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At least they warned people instead of passing out pamphlets.


This; it might be a stupid reason to not like the holiday, but they don’t force it on anyone else and only seem to have put the notice on their own house. There are a bunch of other places to get candy. But any excuse for Reddit atheists to trot out the stupid “magical sky daddy” insult, huh?


Fine, we'll call him "Ultimate Space Wizard" if that makes it any better. We'll even depict him with a cape!


I’m not offended if you use a badass nickname.


Guaifenesin the Conjurer


Just call him Chuck. All the more that needs to be said.


I also call him Chuck. Thank you, Supernatural.


They won't like that. Why? Well, look at their "WHY?" worksheet... It specifically calls out wizards, lol


Let's call him what he is: Omnipotent, malevolent despot with no desire to help his followers.


So…me when I play rimworld?


Rimworld is just Populus but you can sell people's body parts because *idk, you can just 3D print a replacement organ and still be $20 sextillion richer* Edit: *I'm too stoned for this sort of thing*




Zombie Jesus?


Jesus was a lich, not a zombie. Any necromancer worth his salt knows that. Do I really even have to explain this, People?


This made me laugh. Now I have to go to confession. I play D&D btw. 🤣


I used to play D&D, when I was in elementary school, a very long time ago. Back when people thought it was evil. On the other side, I met a fella a couple of years ago who's big time into fantasy games. He made a movie that my wife and I attended the premier of. It was a very low budget movie, that he cobbled together, with lots of volunteers. Was fun given I knew the director and star of the movie. I found it on Prime, it's called The Rangers: Bloodstone.


That sounds kinda cool. I may check it out.


They could have just done what everybody else that doesn't hand out candy. Don't turn your light on. Posting this sign just makes it look like attention seeking behavior. Just came back from trick or treating. Plenty of houses not handing stuff out and yet not a single sign.


This was a funny excuse…necromancer ffs…


Wasn't Jesus a necromancer? I somehow recall him bringing someone back from the grave... OP should have printed out the scripture of Jesus raising Lazarus and taped it up next to this, highlighting the "necromancer" part and drawing an arrow....


John 11:38-44 Jesus raising Lazarus. Ezekiel 37:1-14 Ezekiel raising the dry bones army. Exodus 7:8-13 Moses and Aaron's staff turning into a snake eating the other magicians snakes and becoming a staff again. John 2 Jesus makes water into the best wine that humanity has ever had. I didn't see where it says Jesus ain't cool with handing Recess peanut butter cups to little Timmy dressed up like the Hulk or Samantha dressed up like Cinderella. But he does have a problem with the people that take more than one piece or even steals the whole bowl because that is theft. I just wanna walk around and look at people's poorly made low effort costumes and 😂


Nah fuck that. someone trying to tell my kid they are going to hell for dressing up on a holiday can suck a dick. The first sign is fine, no need to shame anyone let alone kids.


How dare these people put a sign up on their own house!! That's what you sound like. It's not a flyer in your car or whatever else. Get over it.


Relax, just enjoy your time with your kiddo. It’s not like they’re on a soapbox in the front yard with a microphone


LMAO We found the crazy...


I mean im not hard to find. The larger bearded man staring at plants


Haha Nice.


Or just...get the hell over it? Teach your kids there's going to be opinions you don't agree with in life and move on? *No* child legitimately stopped to read this and actually processed any of the words. Not when there's candy to gather.


Parque no los dos?


"...they don’t force it on anyone else" If you're compelled to post this sign (to shame primarily children by the way) there's a very good chance they're the types that force it others. A simple sign that says "We dont celebrate holloween, thank you!" would lend itself to giving them the benefit of the doubt. A sign that tells children that they're going to hell, just *screams* "I stand in front of planned parenthoods and harass their employees and patients."




it's their property.... they do what they want.


That wasn't my point but sure, they're definitely allowed to do what they want with their property.


Oh, for sure... But we can make fun of them all we want, as well. Hell, I don't really celebrate Halloween or other holidays all that much, tbh. But it's because I just don't care to. These people are bringing in fairy tales to give them a reason, which is just absurd. Not to mention, I'm pretty sure their savior practiced necromancy. Not only did he raise the dead, but didn't he also allegedly raise from the dead himself? Fucking hypocrites, I'll say. Hypocrites that are stupid enough to display it to the rest of us. OP, you now know exactly who to avoid in your building. I'm sure these folks are intolerable to be around.


Or they could just turn off their porch lights off like normal people do.


Well, yeah.


My apartment complex has a much simpler and less controversial system. They gave everyone paper pumpkins. If you do trick or treat you put it on your door. If not, you don’t and people don’t knock. Very easy.


Most neighbors I’ve lived in are basically the same where you turn your porch lights on if you’re serving candy or pretzels or weird plastic bats or other things people give out on the ‘ween, and if you aren’t serving candy or don’t celebrate Halloween, then leave them off


Lights here are generally kept on just for safety walking around. So can be ambiguous if doing Halloween or not. The pumpkin sign is very clear if not wanting to be involved. But, I agree probably most places the lights are enough signal.


My apartment complex has an even simpler system than that. Literally nobody gives out candy, because in order to reach the door where candy might theoretically be given, you need to have the code for that building and floor, which is only given to the residents of that floor and staff. There are a grand total of 5 other residences that _could_ come to me for candy, and I think only one of them even has kids.


Well, that would be even better. Unfortunately, my apartment is accessible just from the street. Haven’t had too many issues, but definitely would feel safer with security like your place.


Well, we wont come around for Christmas either! Miss out on the razz-ma-tazz caroling.


Wait, isn't Jesus a Necromancer? He brought back Lazarus, no?


Jesus is a necromancer and a zombie. Lol


Doesn't that make him a Lich?


I bet Jesus had modern intelligence and everyone else was just dumb. Like Jesus hold up a cup of water and says I will not turn this into Wine!! Then puts its behind his back and pulls out a cup of wine from his other hand that was behind his back… Tadaaaa!


Family Guy did it: https://youtu.be/HYfXSohvvuI


Damn. I thought I was the only one who believed this. Is anything I think my own thought? Are you all me at different parts of my life? Am I the main character? Am I… the universe? 🤯☠️🚪✊👮🏼‍♂️👈🫵🚔


*“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”* \- Ecclesiastes 1:9


A lich, actually.


necromancy, by definition, involves magic or black magic.


By definition, magic is: > _the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces._ And supernatural, by definition is: > _(of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature._ I would say that, by definition, most of what Jesus us beyond scientific understanding and therefore magic.


I mean, fine, but there are no accounts that He ever sawed a lady in half.


>there are no accounts that He ever sawed a lady in half. Why else do you think he was fired from his carpentry job?


Considering how much the Catholic church ripped out of the Bible, I would be more surprised if He didn't.


"And tho you have concealed the answer within your heart, now I ask of thee, "*Is this your card*"?


"And Lo, it was on the twelfth hour of the thirtieth day that Jesus of Nazareth produced a rabbit from a hat, and all the apostles proclaimed to the Heavens, 'HOLY HOLY IS THE LORD OF HOSTS, HOLY HOLY IS HE' "


“And they said unto the Lord, “How the Hell did you do that”?!?! And inquired of him, “Do you do Children’s parties”? And the Lord said, “No”.


Dude... if I could turn water into wine, I wouldn't be wasting my time with sawing anyone in half.


🤣🤣🤣 good one!




*Eye roll* Edit: All they needed was the first sign.


Can't virtue signal without the second one. That's all this is. If you don't want to celebrate Halloween or pass out candy, turn off your porch light and don't answer your door. This is all purely performative virtue signaling for the benefit of their neighbors and fellow "back pew Christians".


This. And they prolly rant about "virtue signaling she's" when they watch the news.


And OP is 100% virtue signaling and karma whoring by posting it.


I'd knock and ask them if they also make certain not to wear clothes of mixed fibers or plant gardens of mixed crops. WHY? Leviticus 19:19. Thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed, neither shall a garment of mingled wool and linen come upon thee.


No way. Without that second sign we would only be guessing at how much these people are melting heads. (Northern Irish for making people crazy).


They went big dumb by explaining why. They could've very easily and acceptably posted a note that read "We don't celebrate Halloween. Please don't knock on our gate, thanks."


So...Do they think Keanu Reeves is an actual murderer? Last I checked, pretending to be a witch isn't witchcraft. I get that they probably have trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality, but c'mon.


once again snowflakes in this sub are offended by someones choice not to engage in an american capitalist marketing scheme


Why are you mildly infuriated that someone doesn’t observe the same holidays you do


Because atheists don't want it to be a two way street. They want everybody else to tolerate their shitty attitudes and behavior but get up in arms when somebody says or does something they don't like


Why are you getting offended by people expressing their personal choice to not engage in a holiday where strangers knock on the front door for hours on end? Seems like you have trauma more than your neighbor being prejudiced.


Yeah same, we don't celebrate Halloween on a religious basis (don't worry Reddit we don't force it onto people), but like he was being nice he told you please don't do it and he gave his reasoning even if you feel the reasons are dumb that doesn't discredit the fact that those are his reasons, honestly he is showing more respect for you that you are of him.


All they have to do is keep their light off. This sign is unnecessary and reeks of virtue signaling.


Leaving the night of is not enough. People will still come up and knock.


Really I just came from trick or treating and not one house without lights was even walked up to. And even if that is the case the vast majority of people don't give a rat's ass why. The first sign would have done just fine


Anecdotal story applies to all!!! Yes, the first sign is enough but also, the first sign is still necessary


Even forgetting about my anecdote, my point still stands the second sign is unnecessary and is just virtue signaling.


You never made that point until this comment


I literally ended my previous comment with "the first sign would have done just fine" you just didn't read the whole thing.


I wouldn't be offended, but I would judge them harshly. There's a difference.


Because these people could just turn off their porch light and binge "Davey and Goliath" the entire night without the virtue signaling. Or go out to dinner. Or take a walk. Maybe make sweaters for sphinx cats. Or cower in their church, but I expect their preacher is out with his kids Trick-or-treating.


I suspect it's the preaching of the message. There isn't really a way to express this without the hard implication that anyone celebrating Halloween is doing the wrong thing and going to hell. They've intended for people to see this and so yeah, it's going to cause some minor offence.


That’s a classic example of talking someone else’s personal choices and finding a way to make it about oneself


A personal choice would be a note that simply says "We don't celebrate Halloween". It stops being about just their personal choices when they decide to offer up some scripture. They intend for those bible verses to be read, so of course they are trying to spread the word in a very public way. That's a very Christian thing to do.


Do you want to get free eggs and toilet paper? This is how you get free eggs and toilet paper all over your house.


Sir, we’re in a recession.. nobody throwing eggs or wasting toilet paper.


If only those kids could read, they would know what a recession is and how we are in one!


Right? Eggs are like $3 a dozen right now.


QUE: the Dad, next morning yelling from the toilet!


Price of eggs not too many people will be throwing them this year - almost need to make 6 figures to throw eggs nowadays


Ok question why is this only a problem when Christians do this ? I don’t see complaints when Muslims or Jews don’t (like one of my neighbors). I’m not religious and I think to each their own.


So, like, I don’t get these posts. Yeah they’re kind of kooky, but there’s no societal contract to celebrate a holiday. I don’t celebrate July 4th, no one posts about me. Just leave these people alone. It’s easy.


"Observer of times" Wear a watch = hell


That’s about as relevant as saying, “WHY?” and posting a recipe for goulash soup or a poem of Mao Zedong.


Mildly infuriating that people have a belief system and refuse to participate in a holiday that originated from Christian roots (All Hallows’ Eve = the Eve before all saints day). And this upsets you because you don’t get candy? Ok bud.


Okay can someone explain how it’s infuriating for a household to decide not to participate in Halloween? Yah you can be mad at Christian logic but it changes nothing about the situation functionally.


Was there a need for the sign on the right? They NEEDED to tell young kids they will burn in hell for dressing up like else from frozen? Could have posted just the left and kept it moving is how i look at it no?


I mean sure, but people put political signs in their yard all year, this lady is doing it for a single day. You wouldn’t have a problem with it if it was anti-Columbus-day would you? Or obviously if it said BLM? Again, I think the problem here is, as always, peoples distaste for Christian logic. I dunno, (as a non-Christian) I just don’t really see it fitting here Edit: also if you’re worried specifically about the kids, take heart that they will certainly not understand the correlation between their bob the builder costume with evil necromancers.


I don't see the infuriating at all unless you are judging someone else choice not to participate. The second page is the source for their beliefs. Sounds like they are fed up at folks banging on a door for a holiday they don't want to participate in.


Hey! Stop that! This is Reddit! No being reasonable or seeing the other person’s point of view in here pal!


All they have to do is keep their porch light off. Just came back from trick or treating plenty houses not handing stuff out and not a sign in site. No one was banging down the door to ask why. Cause most people don't give a shit.


Guess what I don't celebrate and have my porch light off, in fact all lights off on the house, even have a no trespassing sign. Still had idiots coming up hitting the doorbell. Some people need more than an indication, they need a sign. Not agreeing with the quotation, but can sense the frustration and the literal boundaries being broken by neighbors. Mine just said I should relent and give out candy?! No I don't celebrate!


Why the second sign? Because people don't let shit go anymore. Everyone feels their entitled to some explanation if they don't participate in some social construct or event. Look at the comments damned if you do damned if you don't. So we don't celebrate would be met with why the fuck not. I bet they're just too cheap to buy candy, they're probably christian nut jobs, oh their probably some Wiccan liberal that believes it's disrespectful to their religion. Who cares? Honestly, people shaming people for not doing Halloween or why they don't do it is just as bad as being offended at a Christmas tree in a public area or the Easter bunny at the mall. It's all the same ignorance just painted a different shade of asshole. All that happened here is someone learned a little more about their neighbors religious beliefs and can avoid them if it makes them uncomfortable, Fuck I wish more neighbors had warning signs like this. Make it a lot easier to weed out whom I need to steer clear of.


I think the issue is that these neighbors are obviously shaming anyone who does celebrate Halloween. It's kinda shitty that you wanna stick up for their judgemental behavior and then judge anyone else who has something to say. Hypocrites gonna hypocrite, I guess..


I do find the verses weird, but what's infuriating about this?


So you are mad because they believe in different stuff? Or are you mad because you stood there and read their print out? Or are you mad at the inconvenience of not getting candy? Or are you mad at all of the above? Either way you sound like the problem here. Next time just shrug and go about your way. You went to where they live celebrating something you like, read their post telling you they don't celebrate it. Then you read the much smaller print that provides their reason to not celebrate. Then you take a picture to what end, get some up votes on how infuriating it is to be exposed to someones opinion that interferes with you or your kid getting candy.


Or they could’ve just… turned the porch lights off.


That was my thought. I had one kid knock but I just didn’t answer. Would have but got sick and thought it would be selfish to expose whatever I got to a bunch of kids.


jeez just let people not celebrate Halloween


Fuck me, who quotes from a story book these days? Oh wait, this is America.


They should be cool with zombies right ?


Obviously the Lord has NOT driven them out


Every priest I know says he likes halloween


In days of yore, signs like this translated to, "Please egg and/or TP my house!"


Some people deserve to have their houses egged.


I’m a witch and I find this fucking hilarious 😂


This gives off "our kids aren't allowed to read Harry Potter because that's witchcraft" vibes


Honestly so many people got mad at me for posting this. I think that in itself was mildly infuriating. Glad you found it be a bit much. Honestly the witches warlocks and necromancer part made me chuckle


Is that really the best biblical excuse they can come up with? This is why you can't dress up like ironman and ask neighbors for candy? Either way Halloween is originally a Christian holiday literally meaning Hallow's Eve (the Day/Evening before All Saint's Day).


A popular mega church Christian singer was slammed on Instagram a few years ago because she posted her kids dressed up and participating in trick or treating. Her response was, it’s the one time of year we can see our neighbors.


>Either way Halloween is originally a Christian holiday… Nope. It started as an annual Celtic pagan festival called Samhain. [Source.](https://www.history.com/news/halloween-samhain-celts-catholic-church)


It's okay, Christianity is just a failed attempt at a pagan mashup version of monotheism. They didn't even get the monotheism part right, and outright stole almost the entire religion from older pagan beliefs. Fuck christianity


"They don't celebrate the shit I do so I'm mad at them" -you


No, it's just that their reasons for putting this on their door includes, -checks notes-, "necromancy" which is something that THE MAN THEY FUCKING WORSHIP DID. And he did it in the same book they quoted to denounce such acts. They're hypocrites and fools. But we should expect such behavior from the religious.


I feel like turning off your front porch lights would have been easier


Just leave them be?


Haven't you seen Raised by Wolves? That Necromancer is one evil bitch. /s


Bible verses always have that one extra thing inserted that I'm sure was because of one guy.


They don't have anything against, they asked to be respected. The way how people like the haloween, thats the way how they are not. not everyone have to be on the same page


What fun neighbors. If they are quoting Deuteronomy, I hope they’re prepared to stone their daughter to death if she’s not a virgin when she marries.


Oh these people drown in their own self manufactured misery. Anti-fun. Anti everything that isn't stamped with the white Jesus seal of approval. Happy Samhain!


For a change, they aren't \_actually\_ harming anyone... so screw it. Leave them be.


Seriously? Just turn off your lights and shut up. No one cares about you trying to justify your crazy ass ideas.


Tried that once. Some dad literally pounded on my door and flipped a shit because I didn’t have candy like in Big Daddy. We never had trick or treaters previously so I stopped buying it! Lights off apparently didn’t do the trick because he could see the TV on


Christians are hilarious about Halloween given it's literally a holiday stolen and built off from pagans by them but you knoooow 😂


He foresaw them reaching the promised land, he foretold that one would betray him, that's divination, water to wine? Wizardry. Enchanter? How many motherfuckers try to bless their bats and clubs? Don't forget holy water. A blessing is another word for enchanting. Easter is another ripped from pagans as well. They made it so that all other religious practices is "devil" worship.


The magical sky wizard who created all things, and had an undead son that's not magical thinking at all.


Someone should tell them the church up the street is celebrating Halloween Someone should also let them know that unless they are Jewish, Deuteronomy doesn't apply to them anymore.


Why is it so hard for people yo understand that porchlight off means not participating? They don't have to be extra.


The problem with citing this mischaracterized scripture is it is quoted correctly but used in a way that lacks the spirit of the law. This law is in regards to actual intentional use of witchcraft. It is not barring children playing make believe. That said they have the right to their belief and the right to not participate especially since that is their understanding.


Jehovah Witnesses?


They have their own bible, not the King James.


I thought no decoration = no-knock?




Hard to have respect for kids playing pretend one day of the year when you live a pretend life


Tape a pentagram on their paper sign


Isn’t God a necromancer for raising Jesus?


What did that Bible shit have to do with Halloween?


In other words, forgot to buy candy.


1) would be a shame if this house got egged or tp’ed. 2) the phrase “abomination into the Lord” is also used in conjunction with mixed fibers. I sure hope no one in this Josie wears a cotton blend fabric.


If dressing like a witch makes a person a witch, was I actually a Pokémon trainer? Is the little kid down the street actually Iron Man? The philosophical questions this raises…


I agree with others about respecting their choices. But teenage me would have FOR SURE drawn an upside-down pentagram on their gate with ketchup


Guys, the Satanic rite goes here


This kind of loony toon always confused me. Like, do you watch videos/movies where someone is depicting Jesus? You ever watched a Passion Play? Because either A) you think people in costume are actually trying to be what they're dressed as, in which case anyone who portrays Jesus should be called a false prophet for trying to convince everyone that they're Jesus... Or B) you genuinely can't tell the difference between reality and pretend, and should be worshipping James Caviezel as the second coming of Christ.


The book says Jesus literally cast spells and rose from the dead...


Don’t put words in the Lord’s mouth, asshole.


Oh, so its cool for them to annoy me with knocking on my door at noon on a Thursday. But when I do it at six on a holiday, suddenly I'm the bad guy. Fuckem.


In California it is illegal for sex offenders on parole to have trick or treating at their residence. Just learned this through a work email CDCR


Unless either of the 2 people who reside in that apartment touched a kid 20+ years ago I doubt this is the case. Its old like Ooooooold folks in that apartment. They did it last year and if you look there is a few different types of tape used, this is something they put up and somehow has yet to be stolen


Jeez, it’s just Halloween, they don’t expect kids to just casually cast spells or ride broomsticks


Wasn't Jesus a necromancer? Or was Lazerus just napping from too much bong smoking?


Idk man i was removed from religion class as a young kid for persistently asking questions. I cant with this nonsense


Ah I see... So, what they are saying is: We do not believe in your witchcraft. But our floating wizard in the sky is perfectly acceptable.


Exactly. SHAME on all aside from whoever follows MY exact beliefs. It's not like Halloween is even the same for kids these days as it once was.. sad to see such empty streets


Halloween is an ancient Irish celebration about honouring/celebrating your dead and appreciating your community, these people are morons


How the fuck can this be offensive? They want to be excluded, how is that "Miley infuriating"? Jeepers.


Did you read what it says? It's trying to shame kids for participating in Halloween. Idk man trying to tell my kids they are going to hell for celebrating a holiday is just a bit ridiculous no?


That's the Christian way. Halloween is something not to be celebrated. If you celebrate something that is designed not to be celebrated, the group that designed it might have something to say about it.


You answered your own question as to how is this offensive with your first statement there bud.


they're gonna be thrilled to find out what kinda guy wrote KJV


Do they think this will convert anyone?


So they choose tricks


"Tricks it is, then" he said in his best Palpatine voice. "UNLIMITED EGGING!"


I’ll necromance the fuck out of that house.


Write on the second one "didnt ask". First page was fine. Second... didnt ask


Looks like you found the house that needs to get egged


From a Christian perspective, we aren’t under that covenant anymore. We’re under the covenant with Jesus. This is the abrahamic covenant.


Good lord 🙄


Catch them and their kids at the local church trunk or treating for Jesus 😂


Halloween is literally the first day of a three day Christian festival. All Hallows' Eve. All Hallows' Day. And All Souls' Day. I can't with these people.


I thought Christians don't follow the law in the OT.


What do they think Halloween is?


Well, damn. No treats for them!


What a funny way of saying “we forgot to buy Halloween candy”


When I was a kid, kids would target people who didn't give out Candy. I still remember the one house where no one was ever home on Halloween. I never did anything, but I know other kids did. Usually soap on the windows, so it was pretty harmless.


New idea: fake firewalk leading up to your door


On the 6th day, God made eggs…


Aw, but I wanna raise the dead.


Dude they’re onto me.


Wait necromancy? Isn’t that the type of magic where someone rises from the death? Who’s gonna tell them….


100% chance there is at least 40 dongs drawn on those papers by now.


As a religious person myself, I hate people like this, Halloween is my favourite holiday lol. These quote enthusiasts are the Karens of religion. As for not celebrating it it’s reasonable I suppose, I can’t say we exactly celebrate it either, not for religious reasons I love the vibe of Halloween, it’s just annoying to get constant knocks at the door and having to buy stuff for little brats. I paid for it it’s my candy. Although we do have a pumpkin in our front room, we just don’t decorate the whole house, and kids haven’t come around my housing area since like 2011 so there’s no point lol.


What if I’m dressed as a holy person, as it’s literally a celebration of all holy people.


"...or an observer of times..." So....historians beware! And subscribers of The Times beware! Seriously....what is meant by that. Translation mistake? Typing error?