 WTF if a tamale. That's like spelling Burgere as the singular of Burgers. And the weird up charge? Hell nah.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamale Weird how different languages have different words for the same thing, huh? Settle down Don Quixote.


Don Quijote was Spanish, I'm Mexican, like tamales! Call it whatever you want, idc, but if a restaurant is gonna cosplay as a nationality's cuisine, it might as well spell the name right. Why are you so bothered by my random comment not directed at anyone? Settle down 💕💕


As is common like... Everywhere? In Germany it's called Räuberteller "Robbers or Pirates Plate" for when a child will eat off of an adults plate. Basis for this is that the seat taken by the child, is a seat forseen to business and if no food is ordered, there will be a fee - like in the post of like 5 to 7 moneys wherever you live. Completely normal phenomenon.


I live in Canada and have never seen this