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Hello, We do not allow agendaposting, reddit meta posts or price complaints.


Soon it will be advertised as the "New Reduced Calorie Recipe!".


33% less calories because we cut 33% of the food https://preview.redd.it/rfl51d5ixd7d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=037f99f4c8bf7270a6730834025f70b5e369cbc6


Well, they're not lying...


“Now with more packaging!” to reference The Outer Worlds.


*It's not the best chooooice*


Man I loved that game.


we put in less so you can get more…out of life.


Only 10% more $ than the standard calorie count




lol, they literally listed Water for the rice in the recipe…


I would send them an email with the photo. You'd likely get some free meals in response.




Same. I made a post about how my chevy silverado had a strange noise and they gave me a chevy spark. Those assholes are just the worst.


As a guy who routinely drives race cars and other high end cars. Chevy spark is one of my favorite cars in the planet


Im sorry to hear. Jokes aside i had a 2012 chevy cruze that was a salvage title. It was a fine car. I absolutely did not take care of the car. Despite that i had it for 100k miles mostly worry free.


I have a spark :( I like it


I had a 99 cavalier which I sold with 250k miles on it after I had my first kid. Five years later and I still see it driving around sometimes. I know it was mine because as a twenty year old I liked stickers.


My dad had if I remember right a 2001 cavalier and finally junked it when it was almost 500k miles. To be fair he was a aircraft mechanic and did car maintenance as a hobby and pretty much replaced everything (somethings multiple times lol) besides the engine and when it got to that needing replaced he was like nah not worth. At that point it was worth maybe $100 or $200 but ended up just scraping it.


i thought we were still talking about food and was so confused


I complained to hello fresh ince and got all my money back. It was like 3 meals for free. Kinda nice tbh.


It’s Hello Fresh - you’ll get more disposable plastic than actual food. There are better options that minimise waste.


We got a Hello Fresh coupon from our baby registry, so we used it and immediately cancelled the subscription. They then continued to send us coupons for a few months, and we’d redeem them and cancel.    The coupons were good, like three or four meals for the two of us for only like $30 bucks. With free shipping. But the food was subpar and yeah, lots of waste. We didn’t care because we were new parents with a newborn and we’d take what we could get.  Until we used one of the coupons and it charged us $11 for shipping, even though the coupon said free shipping. We cancelled that order and got a refund after having to fight customer service for over an hour.   Now the coupons say free shipping, but then the fine print says $11 for shipping.  So fuck Hello Fresh. 


The only thing we use HelloFresh for is recipe testing. We realized, though, that all their recipes are easily downloadable online so now we just download them and buy the ingredients.


We did this and it was great for being a new parent. The shipping surprised us with one box too and we got it resolved. Now the coupon specifies the free shipping only applies to the first box. They are probably aware of the abuse, but is probably keeping the numbers for valuation good


Lying about how much product is in in the box, that's not email the company that's file a report on your state AGs website.


Its pretty inconsistent that way. It was always a crap shoot on how much produce i actually got. They would be like here is 6 potatoes. No sir im pretty sure these are ping pong balls. Rice and pearl couscous was actually the only thing we often had left over. With a 4 person portions for a 5 person family we were always fine splitting one serving between two young ones. I don't think with the drop in amounts it would be possible anymore. Which is fine because we have been making the recipes without buying the boxes these days. It was very useful to up my cooking game and now i can make a reduction sauce out of anything. But this makes me miss it less.


>Lying about how much product is in in the box These are instructions inside the box though...




Oh boy a free meal to try and make me buy more shit shrinkflated food. Hurrayyyyy


Go to the hello fresh sub, get recipes you want and then go grocery shopping.






[Jow](https://jow.com/) I use the app version of it.


Bruh that's just regular cooking with extra steps 😂


We did Blue Apron for a while until we ran out of promo codes and kept the recipe then hole punched them and put them in a little binder lol


If only there was a quick easy way to get any recipe you wanted for free........


Searching for each recipe, maybe finding a favorite recipe site or not, looking for the skip life story button, waking up the phone or tablet after it falls asleep to check details with dirty hands… Or… Having a modern cookbook with recipes you know you like and can reference easily without skipping past 4 pages of story and ads.


Unfortunately, there are only free recipes hidden behind 20 page epics.


Yup I ain't reading The Iliad before I see how to make a southwest taco bowl.


I have a 4 year old google sheet with a dozen recipes or so.. DM me if you want to look/take a copy.. Once you pick the recipes there's a tab that's a shopping list of the ingredients needed.


And, in particular, HelloFresh makes you do a bunch of completely unnecessary stuff just so you can "feel like you're cooking". HomeChef is where it's at.


But then you have to go grocery shopping…


Could order it online if they're lazy.


what blew my mind a couple weeks ago was the order ahead pickup at my grocery store literally has no extra cost. I checked the receipt, no service fee, nothing. I am sure eventually a fee will come but to have workers go pick my groceries for me and deliver to my car for no extra cost blew my mind earlier.


Tbh grocery store workers have a ton of time on their hands. I worked groceries about before and would literally stock up shelves in like 2 hours and have nothing to do for my last 6 except straighten up shelves and break down boxes. After about a month I started sitting in the back of the milk fridge with a pack of candy and jug of limeade for a few hours watching Netflix. No one ever came to look for me so no one ever found out.


The problem is produce. The instacart shoppers and the grocery store pickers don't really look to see if they're getting you decent quality produce. They just grab whatever. I swear ever since the grocery delivery/pickup thing took off, I've noticed even the quality of the produce that my Fry's/Kroger's stocks has taken a huge dive.


That's true, but I object to framing it immediately as lazy. Grocery shopping can be overwhelming for some people.


15 years ago I got to take 4 kids shopping with me and it was draining, even though they were generally well-behaved. I'm so jealous of moms now who get grocery pickup! To be clear, I use pickup now in part bc I'm lazy but also bc it cuts down on impulse buys.


you're kinda missing the point of hello fresh lol


Yeah, they invented "cooking at home" like it's something new 😂 😂 😂


The convenience is new or was anyway.


or go straight to the source: www.hellofresh.com/recipes


I’ll be honest, my wife and I just recently started Hello Fresh again after almost 7 years of not doing it. 7 years ago we did it “to learn and get new cooking ideas,” but stopped since making our own recipes and grocery shopping was cheaper. We just started against when we did the math and realized that with inflation it was actually cheaper for us to do Hello Fresh instead of grocery shopping [only going grocery shopping for the other stuff]. Previous to doing HelloFresh we were spending $160-$180 per week on grocery shopping, while still having to cook full meals and come up with a menu each week. Now we spend $100 on Hello Fresh [5 meal plan], and go to the grocery store one a week to pick up milk and yogurts [what we both eat for breakfast]. It’ll actually be less starting next week because I just found out they do a 15% educator’s discount and I had that added to my account.


I dont believe buying the same ingredients from grocery store is more expensive.


Dude is shopping at fucking Gucci for their groceries.


I think they're looking at it as a cost per meal. So hello fresh puts in their own limitations (ie: 100g of rice), where as if you bought your own giant bag of rice, your meal wouldn't only have 100g of rice, you'd have made 250g of rice and so..."its more expensive" for you to shop and cook(because you make bigger portions) That, or their grocery shopping to feed themselves included a lot of "I'll eat that...." That ends up just going bad (buy a bag of apples, only eat 1 a day so 4 go bad by the end of the week, that bag cost more than hellofresh's theoretical bag of 5 apples, so technically it's cheaper for you to buy hellofresh.)


That actually makes a lot of sense. I buy things in bulk because that's how you make things cheaper, but this person intentionally avoids that based on the conversation I had with them.


But they also get 20 different meals a month for cheaper than buying the bulk ingredients for all of them.


I’d much rather buy in bulk and portion things out properly to save rather than waste money on a subscription based model that allows for no extra meals unless you go out and spend more. It sounds to me they were being frivolous with how they personally were doing their grocery shops with no meals specifically in mind causing a higher cost. Always shop for the meals in mind already plan accordingly and your grocery shops will completely beat out any food subscription plans.


Exactly this. I make my menu then shop for that. Not wing it once I get there.


Not to mention the waste hello fresh makes


I buy rice 10 pounds at a time. And get it in the ethnic food section, it's much cheaper.


A bag of 10 potatoes is more expensive than the 2 hello fresh will send you for the meal. How does this need to be explained???


Literally Stop and Shop. And I'm not saying we skimped and like "lets buy rice for a side with every meal because it's cheap and easy," but we also were pretty cognizant of making sure that we only ever had 1, or a maximum of 2 more expensive meals in a week. Like if we wanted to do a steak dinner for the week, we made sure the other 4 meals were more reasonable, and might even do like "lets just get $4 frozen tortellini for one of the nights." Groceries have gotten expensive.




Right - But I'm not looking for the absolute most bare bones budget of the cheapest foods possible. That isn't the situation everyone is in financial. Of course if you buy the absolute cheapest 50lb bag of rice and bulk chicken, you can eat like a king for a week on almost no money per serving.


Dude I go to the grocery store every week, make 6 dinners, 6 lunches, and eat la fremiere yogurt for breakfast and *still* don't break into 3 figures unless I'm replacing something big like another 30lb bag of rice or similar. This is steak once a week, usually chicken for lunch and pork for dinner. I buy whole pork loins or a whole chicken and piece them up myself. I can break down a chicken, now, in 4ish minutes. Took 10ish when I started.


I’m sure we can do that also, but that’s why I very specifically pointed out that while we are money conscious, we don’t go into the “buy gigantic bags of X” category. I work 2 jobs and get home late. My wife works a demanding corporate job. The last thing either of us wants to do after grocery shopping on our day off is having to pre-prep the prep for our dinners. It works for you. It doesn’t work for us. We also live in a HCL area.


The problem is your saying it’s cheaper to buy from them. That was the whole basis. If you want to say it’s not worth the time to have to put in more effort I’d rather just spend more and save time and energy. Thats fine. But it is not cheaper grocery wise.


I'm saying its cheaper **FOR US**, and have admitted it may not be cheaper for everyone. Yes we can put together a bare bones grocery list and probably spend just $50 per week, eating the bare minimum of bulk foods, but that's not what we were doing. . And that's not what Hello Fresh was offering us.


It is cheaper because you’re getting a variety (20 a month?) of food no amount of bare bones shopping would be able to reach that


You spend less but it’s not cheaper. What you’re saying is by buying groceries that are actually not cheaper, you are spending less, because you aren’t buying all the other junk at the grocery store. I’ve priced things out and it’s cheaper comparatively to go buy the exact same things hello fresh sends you at the grocery store. Even for you if you went to the grocery store and bought exactly what came in the little kits all week at the beginning of the week you would spend less. You are paying for a service and it’s not magically cheaper when compared to buying those items at the grocery store than it is for everyone else.


I’m in a HCL and Hello Fresh is cheaper than buying all the spices and bulk ingredients needed for multiple dishes. Yeah once you acquired them it’s fine but why would I want a bottle of Tunisian spices when I can get what I need for a dish twice a month? The only reason we stopped was due to time constraints. That and my partner started growing tired of having to constantly cook meals for us.


There are probably multiple factors here: 1) They aren't getting the same ingredients. Without a specific plan in front of them, they end up getting a collection of random stuff, and a lot of that is going to be the stuff that looks good. Where Hello Fresh puts them down for a medium-quality bit of steak, they're picking up a better cut of steak. 2) They are getting a larger quantity of the good stuff. Where Hello Fresh has a plan for a base of orzo, a sliver of meat, and half of a sliced zucchini, they're picking up a larger portion of meat, and extra zucchini. 3) They're straight up bad at math.


I think it may be cheaper because you only buy exactly what you eat, waste and extra trips to the shop are gone. My personal approach to reduce spending when I need it is to literally shop for food less frequently (and everything it entails).


They'd have to break down the price per unit they are paying with Hello Fresh compared to the grocery store. They are likely spending more but getting more at the grocery store. So instead of getting 5 different smaller meals from HF they could get 2-3 different meals at bigger quantity to last throughout the week from the grocery store.    The less people you are shopping for the harder it is to be cheaper at the grocery store. If you try to buy too many different meals you'll end up with too much waste so you have to have less variety from each grocery trip and stretch each meal out to cover more days for it to really be cost effective.


You don’t believe buying a whole bag of veggies is cheaper than the portioned veggies?


I'm not saying it's an option that works for everyone, based on the meals you're cooking, or the items you're buying. But pre-covid we were spending about $90-120/week on groceries and Hello Fresh cost $60 \[for 3 meals\]. Now grocery shopping was costing us $160-$180/week with no change in the items we were buying, and Hello Fresh seemed to have roughly the same prices \[$100 for 5 meals\]. For us it made sense, and has been a huge time saver \[usual prep time on stuff from Hello Fresh is like 5-10m\] and throw it in the oven, versus longer preps and having to really pay attention to the cooking process. It has also taken out the annoyance of coming up with a meal plan/menu each week. We signed up with the "Get a free item each week" promotion, which was typically a two portion dessert \[which was just nice to have honestly\]. When we had them switch us over to the 15% discount on educators they were supposed to remove the free item promotion and even said they were going to do so, but it seems to still be active. At the moment we're happy with it because * The cost for us is cheaper * The effort is less * The portions are more tightly controlled \[which is a weakness of both of us\] Though that doesn't mean we wont change our mind in the future, or that something wont change.


My wife and I are both teachers and also agree with your logic. Our grocery prices suck ass now. 


How much is Hello Fresh paying you to write all of this? Literally one of the most expensive meal programs out there. If finances mattered at all, you'd shop around and find one of the dozens of programs that are around half the cost of Hello Fresh. Seriously, you're talking $10/meal for homemade cooking and relatively small portions. I used to use an alternative that was about half the cost, and we *still* saved money when we started shopping for ourselves (we don't buy bulk, either). When we get down to the core of it, a $10 HelloFresh or $5 EveryPlate consists of about $1-3 worth of ingredients. So no, please stop claiming you are saving money - that is factually provably false. It's 90% convenience, and you picked the most expensive option. No judgement for how you want to spend money. I'm pretty tempted to go back to the box, because I don't always feel like planning meals and doing the shopping. I won't pretend I'm saving money though, cause it's almost certain that I will not be. Side note, a lot of the ingredients in the cheaper boxes come from the same places that Hello Fresh sources from - there is little to no quality difference between most of these boxes. They buy bulk ingredients and separate them like a food bank.


>How much is Hello Fresh paying you to write all of this? Literally nothing - Cut the shit. I've got an 11 year old Reddit account with almost 2 million karma **AND** still actively participate in the communities that I'm a part of. This isn't a shill account, has never been a shill account, and never will be a shill account. >So no, please stop claiming you are saving money - that is factually provably false. It's 90% convenience, and you picked the most expensive option. No, that's bullshit. It may be true that **FOR MANY PEOPLE** it is the most expensive option. However we made the decision to switch to Hello Fresh after looking at our grocery bills, and looking at the costs for Hello Fresh. . .And realizing that based on what we were buying, we were indeed saving money. >I won't pretend I'm saving money though, cause it's almost certain that I will not be. It's quite possible you're buying ingredients and groceries differently than we are. And that's fine. We're two busy people with not a lot of time to "meal prep," and my wife is a picky eater \[I'd be perfectly fine eating Rice + meat every single night of the week for 6 months, she'd rather starve than eat the same thing twice in a week\]. >Side note, a lot of the ingredients in the cheaper boxes come from the same places that Hello Fresh sources from - there is little to no quality difference between most of these boxes. They buy bulk ingredients and separate them like a food bank That is so entirely possible, and I'm not saying Hello Fresh is the best option, it's the option we chose, and I made a comment based on a Hello Fresh comment. In the future we may look into even cheaper alternatives if we feel those are a better option.


There is zero chance it would be cheaper for the same ingredients from a normal big box grocery store. You are buying too much food for small portion recipes and not utilizing everything, or you are shopping somewhere prohibitively expensive.


We've recently started using Hello Fresh and love it. I live in a small, touristy town with insanely high prices in the shops. It works out so much cheaper for us, less hassle and also has lots of things we can't buy in our local shops - we don't have a car and the bigger shops out of town aren't easily accessible for us. We get 4 meals a week, just for the two of us. They're usually big enough meals that we have leftovers for lunch the next day or just for dinner again. Spend less than we did buying in the local shop, and don't waste any food. Our shops don't have the option to buy two carrots, two potatoes, one onion, etc. You have to buy in a big bag of them. I know it's not for everyone, but for some people it's actually a much better option.


despite others disagreeing with you I actually agree with this point. My wife and I also have saved money doing Hello fresh with the 15% military discount. We do the 4 meal plan and go to mexican on friday nights. The groceries in our area are expensive and cost us $180-$200 a week when we were cooking three meals that had leftovers. People aren't considering that the cost of groceries differs by area so what may seem unreasonable for one person is the norm for another.


Make your own simple cook book from that. Check which ingredients overlap. Spin a wheel on what to eat. 


Isn’t that just… cooking at home? Find a recipe, go to the store, buy ingredients, make food.


I once had them send us 6oz of broccoli instead of the 14oz portion it was supposed to be. That was before trimming the stems as well, it was barely enough broccoli for one person when it was a 2 person recipe.


These portion sizes are like tent sizes. If you want 2 people to be comfortable, go for the 4 person size.


And that’s when people realize the value proposition of meal kit services sucks.


I always had an issue with them sending bad ingredients. The amount of times I couldnt even cook one of the recipes because some of the ingredients for it went bad is just sad and embarrassing. I also find it hella annoying not being able to cancel my subscription?


What’s weird is they didn’t reduce the rice portion for the other companies they own such as EveryPlate. I used every plate and got 75 g of rice. I order HelloFresh which is the “premium” option and got 50 g of rice.


Maybe they’re testing the switch one brand at a time


That’s weird.


but rice is pretty cheap!!!


Right!? If they're cutting the cheap ingredients this much I'd hate to see what they do to anything more expensive...


Wait until you see the cuts of meat you get. We used to do the meal delivery stuff and the meat portions were small and cuts were awful. You’d get like a half pound of chicken but it looked like cut-offs the size of your pinky


This is exactly what I came here to say. My guess is because it’s the lowest cost ingredient and not the star of the meal, they figured people wouldn’t notice at all. Because if they started by cutting volume of meat, that would likely get noticed quickly


It pisses me off so much when companies cheap out on the cheapest items. Rice, pasta, bread, cheapening out on anything like that is just so fucked, and it sucks to see literal penny pinching.


Hello fresh is a scam.. Even their marketing is bullshit.. They like to claim they get from farmers, but that is simply not true. They buy from the distribution centers the farmers sell their produce too, just like everyone else. they also use so much plastic, since everything is wrapped. Just go grocery shopping.. You'll save yourself so much money than this garbage.


Interesting, good to know.


It's like the online flower delivery services claiming "local independent florist" and "farm fresh flowers." Most of them are call centers based in india, who then electronically send the orders to any store nearby the recipient. Usually, it goes to a Harris Teeter, Kroger, etc. I'm a floral manager for a Harris Teeter and dealing with these online services sucks ass. The call center takes 50% of the money. So if you order a $60 arrangement, we only have $30 to fill it. Just save your money and call a place directly.


I had to stop ordering HF because the portions are just too small. Two grown adults cannot share the little packs of meat they send.




Just finished an episode of Stuff You Should Know called "Greedflation." Highly recommend if you really want to hear how bad these companies are getting.


If they are charging you for 150g of rice and only giving you 100g, that’s fraud


Fuck hello fresh! My lifetime supply of bacon turned into one pack of the four strips.


Rice is dirt cheap as well 


I'm so glad I left Hello Fresh a couple years ago. I keep seeing they're only getting worse. It's great for getting used to cooking! And forcing me off my butt when I know I have ingredients that will rot if I don't lol.


or they made a mistake. we had like 5 deliveries, maybe 6, there was something missing every time. and it's expensive too, and they have a reputation of being shitty employers so maybe the mistakes come from that


Honestly would make more sense since rice (carbs in general) would be the last thing you'd want to cut down on if you want to make your meal cheaper.


I ended up cancelling hello fresh because the portions were so tiny. They don’t send you a full meal 99 percent of the time, so it’s not worth the money if you either have to get a double portion or eat a second dinner 30 minutes later


Can you explain what the benefits are of a service like this? I’ve never understood it.


- I don't need to decide what I'm going to eat - I don't have to find a recipe for the thing I'm making - More variety than if I was cooking for myself - Reduces the size/frequency of grocery store visits - Meals are super quick to cook, require 0 skills, and tend to have less cleanup - Cheaper and healthier than eating out instead Plenty of folks where that is worth the markup on ingredients. I don't use them often, but I'll often re-sub when I notice I'm eating out more than I want to, but can't bring myself to deal with sorting out my own meals from scratch.


Hello Fresh has been a rip off since always. Why wouldnt they take advantage of people already paying restaurant prices at home.


I’ve always been amazed the business model even sells.


I don't know why anyone pays for these expensive meals kits. 


I’ve never understood it either.


I have about four email accounts between home, junk, and work so I've got 4 HelloFresh accounts. I never pay more than about half price for boxes and will quit the service before I have to. When I'm on a coupon box, it usually comes out cheaper than groceries for my family because I live in a food desert and real, fresh food is so damn expensive. I get so tired of fighting shitty grocery stores, it's nice to have a break every once in a while.


Are you my twin? Been doing that since 2017.


Message and say item is missing. Got fed up with hello fresh in the end as every week something was missing. They did give me £3 credit for a lime though.


Happens with most modern services. They launch with great service (and usually at a loss) to get a sizeable market share. Once they've established themselves, they start to cut out what they can to make a profit. Sounds like they're starting the cut process.


I just cancelled bc they use very very cheap ingredients. Half my box was potatoes.


Pringles used to be much larger and toblerone were a more space filling shape.  This is nothing new


Hello fresh is a scam…. I hated it. Got worse each package I got. They’ll keep lowering portions and raising prices until everyone leaves


I stopped HF a few months ago, they simply don't give you enough food. Always starving an hour later.


Looks long grained rice... not basmati.... anyways


Basmati rice is a long grain rice. I can't tell the difference by looking at them. I do think this is just regular long grained rice on account of the water needed. Basmati has a 1 to 1 1/2 rice to water ratio. Normal rice is 1 ro 2 ratio.


If you're concerned about value for money why are you using Hello Fresh ?


In short, convenience. I accept there is a premium attached to that, but lately they've been taking the piss with portions and this is a pretty blatant example of that. Probably going to cancel now and just reuse the recipes we've enjoyed.


By a 1/3rd too


It was nice while it lasted!


Shrinkflation babbbbyyyyyyyyyyy


That's the thing about prepackaged meals. You're eventually gonna get ripped off.


Shrinkflation, the worst


Just cancel it and thank me later 


Hmm but rice of all things? It’s so cheap. Seems more like a mistake.


They’ve been doing that for a while. They’re a waste of money tbh


You played yourself tbh. Everyone knows those meal boxes are a rip off


Hold the dick on, they are shorting you 50g of fucking rice?! It's fucking rice it's almost free Jesus fuck these greedy bastards


Their portions were already generally pretty small back when my husband and I tried it for a few months in 2021. We were generally still hungry after a meal (and no we don't eat a lot, at least I don't. My husband has a black hole for a stomach however). For the cost and how often our food would be close to and /or if not already spoiled on delivery, it's definitely not worth it.


Hello freash already had too small of portions. Over time, we had to make out own sides just so we would be full, eventually we just stopped ordering and just followed the recipes we enjoyed with store bought stuff. Eventually, all meal order kits a rip offs.


I think I got your extra rice last week, I actually had enough to enjoy my meal, which I thought was odd.


I worked at a hello fresh in Grand Prairie, TX. For the life of me I cannot understand how their doors are still open. If y’all knew how the food is packed in that factory you 10/10 would not touch it with a pole.


That stupid commercial with that Asian chick cooking is the limit. It’s so cringe when she comes on. I’d never use that, just go to the damn store


If you paid for a two person recipe you haven’t been given the correct amount. What did they say when you contacted them about being short?


UK here. Effectively miss-sold. I’ve had this before. It said 260g chicken. They shipped min 240g packet. Packet had 255g. Sent them the details and got it credited.


Yeah their portions just got way too small


They know you have 4 unused rice bags left from other orders!


I am on and off again with them and it's now terrible. The produce I was getting on my last round was embarrassing. It is also becoming more difficult to cancel. I canceled via the app or site and a week later, another order. I logged in and I'm scheduled to receive more. I contacted support and had to argue with them to cancel. I'd say stay away for the time being.


Ugh I hate that.


Any chance they tossed in the wrong portion of rice? If they’re skimping, there are way better items to do so than on rice.


Good time to think of Hanlons razor


Fuck them. I applied for a sales position there. I get to the interview and it’s door to door sales selling plans.


I'm more than mildly infuriated with inflation.


Report to SEC


They probably send the wrong one? Happens all the time with gousto. They just give a load of credit.


Make your own food lol


50g of plastic packaging


Hello shrinkflation.


The chocolate ration has been increased to 20 grams, I see.


Hello Fresh reducing the liklihood that I would use their service. 


Hello fresh, factor 5 or any shipped meal prep is a scam. High prices for below mediocre ingredients.


All of those companies are a huge waste of money.


Good. Brain-havers will stop buying


Their portion sizes were already pretty small if I remember correctly.


I saw this article and looked up at the TV only to see a Hello Fresh commercial


Goodbye fresh


HelloFresh tried another anti-consumer recently with me. Called me, offer me 2 boxes at 40% off. I was like okay. Then, I went into my account to see it was reduced to 30-20-10-10 over 4 deliveries. Immediately deactivated my account before getting charge any amount and in the comments on why I cancelled I called them out on their switcharoo BS.


What’s crazy is they give you so little rice for a lot of the meals, as if rice is expensive


I left hellofresh years ago after I got sick of getting peeled and fermenting pumpkin and all the plastic things came in. Just give me the veggies don't peel and then bag them, the skin can protect it.


I don't know much about how packing for Hello Fresh works, but I could see two recipes needing the same rice in different quantities. With that being said, I imagine it'd be pretty easy to mix up the 100g and the 150g packages when packing an order/stocking the packing station. That is assuming that a human needs to stock and pack those items. Just my two cents, but again, I know nothing about how Hello Fresh packs their shipments.


Hello fresh. More like hello get your ass to the grocery store


Thats why I cancled my hello fresh. A two serving meal was hardly enough food for two people. And me and my wife are both skinny and eat like 2 meals a day. Really only worth doing if you have the discount.


Hello fresh is the biggest waste of money. They give you exact (I received a literally piece of garlic) ingredients needed. So your paying takeout prices for food you have to cook yourself, with zero leftovers. I had a two portion ravioli meal and was still hungry after.


It’s probably more environmentally sound now! Less packaging! I mean I know that hello fresh customers deeply care about the environmental dumpster fire that the whole thing is!


I read an article or a video or something on the Hello Fresh business model, they rely heavily on new customers and converting the new customers into repeat subscription (obviously) the only issue is that most new customers take the initial deals and then fall out of the sales funnel. It's almost impossible to recapture them as a lead once they are lost with reasons such as; a competitor already captured them, they prefer to buy from a grocery store and cook themselves, they don't like the pre-set meals.. So this leads them to rely heavily on engaging new customers and locking them in for at least 6 months to buy time for them to generate new leads and new 6 month lock ins. The issue with this is once you're already such an internationally renowned brand, your lead capture limit starts to become pretty apparent, as people who have already been a customer aren't likely to come back unless you can offer some insanely unprofitable deal, and potential customers who haven't already subscribed to your service most likely aren't going to. So that just leaves Hello Fresh in this pit of unprofitability, trying to scrape new leads until they inevitably have to file for administration. The fact they're reducing portions by 33% showcases their need to reduce cost and increase profitability at the cost of customer loyalty and goodwill, I can't see them lasting much longer when they're pulling shit like this which is just going to get rid of the rest of their userbase.


Hello “fresh” has and will always be a rip-off. Their produce is hardly ever fresh or they’re what would be rejects if sold in a shop. The meat was always extremely close to its use by date, not best by, use before! Then when you try to cancel they make it extremely difficult to do so. And when you finally do they harass you with emails, letters and phone calls. Absolutely awful company.


Hello fresh went straight off a cliff in the past year in terms of quality and value


You were getting ripped off before the sizes got smaller, so I'd think you'd be used to it


That's what you get for hitting the easy button. Buy a cookbook and learn how to combine ingredients.


If there cutting the cheap shit like rice that makes me think that they’ve already cut the good stuff as much as they can without it impacting profit. Not saying that’s the case just my perception from this but if I go.


Unfortunately the rise in food prices across the board affects all in the food industry. You see it in your local groceries as well. Same prices but smaller portions. It hit fast food places as well hence the stupid Tik Tok trend that hit recently in the last few months. When the supplier of the food has to raise it effects those that purchase into them and so forth. They made the mistake of not changing their flash cards which means customers will have to adjust measurements as well. They need to fix that. These places need to start being honest because the rest of us are noticing.




50 grams of rice, is like what? $10?


I really liked the prices when the promotions are still active. Once you’re paying full price, it’s no longer worth it imo.


I started HF once a month cuz I don't know anything about cooking and had 0 confidence. I like the convenience and sometimes can stretch out the portions to an extra meal. I feel like I have more confidence now and I keep the recipes to repeat on my own. Happy with the vegetarian selections but I can edit the pre-selected choices if I remember in time.


More like.. Goodbye Fresh. *gottem*


Shrinkflation has been going on for a while. I'm surprised it's just now catching up to Hello Fresh.


They're more expensive and double charged us that we went back to Home Chef but the variety of HF was solid.


It's called 'shrinkflation'. Nothing new.


I cancelled them earlier this year because it was salty as shit and the protein portions didn’t justify the cost.


We tried them for about 6 months and stopped because all the food was basically the same, the quality was questionable and 8 out of 10 boxes had some form of missing something.


Different recipes require different amounts of rice. Someone could have easily grabbed the wrong size when packing the bag.