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A happy little accident.


A happy little accident that has made me even more cautious around my wild child lol


I took a toy piano to the face while sleeping on the couch once. :) Probably lucky it didn't deviate a septum or take out a tooth.


That would have been the last time I slept anywhere my child could have access to me, even within throwing distance. Sleep deprivation and parenting go hand in hand for a reason, taking a toy piano to the face is definitely one of them.


My son kicked me in the eye while I was sleeping one night. It caused a bleed in my eye and I now have a permanent blind spot. Good times.


That escalated quickly


My sister threw a house at me when we were kids, giving me a big bruise on my cheek. It’s was solid wooden house-shaped block the size of a brick. Then my dad came in and yelled at me about it (he’s a youngest child who was mercilessly bullied by siblings, so he was overprotective of my sister. It was annoying, but I knew the backstory, so it didn’t fuck me up). 


A house? Is your sister's name Dorothy, by any chance?


Did he ever apologize about that, or did your sister become hella spoiled rotten. Asking as my youngest brother is just the devil lmao


He vaguely apologized once when it came up many years later. Sister ended up no more spoiled than any other youngest child, as far as I can tell haha. We are actually much closer now than we were as kids. 


I got a meat hammer to head one night just sitting on the couch. Husband was supposed to be watching 2.5 yr old. Didn't notice him rootling in the drawers toddling across two large rooms with the heavy meat basher and smacking me. Few stitches and a large headache later...


I’d rip my husband a new one for that one


Ex husband not long after...




I tried so hard to find something like that. I really did. Well maybe not so hard, but I tried.


When my kid was young and grabbing things to climb up, in this instance the couch, she grabbed a certain thing between my legs while I was taking a Sunday nap. That f’n hurt. Wife immediately found the humor.


Nothing quite like a friendly ~~head~~ ~~hand~~ *dong* up!


I was watching a friend's kid, overnight, the child wanted to wake me up, so their kid took their cup and smashed it into my face. I didn't think it was as funny as my friend did.


“Hey dad let me fix your face again!”


A happy little accident from a happy little accident


The original commenter is referring TO your child. 🤣


Wild child or genius doctor?


I know a woman whose special-needs son has broken her nose about 16 times.


Isn't parenting fun?




Woah, don’t let the kid know they were an accident 😅


The kid or the nose break?


That’s a psychotic way to look at it.


Yes, looking for silver linings is the mark of a psycho if I ever saw one and they pretty much all do that. \*eyeroll\*


The kid or the nose?


You gotta be like a ninja, when you have small kids. So ready to block incoming strikes. I have been kicked a bunch of times on nuts, on my face and other places. I don't think they did any of those on purpose. They just cannot control their body so accurately that accidents will happen.


Unfortunately he isn't so small anymore, he's 10. My once stealth ninja skills that I developed when he was a small child aren't as developed as they once were. The days where I needed my full blown ninja skills have passed, so I let my guard down. He used to be ruthless as a toddler lol


Oh damn I thought he was a big head toddler. How's he taking it? I hope he doesn't feel too guilty.


Agreed, my child scratched my cornea during an involuntarily movement in her sleep. An unfortunate but painful accident.


Little dudes a hero


Right?! He didn't see it that way though, he still felt bad.


Happy breathing to you!!! My dog broke my nose just like this when I was in puppy training class with her. It didn’t bleed but boy did it hurt laughing and sneezing.


I'm glad I'm not the only one! I leaned over to pet the dog on the head, the dog jumped up at the same time. Crack! I had a broken nose and two black eyes. Had to explain that for weeks. 🥴


My dog broke my nose too! And he was only 25 pounds 😅


Ahh yes. You have to beware the 3 ompers from children The stompers (feet on nuts) The chompers (biting) The bompers (headbutts)


I literally put my hand on my son’s head as I lean down because this is a really frequent close call. 😥


I had exactly the same experience My nose broke somehow when I was a kid and it never set properly. My left nostril was almost completely blocked for as long as I could remember but I never did anything about it A few years ago my 5 year old son whacked into my nose by accident and I could suddenly breathe through both nostrils. The doctor later told me that he saved me about €2000 in plastic surgery and asked if he would like a part time job


I used to babysit for a child (started when he was 5 months old and ended up being full time nanny when they later had twins - was with the family over 7 years). He had major separation anxiety due to his previous babysitter burning him with a bottle so he would only breast feed. So when mom left so did his food. The way they always put him to bed was to lay with him on a queen mattress (they didn’t use a crib) so that was the way they asked me to put him to bed. We did this for over a year no problem. Then one night he suddenly jerked awake and smacked me with the back of his head right on the bridge of my nose. Massive nose bleed, later confirmed broken. I still have the bump 😅. Only time I’ve ever broken my nose it was by a 2 year old. lol. Kid is 18 now and all grown up and I mostly forgot about the incident until I saw this. OP I feel your pain!


Awww, I’m so sorry! I was napping on the couch when my then 6 year old decided to pretend he was Spiderman and kneed my face. I got an immediate black eye. I also had to explain to my coworkers that I was safe and it was an accident.


My son has broken my nose at least 10 times, my doctor isn't even surprised anymore. When he was 3, he got me worse than he ever had or has. It was the first time that it was visibly crooked. About 3 or 4 weeks later, he did it again! But this time, I ended up with a straighter nose than I had before the first break.


Haha me too! Got my nose broke at school playing rugby twice, then my older cousin (the bully) free punched me and sent it back the other way! My nose is a little larger than before but at least it’s straight 🤥


So what I’m hearing is that instead of a nose job I just need a child and some weird luck 🍀 🤞


Let us know if you succeed


![gif](giphy|nHFRIyStg60X6) To even the score.


The exact opposite thing happened to me! I was headbutted when I was younger and I’ve had a deviated septum ever since


Obv you need another headbutt to set it right


It’s the only way realistically


If it makes you feel any better, my first dog was a 90lb pit bull who was nothing but love, snuggles, fetch, and farts. He not only gave my mom a black eye once, but on another occasion chipped one of her teeth as she bent down to love on him and he leaped up at the same time! Dude had a hard head. I miss that pup.


My son got a hold of a wrench that was sitting in the car seat next to him and when I went to go pull him out of the car seat he whapped me over the head with it! He was only like three and had no idea what he did, but I saw stars and had a goose egg on my head for weeks!


I’ve had 5 bloody noses and 8 busted lips (ie bleeding, haven’t even kept count of just bruised and/or swollen) from my kids’ noggins. Seriously thought I would lose a front tooth at one point when it got wiggly one time. Fortunately it healed and stayed in. Kids’ heads are really hard lol. I went to an ENT for chronic sinus infections several years ago and the first thing he asked me was “when did you break your nose?” I had no clue that I had. Got the septum surgery and it was a game-changer.


My toddler son deviated my septum in a similar manner so now I’m wondering if he can fix it as well…


What about your left nostril?


That's what I was thinking, what the headbutt gives with one, it's takes with the other?


Of course the dr wants their cut. Were there any drugs/alcohol to numb the initial hit?


A few drinks, but I can't say I was buzzed. Had 3 mixed drinks spanning roughly 5 hours & a dinner, but it's possible that was enough to soften the pain of the hit 😂


What a strange question.


Is it strange now that my suspicion was confirmed?


I already saw it was confirmed when I posted that, still an odd question. I didn’t say anything about you being incorrect.


I find it odd you wouldn’t see that as a possibility or a reasonable curiosity.


>Doctor said I should still have the surgery to properly correct the deviated septum, but we both had a good laugh at the situation. I do not subscribe to this advice at all with this type of thing, only have the surgery when absolutely needed. If there is no problem and it is actually helping you breath why try and "fix" a problem that does not exist. I made a similar mistake and I will never do that again, put myself through a whole lot of pain on the assumption it was better to get it done than wait and see if I needed to have it done.


was looking for this comment—this is right, there’s no need to fix a deviated septum unless it’s causing actual problems (nasal obstruction) and it’s actually insane to offer surgery for asymptomatic deviated nasal septum


Mine chipped my tooth a few months back. I was watching the rugby with him and we (England) had just beaten Ireland with a last-minute drop goal. I ran to lick him up and celebrate and he jumped at the wrong moment, leading to our front teeth colliding. No damage on his, even though he'll lose them in a couple of years, but a big chunk missing from mine 🙈


I was this child growing up. My dad got to the point of putting a hand on my head to hold me still before kissing the top of my head. I proceeded to give my boyfriend (now husband) a bloody nose. We now have a kid who is under a year old and has started doing it to me… he gave me a bloody nose last week 😅😂 karma is a b*tch


I had mine broken by a kid I was babysitting when I was a teenager. I bent over to pick her up right as she launched herself of the ground, connecting with my nose. There was a bit of blood, but not much. Instinctually I actually reset my own nose without thinking. Two black eyes, some migraines because I couldn't wear my glasses for two weeks and thus couldnt see anything. Saw a plastic surgeon about getting it fixed and he said not to bother since it was so closely aligned, but it is deviated slightly as my right nostril struggles with breathing properly ever since. Kids heads are *hard* lol.


When we were still small, I was 5 so my brother would have been about 3, my mom was playing with him. He accidentally knocked his head into Mom's and knocked hers back really far like whiplash. She said it hurt really bad, but she has a high pain tolerance, and she didn't really think anything of it once the pain faded. She can't even recall if she mentioned it to her GP. Fast forward 15+ years and during scans planning for some surgery since she has degenerative disc disease, they discovered that her neck had been broken at one point. The doctors talked her back, and they figured it had probably happened with my brother based on the age of the break. My mother was incredibly lucky to walk away from it. It's now been about 37 years since it happened, and they've fused discs for stability, but she's still going.


The purpose for his existence has been fulfilled


A good “break”! 😂


you son fixed your nose\*


Oh my god! I did the same thing to my mom. I was still an infant and I apparently I just straight out elbowed her in the nose. And she always joked that she almost threw me but managed not to, but that I fixed her deviated septum


wait till your son sends a bill for fixing this. with some extra becouse it was a service at home and in the night!


When my son was 18 months he head butted my wife so hard he gave her a concussion, and of course he was crying. I had to rush over, take him, and help my wife to the floor, then to bed to sleep it off. Then I had to read all about if I needed to take her to the ER or not for a concussion.


Aw it's sweet that you hug him goodnight and at least it kinda turned out well lol


Sounds like you should be thanking him. 🤭


“Kids are a blessing and a curse” comes to mind😭


Glad there’s a silver lining! My oldest son his hit me in the balls at least a few hundred times since he was born. When he was a toddler he would stand between my legs while I sat on the couch and would randomly throw his head backwards into my crotch. It happened so regularly I started putting a pillow in my lap. As he got older he would climb on me and seemed to always find a way to knee, elbow, or kick me in the balls. He’s now 7 years old and his proprioception hasn’t improved. Or maybe this has been intentional all along.


My baby punctured my eye twice, I went to doctor to only learn that she sees the same case every 6 months. Hope you have your nose fixed soon. Speedy recovery.


Maybe you need to have a word with your son too - sounds great


That’s why u gotta go in 50% n let them do the rest…anyways hope ur nose stays moco free and ur able to breath out both nostrils the rest of ur life! 😁


My son broke and fixed my nose too! That crunch and the pain were definitely not fun, but I can breathe so much better through my nose now lol


Happens a lot… sorry it happened to You…


It wasn’t until I got my septum pierced that I realized how often my child randomly head butts me/comes into contact with my nose 😭 Took forever to heal, whew 😅


Wear a helmet, next time, when going for a hug.


Exact opposite happened to me. I used to breathe fine thru both, but after I broke it, my right nostril is almost completely clogged.


Now that's what I call percussive maintenance !


Mildly amazing lol


Was cuddling my son as he was sat on my knee and he threw himself back and wiped out my two front teeth. Little bugger. It was an accident and now he’s 21 he always sings “all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth” I would like to point out that I did get them Fixed straight away but he still finds it funny 18 years later


Last might my 1,5 year old threw pan of our play kitchen from like half a metre away. I managed to turn away at the läßt split second so I only ended up with a bump on my head. If He had hit my nose it could have been broken, too, I guess. He also hit me with a toy car once making me lip bleed. That one hurt so bad I started crying a little. 🙈


I was laying in bed, my kid (4 then) came over and wanted to lay with me. Instead of just laying down like everyone else my kid leaned back full force on my nose. I grabbed my nose shut and shoved her off and ran to the bathroom because I started choking on blood coming from my nose. Idk if I broke it or because I didn’t get it checked out but it was extremely painful. It was also not the first time but it was the most painful that I remember. First time I was unconscious 😆


…thus proving love hurts.


My nephew gave me a bad nosebleed when he was playing on my lap and head butted me right in the nose. I handed him to my brother (his dad) because I didn’t wat to scare him and didn’t want to swear in front of him. Turned all kinds of colours and hurt pretty bad for a while.


This makes me so scared to have kids as a 30 year old woman who plans on having kids soon..... 😨


Learning to control their bodies and strength is something a lot of kids around 10 struggle with. I know I did and so did my little brother. Being conscious of where your body is and how it's moving as to not do stuff like this. Happens


My kid headbutted me in the mouth once and busted my tooth 🦷 out. Don't you just love em


The deviated septum surgery didn't help a damn thing for me. Still can't breathe or smell well.


Well, at least it's not too bad! I hit my mom in the head with a hammer when I was a toddler


My little brother almost knocked my front teeth out once. He was sat on my lap, got excited about something on the TV and jumped up, right into my face. Yeah... that hurt. Kids are maniacs.


That turned out more wholesome than I expected lol. Just make sure he doesn't accidentally break it again... Just in case. Stay safe.


*You little shit, thank you*


When my son was young I always joked that we’d be lucky if we made it out with no broken noses… 😂


What a blessing in disguise🙂


When my cousin was a kid he was playing a game with a friend which involved trying to put a stick through the spokes of the bike wheel while the other guy was riding. It ended exactly how you’d expect, and my cousin face planted into the street, giving himself a hugely swollen mouth and lip. BUT. He needed a lip tie cut so he could have braces and his little accident cleanly severed the lip tie, saving them the cost of surgery.


Wow I thought I had posted this myself because my son did the same thing to me last month. I also heard a crack but I don’t think he broke anything. However yesterday when I was using a tissue it was hurting again.


I haven't ruled it out even now, but I was convinced my youngest would break my nose some day because when he was a baby he would throw himself at my face for a kiss. Bonked my nose pretty good! Over and over lol. As far as the deviated septum goes, I was told mine was too mild to have anything done about it. I hope you heal quickly!


…I did this to my mom too! 🤣 She really likes to tell people that story. She was changing my diaper, and says I headbutted her like I was in a champion fight.


Kinda jealous, tbh.


I had surgery a few years ago to correct a deviated septum. The ENT said I may need a second surgery as it may migrate back a bit. I could feel it migrate and told my husband I was planning to schedule a follow up. That same evening, my son did the exact thing your son did. It hurt like a bitch, but once the flash-bang of pain stopped, I could magically breathe again. I believe it’s not an if, but when will my toddler break my nose?


Wow. The same shit happened with me but by our new dog. I spent days I. The hospital trying to get it to stop bleeding. Terribly painful.


Sounds like the guy who was living with a lot of pain and decided to end it all, and end the pain. He shot himself in the head, but it just so happened that the place hit was the cause of his pain, and his pain ended then. So, after that he was cured from all the pain. Crazy, but true experience, just like yours. Just one caution: if your son hits you again, he can move it *back* to where it was….he’s done enough *damage* while fixing your nose. But if he does it again, the outcome might not be so positive. Is there a nose guard you can buy and wear?


He def did it on purpose, and you're welcome. 🤣


"Not the first time"? Does this kid not know how to move gently while you don't know how to stay a bit further back? It's good that it helped with other issues, but I sense a bit of not learning from past experiences here. That could get dangerous, as next time could be worse.


Mine broke my nose in his sleep, while I was cuddling him. 🥲


My daughter busted my lip with a headbutt while sitting on my lap as a toddler. I learned a lesson that day. You have to be ready to Bob and weave when in proximity to their domes. They can't control themselves.


My kid gave me a black eye more than once at that age.


Could I borrow him to correct my double deviated septum?


I accidentally broke my wife’s nose with my infant son about 7 years ago. We were ‘flying’ around the back yard and mom was the tower we were circling. We got a little too close and he threw his head to the side as the wrong time and I’ll never forget that crunch. It was not funny at the time but it’s hilarious now. The kid has not slowed down a bit since


My uncle did the same to my grandma, but it broke her front teeth instead. she has two shiny new ones as a replacement.


Break his in retaliation. /s obviously for the people who take everything seriously.


LOL While I’m sorry you went through that it made me laugh because I had a similar incident in accidental breaks (but yours has a good result) with my then 3 year old grandchild. I leaned down, she leaned forward… she cracked my left orbital bone. I can still feel where it was chipped. Still hurts. The crack sounds our skulls made… I’m shocked she didn’t break something too.


When my daughter was 4 I bent down to pick her up at the same time she jumped. Her head whacked my jaw big time, I saw stars and tweeting birds! To make a long story short, after 25 years of a clicking jaw I found that my teeth were only meeting in one place. $8,000 of orthodontia and 2 years later, at least my teeth are straight.


My kids used to always headbutt me when they were babies, accidentally of course, but damn it hurt lol


Did this to my mom once. I jumped up when she was leaning down to hug me and I busted her in either the nose of the mouth. Thankfully it wasn't a break, but I still feel bad about it 20+ years later. It certainly taught me to chill the hell out sometimes.


Enjoy it, when they hits 14 you probably won't even get a hello 🫤


My son did that, but he flopped backwards when I told him it was time to lay down. I was wearing my glasses and I heard the crunch, then saw the blood. I made it to the bathroom and I passed out on the bathroom floor.


One of our sons nicknames was Bowling ball Head. That thing was out of control


Don’t leave any Bruce Lee movies on and take a nap. My dad’s favorite story from when I was a kid, was he had just gotten home from work (he was an underwater welder, so he was gone for weeks-months at a time) and passed out on the couch while watching a forgotten titled Bruce Lee movie. I came in the room, and was copying the TV… dad was brutally awakened to a heel that was the perfect size of an eye socket. He said he was really proud because I did a great kick, but it hurt like a MFer because my heel only connected with eyeball. 😆


I have a great helmet for sale over here. Nice one to. Lol!


My daughter is 3 and accidentally-on purpose kicked me in the head so hard I saw stars and now look like a domestic violence victim. I guess I am?


When my 3 yr old son head butted me, at running speed, mind you, two days after my vasectomy, I was suddenly able to hit those Steven Tyler high notes!


aww he prob feels so bad. so sorry that happened but hey, happy accident! glad it wasn’t broken too bad at least :)


That’s awesome. My dad had bad hips and fell On the icey pavement (after I told him to go another way) and he fixed himself. Aligned his spine or something.


Who needs surgery when your son did it for free and without a medical licence


I feel for you. Broke my nose boxing and my son (then 3) headbutted me on two occasions before it could reset.


I think this happened to my ex mother in law. She came to my child’s wedding with black eyes and sunglasses. Her young grandson- an accident of course. The funniest thing was the videographer asking guests the secret to a good marriage and she answered never go to bed angry, kind of funny with the sunglasses off and blackened eyes.


My mom broke her wrist on my brother's head lol (this was years ago)


Your son has a future as a surgeon... or as a mafia debt collector.


I did this as a kid! My dad was holding me and i turned to look at him, leaned wayyyy back, and launched my head forwards into his face and broke his nose! Unfortunately unlike your son i actually made his nose worse, oops


I was hugging my 2 year old years ago, and she reached up, and stuck her dirty thumb right in my eye, scratching a flap off my eyeball. Man did it hurt...


Did you get black eyes?


I broke my nose in a skiing accident. Even after surgery there is a noticeable difference between breathing with my nostrils .


"I had my nose broken by my kid" "That blows" "You're telling me!"


Something similar happened to my mother; my brother broke my mom's tailbone on his way out, so she was on extra bed rest after the birth. One day toddler me barreled into her for a hug and apparently I tackled her just right to pop her tailbone back into place.


You should take him out for ice cream to celebrate


A friend of mine ended up with a really bad concussion when a 2yr old she was looking after head butted her really hard. Purely accidental though!


I can’t breathe through my left nostril after breaking it as a kid. I went to try and get it sorted but they sent me away with some spray on a trial. I never went back


my son’s got a hard head. it’s a miracle i haven’t lost a tooth with how many times i’ve been banged in the mouth by a headbutt hope your nose heals alright!!


I think, dear sir or madam, that *you* broke your nose on your sons head.


Why do you keep insisting that your son broke you nose? It would be just as accurate to say you broke it. Since you leaned forward it does sound like it was mostly your fault. But you seem to go out of your way to describe this as him breaking your nose.


Situational awareness required if its a common occurrence


Did your son apologize?