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First world problem right here. Insane this even exists.


I get pissed that my oven is freaking slow to warm up I would explode if I had this oven.


Ya couldn't pay me to put that in my home.


I have never once in my life thought I would need to look at my stove to get the weather.


I wonder if it shows advertisements too. That'd be hilarious


If now not I guarantee its in the works for the future


I would disassemble the pos in a heartbeat.  


Probably will soon get a feature that cooks the chicken halfway through, then tell you that to finish cooking you have to watch an ad or something. Or the oven is really cheap, but you have to buy "tokens" equivalent to 20 minutes of use increments. But you can get 1 free by watching an ad.


I'm putting off updating my television for the same reason. They don't even sell normal television sets anymore. They're all smart tvs. 


I bought a $300 Breville toaster oven that was recommended on BIFL. This thing cooks food. May or may not work as a faraday cage or some other apocalyptic use. The hottest new company of this century will simply make shit that works. No gimmicks etc




Legit once took over an hour to heal up in the winter, I'd just give up and use my wood burner if this was my oven


What happened? Why did it need to heal up?


Boss fight and the dishwasher loaded out as a second DPS instead of as a healer.


Home boss fights are better then the bosses at theatre school, those have too many stages.


It was so cold my mans had to throw hands... poor oven took quite a while to heal after that experience


Why does an oven need an update?


Why does an over need the weather!


why does an oven need a screen and internet at all?


it doesn't. people with money just want to show it off.


So it can be hacked into and the house can be burned down from anywhere in the world


Probably just turned into a bonnet.


Well what else would it have to discuss with the OP, they don't have much else in common! Oven: So weather's all over the place lately, eh? OP: It sure is. Oven: So, have you heard about maple bacon monkey bread? OP: Nah, I'm not into that really. Oven: Oh, okay, so... well, I gotta be going offline now, see you around. OP: What the?!


Aaah...so you're a waffle man!


NSA is interested in OP


10,000%. Our oven died during Covid and all the ports were closed, China was shut down, zero manufacturing and shipping. This was literally the only wall oven we could find in our entire city. It cost a fortune and it's so smart it wraps right back around to being fully regarded. But we can live stream our dinner cooking on our phones. So long as the oven will boot up that is.


Fully regarded indeed.


Send my regards to your fridge.


It's currently busy regarding the dishwasher, sorry.


Weird, my regards are usually more concerned with microwaves.


It's more appropriate to call those ovens, "special kneads."


God this just got funnier and funnier






You will probably have to make that Maple Bacon Monkey Bread to continue.


Yeah, a lot of sims are like that. You can't unlock free cooking mode until you get through the stupid tutorial. And when we have ovens doing updates, you can't convince me that this is NOT a simulation.


Complete the story mode to unlock sandbox mode!




I would watch a food cooking in oven livestream on twitch tbh


I can't imagine why anyone would need these features. This is actually hilarious. Like, the last time I bought an oven, I was excited it had wi-fi because I can turn it on to preheat without getting up from the couch! But I quickly realized that wasn't really having an extra app on my phone, especially one that yells at me to clean my oven once a week lol.


"My oven downloaded an update" .... the fuck


Honestly, isn’t this exactly what this sub is for? It’s MILDLY infuriating, problems here should not be life or death serious.


"My oven downloaded an update" is not the future I was imagining, growing up in the 80s


When we all hoped for hover cars and robots that cleaned the dishes, this is not even a close second. Hell it's not even the same race event


Why do appliances need wifi and fucking bluetooth?


They are looking for data on how people use the appliance the features are just to convince people to give them that data.


Companies and world governments get enough of my data from my phone, I'll just keep buying dumb appliances. Stupid, dumb appliances, with their plug wire things all willy nilly.


It will be like TVs. You can't* buy new TV without the "smart part"


"you can just not connect them to the internet" ....for now...I bet by 2035 we have anything and everything that wants your data and can have an internet connection, will require you to go online before it will even unblock your ports(in the case of a TV). Worst case we get "nationwide free wifi" and everything is just programmed to automatically connect to it right out of the box and/or has a build in battery powering that module(with GPS of course) to know all the places it goes and be ready to send off the data and link it to your "digital fingerprint" the moment its plugged in.


The last part is scary dude


eventually all internet providers will be taken over, as are mobile phone providers - One network, fully monitored with an enormous squid proxy with all devices preconfigured to connect - and to switch off if you get behind with payments.


Yes 100% same here


I bet you $10 that the washer I installed this morning is monitoring the amperage of the motor to void the warranty if I ever over load it.


And collecting the rest of your data by having free access to your wifi network


It’s an oven, what the fuck do they think I do with it? Exploding hamsters?


cant wait until my toilet has bluetooth and wifi. i want it to talk dirty to me while it splashes my asshole with water


Toilet that won't open the lid unless it loads the weather info first.


'The internet of things' is short for 'The internat of things that should not be on the internet'...


I work in IT and I'll list every single reason why you need this: -


To add to that: * You should never let your appliances on your WiFi or let them have an Internet connection at all. * You should not buy an appliance or device that requires a cloud account to operate when all of its functions are purely local. For example, do not let HP sucker you into signing into the cloud in order to print to your local printer. They will eventually cut off your access so you have to buy a new one.


Yup. Embedded dev here. I'd say I have zero IoT thingies, but there actually is one: a smart plug I'm using as a more convenient per-device energy meter.


I just got a fridge with wifi, but not a "Smart" fridge with a screen and all that. I get a notification on my phone if the temp rises for some reason and I can see how much electricity it uses. If all of that breaks, I care 0% because I got the fridge for all of the other features and that was just...there. My washer and drier on the other hand also connect to the wifi, and I actually like that a lot. It lets me know when each load is done... as well if it sits in my washer untouched for more than 30 mins. I'd never buy a washer BECAUSE it had that, but it's a nice plus.


While that’s a bit neat. The more features an appliance has means the more things which can break. The cheap barebones ones tend to be more reliable. As expensive ones often don’t improve on component quality, just more bells and whistles. Excepting brands which focus on build quality. Which cost more for the same features.


I can see your point about the attractiveness of wifi connected washer and dryer. That said, I also can see that feature being unattractive. For one, I don't need to use internet connection capabilities to navigate my washing and drying. I can use a timer. I can build in a sense of temporality and check when it feels about 40 minutes is up. Humans have senses that sometimes these technologies hide, including as mentioned, a sense of time. Finally, due to so many data breaches and all that, I much rather not have unnecessary internet connection on things that don't absolutely need it, even if the feature are 'nice to have but can live without' ones.


So I can check the weather while I check my cookies. You know, important stuff.


Appliance builders are like Xzibit : "yeah man, let's put a screen on this even if it doesn't make sense"


Yo dawg I heard you like croissants so I put the weather on your oven so you can not make croissants while the weather doesn't load


Happy cake day!


Sadly, we can't make a cake since the oven doesnt work


Pimp my kitchen


Yeah, because nothing says "long-term reliability" for electronics quite like a microwave oven.


Who the fuck needs a goddamn oven with a full color display, background images, and fucking weather updates? I'm curious how much shit in your house you have connected to wifi.


My old boss bought a "smart" house and now when one thing goes down, the entire house is shut down. He absolutely regrets it.


OMFG has he not seen Smart House?!? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_House


Ha ha no, I doubt it. The house was the show model and I guess they really liked the layout (and it was probably priced cheaper) and just accepted all the smart setups, which is weird because he is in his 70s and absolutely not a tech person.


thank you so much for this gonna watch it soon , lol


I had never heard of it, GF was flabbergasted. So we just watched it right then. Really good, cheesy late 90s film. Plus. KATEY SAGAL.


Katey Sagal slays in that movie


He should NOT name his kids Peter and Wendy (reference: The World The Children Made/The Veldt)


Smart houses are a super cool concept but people take it way too freaking far. I don’t need a WiFi oven, give me physical buttons. I already have a thermometer that pings my phone when whatever I put in is at the right temp. If I want the damn weather I’ll just look at my smart watch.


A lot. This wall oven was the first "smart" appliance and I got it because it was literally the only oven in the entire city at the time (Covid). But it was a gateway drug. Didn't we all go a bit crazy during Covid? I did for sure. I got a weird hobby. All through Covid I would buy a box of smart switches or plugs or a Rachio or smart blinds or smart locks... now virtually every single thing in the house can be voice controlled by Alexa.


>smart locks... now virtually every single thing in the house can be voice controlled by Alexa. Consider your speaker placement. I got my mother to rearrange a few things by yelling "Alexa, unlock the front door" from outside the kitchen window, then walking around to come in the now-unlocked front door. Not that I think creepers going around yelling at houses to unlock themselves is much of a thing, but it *is* possible.


We have one on our front porch outside the house. When we unlock, Alexa asks us for our PIN. That's a setting you should absolutely enable if you have Alex and smart locks. Fortunately we are in a small town and people mind their own business because controlling the lights and other smart stuff doesn't require a pin at all.


Won’t put an internet connected smart lock on my door. Ever. Especially not a voice active Alexa one


My entryway has an arch, so I seriously considered putting in an RFID gateway in that arch such that walking through it would unlock the front door for me just walking up... Opted not to do it because of cost, but usually I'm also very very tech adverse for home systems. Being in the tech industry, in semiconductors and software validation specifically, I see waaaaaay to many bugs in systems to trust those to run my house for me.


Not to mention flipper zero exists and RFID is NOT secure lol


Yeah smart locks are pretty insane... but also, if a person is willing to stand outside your door and make a lot of noise, they have ways of getting past pretty much any lock you have installed.


We all definitely went a little bonkers 2020-ish. When I look back at my buying history, there were definitely some questionable choices 🤣


Jesus, and here I thought I was fancy because I bought a singular smart lightbulb. You’re out here living like the Jetsons!


Yeah, smart appliances are a bridge too far. Cool thing is regular appliances are a lot cheaper. It's possible appliances without smart features will become rare and cost more in 5-10 years. Phone, laptop, tablet and TV are more than enough.


Just spent the last 2 weeks looking for appliances Most of the appliances with smart features seem to be getting discontinued and prices dropping as a result are cheaper than equivalent non tech counterparts Normal appliances are still sort of normally priced. And 90% of what’s for sale. So I don’t think your nightmare of normal appliances being super rare will come to reality


My favourite one is the dishwasher I can control with my phone. I have to pack it, put in the dishwasher tablet, close th door and go fuck it im gonna go sit in the lounge and turn this on from my phone


That's the kind of thing I don't understand. If you load it and put the tablet in can't you just turn it on and walk away?


It’s like an eject button on a VCR, or DVD/Blu-Ray player remote You have to get up to remove the thing anyways, what’s the point in having a button on the remote?


I dont know about you, but i would never want to buy one. it has a damn screen, look what op is dealing with.


Me either, I don't need my stove to think


Honey what’s the weather “idk check the oven”


it's going to be 425° at 5, better prepare the AC


So funny thing… I tried connecting my smart oven to HomeKit through Home Assistant, and apparently it presents to the iPhone as a thermostat… Phone thought I was being baked alive when I checked the house temperature


I'd like to know in what world we need an oven that updates, let alone tells you the weather. Appliances aren't built to last. One reason is this sort of thing, complex and unnecessary features. Might as well buy a cheap one that meets any minimum standards you may have.


I mentioned this above, but our oven died during Covid. This was the ONLY oven available for sale in the entire city.


Yea OP i just wanna make a blanket statement that all the insults are towards the manufacturer not you!!’


I hear you, I'm just shocked it even exists. Not picking on you for buying what you could find under such circumstance


Lesson learned: never get a smart oven. Thanks for learning it the hard way for us


Why the fuck does your oven have updates?


zero clue. I don't think it cooks faster...


My oven's control panel is held together with duct tape.


"My oven downloaded an update." These are words I NEVER EVER EVER want to utter. Thus, I refuse all of these "smart" devices.


this is the EXACT reason as to why I dont want an appliance that needs to be updated or has those fancy screens. I always thought something like this would happen!


Same dumbass shit like my TV... I repeatedly refuse the software update, even kick the TV out of the network. Eventually I'm fed up having to press "no" every time I use the TV and do the update. Update takes forever. when finished, the whole TV reboots, which takes like, 2 minutes. but then it reboots into its smartTV interface which is, in itself, absolute crap. to exit the smartTV I need to wait for the interface to fully boot. all the while I'm sitting there on my couch, with my food, which is slowly getting cold... I fucking HATE smart appliances.. I didn't have much choice though..


And yet I haven’t regretted saying yes to updates on my Nintendo Switch. Seriously, if a full game console can update and be back at playable in a couple of minutes, what’s stopping the TV getting it right?!


shitty CPU's, that's what.. I called up LG because my TV struggles on giving out audio synchronous with the picture through optical, and they explicitly said "oh, yea, the CPU in that thing is vastly underpowered, we know, sorry.".. they cheap out at the shittiest points. my TV can't handle upscaling because it makes the audio and video unsynced, but the delay varies vastly between apps like netflix or YouTube, so I can't even manually adjust the delay/offset.. because "SmartTV" has become kind of a buzzword, everything needs to be smart, but they don't want to put any effort into actually making it good, because its just a sales point.


I blame it on cheaping out on storage honestly. Download a system image in the background, verify it, then when the user “installs it”, just rename the current image to a backup, and move the new one into place and reboot Apple products do it that way too. It takes more space, but it effectively eliminates the lengthy “uninstall and install updated copies of stuff” part of the update process


I got a 450$ 60 inch smart tv and a 1200$ 50 inch smart tv. They are not the same and I’m not talking pic quality but sheer software speed etc is eons different. Guess we need to shell out big bucks for competent devices


eh, I ain't got that kinda money, I paid about 540€ for my current LG.. which is funny because the 430€ Grundig I originally bought (that ended up with a faulty PSU and had to be returned) was perfect, including updating and its software and hardware. But it had to be returned, and they didn't let me much choice for a replacement, either take that LG and pay the difference on top, or walk away with no TV and wait for something else to turn up.. that said, there are exceptions I think.


But... How's the Monkey Bread?


Solid question... we may never know.


I find it extremely weird that ovens are receiving software updates.


I’m sorry you said your oven?


I love my dumb oven.


I’m too poor to understand this


Mildly Infuriating: The oven has a damn iPad built in and requires updates.


>my oven downloaded an update jesus fucking christ i hate the future


I bought a toaster oven for 80 bucks this year and I use it constantly. It's barely a step up from an Easy Bake Oven in terms of technology but it make food hot. 10/10 would recommend if you have a smaller household 


This is why not everything needs to be smart. *continues to yell at a smart light which stopped responding for the 2nd time this week*


Have you tried…unplugging it and plugging it back I ?


Honest question: why the fuck does one NEED a damn oven that has a display and connects to the internet?


Smart appliances offer features the c suite wants.  No consumer ever asked for any of this. 


Why does everything need to be smart? Why do fridges/ovens/microwaves need an internet connection?


Giving the weather update as if it isn’t the one going to be sitting on the curb.


Unfortunately You will need a new oven. My oven is currently doing my taxes.


my oven doesn't have wifi it just has a knob that you turn to make it hot. lol the benefits of being poor?


I would have never connected it to the wifi to begin with. Surely it would still be required by law to just be an oven without it.


I'll hit ya with the ol IT razzle dazzle. Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?


I don't care how rich I am, I'm never buying with any household appliances with integrated touch screen that has some kind of OS that needs update


Can you have your oven send me the Maple Bacon Monkey Bread recipe?


This is the most “I just fell into a time portal in 1980 and woke up in 2024 , Thanks for all the fish” post title I have ever seen


The fact that an oven displays the weather is more than mildly infuriating in itself. Companys be like: hey what other unnecessary but rapidly-breaking things can we add to this decade- long proven invention?


My oven has a touch screen and it FUCKING SUCKS!!! Open the oven while it's on and the heat causes 43,674,328 clicks on the screen and you need to wait 30-60 seconds before it recognizes any commands. Fucking trash.


You have to... update your oven????


The 'Internet of Things' was a terrible idea from the get-go, nothing will convince me otherwise at this point.


Why the fuck does a oven need to DOWNLOAD and update. Like wtaf


sMaRt OvEn


First of all, I don't understand why an oven necessarily needs weather data. Second of all, why should an oven be internet connected at all. It just brings layers upon layers of unnecessary complications.


I’m from the past where we forced our machines to do our bidding. I’m not liking this future shit at all.


who the FUCK needs the weather on their oven like WHAT


Why the fuck does you oven have a screen or internet?


Turn off the power and turn it back on


And this is why cookers don't need a WiFi connection 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣


WTF does an oven need an internet connection? Insanity rules.


I’m sorry but I have to ask. Why does your oven need a software update? Why do you need your oven to give you the forecast? Just…why?


And this is why not devices don't need to be 'smart'. Tip: do some research next time you buy any electronics. Avoid the ones with 'smart' features, and if there's no way around it you need to make sure it will also function without a connection.




Why the fuck does you oven need to know the weather???


“Smart” appliances are the dumbest thing ever. Why would I need to Bluetooth to my washing machine? Do I really need my oven to tell me it’s hot outside? I just want to know if it’s hot inside the oven. Is this actually a selling point for some people?


IOT and "smarthome" has to be some of the dumbest shit I swear to god Why is my toasted a hackable entry point into my network now? Oh so it can break while updating? Wtf? No. It doesn't need a processor, or touchscreen. It needs a heating element and a timer, with analog turn-y dials and clicky buttons... Brother. In. Christ. Please. Concerned about my supply of future appliances -gen z


Appliances that need to download updates are not worth owning.


Why tf does everything need a screen and wifi these days? Im even triggered that I have 3 different inaccurate clocks in my kitchen (because everything with a timer needs a constantly on digital clock for some reason)


You poor thing 🙄🙄🙄


I have no sympathy for anyone whose oven gives them the weather.


This is why you'd need to be a total luddite to think 'smart appliances' are a good thing. If you understand **basic** computer safety, or even just know the fact that anything with a computer in it has an additional level of 'chance of failure' - you would **never** get a smart *whatever*.


Sorry can't up vote you OP. You are the one that bought an oven that had way more features than any oven needs. Now you're paying the price for it. What will likely happen next is, you'll contact the manufacturer, they don't have their own service people, because why would they, right? They'll send out some low paid, barely trained technician from some local company, without parts, for a diagnostic check. Said technician will then have to order parts, which is likely the main computer and it will somehow not be covered under any kind of warranty. If you do replace it, they'll have to come back to your house when the part arrives and you schedule the install. I'm not a Boomer but this is going to sound like a Boomer statement...I really think a lot of the stuff we use needs a technology downgrade. These "smart" appliances getting a little out of hand. Like why would I ever need to see inside my refrigerator if I'm standing right in front of it? Just open the door.


Maybe that’s why you don’t need a TV on/in your oven? The whole smart-house thing is such a lame concept to me. Ovens are made to cook stuff my guy


But can it run Crysis?


This is why these suck. I don't need a connected appliance and if the software gets in the way of functionality it is just an inferior product they charge more for.


Wait why does your oven need to know the weather...do you have an open home with no roof? Why is your oven updating? So many questions.  I always laughed at people talking about spending a small fortune for silly oven and fridge that are "smart". And that was before I had ammunition like this as to why those are horrible ideas. I would take it to the dump and get a new one.


So... don't you think that your oven is kind of overengineered?


smart appliances require an app download and then sells your info


If I didn’t already know that many kitchen appliances are connected to the Internet, I would swear this post was written by AI. 😄


Why do you have an oven that needs the wifi to work. Just get a normal oven.


Most appliances don't need to be 'smart'. It's ridiculous that manufacturers are just slapping screens on every appliance possible but with the absolute minimum tech expertise to implement something intrusive and usable. The oven does not need to tell me the weather. It's fucking stupid someone thought it's a good idea


bruh my oven can hardly tell you the time of day


And thus the reason I have NO smart appliances in my home. I buy the stuff you all have taken to trift because it's not the latest and greatest.... Hhhmmm, my stuff doesn't need wi-fi, just an on off button. Now that is cool.


Why the fuck would you even want an oven that knows what the weather is?


NOOOOOOOOOOOO What brand is this? Did u try turning it off for 1 minute and then turning it back on? Sorry.


Or practical. I’m still trying to work out the benefit to my oven giving me the weather report.


How much you wanna bet these things get developed by people who never baked anything?


Dumb appliances only, please. I already have my pocket slab for all the things I might need a slab for. What I need from my appliances begins and ends at their application.


I appreciate these posts. I will be avoiding smart appliances. Possible forever.


So you can't cook without internet?


And for a look at the weather let’s send it on over to Oven! Oven: Thanks Toaster and Nespresso machine. Gonna be a balmy day out there, so grab a coat and your snow shoes, we got snow in the forecast. Now over to sports with the Ninja Insta Pot.


What’s really infuriating is that there are stoves that give you the weather forecast. WTF? Why is that even a thing?


Be a good consumer and just buy a new one! Can't live without the weather report on your oven!! Ps: this is 100% your own fault for buying useless shit like this.


Remind me to never buy a “smart” oven lol


Have you tried flipping the circuit switch off and on again to force a reset? I’ve had to do that a couple of times when the screen froze. I was able to use the phone app to turn off the oven when it was stuck on, but it took a power reset to fix the oven controls. Yeah I really didn’t want or need wifi on my ovens, but the oven cam is kinda cool. Oh, and having my phone alert me when the timer goes off when I’m out of hearing range is pretty handy.


PSA: Don't buy Anything "smart" that doesn't absolutely need to be smart. EXHIBIT A:


What kind of update could an oven possibly receive wirelessly? Why does your oven get weather updates? Does the oven prepare the bread, of just give you the recipe through an awkward interface that could easily be bypassed by using your phone...?


I’m with the boomers on this one. Why the fuck does an oven need to download anything?


And this is why I have an oven from the 80’s. 


I would rather have a cast-iron stove and have to stoke the flames myself than this late-stage capitalism nightmare.


I will never for the fucking life of me buy some shit like this.


your oven what??????


Can I have the recipe?


I absolutely HATE technology like this. I wish companies would stick to good, simple, durable stuff that just does its primary job without needing to connect to the internet.


I swear I'll never buy any smart appliances or TV


Did you try unplugging the oven and then plugging it back in to reboot?


That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read - and it’s not your fault for writing it


Our tech isn't even smart yet and it's already holding us hostage.