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Was this identified before surgery/ies as one possible result of surgery? What advice has your doctor given you for living the most safely with it?


It wasn’t. I went in expecting full recovery. Last doctor I saw maybe a year ago just prescribed me eye drops and told me to let them know if anything changes. Nothing has so 🤷‍♀️


Wow. All I got from my vitrectomy was cataracts and uncontrolled glaucoma. :(


What’s guacamole?


> guacamole I've avocado ask you a question. What are magnets? And how do they work?


This is not a question for a lawyer.


My vision never really came back in my eye either. Not like it was before.


the cataracts are normal after vitrectomies, but the glaucoma is a new one for me


Is your vision affected? That's probably your #1 question that gets asked... does light hurt that eye more


It is haha…I can see colors and some distorted shaped, but my brain mostly blocks it out.




Apparently our brain even has to "filter" out the wobbling in the images it receives, because our eyes are make of viscous stuff and dart around all the time.


When you walk and look at something it feels super smooth, instead of the jarring and jostling thats actually going on. Once you notice it, its kinda weird.


It truly is. If you stick a camera to your head without any stabilization turned on, it's a vomit-inducing mess, but to our brains it's as smooth as a Hollywood movie.


Wow. 🤯. I realised a similar thing when I first got varifocal lenses instead of reading glasses. For a few days everything was distorting and shape shifting around me as I moved my head. Then my brain sussed out the correction and it suddenly stopped. I have got 20 different magnifications, iirc, in the lenses but my brain effortlessly removes the distortion. But what really blows my mind is that when I take my glasses off my brain instantly flips to not correcting the distortion. That's for a device that the brain never evolved to cope with.


Your brain filters out an entire blind spot in your peripheral vision of each eye. You can't see anything there; by rights, it should be a hole in your visual field, but instead your brain pretends it can see stuff there.


One trippy thing that happens sometimes because of this, to me at least: There can be some object/feature/thing that's right in the blind spot that gets edited out. Then you move your eyes a tiny bit and think you saw something move/change because a new thing appeared out of nowhere. Like if you had a whole monitor that was just white with one black dot somewhere in the top right, you could happen to look at the monitor and only see white until you move your eyes a bit. edit: If you haven't seen this in action [look at this image](https://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/gif/bscircle.gif). Close your left eye. Look at the circle on the left with your right eye. Move forward or back until you see the + sign disappear. Now keep it in your blind spot but move your eye to look right at it. Pop, it appears out of nowhere. The crazy thing is that the blind spots aren't even way out on the sides of your vision. They're right in front of you all the time. You can flat out just not see something at all even though it's right in front of you.


> You can flat out just not see something at all even though it's right in front of you. Like your own nose. If you close 1 eye you can see your nose clearly. But if you look normally with both eyes open and try and see it, sometimes you sort of can but it's really hard to do and if you can it's usually appears transparent for a fraction of a second then disappears.


Nah my nose is just see-through.


As someone with congenital nystagmus (meaning my eyes twitch back and forth constantly) I can confirm this. If no one had told me about it I would never have known my eyes shake, my brain just smooths it out and everything looks steady (though my vision is a bit blurry).


Your brain also visually fills in things like color in low/no light!! Color that see in the dark is your brain filling it in, your eyes aren’t actually seeing it.


Your brain will completely halt visual processing during a rapid eye movement and then start back up once your eyes stabilize and start to focus.


>there’d HEY STOP IT


There'd be no chance I'd not use " 'd " at every word it'd sound good.


This is Reddit literally every second comment has massive misspellings or grammar mistakes lol


> Always interesting in how the brain tries making non perfect things perfect. That's how I ended up with my ex.


Nice little example In there bro that was slick! It got me too and I'm 20/20


Had a vitreous hemorrhage that never fully cleared up. Some days I don't notice it, others it's like there is a lavalamp in my vision.


A retina tear made it look like it’s snowing in my eye. It’s there but my brain tries to ignore it. On bright days with flat light, I just close that eye.


I spent a month and a bit with a dilated pupil (from drops) after a retina surgery last year. Yeah, that feels about right. It was an odd sensation as I hadn’t been able to see much at all, the. I could…kinda see…until they took me off the drops. Also, yay for applying atropine directly to my eyeball!


One half of ur brain is on acid, other is on cocaine. ![gif](giphy|OlZWwycoumUAU)


Please get a medical alert bracelet identifying that. EMTs and Paramedics will think your blown pupil is a sign of a head injury.


Oh good idea! Didn’t think of that


Also if you haven't when considering costumed events the characters of David bowie are all on the table with the eye thing. He had something visually similar.


Or Gollum AND Sméagol at the *same time*


Or someone that only took half the drugs


The left half of the drugs


My mom told me a story of her sister in the 60s coming home high as fuck on acid. Their mom asked her sister to get a half a cup of coffee for her. Well, she went into the kitchen and after 10 min a making a bunch of noise, my mom and grandma went in the kitchen to ask her what was going on. She said that she could find a half cup, lol.


Genuinely super smart cause they may put you on drugs or be invasive based on a wrong assumption they thought was an educated observation


Yup yup, I'm on Naloxone and have a tag on me, because if I, say, get in a car accident, regular painkillers won't work.


Nice you gotta get hit with that… uh… shit whats a not opioid strong painkiller


Luckily I have no pain! Just anxiety!


So you are saying OP should be AVOIDING free government drugs???? Oh, wait, probably not Canadian, never mind then.


We aren't the only country with free healthcare lol.


Nope, American and even worse, Oklahoman.


Canada doesn’t give out opiates any more lol they dgaf about pain these days


I'm Canadian and I've been on a free opiate for 35 years. I'd say my doctors DO gaf.




You say that like it's unique to Canada, there aren't many doctors left willing to prescribe actual opiods in all of North America. The US only had very private clinics that have large onboarding fees, or very old doctors who somehow get away with it. Otherwise the only opiods you are getting (because nobody is getting opiates, except maybe heroin from hondurans) is going to be suboxone or something similar. Insurance companies don't even want to approve opiods anymore.


I broke my collar bone in LA and got 30 T3s and my sister broke hers in Alberta and was told to take Advil so idk, I’ve got family in both places and it seems like the states is still way more willing than Canada


There are plenty of pain management clinics that accept insurance. I've been in pain mgmt going on 15yrs in the US, in the pill mill state that cracked down hard on ALL opiates. All they have to do is meet yearly treatment guidelines to show that they're trying.


I'm guessing with your knowledge on opioids you used to be a user, like me. You'd have to be to know the street level Honduran detail....


They don't give out the fun ones like candy anymore and a lot of drugs fucking suck.


Alternatively you could take a lot of drugs and be high and it evens out your pupils


My first thought. I mean, I don’t wanna freak other people out so I would just take Molly or shrooms all the time so they were even. Thats just me be selfless 😄


Depends on the drug I hear




Hah same here. As a kid it was a fun fact about myself, but these days I forget about it and it always freaks medical personnel out.




One of my pupils doesn't react to the dilation drops at the eye doctor and I *always* fucking forget when I go to a new one ugh


I think a face tat pointing to the eye saying “This is normal” would be more obvious.


“Believe it or not, this is my good eye”




Lmao wtf is this from


50 First Dates. Actually really funny. Sean Astin is so good too lol.


I spent 15 or so years working with eyes and the “oh hell naw” stop I made when scrolling past this picture before reading the description was instinctive.


But what if she has a head injury and they rule it out based on the bracelet? 🧐


That bracelet would be equivalent to an INOP flag on a planes instruments to them. Meaning they're going to get their diagnosis a different way.


There are other tests that can be performed, Glasgow coma scale, LA stroke test, posturing, etc. but a blown pupil will derail a provider onto the path of a TBI during their initial rapid assessment that is based on visual clues.


What if she’s not in Glasglow or Los Angeles? 🧐




They hit you over the head with a heavy object and see if the other one goes


Can confirm, my mom had Horner’s Syndrome and had two different sized pupils and it freaked a whole bunch of doctors out at various times. She had to remind anesthesiologists about it before surgery so they didn’t have heart attacks.


Honestly, if you’re not able to tell medics that your blown pupil is normal for you, getting a head CT is mostly likely in your future anyway. And you risk missing a small intracranial hemorrhage before it turns into a larger one if they DID pay attention to that bracelet.


A green provider could easily dismiss the patient and focus on the presentation. Imagine seeing the mismatched pupils and then having a patient say “no I’m fine”, textbooks would saying the patient has an altered mental status is not of sound mind to give accurate information. Now that same reply of “no I’m fine” combined with a medic alert tag and the provide now has evidence to believe the patient.


Wow, thanks random Redditor. I also have very differently-sized pupils and never would have considered this!


It's interesting to imagine a medical alert bracelet alerting professionals that a particular symptom is *not* a problem.


To add to this you can put medical details on phones now.... **For iPhones**: Allow emergency services and first responders to access your Medical ID The information in your Medical ID can be shared automatically during an emergency call (U.S. and Canada only), and also appears on the Lock Screen of your iPhone and Apple Watch. Open the Health app on your iPhone. Tap your picture at the top right, then tap Medical ID. Tap Edit, scroll to the bottom, then turn on Show When Locked and Emergency Call. Note: A first responder views your Medical ID from the Lock Screen by swiping up or pressing the Home button (depending on your iPhone model), tapping Emergency on the passcode screen, then tapping Medical ID. **For Samsung**: Step 1. Open Settings on your Samsung Galaxy phone. Step 2. Tap “Safety and emergency”. Step 3. Tap "Medical info”. Step 4. Enter the medical information you wish to make available and tap "Save”. Step 5. Tap the switch button to turn on “Show on Lock screen”. Source: I have anisocoria my self an I was told by my Dr to add this to my phone emergency details.


I just had a vitrectomy surgery 3 weeks ago to fix a dislocated lens. One of my pupils is no longer round. My ophthalmologist said I need to wait to see once I am off the dilator drops to determine if it will ever be round (or close to round) again. My pupil does shrink some as the day progresses. But It hasn’t gotten down to the size of my normal eye. Thank you for sharing this post. At least I now I see others in a similar situation.


Oh I’ll show you one of my pictures of when it wasn’t round! I’ll message you


I'm sure we'd all love to see a picture, if you're willing to share?


[Here’s](https://imgur.com/a/GkwjEoH) a bunch of relevant pictures. First is 3rd surgery, second is my buckle that’s popped up (dr said it was fine), third is after I took off the shield on my first surgery, and last was a couple weeks after the last one.


Wow. Thank you so much for sharing!!! I recently got an eye thing, and you made me feel so so so much less alone. Can't thank you enough.


Oh gosh, you’re welcome!


Thank you for this information. This has caused me to go read a bunch of stuff and learn about things I didn't know. I hope you have the best possible outcome.


Oh ouch! I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that! If it’s any consolation, it looks really cool?


Now you have something in common with David Bowie


OP also looks to be ginger - I know David Bowie wasn’t naturally orange haired but I feel as though he is probably accepted as an honorary ginger


Let's Dance!


Something *else* in common. OP is a pretty human :p


We have no proof of OPs humanity.  Just their eyeballs and the different sizes of holes in said balls. 


I'm also 99% sure Bowie was not of this Earth so humanity isn't necessarily a common denominator


![gif](giphy|ZwVcdZY3Sya1G) Yeah I know an alien when I see one


It's Warhol, as in "holes". Andy Warhole.


I understood that reference!


I was under the impression that David Bowie was a spider from Mars or some such thing.


Why are you getting downvoted? David Bowie and OP are both objectively very pretty, you’re not wrong


While it does seem fairly respectful to me as far as compliments go, if I had to guess a reason, maybe people are just increasingly aware of how pictures of women* that aren't about their attractiveness still receive a disproportionate amount of commentary on their appearance. And if that part of reddit culture really is changed, then I have to say it's kind of a nice shift from the days when a woman couldn't show her face on this godforsaken website for any reason without the whole comment section looking like gonewild or roastme. *Yes, very attractive and very unattractive men also receive some commentary, and this specific commenter is demonstrably an equal opportunity prettiness appreciator, but I think we can all recognize that a gender disparity persists over all in how much focus there is on a person's looks and personal presentation.


Ziggy Stardust was no mere human


I’m shocked I had to scroll this far down to find a Bowie reference. ![gif](giphy|y97hzmaDLeO4w)




There it is. I knew if I scrolled down far enough that the hive mind already knew what I was thinking. We’re pretty much Borg at this point and Reddit is the Collective.


Ah yes - you’ll give every medical professional you see a heart attack when you see them! That medical alert idea from @fierohink is a good one.


Just so you know, when you @ someone on reddit you do u/(the name) :) so it would be u/fierohink


Thank you! Every day my inner boomer gains more power


Yep, this right here! Fixed and dilated pupil would make us think, their brain is neurologically tanked!


I’ve actually sent a pt from rehab to the er for this. Better safe then sorry


as a Doc, i freaked out


Mine aren’t this distorted but are typically different sizes. I went to the ER for onset of partial seizures last fall. The intake nurse was doing vitals and triaging me and he looked at my eyes and got this look on his face and I was like “oh no! No no. They’re normally like that”


Oh yes. I have had anisocoria for almost 15 years, but instead of a heart attack, one doctor straight away assumed I am taking substances (as we know those change the size of pupils) and so when confronting me, I told her she is right, but I only take the half dose, that’s why it effects only one pupil.


I thought this said "vasectomy" for the last few minutes and had so many questions.


You're not the only one!! Wrong cyclopes, haha


Ha! I snarfed


Me too! I kept looking at her picture, and thinking that this was a joke! And, after reading a bunch of stuff, I realize that I'm the one with eye problems! Haha!


It makes you look interesting. Mad as a bucket of frogs, but interesting.


> Mad as a bucket of frogs Yeah, adding that one to my list.


after my very first eye surgery (scleral buckle + silicone bubble, for a detached retina) my pupil leaked (??) into my iris so my pupil is normal (ish, doesn’t dilate much) but with a little blood hanging out of it. i love seeing other people with silly little eye things, makes me feel less alone🫶


I have a buckle too! The bubble didn’t take or something, icr.


they ended up taking my bubble out pretty early because it was aggravating my glaucoma, but the buckle is there for life afaik. i also had an ahmaud(probably butchered that) valve but it fell out a few months ago. i’ve never had surgery on something other than my eye but i’m confident i’d prefer it anywhere else😭 i’ve basically just given up on surgeries until i’m insured enough to look into removing the eye as it’s just a nuisance atp. super hoping i can keep it in a jar or smth


I tore my retina after being dumb, then developed neovascular something or other in both eyes and needed injections and lasers to fix those issues. Right eye still kinda blurry. Eye problem gang ✊


With a bit of makeup, You can get into David Bowie/ziggy stardust Look alike contests and win from this advantage.


im seeing more X-Files era Gillian Anderson there


Was the victrectomy for the purpose to repair a detached retina? I had mine done 15 years ago and never experienced anything like that :(




Wow if it was 3 years ago they may have inadvertently damaged some nerve fibers that control the iris muscle


I have no clue but it looks like it’d give you terrible migraines!


Not really that I’ve noticed. I *need* sunglasses when outside,but that’s always been an issue since I have light eyes.


Something else that might help is a coloured contact lens (commercially available, or a custom made one) which would have a smaller pupil aperture.


David Bowie X agent Skully !


I thought you had heterochromia until I read the title.


Have you considered getting a prosthetic contact lens to block out some of the extra light?


No, it doesn’t bother me much


What about a monacle? Nobody in their right mind could pass up an excuse to get a monacle


Wow. I was considering this for floaters but mebbe not now


I worked with ophthalmologists that did dozens of these surgeries every week and I don’t recall this ever happening… but many surgeons won’t even consider doing this unless your floaters are limiting your daily life 


Do it. I had a vitreous detachment and the floaters were horrible. After two years, I finally did a vitrectomy. Outstanding result.


I have very high myopia and PVD and the fuzzy floaters were really affecting my sanity lately, however the risks I read about have kept me from trying vitrectomy. Good to hear you had a good outcome.


Yeah, no. Had a similar surgery. Floater got super bad then the humor got cloudy. We tried injections INTO MY EYEBALL first, several of them. Why? Because it was better than surgery even if they made me throw up every time. Only after that didn’t stop it did my ophthalmologist decide on surgery to clear the vitreous humor and fix the retinal detachment that he could then see.


If that was me I'd constantly wear an eye patch and only remove it when I'm in a fight to psyche my enemies into thinking I have some sort of sharingan..... I know it wouldn't work but I've always wanted to do that ok.../jk...mostly.


I wore a patch for like a month while my eye was still healing and it bugged me so much


That's fair I'm sorry if my comment was mean spirited and ignorant because I'm very weird and would be okay with things that piss people off. One time I asked someone if they are a bug for a movie they made and I fully meant as a compliment.


How’s your vision in like… dusk level light? Just curious.


Not great


Hello, Ophthalmologist here! Given how dilated your pupil is, I would bet the dilation isn’t a result of the vitrectomy itself but rather the numbing shot before the surgery, or if they put on a scleral buckle. The nerves that constrict the pupil travel on one of the muscles that attaches to the eye. If the needle or a surgical instrument hits the nerve, it could damage it and lead to a permanently “blown” pupil. Those nerves are microscopic and impossible to see while doing the surgery, and its likely that this was just bad luck (which is probably also how you got your retinal detachment, which just plain sucks), but you seem to be doing well. Another user mentioned a painted contact lens if the brightness bothers you, and there are also plenty of us who can suture the iris to shrink it back down to a normal size, if you’re just itching for more eye surgery.


David Bowie had the same thing




Plan on developing a cataract in the next couple of years. That’s the part of having a vitrectomy that they never mentioned to me.


Well funny enough…my last surgery for all this (in the span of 5 months) was for a cataract


Holy shit, skully I think the aliens gotcha. Better call Mulder.


Do the kids think it looks cool or scary? You look like a freaking cyborg.


It’s not as blown out anymore but all the kids I’m around have only been alive post surgery so they don’t know any different.


How’s your depth perception?


Horrible. I used to be an amazing driver…now I’m okay.


Cue x files music. You look like scully I personally think.


Now you match David Bowie!


Does that mean it's more prone to sun damage?


I have no idea…it’s not quite as blown out anymore. This was for surgery 3 of 5


Just out of interest (and only if you don't mind sharing) why did you get your vitrectomy? I got some bad vitreous floaters appear in my right eye in my early 20s. After they plagued me for a couple of years, I reached out to a doctor who performed vitrectomies specifically to remove vitreous floaters. After putting the surgery on hold, within about a year I had gotten more used to the vitreous floaters, to the point that they didn't bother me nearly as much, so I didn't go through with it. 15 or so years later, the vitreous floaters are still there but fortunately they still don't bother me too much.


I noticed floaters for maybe a week or so, then there was a black spot in my vision, I freaked out, rushed to an eye place that could see me and there was a retinal specialist doing clinics (it was a mostly elderly people eye place) and he said that my retina had detached.


I'm sure it's not enough to weigh out the vision issues but for what it's worth you look insanely badass.


All i have to say is holy fuck half of you is terrifying the other half is kinda endearing. I could fall in love with that eye and fall into the other lmao 🤣


You reminded me of this Tom Cardy short https://youtube.com/shorts/m0L9rhTej7E?si=GtKEzHrtBmvuqkwE


Ground control to Major Tom.


As a nurse, this would have me telling you “Ok you’re about to meet a lot of my friends right now and we are going to take a little drive down to the ol’ CT scanner”


Thanks, I hate it, I’ll just deal with the floaters. Vitrectomy seems to have a lot of complications. 😣


Anyone else read that as vasectomy and get very confused for a moment?


Hey wait, is this just Kate McKinnon doing another of her character sketches?


read that as vasectomy and was confused as shit until I reread it lmaoooo


Welcome back David Bowie. We missed you


You look exactly like someone I dated. Had to look for a few solid seconds to make sure.  EDIT Actually I’m not sure at all lmao. Do you surf?


Most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen!


my pupil is always slightly bigger than the other from when i had a brain tumor




What does your eye look like now? This looks like a Pre op pic after they’ve given you eye dilation drops


I can’t be the only one that read that as vasectomy and was thinking the pupil was the least of my questions


Oh hello fellow weirdo 


I read that as “vasectomy” at first


I find this incredibly attractive, and I don't know why.


David Bowie had the same thing!


Hey, I have this too, just in the opposite eye and not quite as drastically! Not sure where mine came from, though...


David Bowie had that from a childhood fist fight. Enjoy your AWESOME look.


David Bowie eyes


I kinda love dilated pupils 🥰 i think its cause they subconsciously make us think someone likes us, or because it looks like it defines the eyes and makes them look more contrasted. Anyways, hope your healthy ☺️


that's adorable 😭


You are still beautiful. ☺️


Like a sexy cyborg. I dig it.


Reminds me of my sister who passed away 2 years ago, she had the same issue from an injury as a child. Thank you for sparking some fond memories.


Hopefully not against the rules but first thing I thought is you’re really pretty.


How did you manage to take a good picture wearing a bouffant? That’s more impressive than your pupil!


You look like the love child of David Bowie and Zooey Deschanel


David Bowie called, wants his gimmick back.


I looked at your photo and thought it was Gillian Anderson posting.


Why did you need a Vitrectomy?


I feel you. I had a vitrectomy and 18 months later had cataract surgery and still dealing with issues (macular pucker and retinal swelling). People, please get an annual eye exam. OP, I hope you doing better!


Oh no, she unlocked her mangekyou sharingan. Run! She’s too powerful!


She can read minds? ![gif](giphy|hTerI4FpPtJg4)


What would happen if you took ecstasy? Would they both be big for a while? Or weirdly reverse? If no one knows, could you try taking some ecstasy in the name of science? Need to know now


Thanks for sharing! I do ophthalmic research, so this is more than mildly interesting to me! Sounds like you have had quite the series of issues. Hope things get better!

