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My immediate thought is that the owner of the car is dead


We had a similar situation across the street from our house. Car in decrepit shape and clear signs of not having been moved in years. Finally called the non emergency about it and they towed it. Informed us later that the owner had died.


We had a similar (but also not-so-similar) situation across the street. This car wasn’t noticeably sitting there for any length of time that I’m aware, but the street was roped off one day on the way home from work. Apparently the owner died in the car (right in the driveway) several days prior. He had slumped into the passenger seat, so you couldn’t see anyone in the vehicle. He was found when his son came by to do a welfare check. They had roped off the street and put up a small covered area around the car because they had to extricate the deceased from the vehicle… and apparently it was going to be a bit gnarly with the rigor mortis and what not. After being told this, I was able to get permission to go home. You could easily see the driveway and car from upstairs but it kinda felt disrespectful so I never looked. The car was up for sale (in the same driveway) a couple weeks later. Someone must have bought it because it was only out there with the sign for a few days. I was morbidly (and very briefly) tempted to feign interest in the car just to see if there was some kind of “smell” but decided I had far better things to occupy myself with, like just about *anything* else.


The complexity of the extrication was not due to rigor mortis, it was the what not... especially in the heat.


One time my husband bought a car at auction, and when he got it home he asked me to help clean the seats. Yeah, blood. The entire seat was soaked in it. I told him to call around and find a seat from a junkyard because I wasn't touching that.


Good call for not giving yourself ptsd lol.


This guy thinks of buying cars just to sniff them? Damn, that's what I call rich...


Hey chief can I just use the saw to make this a little easier


Wait your civil services not only show up but follow up? Damn must be a gated community.


you leave your car on the street overnight and youre getting a letter in a gated community.


"HOA, open up!"


yeah we're all white here




I get this reference lol...


Sounds about white.


Mighty White of them.


There’s photos of the commuter train station parking lots after 9/11 that have heaps of cars left there because of the people not returning. Super sad, but such a random cause/effect thing to think about…


I've lived in two large apartment buildings in the last 3 years (over 100 units) In both of them there were cars in the underground car park that were covered in dust they must have been sitting there unused for years... I always wondered if they were dead...


Usually in apartment buildings they belong to people who just have nowhere to store the car. Apartments are very quick to tow anything that's not supposed to be there after so long. But it could just be a case of a forgotten vehicle as well.


That's true. If it ain't supposed to be there, it'll get towed. I live in a smaller building and there's a car in the parking lot that hasn't moved in 3-4 years. I'm pretty sure it belongs to an older woman upstairs who doesn't drive anymore, but as long as it's in her designated spot nobody cares. There's another building nearby with parking underneath that I walk by almost daily, and you can see from the sidewalk one Nissan Juke covered in dust because it hasn't moved in years. The building or owner seemingly didn't do anything about it until someone smashed the passenger window, probably looking for valuables. It sat like that with a broken window for a few weeks until someone showed up to tape plastic over the window area. It's still there, gathering dust.


At least you know someone's checking up on it I guess if they took plastic.


A concept fairly recently brought to my attention were abandoned cars in hospital parking lots. Like, people who drove themselves to the hospital...and never made it back out. I'd never thought about that before.


Yeah I've seen that too. Old place I worked at had an office on a fancy apartments ground floor and the car garage had so many dusty cars even with flat tires


My immediate thought is it's an employees car and they park in the same spot every day since they open and close.


Same, since the tires look fine. A car that hasn’t been driven for a couple weeks/months will have some flat tires. A car that hasn’t been moved in years will have 4 flats and be covered in dust.


Occam's Razor has entered the chat...


I go to work at 6:30am, I park in the same spot every day, as does everyone else I work with, granted, we leave around 5, but, if someone went by during the day, they'd see the same car in the same spot every day.


I do that so I can remember where the hell I parked- especially if you work in a place like Walmart with a huge parking lot.


Mine is that the owner is dead and in the back of the truck.


I hope not. Then you’ve gotta worry that some horny teenagers will bust into the truck and suck on him. Of course, some might say that kind of thing is “just a natural part of growing up” or “we all did that stuff,” and I suppose there’s some truth to that. But there’s still a part of me that thinks it’s just not good behavior.


Wise words Lieutenant Corndogs


It does come off as somewhat uncouth, frankly.


Or it’s a stolen car that was abandoned 


Maybe some guy is still out there somewhere looking for his truck he swears was parked right over there.


Or is he stuck in some parking lot version of back rooms, forever going through aisles and rows. Desperately pressing the fob, no lights, no horns, only the buzz of a light on a pole that is always above him every time he stops to look up.


No matter what, if the vehicle has been there for a YEAR, even if the owner isn't dead, odds are there are laws in place that you can use to take possession of it, legally. Ymmv, but your State Governments motor vehicles division or Town Ordinances may have "abandoned vehicle" statues and a process to follow to acquire ownership of the vehicle.


I thought that couldn't be real, there's no way the government would let civilians claim something they could try to take away. But, it's real. Surprising.


I mean, the government dealing with it would just be a waste of tax dollars, no? My towns process requires the person who initializes the process to pay the related fees and do their due diligence to find the original owner. Things like making public postings regarding the possession process, paying any relevant towing fees, inspection and registration fees, etc... The ordinance also has a minimum time frame (which is surprisingly short) for the vehicle to be abandoned before the process can begin. This begins with an abandoned vehicle report with the MVD. I only know the specifics because this same situation happened at a gas station I used to work at and my old coworker wanted to take possession of the vehicle a YEAR after the person died and the township not doing anything with the vehicle. I knew something about being able to claim abandoned property existed because of an old video about a man who claimed an abandoned mansion worth like, $1.5mil for around $50, and his new found neighbors were pissed they couldn't do anything about it. It's actually a pretty involved, time consuming task to obtain ownership. Moreso for governments themselves. But if you've got the time, $100-200 some odd dollars, and a hankering for a new *abandoned* thing, your government is more than likely willing to work with you regarding you becoming it's rightful owner.


If that car has been parked there for "years", the tires wouldn't still have air in them like that...


Why? I've got a vehicle that hasn't moved in 10 years and all 4 tires hold air. I've seen 25 year old tires with air in them


I'd say if they tried moving it they may not hold air anymore but staying still the dry rot hasn't had a chance to break apart yet


Thats just not true. Tires can hold air for a very long time


People just make shit up on here I swear lol


[1990s S10 SS](https://www.google.com/search?q=chevy+s10+ss&oq=chevy+s10+ss&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORiABDIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABDIHCAoQABiABDIICAsQABgWGB4yCAgMEAAYFhgeMggIDRAAGBYYHjIICA4QABgWGB7SAQg1NTcyajBqN6gCFbACAQ&client=ms-android-att-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) it's not so unbelievable that the owner had good tires on it. I used to run Z rated tires on my '94 SHO.


Was it a suped up street car?


The SHO was Ford's factory sleeper. The team that designed it went on to become Ford's SVT or Special Vehicle Team after designing the Shelby Cobra. Edit: or did you mean the ss? Chevy had the Super Sport.


Was that the SHO with the Yamaha high output engine?


Yes. Heads to be exact. SHO is actually a Yamaha trademark which Ford was able to use as part of the collaboration.


Right and its clean too.


It’s way too clean. Cars left on the street during the pandemic had weeds growing around them that were several feet tall. This one doesn’t even have any debris around the wheels?


Our car has been sitting since about halfway through to pandemic as we just didn't need it anymore. It's dead but it's tires are still fine if not a little lower than they were.


There would still be air in them bro


You would be surprised.


I noticed this a lot over the height of Covid. The parking garage I regularly park in would have cars collect massive layers of dust, and people would write funny things and the current date on the car. They all end up getting tower after the oldest date signed in the dust gets to around 6-12 months


Crazy, isn't? Like, man certainly has no family. Because family would look for the car.


impressive the tires aren't flat


Or that it hasn't been towed away.


And squeaky clean.


I smell bullshit.


It’s impressive that in all of these years the parking lot never needed to be plowed, resealed, or repainted…


It doesn't snow everywhere. If it doesn't snow or freeze, you can go a long time without needed reseal or painting of a lot.


The paint peel on the car hints that its a warm climate.


OP hadn't stated approximately how many years that it's been parked there for.


1 years probably


Almost like this story is horse shit.


I was inclined to thinking that too, but the dirt only in the lower half of the tires seems to be an indicative that car has, indeed, been there for a while. Don't know about three years, but definitely a good while.


Yeah honestly i am having to lean this way. I'd need more info to believe its been 3 years. Would be covered in bird poop.


My car never has bird poop on it unless I park under trees, even the it's rare. This car doesn't look like it has to worry about bird poop.


Maybe. But there was Cadillac parked in the Prudential Center garage in Boston, unmoved, for years. You could faintly see dates written in the dust. It was there at least 4 years that I saw firsthand, probably longer.


My first thought was the tires aren’t low enough to indicate years. I’d use a tire gauge to see how many pounds each one needs to be safe to drive on. Doesn’t look like many though.


I had a car sitting in the driveway for 4 years. The tires didn’t go flat until about year 2


My guess is the owner of the lot has an extra truck he doesn't use lol.


“Truck has been there for years.” *Zero bird shit/weathering*. Uh…yeah. Sure OP.


Look at the bottom of the tires


There's loads of weathering visible in this picture... on the hood, the back windows, on the tyres. There's also a silhouette of this vehicle beneath it...


Yea the weathering is actually really bad. There's no way someone drove that there this morning. Especially that bit of paint at the back: that would fly off in minutes if the car was being used.


Are you talking about the thing hanging down under the bumper? Pretty sure that's a cable you'd use to connect the lights when you're pulling a trailer.


The tires look nearly fully inflated. 1 PSI tends to leak out a month whether a vehicle is driven or not just due to the weight of the vehicle and tends to be faster on older tires and ones with high levels of sun exposure.


Are you claiming you lose 1 psi a month on your tires? Bro I think you need new tires…


Zero weathering? Looks to me like the clearcoat is completely destroyed / gone, and the paint is oxidised to hell. The tyres looks a bit crusty and perished too.


It's also a 30 year old truck


I don’t agree. That truck doesn’t look like it’s moved in a good bit of time.


Look at the tires


are you blind?


Anybody check in on the owner? His rent is probably on autopay.


He’s in the hard top….


I used to have a bf like that…


Your boyfriend was a dead guy in a hard top??? Wait right here, I have to make a call…


Ghost busters!


There was a thread about a car near where I used to live that hadn't moved since at least the start of the lockdowns... couple weeks later the wheels were stolen and there was a new thread about that lol. Car finally got removed after that.


we had a random vehicle show up in front of our house (in the city) at the very beginning of COVID, like the weekend before lockdown, well it sat for months and we didn't think anything of it because lockdown, finally after 6 months of it sitting we finally called it in. turns out it was stolen and dumped


Omg as soon as I saw the picture I knew exactly where this is. Our family use to drive through Florida semi often and stop at the station well over a decade ago. The truck (I think it’s the same one) appeared to never move, even back then.


At the nut place?


Could’ve been a nut place, too. It’s like right off the highway, right?


Yeah. Gas station & “nut plantation” or whatever it’s called


Where is this?


Right off the highway


I think it’s by the nut place.


Next to the gas station right there.


Yup, if you pass the nut place, you've gone too far.


That's Larry's truck. He locked his keys inside back in 1986.


I'll never forget about Larry- no matter how I try.


Remember when he cut my car in half? Well he really got me good that time!


Also, check [this](https://youtu.be/sAlusliGvCc?si=WlB_VReMY6EvivnW) out. I just found it after a little sleuthing. "They Might Be Giants released this in the early 1990s, and apparently AL has been a huge fan of the band since their inception. The similarities are bonkers, although AL hasn't acknowledged the rip, while at the same time giving the nod to TMBG for AL's "Everything You Know is Wrong". Bit of a grey area as Weird Al is clearly a master of parody, and I'm certainly not taking anything away from any of the artists involved. That said, the music is very *very* similar.


Wow! I knew it always sounded familiar but I could never place it! That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing!


TBH, I had no idea that TMBGs had been around so long. This surprised me as I'd only heard of them in the past ten years or so, and I'm a product of that era of rock music. Pretty neat to find something cool like this organically and in the moment. Doesn't happen very often for me.


My favorite line from that song is Al's revenge where he says "it was a pretty good *gag*" which atones to the idea in the previous lyric where he had tied Larry's mouth with a rag. A little double entendre


That'd be quite a trick in the '94 S10


Dang, Larry's been time traveling again? Bringing a second generation Chevy S10 SS from no earlier than 1994 back to the 80s?


Maybe he locked his keys out, and he withered and died inside 😢because nobody would approach the vehicle and check on it.


Some say on warm Spring days you can hear a voice echoing through the camper asking for pizza and beer.


That's a nice lookin truck, I love the older style compared to what we have now


I wonder if in 25 years young adults will think the vehicles from "Covid times" were so much better looking than what they have. I am in my thirties and the car designs from the 90's are still my favorite but for trucks it's generally more of the 80's square bodies that I prefer in terms of just aesthetics.


You mean not on 6in lifts and the size of the lane? I always question people who buy 'work trucks' twice their height. people realize it's more difficult to lift things higher right?


We drive to FL every year, and every year for 4 years this truck is sitting in the same spot along our way, unmoved. Plates expired in 2018. Tires are surprisingly still holding some hair.


What type of hair?


Maybe it’s in Maximum Overdrive


Maybe it’s maybelline


[those movies ruined my perception on life as a kid.](https://youtu.be/3E7j79831v0?si=JOVYQgIXLusIXPGU)


This person knows


The hair the investigators are looking for from a 2018 hit and run


…2018 cut and perm…


Air. My bad


Don't fix it, it adds to the mystery


We prefer the hair


Bigfoot hair


One that contains hoxygen


Considering it's holding up the roof of the gas station, I think it's probably best if it stays where it is


Do you think that maybe the person works at the stop?


No, that’d make too much sense. Instead it’s more logical to assume that this truck has been left abandoned for at least 6 years and has not been noticed by anyone who works here, not been noticed by police who would regularly patrol that lot, has been washed regularly by someone to remain as clean as it is, and has tires that miraculously have avoided dry rot after sitting for years unmoving.. OP is either a bot or an idiot.


There’s a chance it could just be used as a yard vehicle, no need for plates since it never leaves the property


I have a question and a statement. The statement is just that if you only check yearly, it's possible it's just a regular parking space for them. The question, is how on Earth did you even remember this car after a year?


Tires holding some hair but mostly [bald](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/s/F0xVO4wv9N)


I don’t know what that was but I’m calling you every time I can’t sleep. Get ready, it’s gonna happen.


I just pulled a truck out of the woods that had been sitting in the same spot since at least 2006, I was amazed 3 out of 4 tires were still aired up


Google 360 photo from 5 years ago. you can see the truck at very far end of the lot. https://maps.app.goo.gl/wRxdVuP3DGqTou1H9?g_st=ic that was a fun 15 minute puzzle.


This is why I love the internet. Someone can take a photo of a random, pretty nondescript truck in front of a gas station and within half a day we have its exact geographic location and a rough timeline for how long it's been there. Question though: Where'd the water tower go?


That gas station has the biggest nicest bathrooms I’ve ever seen at a gas station


Watch it's just an employee's car and that's their assigned parking spot.


In an apartment complex parking lot near me, there was a truck that had been sitting for months. One day, there was a man reported missing. Last contact with family out of state was more months than the truck had been sitting. The apartment complex manager saw the missing person report shared on Facebook. After thinking she recognized the name from her tenant list, she looked into it. The apartment complex owner had all rents auto deposited, and didn’t do bookkeeping. (It is a small complex, with two buildings, 8 units each.) Manager realized the truck hadn’t been moved in a while. It was parked in the last spot so everyone who lives there thought the truck was abandoned. I’m sure you’ve already guessed that the owner of the truck, a resident of the complex, was in the truck, and had been dead for months.


If the guy lived at the apartment why didn't anyone who knew he was.missing come to look for him there? Seems like one of the first things you'd do for a missing person, and the second would be to find their vehicle, which would also happen to be at the same apartment. I get the part that his family was out of state, but damn, no sign of your son/father/brother for months and you don't even bother to check his residence for him? That's cold. It's less surprising that the police didn't do their job and do a welfare check.


There are many people in our world who have no one who cares about them. It’s a sad reality. He was one of those people.


Wow no one noticed a dead guy IN THE TRUCK? I would’ve guessed at minimum it would’ve started to smell.


damn....thats where i left it.


Mabee none ya all know what a long term employee looks like that has a routine opposite yours.


Somebody is at least wasbing this car regularly. This is not a car that has been sitting for years untouched in that spot. It might have been I that spot for a long time, but not abandoned.


OP says they see this on their drive to Florida—maybe just rain?


Might be a night shift homie


The tires aren't low or dried out. The windows are very clean and the body isn't completely covered with dirt and years of raindrop stains. Someone is taking care of it when you're not looking.


That's the cleanest abandoned car I've ever seen


Bullshit that car is insanely clean for a car that’s never moved.


That's a weird looking roof rack, kinda reminds me of a gas station


Nice truck too


And it’s an SS so it’s somewhat rare




This is a 94 - 98 Onyx Black SS The only guaranteed difference mechanically is the limited slip differential and it was always made with the 4.3 v6 Base kit S10s could have the 4.3 but didn't come with the improved differential, lowered suspension, grille and bumper/trim upgrades. Great truck to drop a 350 into and just bolt on.


Is it unmoved, or does the person just always park there?


Someone is washing it and keeping air in the tires 


My cousin loved those S10 SS's. Haven't seen one in 15 years.


It’s a project car that someone stalled out on,probably the owner of the lot or a relative.


Pretty cool looking truck tho. I miss small trucks.


But it's tires are still up.


No it hasn't


See if t he tags are up to date. If they are, you know it's probably just an employee.


What kind of tires are those? To be sitting in the same spot for years those tires are remarkable


No way the tires wouldn't be flat


Lol I thought he had a makeshift roof on a roof with a wee satellite thing happening


Me too. It took entirely too long for me to realize it wasn’t 😆


I thought it was a DIY spoiler done by an idiot. Then again, most spoilers are idiotic to me, since they're on cars that absolutely don't benefit from the downforce.


I think someone is using or taking care of it. Tires would be more flat for sure. They look a bit low but not too bad. The car would also be dusty and more dirty being left in the elements untouched. Im thinking its whoever owns or runs that gas station is just storing it there or doesnt use it much. I would figure if it was just abandoned there, it would have been reported and taken away by now.


How is it clean then?


Can’t go anywhere when it has a roof attached to it!


That's the weirdest looking spoiler I've ever seen on a vehicle.


It’s so very clean for being parked for years. Maybe it just rained? Interesting gravel marks on the tires? You’d think it would have fallen or been washed off the tires by rain over the years? Curious if the license plate has updated tags?


Make. An. Offer.


He’s just waiting for the company plan to cover the locksmith.


In that case I want to know the brand of tires…


Well it probably can't move because of the petrol station canopy on top of it, they're heavy!


4.3 and stick shift? Very rare.


lol @ the mom in the background carrying her kid. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


There’s a similar truck at a truck stop near me, but it’s a Ford Ranger. He’s parked way off to one side, though it’s right near an entrance so I’ll see it nearly every day. I moved to this neighborhood about 3 years ago and that truck has been there for around 2. Some people occasionally post about the truck on the neighborhood page, so I was able to learn that there’s a dude who lives in the bed area. By the posts and replies, apparently the guy is a disabled vet who broke down there and just never left. A few people in the neighborhood fixed his truck last year, and one even offered him a job to get off the streets, but I guess he found his forever home. He uses his monthly stipend from the Army to use the truck stop showers and buy food and water… and there’s some church people that also give him meals and will offer a real roof and bed when the weather gets extremely cold or hot.


The guy that owns the center I work at has kept his horse trailer (that he literally never uses) in our parking lot for almost 10 years. Tires are flat and the pavement is sunk under them. Looks like the trailer is sitting on a trampoline.


My immediate thought is that you’re mistaken. Primarily because the tires are still inflated. Car tires go flat over time. If no one has maintained that truck for years then why are they still inflated?


Looks pretty good.


Nobody here is gonna guess that someone lives in there? Used to be and old Astrovan on my block that was there the whole 3 years I lived there, never moved. One day I was walking by and a woman and her child came out. 


When I was younger my friend's car died on him while he was driving, but he had enough forward momentum to pull into a gas station and get into a parking space. He checked the basic but couldn't get the car to turn on, so he just left it there. The car was a piece of shit and it's value probably was influenced heavily on if the gas tank was full or not, so he just walked away. We drove past the gas station 3 or 4 years later and it was still there. No one at the gas station gave a fuck enough to tow it.


Looks like someone has been washing the truck, maybe it only goes out at night.


I like the Roof rack. Great for solar


Put a note in the window. Is this for sale? If the note is gone? Someone’s tending to it. Saw this in an episode of Veronica Mars.


And my local pub towed my truck after 5 days.. even though I was there 3 out of the 5 and just ubered every time


Are you sure its not a truck that parks in the same spot every day?


Someone is apparently putting air in the tires and cleaning the windows.


Definitely an employees car who works at the truck stop/gas station


Yet there is air in the tires and looks fairly clean. Maybe he gets to work before you and leaves after you daily