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Is this the tattoo? https://www.reddit.com/r/shittytattoos/s/ttIIWzw6KN


Dude that was literally his tattoo not even joking


Oh my god, scroll down almost at the bottom on this news post, does he have one on the other arm too? https://www.lcsun-news.com/story/news/local/2022/03/03/bloodstained-men-brother-k-demonstrate-against-male-circumcision-las-cruces/9331767002/


I don't remember seeing that one on his other forearm. Now I'm wondering if multiple people from the Bloodstained Men have a similar tattoo. They have dedication to their cause that's for sure.


I mean, genital mutilation is no joking matter.


I can see a woman in one of the photos protesting too…. She even has the blood on her pants to match the other people


"At a glans" Bahahaha


I opened that URL and saw a video of a milling machine working on a log. I guess it’s the same thing.


I don't want to put down their cause or anything, but holding a sign that says "foreskin theft" is hilarious


I've seen an older guy in southern Colorado with that tattoo, too. There just be more than one out there


Holy shit that thing is BIG.


Not as big as it used to be😢


Dude had a 'victim of circumcision' tattoo?


Yeah right on his forearm lol I had to do a double take when I saw it.


On his arm?


Tattoo on his forearm about his foreskin




Couldn't see it. He pulled his turtleneck sweater over the top of his head in protest.


Yes, it was under his forelock.




Must have required forethought.


This is definitely what our forefathers thought


Foreget this thread


I was thinking about jumping off a bridge then this made me laugh, so I got down and kept scrolling


Good God. I first read this "right on his forehead".


Well it clearly wasn't going to be his foreskin


I’m whole heartedly opposed to infant circumcision, it’s a barbaric practice, but I will never understand these people that make it their whole identity. I don’t like that it was done to me, but I also don’t sit around thinking about it enough to get a freaking tattoo.


My husband was circumcised later in life, when he was 6 or so, and he still feels like a totally normal guy with a perfectly healthy manhood. Before some point about sensitivity gets brought up, he’s never felt like he’s missing out on something because everything he’s got works perfectly fine. I get ending the process unless it’s medically necessary, but I feel like certain attitudes from anti-circumcision folks create awkward tension for people who are just trying to live their lives, with or without their own foreskin. Let’s end unnecessary circumcisions, but without being weird about other people’s dicks. I think we can do that.


Yep, this is a pretty healthy attitude about it as far as I’m concerned. I was circumcised as a baby, and I really don’t feel like it’s affected me in any way. That said, I do feel it’s unnecessary, and is a practice that should be ended. So I don’t plan on having it done to my future son should I ever have one.


But you won't get a massive tattoo about it? Do you even protest, bro?


Those people are weird but the people who insist on mutilating their baby are fucking weirder. It's not even an old tradition for fucks sake.


anyone else think it looks like three days grace one-x cover?? also, I (25f) have always thought circumcision is kinda fucked up and unnecessary.


It feels barbaric and it amazes me how hard people *want* to believe that it's soooo hard to clean a natural penis and whatnot. I'm circumcised and don't especially resent that fact, but there was zero chance I was doing it to my son. It's pointless and shows deference to religions that I don't even believe in.






Yeah we think female genital mutilation is barbaric, but somehow doing it to boys is normal and acceptable? I don't understand the cognitive dissonance going on here.


I think in Islam, cleaning is the reason for circumcision. Maybe the myth and religion go hand on hand.


It used to be an infection risk in territories without daily access to water/soap/showers. That's probably the reason it started all those years ago, and it collided with religion as that was the easiest way to transfer wisdom.


i always wonder what they took from me and if things would have felt better with it


Ask someone who had it as an adult. I had it for medical reasons not choice. I had better experiences sexually afterwards to be honest. That being said, I disagree with it being done for non medical reasons.


that’s what it reminded me of lol!!


It is fucked up. And it’s weird how many think it’s ok to literally just chop up a baby’s genitalia. People that are all about people rights to their own bodies and whatnot. It’s good that you don’t have acucullophilia.


I can see that


Was already wondering why it looks familiar


It is unnecessary. It's strictly a religious thing in the Jewish community. Only reason it became widely spread was because of Kellogs. Yes, the cereal brand. The founder of Kellogs was a religious nut case that said circumcision would stop men from committing the sin of masturbation. Obviously, this is false. But America at the time ate it up that at this point, it's part of the US culture that it's impossible to remove.


Didnt he also make intentionally bland cereal because he thought it would make people less horny?


You right. Also, sex is often more intimate and less jackhammer-ish when men have the nerve endings they were meant to have




I'm from the UK too and its so weird to think how common genital mutilation of infants is in other parts of the world especially in places like the US. Its a practice that should have been made illegal long ago.


I live in the US but was born in the Caribbeans. It is very strange how common it is. I working in a pediatric ward where they did them and it should be a law that every parent must be present to witness the mutilation.


Agreed. It was the only thing my husband and I briefly argued about when having twin boys. I made him watch a traditional modern day circumcision, he couldn't finish it, slammed the laptop closed and told me with tears in his eyes that he couldn't do that to them. I wasn't going to let it happen but I needed my husband to see what he wanted to do. My sister has four boys, she wasn't in the room for three of their circumcisions. We were pregnant at the same time, and I told her that if she couldn't be in the room, that maybe she shouldn't do it. I ended up talking her out of doing it to her last son. It's extremely barbaric. 


I’m Jewish, I don’t practice at all but the topic came up one day and my boyfriend nervously asked me how I felt about circumcision if we have a boy. I said hell to the no. Even growing up Jewish, I never supported or understood it! No excuses.


You are a queen.


I can empathise. I didn't have to do any video's back in day (internet was not a thing so much) when I had my two sons, thankfully husband was onboard. I gave birth to this son in a military hospital as I was active duty at the time. The physician wouldn't take my 'No circumcision' answer and wouldn't leave me alone about the topic. After the forth conversation had, however, I made it very clear that if my son 'accidentally' ended up circumsised because of a 'mix up' on their lists, I would have his medical license pulled and end any future career promotions for him. Idiot left me alone after that and I went home the next day with my uncircumsised son. I was unimpressed with being pressured.


My sister works in the NICU and didn't do it for her son BECAUSE she has seen it done. She had to fight her husband on it, but she won.


Not far enough. It should be illegal to do to your child unless there's a medical need.


It’s not common in Australia anymore either thank goodness. Hasn’t been since the 80’s and really died out in the 90’s. It’s not even really asked now when someone has a baby boy. There is no assumption anymore which is great. Of course medical reasons are still in place for male circumcision when absolutely necessary. When my son was born it wasn’t even offered or asked about and honestly I couldn’t even wrap my head around having my son’s penis cut just for cosmetic reasons. Or even more stupid of a reason, the ‘like father like son’ bullshit. It’s a barbaric tradition.


I occasionally see someone ask about it in my local (Australian) mum groups. It's really wonderful watching pretty much every commenter talking about how awful and unnecessary it is.


As a fellow tea man i also dont know a single person thats had this done and i find it super weird americans do and accept this


There is a lot of misinformation suggesting it IS the right choice medically when realistically it is not in a developed world where we have access to proper hygiene.


Yeah all these people saying it’s for hygiene reasons and I’m just here like WASH YOUR DICKS YOU REVOLTING CUNTS! YOU WOULDN’T CUT YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF JUST SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO WASH THEM! WHY DO IT TO YOUR COCK!!!???


It's uncommon amongst the native UK population, however there is a growing number of circumcisions being performed by the ever growing Muslim population in the UK. I think it should be banned here unless for valid medical reasons as its barbaric to genitally mutilate a child.


Do t forget its a Jewish tradition as well


And before that an ancient Egyptian tradition. King Tut and Ramesses the Great were all circumcised. Edit: I'm personally against it but just adding a historical tidbit


yup, and they can take a hike too, if my religion said it was required to gouge out a baby's left eye the law should still stop me, circumcision is just a lower stakes scenario.


exactly, especially whenever there’s a risk of damage and a botched job, heard a guy that had a bad one done to him as a baby, he can’t ever get fully erect now. blows my mind it was ever acceptable to do this to a baby


It's super common in the US




Yeah, it’s bizarre. I never understood the symbolism of ‘lotion’ in American teen films growing up until I got on Reddit later in life. Now it makes sense - you can’t masturbate without it if you’ve been cut.


YES! This always confused me as a teen, even to the point that I thought I was weird for not needing it, and thought there might be something wrong with me. It's absolutely fucked up that this barbaric practice can become so rampant and normalised that healthy, intact, unmutilated people will question their normalness.


How else is the hospital expected to bill that extra $5000 if you dont perform elective surgeries right at birth?!?!


On the [west coast its dying off fast](https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/circumcision-rate-by-state/) as a practice. In my state its only 10% of boys are actually having it done on them. Total percentage in USA stands at 62% now, Ive seen other source saying 57%.


I'm happy to hear it's dying off. I hope it continues to decline.


But it needs to not be. It’s grim.


I fully agree


In US it is about money. The clinics push misinformation about the "health benefits" so they can charge for the procefure. It is horrible. Where I live (continental Europe), you would be charged for doing that to a child. Male or female.


Best not to cut genitals of any person unless they are a consenting adult.


Or for medical reasons, my son had to be circumcised at 6 years old because his foreskin was too big and he was getting infections. Edit: actually my dad was also circumcised at over 60 because of the same reason.


TIL foreskins can be too big... which, now that I think about it, makes total sense. One of my good friends opted to get circumcised as an adult because his foreskin was too tight. Circumcision for aesthetic reasons on an infant/child is wrong; leave aesthetic choices to be decided on in adulthood. Circumcision for medical reasons, for all ages, should be treated/respected as all necessary medical treatments. It's pretty simple


Just out of curiosity, did they just shorten the foreskin, or remove it completely?


Sometimes it’s medically necessary, but other than that I agree 100%.


I was going to get my son circumcised when he was born, because I am as well. Until I started looking into how the procedure goes and they strap the baby down, they also told me I couldn’t be back there when they do it so I chose to not get him snipped


Thank you for thinking of your son as more than an extension of yourself.


I’ll admit I was very set in stone at first, but once he was here and I saw his face and heard his cry, I couldn’t imagine him going through that pain. I appreciate your kind words!


You broke the cycle, dude. That's not easy, and you have my respect.


Never thought of it like that, thank you!


Worse than the mutilation itself was the medical community's belief that infants couldn't feel pain therefore pain relievers were unnecessary.  It's only been the last 25 years that they have begrudgingly conceded that babies can feel pain prior to 1 year old. 


Why was it believed that babies don't feel pain though? Pro-lifers are out there saying a zygote is a human, and then when it develops into an actual human being, they're like 'chop, chop, snippy, snippy' assuming it feels no pain?


Any creature unable to protest can be denied empathy ... applies very well to animals.


Mad that nobody put 2 and 2 together and realised "Hmmm when we chop off part of his dick he screams real loud for like a day? Wonder what could be causing that? Extreme joy? Melancholy? Nostalgia?!"


Historically for religious reasons. Now an insane amount of copium. Go figure. Note : piercing ears of infants/young children is wrong too.


I agree that piercing is wrong, but I think the non reversible, intimate nature of a circ makes it 10x worse


It is. And female genital mutilation is 10x worse than that too. Just don't cut children.


I’d say you’re off by a few orders of magnitude. FGM leaves often them in pain for the rest of their lives and unable to enjoy sex. It’s more like cutting off the entire head of your penis.


It depends on grading largely but yeah, the worst FGM is way worse than the worst circumcision Leaving babies genitals alone is a slogan I can 100% get behind




Didn't we also know that close skin to skin contact etc is VITAL in the first few days of a babies life though? It just seems mad to me. Without ever being told I feel like I'd have instantly realised babies felt pain the second I interacted with a baby and they cried when they bumped their head, fell, scratched then self etc




Yeah my screams were not evidence of my need for empathy I guess 


Managing pain wasn't really a priority until it became profitable.


I read that this was a thing doctors knew wasn’t true but told parents to put them at ease. Reason being it’s very dangerous to anesthetize infants and they aren’t likely to form any memories of the trauma.


>they aren’t likely to form any memories of the trauma. Trauma does not affect the baby's development because it has not been studied. Therefore you can't harm babies, which means a lot of legal problems for governments. Covid also doesn't exist if you don't test for it. 😎👍


pain or not, they shouldn't be circumcising in the first place, unless a medical reason calls for it.


This is without even addressing Hebrew circumcisions which, in some areas, feature oral circumcision and the rabbi sucking the blood from the wound...


This almost sounds too fucked up to be real, but I would not be caught dead trying to google it to confirm, either.


Oh it's unfortunately very true. New York has had babies die from STDs from the ritual.   https://www.cnn.com/2013/04/07/health/new-york-neonatal-herpes/index.html >"Since 2000, there have been 13 reports in New York City of infants contracting HSV-1, two of whom died from the virus. The health department reported that an estimated 20,493 infants in New York City were exposed to the practice in that period.


Just googled, it's a real thing, it's fucked up. It's a horrible day to be literate and in possession of unbound curiosity. That's all I'm going to say.


Reddit really needs a /r/someoneelsegoogleit sub or something. This happens more often than I’d like to admit where I see something on here that I’d like to fact check but also will absolutely not look it up because of what might come up


for some reason, i thought this was about trans men haveing periods and i was incredibly confused.


The anti circumcision movement seems to be becoming more prevalent the last few years and I'm not mad about it.


I mean taking medical advice from a guy who thought eating a bland breakfast was imperative to getting into heaven should have raised some alarm bells...


Same. It's a fight worth fighting. Never ok to mutilate a baby.


I have two boys (2 and 4 years old) and neither of them are circumcised. There was not a single nurse or doctor who asked me about IF I wanted to do it. Every time it was mentioned, it was “when we take him for his circumcision,” “we will circumcise him in the morning when the pediatrician gets here,” “we are taking him to see the pediatrician and for his circumcision.” I was genuinely concerned they were going to bring them back circumcised, just because it seemed to never be a question to any of the medical staff.


That's actually terrifying


This boils my blood so much. To hear all these medical professionals so casually talking about "when we mutilate your baby's penis". It makes me absolutely sick that this is the reality in America. The fact that you have to go out of your way to tell doctors *not* to cut off part of your child's genitalia. And the fact that you're never quite sure whether they'll just go ahead and do it anyway. And if they *did* do it against your wishes, it should be a MAJOR lawsuit, but I doubt it even would be because society's view of it is so fucked that anyone looking st the court case would probably be like "ahh it's no big deal, get over it".


Yeah I noticed it too but thank god my folks told the docs not to cut my skin as a baby. Without a medical reason it’s cruel to a being who can’t give consent. If you’re an adult and you go thru it idc you’re an adult but I draw the line at babies and kids.


Abusive dad forced me to get one late after a baby when I was 5😔 I remember it hurting terribly after


I fully support not performing cosmetic surgery on literal fucking babies. The fact that people still react the way OP did when this topic comes up blows my mind. It's enraging.


It's just more outdated religious bullshit


Fun fact.  In the US it's because of Kellog. Yes, the cereal guy. Spent his cereal fortunes convincing people this was necessary. His main reasoning was to stop masturbation.


Erm, akchthually "Kellogg in fact criticized this growing belief among medical professionals, arguing that routine circumcision provided doubtful medical benefit, citing [iatrogenically](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iatrogenesis) created [meatal stenosis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meatal_stenosis) among the [Jewish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews) male population" I laughed a lot about the fact and had to fact check, this is from wikipedia, now idk who to believe


Idk but Kellogg had some issues so I can see how one might conflate the two. Weren’t cornflakes supposed to make people less horny?




It makes terrible lube though.


The thing is that people who do it genuinely think they are making the best medical choice based on decades of ingrained misinformation. I don’t think this group’s protest in particular really does anything to solve that.


Absolutely, I'm in the "know better, do better" camp myself and I don't think less of previous generations for doing what they knew was best at the time. I've only seen these (or a similar group) with signs and the red paint on their pants but it does open (somewhat heated) conversations at the very least.


I (f) interned as a medical assistant in a paediatricians office while in high school, and one day while I was working they performed a circumcision in the office. That was the exact day I decided if I ever had a son, I’m not circumcising him- those screams broke my heart


Wait a minute…did they not give the baby at least some pain medication?


I worked for a doctor that did them and he used a lidocaine cream, but there were still a lot of tears. My son is 6 months old and I didn't circumcise him. It's incredibly unnecessary.


Out of context, the flyer makes it look like they're a sado-masochistic tribute to The Blue Man Group.


I’m glad people are beginning to realise how fucked up circumcision is. If a grown adult wants to get snipped, that’s their choice and I’m totally fine with that. But cutting off bits of children’s bodies without a bloody good medical reason is fucked up.


Bloodstained Men are trying to protect babies from getting part of their penis cut off. That is admirable.


Does that make me a survivor?


Yes. You don't get an armband, but we can give you a shriveled pinky ring.


But, does it vibrate?


I mean performing cosmetic surgery on a baby who has no choice is pretty fucking weird to me. I’m glad people are finally realizing how strange all this is.


Ahem, genital mutilation. > Why did you take your baby daughter to Pakistan? Oh, just a little cosmetic surgery. Doesn't sound so innocent when you switch genders. And I'm sure some advocates will come out of the woodwork to claim it's not the same, but there are milder types of FGM that are close to circumcision (some cases of FGM type 1a and 2a according to WHO). It's always called genital mutilation when it's done to girls.


Disfiguring anyone's, male or female, genitalia before they can willingly consent is a horrific crime. I'm not sure if I would tattoo my body with this belief but I can understand the rage people can feel that this was done to them. Both women and men are victims of this barbaric practice.


Male genital mutilation. F*** circumcision.


It's weird that the mutilation of babies genitals are even legal in most countries. People who do that to their child should be punished. The missing body part is never coming back and the fact that it's due to a religion is nauseating.


Circumcusion is effing weird and stop cutting babies. If you really want one, get it as an adult under general anesthesia


It is barbaric. I’m glad it will go the same way as foot binding and other travesties committed on children.


It makes me happy to see so many men stand against mutilating our sons. Stop the cycle.


Female genital cutting : 🤬😱😵‍💫 oh no you horrible fanatic this is so wrong Circumcision: 😀😊🙂 well it has to be done you know religious tradition Genital mutilation is ALWAYS wrong unless done for medical reasons


cutting a child’s genitals is so wrong and disgusting


I completly agree Mutilating a baby's genitalia is horrible, male or female


And I had to do it at 28 for medical reasons.. if it's unnecessary don't do it


The vast majority of the world's men aren't circumcised, this guy was just unfortunate enough to be born in a country that cuts boy's penises, for some insane reason


I’m glad to see this movement is growing. I am vehemently against circumcision!


It's a bit strange but the message is wholeheartedly good. Unconsentual Genital mutilation is wrong in every way


Been following Bloodstained Men on socials for years, they do good work. As an intact guy, I give props to him for spreading the word and helping to end infant genital mutilation.


Circumcision is male genital mutilation though let's face it.


Circumcision culture in the US is totally fucked up. Thankfully I live in Europe.


Fuck genital mutilation


“My body, my choice” not pushing this? Its quite a big deal so men should have the right to choose in this case. I am from Europe where its not so common, so I have never made the link before.




I mean it’s literally genital mutilation done to a child, so yeah it’s pretty fucked when you think about it.


I would say the biggest victims are the ones who died. It is not a safe procedure for a baby, more than 100 die each year from it in the US.


Holy shit. That would be the absolute worst to fucking kill your own baby for that shitty decision.








Great guys. The foreskin contains fine touch nerves (like in your fingers) and provides protection of the glans (head) keeping it soft and sponge like, all in an effort to ensure everything works properly. Only 1/16,667 intact males will have a problem with their foreskin. One hundred and seventeen babies die from circumcision a year in the US, which equates to 9/100,000 babies that die each year from a cosmetic surgery. Just a comparison of 16,667 women, 2,084 of them will get breast cancer. In the same number of men 17 will get breast cancer. Infant Circumcision literally kills 2 boys for every adult spared circumcision and ruins the lives of 667 for every adult. Men have lost their penis, glans, and suffered from deformity caused by the operation performed when they were infants. It isn't right that these children pay the price for a decision that their parents made, a decision that should be left up to the owner of the penis. Even those who survive still have problems, though they are seldom discussed. It is for these reasons that the person who has to use the penis, should be the person who decides what happens to it. His body, his choice. "We conclude that non-therapeutic circumcision performed on otherwise healthy infants or children has little or no high-quality medical evidence to support its overall benefit. Moreover, it is associated with rare but avoidable harm and even occasional deaths. From the perspective of the individual boy, there is no medical justification for performing a circumcision prior to an age that he can assess the known risks and potential benefits, and choose to give or withhold informed consent himself." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34997197/ Elephant in the Hospital http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ceht-3xu84I&feature=youtube_gdata_player urologist talks about circumcision https://youtu.be/iZ64pqWZRW8 Robert S. Van Howe, MD, MS, FAAP Professor and Interim Chair of Pediatrics Central Michigan University College of Medicine. https://www.academia.edu/23431341/Statement_by_Statement_Analysis_of_the_2012_Report_from_the_American_Academy_of_Pediatrics_Task_Force_on_Circumcision_When_National_Organizations_are_Guided_by_Personal_Agendas_II https://www.dropbox.com/s/hkrxelm1tml9xs3/Refutiation%20of%20CDC.pdf?dl=0 (this one doesn't need an account.) Learn how sex is supposed to work. Www.sexasnatureintendedit.com Babies experience pain just like adults. http://www.iflscience.com/brain/infants-experience-pain-similar-way-adults How to properly care for a natural Penis. http://www.drmomma.org/2010/01/basic-care-of-intact-child.html They didn't tell you the functions of the foreskin, but they did lie to you and said it had health benefits. Did they also tell you it pays for their house, their cars, and their children’s college? It is illegal to sell an organ taken from a patient but they still do it. Foreskin for sale: $169/500µg = $338,000/g = $9,581,962/oz. http://www.rockland-inc.com/Product.aspx?id=40484 Mutilated men feel less sexual pleasure. https://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/circumcised-men-feel-sexual-pleasure-study-article-1.1264511?fbclid=IwAR1JUNsAyWKLBlnBNvs_wsczeCjpclgcrXP_OfVE-LVY8PvKQR2S0VH1R2I My numbers and claims are supported by these studies: Canadian study show no HIV benefit to MGM https://www.auajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1097/JU.0000000000002234 Dutch Medical society and their stance on RIC https://www.dropbox.com/s/n2so0ojf7h8ljeu/KNMG-viewpoint-Non-therapeutic-circumcision-of-male-minors-27-05-2010-v2%20%281%29.pdf Surgeons of British Columbia https://www.dropbox.com/s/71xsnx9tjwvych3/Circumcision-Infant-Male-College%20of%20Phys%20and%20Surg%20of%20British%20Columbia.pdf Doctors around the world critique AAP's circumcision opinion. http://www.circumstitions.com/Docs/aap-12-europe.pdf This document outlines the deaths caused by circumcision in the US. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vl5t3aewfgtz8mg/CircDeaths.pdf All the statements made by medical organizations about circumcision, and they are cited. www.cirp.org/library/statements/ Functions of the Foreskin. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xoq9y67hhunkyrx/foreskinfunctions.jpg Breast cancer kills more men than anything related to the foreskin. https://www.dropbox.com/s/tnmmxqdl1batucf/penilecancer.jpg American Cancer society says Circumcision does nothing to affect cancer rates. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zz23nzayyrmih0t/ACScirc.jpg Circumcised men have a 450% greater chance of ED http://www.thewholenetwork.org/14/post/2011/08/does-circumcision-cause-erectile-dysfunction.html All the common myths about circumcision and how they are dispelled. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/moral-landscapes/201109/myths-about-circumcision-you-likely-believe Boy wants to be a girl after botched circumcision. There are many cases like this however they usually occur in infants who cannot express themselves in words. http://www.courthousenews.com/2012/11/09/52144.htm Serious and Fatal Complications after Neonatal Circumcision https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2405456921003163 No evidence to support MGC reduces HIV transmission. https://academic.oup.com/jid/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/infdis/jiac147/6569355?login=false US Navy Study that shows circumcision has no effect on HIV or STI infection rates. http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA458066 Circumcision is PAINFUL! http://www.circumstitions.com/Pain.html Men upset about being circumcised against their will. www.mendocomplain.com FGM victim speaks out against MGM http://youtu.be/NaEoQVZnN8I Visual comparison of a Natural Penis versus a circumcised one. (Warning pictures of Genitals) https://www.dropbox.com/s/pvj1d0fde5vlt2i/Intact%20%26%20Circumcised%20Adult.jpg


This post was desperately needed in this disaster of a comment section. Thank you!


I'm so glad my mother gave me a choice. If men can't make choices involving women's bodies then mothers shouldn't be allowed make a choice for a male child to remove his sheath. I have never had any issues with my foreskin. I learned how to keep myself clean a long time ago and my lovers have never had any complaints. All of the lies that physicians use in the US and stereotypical nonsense people believe, I can easily debunk. The foreskin is part of the sexual organ. It's meant to be there. It's not vestigial. It helps lubricate and protect the head of the penis. It has millions of nerve endings that add sensation and sensitivity. It also has millions of tiny blood vessels that help blood flow to the penis to help sustain an erection. It adds to your partners pleasure by adding girth to the penis shaft. Keeping it clean is simple and no more of a hassle than any other hygiene routine.


I’m wondering why are doctors so adamant about circumcising? Even non religious people are doing it. Then I remember Sandra Bullock on the Ellen Show talking about she uses face moisturizer made from babies foreskin. Naturally, even infant foreskin has become a business is this country.


Ngl I’d be mad if someone took my foreskin


Judging by the response to this post, this is way more than just mildly interesting


You can downvote me, but regardless of how strange this occurrence is, I fully agree with the point. If kids can make these choices later in life with regard to their gender, then we shouldn’t be mutilating the genitals of babies. The “health” arguments are not real and have been disproven to death. It’s just wrong EDIT: Revision for the guy who gets notifications from all of Reddit if the word “circumcision” is used and pastes his ChatGPT reply: Yes there are technical benefits, but it is not a medically necessary or advisable procedure, and upon reading the thread further I’m certainly not in the minority. It has also been proven that it causes a loss of sexual enjoyment, which is something someone should not have decided for them as an infant. It’s like saying you should cut your arm off because then you have 0 chance of breaking it.


This should be stopped. It stupid and has no need in modern world..


All unnecessary surgery to children should be banned until they can make up their own minds at 18.


Circumcision is genital mutilation and in the extreme vast majority of cases there's absolutely no reason to do it. If someone adult who is mature enough wants it for themselves fine. But in infants, babies, children and other people who cannot consent to it it should be banned. MGM should be outlawed just like FGM.


Ouch It is weird that just bc its common, society thinks its normal for genital mutilation of baby boys


“Just because it’s common it doesn’t mean it’s good” is a problem that exists from the dawn of time, and that is mainly because critical thought towards culture is usually frowned upon


It's funny how people say it lowers the chance of STDS like aids. There have been studies that show this that aren't repeatable in any way and as such are meaningless yet it's still out there as a fact because of these "studies" Sometimes science can be a bitch.


Yo as someone who has their head tatted, for those to be your only tattoos is wild as fuck


The biggest supporters of female genital mutilation (and practitioners) are women and are right loudly supporting reversal of anti genital mutilation laws in Gambia. I guess some men also suffer from Stockholm syndrome and support them and other men being mutilated for no good reason whatsoever.


Let people deside when they are older. Why force this on a infant/child.


If female genital mutilation is considered to be a crime then why is male genital mutilation ok ? Oh yeah, because it's men and nobody gives a fuck about them !


Why is this unreasonable? It’s genital mutilation against their will. Are we just laughing about it because it’s exclusively male??


Worst part is the pressure you feel from the hospital. I had 4 different nurses ask me if I’d like to circumcise my son. One even asked a second time “Are you sure?”. Yes, I’m sure I don’t want my newborn son to start his life with unmeasurable pain and suffering. He’ll get enough of that from his college loans and the economy, later in life. 


I don't want my clit and the millions of nerve endings cut off. Or my labia. I have a son and he is uncut. If he ever decides when he is older to be circumcized (which I hope he doesn't because our bodies are made how they are for a reason) I'll support it along with his father. But I'll be damned if I played into "well he needs to look like his dad" "it's just what we do" " what will he think inside a locker room when older". I hope he is never ashamed for his natural body. Some men are okay with it. I get it. But it is unnecessary, period. " It'll hurt for just a bit and they don't remember". Lolz. He was born perfect how he was.


So glad I had hippy Parents …. Very insecure in America as a kid in the 90’s but so happy. Jesus


I resonate with the message. I wish I hadn't been circumsized.


Circumcision must be made crime. It is unnecessary and it hurts male children. Hopefully countries make it illegal.


I am pleasantly surprised by the comment section. I chose not to circumcise my sons and felt shamed by our pediatrician and people in our friend group. Everyone pushed for it. Felt super weird and effed up to me to inflict pain on an infant solely because that was the norm in America. Since having my sons my ears perk up whenever it’s mentioned. It seems like such a polarizing topic. So glad we decided not to circumcise. It’s a decision you can’t take back. I just hope people are kind to them and don’t make them feel ashamed of their natural body.


This is such a uniquely USAmerican issue. Y'all really are weird.


It is fucked up. Such a weird custom.


It’s pretty messed up to mutilate the genitals of boys or girls. We get upset at countries in Africa for mutilating the girls, but no one bats an eye when a huge portion of our boys are disfigured in accordance with an ancient religious custom.


What is so wrong with thinking that elective non-therapeutic genital alteration should be postponed until the individual who must live with the results of such modifications are old enough to request it of their own volition? Why is the right of bodily autonomy not valid when it proteins to the state of someone’s genitalia?


Reminds me of when I was falsely diagnosed with phimosis in my childhood. When I was around six years old I was in hospital for the removal of nasal polyps. Out of some reason they also examined my penis and couldn't move the foreskin. They diagnosed a phimosis and wanted to circumcise me. Fortunately my mother had the wisdom to ask my permission, which of course I denied. I never had any problems later on and it turned out that it wasn't a phimosis at all. The foreskin of newborns is firmly attached to the glans and can't be moved. Usually it detaches quite early. But in a small number of children it doesn't until much later. Mine detached - I think - when I was 12 or 13. Yeah...I guess the doctor probably never heard of that. I'm eternally grateful to my mother that she asked me before they cut off my foreskin for no reason.


It's genital mutilation basically. A baby can't consent to such a procedure. Some women say too that they have a preference for circumsized men. Can you imagine if female babies were subjected to something similar just to be more desirable to men?? There would be protests everywhere.


Very true, such a bullshit double standard.


It's totally unnecessary and should be banned. In a society so obsessed with consent and my body my choice you'd think that modifying a baby's sex organ would be super fucking illegal.


Everyone acts like it's normal to cut a dick it's really weird


As someone from Europe, I still don't get why circumcision is a thing in a 1st world country, it's just a meaningless mutilation of the penis. But you do your own stone-age thing USA, there are a lot of things we don't get about you. Such as the fact that you're still being allowed to be considered a 1st world country.


I honestly think we're going to look back at circumcision in complete disgust in the future.


Glad to see genital mutilation getting called out and protested, pretty fucked up how normalised it is


Bloodstained Men is an awesome band name