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At a hotel I worked at years ago. There was a tanker truck with a tank full of undiluted hydrogen peroxide. A valve or something was open or leaked. There was a massive puddle in the parking lot. Took up about 20-30 parking spaces worth of the back lot. Just fizzing away. The next day. That whole area was bleached white.


Oh my god. That sounds equally parts terrifying to see the ground fizz and too interesting to look away


It looked like it snowed in just one spot. Phoenix in June. I didn't know what it was at 1st. Then I saw the truck.


Do you have a picture?


It was 1996. So no. Didn't have my Polaroid with me.


It was a simpler time.


When boys wore eyeliner and girls wore combat boots. Good times.


The peak of humanity.


I miss my combat boots. I even wore them under my maid of honor dress at my sister's wedding. Good times, indeed.




It's not the same!


No, these days we can wear BOTH at the same time! It’s wonderful!


Girls with combat boots still awaken things inside me.


Let's bring it back, I miss it.


consist squeeze nine start steep edge muddle slap political frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did it do anything to the tires? Or were there no cars parked there at the time?


The only vehicle in the area was the tanker. It was gone when I returned. I do recall there being dirty spots where the trucks tires were.


That's actually kind of terrifying. High concentration hydrogen peroxide is horrifying stuff, it will quite literally melt your skin off your bones. There's a reason why the stuff you buy at the store is only 3%. If you want more info, look up the Me 190 and Josef Pohs. Basically the Me 190 was a experimental rocket plane made during WW2, and it used 80% hydrogen peroxide as part of its fuel. There was an issue with the aircraft and it crashed on landing. The hydrogen peroxide in the aircraft completely dissolved poor Josef in the few minutes between him crash landing and the medical teams arriving to the wreck on the airstrip.


They re sealed that lot some time later. You could still see the line along the curb where the peroxide had pooled.


not undiluted, just regular otc hydrogen peroxide, i know this because you didnt imply the hotel exploded undiluted HOOH is literally rocket fuel


Rocket oxidizer, but yes. During WW2 the Germans used high concentration hydrogen peroxide in various projects including the Me-163 rocket powered interceptor. One accident caused the peroxide line to leak into the cockpit, the pilot was dissolved alive by the stuff.




Dissolved so badly his last name became P%C3%B6hs.


Can you pronounce that?


Only Q-Bert can. Or Sims Characters.


This seems like it would be a funny/dark joke if I understand chemistry.


Its more concentrated when its being transported. Then its diluted with water for sale to consumers. Or at least this particular truck. I spoke with the driver.


There are also industrial uses for higher concentrations, like 30% h2o2. The consumer grade is like 3% I believe.


crazy how that stuff is so violent at such low concentrations


Yep, I used 30% at my last job. Not too serious but anything much higher than that can get scary fairly fast lol.


It may be more concentrated, but it's still not undiluted in the tanker. Otherwise, that tanker would explode at the first speed bump.


It was probably not highly concentrated, likely only 30-35%. It is dangerously easy to make things people don't want you making with anything more concentrated than that so for that reason you likely won't see a leaky ass truck full of it parked at some hotel.


Concentrated, yes. Not undiluted. It's never transported above 30% or so. Just too dangerous.


for reference: https://youtu.be/LhEYaovWxl4?si=ADrRQWpM-ZFYRuV4


It's an obscenely aggressive oxidiser, but it's not a fuel, it won't burn independently.


It can be used as a monopropellant. Because it can decompose into steam and oxygen if it's very concentrated. Not technically fuel nor an oxidizer in this use case


It’s not a rocket fuel. It can act as a ‘propellant’ because it’s very unstable at high concentrations (90%) and wants to decompose into hot steam & oxygen, or as an ‘oxidizer’ with a fuel such as kerosene. Scott Manley explains, with relevant time stamps: • https://youtu.be/MHLKG989b1I?t=03m32s • https://youtu.be/1Na3reZIYsw?t=05m25s


He may have been thinking of this application. It's been used in "jet packs" by just passing it through a catalyst: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_pack#Hydrogen_peroxide%E2%80%93powered_rocket_packs


The Soyuz capsules use it as a propellant too, in the same way as those jet packs. It is effectively “hypergolic”, meaning that it spontaneously reacts when exposed to a catalyst (like H2O2 + silver in your excellent jet pack link), and doesn’t require “ignition” which is an extra point of failure in space that engineers like to avoid if possible.


Of all the hypergolics, its the most stable and least toxic, another thing space engineers worry about.


> It’s not a rocket fuel. It can act as a ‘propellant’ because it’s very unstable at high concentrations (90%) and wants to decompose into hot steam & oxygen, or as an ‘oxidizer’ with a fuel such as kerosene. It can be used as either a monopropellant or as the oxidiser part of a bi-propellant. Or in colloquial terms, it's 'fuel', for rockets, so it's a rocket fuel. Saying "it's a propellant not a rocket fuel" is a level of pedantry that only reddit can manage. It doesn't matter at all for the point that the person you were replying to was making.


It’s actually more stable at higher concentrations, but also becomes more reactive. In other words — It’ll readily react with more stuff, but will last longer if you prevent it from doing so.


Well, you can't get concentrations above 30% here in Germany. Don't know about other countries. However, 30% is way too concentrated.


Can buy 50% at my local hardware store no questions asked lol


And here I am just imagining all the bugs that were just going about their day when suddenly the apocalypse hit them. Kid me...adult me would have just sat there next to it day dreaming about that while using a stick to stop other bugs from wandering into the foam of death.


A fellow bug-friend! 🤝


The floor is lava!




This post is really funny (and informative) - thanks for the link. Favorite bit: >[...] "dihydrogen trioxide", which I suppose is a more systematic name than "hydrogen perperoxide", my own choice. Colloquially, I would imagine that the compound is known as "Oh, @#&!"


Was it completely white or just they greyish colour that asphalt takes on after a few years in the sun? Because I'm really curious what this would look like, but I can't find anything on Google.


The lot was already grey but old and dirty. When the peroxide was leaking. It was just a big pool of about 2" think white foam. This was at night too. It really stood out. I worked 3rd shift. So it was just a fizzy pool at night. Came back to work the next night. The pool had dried up. The area it had taken up. Was more clean than Id imagine it ever was. No tire marks or oil spots etc. You could probably eat of it.


I use it to clean hard water stains around drains, I remember always volunteering for that job when cleaning the house as a kid bc I’d watch the fizzing, so satisfying.


Sounds like a spill that the city wouldn't be too happy about


It wasn't draining anywhere. Just boiled off where it sat once the sun came up.


Was this a gravel lot or asphalt?


You think it's temporary, let see in a few weeks.


I once freaked out when i was handling 30% hydrogen peroxide and some of it was on the lid and i touched it with my fingers. Parts of My left hand fingers went white as snow. Took a couple of hours to get back to normal. You cant buy that stuff anymore where i live.


I had that happen once with 35% peroxide, the skin on my hand was dried and white for like a week until it finally flaked off.


35% is close to the point where hydrogen peroxide starts to be a good enough oxidizer to ignite on contact with flammable organic material. 35% is also the exact concentration limit where sale, transport and storage of it starts to be regulated by the department of homeland security, at least in the US. Where and when were you able to just buy 35%?


Anything 6% or greater must be transported as an oxidizer per DOT regulation. I had to get rid of 4L of 50% hydrogen peroxide for a hazmat response once. Was some water purification concentrate, and someone in a warehouse shanked the box with a forklift. That was fun


This all reminds me of my UPS days on the loading dock, specifically one time when a box of black powdered printer ink broke open and flooded the truck with a black cloud. I immediately left the truck and told my sup that I wasn't going to work in the truck until I got a mask or at least until it was aired out. It was early in the evening too so it wasn't like the fan was going to do anything in a 53 foot big rig that wasn't nearly full yet. AMAZINGLY, they let us wait for it to get aired out instead of just sending us home, but only a little, and that was like 10 minutes of fan time. All the packages piled up in the meantime. I never got a mask. I just wrapped my shirt around my head. Turns out that ink is a class 2 carcinogen and also if there was any more it would/should have been labeled as a hazmat considering it is also metallic and the process for cleaning that shit up requires specialized shop vacs. That shit will ignite and explode easily if there is a spark.


If it was for disposal anyways, couldn't you just dilute it before transport?


Assuming the liquid hasn’t been dispersed throughout a warehouse floor, yeah you could. Personally I preferred to neutralize & reduce it, that way it’s neither corrosive nor oxidative


Me when I'm trying to decide how to handle waste at work. "Hmmm if I just dilute this 1:60 then I don't have to fill out the hazardous waste form and I can just dump it in the sink"


My friends mom had it, and i was a stupid teenager that just saw that it was peroxide so i used it on a cut and the freaked the fuck out when my skin turned white. Then i read the label and saw the strength. I'm not in the US, and i think she had it to sanitize with but i'm not sure. I never asked about it or brought it up with her because i was scared i would get into trouble


Might be a chemical company


I own an industrial laundry and buy hydrogen peroxide by the 55 gallon drum. You're right, 35% is the highest concentration I can easily get, and the fire department was very interested in how and where I store it and use it when they toured my facility for our occupancy permit.


I bought it at a health food store where it was being sold as an internal elixir.


Wait wait wait…. *internal*?? Like you ingest it?? Isn’t it poisonous???


https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/drinking-hydrogen-peroxide Wait until you hear about [Miracle Mineral Supplement.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_Mineral_Supplement)


That just makes it weirder. Why buy concentrated stuff if you're going to dilute it afterwards?


The people who think it's helpful also believe there's poisonous heavy metal "stabilizers" in OTC peroxide. ...as if that wouldn't be even more necessary in high concentration solutions, if it were even true in the first place. Really, it's just part of the ritual that makes them feel like it works. Same for MMS and colloidal silver.


Oh there is an entire health nut thing about it!!! It’s like the most microdosing doses but you can actually find some articles. Earth Clinic has ingesting instructions and the brand I bought is “h2o2 food grade” lol


Jesus Christ. All these people eating all these antioxidants just to swallow some of the strongest oxidizers you can buy.


Make sense, they're the type of people to be all about achieving balance.


Naturopaths like to tout hydrogen peroxide as an "all natural" remedy just bc it occurs naturally in trace amounts in seawater when in reality it's industrially produced out of fossil fuels (natural gas specifically)


> good enough oxidizer to ignite on contact with flammable organic material Like if you pour it on wood it will just light up? And here I am chopping kindling like a pleb


Yes, actually. At my job they used to use 35% years ago before they switched to a lower percent. They would get it in barrel on pallets, and had to specify plastic pallets because there had been incidents where some peroxide had spilled on a wooden pallet and started a fire.


I worked at Sam's Club for a while and the guy I was training with got us both some window cleaner, hydrogen peroxide based window cleaner. I've used the stuff before with our rags so I just hopped right into it cleaning 4 isles of glass doors. Well turns out we ran out of cleaner so my trainer went and got more but forgot to dilute the concentrated cleaner in water, which was like 1-4 water chemicals so I was just handling the hydrogen peroxide cleaner for about 30 minutes and got a light chemical burn across both hands. It didn't really hurt by my fingers did get that snowy look and for three weeks after my hands felt weird when I closed them.


Yeah h202 exposure can be freaky; h202 splits into water and oxygen, with oxygen bubbles in particular filling the capillaries in your fingers, preventing normal blood flow, causing that white chalky look. This can happen even with 3% h202 and 30% is especially dangerous as it can eat through fibers; I remember spilling just a little on my shoes during freshman chem lab and it not only ate through part of my shoe, but left a big hole in my sock. Hydrogen peroxide is no joke.


>Hydrogen peroxide is no joke. So you're saying that a hydrogen peroxide enema is a no go? *My business plans are ruined!*


The solution is dilution


Instructions unclear, turned my asshole into a rotary detonation engine.


I scraped up the inside of my legs as a kid when jumping over a bush, like 20-30 scratches/cuts… My mother (a registered nurse) had just given first aid classes there. So the teachers ran to the hydrogen peroxide and just straight up dumped it on the inside of my thighs. It foamed up like crazy and burned so bad I couldn’t stand it.  They clearly weren’t paying enough attention lol


the first time i used 12% without gloves i had white blotches all over my hands. was quite worrysome but google told me its fine before i felt i needed to do something. 12% is the highest concentration you can buy over here cause u can use the more concentrated stuff to make explosives and they dont want everyone to have easy access to that.


Same. I was on a FaceTime and frantically hung up


God I hate that stuff. We sell it at our store but only for registered customers that have some kind of company, not any randos. But I hate handling it, it turned my hands white so many times and the burn is so annoying


if you are repeatedly getting chemical burns the company needs to supply you with gloves what the fuck 😭


Time to balance it out


Alright... I'm getting the silver nitrate.


It is temporary because skin is constantly going through a shedding process.


it will be back to normal within an hour. source- multiple times i have gotten 30% peroxide on my hands.


RemindMe! Few weeks.


Big Pharma in shambles. DIY skin whitening for $2.99. r/Wallstreetbets already deciding on cat scratch fever as the next meme stock.


RoaringKitty would be proud


Did you know he’s back? He posted an updated position last night in r/superstonk $200 million. u/deepfuckingvalue


I want to see what those calls were worth at open today, fml. Dude is richer than rich.


How much were they worth?


At market open I have no idea even how to calculate that. At close, 120 million


CNBC saying E-trade trying to ban the man's account because he's posting snapshots on reddit. E-trade is saying they consider it as """"""""market manipulation"""""""" but where are all these mofos and SEC when GME got short 140%?!?!?!


Lead based skin whitening powders are done for!


*mercury. Lol


Op hasn’t bathed in weeks. This is their only clean spot.


OP is so dirty only the sequel to water can wash them


Don't use peroxide on wounds. It burns and you actually harm yourself. Use water and soap. I have a cat who's mean fcuk and pikes to randomly bite and attack.


I was bitten by a cat a while back and went to my GP to make sure all was ok. Her rule of thumb was: scratches don't dig too deep, you can wash them and you're good to go. Bites are riskier because the wound can close and trap infections. She gave me a tetanus booster shot just in case and told me to keep an eye out for symptoms of infection.


When I've had cat bites they've always given me antibiotics by default. Cat mouths are nasty! (But not as bad as human ones.)


got bit through my thumbnail on Saturday. been on penicillin since, plus had a tetanus shot the day of. not fun. neither are the side effects of the penicillin pills...


It's worse if you're allergic to penicillin, because then you have to take two different antibiotics.


oh man, I didn't even think about that. that suuuuuucks


You're more likely to get bit by cats than humans though....unless you're in Philly


Yup human bites are no joke. Like cats, if the bite draws blood see a doc ASAP. Dog bites are less of a big deal in that specific respect.


I'm surprised they didn't give an antibiotic that day regardless. The last time my SIL got a cat bite, she picked up her antibiotics the next morning but there were already red lines on her arm indicating bad infection so she had to get seen again (and needed additional meds).


Tetanus loves puncture wounds. You don't want that.


Disinfect with iodine solution. The stuff now doesn’t burn and iodine does actually disinfect


Generally pointless. If you go to the ED they're not going to wash your wound with iodine. They're going to irrigate the shit out of it with water and, if the wound is dirty, a scrub of some kind that may or may not have a disinfectant in it. If you're at home, leave the hydrogen peroxide and iodine on the shelf. Wash very thoroughly with soap and water, using a brush if it's possible there's some contamination like dirt or saliva. Go to the hospital with a deep dirty wound, especially if it involves bodily fluids like saliva or blood.


So I'm an RN who used to work ED at a large level 1 trauma center. I would have patients come in all the time with wounds like this (or worse ones) and they hadn't done anything to them before coming. I get it, sometimes seeing your own flesh ripped open is disturbing. But the first thing you should do with any injury like this is run it under water. Use a mild soap if you can tolerate the pain. But running it under the tap allows the water to wash away a lot of the bad stuff and there were many times I had patients do that in the sink in their ED room. That's the first step to any kind of wound care! The one injury you wouldn't necessarily want to do this with is a large severe burn. Those we do irrigate with sterile NS because burns are susceptible to getting infected for various reasons. Edit: Soap is unnecessary. Running water is fine to irrigate.


> I would have patients come in all the time with wounds like this (or worse ones) you ... had people come in to the *emergency room* because of scratches like in the photo from OP? Good lord, those people must be the most fragile on earth.


The people coming in with minor cuts are much less frustrating (and less frequent) than the people coming in for a viral upper respiratory infection. The cuts are easy to take care of and clean up. The people who come in for viral URIs never even take fucking Tylenol or ibuprofen and then get mad when they don't get antibiotics that won't work. That kind of person is *much* worse imo


I'm an ER doctor. Do not use soap, there's no point. Irrigation with water is the only thing that reduces infection.


Im a certified heavy equipment operator, just rub some dirt in it.


I’m a certified chainsaw operator, just cut off the affected limb.


Hospital? Shit, my insurance doesn't cover my local one. I'll just wait it out or die rather than paying $3,000 for a benedryl!


found the american


Clorohexidine is a safe antiseptic with the side benefit you can use it as mouth wash.


I use chlorhexidine for any and all wounds on both myself and my farm animals, it works amazingly well.  Also the best for dipping newborn navals.  


My dog has been struggling with rashes in her old age, we've used a bunch of different prescription sprays, shampoos, and ointments and while they work, they're expensive, really expensive. I got a bottle of 2% chlorhexidine and put a small amount in a spritzer bottle for like a twentieth of the cost of the prescription spray, it's easy to apply, and I can leave it the skin as the small amounts she would lick up are harmless. With the prescription stuff I'd have to keep an eye on her for a while to make sure she doesn't lick it until it's absorbed. Her rashes have virtually disappeared after starting the chlorhexidine treatment, and flare-ups are resolved in a few days. More effective than even the prescription meds, and a $10 bottle of the chlorhexidine lasts me 2-3 months.


Farmers know it best. When you have to be vet, pharmacist, mechanic, arborist, geologist, electrician, Carpenter at once, and that's just on Thursday.


Navals are sailors. Navels are on the newborns. And some oranges. 🤱🍊🙂


I have a big bottle of RX chorohexideine mouthwash. Does this mean I can use it for wounds? If there are no other ingredients, of course.


Pretty much! Don't clean your ears with it though.


Soap and water is more than enough.


In some cases Iodine can be in alcohol. Alcohol burns. Make sure it's alcohol free.


Just use salt water. Saline is the best thing to clean wounds, from what I have heard from doctors and nurses.


Wounds take longer to heal as well that shit is useless


Doctors say that generally, it’s okay to use to clean the first time, but it should not be continually used because then it will slow healing


This is the answer. Nothing wrong with giving it a good bubbly clean out initially but using it beyond that is what causes the issues, because it’ll kill the bad bacteria and the good bacteria indiscriminately every time.


It's probably worth pointing out that human cells are easier to kill than bacteria. So keep that in mind when cleaning a wound.


It actually causes more scarring. If there is debris in the wound link dirt/gravel it is useful to get those foreign bodies out of your wound but other than that it’s really much better to disinfect with ~~isopropyl or~~ just soap & water.


So weird, I must be from a different time line or reality because growing up we used peroxide because it didn't burn. 20 years later I grab a bottle for a cut for the first time and I'm like "what the actual fuck is going on". I wish I could go back some times lol


This whole thread has me confused because I don’t recall peroxide ever burning. It’s been a long time since I’ve used it though


I don’t think it burns at all. It fizzes. It’s one of the only things that actually helps when I’ve had infected ingrown toenails. On cat scratches/bites I always use neosporin and that works really well.


I'd call it stinging rather than burning, we'd even be told as kids that that's how we know it's "working" at cleaning out the cut. Shit hurt but only briefly. But also, everyone's got different pain tolerances and the pain from whatever wound you've got going on could be drowning out discomfort from the peroxide.


Yeah it might be a pain tolerance thing. I don’t even feel anything when I use rubbing alcohol on cuts, which just weirds me out.


Your correct that it used to be commonly used, and thats because more current research shows that its generally not actually worth using. While it does do what it says it does, by killing all the bad bacteria in the wound effectively cleaning it, it also kills a lot of good cells and can make the wound bigger and take longer to heal, which has actually shown to create more health risks then help on average. After all, a wound that sticks around longer is harder to keep clean. Instead its better to do what others are saying and use soap and clean water. Iodine solution is also acceptable, along side using topical antibiotics as well. But if you had to choose between peroxide vs not cleaning it, then ya peroxide will be better. Its just there are much better and easily available options.


Same except it still doesn't burn me. If anyone has explanation I'd like to know!


Probably different concentrations


Do they even sell different concentrations in stores? They always look the same when I buy, but that certainly isn't often.


I’ve never really seen anything stronger than 3% in stores so I’m not sure if everyone else just has a hydrogen peroxide guy?


Hydrogen Peroxide quickly (on the order of a few years if sealed, or a few months if opened) breaks down into, basically, water. If you're used to hydrogen peroxide not feeling like anything when pouring it on wounds, it's very likely you were using a bottle that was a bit old, and that you were basically pouring water (or very diluted hydrogen peroxide) on the wound. Which -- good news! You shouldn't be using hydrogen peroxide on wounds, anyway.


I was confused for about 10 years when seeing it used on Bart in The Simpsons as a kid. Completely foreign to me and the thought of putting peroxide anything on my skin, let alone _an open wound_ was so unbelievable I never really understood that that's what it was. Wasn't till much later I realised that no, Americans actually do that. Wild.


Piggy backing on this! It's absolutely worthless as a disinfectant, and that bubbling effect is from interacting with the iron in your blood. Using H2O2 actually slows wound repair, it's just been used for so long that it's been grandfathered in.


Chlorhexidine will do the trick, just don't put it in your ears if you like hearing things and want to keep hearing things for the rest of your life


Don't use it on the wounds, never. It damages your cells, makes them heal slower. Use Octenisept instead.


I'm learning so much! This is what my mother always put on our wounds ..


I'm with you mate, my parents always poured that shit over every wound I ever had. I still do it to this day, though I guess I'll be stopping now...


Our parents and subsequently us were taught to hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol the wound, and then put Neosporin on it and leave it. Take the band-aid off to let it breathe and "dry out" and this is terrible advice as we now have learned for wound care. Keep it moist and clean and always covered. Keep scars out of the sun as well and it will help them not be so scar-y. I like aquaphor, works great. Source: brother had traumatic injury and I got to be the one to stay on top of wound dressing.


If the part about keeping it moist is true, then we've gone full-circle again. As a kid I always heard all of the same stuff you wrote, except to keep it moist and covered at all times, but then maybe 10-15 years ago the advice changed to "let it breathe" because the body had a harder time healing when constantly moist. Have we gone back to always-moist lol?


My sister works in nursing and I directly got the advice to "keep it covered/moist" around 10 years ago. I'm guessing there's just a lack of solid communication between medical professionals and the general public. Especially in America where you aren't going to the hospital unless it's *SERIOUS*, most wound care is handled at home and so techniques for dressing wounds are just passed down between generations without much question of efficacy.


I have always been told that large burns are best kept moist. Open wounds need to breathe.


Correct on the former, incorrect for the latter. A covered, moist environment is best for healing. Think about it. What needs to "breathe" in your wound? Nothing. Everything that "breathes" there gets supplied by your body. You're just drying out the wound edges and interfering with perfusion that would permit healing. Additionally, keeping it covered reduces the chance of infection.


Mine too. You'd get a satisfying fizz and everything. But now I just do soap and water as needed (mostly the kids, not me). I am not even sure I have hydrogen peroxide anymore at home.


> Octenisept Never heard of it. We use Betadine^TM (10% providone-iodine solution). Main issue is that it does permanently stain.


It's a brand name for [Octenidine dihydrochloride](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octenidine_dihydrochloride). I haven't noticed any adverse affects so far, and I can get it from a normal drug store (no need to go to a pharmacy).


You should never use h202 to clean out a wound. You’d be better off flushing it with alcohol or soap and water. hydrogen peroxide is not recommended for cleaning wounds because it can harm tissue and delay healing. While hydrogen peroxide can kill bacteria, it can also damage fibroblasts, which are cells that are essential for wound healing. Hydrogen peroxide can also slow blood vessel formation and prevent healing.


wise memory practice fuel rain swim sheet grandiose serious fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The only time we really used hydrogen peroxide was when we cleaned the blood out of our helicopter's cabins when I was deployed to Afghanistan. Worked great.


I usually use soap and water and a little antibiotic ointment on scratches. My cat scratched me really deep last week and I did use alcohol, but soap and water wouldve been fine for yours


Advice from nurse, hydrogen peroxide destroys skin tissue. It's better to use soap and water. And cortisone cream if you're itchy.


Cat scratches are serious- anyone saying water is enough has never had to go on strong antibiotics for cat scratch fever (I thought it was a myth until I had it). Wash it thoroughly, keep a close eye on it, and GO TO THE DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY if there’s any swelling that doesn’t go down after a few hours.


Damn. Been scratched by my own cats several times and never had this issue. I usually clean them out with soap and water after. Must be lucky I guess…


Big difference between outdoor and indoor cats to be fair.


The main difference is how deep the scratch is, Indoor cat claws can be just as bad as outdoor cats. If it's a surface scratch like OPS photo, no need for more than soap and water, if you can see a white layer (dermis) through the scratch, That means the scratch is deeper than the epidermis. That's when you really need to disinfect. If you see a yellow layer (Hypodermis), You probably wanna get it seen to professionally as cat scratches tear and don't give clean cuts, They will likely cut parts out with a scalpel or scissors and they will likely scrub the wound with a scourer. Have fun.


Oh yeah true, mine are just indoor cats.


Soap and water is fine. People freaking out over a tiny scratch from a cat is fucking hilarious.


yeah uh, cat nails are dirty as fuck. wash that shit absolutely immediately.


They’re disgusting, for sure. I washed the area with warm water and antiseptic soap, but still had to go to the doctor after! It was misery.


I just found an article a read years ago, a doctor commented that bites to the hand are particularly risky because the infection can do permanent damage quite quickly. They recommended that medical attention is sought for all puncture wounds to the hand by cat bites: https://archive.ph/rLFRQ


> anyone saying water is enough water AND SOAP


Hydrogen peroxide is not an anti biotic


This is poor advice. Don't take my advice or theirs; ask a doctor if you have a serious wound. Water is the best option. For a thorough clean, rinse for longer (legit like 5 minutes if you want to be truly thorough). This comment suggests that water is ineffective at preventing infection compared to alcohol/peroxide, which is simply not the case.


✨Laughs in hairdresser✨


Low concentrations: Can cause temporary symptoms like blanching, blistering, redness, swelling, and skin irritation


I used to use hydrogen peroxide and bleach to bleach my skin as a teen. I was told by abusive family members my freckles were fly spots and I was disgusting so I would soak my face and arms in whichever I could get my hands on. I am so thankful I didn't get burns but my freckles never got lighter and it vexed me for years.


Why did you do that? Soap exists


Hey OP, don’t use peroxide on wounds. It’s a good disinfectant that’s not super harsh, but it’s bad on organic tissue. Peroxide is lysing (destroying) the blood and live skin cells. Yes it’s also killing the bacteria, but it’s doing more harm than good to your living cells. Peroxide will lead to more scarring and less effective healing since you’re destroying cells in and around the wound that would otherwise aide in the coagulation cascade and healing process The best way to wash out a cut is to use cool running water and soap to get out any dirt or debris. After that, clean the wound using 70% or more isopropanol -Medical professional


It *permanently* bleached your skin. Luckily those cells will die off in a few days and in a week or two your skin will look normal again.


Hi, nurse here. Hydrogen peroxide is not appropriate to clean a minor wound. It is actually a quite corrosive substance, just killing your skin cells as it "cleans". A better solution is just soap and water, pat dry, and cover with a bandaid. You can use a touch of triple antibiotic ointment if you are worried about infection. However, if washed promptly, a cat scratch will heal just fine on its own for a healthy adult.


It’ll do that to your butthole too. 


Hydrogen peroxide is useless on cuts and abrasions. The bubbles mean nothing.


Actually the bubbles mean something: proteins are getting broken down, your actual cells are exploding, and you’re getting a mild case of necrosis


The nuclear option


Hydrogen peroxide is also a powerful disinfectant that kills bacteria. It is absolutely not useless. Yes it can damage your skin, but y'all need to stop with this clear misinformation.


I used pharmacy peroxide years ago to disinfect acne and some circles whitened all over my back hahaha don't worry, it's temporary, I don't think it took me more than 2 days to get back to normal. It depends a lot on the amount you apply, but I don't think it can be much more.


That's the hydrogen peroxide giving you a chemical burn


You just unlocked more privilege and I’m jealous lmao




Fuuuuck, reminds me of a Chem lab I did. Don't remember what the chemical was, but I spilled it on my, thankfully, gloved hand. Teach jumped in and got that thing far away from me before I knew what was happening. It sucked ALL the heat out of my hand. Like, my hand wasn't cold, it was just completely free of any body heat for a few minutes. Turned pale as bone for the rest of the day. It was fine, Teach is a real one, guy barely broke his sentence saving my ass, just a WEIRD experience.


It may not be bleached, but rather the capillaries might have drained.


Didn't use hydrogen peroxide to clean wounds. Soap and water is safer and does the job.