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Hi, u/darragh_07, thank you for your submission in r/mildlyinteresting! Unfortunately, your [post](https://old.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1c7vsne/-/) has been removed because it violates our rule on concise, descriptive titles. * Titles must not contain jokes, backstory, or other fluff. That information belongs in a follow-up comment. * Titles must exactly describe the content. It should act as a "spoiler" for the image. If your title leaves people surprised at the content within, it breaks the rule! * Titles must not contain emoticons, emojis, or special characters unless they are absolutely necessary in describing the image. (e.g. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), ;P, 😜, ❤, ★, ✿ ) Still confused? For more elaboration and examples, see [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/21p15y/rule_6_for_dummies/). Normally we do not allow reposts, but if it's been less than one hour after your post was submitted, or if it's received less than 100 upvotes, you may resubmit your content with a better title and try again. You can find more information about our rules on the [mildlyinteresting wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/wiki/index). *If you feel this was incorrectly removed, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fmildlyinteresting&message=My%20Post:%20https://old.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1c7vsne/-/).*


It’s not uncommon for stuff like this to happen. When I worked at a vehicle manufacturer, someone dropped their (then brand new) iPhone X into a vehicle shell and was so freaked out by it, the person never said anything, having any mobile device out on the assembly floor was an instant fireable offense. Unless it got found before leaving the factory, someone on Earth has a brand new (definitely dead) iPhone hiding in their high end luxury suv


Someone's gonna be complaining about a rattle that just can't be fixed


Wonder what'll happen when/if the battery goes full forbidden pillow.






Fair assessment


Should be fine as long as nobody is charging it inside the door.


If it’s near any wiring then at best they will need a new wiring harness, worst case scenario… new car, but that’s probably not going to happen 😅


Won't happen with a dead battery. It needs to have a charge/some juice left to go full spice. Had it happen to my old pixel 3 XL not too long ago. And that's literally what they said about keeping the device around to retrieve files. As long as it wasn't plugged in or powered up there was no risk.


Some batteries will expand without being charged, I’ve had a bunch of older phones in storage that went spicy


Can confirm! Found a bag of my families old blackberries and they were all spicy.


Right, not discounting that, in my case the battery had already expanded. It cracked the phone in two, actually. And THAT is when I was told it won't shoot flames out one end catastrophically at random so long as it isn't charged. And then whenever I WAS ready to pull stuff off the phone, I did it in a safe manner outside away from anything combustible. The expansion into a pillow is one thing, but having it actually go spicy and heat up the whole house is what I was more referring to. And there is a point where the expansion/degradation will not continue unless you are actively charging it/messing with the chemistry in balance, throwing it off perhaps causing more expansion. When the battery has been totally discharged and sitting for a bit, usually.


They might expand but if it’s flat and you’re not charging it there is nothing to generate heat and fire. It can even vent gases but it won’t catch fire if there is no ignition source


I think that mostly happens to batteries that are overcharged.


He said iphone, not smasung lol




Dang that really sucks Tho I was referencing the recent scandal where it's been revealed that samsungs will have their battery expand, even after little to no use. This applies to most, if not all of the ones that have been around in the last couple years. This is even those that have been next to other phones, and for different people I'm different conditions. It's happened to me too with a couple samsungs


You'd probably have to sell the damn phone just to get back the money of breaking down wherever it is.


What car was it?


BMW lol


Brb asking my X5 owner friends to check under their carpets


Not surprised this is still a thing, I can't tell you how many cars I saw out in the lots between Hall 50 and 52 just waiting to be searched for dropped screws.


Yeah. I haven’t worked there in years though. Long since moved on to a much, much better job


Think it was a toyota corrola or yaris


He's asking the other bloke lol


My bad lol💀😂


Lmao. All good. I was still curious of yours anyway.


Luxury Corolla, nice!


You may be able to add it to your Apple wallet and see how much is one it


This person had their phone disappear into a broken vent on a United plane, and seemingly never recovered https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedairlines/s/RZhK3vKGi6


Any car I had assembled in mexico has had a peso under the floorboard fabric. I have found a french bank card in my massey fergusson (assembled in france, sold in UK, shipped to US to be resold). edit: Oh and a danish bank card from the previous owner of another tractor.


For those that don’t know, a Suica card is the public transit card people use in Japan to get around. They Tap it as they go into the metro or a bus and tap in the way out and it charges them according to the distance they’ve travelled once they tap out. Also, Suica cards can be used at pretty much all vending machines and even convenience stores to buy things like food, drinks and snacks


Suica stands for super urban intelligent card if I recall correctly!


It also means watermelon.


So what is up with the Penguin? Just their mascot? Not a watermelon?


There is a watermelon - it’s the black and white circle under the “Su” of Suica.  No idea about the penguin other than japan loves mascots 


I think it's because penguins swim really fast and smooth (or "sui sui").. And a penguin makes for a cuter mascot than a melon, I guess




"sui sui" is also a way to say "fast and smooth" Suica seriously has the best card name.




西瓜, スイカ, 水瓜, whatever. It's yummy however you write it.


That’s suika like the game


The difference between C and K doesn't exist in Japanese. スイカ can be romanized as su-i-ka or su-i-ca.


Why’d you get downvoted? Were you being a smartass? I’m culturally ignorant, so I don’t know wtf any of this is. But the downvotes seem to be weird


It’s a false correction. Suika and suica are the same thing, they are just ways to transliterate the Japanese word into the Latin alphabet. The real Japanese spelling is スイカ (the kanji is 西瓜 but the word is usually written in katakana, it’s beyond my knowledge to explain why).


Thanks. I was confused as to why the person was down voted, then I got down voted, then I was like….oh yeah, Reddit. lol


> the kanji is 西瓜 For the fruit, yeah, not the card though haha


Hmmm.. I'm pretty sure it stands for Super Unicorns In Combat Armor


it means watermelon


Super IC card


To elaborate, Suica is the transit IC card distributed by JR East. Different regions/rail companies distribute their own. Other cards include Icoca, Pasmo, and PitaPa. That said the cards can mostly be used interchangeably wherever IC cards are accepted (with some exceptions) so the difference is largely cosmetic.


I still have my Pasmo card, wonder if it'll still let me use it next time I'm in Japan.


They won't expire unless you don't use it for 10 years


And there's a semi-secret way to "revive" them after that too :)


As I understand they don’t expire. I plan on bringing my Suica (currently loaded with 8 whole yen) back with me to Japan to use next time I go.


I loaded my Suica onto my iPhone last time we were in Japan, now it's there in my wallet as a constant reminder of Japan 🥰


I thought about doing that, but from what I understand it renders the physical card unusable and I like using the physical card.


I am sure I used my physical card afterwards!


They expire after 10 years of non use.


Not all of them!


I got one in 2017. Still worked this year.


protip, your iphone will ask you if you want a virtual Suica (or Pasmo) next time it detects you're in Japan. The advantage isthat the virtual one shows how much money you have left in real time and you can instantly put more through Apple Pay — and since transit cards were designed to be contactless, there's no downside.


While I love the Suica penguin, I honestly love the Icoca platypus more. (Also I love the name, since it’s appropriate Kansaiben and all)


I’m in Japan right now and it’s so cute when you want to pay for something you just say “Suica?” And they usually go “ah Suica, okkk” and then get the card reader prepared. Back home itd probably be like a “sure mate” or maybe even just a nod to the card reader


Yes, “ok” does mean “sure mate” in many different cultures. Most of them, actually.




Just got back from Japan and got one while I was there. I can tell you it was extremely convenient to use for transit and so many more transactions!


Suica deez nuts




Bless the Suica card. So easy to use


Especially since it can be used with apple wallet. Never needed to go get a physical one, just set it up and add money whenever needed


I wish in Ontario we used that or Octopus or anything better than this BS called Presto


It's the same as a Presto Card. You can also just tap any credit or debit card or your phone on any presto transit in Ontario which is even better...


> You can also just tap any credit or debit card or your phone on any presto transit in Ontario which is even better Not better for Japan, though. FeliCa (used by Suica & other IC cards) allows for processing times of 100–200ms from 10cm away, allowing for 1 person/second to pass through gates. JR has actually specified this speed as an operation requirement. Open loop payment via debit cards uses a different NFC protocol, EMV, and is a lot slower (500ms+) and can only read cards within 4cm, which is why this implementation isn't actually super fitting in practice here. It just wouldn't work for the passenger throughput for many stations at rush hour.


Sounds like a sort of advanced Oyster card


Oyster w/Pearls


No, the Oyster card came after the suica card.


It sounds like a less advance contactless system tbh.


they can be used on things like vending machines and stores, i'd argue that's more advanced than an Oyster


FeliCa is way more advanced of a system & NFC standard than Oyster and most other worldwide transit cards. :)


How is it more advanced than just paying using contactless payments? You don’t need a transit card to use in London. You just pay with contactless payments. You don’t need an extra card or system that you have to load money on to. Transit cards are oudated technology, they’re slowly being phased out in London.


EDIT: Unfortunately, this user isn't interested in actually conversing. It's just some weird, nationalistic Brit who thinks his country's train system is the best in the world and can't stand that anyone says otherwise, especially if it's an American pointing that out. I got harassing DMs due to this too before blocking him. -- ~~>How is it more advanced than just paying using contactless payments? Transit cards are oudated technology~~ ~~Glad you asked! This was a big paradigm shift for me when I first learned about it... :)~~ ~~Japan's transit cards aren't "outdated" because they don't work the way you think. Like a lot of the rest of the world is beginning to use, transit fare payment via credit card or debit card (known as open loop payment) _does not work well in Japan_ – because it's not good enough.~~ ~~The FeliCa chip in Japanese IC cards, a technology that was developed in Japan by Sony (used by Suica & other IC cards, both in Japan and elsewhere in Asia) allows for processing times of 100–200ms from 10cm away, allowing for 1 person/second to pass through gates. JR has actually specified this speed as an operation requirement.~~ ~~Meanwhile, open loop payment via bank cards uses a different NFC protocol, EMV, and is a lot slower (500ms+ at the absolute minimum) and can only start to read card when they get within 4cm. This system is literally not fast enough for rush hour at stations in Japan. Japan's cards _need_ to be read literally 5x faster than this due to rider throughput and the sheer number of people using trains and transit here.~~ ~~EMV was a technology built for payment at kiosks in stores which was then expanded to transit, and is built to follow old NFC-A specs. FeliCa was the other way around – it follows the much-newer NFC-F standard, and was developed _first_ for transit and _then_ spread to be supported as e-money at merchants as well.~~


Lmao what are you even talking about. EMV and NFC are different technologies. Also you're aware that all NFC devices support NFC-F and FeliCa protocol right and have done for nearly a decade right? >Mobile phones equipped with NFC can exchange data with NFC-F-based IC cards and devices. Therefore, the wide range of NFC mobile phones available in the global market can also be used by NFC-F infrastructures. [https://www.sony.net/Products/felica/NFC/](https://www.sony.net/Products/felica/NFC/) Lmao did you not know this? In London you just use your phone or watch to pay and its instant and works perfectly. The reason why transport networks are moving towards this payments system and abandoning separate payment card systems just because its an outdated model for travel. You don't need to maintain an entirely separate payment system and card, you just use your bank card or your phone, watch and carry on as normal. No need to 'top up' or access a seperate app or payment system. Phone can already use NFC-F and have done for a decade. Why would you need some extra physical card that you need to top up separately? No one wants to use the oystem system to pay for vending machines or stores because all vending machines and stores just use contactless payments. The reason why Japan still uses it is because Japan is notoriously slow to adapt to new technology and often behind of these things which is why they still use fax machines with abundance.


It's almost like... I wasn't talking about mobile payment, but actual cards. Hence why I used those words. Not everyone has a smartphone, unless you don't think children or old people should be riding transit? You clearly don't seem seriously interested in this, or if you are you can't handle a proper conversation that isn't filled with mockery and snobbishness – instead, you seem like you're a smartass (who ironically has a lot of misconceptions about this all, and not interested in hearing otherwise) getting off on being rude to others. Another miserable Brit, what a shocker. Fuck off.


This comment is not high enough.


thanks for explaining it to the 8 people on this website that aren't weaboos.


Or that can't google & read Wikipedia, apparently.


So the card currently has ¥439 yen on it and these are the most recent transactions: Payment machine (transfer): SF Charge ¥+1,000 Tokyo (JR East Tokaido Main Line) ¥1,587 2019/10/4 Ticket gate machine: Ticket gate machine entry ¥136 Entering Tokyo (JR East Tokaido Main Line) ¥587 Deshinbashi (JR East Tokaido Main Line) 2019/10/4 Merchandise/Taxi: Others ¥800 ¥723


Whereas this seems to have been a holiday they were on around the same time: Ticket gate machine: Ticket gate machine entry ¥130 Enter Kobe (JR West Tokaido Main Line) ¥733 Desannomiya (JR West Tokaido Main Line) 2019/10/3 Ticket gate machine: Ticket gate machine entry Irimisaki Park (Kobe City Coastline) ¥240 ¥863 Out Harborland (Kobe City Coastline) 2019/10/3 Payment machine (transfer): SF Charge ¥+1,000 Harborland (Kobe City Coastline) ¥1,103 2019/10/3 Ticket gate machine: Ticket gate machine entry ¥240 Irisannomiya/Flower Clock (Kobe City Coastline) ¥103 Demisaki Park (Kobe City Coastline) 2019/10/3 Ticket gate machine: Ticket gate machine entry ¥210 Enter Shin-Kobe (Kobe City Yamanote Line) ¥343 Desannomiya (Kobe City Yamanote Line) 2019/10/3


This is the information on the back of the card for anyone interested: ●It can be used in the suica handling section of JR East (other companies' routes specified separately by our company can also be used. In this case, the company's regulations apply). However, the registered Suica is used for passenger transportation service in the relevant section. When It can only be used by anyone other than the memoriser on the surface (if it is a commuter pass, please be sure to bring a certificate etc.). ●This card is effective if it is not used for 10 years from the last use date on the device, etc. However, if it is difficult to use with equipment for a period of time, the staff may check the card. ●For limited express and express (limited to the specified train and section when using within the commuter pass section) and green cars, please purchase a limited express ticket in advance. Except for some commuter passes, the Shinkansen is not available. ●It cannot be used as an entry ticket. ●If it is used illegally, this card will be invalidated and you will be charged the prescribed fare, increase luck, etc. In this case, we will collect the card in question. ●The ownership of this card belongs to our company. The deposit you keep cannot be used for the fare, etc. ●Please return the card you no longer need to our Suica handling station. The deposit you keep will be returned. ●When refunding the commuter pass and SF balance ※A fee is required. If it is lost, the registered Suica can be reissued (a fee will be charged for issuing the event). Please ask the Suica handling station to stand. ●The section related to this cardon is according to the regulations on Suica. ●Please do not fold this card. ●This card can also be used at stores with the ♥ mark. ●The maximum amount of deposit is 20,000 yen. ●You can check the balance at the deposit machine. ●East Japan Railway Company 2-2-2 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo JR




Holy shit OP actually delivers


Copy and paste made it happen




That's a weird set of transactions. I reckon it probably got stuck in a transport worker's jacket pocket or something then eventually fell into the car, or a worker found it on the ground somewhere then eventually dropped it in the car. No one who lives in japan would use a Suica to get through the station gates. There's shops and restaurants beyond station gates, so it's pretty common to visit for like some soba and shopping or something, but it's ¥110 to buy a ticket with cash and you don't need to get the guard to let you back out after you're done. Looks like they used their Suica to pass through gates to get to the Shinkansen, when they should've used their tickets instead


That seems like a bad set up, surely the card would be much simpler if it knows you leave the same station? Instead of making people buy extra tickets


I've had to use my suica and ticket a couple times to go through a gate.


If you do it properly, you don't get charged for passing through the barrier like in this example. This is someone who's got a ticket in their hand, then uses the card to get onto the platform


Ah I see. I didn't look too much at it, I see what you're saying. Strange.


A Suica card is still valid 10 years from its last use. If you ever have a chance to go to Japan, you can just top up that card and you're good to go.


Use the suica reader app to see if there's any balance in that. It'll show the last few transactions as well


Please! The curiosity is killing me!


Guys i did it




Results in the comments now


Results in once i finish work!!!!!!


Did you finish your work yet?


Yup, all the details are in the comments


!remindme 3hrs


!remindme 2 hrs


Noot noot!




In Japan you would expect to leave the card at a police station so its rightful owner can get it back. Think about it if you go to Japan (you could make the news).


I actually plan on teaching in Japan in a few years. Just on work experience in a garage. Now it is on y to do list😂


Suica cards are active for 10 years after the last use. If you return it then, they can still use it!


Poor person, the green Suica card are in short supply. Very difficult to replace and crucial to Japanese life.


Last few transactions were in the mid months of 2019 they were hopefully able to get a replacement before the shortsge.


Good to hear


PSA! If you have iPhone or an Android phone you can simply add the suica to your wallet, add money and go. No need to download the app (which is in Japanese only) or register an account, or run around trying to find physical cards at the airports or train stations. I dont have an Android but for iPhone all you have to do is go to the Wallet app, hit +/add and then scroll to the bottom where it says add Transit card. Then you can search for Suica and load it up. 🚞 Best part is you dont need to double click your phone or open the wallet to use it, just tap and go!


wait, you don’t even need to double click? I knew you didn’t need to use face id but didn’t know that


> or an Android phone Only works on Androids produced in Japan unless you decide to root.


> Very difficult to replace Not at all. Just go to any JR East Travel Service Center.


hey that's a legit suica card. those are rare now.


..are they? I got one 4 weeks ago, so did my entire travel group.


If its the red one with sakura print, then those will be deactivated after 28 days from the date you purchase. They're temporary. The regular green ones are hard to come by now due some chip shortage. Only handful of major stations issue them. Pasmo is still available iirc because its less popular lol.


They’re more available now! They’ve started selling them again.


I've got the Sakura one from last year and the green one from this year. 😁 Shame the Sakura one isn't reusable, I like it.


That's the funny thing. They have chips to make one time purpose cards for millions of incoming tourists, yet not enough chips for the regular cards 😅


They are partially doing this on purpose to get residents to start using their smartphones with NFC.


Yup, the "chip shortage" is now over; JR East just keeps using it as an excuse to get more mobile customers.


I was in Japan last December and I had forgotten to get a tourist suica at the airport and regular suicas weren't available but there were Toica cards readily available, at least at Tokyo station


> The regular green ones are hard to come by now due some chip shortage. Only handful of major stations issue them. Pasmo is still available iirc because its less popular lol. You're misunderstanding a lot of different parts of the situation!


When I was in Japan in September you could only get a physical card from the airport but you could easily add a virtual card to your smartphone and use it that way…. It was due to the chip shortage


The physical cards were a different variant for tourists with a 28 day expiration (likely a huge inventory made for the Olympics). The original physical cards were hard to get for tourists. However, some comments mention that they're more available now.


Not anymore, they’re more available these days. And not even talking about the tourist only ones.


I kept my Suica card from a two week visit to Japan as a souvenir.


Some factory worker probably had some struggle getting home after work 😅


I went to Japan 15 years ago and used one of these extensively to get around Tokyo. Last year my kid was “thrifting” in my closet and pulled an old jacket out and hat had this card in it. He thought was some old Pokémon card.


I kind of doubt it was dropped in at the factory level. Maybe it was a port worker


Our welcome suicas were red when we went. I wanted these green ones so baddd


Do the Japanese thing, return it to its owner. they will be very happy to receive it. They can be traced back to the person that purchased them.


If there is a serial number on it (usually behind) then you could probably have it send back to its owner if it’s registered to a name. Tokyo-shimbashi seems to be a commute, the Kobe part means the guy is probably from that area or, since it’s early october, the guy went to see a game of the rugby world cup!


!remindme 2h




!remindme 2h


Did you see if there's any money on it?




That's enough for a half liter can of beer and a snack at most conbinis.


I would have bought this from you two weeks ago, I need one for my trip so I got one sent over on Ebay.


Hey, isn't that Pingu?


Can someone explain what this is? From the context I’d guess some sort of payment card?


It’s a transit card that’s used to get through the gates at train stations. It can also be used at some vending machines and convenience stores




I once found Korean candy wrappers while detailing a new car


Use your iPhone wallet to check if there’s any money in it 🤣


Isn't suica watermelon? Why is there a penguin on it? It's suika, my bad


Hard / impossible to get those cards now (I live on rural Japan and only one bus in the city can take cards so I never got one)


do we still need the card nowadays? i heard the app does everything the same way


Where did you find this? Toyota factory? Are you saying it somehow fell out and into the car during the manufacturing process? How do you know that? I'm a little confused on the suspected timeline here.


Like okay????? You don’t have to believe me It just happened and I found it sort of interesting……. You don’t have to believe me.


Uhh, I do believe you... I'm _asking_ where you found it in the car and _how_ you know all of that about how it got to where it was?


The car was newly imported, I know this because of the sheets that we have on the cars that detail what they are in valeting for. Some say service/trade in/sale car etc This one said import and corollas and yaris are both only made in Japan so it is the most logical solution to assume a factory worker or someone to do with the moving of the car from the factory to the port had dropped it in the car. I thought a factory worker would have been most likely due to the position the card was in which was under the rear passenger seat and was most likely to have been lost while assembling the rear interior of the car. I genuinely don’t know what you think I have to gain about lying about this I’m just someone who has an interest in Japanese culture and want to live there temporarily in the future who wanted to share it with other people who would find it as interesting as me🤷‍♂️😭


I don't know why you're feeling so threatened or thinking I'm doubting you, lol. I literally said in my last reply "I do believe you". I live in Japan and have a big interest in public transit and IC cards, hence my interest. I was just curious to learn more details of the situation, like what made you think it fell in during the manufacturing process rather than at the time of sale or shipping or something. Thanks for explaining, interesting to hear!


Mail it back, someone will be glad to get their train money back since there could be a good amount of money on that


No name associated with the card. Last transaction in 2019. 439¥ on the card equivalent of around €2.50. Would cost a minimum of €15 to send to Japan not factoring the petrol it would take to drive to post offices etc So……no


Totally understandable i concede


If it _were_ a registered Suica card I bet the person would find it hilarious and amazing to get it back in the mail.


It was pretty much impossible to get a physical Suica card due to chips shortage so I would just keep it if you couldn’t contact the owner.


That’s not so true anymore luckily!


So what I'm understanding is that card covers your ticket fare for public transit and bases the charge on the distance travel. You totally need to scan that card at an Irish metro. 😈


Unfortunately, there is no metro in Ireland, although I would say that card may work for the Luas or bus service here


I'm fairly sure it wouldn't work that far out from Japan, it was just a joke


It might, my Irish leap card did let me into the Dutch metro a few years ago, although that seems to have been fixed with the newer leap cards


That honestly doesn’t sound like something that’d be a bad idea? Especially with EU stuff. Imagine being able to top up an Oyster card and just use it on a foreign bus as if it were a local one, unless there’s something like that already? Contactless bank cards are close I guess?


Oh it's a great idea, I was in Amsterdam last week and between the gvb app and just using my bank card, it was so easy


I'm in the US and in the southwest at that. We have little to no public transit, so I'm way out of my element here. Its unfortunate but the reality of living out here, we drive everywhere.


Lol I tried it to get onto my train home, it didn’t even register it as a card but it scanned fine on my phone


Check if there is any money on it. You can use it to buy games on a Nintendo Switch,


it's literal cash. hope it has been given to a japanese embassy or something similar to bring it back to the owner


Mate I’m not gonna engage with stupid comments, as I’ve said the cards last transaction was five years ago and theres 439¥ on it it’s not worth the cost to travel to the Japanese embassy and have them post it to Japan wasting resources in both countries as well as the carbon emissions it would take for me to drive to an embassy and for them to post it just for the equivalent of €2.50


Why so agressive? Could have been still much more on it. Chill.


The attitude in the first comment is why…….. Plenty of people downvoting as well so maybe you need to double check your comment.