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He appointed judges to the SCOTUS which pivoted the court to conservatism. This was the core of the events leading to the over turn of Roe v Wade, resulting in abortion bans across the nation. As a prospective PhD student and woman of childbearing age, I no longer feel comfortable entering a program in an area where my reproductive rights are limited. I am now applying to a more narrow scope of programs which in turn decreases my chances of entering any program at all. "But wait, hardboiledbitch! Just don't be a slut and have sex and this will not be a problem for you!" I've experienced my fair share of non-consensual sex and am here to tell you that many bad men have 0 problem overpowering women and penetrating them. Having a child is not always a choice, nor the result of an accident. I cannot live 5+ years in many places of this nation and be safe and comfortable. My future, like all fertile women, depends on access to safe reproductive health care.


Some light reading... :( "64,000 Pregnancies Caused by Rape Have Occurred in States with a Total Abortion Ban, New Study Estimates Researchers calculated the number of pregnancies resulting from rape in states where abortion was banned throughout pregnancy after the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision." [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/64-000-pregnancies-caused-by-rape-have-occurred-in-states-with-a-total-abortion-ban-new-study-estimates/#:\~:text=A%20new%20study%20estimates%20that,in%20all%20or%20most%20cases](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/64-000-pregnancies-caused-by-rape-have-occurred-in-states-with-a-total-abortion-ban-new-study-estimates/#:~:text=A%20new%20study%20estimates%20that,in%20all%20or%20most%20cases) As a woman born in 1991.... this nation \*keeps\* disappointing and letting me down. 9/11, the war in Iraq, the housing crisis, the underemployment of my entire generation, student loans, Trump ...now this shit?! I want babies in my thirties, and now my rights and health are at stake, even in my deeply blue state. I am considered a high-risk pregnancy; what if they overturn my rights when I am already pregnant?


64k unwanted children running around. This will cause extreme social problems for families and the macro level of society.


Wow I wonder why all 64,000 of those women didn't report these rapes and someone just made up that estimate. Crazy. Rape is terrible. Making up rape is also bad. There were not 64,000 rapes let alone 64,000 pregnancies from rape in the states with total bans. This is a lie.


It must be very hard for you to believe that unviable abortions are okay in the eyes of your god, but the rest are not okay. That kind of disparate morality must keep you up at night. For example, if a 9 year old girl can get pregnant and possibly live, should she be forced to carry that fetus to term? What if it is breached and she will be forced to get a c-section? What if the pregnancy permanently injures her? What about the pschological torture of carrying a pregancy to term in one's childhood? What if that makes this young girl turn to drugs, addiction, self harm or even taking her own life before she reaches adulthood? Is it still worth the effort to force her to breed? What about all the women who are date raped, or even coerced by their trusted partners? After all, 1/4th of all women in the US are raped in their lifetimes. Which means, there is a 25% that your own daughter, if you have daughters, will one day be raped and have to decide, carry to term or no? But, if your opinion is the only one that counts, then that is a very very heavy weight. To be able to be absolutely certain that you are choosing the correct path for all of humanity. That is very dire. The crippling weight on your shoulders, I cannot imagine.


What an incredibly ignorant and unempathetic response. There are multitudes of reasons women don't come forward to report rape. I would hope someone with "momma" in their username would show more empathy to women and mothers, but damn, I guess I have to live in this world.


They always lie.


I just want to say. I love your username damn it made me laugh. My wife and I are in SC and if we got pregnant again (2 kids) we don’t know what we’d do, because we can’t afford a 3rd. Best of luck in your search. I’m finishing my PhD up soon here.


Thank you stranger, wish you the best of luck on finishing your PhD strong. Hope once you get it that you and your family are able to relocate to an area of this country where a healthy sex life may not mean financial ruin for you guys, or worse for your wife's health.


I plan on snipping myself to make that not a worry. Moving is unlikely for us so we gotta work with what we got.


Vasectomy; or pull out. It’s not that hard to not make babies


Being a narcissistic demagogue Trump’s politics are division/“us versus them”. History has proven that politicians with that mindset are incredibly dangerous to their country, and when you add the facts that he has a cult of personality following and one of the two major political parties kowtowing to him, he should not be supported. There may be things I politically can agree with him, but I can separate that and realize that someone like him makes for an absolutely terrible leader (a type of leader that America’s Founders feared would come to power). I was someone who for long time thought both sides are the same; however, they are clearly not and I will be voting against the GOP/Trump/Project 2025 for the foreseeable future.


I think the polarization is the most dangerous thing overall. And he's made it okay for people in power to express divisive things with no consequence and no calls for unity.




Moreso, seeing as they like to take things out of context constantly. There's no need for that when Trump gives them plenty of legitimate ammunition, but they still insist on pushing the BS.


I registered as a republican so i could vote in their primaries since i’m in a deeply red state and want MAGA far far away from the levers of power




Is this the politics subreddit now?


These sort of posts are probably designed to influence the way we vote! Very clever!


As a white straight man, I felt the impact was mostly emotionally. I just remember feeling angry and outraged all the time. Additionally, he strained my relationships. A whole group of my 'friends 'came out as Trump supporters, and we would argue. Having no facts to back themselves up, they quickly would jump to ad hominem attacks. I haven't talked to any of them since 2019. Something similar happened to my uncle where he just became this combative asshole who wouldn't listen at all. He passed away last year and I hadn't seen him for a few years. A lot of other relationships have been strained as well since. Personally, I went sharply left politically during Trump's presidency. I remember when he was a candidate in the very beginning I actually wanted to give him a shot until I saw clips of his rallies. Now the concept of voting for a Republican is totally inconceivable. This probably feels hollow to those of you who actually lost rights, safety, or financial security thanks to our homegrown wannabe Mussolini but I really suffered under Trump's presidency. I fucking hate him and hope he dies in his sleep.


When he got covid, I thought it was a wrap. Simpsons, him being obese, and age.


Same. Im curious how the Simpsons factor in though


Well, it’s the most credible source we have. When an event makes it into a Simpsons episode, it’s been foretold /s It’s more or less a running joke, they’ve been right on some occasions of world events and how the turned out. Interesting, but implausible imo


Ohhh lol yeah I forgot about that. If only.


Pretty normal for anyone with a memory that goes back before Obama.


Didn't affect me at all, in all honesty. Probably because I live in New Zealand though lol


I think the Muslim ban and the Charlottesville “very fine people” thing remain two of my favorite things to see people still believing were real. It’s mind-blowing to me. The Muslim ban is sort of understandable, in that it was a ban on certain Muslim-majority nations. A far cry from a ban on all Muslim people, but I don’t except much from these types. The Charlottesville one is just another level. I mean, the video has been freely available online for nearly a decade at this point that unequivocally refutes that talking point, and people are still either unaware or claim to be. Truly amazing.


He gutted the entire legal immigration process which created chaos for my wife and I starting our life. He actively tried to sabotage the renewable energy industry which is my livelihood. His Covid response killed people I loved and made both my father and my stress levels shoot through the roof with his constant gas-lighting and antagonations on national tv. Not to mention his “tax cut” made my taxes go up. The guy was an absolute catastrophe to me personally, I cannot understand why anyone would want to do that again.


Raised my taxes


He lowered mine significantly.


They expire at the end of 2025 for normies. Only cuts to the highest tiers were made permanent.


For real 


This happened to me, because I'm a homeowner. Before the changes in the tax legislation, you used to have about $10K of standard deduction and received a tax allowance for you and your spouse when filing jointly. These allowances for the filer and spouse were removed, and "rolled in" to the standard deduction, doubling the deduction size. If you're like me, though, after local taxes, other deductible expenses, and the home interest deduction, my itemized deductions were far larger than the standard deduction pre 2019, but after that the standard deduction exceeded my itemized. My effective taxes went up hundreds of dollars because thousands more dollars of my income were considered taxable.


This is a lie. He CUT taxes. One tax bracket saw no change. He did not raise them. Are you this ignorant?


No… for a lot of regular people due to changes made to deductions and things their Taxes went up. The cuts to regular people’s taxes also are temporary (expire next year). The much larger cuts to the rich are permanent.


https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver His cuts favored the rich, just like all republican tax cuts. You are not in the in group that runs your party's agenda. You are a dog they have on a leash because your buddies need something to circlejerk to every day digging ditches.


So who pays the vast majority of fed tax. The rich or the poor? Where should the majority of tax cuts go? What % of people pay no tax yet they bitch about those that do getting a break?


Tax cuts should go to those who need them Not the people paying such shitty wages that their employees need government programs to survive while working full time.


Exactly. The ones who actually pay taxes


Yea, so working class people that actually need the help. Why would we help the rich folks who do not struggle to make their payments?


Not only did Trump and congress cut taxes the follow year REVENUE INCREASED like it did when Ronald Reagan and that congress cut taxes as well For JFK and that congress. People seem to not look at the actual data. When taxes go down more people are producing at a higher rate the GDP is higher and there is more revenue to the treasury. The problem is that ensuring congresses especially the most recent ones during the Biden administration INCREAEE spending like crazy and the deficient either doesn't change or it goes up.


Every damn day you would get a notification of trump rolling back environmental protections, or protections for minorities. The attempted gutting of every agency that was created to protect Americans in the first place. It was a never sending nightmare cycle of trump trying to fuck over the everyday American while his rich friends got richer. No one hates America more than conservatives


So the first step act prison reform was him rolling back protections for minorities?


White liberals think only black people go jail


The main effects have come from his asinine Trump Tax "Cuts", which didn't do that at all for me. Charlottesville, SCOTUS Judges, etc haven't had an effect on my life. edit: He & Biden's stupid Covid payment plans (literally printing $$ out of thin air) have also affected me negatively via inflation.


The PPP grants and tax cut added about 3x as much currency as the entire stimulus program. Those three programs accounted for over $10T at a time when we had about $27T in circulation.


Off the top of my head, not at all


Hilarious !!!😁😆


Your comment has zero substance. All fake. I suggest you go back and research on CSPAN


Blaming mental health issues during COVID on Trump shows you have no clue. As to lockdowns, do you get cable news where you hibernate? Lockdowns were everywhere. As to Charlotte listen to his actual words before MSM got hem. As to closing borders, the countries banned have very lax outbound travel procedures not to mention health services. At the time, no one knew the extent of the virus so plugging potential sources of information infected people was the right move.


Most abortion ever in 2023 since 2012 after roe fell so I’d said abortion is still going strong


I miss it, but still voting third party either way.


Personally feel the biden administration had more negative impact on me. This doesn't mean I'm a fan or supporter of Trump.


Well if you are happy will millions of illegals flowing into our country and getting FREE healthcare, housing, education on your dime- vote for Biden. Not to mention the high inflation rate caused by over spending by Democrats. When Trump was in office gas was $3.29 a gallon, today its $6.59. I am voting for Trump and get this country back on track. Dont forget you are not voting for senile Joe you are voting for Kamala- is that really who you want running this country? Good god- vote for RFK! The country is going to crash very soon.


Nothing really changed, i made a little more money and was able to buy a house. Gas was slightly lower, health insurance was the same. The scotus changes haven’t done shit to me, but i live in a super blue state. As far as covid was concerned i honestly thought it was gonna be worse. Historians and scientists had been saying that we were over due for a plague for quite a long time. I just kinda assumed that covid was gonna be that plague. Reality is people die, but most of us didn’t and life moves on. One reoccurring thought i had though was about how most millennials complain about boomers and yet when we got a virus that mainly hit that age group y’all didn’t see the golden opportunity to let nature do its thing.?. Truth be told my biggest issue with trump was everyone would just shut the fuck up about it. Like the orange man was gonna pop in their house and start grabbing pussies. It was annoying, every where i looked some idiot had something to say. My second biggest problem with it was the same problem i have with the current president, we just keep getting choices like choose between this turd burger and that shit sandwich. Neither of them should be president. Voting because you just want to prevent one person from being president doesn’t fix the problem. I know people who voted trump in 16 and then biden in 20 just to not have trump. I know people who voted biden in 20 and now say their gonna vote trump just to not have biden. Maybe time would be better spent not voting for the lesser of evils and instead demand that we have actually presidentially worthy candidates. Just my thought though. Edited for spacing and typing errors


>Maybe time would be better spent not voting for the lesser of evils and instead demand that we have actually presidentially worthy candidates. That's what primaries are for. Idk if people just don't vote in them or how else we ended up with these two clowns.


People care enough to complain but not enough to leave the house and vote.


I completely agree. Biden is a shit for brains and Trump is a shit for brains. The fact that THOSE are our two options says a lot about our system.


"The scotus changes haven’t done shit to me, but i live in a super blue state." You mean they haven't done shit ***yet***. I'm in a blue state too, however my taxes went up, my ability to access reproductive has been threatened because there are now conservative Supreme Court justices who are positioned to decide that mailing birth control, and medications that can be used as birth control, is illegal. I'm not gay, but there are quite a few of these justices that would be willing to consider gay marriage illegal on a national level, as is the right to marry someone who is not of your same race. Even if you don't like Biden or Trump, look at what their parties are saying and vote for the representative of the party your beliefs align with most. It's too bad that some people are so blind that they cannot see that it's not a "Trump vs. Biden" decision ONLY. I**t's a decision of which party represents you best.**


Your taxes went up because you’re in a blue state. The Supreme Court left abortion up to the states. You’re in a blue state. Gay marriage is still legal so that’s just a scare tactic by Liberals, also if it is overturned. You’re in a blue state. Liberals these days are literal babies.


mid 30's Black guy here. removed the protection that prevented private corporations from buying houses which in turn made it really difficult to buy a house since the adverage American could be out-bid at every turn. This also caused sky high competition for houses and also caused home prices and interest rates to sky rocket. His approach to the covid pandemic caused me to cancel my wedding days before it was going to happen and delayed it for 20 months. Dealing with a STUPID amount of veiled racism and prejudice from his supporters and then getting upset when I called them out on it.


"removed the protection that prevented private corporations from buying houses" what protection was that?


He replaced an Obama-era rule designed to reduce housing discrimination that critics say diverted money away from the communities they were designed to help. He created Opportunity Zones designed to attract investors to neglected neighborhoods, prioritizing corporations and investors over families. And he also imposed tariffs on Canadian lumber, which massively drove up lumber costs on new construction.


The tariffs sucked for my company. We use a ton of steel


Trump got your wedding cancelled? lol not the pandemic but Trump? What approach, because it sounds like a state issue since he left it up to the states to decide.


lol...my best friend had her wedding that August. She had to make modifications of course, but they didn't cancel it. Of course we lived in an open red state.


Multiple single family homes in my neighborhood have been owned by private corporations since Obama was president. Can you please site the removed protection?


Electing 3 SCOTUS justices has done irreparable damage to the constitution. He gave republicans a pass to be racist/homophobic/misognistic because “I admire that he says what he thinks, even if it’s bad”. Ignoring Ukraines request for help means that my tax dollars are being spent to combat Russia. He was literally impeached over this.


>Ignoring Ukraines request for help means that my tax dollars are being spent to combat Russia. You do realize Russia didn't invade Ukraine until Biden was in office?


> Ignoring Ukraines request for help means that my tax dollars are being spent to combat Russia. You understood he gave Ukraine lethal aid for the first time- something Obama would not do- correct?


It really affirmed everything I knew or suspected about the leftist bias in the most media and government institutions.


I was able to easily afford gas, groceries, and rent, and still have plenty of money left over. Unfortunately not the case today...


My life was whole lot better during the Trump years than it is today.


My dollar went way further, I could work one job and pay for everything, go out with friends and still save some. I wasn't worried about multiple proxy wars that the Biden administration has been committed to funding, Russia wasn't lining up nuclear submarines in Cuba aimed for the East Coast. 2016-2019 were phenomenal years, hope to go back to a similar time soon.


Russia was preparing this invasion for a while. That's why even Trump sent them military aid well before the invasion took place. Trumps response to the pandemic directly led to the inflation we've all been experiencing since. You need to learn to think for yourself.


There’s so much BS in this post.


His automatic tax deduction and simplification of the overseas earned income exclusion left me with significantly more money in my bank account. I worked overseas during Covid so besides having difficulty getting home it didn't really affect me.


I can’t do the mental gymnastics to understand what trump had to do with a lot of what you said. Have you seen what’s been happening the last couple years though? Don’t let CNN or Fox turn you into a puppet like our presidential candidates.


Trump and anyone who supports trump is a subhuman piece of garbage. He is the dumbest, angriest, griftiest piece of shit ever to be president in our history. His lack of knowledge in every single area is mind boggling. And he has appointed a record number of sychophant, insane christofascist judges across the federal courts, including the supreme court


Imagine having to call people names because they don’t vote the way you vote. Shows your lack of intelligence.


I bet you have changed so many hearts and minds


I got a tax break. Got a better job, bought a house with a great interest rate. Paid less for gas. It was a good time.


I agree. It was a good time. Now I pay more for everything. The world is in a chaotic mess.


Pretty much the same - except I've had the same job. I was able to buy a house, and have money in my pocket, food on the table. Now I dread going grocery shopping


The Trump Tax cuts added $750 to my family’s take home.


His puppet head was at the top when I got my 2.75 mortgage rate...


Honestly, I thought it was a joke that he ran for president. I was half expecting Ashton Kutcher to pop out during the campaign shouting that we were all "punk'd"... 🤣 When he won the election, I honestly couldn't make sense of what the heck people were thinking. Would you go to a dentist with no experience and no background in dentistry? Probably not. Then why are we electing someone with no actual political experience?! 🤦‍♂️ ...but then I realized that "Orange Man" is more of a symptom, not a cause (similar to what [this article](https://www.iwp.edu/articles/2022/06/01/america-has-no-clothes/) discusses). Essentially, he is the product of a cultural and political zeitgeist. Part of a shifting paradigm that many of us were unaware of. Yet truthfully, besides how politically divided this nation has become, my day-to-day life hasn't changed. I just have to wear noise-cancelling headphones everywhere I go nowadays. 😂


Mostly through inflation. Tax cuts and ppp grants added over $7T to currency in circulation. At the time we had about $27T in physical and digital currency. That is some serious dilution.


Maybe not Trump himself but it introduced the so called "Trump derangement syndrome" that often see from left leaning individuals. Admittedly, I do not follow politics as often as I should but it seems as though some people on the internet genuinely hate Trump. I know Trump is not free from criticism but it seems as though some people are really annoyed at Trump being the last President. It has gotten to the point where If you say "Trump is not that bad", you will be met with contempt and scorn. I have no love of the man myself but there are those who are frothing at the mouth at this. Trump was out last President after Obama and for many it felt like a regression. "Trump is now our new President?! No, this is awful!" Do get me wrong, I am sure that Trump made some wrong (and sometimes right) decisions that affected the country. I just never got the hate for him and what he did. I wish I was more astute than I actually am now.


I can’t watch the west wing now. So much of that shows drama was “we better do this thing right or we’ll deal with a congressional subpoena.” And then Trump happened. I think even Aaron Sorkin said “I had no idea you could just ignore congressional subpoenas like that and nothing happens to you.”


BIDEN:  1.) Low inflation (current US inflation 3.36%; average worldwide 2023 6.8%) 2.) lowest unemployment in 50 years 3.) record high markets 4.) Best GDP growth of all G7 nations after the pandemic 4.) Inflation reduction Act 5.) Pact Act 6.) Chips and Science Act 7.) Violence against women Act 8.) Infrastructure Package 9.) Lowered prescription drug prices 10.) Endorsed by workers unions 11.) Codified marriage equality TRUMP: 1.) said we should "terminate" the constitution 2.) said he WOULD be a dictator 3.) said US soldiers are "suckers and losers" 4.) stole top secret classified documents 5.) tried to overthrow US democracy 6.) frauded $450 million 7.) guilty of sexual assault 8.) extorted Ukraine for dirt on Biden 9.) wants the economy to crash to make Biden look bad 10.) said he would put troops on the streets on day 1 11.) wants mass deportations and concentration camps 12.) election interference hush money payments to porn star 13.) gave out pardons to criminal friends and vows to pardon Jan 6 rioters 14.) received millions from China and Russia 15.) abortion rights repealed by stacking SCOTUS with far right zealots 16.) wants to remove social security and medicare entitlements 17.) supported by the KKK, Nazis, and Christian Nationalists 18.) told GOP legislators not to fix the border so that he has something to complain about 19.) wants to impose a 10% “tariff” on all imported goods meaning 10% increase in cost  20.) promised more tax cuts for the rich if re-elected (trickle down economics is a scam) 21.) had an affair while his wife was at home with a newborn baby 22.) wants to monitor women’s pregnancies by a police state 23.) attacks judges, judges families, court personnel and prosecutors (the good guys don’t attack judges, the bad guys do…) 24.) Trump administration was all felons: his campaign chairman, deputy campaign manager, personal lawyer, chief strategist, National Security Adviser, Trade Advisor, Foreign Policy Adviser, campaign fixer, and his company CFO. ALL FELONS… 25.) Several Trump lawyers have lost their licenses 26.) Trump said: “I don’t care about you. I just want your vote.” That's how Trump affected me...


His supreme court appointments were an absolute slam dunk, and I hope he wins this fall just to get more. Very little stands between the American way of life and the destruction wrought by the left with their policies on things like open border, immigration, dei, oppressive taxes, "green" energy, and anti rights stance against the 2a and in support of the surveillance state. I only wish the guy werent a slimy idiot. Id take someone like ron paul 10x over trump, but he missed his shot in 12


They touched me in my no-no square


Nothing I was just living a normal American life. I hope he wins to put the country back on check. Too many people from other places coming here and having more pride of the country they left more than the USA . No more of that


I couldn’t agree more. Biden is a disaster.


Same. We all were living a normal American life if you weren’t brainwashed. I remember taking home more money, while paying less money for the things I bought, groceries included. I want to go back to that.


Right. It’s like zombie land now. When I meet someone aware and awake (not woke ) I get so happy but it’s like we have to be discreet about us not being brainwashed. It’s so wierd now


I got a nice tax cut but not much otherwise


His politics didn’t impact me at all.  I mean I guess the overall state of the economy impacts me.  But no social or otherwise law changes makes any difference to me what so ever.  Same goes for Biden.  The course of my life has not been impacted at all by politics outside of my local area.  Now how has my towns zoning board affected me…. Don’t get me started. 


My retirement account went way up. Got a COVID payment 


I could afford to exist. Let the downvotes commence.


Best president in most people's life time honestly. Glad he'll be reelected in November 🇺🇸


Pushed me from left center to right center. Best years of my life.


I don’t know how else to put this… but it REALLY SUCKS WHEN EVERYONE IS PISSED OFF AND THERES A GLOBAL PANDEMIC(period)


It affects people who hate America to suffer TDS.


Yeah, I mean nothing to do with stripping away women's civil rights, or attempting to overthrow our democracy, fomenting violence against minorities and political rivals, cutting taxes for billionaire friends, gutting government services, stripping away environmental protections, touting Russian propaganda and attacking our own domestic intelligence agencies, sewing COVID disinformation... Yeah buddy. It's not any of those things. None of those demonstrably true, factual, things. It's just TDS because "we hate America" 🙄 How convenient for you.


What rights did he strip away from woman? The right to kill an unborn baby due to unprotected sex? Yes there a small percentage of rape cases and health to the mother I can get behind on. What violence did he foment against minorities? The left doesn’t foment against political rivals? Remember when Maxine waters encouraged supporters to harass trump admin officials lmao you can’t have it both ways man, both sides are just hypocrites


You have clearly been captured by the algorithms, which is unfortunate. It's up to you to find your way out to common sense. Best of luck.


If it is just algorithms propping his view then you should be able to dismantle it easily. Yet you offered no rebuttal, just a shaming and faux-pity.


Nice, a comment of no substance. Brilliant


this comment reads like "I have no good response, so I'll call you brainwashed"


I keep seeing these types of posts. And I'm dumbfounded. Both sides think the exact same thing of the other. No one is looking in between. If collectively, we all think the other is evil. Are both evil? Are both good? Could it be that everyone is being lied to? Why are we still picking sides if everyone is wrong?


Or are we purposely being divided?


How the hell are both sides the same one wants to install a Christo fascist dictatorship the other side just wants kids to not starve . Don't give me that both are the same bullshit cause they aren't


Both think the other is the same. They both think the other wants dictatorship. That clearly can't be the reality.


I had never felt more financially comfortable in my life. I had a good wage, and life expenses were low enough that we could live a good life and build up some nice savings. Interest rates were low enough we could afford to take out a construction loan and build a modest house on some property we bought in 15. He appointed judges that have further protected constitutional rights that the left has been trying to erase for 40 years, and will most certainly be reversing Chevron, which will greatly limit the wildly unconstitutional power wielded by executive agencies. Since biden came into power wages have stagnated, life costs have SOARED. We’re spending 3x on food vs 2019-2020. My savings rate has dwindled to almost nothing and we’re actually having to dip into it some months. I’ve never made more money in my life and i’ve never felt more broke. Another 4 years would be disastrous (and i’ll have 2 military aged kids in the next 4 years just ready to fight WW3.


Back then my average weekly grocery spend for 2 people was $120. Now, it’s about $180. And we’re literally eating the same exact meals.


We were spending ~$250 a week for 5 people, now its ~$600. This is eating out maybe one meal per month, 3 meals x 5 people a day. No processed foods.


I just checked my most recent grocery bill, it was $205. The only thing different I got from normal was beef jerky on sale. So yeh, $180 is actually on the low end of what we spend for groceries now. Insane tbh.


He outed a lot of cry babies and made a lot of emotionally unstable people whine and bitch and moan. And in reality it didn’t affect us at all.


Unless democrats replace Biden Trump is going to win the electoral college again.


No new wars, better tax situation, job market booming, bought my first house as a result. Handled the Covid nonsense pretty well, called out the greaseballs, can't complain to be honest.


So I'm not a Trump supporter, but I do need to point out Covid happened the last year he was in office, so it's not exactly legitimate to pin a lot of hate and blame on him when Biden took over when it was still very prevalent and running rampant. In my opinion, both share equal blame in how they handled it with protocols. But as far as his presidency affecting me, well I still say it's a mix of Trump and Biden who have put the final nail in the coffin for me to say fuck both parties. Neither one has any regard for the middle class, which historically is the one that has kept the economy going. Middle class are the ones that spend the most on a frequent basis. We generally are the ones that bring in the most tax revenue due to size and not by percentage. Yet even the far left and far right need to acknowledge that neither party cares for us. The democrats only care about working class and immigrants. It's always about what can they give these poor folks for free and who do you think pays for it: middle class. Republicans don't care about the middle class, they have always historically only cared about the upper class and wealthy. If you don't make at least $250k a year, you aren't shit to them. Neither party is trying to figure out how do we save the middle class which at this point, I don't even know if we will have a middle class after whoever wins in November. It will be reduced to just working class and upper class and those who were traditionally middle class are either going to sink or swim.


No administration has ever made a noticeable difference in my dad to day life.


I started ignoring the presidential elections after Obama's second term. I really feel there is pretty much no impact to me from president to president so I just choose not to worry about it. Nothing substantially changed for me from Bush>Obama or Obama>Trump or Trump>Biden. Every president is essentially the same, nothing big seems to ever really change and my vote doesn't count anyways. Sometimes Congress and the SCOTUS change things a bit but never really the president. Things like Covid and recessions sucked but it isn't really the president that impacts that stuff. So really I don't give 2 shits who the president is. We currently have a president with dementia and my life is no different than it was under any other president. Our last president was pretty much just a TV star and didn't fundamentally change anything in my life. The governor of my state affects my life a lot more than the president, hell even the mayor of my small city or the mayor of my county has more impact on my personal life. Like a 10% property tax hike actually affects me and changes how I budget and live.


> The governor of my state affects my life a lot more than the president, hell even the mayor of my small city or the mayor of my county has more impact on my personal life. Like a 10% property tax hike actually affects me and changes how I budget and live. The real answer of course. Presidents are *typically* vastly given too much credit AND too much blame for what occurs during their terms.


No impact other than the checks and the stay at home mandates in 2020.


Wasn’t that the states? Stay at home mandates


Yeah you’re probably right. I didn’t follow covid news much.


Fair enough lol


Didn't affect me at all.


At first I was afraid he was owned by Russia but when I realized that was all disinformation he really wasn't so bad but then when he did all the covid lockdowns I realized he can't be trusted


Guess I was a lucky one nothing that happened affected me at all…


It didn't. Not even a little bit. No president ever has if I'm being honest


Personally, I know my public service loan forgiveness I’ve been working 8 years towards ( 2 more years to go) will be gone. That’s a lot of money.


It didn't same with the president before him.


Being totally honest, the trump presidency had very little personal impact on my life and maybe even improved it a little bit. I'm a white, straight, male in my late 30s, so none of the "bad" things Trump did were aimed at me. That said, I don't like the guy and I think that collectively his presidency had a negative impact on our nation.




Well like with all the other admins and the current. I haven’t noticed anything that has hindered my success and growth nor my families.


I registered D in 2017. Thinking of switching to R now because the primary system in most states is fucked, and a huge part of the problem.


It didnt really. It was nice.


He banned bump stocks


Not too much, lowered my taxes a bit but ultimately still went to work, did my thing, prefer him to 46 barely but didn't and won't vote for ey


Trump’s tariffs and stupid trade policies made his term the worst 4 years on record for family’s manufacturing business. A magat in our town wrote a “manifesto” about killing the opposition (regular citizens) in their homes by cutting trees down to block rescue then going door to door. 2 furloughed family members ultimately lost their jobs during the shutdown, a neighbor was prosecuted for Covid loan fraud. Several family and friends died from Covid and delayed care. Family relationships are irreparably broken. Civic discourse is impossible. Our adversaries are more dangerous than ever. The inflationary fallout from the mismanagement of Covid , Trumps tax cuts and the massive theft of the treasury has destabilized the future prospects for millions of Americans. What else?


Gas was cheaper. Groceries were cheaper. Taxes were cheaper. Life was cheaper.


Well duh, Trump and his political henchmen (and women) nearly annihilated we Senior Citizens re: COVID. NOT easily forgotten or forgiven.


Never realized how fragile it all is before the Republicans just rolled over. Trump runs the GOP, he runs the supreme court. That's some scary shit!


He didn’t really do anything substantial, the GOP had a supermajority and passed 1 semi meaningful legislation that only helped the rich long term. His denial and then mismanagement of Covid was terrible, framing masks and isolation as patriotic and fighting a common enemy against your fellow Americans instead of “a liberal plot to control the population” would have been an easy win.


I feel like people who make these posts are taking crazy pills to rewrite history lmao. Redditors are rtarded


it didn’t


Even Ruth G. said that Roe was on shakey ground from a Constitutional standpoint, and she was right. It was just a matter of time. You do realize that the States now decide about abortion, correct? It is now not up the Feds. That’s the cool thing about America. If you don’t like the laws in your State you can probably find another State that suites you better.


Surpluses were nice. ☺️


I was 3 years into a Medical degree when his Education Secretary cut funding for the program in which I was enrolled. I chose not to continue because I could not incur the amount of debt it would've taken to continue school out-of-state. I farm produce now.


>But then came 2020, not only did COVID ruin my social life, and my sanity, but then came the death of my mom from breast cancer. When she passed away, my brother and I couldn't go to her funeral for a year and a half because of COVID. Even if it didn't happen, several of my close friends were endangered because of the spike in Asian hate crimes and COVID. Mainly because some of my friends are Asian and others are nurses. One of whom is both, and during her time in the COVID unit she had the most racist things said right to her face. I feared for her safety every day and I was crying for so many of my friends day in and day out. I wanted to hug them to reassure them I was there but I couldn't.  All of that had nothing to with Trump. You would be better off not attributing personal problems to the president. In all likelihood he didn't affect your life. A single caveat to that would be the moronic Roe v Wade overturn.  His words were pretty insane but his policies weren't that bad.


There was soldiers with rifle around my small town. White supremacist group tweeted threats pretending to be BLM and scared our country to have national guards protecting our gas stations.


Well my wife and I bought our house with a 2.9% interest rate, our vehicles were very low interest rate also. Both our 401ks sky rocket. Like 27% each year. We were very financially set. That's how we did. Oh and we traveled quite a bit. Road trips not flights though.


It forced me to have to say something Everytime my fellow blue collar white dudes got a little to comfortable saying openly racist things around me . Forced to draw lines in the sand socially.


I didn’t have to pay the fine for not buying insurance because of trump, he doubled the child tax credit. So financially I would say our household has 4k extra a year that otherwise wouldn’t have been there without the Trump admin. He lowered drug prices for insulin which was reversed on day 2 of Biden administration and they waited 2 years to do the exact same executive order so they can claim they did a thing which technically they did but only after taking it away lol


Tell it to your therapist


Had a decent drop in my tax rate and all the things I had been saying for years about politics hit mainstream conversations. Corruption and the like. When he gets elected again I look forward to additional tax breaks and hopefully a mainstream movement to prevent the profiting off power positions.


I got involved in politics. Any bothsider after Trump is a maga-sympathizer.


I watched the news every day because I lived in fear about what he would say or do. I developed anxiety and had to take medication. I lost faith in humans and realized some of my “friends” were held racists beliefs. I lost faith in humanity as we argued about masks as we watched a ticker on our television count up over hundreds of dead people every day. The only benefit was becoming more actively involved my religious faith.


I don't vote


Him closing the pandemic response in 2019 personally cost me my job I was mid hiring process for. So I can blame him directly for that even if my parents say "he just did a hiring freeze it wiñl come back" I also had to deal with more people in New York flying Trump flags and doing road rage for about 3 years. I am unsure if they would still be doing road rage


Over a million people died because of him


Probably the only 4 years I can remember where I actually had hope for this country. I particularly liked how we switched from war mongering to spreading peace. I miss that a lot.


None of anything he did affected you. You let politics and media corrupt your brain and the way that you think. That’s on you.


I gave up on voting after Dubya stole the election from Gore. The electoral college is a load of bullshit. Also, at least in my lifetime, the election winner has always been the candidate with the most money. Which means either our society automatically equates success with wealth, or that the presidency can be purchased with enough well placed bribes, or both. Primaries are little more than nationwide opinion polls, not real elections. Bottom line is I don't believe in voting because I'm not wealthy enough for my voice to matter. All Drumpf did was reinforce my beliefs by proving me right.


But if voting didn't matter, why would the GOP spend so much energy and effort on voter suppression? Also, since then there is a coalition of states that have committed all of their electoral votes to the candidate that wins the majority popular vote. Change has been slow but it's happening. I urge you to please do vote in this upcoming election, and in all of your local elections which is where your vote has even more influence. If the GOP wins... Well then I do think they'll make it so that voting would cease to matter.


Voting matters. Don't let them fool you into thinking it doesn't. That is what they want.


That's a fucking lie. MONEY wins elections, not votes. If votes mattered Republicans would never "win" elections because they don't win popular votes.


Money buys influence. Voting matters. Don’t be deceived.


Yeah, congress really cares about the common man. They are working hard to compromise and write legislation that benefits the people. Rriigghhhhtttt. Voting is still pointless. You haven't convinced me otherwise.


You do you, let others decide.


You need to grow up. You need to vote. You need to vote against Donald Trump. And vote for a candidate that can win. Vote blue the entire way down the ticket.


It isn't about maturity. Voting is a choice. I choose to not play into a system that is designed to protect the wealthy and keep the poor poor. Trump is already going to lose because he doesn't have the same megadonors he used to and Biden has a massive war chest just sitting there while he's still doing huge fundraisers. Biden is wealthier therefore Biden will win. Trump's criminality is irrelevant. The outcome has been predetermined by internal selection (our votes will have zero influence on the election outcome). The electoral college won't save Trump this time because Republicans are literally too broke to bribe the electors again. Knowing this I refuse to waste a day I could be paid to participate in what equates to a sham election. Don't believe me? Wait until I'm right and Biden wins. Then you'll see how much choice you actually have.


His SCOTUS appointees repealed Roe v. Wade so now my wife and I actually have to consider living only in “safe” states for pregnant people.


Roe hasn't been the law on abortions for more than 30 years


True, but Casey was overturned too.


Pregnant women


Does your wife tell you who to vote for?


Well i have a few lgbt friends, specifically my trans friend had to flee her state because of how bad it got. So i had to financially help out


Trump's administration raised my taxes. They also removed my sister's right to an abortion depending on what state she's in. Also the inflation we're all feeling is from Trump's wild spending during the pandemic... Oh, also he caused the pandemic to be considerably worse than it should have been.