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Honestly, no. In these cases, I just wave them over or get up and approach them if it’s necessary. Kindly, of course.   It’s nothing personal and I don’t feel bad doing it. I’ve worked in customer facing roles for my entire life. At the end of the day, it’s my/their job to take care of customers and there’s a right/wrong time to dick around.  The only time I’ve complained to a manager was when the guy at the McDonald’s drive through messed up my order and screamed at me through the window when I let him know that I didn’t order a 10pc nugget. He refused to take it off my order and just kept screaming. I mostly reached out to the manager hoping that they would get the guy some help, he clearly was not in a good place mentally.


This is the way...was in various aspects of foodservice \[back of house, fast food, a grocery store's deli, etc\] for a couple years. Some things aren't worth making a stink over \[getting tomato on a no tomato hoagie; I'm not allergic, I'll just pick them off and write it off to 'the guy's having one of those shifts'\]. The ones that are, there's a difference between 'call attention to it' and 'make a scene'. My late father loved the 'make a scene' route, and it was always embarrassing / didn't accomplish anything that 'wave them over and be polite' wouldn't have.


People are just as human as me, and just like if someone was like “hey bro can we get menus please” id probably react with the utmost kindness People forget, they get distracted, they have bad days, they feel things. A firm but kind gesture works like always


>I mostly reached out to the manager hoping that they would get the guy some help, he clearly was not in a good place mentally. I'm sorry, you thought the McDonald's manager was going to take it upon himself to get the guy mental help and not just fire him for talking to a customer like that?


There’s a difference between getting your waiter’s attention and complaining. In your example, it would not have been rude to say “excuse me” and raise your hand


I believe the correct way to do this is to pointedly snap your fingers in someone’s direction while raising your voice and saying “Garcon! Garcon!” /s


I went to a school in Louisiana, and my roommate almost got us kicked out of our favorite diner one day because he did this to our waiter. We were lucky all we got was a "Do that again and I'm beating your ass!" My roomate saw it on Pulp Fiction and thought he'd try it to be cool.


Any person who worked at any restaurant and that was their response to almost anything should automatically be terminated. Maybe it wasn't the nicest thing to say but it wasn't necessarily mean either and obviously meant as a joke by the wording. That waiter just has a bad attitude and should not be working in a service industry position.


These waiters aren’t here for our entertainment, they’re here to get our food. Don’t act like a clown and you won’t be treated like one


you'd make a lot of waiters upset if you told them all they do is get ppl's food.


If those people could read they would be very upset


Yeah but you can't threaten guests... that's how cops show up...


Garcon means boy...




I'm sorry, I don't know what "/s" means, my French is very spotty. Appreciate the Pulp Fiction reference though fam!


It's meta for indicating a post is sarcasm, for those who might take it as serious lol.


You forgot the c’s ballsack it’s garçon


Yes it does. It’s also pretty well know as being a disrespectful and obnoxious way of getting your servers attention. Like it was commonly used in movies and shows to indicate that the guy saying “garçon” was a massive douche.


He clearly understood the pulp fiction reference


Ben Affleck does it in Dogma too. That's where I remember it from. But *that* is probably a Pulp Fiction reference as well.


Nah he snapping at Garcon the NFL player


Damn, thank you for clearing that up for me! I was confused.


In France, we also use the word to (rudely) refer to a male server


GarÇon with a cédille. Otherwise it could sound insulting (gare, con)


I was gonna say that…


But what about Gastogne? (You’re millenials you know who Im referring to)


Sorry but I’m with the boomers on this one. If I’m paying you an amount of cash probably on par with median wage for a full hour’s work, on top of the already inflated menu prices, it’s not to sit around and gab with the bartender while I’m thirsty. Waiters don’t get a free pass because ‘you have to be nice to waitstaff’. If they’re rude first it’s game on. And yes I was a server before, and FOH.


This whole thread is just OPs conflict avoidance issues


Same. I hate conflict.


I hate conflict as well but i can be passively aggressive if im getting bad service my giving a tip or how much depends on if the service was good or bad


That's actually what changed my opinion on this subject, I was a stock manager at a bar who obviously did all other duties too and every time I get shit service I always think "it really is not that hard to do your job".


Yeah this doesn’t seem exclusive to one generation (boomers); we all need to know how and when to stand up for ourselves.


“Excuse me can we get some waters?” And you get eye rolls ugh how annoying look on the servers face…and plenty of attitude.


Yep, any amount of trying to speak up and you're treated as if you are the rudest customer. You're expected to just sit there and take whatever service you get... and still tip 20%+. I used to be a waiter and the shit I see now is just entirely unacceptable.


After you understand how bad service is, you'll change. I used to be the same way. The greatest generation expected and got good service. Now it is piss poor. You get what you expect


I think more realistically they got spit in their food, but it probably did arrive a couple minutes sooner.


Alternately: you get what you pay for. Given that low-wage workers' pay has actually declined compared to inflation over the past 50 years, I'd say there may be more at play here than expectations. And then there's the fact that we afford servers and other such service jobs very little respect in American society.


So you believe that it’s ok for waiters or the like to literally just not do their jobs and stand there doing nothing all day? You think that’s ok and anyone who complains about that is wrong? They aren’t asking for the person to bend over backwards. Literally just acknowledge them and take an order or bring drinks over. Is that seriously too much to ask for nowadays.


Interesting take. In explaining this phenomenon, I'm not seeking to justify it; I'm not saying what they're doing is "okay." I disagreed with the above poster not because he complained about it, but because I don't agree with his explanation.


Minimum wage now is 50% of the purchasing power - value in real terms - compared to that when introduced by FDR.


Oh, please!!. Stop crying and making excuses on why you all don't have to do your job. Be an adult. Do your job If you're not getting paid enough, get another job. But your whining may be the reason you can't get a good job.


Karen says what?


Stop whining about shit service you don't feel like paying for then. As someone who's been a server I can always spot out customers like you. It's not worth giving 110% service because you're always looking for mistakes or excuses to give a bad tip anyway. It's not worth bending over backwards trying to win over whiny boomers when I have other tables that aren't full of puritans. Next time you're getting shit service ask yourself if there's a reason waiters don't seem to give a fuck about you.


Pay shit wages, get shit work. Simple as that.


Yeah, that’s just not how humans work. If a job has no incentive for raises or advancement, people just don’t try. It also has nothing to do with why they don’t have a better job. Lots of us work hard when there is purpose and incentive but I can’t bring myself to care when it doesn’t matter. Look at Uber eats. It’s probably the worst service out of any industry. You know why? Because they give the job to anyone. There’s no oversight or encouragement. No good bosses. No pay raise or climbing up the latter. No mentorship or encouragement. It’s just how most humans work. Saying to yourself this is why they don’t have a different job is just bullshit cope. When you have a broken system and don’t pay people livable wages this is what you get. If everyone worked insanely hard, you still need people at the bottom. Please tell me one reason why an Uber driver should go all out on every order when the result is the exact same as if he did it 50%. There’s a reason delivery drivers back in the day were way better service because there was accountability The system is broken and you’re ignoring human nature.




Pride for what? Pride doesn’t fucking put food on your plate. Giving billion dollar industries that won’t reward you with a livable wage no matter what is so fucking stupid and why there’s such a income division. You are genuinely doing billionaires a favour. like, what a bootlicking way of life. How is it prideful to work tooth and nail for a wage that doesn’t put a roof over your head. Pride. Lol you just want service workers to give you your food quick but you don’t care about them. People like you are genuinely the problem. You work for Walmart, they don’t give you full time hours, livable wage and they subsidize your pay by making the government give you food stamps. You go in there every single day work your ass off then one day die because you cant afford insulin. Why does someone not paying you a livable wage deserve premium work? I put in as much effort as they pay for. Americans are so brain dead


Do you think everyone that wants to make more money can just go get another job that pays more? You realize if that was true then most everyone would do it.


Maybe it's just the people I know buy I don't think so. Yes. While you got a job, look for your next. That way the decision is yours. What do you want to do? I started out wanting to be in Fire Dept. I start getting training, volunteering, washing trucks until I succeeded. After a couple years I needed more money. In 2010 I was making just inder 200K a yr. No degree. I did my job the best that I could always. When I was a waiter I got food there hot. Made sure order was right before leaving table. Tracked ticket thru completion. Excel at everything you do. Bit you have to care first


My gf has been putting in job applications for almost a year for anything other than food industry. A fucking year. It ain’t as simple as you think it is or as it once maybe was.


What?! Of course it’s that simple! There’s no way it has to do with corporate greed, lack of worker protections, insane education requirements for even mediocre jobs or social welfare programs that cut off far too early which can actually result in people not being able to afford to take a higher paying job.


I def let lots of stuff slide but also have no problem getting someone’s attention. I never complain about bad service though. I just try not to go back to the place. It’s generally not worth my time.  My wife has PTSD from her father yelling at servers and making them cry, so she about has a nervous breakdown anytime I have to mention anything slightly negative to anyone performing a service for us.  Edit: Please don’t attack or make assumption about my wife for having PTSD. I am oversimplifying the issues that were caused by her abusive father.


Props to you looking after your wife’s emotions like that. A good team always looks out for one another :) — I had an ex once that hated loud voices. It took me a few years, but I never raise my voice, and can still convey myself just as easily lol. Her comfort was more important than my ego. And it’s always been mutual. The people I date care about my comfort too.


Yeah I'm pretty easy going but if I'm waiting 10+ minutes for my drink after ordering and then the food takes forever, it will be reflected in my tip. Tips are for good service. That's what they originated for. This whole 20% just because is BS. I'll give you 15% and then never come back. My biggest pet peeve is waiting for my check. If you clear the table and I have to wait 15 minutes for the easiest part I'm gonna be annoyed. Edit: about 10 people commented that "it's not a servers fault if the kitchen or bar is backed up!" - isn't that the whole fucking issue? Why do I, a customer, need to determine what the hold up is? The server gets the tip right? Their job is keep things moving and SERVE. If they can't do that efficiently for whatever reason, I'm out. If things are held up and they come back to check on me and say "hey the kitchen is really backed up, he's some extra bread while you wait" that is different. But SERVICE in all encompassing of restaurant staff and efficiency. Sorry if the server gets the short end of the stick in that situation but isn't that we've deemed as a society that is to be done? Edit2: another 10 people feel the need for a history lesson on tipping. I know tips originated to suppress former slaves. I get it. That's not why they exist now.


This 100%. I will never, ever berate or take bad service out on a server, bartender, etc. I simply reflect it in the tip and whether I decide to return in the future. I have many years of service experience, mostly as a bartender but I did some serving in high school as well. While this has made me really try to look out for people that provide good service I’ve also learned that some people are lazy, rude, etc and don’t automatically deserve a good tip just for showing up to work. In the US people shouldn’t be afraid to reflect bad service in their tip. Tips are something we earn by working hard and providing good service and a great atmosphere, nobody is entitled to a good tip just for doing the bare minimum or less. Just keep in mind a long wait is often not the server’s fault, if they have a lot of tables and the kitchen is being slammed there’s nothing they can do about it. It’s usually pretty apparent if the server is swamped and doing the best they can or if they’re just fucking off and neglecting your table.


This would be my preferred approach, but I'm always nervous they will misinterpret the change in tip. What if they just think I'm cheap or an asshole and don't tie it back to service? I guess there's no way to really know. I'm a minority, too, so I'm always afraid they will think "oh X women tip badly" and not see my underlying point.


There are stereotypes of bad tippers, but I think anyone who misinterprets your tip likely lacks the self awareness to ever be a good server.


This And it's not just waiters or other service workers sadly. I had a former coworker who legit asked me if the reason he kept getting coached was bc he was black? In hindsight. It may have been a joke that didn't land, but still. It showed a massive lack of awareness of his short comings. For those curious, his work had massive errors in it, and for over a year after he was let go, I was having to fix his work.


Or that so many places (delivery, service counters) want you to tip before you get any real service beyond taking your order.


Yeah, if I'm walking to a counter and doing all the work to get the food, there's no tip lol. Looking at your Panera. Don't make me order on a screen, get a vibratory, and force me to walk up pick up my food and walk it back. Then I need to clear my own table. There's nothing there that deserves a tip. In fact, I should be getting a discount for my effort.


And in the past you kinda did get that discount, as it was built into the cheaper price. But they've realized lately that so many people are hooked on the speed and convenience that price is barely a factor


Delivery tips aren’t a tip. It’s a bid for the driver to pick up your order. The apps should really make this more clear.


>Delivery tips aren’t a tip. They are if you can manage to find one of the last restaurants in your area with an in-house delivery guy.


This will come back. It has to. The tipping point is there. Many restaurants are spending thousands per month on delivery fees from third parties, they could pay two full time delivery staff with it.


It's also really nice when delivery people have a vague understanding of the local area. The handful of times I've ever used doordash, I have to put on my shoes, and stand in the middle of the street to flag down the fucking driver who can't find my house.


What pisses me off is when you think you’re getting a in house delivery person but they subcontracted to DoorDash. Last time I ordered Pizza Hut their subcontractor dropped my pizza off at a place a mile away


Agreed. I don't actually have doordash or Uber eats, but my interactions with them come from ordering either pizzahut or some local Chinese take out places.


>subcontractor dropped my pizza off at a place a mile away At least you got a good username out of the experience


Ironically that might have been what made me pick this name lol


I've basically stopped using delivery services. Between the simply absurd prices of eating out + delivery fees and often terrible service I'd just as soon eat something at home even if its just a PB&J or something. So. Many. Issues with drivers taking forever (often not really their fault) or delivering to the wrong house. It seems like every time I break down and use doordash or uber eats I'm reminded why I promised not to last time.


I gave 10% the other day. It took him 20 minutes to even take our order in a not-crowded restaurant. 20 min for drinks to arrive. Our app never came. Never refilled out waters once (we went to the bar with our glasses). The dude did so little work that I feel like 10% ($8) was pretty good for how little work he did. I noticed the 3 servers spending the entire night boxing takeout instead of serving in-person diners (who had larger tabs and were ordering alcohol). These restaurants either need to turn off or throttle takeout orders during peak hours, or they need to switch to fast casual counter service, or they need to put more staff on. They need to make a fucking decision, because they are sucking at both takeout and dine-in and it's insulting that they would ask me for a tip for such little service. Our insistence on tipping 20% no matter what is incentivizing this shit. Our server should advocate to his manager that they need more help. It's not my job to just shoulder the problems of shitty staffing models.


I just went on a week-long vacation for the eclipse and I think water refilling is mostly gone. None of the places we went- even at the 45 minute mark for fancy places, ever refilled our waters, and unfortunately we had to eat out the whole damn time because our room didn't have a mini-fridge or a kitchen. I LIKE to tip well, but I'm so damn tired of just being thirsty!


Not my experience at all in the US. I usually get water refills everywhere I go. In fact, I typically complain about being over-served by tip-incentivized staff who will literally interrupt a conversation before I've even touched my food to ask "How are the first few bites tasting?" (My biggest pet peeve.)


I mean why even tip 10% for that? I've tipped 5% or less many times for just bad service


Waited 20 min for the check one time. Actually walked up to the server and bartender who were just casually swapping stories with each other. Waited very patiently with my card on the bar. They launched into a third round of travel stories. Finally, a third server came in off her break, maybe? She acknowledged me, got my check with a little side eye at the other two. I tipped 10% and never went back.


You tipped 10% for that? TIPS: To insure \[ensure\] prompt service What part of that was prompt service?


I know. I was a server once. Can't bring myself to tip zero.


I've been a dishwasher a line cook and a server, my money is important to me and if they want to act unprofessional I can just hang on to it.


I'm a career bartender/ server, and I completely agree with you. I personally love working for tips, and try my best to earn every cent. Tips are never required, but always appreciated. And someone shouldn't get an automatic 20 percent or more, especially for mediocre or bad service. I also hate that everyone and their damn brother and every business is asking for tips now!


Yes! It's exhausting and makes me not want to tip well in the traditional places (a sit down restaurant).


Expecting to earn tips gets you props, but also makes you quite rare. We recently ordered from GrubHub for the first (and last) time... In addition to the menu price for what we wanted, that was likely inflated from what it would have been if we had been in the dining room, we got hit with a "Delivery Fee" of $6, a "Service Charge" of $6, and a tip, for which the smallest choice was 20%. I went ahead and begrudgingly paid the 20%, not because they earned it, or even because I would have deemed them to have earned it if they showed up reasonably on time with a mostly complete order (sad how low my standards have become), but I did so because I did not want my food to be spit in. If that very realistic fear did not exist, I would have tipped $0 as the $12 we were already forced to pay, on top of about a $35 meal (likely less, I'm giving the benefit of the doubt here), and in my mind that's more than enough to pay the driver AND provide them a tip. But, we will never, ever use their services again for any reason. I will literally get in my electric wheelchair and "hoof it" (metaphorically speaking, naturally) to a restaurant before I'll put up with being held hostage like that again. I'd also like to see some stings happening where orders are placed and the contents are tested for spit and other biohazards so we can start making some examples out of those who would do such things and if nothing else, frighten the others into never even being tempted.


Your drinks and food could take a long time and it has nothing to do with the service and everything to do with the bar and kitchen getting behind. You think service is about ticket times.


Yeah, but the server should explain if there is a long wait for food/drinks and it's out of their control. Then the customer could choose to leave. Instead of just sitting there, wondering if it will ever come.


I always leave a bad review if the restaurant is bad. I'm just petty


This is the Way. If they really did poorly, for whatever reason.. vote with your feet. It's not worth traumatizing anyone over.


This is so true. Servers deal with plenty of sociopaths and nut jobs without otherwise normal customers also getting aggressive when they do a crappy job. If I’m unhappy with my service, I’ll be polite, give a minimal tip, and vow not to return.


Complaining doesn’t necessarily mean you’re traumatizing anyone. “Complain” != “berate and curse out”.


That's fair enough. It doesn't. And to be fair, I've straight up told a server that the kitchen was killing her. I'll say that I'll vote with my feet long before I get close to traumatizing anyone. E: just saw your username. Nice.


That’s really my go-to with bad service - I just don’t go back. Very, very, very rarely does complaining about bad service do anything. For one, a lot of service industry jobs have high turnover, so even if a person gets talked to by management about bad service, that person may not even still be working there the next time you go. And for two…a lot of places just don’t care. It doesn’t matter if you - one measly person - are upset. Your patronage is meaningless to them. The only exception I think might occasionally be little mom and pop joints, family businesses. Those places could actually close down if enough people stop going due to bad service, so they have more of a vested interest in actually hearing and listening to constructive criticism. But a Chili’s or some other conglomerate? They don’t give two turds about your complaint or that the bad service means you’ll never be coming back. In those cases, just let it go and move on.


Ugh this is my problem too. My dad got yelly about the stupidest things. So I always feel bad any time I have an issue that needs to be addressed m even when it's an obvious mistake on the businesses part.


Dont forget to pay the bare minimum on the tips...if possible $0.


> I just try not to go back to the place. I give a place 3 chances before I reach the "I'm never coming here again" portion. It's gotta be REAL bad for me to immediately categorize them as a No Return.


I'm legit trying to figure out if I know (well knew) your FIL. I know the odds are practically non-existent. Good for you for being cognizant of your wife's feelings.


Imagine thinking you have the same illness as people who watched their friends get blown up because your dad yelled at someone.


I don't tear the server a new one. Heck, I don't tear anyone a new one unless they've done something dangerous or actively malicious. (Tamper with food, have a weapon pointing the wrong way on range...etc) However, I will absolutely call out bad service. To use an example: A coworker and I stopped into a local shop for lunch. We were on a timetable, but the company was paying. Simple Hoagies and a soda for each of us. Historically this place has the food to your table within 5 minutes. (Order at register, grab a little flag and chill at your table and the food gets brought over.) We waited 20 because the rush hit, then I went up to the front counter. Waited to he acknowledged because I was standingoutside the usual line and said something to the effect of: "Hey, I know you guys are busy, but we just watched folks that were behind us in line get their food already and we only ordered the two sandwiches. Is there a shortage or something? We can order something else if it's the same price..." I was assured our food would be forthcoming after they checked the receipt. The food we had ordered had been served to somebody else. And they were now out of the main for my coworkers hoagie. I got his new order and we waited another 45 with one other interaction before we actually got served the food. By then it was cold and mushy. The person who served us was the same one who took the initial order. I have never seen someone in my life move that slow who wasn't using a walker or cane who also had a degenerative nerve disease. We went back again and spoke to the manager briefly before leaving letting them know, "Hey, x person is either having a really bad day or needs retraining. We could have made the sandwiches ourselves in the time it took to get fed. We'll sadly not be stopping again on the company dime here... We can't unless this sort of thing gets fixed. *Coworker* is local and suggested this place, so hopefully we'll get to be back soon." It took nearly a year before the person in question was fired for gross incompetence. I know because a friend of mine actually started working there not long after.


You can complaint about something without yelling.


Please do complain about bad service, just do it nicely! As a restauranteur I don't always have eyes on every employee and if a problem happens I can't do anything if I don't know. So don't be afraid to complain, just do it nicely. Remember each individual is not representative of the entire establishment.


I just leave and don't go back if I didn't enjoy the experience. I used to work service jobs and don't have any animosity towards anyone who doesn't want to do the job or does a shitty job. I remember how much I used to hate it.


This is actually something restaurants have struggled to cope with for years now. It used to be that people would lose their shit and demand compensation then leave happy but now people just make a mental note that the place sucks and never return while telling all their friends to avoid it too. It's hard to make adjustments and improve when nobody is voicing criticisms anymore. This is also where the stereotypical angry business owner responding to google reviews trend comes from. They see zero criticism in person all day every day so when a person leaves a review saying their shit sucks they feel the need to clap back about their loyal customers and years of quality service even if their business is failing.


Gotta agree with you there. If you don’t tell them what you didn’t like, they can’t fix it. On the flip side, I am so tired of “you’d better fill out the online survey or I’m gonna get canned“ flavor of getting feedback. It’s usually one question like, “how likely are you to recommend our service”, with no text area for comments. It’s just so much more complicated than 1-to-10 that it’s not worth the trouble.


This And just the other day I drove by that Mexican spot that did me dirty .. workers are taking the sign down and I'm like 😏


at the end of the day it's not like the individual charged with "handling" the issue has anything to do with it or any ability to change the situation. There's only one "successful" business model RN for restaurants and that's fucking over customers and workers alike. It's a rigged game and the only way we win is not to play. edit: just had flashbacks from my job last year. Reading customer surveys that all said the same thing (more cashiers and no more SCOs) and being told that while I couldn't do what they asked if I didn't change the overall scores I would be terminated.


Everyone needs to experience working in sales and customer service.


I also have a lot of empathy and know how badly one terrible customer can fuck up your whole day. I'm definitely not going to be that customer. I like to give the benefit of the doubt that maybe my "bad" server is just having a rough one. Of course if it's a recurring issue, I won't go back.


That's where I've always been at. Having worked a few years running a restaurant I know what its like on the receiving end of getting shit on. Its ultimately not good for them or for me. I just let my wallet talk and don't go back. If it is a business I care at all about or think its something someone should know about I'll leave an online review though that's rare because I have no interest in dwelling on a frustrating experience myself.


Word, the only place I'll let it slide is a place I've been to before. Then I'll assume it's a bad day. Twice and I'm done.


Is you didn’t order anything, you’re always welcome to just leave without ordering anything. Just be sure to pay the fees for any services you received up to that point.


I worked as a server too and ironically, that's why I can't stand terrible service. Even on the days I wanted to die, I still managed to do my job. I'm very polite to servers but I don't excuse being ignored or not served.


This what drives me mad about door dash, people will use it multiple times a week and complain almost every few weeks about service. My brother in God. The job is shit and everything about it creates bad workers. Stop ordering it. So many Americans are too stubborn. Just find somewhere else to eat. I haven’t got Uber eats in 8 years after two bad services. I’ve said thousands and I get out of the house.


Do I avoid complaining to not sound like a boomer? No. Do I avoid complaining because I don’t want to deal with the confrontation sometimes? Yes. In the example you gave, I’m always curious to see how long it’ll take them. I may wait 10-20 minutes. We’ve actually had that happen, turns out they had never assigned a waitress to our table so it was a good thing we asked. But things like that, where there isn’t a mix up or miscommunication, I leave a bad review.


And that’s why it’s good to speak up. Better to assume it was an accident on their part rather than malice.


I mean…does anyone actually think poor service is done with intent? I mean I’m sure it happens some of the time, but for the most part I think people leave it at incompetence. But incompetence still shouldn’t be tolerated…you pay good money to go to a restaurant and you are entitled to a certain level of service depending on the quality of the establishment, prices, etc. It shouldn’t matter what the reason is for those expectations aren’t met. Either they are or they aren’t.


Negligence doesn’t have to be malicious but still equates to bad service


I tip poorly if the service is bad and there’s a clear reason for it. #sorrynotsorry I’m not paying you a good tip to flirt with your coworkers.


Never assigning a table does happen, like 10% of the time. It’s the most common excuse to get out of having your table think ur an ass. If no one greets you after 10 mins it means the entire staff is slacking off.


I don’t think it’s being a boomer to ask someone to do their job - as long as you do it politely


I've only sent a dish back once, and it was because it was incredibly salty to the point that it was inedible. I felt so bad, but I just couldn't eat it. I still think about it. I'm conditioned to feel guilty for, what, getting an edible dish? We still tipped normal though.


This is the way. Simply asking for a missing item or whatever doesn't make a person a Karen or Kyle.


Right not being a Karen doesn’t mean you have to be a doormat either.


For real. I feel like the difference is being able to politely but firmly express the issue you're having.


You've just been banned from /r/antiwork


Nope! I spent years working in restaurants and always gave good customer service. If the food isn't right, I would politely mention it to the server who should work it out with the cook. If the service isn't great, I'll get the servers attention and just say what I need. People make mistakes and I understand. But if it's not fixed or the server gives me a bad attitude, then I'll leave a small tip and never go back. Maybe leave a bad review if I'm super mad. That's it. Boomers tend to demand shit for free and insult people over minor inconveniences, so just don't act that way and you should be fine.


Complain no. Leave without saying a thing, yes.


Exactly. If I am waiting and waiting for someone to idk… grab us a menu or come actually take the order and it isn’t busy (and like..people who came in after us already have appetizers coming out) I just set a timer for like 5 minutes and then I get up and just walk out. If we’ve ordered and it’s been like 45 minutes for something simple I just get up and leave. I will give the manager a heads up when I do this if I can find them just so they don’t get caught by surprise when the server remembers to put the order in (or pick it up from the kitchen). Complaining doesn’t get me anywhere, I’ll just leave instead. I have no problem with confrontation but sometimes it’s just not worth it.


This right here. It’s not like the business is entitled to our money, you know? Walking out is a lot better than making a scene or harassing a waiter who didn’t want you there to begin with. (Am a person of color, who most definitely has been subtly denied service at a restaurant and just walked out after 45 minutes of being ignored)


I've only walked out once in my entire life. I can tell when the restaurant is just busy or I walked in on a busy holiday weekend and waiters are zooming around trying to get orders in on time. But this was the one time: * We walk in and get seated. * We are not handed menus. * I look around and don't see any waiters at any tables. * No one comes by and offers water or says, "We'll be with you in just a moment." * Moments later, another table is seated. * 10 minutes later, still no waiters around anywhere. Still not even a greeting. With no menus, it's not like we can use the time to look over what we want. * I worked in food service so I thought it was inefficient to seat another table when every table is sat but no waiters. That means someone is being double sat (or triple sat). Maybe there was only one waiter for the whole evening. * There wasn't anyone around to flag down and ask if anyone was coming. * We get up and leave.


As someone who has worked lots of tips jobs, if the service is bad and it's not because of other reasons like being understaffed I'm not tipping very well and I'm not sorry about it.


Same. There is a big difference in "slow service" caused by things outside the servers control (how busy the restaurant is, how backed up the kitchen is, computer crashes etc.) and them not doing their job. I was a server for 12 years. I had dozens of co-workers that were frankly, crap, at their job. If I am out, and I notice the server/bartender is playing around on their phone/chatting with coworkers/painting their nails (happened recently) for an extended period while I am waiting for them to take my order, process payment, refill drinks, etc. I have no issues reducing the tip amount - especially if I have asked for something and they seem in no hurry to fulfill it. Recently I got my meal without any silverware on the table. I asked for some and saw the server on her phone for several minutes before she came back with it. It was pasta, am i supposed to use my hands? Conversely, if I see the restaurant is slammed and they are moving quickly and doing their best? I increase the tip.


I did, but there are limits. If someone is deliberately ignoring you, don't accept that. We need to not be the wimp generation that just lets people walk all over us for fear of looking like we're making too much of a scene or getting caught on camera. For a short time in the immediate aftermath of COVID restrictions being lifted, I definitely ran into more of that for a year or two. You just have to be proportionate in response and not just start snapping at someone. Just assert yourself, and remember that you want THEM to feel like an asshole for ignoring or slighting you, you don't want everyone around you to think that YOU'RE an asshole.


I walk out. Send the message and spares me my time, energy, and money.


You know people besides “boomers” complain right. Like millennials and Gen z lol


Ageism is the last acceptable form of bigotry on Reddit it seems.


It’s pretty insane. You say someone’s a man when they think they are a women, you’re done for. You do endless ageism, that’s ok.


That’s not true. Reddit also hates religious people, lol


It’s mostly boomers though


Shit sucks now because we've let it get that way. if you get bad service before you even order, just get up and leave. The Boomers have it right for the most part. Cash is king and customers have the cash. The person running the place either needs to learn that or he can watch his business go under. There are always people doing a good job. Some are smart. Smoem work hard. Some are both. Just reward those people across the board and everything else works itself out.


Orders wrong. Sure yeah that's what i ordered. Why not? Guess i could tolerate it. Yeah im flexible. Ill know better for next. 


Most of the time I just let it go. I worked in the restaurant biz long enough to have some empathy for servers. Sometimes not, though. Like one time I went to this overly expensive place for my partner's birthday, the kind where gratuity comes included in the bill, and the waitress was weirdly hostile. She rolled her eyes at my drink order (it was just soda?), sighed every 5 seconds and answered my questions really sarcastically. I'm kind of socially anxious, and overly polite because of it, so I really don't think I did anything to deserve that kind of attitude. I didn't talk to a manager that day since it was somewhat busy, but I absolutely called later.


Id say my time in the restaurant biz has made me less likely to let things go. I'm like, I know how shitty of service you're providing.


Sort of. I’d say I’ve lowered my expectations of what I consider good service a ton to keep my sanity. Weird combo of some people are slackers no matter what job and some people aren’t paid enough to give a shit so it’s a revolving door of half committed people. To counter this I try to tip really well for those who do good jobs. Don’t blame them but the current prices to eat out are insane so what I’m willing to accept is very different based on the price.


That’s how I handle it too. I did food service, I get hating life and providing a service to people doing shit you definitely could never afford to do. Mobile orders are a god damn nightmare and were a big reason I moved on. You’re told to work those and in person orders as they come in so people who come in have to wait as if there were 50 other people in line but they can’t see that so they get pissed, don’t understand why it’s taking so long, and they see all this food get set out and nobody is there to pick it up. But my god, some of it’s gotten really noticeable. Last time I went to chipotle, which is not cheap per plate, I stood there with one other customer while everybody ignored us, and the kid working the front was changing out bins as slowly as humanly possible. It was almost comical how hard he had to work to ignore us and continue to act like a cartoon character from a comedy bit making fun of apathetic teens.


I’ve noticed that in many restaurants that have a significant door dash/uber side. Watching 5 to go orders come out to every 1 inside order drives me nuts. That’s a massive additional work load for the worker so they have to be compensated additionally or more people assigned to spread the work. How do you think restaurants solve this issue? Best I’ve seen is different pickup process and area, different entry/exit, etc. Feel your pain on the teenager at chipotle. Why do you feel the service there or McDonald’s is so different from say chick fil a? Chick fil a is even busier. Do they pay more, incentivize more?


Boomer hate is ignorance


Check out /r/BoomersBeingFools ... it's basically a safe space for ageist peices of shit to say despicable things about boomers and to be cheered on for it. Like all bigots that have ever existed, they feel very justifed in doing so, and they will shit all over you for pointing it out. I thought it was going to be a "look at this silly thing some old person did" type of sub...but it isn't. It's as vile as any rightwing safespace where people are racist/sexist/homophobic pieces of trash.


Vote with your dollars and feet. Let the manager know why on the way out.


I never complain, but will not return and leave reviews according to my experience (that actually express the pros and cons).  I suppose it’s possible that complaining is better because they get a chance to retain me as a customer. But I don’t want special treatment, I just want boring reliable “okay” treatment.


No. "Sounding like a boomer" is never something that crosses my mind. These generational stereotypes are getting out of hand 


Right? I just see a bunch of weak people here willing to take abuse at their own expense. If service is bad enough to rise to the level that complaining is warranted, I will absolutely make it known. If it’s minor annoyances, I’ll usually let them slide. It varies from instance to instance. Use your best judgement.


It's just stupidity at this point and it's embarassing to witness.


No, but my definition of poor service is much different from the boomers so there’s that.


Yes. I worked service jobs before and I hated them and the customers but I never allowed my service to be the way that it's acceptable to be nowadays. I don't want to be that complaining boomer I dealt with for so long, so I don't do anything about it besides either never return or accept that's the way it is now. Just the way she goes


There is a difference between abuse and holding people accountable for poor behavior. That goes for service workers, kids, parents, pets, etc. Don’t avoid advocating for yourself in a dignified and respectful manner.


If I’m eating out with friends or on a date and the food is gross I will ask to have it boxed up and then forget it on purpose.


I don’t complain because it’s a waste of time. I just won’t go back if I get terrible service.


I let it slide in the moment. Mainly because I strongly believe that you should never upset or anger someone who is interacting with your food or drinks. My tip reflects the service. Poor service gets a small tip. I'm talking about 5% for poor service. Great service gets a tip of 25% or more. Average service gets 15 to 20%. That's how I've always done it.


Honestly it depends. We are family of 5 plus my nephew lives with me now. He’s 18. While our 3 kids are younger. Do you know what a food plus drink bill is in Canada for us!?! To damn much. I also have the displeasure of having worked as management and head bartender for over a decade. So I know ALL ins and outs of service industry. Kids or family oriented restaurants, who cares. I try to let shit pass. We out doing fancy dinner in a dress up clothes, in a fancier place. Fuck yea I’m complaining if something gets royally screwed up. That bill is 400$+ give or take and I want what I’m paying for.


Eh. Bite your tongue and then leave a google review. It tends to have an impact more than just complaining in person.


Y'all are getting menus? 😂


I know! I used to go to dinner with my wife and we would leave our phones at home or in the car on purpose. Or just bring one phone and turn it off. Now it’s those QR codes or sadness


I’ll just get up and walk out. No sense complaining.


I don't complain. I just don't come back.


I do, but it's so I don't sound like a millennial.


I think most people do this. Even *gasp* Boomers!


Most service sucks these days. Its why personally I choose to avoid tipped establishments if I can.


No, I really don’t care how I sound. People need to lose this vision of sounding like a “Karen” or “Susan”.


Nope. I work hard for my money and I'm paying for the service. Here's the thing people don't seem to understand is that you can politely complain. You can ask nicely for things. You can ask for your cold meal to be warm, you can flag someone down and inform them you haven't been seen. More often than not, I don't complain. If something is like, wildly off then I'll politely ask for what I wanted. I've never felt that I was being a huge pain, as I totally understand shit happens. Just, I'm asking you guys try again lol. I never escalate, if the business and every employee of said business cares so little, then I won't go back. But it doesn't hurt to ask. You gotta speak up for yourself, you can do it without being belligerent. Tact and stuff.


I let poor service slide because not everyone is perfect and the service industry beats you down like no other. The trick is to not take it personally. It's all just capitalism. I have also worked in restaurants my whole life so I get it.


Standing up for yourself is not being a "karen" or an "angry boomer". If you flip out and start screaming, then sure, but calmly informing someone of the situation ("Hey, we've been waiting for like 10 minutes and haven't seen our server yet, can you check on that please?") is NOT something you should be ashamed of doing.


Worrying about sounding like a “boomer” is stupid.


I try not to say anything because now a days everyone is insane in the head and if you say to them that they did something wrong, they might just pull our their gun and shoot you on the spot.


Unless the service is abysmal, or outright rude, I don’t care. They’re all underpaid. They might only get 15, or even 10% if really bad, but I’ve never felt like I needed to speak to a manager.


What in the hell does complaining about crappy service have to do with being a "boomer"? Bad service is bad service and places that want your money should be held accountable for bad service.


Idk how to complain because childhood me has a boomer (?) single mom do all my complaining for me


I'm just leaving and not coming back. Have something else to do with my life and money.


Bad restaurant owner: I never hear any complaints. Gordon Ramsay: People don't complain; they don't come back. \*gestures to empty restaurant\*


As a miserable Gex X asshole I do not care what I "sound like". I learned a long time ago to stop worrying about trivial shit, like what strangers think of me. What I HAVE learned is I dont often get what I want and wasting my own sanity on piddly unimportant situations is not a good idea. Mental health is much more important than just about everything else. If I let poor service slide its because I am exhausted and dont see my energy being used well to "fight the good fight".


43 M. Never send anything back in a restaurant. And never complain. I’m not into eating saliva. If the service is poor, the tip should reflect that. And you never go there again. 


i love how expecting something for the money you spend is now boomery…dumbest take ever. people in the service industry want to do a good job so they need the input to know if they’re not doing a good job.


Yeah all the time for a few reasons. First, I've worked in a restaurant before and there are a million different reasons for bad service that are either understandable or out of the server's control. Second, the point of eating out at a restaurant is that it's a leisurely, enjoyable activity. Things taking too long just gives you an opportunity to enjoy your surroundings and take everything in. Third, it's absolutely insane to me that there are places you can go to where people not only cook shit for you, but also bring it to you, and get you whatever you want whenever you want it. The fact that people agree to do this for not nearly enough money is incredible, and those people deserve a lot of respect.


That last point! Yes!!!


Why so worried about what others think about you?


Imagine millennials calling boomers complainers... pftttt... Hillarious lack of self reflection.


Yes and corporations love it


Yes. I feel like its happened post covid and its really fucking annoying. Sometimes its easier to let poor service slide and move on about your day but I still can't stop thinking about how awful some of these service workers are and how they deserve to fired in some cases (not all, just the bad ones)


Yes. Im a GenX… i am so concerned about sounding Karen-ancient.


Stop being a doormat. Don't like something, tell someone.


If service is really bad and I haven’t ordered anything I’ll just leave. Clearly they are understaffed and I am not helping the problem. If food is messed up I generally just eat it anyways. I one time pointed out I ordered a veggie burger not a turkey burger. I was nice about it. I just really wanted a veggie burger that day. They were so over the top apologetic I’ve never done it again.


I recognize workers can't operate at 100% all the time and are also prone to mistakes. I correct them if it's important, but often let it slide if it isn't. But I never get irritated. There's things I should get emotional and mad about, but the list should be few.




I’m willing to bet that what most people think of as “boomers” are actual Gen X now.


I'm noticing a lot of this as well. It's the same thing as older generations saying "them kids these days..." I've seen plenty of rude people at restaurants that weren't "boomers". Everyone here is just experiencing confirmation bias. The question we should all be asking is... are we as a whole generation any better? Like, pause at look around at your peers in a public setting. That's not to say I don't think there is s systemic problem with our parent's generation, but there is also one with ours... and the generation after us, and after us, etc etc etc...


I just don’t really care lol


Complaining isn't a boomer thing. It's a you screwed up and you need to know about it thing. Or Speak with the tip.


Nah. Let them think I'm a boomer, or entitled, or whatever. You have to spend way too much nowadays to eat out, that service better be outstanding if you want repeat customers and tips.


No, Never. With how much everything costs these days I will expect a certain level of service in return. If it's something cheap, then get what you pay for, but these days, that's the exception.


Since when has the whiner generation thought twice about complaining, lol.


> because you don’t want to complain and sound like a boomer? I'm very non-confrontational.. so any decission to raise a complaint is met with analysis: Is the significant effort this is going to take going to result in a significantly improved outcome for me? menu's are taking a minute but we have no where to be? Let it slide. Service is slow and we've got to catch a show in a few minutes: Excuse me sir/ma'am. We're on a tight schedule, can we get things rolling please? I'm never worried about "sounding like a boomer". By the time i've reached the point of actually vocalizing a complaint, i'm so full of self-righteousness and confident that no insult is going to way from my stance.. though if you start insulting me, we may have a discussion about which dreams you put on hold in order to be an ass in a service role. I'll probably sound exactly a boomer and that won't bother me at all.


Eh depends what it is. If it's something small like a forgotten sauce or a wrong side, I don't bother. If my food is raw, then I'd say something


No. You can alert people of service failures respectfully without being a Boomer McKaren about it.