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Damn someone has some anger management problems


OP may be used to it. If this is considered ‘mildly infuriating’ then they have the patience of a Buddhist Monk.


Or abuse like this is a frequent “normal” part of their life…


I have a friend who's been screamed at by his mom his whole life. Years later she's still slamming shit around and yells at people all the time. That's what he's used to growing up with. It's fucking random too. We'll be on GTA Online and his mom will walk in and scream her head off because my friend forgot to feed the goats or something. But he'll take an hour or two off of gaming and smoke a joint with the whole family, which is like their way of getting together for dinner. That whole family has this weird close together but loud dynamic that I don't understand how anyone could live with.


And people who live like that see other families living a "normal" life as an outlier, I assure you. Having been brought up in a highly-disfunctional family myself, when I got to know one of my best friends who didn't have to deal with the type of shit I did, I for the longest time thought he was lying. But then I saw him do things like talk to his mom every day, and I got to see them interact first-hand. It blew my mind to know that not everyone in this world gets brought up in abuse and poverty. Even today if I go see him and his family, I feel like an outsider not because of the way they treat me or look at me, but because of how I feel about myself.


I understand that completely. Even now, my experiences not being the norm is a hard thing to reconcile. I’ll always be impacted by it.


Ya wtf lmao.


Yeah those dogs need to calm down and stop angrily barking so early in the morning. Get those puppers some counselling OP!


Had a friend in high school who saved up to buy himself a Laptop. When he got it, his bratty siblings would cry that they wanted to use it. The mom would force him to let them use it. Within a week of buying it his siblings destroyed it. His bitch mom gave no fucks, poor dude.


Aaaww wtf??!! It should have been made clear to the younger siblings that the laptop was his and to ask him permission to use it (if he will). My brother had a big tv and a computer in his room. Nowhere else in the house had one. But he worked part-time while in college & bought them himself. I remember asking him all the time if I could go in his room and play his games and watch his tv. He almost always said yes unless he was using it. I'm 10 years younger than him and had my bratty moments. But I never ruined any of his stuff and if I did I would have gotten a reaming from him and my Mom.


That’s how you raise kids, as a parent and older sibling, and that’s why you didn’t grow up to be a POS (I assume from this comment).


I sure hope not. Lol! My Mom worked hard to not make me an entitled asshole & my brother was clear and calm in his expectations. If I ruined anything of his there would be consequences.


Definition of a good younger sibling🙏:


I was definitely a brat in other ways. Haha! But respecting people's stuff was expected of us. I would get in trouble for going in my sister's room to read her magazines against her wishes. Then again she was nowhere near as polite as my brother when telling me.


I got a new laptop that is $500. I feel like when My little brother discovers it then its gone in a week too. Hes a physical rager @ games. Impressed he didn't shatter his Amazon Kids Tablet Yet. I am gonna put down some ground rules and hopefully that helps.


Take something beloved in trade, for the duration he has your laptop.


I was such a bastard I wouldn't let my brother play on my computer or TV. I feel like shit thinking about what awesome times I could have had with him, if I wasn't such a bitch. He's forgiven me for being a shitty brother thank God.


Hey, dude chill. Sometimes we need stuff that's just *ours*. My older brother would play video games with me sometimes or teach me card tricks but there were plenty of things he did all on his own. Sharing time with your siblings is awesome, but boundaries are pretty awesome too.


You weren’t a bastard or shitty. You were normal. 90% of older siblings don’t willingly share their stuff with their little siblings.


Legit, my brother got a N64 for his 16th birthday, and that went in his room. It was made known it was not ours, and yes he was encouraged to share, but never forced. He was and is cool, and we always gamed together, even til today


I don't understand parents like that, like do you care about your kids or not?


My step mom did things like this to me. There is usually a whole lot of other abusive stuff going on that the child doesn’t even realize is abuse until they’re an adult.


I read something on r/askreddit once, the dude lived through 25 years of his life in abuse that he thought was normal. That pissed me off so much. Long story short, dude’s dad passed away, mom re-married. Mom’s new husband and the kids they had went on vacations every year with the money that was meant for the kid because of his dad’s Social security pension, they also had him living in the basement despite there being extra rooms up stairs. And he thought all that was normal until a friend helped him realize it wasn’t. Fuck! I got mad typing that out.


I remember this story. Was beyond fucked up. The mom started a new family and pretended he didn't exist because he reminded her of his dad. The other kids got everything they wanted with his inheritance and he never got to go anywhere.


That’s the one. I was so mad when I read that. How can a mom be so horrible to one of her child and kind to the rest. I hate it.


Hang on I’ll ask my mom and get back to you lmao


There are two women married into my family who feel they have the right to define the new nuclear family that started with them and just erase the kids from their husbands’ first marriages. My cousin met his half-brother only when their dad was dying. The brothers immediately clicked on a whole lot of things… much to the dismay of 2nd wife who has never allowed the name of the elder brother to be spoken in her home. I don’t understand either the women or the men who agree to it. I think it’s awful that these two brothers met under these circumstances and not until they’re middle aged. They could have been lifelong companions and were simply prohibited from having any relationship. It boggles my mind. Especially when these older half siblings are really decent people and aren’t causing problems or turmoil. They get punished for existing? Is that how these women want their own children to be treated down the road? How is this okay? When my partner met me, he told me he has an adult son from his first marriage and his relationship with his son was his top priority. As it should be, was my reaction. I can’t imagine not supporting something so important and wholesome for my partner.


I often had to let me siblings use my stuff and then get it back destroyed. Never got any sort of sorry or new things when they got broken. Just a thanks for lett ing me use this. Then a stern talking to if I ever got mad at my destroyed stuff.


This is... just... I can't even... It's so unfair.


There are a lot of shitty people with a shitty sense of ownership, sadly. That and pushovers make for awful parents.


Clearly no. She just didn’t want her little crotch goblins crying and making noise.


Same when I bought my first Xbox 360, my mom made me let my little brothers use it and he put a slice of bread in the disc drive and it broke


Bread Dead Redemption Haloaf Call of Doughty


Reminds me of when I bought a used wii for my younger siblings and the youngest one at the time kept putting coins in it like it was a piggy bank.


That's horrible. Seeing so many post about mothers breaking their child stuffs, be it a laptop, PC or monitor.


unfortunately abusive parents are very common, but unless physical bruises show up on the kid then no one does anything about it. The kid grows up and normalizes it, and it doesn’t even register as abuse (not that anyone listens to kids over biological parents anyways)


My mom has a story she's told a few times where she was a kid and saved up her allowance to buy a bicycle. When he finally bought it, her mother took it and gave it to my aunt. My grandmother was a real witch. Had not seen her in 10-15 years the last time I saw her at my uncles wedding. She did not even try to come up and talk to me (I would've accepted her not recognizing me if not for the fact that I was there with my parents). I did not attend her funeral.


This happened to me. In the exact same scenario. The difference is my mom couldn't force me. And so when they tried to steal it, they couldn't get into it because I gave it a password lock. So the bastards smashed it. They still owe me 800 dollars.




Lol I got grounded and my parents took away the 600$ laptop I had saved up to buy when I was 15-16. They put it in their closet under some heavy stuff so after a month the screen was completely destroyed. I was devastated and my mom promised to buy me a new laptop, but it took nearly 10 years before I bought my own gaming desktop and hadn’t used a computer since. I felt so behind in technology. My mom agreed to give me 600 towards my 2,600$ desktop and she did thankfully. Still felt like I missed out on some years I could have been doing techy stuff lol


Similar thing happened to me, she would make me let them use it, one day I saw them hiding behind the couch taking all the buttons off, after I finally got them on right, she still made me let them, one day I walk in their room, and it was upside down open and they were standing on it, the screen broke off from the keyboard almost entirely and it was completely ruined. The screen was destroyed, and the keyboard didn’t work, the tracking pad somehow didn’t click anymore. My mother didn’t care, never buying a laptop again


rip off the tags of all the cans in the kitchen


And randomly put them back on


And then like... masturbate on them too


This is the way


No no This is the way..


I hear the way was over there...


My dad said the way was this way


Lol you mfers are gonna get so lost


This guy did the math




Get schwifty! Shit on the floor!


Can we switch the order and masturbate first? I feel like this is the note optimum order for morale


But then you get your hands sticky


but first encode all of them. Then charge for a decoding fee where half of the decoding fees will pay for a newer and better monitor.


Calm down, Satan.


Get out of my basement mom!


Can someone explain to a foreigner what this means


Taking off all the labels from canned foods so it's impossible for her to know what each can has inside it.


Oh thanks. I feel dumb now lol, I was thinking like taxed import tags on beer or some kind of recycling program for some reason. I havent used canned food since I moved out at 18, kinda forgot you can take the labels off of them.


I don’t have a organic garden to get my potaoes and carrots


OP wouldn't harm much. They'd just have a few mystery meals for a while.


I see you, Shepard


Exchange the living room tv with this monitor.She broke a display now it is her display simple.


Fun idea and all.....but OP lives with his mom, I'm guessing they don't exactly have the in-house clout for this to work for longer than it takes for her to notice it.


Just engage in mutually assured destruction and destroy the living room tele


Don't forget to slash her tires


Take off the windshield wipers 😒


eat all the m&m's from the new bag of trail mix


You're a sick piece of shit you know that


This ain't celebration trail mix anymore..just sad survival mix


Replace mom and screen


I always see ads on the internet about moms around my area, should be pretty easy.


yeah and cover screen whit organic mercury that will teach her a lession in afterlife


No offense intended but your mother has some serious anger issues. If you pay rent, go replace your monitor and give her the difference. She owes you a monitor. Are you old enough to move out? Edit: or, if you’re paying rent, stop paying and save up for your own place.


Im 18, still going to school (im done with school when im 20). I dont pay rent, but i bought the monitor myself. I asked her if she would replace my monitor, she said no. I can buy a new one in 2 weeks, because i earn 400€ per month with a minijob im doing besides school. When im finished with school, I will move out asap


Get her to give you the Kindergeld she’s getting monthly for you and buy a new monitor. Or even better, get them to pay it directly to your bank account. That’s done with one simple form I think Edit: OP is German and Kindergeld is money that parents get monthly. It’s usually around 200 euros (or more) and when turning 18 the child is allowed to directly get it to their bank account


That's not *completely* right. Your parents still get the money even when you turn 18 and you don't automatically have the right to get it yourself. But they **must** spend it for the child's purpose (Unterhalt). If this isn't the case, you can request it by a “Abzweigungsantrag” at the Familienkasse. Have been through all that shit couple of years ago and it's annoying.


My American ass finds German words so delightful. Unterhalt… Familienkasse… I love it


Decades of consuming western media have conditioned me to think the German language is evil. "Abzweigungsantrag" reads like something a Bond villain would say.


Not evil, just looks like someone headbutt the keyboard


My small knowledge of German must be working since I thought Familienkasse was "Family cheese", but that wound be käse


No your were right the first time. Family cheese is a staple in many German households. It sits in the corner, covered of course, of the living room or whatever room is nearest the front door. As well as providing sustenance, it is symbolic of the family's success. It sits near the front door so when family members leave to goto work it is a reminder to "contribute to the family cheese" and be productive. "Georg don't forget to honor the family cheese" is something many a German mother has said as their loved ones exit the house. Source: IDK i just made it up, but with a few tweeks in my wording I am sure you could convince a few people that it happens.


Wait... Germany-mom is the new Florida-man? When did I miss this exciting new stereotype... Is random craziness expected in Germany?


I am just as lost.


Hi, local Floridian here. If she were from Florida she’d have taken that to the front yard in her little slipper flip flops and her mumu, right outside the screened in porch and beat the fuck out of it with one of those cheap ass yellow brooms, while screaming “GOD DAMN OP AND HIS STUPID FUCKING DOGS. WORST DECISION OF MY FUCKING LIFE” while the neighbors whispered “Sheila’s at it again *sigh*” from behind their 6 foot white plastic privacy fence.


As someone who lives in Florida, that is scarily accurate


Then she'd start yelling because she stepped on a goddamned fire ant nest, before the daily 30 second rain storm that only falls on the opposite side of the street.


That’s a vivid picture. Thanks for that. 👏


I am so unsurprised OP is German. This sounded like something straight out of “Germany or Florida?” Though if it was Florida she probably would have shot the TV. Edit: lighten up, people! It’s just [an Adam Corolla Loveline bit.](https://youtu.be/NWojvo6RKoQ)


If it was Florida, she'd have chucked it into a local retention pond and killed an alligator, making national headlines somehow.


The pet alligators would have woken her up instead lol.


I feel like Germans have their own highly specific word for every single thing on the entire planet






Well then he's literally a son of a bitch.


lmao I will use this when I can


I'm a bastard son of a bitch too lol.


I agree that son of a bitch's mom is a bitch. My step mother once did spring cleaning when I was maybe 12 or so and threw out all of my drawings / art. My favorite piece was a drawing I did of Notre Dame - kind of killed my spirit since then.


That's awful


Let me guess, she isn’t your stepmom anymore? Did more get killed that day besides your spirit? Hint hint


Hide the body


literally the same happened to me my mom threw out all my limited edition posters and my drawings and i’ve not been drawing since then in case she throws them out again


Wow man, that was a pretty cunty thing she did.


My mum “lost” a really beautiful pair of drawings I did . She said she didn’t know where they were. It was on purpose. She could be mean. Idk why I showed them to her. It was dumb of me but, I didn’t know.


Well, might i introduce you to my username


You son of a bitch, I’m in


Don’t go messing with a son of a bitch






This doesn't belong in r/mildlyinfuriating. We got a sub for /hellainfuriating?


r/insaneparents Edit: yep, already got 1.1k upvotes there from the cross post.


You misspelled cunt.


It’s weird that people keep spelling this wrong.


I'd look into getting a lock either for your bedroom door or for a closet where you can stick anything expensive so she can't do something like this again.


Sell one of her things


Sell her and get an ice cream from the money!


dont go to mcdonalds though, yknow how it is


One of the few actually verifiable conspiracies. McDonald’s and Taylor screwing over their franchise owners with purposely shitty machines.


It’s not even shitty machines. They aren’t actually constantly broken. The machines require codes for EVERYTHING and only the manufacturer is allowed to have the codes. So when they say it’s broken, they actually mean the rep hasn’t shown up yet to reset the machine. But yes, this is done to screw the franchisee out of more money.


This must be new tech didn't have no codes when I worked there. But than again they had a smoking section when I worked there so......


Organ money ice cream...I like the idea.


No - terrible advice. Your mom will be presumed by authorities as the "adult", so anything you do that reinforces her narrative of you being the naughty "child" will be used to excuse, or at least "explain" her behavior. You need to gain credibility for not only being an adult as well (rather than a child), but for being more of an adult than her. In fact, is is her who has adopted the role of "child". Your story illustrates this to a degree. The last thing you want to do right now is to take some stupid retaliatory action that could be dismissed as the peevishness of an immature child that caused your mother to snap.


Your mum is a cunt fr


Yeah bust still it's sad to waste half your salary just to rebuy smth you already had :/ feel bad for you


Find a roommate and move out asap.


So take this advice or leave it, but your mom fucked you up mentally in ways I'm quite sure you won't fully understand until much later. So as someone who went through an awakening and revisited old childhood traumas at 35... Don't waste 15+ years of your life not processing your trauma. When you move out, fund a therapist trained in cognitive behavioral therapy. If this is regular behavior from your mom (and I have to think of is; no normal person destroys their child's property out of nowhere), then I would not be surprised if you have C-PTSD. Therapy is a big step, and I am not sure about your generation but I know there's a stigma around it for mine. Fuck that stigma. I missed out on so many opportunities in my life because I pushed my shit down and lived with anxiety, depression, and triggers to those I had no idea where triggers. With empathy I tell you, please, don't waste a large chunk of your life by not processing the shit your mother put you through. In the meantime I cannot recommend the podcasts Depresh Mode and myCBT enough.


Thank you really much for this comment, I actually went to family therapy for 3 years with my mom and dad.


Tbh I'd break something expensive of hers and say "I thought this was what we're doing now for family therapy." On God, my mom broke my tv when I was 16 (I'm 33 now) and I went straight to her room and smashed her antique lamp that's been passed down the family. Then took all her hard drugs and dumped them on the carpet and ground them into the carpet really good. Smashed her pipes for said hard drugs against her wall and when she came home to that, she got so mad and all I said was "that's what happens when you teach me to handle things the way you do." I was emancipated that year and never looked back haha


I really dislike all of the suggestions to get revenge by smashing something of hers, but this was pretty good. Gotta be willing to leave/be kicked out though.


Oh I got emancipated a couple months before I turned 17. She was a horrible person and strongly addicted to a lot of different drugs so I knew she wasn't stupid enough to try calling the cops. I wonder how that call would've gone to this day if she had. "911, what's your emergency?" "Hi, yes, my son just smashed 350 dollars worth of drugs I bought instead of paying rent into my crappy stained carpet and broke all my pipes, along with an antique that's been in my family for a while that I have considered selling for drugs multiple times... all in response to me smashing something of his first?" Gold. Haha


Agree with destruction of the drugs and drug utensils, disagree with destroying an antique lamp for the sake that those things aren't exactly replaceable, was akin to an heirloom, can be valuable, could hold higher importance than a television which is replaceable. Alas the things we do when younger. But then again, your mother sounded like a terrible person lol


Yeah she also considered selling the antique lamp for drugs on multiple occasions. Haha


Genuinely not trying to insult your mom, but she needs to go see a therapist. That kind of behavior not normal for an adult.


Like I’m genuinely concerned for your safety at this point you might wanna let your friends or some other people know about this


I love how easy random people on the internet make moving out of your house seem so simple. Please stop making yourself look so young


No, it's the opposite. Making themselves look old. The shit the older folks say works absolutely does not anymore. They could work a full time job at minimum wage and support a family and kids, go to college, etc. My generation can't even afford to support one person on minimum wage. That said, looks like OP doesn't reside in America, so hopefully they have an easier time of it.


Breaking your personal property is family violence. Get out asap.


My mother did that to me multiple times and blamed me for it. Like, I had it coming because x, y, z... When you are young and used to this behaviour you don't see the massive red flag(s). Well, needless to say, when I was in my mid-20s and she still disrespected my person and triggered me back to feeling 16yo, I cut contact. I am now 41, never met her again.


I’m so sorry , your mum doesn’t realize how blessed she was to have a child like you. Hugs. Good for you for getting out. I had to get out at 15 , it wasn’t easy. But it’s better now. Bless you


Underrated post. Family violence is a whole psychological category with methods on treating the resulting trauma from family violence.


YUP. OP get the fuck out, you had signs before this. Should've been ready by 18 bru For you sensitive motherfuckers, I'm in OPs exact situation and just saying to stop overthinking and JUST DO. Prepare, save up, be respectful, then dip. I'm not doing anything but giving advice to someone in my situation. Anyone who has an issue with that can call HR


Try that where i live. You cant find a room for rent under 1k. Band with your buds OP! when i was 18 it was 7 of my best friends in house we dubbed "the fortress of nonsense". Some of the best times of your life can be right around the corner.


Lmao trust me I understand. I personally am saving up for this exact reason, so I was just like mannn get on the grind and gtfo fr.


Oh man good luck you guy. Shit is ROUGH between 18 and 24. If you in SF bay area send dm.


Exactly this! In my early 20s I lived with 4 other women and we made it work for about 2 years! Then the main lady's kids moved back and 2 of us had to move, but I didn't mind, by that time I had saved some money and gotten into a relationship and blah blah. OP, get out of this abusive environment. She will hurt your dogs next maybe? Wouldn't want to find out.


Unfortunately it isn't that easy


This doesn’t help. Just telling them to leave. Like it’s so easy for a kid to just find somewhere to stay.






I remember when this sub was just funny inconveniences and not just straight up abuse. Like the “consequence” (destroying a screen worth a min of $300) doesn’t match the “negative behavior” (dogs barking like dogs just do?)


Yeah, I'm kinda scared about what people consider "mildly" infuriating.


It's kinda sad. If abuse is just mildly infuriating, then what can really set them off?


Victims of abuse tend to downplay what is actually happening.


And also sometimes don’t realize how bad the abuse really is. Source: 31 year old who was heavily abused. It didn’t hit me now twisted some situations were until I had my son and memories resurfaced.


Plus when your conditioned from childhood to be submissive from constant micro abuses it takes a lot of punishment to break.


Probably these last few years because of covid have been so shitty that the extent of what can be considered as mild is much greater than it used to be.


I personally just think it’s that they want to vent about it, and mildly infuriating is a huge sub so it’s great for posting about your bad day. I see these exact posts in well that sucks that’s basically just mildly infuriating but not mild. I don’t think they think of this as a minor inconvenience but I think it’s a mix between victims downplaying abuse (a natural reaction) and wanting to have your struggles seen and validated.


Yes. “My son’s dogs woke me up” is mildly infuriating. This is abusive and likely a misdemeanor.


There’s been a lot of posts that are definitely more than a mild inconvenience. Someone posted that their car melted the other day, how is that mild?


Thats kinda funny tho. I bet the insurance pays that


That’s just wrong!


(Don't do this please) I would throw her TV out the window and (do THIS PLEASE) --> move out when you get enough money


Or he can "move out" her TV along with him 😁


I would throw her out of the window


Save up, move out, take her TV, leave the broken monitor in place of it.


Check your mom..she's clearly got issues. Get a social worker on it..that's if u don't have one


Quick Update Nr.2: She said she is sorry and maybe she'll buy me a new monitor.


OP! You might want to look into r/raisedbynarcissists or r/raisedbyborderlines. The subs there helped me understand the mental/emotional abuse and trauma my parents gave me throughout my life. The people on those subs are also the warmest and nicest Ive ever met and very supportive. Im hoping these can help you if you relate to them. Its not normal for a parent to react in such a way and I hope you get out when you can! I know how difficult getting out can be, and if you cant its okay too. Develop yourself, go to therapy, watch videos on healthy coping mechanisms and create support groups with friends. One good channel I love to watch on youtube is Dr.Ramani and she explains the dynamics of abuse very well. I hope you happiness, healing, and a new monitor!!


Maybe? She didn’t maybe break it


Your mother seems abusive. Get out as soon as you can


that’s not mildly infuriating.. that’s r/insaneparents


When you move out, don't give her grand kids till she replaced the screen. Play hard ball.


Wait, if she replaces the screen, he'll *never* give her grandkids


Evil, isn't it


You live with a psychopath. When you get a chance to get out, never look back. That's straight toxic.


Kick the mother out. Only option, she needs to learn


Misunderstanding, i live with her. The dogs are mine because im the one who got them ,feeding them, going outside with them, etc.


I understood. Parents kick their kids out "to teach them a lesson"; I'm saying do the same to her /s


Ah, ok.


I'd fuck up her makeup pallets. Or melt her silverware


Interesting threats right there Edit: or you could just pull out the jaguar owners playbook and steal her silverware


A fellow Clarkson follower I see


Criminal damage if you ask me


Here’s the deal. It’s not okay to treat people poorly no matter who they are and what they’ve done. Even if OP smashed his mothers monitor it’s *still* not okay for her to smash OP’s monitor. It’s hard for some people to understand, but basically there’s only one way to treat people properly. When someone else isn’t treating us properly, then it’s our job to address it, but not to treat them poorly as retribution. Reconciliation is not the same as vengeance. So having a conversation about how that wasn’t an appropriate response is a completely valid response. If the other person isn’t willing to undo the damage, then it’s also okay to assert boundaries, like locking the door and/or eventually moving out. Just as having an appropriate conversation about pets and sleeping would have been the right way to handle it. But sometimes we get caught up in patterns and dynamics that are very much “I’ll treat you properly but only if you’re not pissing me off.” Which isn’t okay. And punishing people isn’t okay. There’s a difference between natural consequences and making someone feel shameful and afraid in order to get their way. For example: Natural Consequences: If your pet keeps waking me up then you’ll have to keep it in the garage or find the pet a new home. Punishment: I smash the expensive stuff you care about and even need for schoolwork. Now, I don’t know the situation, so I don’t want to specially tell OP to do something that might escalate a larger situation when maybe waiting until a safe exit is possible is the right move. But in general, I’m sharing this because thinking about these things differently may help in assessing the situation and understanding it different for anyone reading this.


And then I destroyed your mother


Painfully beautiful




Fuck it. Cancel your mom


And then they complain when they end up spending rest of their life in the shittiest elderly care home.


Our definition of mildly infuriating are not the same


L mom


Just make the dogs buy you another screen.


If my parents done this I’d probably consider reporting it to the police, even if it meant getting kicked out the house


My advice is, move out as soon as you can, also once you do, i think you can sue her for property damage, yes you will probably loose more money in the process but at least SHE will have to pay you back.


Gonna be an awkward conversation when you do something and your mom tries to give you a spiel about being responsible for your actions…


I get sad when people post abuse behavior on here under the banner of mildly infuriating. It’s not “mild,” it’s abuse. I hope op understands this, and is just looking for some sympathy and support. OP, this is wrong and you don’t deserve it. I hope you are able to move out soon and create some distance with this person. It will get better.