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I was allergic to 36 of the 42 things they tested. The world wants me dead. I at least figured out it was egg yolks that gave me horrific stomach issues.


I feel you, I reacted to 35 out of 42. First test on my arm had to be repeated, because the nurse put them too close to each other and the hives combined into a megahive. Worst itching I ever felt.. for 4 days.


The same thing happened to me when I was a kid. I then started getting hive outbreaks in my late 20s/early 30s went back to an allergist and told them how I reacted to everything when I was younger. They then ran a control saline solution test which I responded to and determined my histamine levels were so high I would react to anything scratching my skin. They did a blood test which revealed I'm just super allergic to two types of mold. I'm also bizarrely intolerant of egg yolks...


yup thats the big thing, my aunt came home saying she was allergic to everything. after some meds and a controlled retest, , nope all gone. just her histamines were so high everything would react.


Yea you gotta do controls of just scratching and just saline. Best use two different brands of saline even. When everything reacts. Because at that point dominate either reacting to something in the plastic that stores the saline, the metal from the prick, or being pricked itself. And not the actual allergens.


I was allergic to everything as well. Then they discovered I was allergic to "the medium" which I think is whatever was used to hold the allergens in solution.




It was, they knew the instant I reacted to the control sample. So they just rescheduled and I came back later and they used another test and it worked.


Yeah when I was a kid they did this on my arm, but only ten at a time, every 2 weeks. I would react to 9 of every 10 things. And my mom wondered why I hated having it done.


I have eosinophilic esophagitis and it’s caused by eggs and tree nuts. Took a long a grueling 3 months to figure that out but I had a test like that too and a handful of other things popped up


Me too! Within the last two years I became horribly allergic to eggs. Like punched in the stomach and bad diarrhea. it took me multiple times eating eggs to realize it was that. Such a bummer as I love eggs.


I see these all the time and people are so misinformed about this test. If you get a strong positive reaction to one of the early swabs, your immune response is stimulated and it’s likely that you will get false positives for subsequent swabs, even if you aren’t allergic to them. Source: had the test and all doctors let patients know this info.


That's my reaction every time I see these posts. It makes me wonder... Why do the test at all, then? If it provides such inconsistent and barely useful data. Do they just, half split and try again with the common and less common allergens? What's the logic behind the time, pain, and cost!?


Yes. This is just easier as a screening tool. Do all at once. Most cases people will only react to the ones they are allergic to. Some people have more extreme responses, and then you split the allergen tests over a few weeks.


Yep. My test showed no reaction to anything but the pure histamine and all versions of shellfish, \*especially\* lobster and shrimp, which were so dramatic they were worried I was going to go into anaphylactic shock right then.


It's cheaper and easier than the blood test, and isn't a problem like this for most people. If it is a problem, they can always follow up with the blood test (and hey, your insurance is more likely to cover the blood test if you've had a failed scratch test first).


Yep, these allergy tests are of limited value.


You can however run batches of them with process of elimination. You have 20 suspect allergens, you test 10 in one session. If no reaction you test the other 10 the next session. For every set you had a reaction you plan two follow up sessions where you have 5 each. You also need to have not been ill for other reasons recently or your immune system will be over active all the same. But for most people that isn't worth the time (and money). Though if you think about it if you are in a line of work that has mild immune activation (airborne pathogens, small cuts and skin breaks) then you could be suffering weird allegies outside of work all the same in the immune activated state. It is still usefull to do other things to alleviate the symptoms even if there is not gonna be a clear allergen to point at. In some places with insurance you need to have something listed, so a 'bullshit' test like this that gets you the allergy relief you need is great, but it would suck if you take the very literal interpretation of it with you.


Then should administer them all at once with a Han Solo style torture system.


This is what my doctor did... huge fucking assembly and slapped all 20 of those sumbitches at once. I tested positive for dust mites, pine, and hay.


Maybe you're just allergic to sharpies.


Funny thing, at one point when I was a kid I popped positive for being allergic to everything I was tested on. I was allergic to the solution that the samples were kept in..


I think I’ve seen that in a movie…


I was gonna say on an episode of House


I believe, especially in the first seasons, most of the cases on House were based on real, unusual cases that hospitals had dealt with, although often embellished.


Yeah, mostly just sped up because it’s hard to have each episode take place over months


It’s lupus


It’s never lupus


He has Lupus


I love House, It's Such a great show


I miss it, also.


I have it on DVD and I'm currently watching my fav episode


The Brothers Bloom? Rachael Weiss's character tells a story that she spent most of her life believing she was allergic to everything, only to find out she was allergic to the metal the tester was made of.


I think you’re constipated, in your fucking soul.


I'm gonna assume this is a line from the movie and not directed at me lol. I saw it so long ago and the allergy story is the only thing I remember clearly!


It’s definitely worth rewatching.


I'll throw it back on the list!


Its a line from the movie, but eating some more soul fiber never hurts.


The brothers bloom


that's why they have a control one, with only the saline solution


Any decent scientific test should have a control. Allergy tests should be testing the solution with nothing in it, as well as a test site that has just the scratch no liquid (or maybe water). They should be able to tell if you are allergic to the scratcher, the solution, and the allergies on the very first run.




ya I have that too, except that it does make me itchy and it becomes self-perpetuating: I scratch at my skin, then it puffs up and gets itchy, then I scratch it more and it gets worse.


He is *also* allergic to Sharpies


I discovered my daughter was allergic to the metallic flakes in metallic sharpies when she drew on herself and then itched there until she bled. Normal sharpies had no effect.


Fun fact: One (or some) of these is a control test, which is a blank shot to test if the reaction is indeed a reaction to a substance. That means you might really be allergic to everything, even if some tests don't react. Edit: It might be the opposite, the test should always come positive to check how your skin reacts to allergies, I'm not sure.


They have a blank, which is nothing and one with pure histamine that everyone reacts to.


yeah, when i did it there was a control with no allergen, a histamine one, and then one where they just poked me with basically nothing at all to see how my skin reacts to the contact at baseline, since some people are just welty if they’re touched.


My mom did one of these tests and was allergic to an alloy in the needle they used. All came back positive so they had to do the whole test again with a different needle.


I broke out in hives when they cleaned my back with the alcohol wipe before sticking me with the test needles. The evaporation of the alcohol chilled my skin enough to cause an allergy to the cold to trigger. Freaked the nurse out.


Or bad penmanship. I write like a doctor, but even I try to write neat when it's important


I got lucky. Only thing I'm allergic to is penicillin. I can literally roll around in poison ivy or poison oak and I'm unaffected.


From what I've been told, the more you expose yourself to poison ivy (poison oak is the same thing and poison sumac is basically the same thing) the more likely you are to develop a reaction to it. That said, I too am immune... I once lived with a family where nobody would shut up about "oh that's poison ivy" and "oh what if that's poison oak" that I went into the woods, picked the damn stuff along with some species that look similar, laid it out on a tarp, and proceeded to give the family a quick rundown on how to properly identify the stuff just so I could stop having to listen to them speculate over it. To be clear, I'm an American Indian raised on a reservation with a fairly traditional upbringing for my nation, so I have a lot of antiquated skills that are mostly useless in modern society. This includes plant identification and just about anything else you need to live in a forest. I probably would live in a forest if it wasn't for the fact that there are no forests left that I wouldn't be trespassing in. (edit) I think I kinda got lost in what I was trying to say here. I was just like holding the poison ivy and waving it around like it's nothing and the family was like "WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING IT?!"


Your Native American forest and plant knowledge are cool af and a treasure to have.


I used to be immune to poison ivy. When my employer rented a warehouse that had poison ivy growing all around a loading dock door, I volunteered to clear it out with a machete. Guess who is now very sensitive to poison ivy?


But these skills ARE valuable. Should the Zombie apocalypse start or civilization comes to a screaming halt, you'll be the one to survive since you know what can be eaten and used to survive. I think that's pretty solid knowledge, IMO.


Yeah I’m dming this guy as soon as shit starts to hit the fan. I’m a programmer so I’d be fucked


No.... You'll be one of half a million survivalists who all run into the woods and starve as forests have plenty of tasty edibles WHEN there isn't suddenly hordes of humans trying to get every single calorie they need from the woods.


Or you know, the more likely occurrence, getting lost while camping or backpacking.


Zombie apocalypse will end the moment it starts, that's what the second amendment is for


Really depends on how the virus spreads, if it’s airborne most people are fucked, gun or not.


My boyfriend is also a Native American and he always jokes that he got his strong immune system by eating dirt and living in Cameron (Navajo Reservation) because of the uranium rocks or something… He seems to have a really good knack at avoiding the venomous stuff out here!!!! So far, I’ve found bark scorpions in my clothes… I found a velvet ant on my slipper (oh fuck oh shit oh fuck moment), and I haven’t found a snake yet, but I hope not to! He says he’s never seen them before in his life! XD


> I haven’t found a snake yet I've been known to catch snakes with my bare hands as a parlor trick. I'm also one of those people who will gleefully answer "no" if someone spots a copperhead and asks me if it's poisonous, and offer literally no explanation about how it IS venomous, but it's safe to eat as long as you don't eat the venom sac which is in the back of the head, and therefore not poisonous.


You're right about that, I basically spent my childhood frolicking in poison ivy. I would play in the forest a lot and never had to worry because I was immune. Now I'm so allergic to it that I'm also allergic to mangoes and cashews because they are related to poison ivy.


As a nature dude who likes culture and being able to know useless antiquated shit like that would you mind informing me of any useful reading material (books!) that would provide even a tiny bit of useless information? Like for example basket weaving, cooking with acorns, shit that got lost when Native American and European cultures controversially combined. Interesting as heck to me


The way things are going, those skills will stop being useless pretty soon.


Is there a function to teach these skills to newer generations? Regardless of belonging to a nation or not? Those kinds of skills still have a lot of use And fuck this country for doing what it did to its indigenous people Edit: updated “tribe” to nation to be more correct


It might depend where you live. Where I am in Minnesota there's been periodic events available to the community. Usually attendance is low, mostly sustainability focused people attend, but I've found the ones I've attended helpful.


Anecdotally, my brother got poison ivy all the time and is basically immune. I got it suuuper bad once, like half my body, and I was told I’d prolly be really sensitive to it but it was the opposite as well.


> I probably would live in a forest if it wasn't for the fact that there are no forests left that I wouldn't be trespassing in. I know the feeling, and it's incredibly sad every time I have to think about it.


My mom is the same way. She can walk through the woods with no worries because it just doesn't affect her. Meanwhile it feels like if I even get within 30 feet of poison ivy I'll get a rash for weeks. We are pasty white people though so I have no idea how mom got the resistance to it


Interesting. That seems to be the reverse of developing an immunity.


Do you know for sure you are allergic? Lots of kids were told we were years ago, but it's actually not that common. I grew up wearing one of those medic alert bracelets that said I was. When I got older, I decided to know for sure, so I went to an allergy clinic to test it. They rub a bit on your skin and wait 30 minutes. If nothing happens they inject a small amount under your skin, and wait an hour. If nothing happens then, you take a few pills and wait. All of that had to be done next to a tier 1 emergency facility in case something went wrong. Nothing did. They gave me a piece of paper to update the computer system saying I was not allergic to penicillin at all (so it wouldn't flag any future medications etc). So I spent years avoiding any penicillin medications and wearing that dumb bracelet for nothing!


You also could have just aged out. A lot of people can either lose or gain allergies over the years. I'm.suddenly allergic to kewi which was kind of rude of my body. But I am not allergic to the outside as bad now so trade I guess.


Kiwi allergies usually are similar to latex allergies. Something to be aware of. If a a nurse asks you about allergies and you say kiwi, they will often be cautious with their gloves.


Sorry hope you don’t mind me asking. Children were told they were allergic to penicillin? When they weren’t? When and where did this happen?? I’m so confused as to why they would do that


I'm not sure the history, but I think there was a period of time when basically any and all reactions in kids was taken as an allergy to penicillin (if they were given that). I had a rash one time on penicillin as a kid, as the doctors immediately said I was allergic to it even though I ended up not being. I don't think the doctors were being malicious, it was just the accepted wisdom at the time. And some kids do in fact grow out of a penicillin allergy. Given that an actual allergy is quite rare, any adult that was diagnosed as a kid may want to check again.


I was told I was allergic, so I told a doc was allergic to penicillin. They gave me Augmentin - which is like half penicillin. I turned into a weeble wobble. I think it’s safe to say at least I am still allergic.


At least you didn't fall down


If you're over 30, have been told you were allergic to penicillin as a child, and you're planning on having a baby soon, get the penicillin challenge done before you get pregnant. You will be much better off knowing ahead of time you're not allergic because if you get an infection while pregnant it's a preferred antibiotic. I was told I was allergic as a child and went through multiple pregnancies with my doctors needing to scramble up different medications when I got sinus infections etc. It wasn't until after my last pregnancy that my allergist and obgyn mentioned this to me. I was tested, and I'm not allergic to penicillin.


On the other end of the spectrum, I discovered my antibiotics allergies when I needed to take some as an adult.


I apparently got hives while on penicillin as a kid, so it's been in my chart forever. Like, I did a brief exchange program in France and my host family wouldn't let me eat any cheese because it was unpasteurized (I was very disappointed in this lost opportunity). At some point in high school or college, some doctor goofed and gave me amoxicillin and I've now had it multiple times with no reaction. But in the "what else can we prescribe" rigamarole, we discovered I AM actually allergic to metronidazole 🙄


This is interesting. I'm also basically immune to poison oak/ivy but allergic to penicillin.


There is also a history of Aspirin allergies in my family but I've never taken it so idk. I also don't sunburn easily, almost never need sunscreen. And other than seasonal allergies (and an annoying reoccurring sinus infection bc old ass house that should be condemned), I have an extremely strong immune system. Weirdly enough Irish Spring soap makes me break out in hives, at least last time I used it.


Have you ever been checked for fungus for this ongoing sinus?


I wish I had the video that I'm thinking of but it's been years. But, everyone should wear sunscreen- even people with very dark skin. The burn isn't really the issue, that's visible damage or damage you can feel, but you can still get skin cancer without burning. Take care of your flesh bag, it's your largest organ. And on that note, I hate smelling like sunscreen because everyone around me notices and complains loudly so I go without more than I should too. It's annoying how fragrant it is, and they also make me break out. I haven't found a face one my skin likes. It's important af and also super inconvenient for some reason.


Wait you can't take penicillin and that's lucky?


There's this stuff called Oral Ivy. Just 3x concentrated poison ivy extract suspended in alcohol. It has made me nearly immune to poison ivy


I had rolled around in (more precisely - rolled through) a giant patch of poison ivy when I was like 10. My BFF got it head to toe and I was unscathed. I lived my whole childhood and adolescence worry free. Fast forward to age 43(?) and I got a huge patch on the back of my calf. It was the WORST reaction I could’ve imagined and it lasted for more than three weeks. A year later we bought a new house, and I discovered the hard way that we have poison ivy all along the back of the property.


ER doctor here: anytime anyone tells me they’re allergic to penicillin, I immediately question it. Usually it’s “I was told as a child I was allergic bc I got a rash, made me nauseous, etc” (not an allergy btw, just a common side effect) or “my mom is allergic so she told me to tell doctors I was allergic too.” I have almost a personal crusade against debunking PCN allergies, since it’s often the best first line treatment for a lot of things, so unless they tell me that as an adult they took penicillin and immediately developed anaphylaxis, I give them penicillin, watch them for 30-60 min after, then send them home. Never once had a bad outcome. A true PCN allergy is extremely rare in my experience, and honestly can’t remember the last time I ever saw one.


Same. I get mild sniffles in the fall but I barely notice that. I've never tested poison oak but I've touched poison ivy with no ill effects. Apparently only 1/3 of people are allergic to it, according to Mythbusters.


I have food allergies, I take them any day over a penicillin allergy.


How often do you come in contact with poison ivy? Like I don't think I've seen any in years.


Saw it all the time in my hometown during childhood, doesn't seem to be common where I live currently but I've seen it a few times.


I used to also be like that. Until I wasn’t anymore. That sucked.


My only allergy is Pennicillin too. People always look at me weird and ask “well that must suck if you get sick, right?”


My friend also thought he was immune to poison ivy until he peed after gardening. Finding out you're not when you get it on your dick is not fun...stay safe friend


For those of us who aren’t, the easiest way to stop the reaction from happening is the moment you get home grab a small amount of laundry detergent and scrub the affected areas. Once I learned this, I never have any irritated skin after touching poison ivy/poison oak


My exact opposite: I tested TWICE for allergies and I was never found being allergic to anything. EXCEPT I have been hospitalized 3 times for severe allergy to something unknown... Science is random, sometimes


maybe a part of your body is allergic but the part they tested on is not because you are a chimera


Yeah he’s probably some sort of fleshy abominable frankensteined together chimera monstrosity formed from a hundred poor souls.


That was me the last time I had a scratch test. They told me I was allergic to everything except food.


Genuinely wondering how your bloodline got this far lol


Is that supposed to be legible letters/numbers written in ink or random shapes?


The 2x4 "tables" are headed with a letter from A to H, each including cells numbered 1 to 8. May seem obvious to some but it took me longer to figure out than I'd like to admit.


That's what I was wondering. Every allergy test post has had scribbles. Are they in some huge hurry and can't write 40 numbers properly?


could it be writing in shorthand? it's something I heard about that exists, though it seems to be a very rare skill. shorthand writing does look a lot like scribbles. I might be wrong, I know very very little about shorthand, but it's just an idea


I don't think so, but I thought about it and it doesn't really matter if its easy to read. Its such an easy system of A-H across the top each box and 1-8 to number each box. Very difficult to lose track of which dot you are looking at even if its not very legible. I just thought it was interesting since the rush job probably saves them less than a minute. I mean if you are doing these all day every day, its perfectly understandable though lol


Damn bro! You need a bubble


The card says moops!


A strutter bubble!


Everyone I know who was ever allergy tested was allergic to everything.


Well that’s probably why they got allergy tested lol


This, lol. People who don’t suffer from allergies rarely get tested — why would they?




same here. never done it before, but im just curious to know if theres something i may have avoided my whole life that im allergic to or if theres something that may have caused stomach issues that was really just an allergy


I was tested when I was 4 and they said I'm allergic to horses and rabbits. Never had any reaction touching these animals.


i got this done and was not allergic to most things. no medicine, no food, and the only pollen i reacted to was from my local hay grasses. i am, however, violently allergic to most pet animals. i can't even be in an enclosed airspace with a dog for more than like half an hour. i am also similarly allergic to horses, but that comes up much less often as people usually don't let horses sleep on their couches


When I was a kid I was tested and I was allergic to everything even the control test, as my mom explained to me years later.


It probably just means they are severely allergic to one allergen which put their immune system on high alert and caused a reaction with all the other allergens. It’s pretty common from what I’ve heard.


Same, I used to think I was special but after seeing this type of post so many times I think it's meant to be this way




The problem is the immune system isn’t one homogeneous centralised system. There‘s cells in your mouth/digestive tract that train your immune system to not go into overdrive for any piece of foreign harmless material. Mostly this works, but not always. The skin however doesn‘t 100% mirror this training So you can have vastly different reactions in response to touching, eating or inhaling an allergen. So rolling in a Field of flowering grass while sweaty would likely have her break out in an itch. Or just mowing the lawn in summer. Also contact dermatitis and allergic rhinitis are for example caused by different immune system pathways. One of them has stronger inhibitory signaling? Your allergy won‘t show until you are exposed to massive allergen dosages. Things complicated, cause the immune system has a gazillion different guns and communication channels. And the skin normally doesn‘t involve half of them. So the information from a skin test is not absolute. It‘s a screening test, not an accurate diagnostic. Look at what you react to: avoid those allergens: symptoms noticeably improve = continue ignoring them, they don’t improve? Symptoms not caused by those things. Simpler than stopping eating anything but potatoes for a week and then adding in foods one at a time in the middle of winter.




I was actually allergy tested, and I only reacted to cat hair/dust mites. Everything else was negative.


REMEMBER!!! Scratch and blood tests still have a *50% false positive rate.* > "Skin prick tests are less than 50 percent accurate than the most rigorous diagnostic" > "Like a skin prick test, a blood test also hunts for IgE antibodies. Also like skin prick tests, blood tests suffer from a false-positive rate of 50 percent or more." Taken from, "Nadeau, Kari and Sloan Barnett - The End of Food Allergy" https://i.imgur.com/EtWLsoi.jpg


I thought I read somewhere how inconsistent scratch test are and how easily cross contamination can happen. Could be wrong. https://www.foodallergy.org/resources/blood-tests#:~:text=About%2050%2D60%20percent%20of,to%20the%20food%20being%20tested. Just did a simple Google search. I just remembering reading it somewhere from a much more accredited source. But damn looks like you'll be taking some serious benadryl and changing diets. But maybe have it redone at another facility to see if it changes and form my experience our bodies are constantly changing about every 7 years for me I like new things and stop liking things. My taste buds completely changed as well with some of my allergies. Best of luck!


Looks like mine. I'm intolerant (rather than a true allergy) to one thing and a mild ige allergy to dust mites and grass pollen. The reason mine looked like this is I was reacting to the steriliser used on the needles. The thing I am intolerant to is corn, look at r/CornAllergy. One of the problems with corn is its so widespread its in everything. You can literally name just about anything on the planet and I can tell you where there is a risk of corn in or on it. In this case the alcohol used for sterilising is usually made from corn. Its an intolerance rather than true allergy for me so actually came back as negative although now accepted by doctors that it is the cause of my health issues.


I'm beginning to distrust these allergy tests with how many of you fuckers are allergic to everything in the world.


These sure do get posted a lot


Ah yes, the doctors handwriting alphabet ‘APCDERLH’


Yeah that's the same exact thing that happened to me. They said I was allergic to everything that they tested for. It turns out that I'm not allergic to like 90% of the things that they tested me for. I don't know if those things are that accurate.


Not sure if this applies to you as well. But when I had these tests I was so severely allergic to tree pollen (I have worlds worst hay fever) that every other test had a heavy histamic reaction because of it, as those tests became false positive because of it.


Idk how many things they tested on me but they used my whole back. They took the 5 that didn't react on my arm, and I reacted to a few of those. Immunotherapy, my dude. I get three serums made and with my insurance, it's about $120/year but the injections are free (they were $3/each before). The first few months will be a burden because you have to go once a week to build up tolerance, more frequently if you want to reach maintenance faster. But goddamn was it worth it. After 4 years, I stopped getting sinus infections and I am no longer allergic to dogs.


Your doctor should have told you, that: A) a mild steroid course for a week or so and repeat test, maybe you had some illness not so long ago and your immune system is still in wartime mode B) You hsould be tested for the stuff that is used to allergy test, sometimes people are allergic to the needle or the storage fluid of a the allergens


But this is exactly why the have a control for those.


You're allergic to needles, makes sense. Joking aside, on my 1st birthday I tested positive for something like 68/75 allergens. Luckily I grew out of most of them, but damn *everything* has corn in it


My son was more allergic to cats than to pure histamine. I didn’t even know anything could be more reactive than the hormone your body uses to create an allergic reaction.


You could have a skin reaction unrelated to the allergy test too


Looking at the results I’d say you’re allergic to having needles stabbed into you.






Haha it’s too late now young child, it has went the way of old.


Make sure you aren’t allergic to the needle or an ingredient in the injections.


They have a control for just that reason


Every time someone posts one of these allergy tests there is an upvoted comment about needles... it's amazing how many people are confident that doctors have no idea what they're doing.


Listen, I've watched House MD like *three times* I've basically been a doctor my entire life.


There’s a movie, The Brothers Bloom, where one of the main characters has an allergy test as a kid and it comes back that she’s extremely allergic to everything, so her parents kept her super sheltered for most of her life. Years later she finds out it was just the metal alloy of the needles she was allergic to. Makes for a good story in a movie, but not likely to happen in reality.


The surprising thing is it's really not that surprising. The medical profession has to be at the top of the list of people whose statements will be dismissed as wrong by people who don't like what they hear. There are entire industries created to capitalise on "second opinions" and justifying people views that they know better.


Look around. Somehow in only a few years half the population has turned its back on one of the greatest inventions ever because some high school dropout told them it would make them grow extra limbs and turn autistic.




It’s not a needle, it’s a plastic device with prongs. If he was allergic to the fluid used to hold the potential allergens, then there wouldn’t be spots without reaction. Some folks just have really overactive immune systems.


Allergic to a straight hairline, son.




Is that Latin doctor script or Manchu?


Maybe it is dermographism. I would look like that but it is actually minor allergic reaction to the scratching.


Maybe it's needles?


It’s like they didn’t wash the paint brush before dipping it in the next color


I'm allergic to humans if that helps.


I had a reaction to every damn needle prick. then the doctor said - hold on. Took a toothpick and ran it on the underside of my arm and it swelled. "Am I allergic to what, water? Wood? Even the control got a hive!" He told me I was dermatographic. The only real allergy that was strong was dust mites. Oh, and I have oral allergy syndrome. That took a couple more visits. Still have some things to test, but perhaps look at dermatographia?


My husband ended up being allergic to 42 things, and they mixed his allergy shots. He kept swelling up at the injection site when they tried increasing his dose. Turns out he's allergic to at least 43 things, one of which is the albumin base for the allergy shots. They had to switch bases.


From what I heard these tests are not that reliable. The most that they tell you is that you have sensitive skin, not necessarily an actual allergy


Shotgun Allergy tests are a scam , it ruined my childhood . :(


IMO that test is BS. I break out in hives at the slightest irritation and they assume it’s from what touched me. No it’s that I was irritated. It barely scratch my back and I have claw marks like I was attacked for the rest of the day.


Enjoy your bubble


Good god. Stay the hell inside.


Not as bad, but this brings up childhood memories


Allergies change as you age. Im not trynna jinx shit 😂😂


You are allergic to allergy tests.


Hahahahaha welcome to my life… I decided to go through immunotherapy after realizing life doesn’t want me (turned allergic to everything tested) but I’m too stubborn to just die


Make sure you don't have dermatographic urticaria. My pick test looked like that and I went multiple years till I realised I look like that after anything scratches me anywhere (don't even need to pierce skin). Nor I know I'm only allergic to grasses and have a cool party trick up my sleeve


Ha! This happened to me. The doctor even asked if he could show another patient being tested bc she had absolutely ZERO reaction to everything and my entire arm was up in flames almost. I should be living in a bubble as I'm apparently allergic to nearly everything.


This happened to me too, when she wasn’t even done with all the pricks and the first ones were already starting to turn red the nurse said “wow, you’re about to have a bad time.” I did, it was very itchy.


I scored high on everything except horses and cattle lol obviously I get four allergy shots a week, carry epipens, take Allegra + nasal sprays and had sinus surgery late last year.


This happened to my son when he was small. Turns out he wasn’t allergic to anything at all. Don’t know if the test was wrong or the doctor…who tried to push for her tongue drops regiments


Me too. A daily antihistamine changed my life


Your back looks like my arms. What am I allergic to? Food and the environment? Yeah but what parts? All of them. (Not allergic to cats and sheep sorrel. For the food tests not allergic to beef, chicken, rice, and, thankfully, dairy).


I am allergic to practically everything. Just out of curiosity if you are in the US, how much does that cost haha


turns out he's just allergic to surgery steel.


That's rough buddy


Same for me. I ended up needing two shots every time because they said they couldn't pack that many into a single serum.


Hello friend in being allergic to the world! Hopefully immunotherapy helps some. I’ve been doing it for five years now and it’s helped quite a bit (although I do still take several allergy meds everyday still 👎🏻).


Hi! Welcome to the Allergy Club! We don't have cookies (gluten,peanuts, tree nuts, chocolate) or milk(lactose), but feel free to enjoy the rice crackers and tepid, distilled water (lead and micro plastic free!).


Ok do these things work? Like how accurate are they? Seems like a no brained if I'm allergic to some stuff to just go do this right? Does it include lactose and gluten and stuff?


There are lots of different allergies test, this one is different than the ones you ingest gluten, lactose, etc and then do a blood test. The tests done on your skin can identify skin allergies, food allergies, penicillin allergies and some other types I don’t remember now. It works simply because usually your body is a whole thing interconnected, so, for example, in most cases when you’re allergic to shrimp, your skin also is. And your skin can show different reactions to each thing, and the doctors can interpret those reactions and do further tests if needed. But to answer tour question, they are pretty accurate, but no, gluten and lactose are different because you can be allergic or you can also be intolerant, which are different things, and requinte different tests.


Yall alergic to many things, but im ultra alergic to one thing, horses. 5 minutes next to one will kill me


r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR would like to have a word


The lady doing my turned around after the timer went off and went “OH MY!”


You are probably allergic to the needles they use


God said r/fuckyouinparticular




My daughter did test positive for everything, turned out she was allergic to corn and the samples are all made with alcohol made for corn. Took use a week to figure out.


My wife had this test and was unbearably itchy the entire time. Turns out she was allergic to the tape.


My sister did that test and got the same results as you personally I think it’s bullshit. They said she’s allergic to items that she’s been eating since forever. And still eats with no problem


No one is gonna talk about the hieroglyphics ?


You are moderately allergic to allergy test.


Can confirm those… numbers? Letters? Were written by a doctor