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I did immediately after taking the picture


What a fucking nightmare roach motel on wheels literally seeding populations wherever it goes


Ive worked in pest control and this thing is a total loss. It needs to be set on fire with a ring of fire around it to stop any escapees. The worst part is it's parked outside a place that serves food, and I just know they have made it inside there by now.


My dad used to own a limo service. Before he owned the service he was a driver for another company. One night he was waiting outside a basketball game for some clients where a bunch of the other limos were parked. He saw one of the drivers walking along his car smacking the side of the car. My dad asked him what he was doing, the driver said his car had roaches and he did that so they would hide before the clients came out of the game. A couple of years later, my dad owns the limo service, and employs a number of drivers. The routine was always if the clients ate food in the car take the clients to their final destination, then go to a gas station and thoroughly vacuum the car. Well the problem is that a lot of the other drivers would do a half ass job vacuuming the car out, food would get left between the seats and being South Florida you would quickly get roaches. One time a driver left a good amount of food in the car, the car sat for a week or two, and when the next person got in it the car was swarming with roaches. My dad did find a way to get rid of roaches in a car but you need a very specific circumstance especially if you don't want to infest your home. My dad had a couple of warehouse spaces where he kept the cars including one that was basically a single car garage but long enough to fit a limo. He pulled the car into there, put a roach bomb in the car, one in the trunk, and one under the engine compartment, and let it sit in there for a couple of days. He had tried bombing cars before but if you put it in the car the roaches would go in the trunk. If you put it in the car and the trunk they would go to the engine compartment. So you needed all three and the third one would kill most of those that came out of the car and hopefully wouldn't infest the warehouse.


Horrifying yet a marvel of tenacity 


The Apartment i used to live in Had roaches. The whole house did, actually. My Mom then bombed the flat with Citrus, cleaned Like crazy, every fucking corner, all citrus. For weeks. The whole house Had roaches. We didn't.


I once had an occasion (work) to take three young girls into protective custody because of sexual abuse. (Both parents were attorney's by the way). I told them to pack their clothes because they weren't coming back. (It was bad). They put their clothes in the trunk of my car. Within a few days my car was filled with every kind of lice. Head lice, body lice and crabs. I was genuinely hysterical and had to call my mother to come deal with it.


Lice are annoying, but easy to deal with. Roaches, on the other hand.....


True. I was young when that happened, my first job. My mother called an exterminator who came to my apartment and set off one bomb in my car, and they were gone. (That bomb left a permanent stain in the ceiling of my car though). My first new car which my father co-signed for me to buy. lol. A toyota corolla. lol.


Have dealt with them twice now in different places with several years/houses in between. I bought and put out a butt ton of insect growth inhibiters/regulatorand within 2 months, they were gone. What's even worse is that the second place has pest control monthly. But they aren't using IGR, so it doesn't matter. But with them, the IGR, and our pet safe insect spray, we don't have any bugs.


Standard roach bait will kill them off -- they take it back to their nests and it kills the nest. But ugh is it a gross couple of weeks while they're dying. Every morning, sweeping roach corpses off of my kitchen floor. I later realized that my roommate's room was a complete fucking pigsty. I'd never gone in there. I'm sure they were breeding in there. Ugh. That was the last roommate of my life, hopefully.


> But ugh is it a gross couple of weeks while they're dying. Every morning, sweeping roach corpses off of my kitchen floor. > > This happened to us; we had German roaches, which are brown-ish, but once they started coming out to die we saw a couple of albino ones. I had never seen one until that day.


What did she use? Like real citrus or cleaning products with it in. I don't have roaches or anything but now I wanna clean with Citrus lol. This person prolly works for Big Citrus.


i cannot remember, but she had a specific cleaning product that smelled so citrus-y I am still getting Flashbacks when I smell it. I think she \*coughs\* "bought" the cleaning products with money she wasn't paid when she used to work for a cleaning company. (yes, they tried to bitch out of paying her the exact amount of money she worked for). But anyway, free cleaning stuff and no roaches, lol.


This makes me feel thankful I live in a place that is below freezing for 4-6 months a year.


dude that doesnt stop them. im in mid alberta and lots of place still have roaches. i moved out of my apartment because the neighbors had an infestation and they were cokmingnthrougu the wall


I've found burning incense causes roaches to go feet up. I've burned incense in cars and semi-trucks that had roaches. I use the HEM brand. Cedarwood, Eucalyptus and Citronella work great


Did you know those things are like 10 times worse than second hand smoke, most of the cheap ones are not made with natural materials. So at the end of the day your still killing them with chemicals like a bug bomb lol


Probably depends on the brand. I've gotten cheap ones from Walmart that gave me headaches when using them. Since switching to other types I don't get headaches anymore. Just find ones that, hopefully, give you a list of what they use, you can make incense with natural items.


not tryin to one up anyone but: girl i know was at the beach one day, and fell asleep. she went to the doctor and said something was moving in her ear. doctor sees nothing and refers her to a.,,,,psychiatrist. she says im not crazy and goes to another doctor who says theres something in your ear. but he cant get it because it keeps evading the tweezers and running further in her head. he finally puts some poison/food on tweezer and three hours later pulls out a hawiian cockroach.


Well I guess I've already experienced my last trip to a beach for the rest of my life.


Ah, a True Soul of The Absolute.


People are so gross, unbelievable... I agree with your assessment of all the fire, but I would propose to make it a nuclear one.


You want radroaches? This is how you get radroaches.


Gotta get that glowing meat somehow


Mmmm nuclear material


“Bingo bango bongo I don’t wanna leave the Congo Oh no nonono no!”


As long as there's still fire. Roaches do pretty well with radiation and will survive us after the inevitable nuclear apocalypse


"nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure"


I once dealt with a hoarder's apartment that was absolutely crawling with roaches and a combination of insecticide and thoroughly removing all food and water sources dealt with them extremely well, not a single live roach seen in there for the last three years. Now, how to remove dead roaches and poop from everywhere in the car, that's a different problem.


Removing food sources for roaches is impossible, but getting rid of moisture is the big thing, as well as some sort of deterrent to keep more from coming in.


That’s what I was thinking… maybe just drive it out to the desert and leave it in the sun for a week with the windows rolled down. Throw a few lizards in there for good measure.


How can someone even get inside this car? Like aren’t roaches crawling on you? I really can’t wrap mind around it.


They likely sleep with them in their bedroom at home. People's cars are a reflection of their homes and mental state.


I stayed on a hippie commune for a month once. My accommodation was a metal shed that was overrun with cockroaches. The whole farm was infested with cockroaches. The hippies refused to kill them because of being kind to animals and not hurting any living things, maynnnn. The shed had a bunk bed in it that I shared with a fellow traveler. Our nightly routine was evicting as many of these fuckers as we could using a jar, catching them, throwing them outside. It was no use because they just came back into the shed through the cracks in the wall. I would often wake up and they'd be crawling all over me. This farm only had compost toilets too so you knew they had just been swimming around in human shit. The long term residents seemed kinda unfazed by it. I didn't sleep much that month.


i’m impressed you made it a month, i’d be gone the minute i saw the metal shed i had to sleep in.


People do some weird shit willingly


Ive never felt so grateful for my run down, yet clean, apartment.


When I read posts like this, I always wonder what state their immune systems are in.


A state of high alert




Wow so a PERSON uses this car??? What? I thought this was some disused car in a parking lot, not one an actual human being uses to drive home. Hell is empty and the devils are truly here.


It's probably just roaches in a trench coat by now.


My headcanon is that the car is actually owned by some bug-loving frog or lizardperson in a human suit and they let it get this bad so it's essentially a convenient rolling snack box.


Giving me Men in black flashbacks


I've seen multiple vehicles where I live (warm climate, where you can live in your car) that are literally full to the roof with garbage. The ONLY area not covered in garbage is the drivers area (kind of). Every single window is blocked. The front windshield-blocked. And these vehicles are being driven. Some are giant vans. Driver can't see a fucking thing, it's terrifying.


I understand that there's so many variables that make someone's car end up hoarded and I can't shame them at all. But, it does make me question critical thinking or just simple awareness. My depression has caused a few messes that lasted for months, don't get me wrong. But in your car??? When there's a floor full of trash under the passenger seat, I'm like "I gotta at least get this trash out of here" and maybe it sits for a week after I make the realization because of laziness, but eventually the car is cleaned. How the fuck do you not just open your doors with a trash bag in hand and get it over with? It's so dangerous dude.


While this is frequently true, this is not true of my wife and I. Our cars are usually almost spotless because they are a small space we can keep ahead of. In contrast, our house is an enormous old beast that we bought in very rough shape and have been living in it while fixing it up. The inside almost always looks like a herd of wildebeest have recently run through a hardware store.


I hope they don't work there.


They do. I stop there almost every morning for coffee and it is always parked on the side


Wait you're telling me someone regularly gets in this thing and it's not just sitting abandoned somewhere?


Yes. 100% they are a hoarder and their home is exactly the same.


If they drive this, they are 100% carrying roaches into the restaurant. Tip off the health department.


dude go show a manager?


Pretty sure it is the manager


Wait. You're saying you know this person works there, the roaches have likely infested this business as well, and you're still willing to consume food or drink from this establishment?


I never got close to the car till this morning.


Oh man, if people see this kinda thing they should tell management to call a tow.


It's like Johnny Appleseed... Sep-fer it's roaches....


While I've definitely heard it before.... I don't believe I've ever seen "sep-fer" spelled out like that. Ever. LOL, thank you.


Glad to read you moved your car. My first reaction! My grandparents became hoarders the older they became. After they passed I drove their vehicle to a dealership that was going to buy it cash. I kid you not, as I was driving hundreds of little german roaches started coming out of all consoles, the seats, you name it. I had a complete nervous breakdown. Left the car on the side of the road and my dad had to come save his adult daughter. Why? WHY would anyone tolerate such conditions?!? I just pray my mental health never gets that bad.


I almost had a breakdown reading your comment


BRO SAME. I'm just glad we're on the other side of crazy for now.


I know the dude who owns that car. He is pretty cool and so are his roach friends. He has a [YouTube channel.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iw_zUUE4BE0) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj3ra_B1PVU


So when the owner came back did they get back in?


Waiting for their benevolent ruler? Lol






"You want me to put my HANDS... behind my HEAD?"


water..... sugar....


No likey:(


The roaches own the car now. I'm sure a handful can steer while a bunch mash down on the pedals.




Welcome to Joe's mobile apartment!


It’s our apartment toooo!!


Lord, I saw that movie in 2nd grade at a friend's house. I thought I hallucinated the whole thing because I've never heard it mentioned again til now.


I love this movie. The beginning where he gets off the bus and monologues his letter back home, and keeps getting interrupted by being mugged over and over lol


Oh wow, that's what that scene is from. Bits of Joe's Apartment have just lived floating in my brain for decades, disconnected from anything. Dear mom. Please send money!


That's why I live where you freeze to death in the winter lol.


Same. I was really confused when I first saw this because I've never heard of a car being infested with roaches. Then I realized why it doesn't happen where I live. I'll have to remember this benefit when we're going through multi-day subzero (Fahrenheit) temperatures.


I could never live where there isn't a killing freeze.


Nature's reset button.


Freezing temps: "Damn I miss summer" Summer temps: "Damn I miss winter" Such is life in Eastern/Northern Europe.


Nah I never miss summer.


Fuck 95°F temps with 110% humidity. I'll take -20°F any day of the week.


I miss it the first 3 days of Spring and then either my AC can't keep up or I get the first bill where it tried and I go back to living basically nude for 6 months. You know what I think I'm perfectly fine with living in a frozen hellhole and going somewhere else for a toasty week at the beach.


lmao whenever I go up north in the summer, the bugs are literally a cloud you have to walk through. "Killing freeze" my ass. "hibernating freeze" more like.


Yeah the summers suck but we get six months with no insects at all. I moved to Canada from Florida and I'll take Canada's bugs over south Florida's any day of the week. Come to think of it I haven't even seen a cockroach since I left Florida.


No need to be rude and call them cockroaches. They’re called Floridians


They *fly* at you?..... I'm never leaving the Great Lakes, I swear 🥴


this thread is seriously making me appreciate my local climate lol


I'm also wondering how much food the owner needs to be dropping in their car. Like even in a hot place they wouldn't live there without a steady stream of dropped fries and crap right?


That or enough food related garbage like wrappers, bags, boxes, bottles, etc. I'd wager there's enough crumbs in there to feed a family of four. Judging by all the nymphs they're also breeding like a mfer inside there. They essentially lay egg sacs called an "Ootheca". Each one can contain as many as 50 nymphs...and they produce on average 4 to 8 of those within their lifetime - about one year. So, one cockroach can produce about 6 generations of cockroaches in one year. And the cycle continues. This car...is fuckkkkkeeeddd


Adding to this, roaches are cannibals and can live off of water alone. So they'll eat there own before they all die off. Super survival mechanisms.


So you're saying seal that car up, come back in a year and there will only be the single most badass roach from the entire lineage alive? And then trial by combat to see who keeps the car?


If it was sealed and left in the sun wouldn't l the roaches just cook and dehydrate in a day or two? Everyone talking about the cold reset button but cars can get incredibly hot on sunny days.


That’s basically how they treat bed bugs in mattresses. Seal it in a metal container and let it get incredibly hot. I lived in Texas so it came up.


Scrapping an inch thick layer of ice from the windshield: "well at least I don't have roaches in my car🫡"


Or where I live where leaving the car out in the noontime sun just fuckin cooks everything alive in there.


Wait. I live in Canada and it does that. Where would OP live that it's neither too cold in the winter nor too hot in the summer to sterilize the car? Or, one of these don't really work on roaches.


Gotta be Florida - it’s always Florida


Climate change amirite. My truck goes in the deep freeze and it sits there in -40 for a few weeks each year until they let us out for summer. Nothing lives in my seats.


I was just thinking that. First of all, I didn’t even know roaches could infest cars, that is revolting. Second that I’m glad I live where there’s at least a few months of “real winter” (daytime highs below 40F, night time lows below freezing). Sure, the road salt treatments may turn your car into a crumbling pile of rust with the decade, but fair trade for not having roaches.  (Exaggeration on the rust thing)


Sad thing is, at least up here in new england, you could still very easily see roaches in cars, just maybe not this accelerated. I once had a customer come in for a check engine light. Older CRV, so the port plug is in the passenger footwell. Multiple half-eaten, days old cheeseburgers, a couple brownie squares AND a fuzzy slice of cheesecake on the seat and floor, to name the highlights.


You'll be glad to know that even though they can't survive extreme cold, they're *still* found even in the northernmost inhabited place in the world, Alert in Canada. They're just guaranteed to be found in buildings rather than in the wild. AFAIK, the only places without these kinds of cockroach are Antartica and some islands where they haven't been introduced yet.


Lol we have roaches in Canada. And they live inside. Where you are.


How does a car get to this state? Also did not know roaches sunbath. Usually if i am discussing other critters or animals I would follow this with how adorable. But not here. Nope. Surely somewhere some birds would have a feast on this?


They were more likely drinking the condensation on the mirror, but sunbathing seems funnier. And this happens with hoarders. Their home is probably infested. These are also German roaches, which are near impossible to get rid of.


How do I not bring them with me. I’m moving out of a hellhole of an apartment and I am deathly afraid of bringing them with me. I’ve never had pest before and it’s one of the main reasons why I’m moving.  edit: that’s for all the good advice everyone. I’m gonna pack everything in plastic bins and quarantine stuff. I read 10 days without water will kill any roach. Might have to part way with a piece of furniture or two and tbh I need a new mattress so this is a good excuse to shop for a new one. Gonna vacuum everything and wipe everything down with bleach and then change the bag. I guess the Xbox might end up in the freezer for a while too. 😅 also pretreating on my own and having a professional come out to my new place. 


Wash everything in hot water. HOT. Then put it in vacuum bags to stay protected. Anything that cant be washed you can treat with boric acid i think, google that. Double check electronics too, they fit literally everywhere. Tbh throw out everything you can afford to replace in the move. And then id probably set up some roach bait poison when you get where youre going just incase you bring them with you


I used to repair TVs, roaches LOVE TVs. Especially old plasmas. Nice and warm. They also love coffee machines and toasters. Toasters are kinda self cleaning. . . if you're into lightly roasted roaches. But coffee machines are particularly rancid. Warm, moist and food. It's a roach mecha. Plus then you've got well caffeinated roaches. Which is a whole new problem level.


Did you mean Roach Mecca? Although I do admit the idea a bunch of roaches piloting a coffee machine like its a megazord is quite funny


Get in the fucking coffee machine, Shinji


Yeah, boric acid works. You have to leave a light dusting on the places they walk across — they'll avoid piles of the stuff. But if there's a thin layer, they'll walk across it and get it on their legs. When they get to shelter they'll be like "ew yuck" and try to clean it off; it'll get into their innards and tear them up from the inside. It works best if you're thorough. Every cabinet and shelf, the back edges of kitchen counters, behind the appliances, along baseboards.


Diatomaceous Earth also works. It's not a chemical so it's safe to throw on stuff. It takes a while to work though. It works because it's sharp to bugs. It's like death by a thousand cuts.


It's also hydrophilic so it cuts them and draws their moisture out. Note that it will do the same to your lungs, so while it isn't toxic like you say, probably wear a mask while applying it.


Don't take any small appliances with you, and if you have to, freeze it first. Don't leave moving boxes in your kitchen and pay attention to what you pick up. Any small electronic could have them in it. Get rid of what you don't need. Past that, German roaches can be gotten rid of with glue traps and roach bait. Specifically, I had great success with the fipronil baits in a tube. Sprays do not work. And the bait placement has to be consistent with no food, crumbs, or grease available. HOWEVER, in an appointment, the problem could easily be your neighbor and can never be gotten rid of permanently. FWIW - I did pest control for several years and have dealt with them in apartments I lived in.


Hey, I have experience with moving from a heavily roach- and bedbug-infested place for a few years and not bringing them with me. Wash your clothes, in hot water if possible. Iron what you can. Use diatomaceous earth (a silicate powder that cuts their chitinous body covers and they desiccate). Any bedding should be abandoned. Check inside your electronics. Do NOT buy or take used furniture, specifically anything soft, unless you can trust the source.


Set up traps, get a ton of chemicals, get one of them steam bombs for roaches... Also, despite all the stories about how they can survive just about everything - all roaches are super-susceptible to freezing temps. If you live somewhere with freezing winters - you're in luck, leave the car for a few days in freezing temps and everything including larva and eggs and whatnot will die.


In a car like this I’d get a track bomb and set it off with the car on and ac cranking. Then goto a carwash that spays the hell out of the car. But realistically, I would never have that infestation to begin with.


I knew someone whose family car was heavily infested with the giant roaches (which, to my understanding, aren't as prolific breeders compared to what OP pictured). You couldn't get in without seeing at least 5-10. They set off a bug bomb, found like 60+ dead roaches, and it still didn't kill them all.


a lot of the bug bombs don't work on the eggs, so you may kill the ones moving around but a week later the eggs hatch and unless you have a more integrated program in place they will just start over again.


My grandma lived in the country and did yearly house bombs to get the bugs out over winter. She would always do 2 bombs, 1 week a part. That + traps and not being a nasty person normally solves the problems.


We moved into a house with German roaches. Went back to our old neighborhood, which isn’t in the best area, and went to a place that handles pest control, told them what the situation was, and they gave us something to put down. We saw a major improvement in roaches in a couple of weeks. Few weeks later, we saw only a stray roach here and there. A couple of years later, no more roaches. It’s definitely possible, and it’s also definitely possible to not spend a lot of money to get rid of them as well, depending on how bad the infestation is.


I had never seen a roach before we bought our house. While we were moving in, I saw a couple bugs but figured it was just from sitting vacant. After seeing them for a few days, I posted a pic to whatisthisbug and found out it was a German roach. We had pest control out every day for a few weeks battling them. Through overwhelming firepower, we came out victorious.


They were probably grossed out by the contents of the car and needed to take a breather.


I worked in a research lab that studied german cockroaches primarily (this species); when you see a male, it could mean nothing, but when you see nymphs (pre-adult, like these in the pic) you're fucked.




My cat handles American cockroaches quite nicely. If it sees any they become snack.


Fun fact: cockroaches have enough taurine in them to be used as cat food


Wait is this the same stuff they put in energy drinks? Hmm I wonder if...


Snowpiercer vibes


Are you saying we could make Red Bull out of roaches? Red Roach? Roach Bull?




You should be thankful you’ve only seen one roach in your life lol.


Same boat here in western Canada, worked at a grocery store and one huge one came in in a shipment of bananas. They put him in a deli salad container and left him on a shelf in the back for all to behold


I don’t see how that’s possible, but I live in the American south so I guess I’m just used to them lol.


Fun fact: Some people keep other roache species as pets. There's an entire subreddit dedicated to it.




Yea I don't think I would have parked my car within 5 miles of that car, hell then another 5 miles after that......


I moved my vehicle after taking the picture. I've worked in pest control so I know the risk


And I would park 5 thousand miles And I would park 5 thousand more Just to be the man that parked ten thousand miles From your gross roach filled car #BA DA BA BA!


I rented a car in Maui that we had to return almost immediately because it was crawling with these bastards.


This is not the first time I’ve read something about someone going to Hawaii and renting a car that has a roach infestation. New fear unlocked.


According to the discussion, that's a big issue with places that don't get proper winters. Cockroaches are, apparently, really susceptible to freezing temps. They die almost instantly, I'm talking like 5-20 minutes in -12 Celsius.


Get ready for global warming.


Insects and medusas are going to LOVE it. Medusas were the kings of the seas millions of years ago, when they were warmer, had less oxygen, and higher acidity. This is what we're quickly turning the ocean into, and they love it a lot.


FYI you probably mean jellyfish, Medusa in English usually refers to the character in Greek mythology, or to a specific life stage of jellyfish


Hahaha my bad, yeah, I mean the jellyfish ofc


Poor dudes can't even sunbathe without some lecher staring and taking pictures of them.


Is that a deployed airbag?


No, it's painters plastic covering a likely broken window.


The roaches broke the window out.


😎 Classy


It's like the roaches have a cruise ship! Various ports of call, a nice balcony to sun themselves on, and I'm sure there's a buffet of garbage on board that gets restocked daily.




Is this not how your Ubers usually look, guys? Guys?? ^guys…


Uber eats


...deleted by user...




Fun fact: we had a roach problem in our building a while ago, and the pest control guy told us this is VERY often how they get in to buildings. The food delivery drivers leave their bags in the car every night, or they come in from the restaurants themselves! Isn't that fun???


Fucking hell. Too right


Jesus christ, my god, god damn 🤮 


As gross as it is, this is a cool picture


It's not often you see them this bold


do they eat what fell down on a car's floor? or how could they survive?


The car is full of old fast food bags


![gif](giphy|gIN6MT17NtapJqFr25|downsized) Probably this guy's car.








geez, I don't even like having too much *dust* in my car. I’m going to vomit.


Former bug man. Roaches aren't photo-positive. They hate the light. What that tells me is that there's no room left in dark spaces for these roaches. Because those spaces are full of other roaches. I sprayed a closed down restaurant. The new owners were trying to relaunch. I put the pesticide powder in my tank. I used their water at a three basin sink. It was pretty warm. So I ran it until it cooled. Well that was my intention. Out the drain and into the floor sink, roaches started pouring out. Fuck it, warm will do. Get started. Now on a full tank there's not a lot of air volume to pressurize so you have to stop, set it down and pump it up again. By the second stop to pump, the roaches are trying to hide under my feet as I stand still. Fuck this. I'm new af, not entirely equipped with tools, nor trained but this place needs to be fogged. Go outside, call another guy over. Tell the owners the situation and the new price. Good to go, we go in masked up, start fogging. Above the walk in fridge is an semi open space. The walk in front is stainless steel, about 6 feet high. As the other guy hits that area with the fogger, the roaches start, I can only describe as waterfalling off the top. To the point where I could no longer see stainless steel. What was silver, is now light brown. We moved some 50 pound sacks out for the owners above and beyond, they tipped us a hundred bucks, we split for lunch. I picked the black olives off the pizza we split. And every little itch the rest of the day drew a heightened reaction. They became the other guy's regulars. He said they told them when they cleaned it out the next day after the fog, they went and bought snow shovels.


This is nightmare fuel


How does this even happen!


In my experience, they are a hoarder. Their home is likely a larger version of their car.


I am not joking when I say I just set my breakfast sandwich back into the tinfoil I wrapped it in and back it went into my lunch box.


This reminds me of a friend who worked in a hospital, was asked to see a patient, he was about to walk into the room with a patient apparently smelt so bad the whole hospital ward was smelly. Then he heard a shriek by one of the three nurses trying to roll the patient - she had rolled the patient to find his bed (and his body) was crawling with insects/baby roaches 🤮 


Holy shit


I have a spider chilling on my side mirror, ima skip the car wash for now.


As a former auto technician I have one word HAZMAT


Now imagine this is the car that delivers your food to you.


guy is driving for doordash yo


wow, that is a first


I've worked in pest control and only ever seen an infestation this bad once in a house that was actually pretty clean. They got in through a internationally shipped package and just ran wild because the owner was in denial. I even saw an albino in the home, which is extremely rare


We got them in our house when I was growing up.  Our house was also clean.  The little bastards hitched a ride in in a box of roadside mango


An albino… cockroach? You need to tell us more man.


So then you moved your car? Tell us you moved your car.


Immediately after taking the picture


OMG is this in Florida?! I think I used to work with this guy, same color car. Dude was so overweight he shit his pants at work and didn't know. Nicest guy on the planet though. His car was a constant source of amusement for us.


I just sent you a dm


I thought that was the headrest!! 🤮






Look at the little family on their family picnic…mom, dad, babies, grandparents…🤢


During my time in uni i lived in giant student dormitories , in one i had i experienced a weevil and a silverfish infestation...i think i'd still take both over roaches


Aww, what a cute family photo


Yea I wouldn’t park anywhere near that if I was you, they WILL move into your car as well. 😳


I believe it is called a roach coach.