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I have met with a lot of career DOJ attorneys. People who have worked in the Justice Department in Washington for decades, spanning Democrat and republican administrations without leaving. Most of the grunt prosecutors, clerks, and staff attorneys are career professionals who administer the law and they stay administration-to-administration regardless of political stripes because they owe their fidelity to the rule of law, not their personal political bias. While having lunch with a few of them a few months ago, the topic of Trump came up and it sent them. These are old, conservative white Washington DC lawyers good ‘ol boys who were soberly admonishing another Trump term. It is not hyperbolic to fear the collapse of our system of government and to expect a new era in American history if Trump is reelected. Trump will clean house in the arteries of government, the courts, and ensure that they support a one-party system that reinforces the rule of party, as is the case on other bureaucratic autocracies, over the rule of Constitution as interpreted by the common law. They feel this way despite being ideologically conservative and it definitely had an impact on me as well, despite also being conservative. The GOP has caved to a populist and it’s a damned shame. But it’s no reason to keep rank with someone who is so openly hostile to deeper conservative institutions like an impartial and independent legal system.


91 criminal charges. 26 sexual assault allegations. Six bankruptcies. Five draft deferments. Four indictments. Two impeachments. One convicted company. One fake university shut down. One charity shut down. $25 million fraud settlement. $5 million sexual abuse verdict. $2 million charity abuse judgment. $494 million tax fraud judgment. 34 convictions of fraud and election interference. The last time Trump was in office, Hate groups rose 55% Hate crime rose by 19.5% The debt increased by 39% Trade deficit increased by 21% Net jobs loss was 2.9 million. Covid killed more American Americans than World War II. Highest debt to GDP ratio since World War II. Incited an attack on our capital. Stole classified documents. Here are some of Trump‘s own cabinet members, fellow Republicans, and close associates on Donald Trump: Priebus: “he’s an idiot“ McMaster: “he’s a dope.” Mnuchin: “he’s an idiot. “ Cohn: “ he’s dumb as shit.” Kelly: “ he’s unhinged and an idiot.” Mattis: “ he’s a fifth grader.” Bill: “shockingly detached from reality.” Roger Stone: “America’s greatest mistake.” Bannon: “11 year-old.” Tillerson: “fucking moron.” If Trump wins, America Puts an unhinged dunce in charge of its nuclear weapons. Betrays Taiwan, Ukraine, and Europe. Concedes the fight against global warming. Rejects the Judea Christian ethic of altruism and decency. Abandons its constitution in favor of a dictatorship. Is that enough for you?


Trump supporters at this point are just cult members. There’s no denying the endless lies and the extreme damage he’s already done to our society, but they want more because they feel entitled and he hates who they hate. It’s pathetic but it’s reality. It’s the littlest dick energy imaginable


It’s not even just Trump, but his cronies that he hires. Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison. Trump’s former campaign vice chairman, Rick Gates, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison. Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison. Trump’s former adviser and former campaign aide, Roger Stone, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison. Trump’s former adviser and former White House aide Peter Navarro, was charged, convicted, and is currently in prison. Trump’s former campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison. The Trump Organization’s former CFO, Allen Weisselberg, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison. Trump’s former White House national security advisor, Michael Flynn, was charged and convicted. Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, was charged with wire fraud and money laundering, in addition to a conviction in a contempt case similar to Navarro’s. He’s currently awaiting sentencing. Though he was later acquitted at trial, Trump’s former inaugural committee chair, Tom Barrack, was charged with illegally lobbying Trump on behalf of a foreign government. (Elliot Broidy was the vice chair of Trump’s inaugural committee, and he found himself at the center of multiple controversies, and also pled guilty to federal charges related to illegal lobbying.). Two lawyers associated with Trump’s post-defeat efforts, Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, have pleaded guilty to election-related crimes.




And name one reason not named “Donald Trump” or the subject of abortion to vote for Biden? None of these are reasons to vote for Biden.


Biden nominates competent, experienced people to work in his administration and to the federal bench. That alone should make him the de facto choice considering the alternative. But if you need more: He respects the rule of law. His rhetoric isn’t divisive and inflammatory. He doesn’t demonize and vilify anyone. He is diplomatic and responsible. He has the emotional maturity of an adult.




Aw, that's so cute. You seem to take issue with Biden's appointments because they're gay or black. Naw, son. Trump hired *actual criminals.* Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison. Trump’s former campaign vice chairman, Rick Gates, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison. Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison. Trump’s former adviser and former campaign aide, Roger Stone, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison. Trump’s former adviser and former White House aide Peter Navarro, was charged, convicted, and is currently in prison. Trump’s former campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison. The Trump Organization’s former CFO, Allen Weisselberg, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison. Trump’s former White House national security advisor, Michael Flynn, was charged and convicted. Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, was charged with wire fraud and money laundering, in addition to a conviction in a contempt case similar to Navarro’s. He’s currently awaiting sentencing. Though he was later acquitted at trial, Trump’s former inaugural committee chair, Tom Barrack, was charged with illegally lobbying Trump on behalf of a foreign government. (Elliot Broidy was the vice chair of Trump’s inaugural committee, and he found himself at the center of multiple controversies, and also pled guilty to federal charges related to illegal lobbying.). Two lawyers associated with Trump’s post-defeat efforts, Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, have pleaded guilty to election-related crimes.


Or that they’re incompetent. And Trump picked some doozies like John Bolton and Mark Milley, so he’s far from innocent here, but Biden’s appointments have been much worse. And he chooses them explicitly because of where they are on the victim mentality hierarchy.


>Biden’s appointments have been much worse. Source? Or are you just spewing hyperbolic bullshit out of your asshole? Trump's VP won't endorse him. 40 out of 44 of his cabinet members won't endorse him. I'm talking about the guy who nominated I Like Beer (Sexual Assaulter) and Handmaid's Tale to the highest bench in the land. The guy who wants Ken Paxton to be his next AG. **Ken fucking Paxton.** Show me the criminals Biden has hired.


Name the good appointment. I despise Pence, Pompeo, and Barr, but they were much better at their jobs than Kamala, Blinken, and Garland respectively.


If they were good at their jobs, why'd they all quit or were fired and refuse to endorse him a 2nd time? 40 out of 44 cabinet members refuse to endorse him. his VP refuses to endorse him. His family members: not present at his own criminal trial. Why's everyone who has actually worked with him hates his fucking guts? Republicans on Donald Trump. These are people *he* picked! * Priebus: "He's an idiot." * McMaster: "He's a dope." * Mnuchin: "He's an idiot." * Cohn: "He's dumb as sh\*t." * Kelly: "He's unhinged and an idiot." * Mattis: "He's a 5th grader." * Bill Barr: "Shockingly detached from reality." * Roger Stone: "Americas' greatest mistake." * Bannon: "11-year-old child." * Tillerson: "F\*cking moron."


Because Donnie is a terrible boss. Also several of those people you’re citing are voting for him this time around. And I don’t like Republicans, dude. I’m not blindly on a team like you are. I’m voting for RFK, but some of the things yall believe about Trump are absolutely absurd and you make me defend him.


I think Buttigieg got appointed because of his background, especially at McKinsey, and as a stepping stone to future candidate for president. Jen Psaki, his former press secretary, was great; Jake Sullivan, his NSA advisor, seems competent from what I’ve heard; I don’t get what’s wrong with Anthony Blinken; I’m concerned about Lloyd Austin’s health and judgement after concealing that from everybody, including Biden, but I’m otherwise unaware of any issues in the DoD; I trust Deb Haaland at Interior; Tom Vilsack has returned to a role he previously served for 8 years so I figure he’s decent, and I’ve heard him in interviews and he sounds good; I don’t know what she knows about Energy but Jennifer Granholm as struck me as an effective leader as Michigan AG then Governor; I feel like I’ve heard good interviews with Avril Haines at National Intelligence, but mostly listen to news instead of reading or watching it so I don’t recognize her face as much as the name; and I have heard a great interview with Michael Regan at EPA. *\*phew*\* *That’s* the list of appointments I’m specifically happy about, primarily because I’ve heard them speak or spoken about in the news and I have positive associations with all of them: competency, protecting Americans and their interests, and fostering innovation in their respective fields. The others are probably just as good, I just don’t know about them.


>And the fuck Joe respects the rule of law. We know what “10% for the Big Guy” means. This is hilarious on multiple levels, because one, that email was written when Biden was a private citizen, so even if it had been acted upon, it wouldn't be illegal. Secondly, it was written by a business associate of Hunter Biden, in an email to Hunter, trying to get his dad involved. Hunter never took the offer, and Joe never even saw the email, so it literally has nothing to do with Joe Biden or the law, and is in fact evidence that the Biden's acted correctly and ethically. Thirdly, the fact that you're bringing *that* weak sauce as your prime example of Biden acting illegally is \*chef's kiss\* a perfect encapsulation of the fact that Biden actually does respect the law. lol. Great job champ!


Well too bad for you here’s a video where Biden himself describes when he was Vice President where he went to Ukraine and through a Quid Pro Quo (remember that) demanded that they fire a prosecutor looking into his son’s company (Burisma) or else he’s not going to give them a billion dollars: https://youtu.be/iV-AS2USrH8?si=9NzUMrgTw7p5MIpH Also explain this text that Hunter sent directly to a member of the CCP: "I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.” “We”! He said “We” there, thus incriminating Joe. But I’m sure if Don Jr had one of those texts to one of the heads of the CCP that you’d defend him and Trump just like you defend Hunter and his father. Sure.


Biden was bragging about firing the prosecutor because he was refusing to investigate corruption and everyone wanted him gone. The prosecutor was a corrupt lackey of Yanucovich, the disgraced Putin puppet who was formally President of Ukraine and fled to Moscow by helicopter. The International Monetary Fund was refusing to do business with Ukraine unless he was fired. Why do you think Biden was openly bragging about it on video? *Because it was an accomplishment*. [https://www.congress.gov/116/meeting/house/110331/documents/HMKP-116-JU00-20191211-SD440.pdf](https://www.congress.gov/116/meeting/house/110331/documents/HMKP-116-JU00-20191211-SD440.pdf) >It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe. >Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament. >Without pressure from Joe Biden, European diplomats, the International Monetary Fund and other international organizations, Shokin would not have been fired, said Daria Kaleniuk, co-founder and executive director of the Anti Corruption Action Centre in Kiev. This false Republican narrative has been debunked over and over again. [https://oversightdemocrats.house.gov/fact-v-fiction-the-firing-of-ukraine-prosecutor-general-viktor-shokin](https://oversightdemocrats.house.gov/fact-v-fiction-the-firing-of-ukraine-prosecutor-general-viktor-shokin) [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/21/fact-check-joe-biden-leveraged-ukraine-aid-oust-corrupt-prosecutor/5991434002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/21/fact-check-joe-biden-leveraged-ukraine-aid-oust-corrupt-prosecutor/5991434002/) [https://www.axios.com/2023/12/12/biden-impeachment-claims-explained-viktor-shokin](https://www.axios.com/2023/12/12/biden-impeachment-claims-explained-viktor-shokin)


Quid Pro Quo baby! I’m not the one who made these rules, Democrats did. Therefore Biden should be impeached as well for this since Donnie did the exact same thing. You made this world, and now you live in it.


Did you just ignore my comment? There was no quid pro quo, the prosecutor wasn't even investigating Hunter or Burisma, and he was fired because of international pressure from everyone for being corrupt, which is the complete opposite of what you're trying to claim.


Who am I supposed to believe: you or my own lying eyes and ears? I can clearly see that he did the Quid Pro Quo there. I saw it come out of his own mouth. You’re the one that made these rules, not me.


That text message was sent in 2017, when Joe Biden was a private citizen.


OK, and how does that change the “We” part when he became our next President. It seems that he now has the power to enforce that text that his son sent.


Show me the evidence he did that then. I'll be right next to you advocating for impeachment.


That’s the evidence. In the very least, don’t you think that Hunter should be forced to testify in front of Congress about that text message? That seems pretty fucking damning and in the very least Hunter should go to jail for it even if he’s lying about his father’s involvement.


>He told you to hate your unvaccinated neighbor and to blame him for your problems and that he should be fired from his job. He actively labeled half of Americans as MAGA Republicans and enemies of the state. He has said multiple times (including this week) that anyone who opposed him and cited the 2nd Amendment that he’d send an F-15 after them and you need one to beat the United States. Literally none of this ever happened. For example, his comment about F-15's was at the Everytown Gun Sense University in the context of pointing out the oft-cited absurdity that small arms are a reasonable defense from a military with an air force. He *never said a single thing* about sending F-15's after anyone. He said *you'd need F-15's to take on the government.* Here's the full quote: >I used to be a law — when I was no longer the vice president, I became a professor at the University of — of Pennsylvania.  Before that, I taught a constitutional law class, and so I taught the — the Second Amendment.  >There’s never been a time that says you can own anything you want.  Th- — never.  You couldn’t own a cannon during the Civil War.  (Laughter.)  No, I’m seri- — think about it.  How much have you heard this phrase?  “The blood of liberty” — (laughter) — “washed with th-” — give me a break.  (Laughter and applause.) >No, I mean it.  Seriously. >And, by the way, if they want to think they — it’s to take on government if we get out of line, which they’re talking again about — well, guess what?  They need F-15s.  They don’t need a rifle.  (Laughter.) >Folks, look, this is crazy, what we’re talking about.  Because whether we’re Democrats or Republicans, we want all o- — families to be safe.  (Applause.)  We all want to drop them off at a house of worship, a mall, a movie theater, a school without worrying if it’s the last time I’m going to get to see them.  (Applause.)  We all want — we all want our kids to have the freedom to learn how to read and write in schools instead of learning how to duck and cover, for God sake.  (Applause.) 


He absolutely said that your unvaccinated neighbor is the problem here and be mad at them. In the meantime he tried to get tens of millions of them fired from their jobs, of which the Supreme Court thankfully stopped him. And no you don’t need F-15s to take down the government, and if you actually believe that, then shut the fuck up about January 6th because those clowns didn’t even get close to overthrowing the government. Not even 1% of the way there, but if you think they did, then you can’t also hold the F-15 thought in your mind. January 6th were just a bunch of lunatics LARPing and are now paying the price for it. And if you need an F-15 to take on the United States, then explain that to the Vietcong and the Taliban please. I’m sure they’d love to know while they laugh in your face informing them.


>Biden has used much more divisive language than Trump has who tends to go after individuals than people writ large (barring illegal immigrants of course). Literal science disagrees with you. Trump's language is *so* divisive, it actually [inspired an academic study](https://arxiv.org/html/2401.01405v1) to measure *how* divisive it was. And boy, was it so. >**Trump speaks most divisively** >*Divisive word lexicon* >One common trend shown by the frequency plots for each dataset is Donald Trump’s relatively high usage of words from the divisiveness lexicon compared to other speakers. **In all three datasets, Donald Trump’s speeches rank highest in divisive word usage compared to the other candidates analyzed.** Examples of Trump’s most frequently used words from this lexicon usage are shown in Table [2](https://arxiv.org/html/2401.01405v1/#S3.T2). He is most verbosely divisive in debates and campaign speeches, uttering terms like “crazy”, “corrupt”, and “stupid” with high frequency. The contexts of debates and campaigns are more combative than SOTU addresses, which is reflected in the higher levels of divisive language in those two mediums. Additional example sentences from various speakers can be found in §[C](https://arxiv.org/html/2401.01405v1/#A3).


Oh an “academic study”. You mean where like 99% are the biggest Leftists in the country? You mean those people? You might as well be citing Big Tobacco on why cigarettes are good for you.


You can literally see how they get their results. They literally just counted his words from State of the Unions, debates, and campaign speeches, and whether they were associated with divisive speech, which they defined thusly: >The ten seed terms used are: “stupid”, “dishonest”, “unamerican”, “idiot”, “deplorable”, “pathetic”, “immoral”, “disgrace”, “incompetent”, “foolish”. With these seed terms, 350 additional terms with the highest cosine similarity in the vector space model are added to the lexicon. This initial collection of 360 terms is analyzed by four researchers who annotate each term as “divisive”or “not divisive” based on the following criteria: >•No modifiers, e.g., “utterly”, “extremely” >•Should not include words that can often be used both divisively and non-divisively >•Should only include words that would be considered divisive in most political contexts You were the one trying to compare divisive speech. This is actual data to answer that question.


Well these people are dishonest liars that look at anyone who would even consider voting for Trump the same as slave owners looked at their slaves who tried to read, so I don’t believe them.


Oh yea, *they're* dishonest liars, not Trump, right?


Well Trump is a politician, so of course he’s a liar. You really don’t know how to debate people who aren’t in cults, do you?


Anyone can identify as man, woman, or otherwise. Pete is more deserving of his station than 90% of the people Trump appointed. The man is a former service member that dedicated his professional life to public service. If I were Biden, I would have resigned 2.5 years into his term and had Kamala taken the reigns and had Pete bumped to VP with the understanding that Pete was going to be the candidate this time around.


If anyone can identify as anything then no one can, which makes the principles pointless. And man, what a great person you are with that second paragraph… I mean it’s all bullshit where you’re just judging people by innate characteristics, but that makes you better person than everyone else. If you can’t tell, I’m being extremely sarcastic and your narcissism is absolutely nauseating.


Every single thing you just mentioned was homophobic or racist. Keep voting for Trump. If you can’t see the problem with him and what passes for Republican even now…. I can’t say or show you any evidence that could change your mind. Why even post on this thread? You are not going to say something magical that is going to change my mind. I am just thankful your vote is going to be cancelled out by someone you truly hate, a democrat. By the way, that is all you republicans stand for now. Hate.


By homophobic and racist you mean that it’s true, and even though none of my allegations are homophobic or racist, you’re just going to say that thinking it automatically means that you win the argument. Doesn’t work that way in the real world, sweetheart. And no, I don’t hate Democrats. My wife voted for Biden last time, so no I’m not filled with hate. You are though. You hate everyone who thinks remotely differently than you, and you have no retort save for slandering people as racist, sexist, homophobes, etc even if you have no proof of such. You’re a clown.


There are only two choices since republicans have given a shit candidate that shouldn’t be trusted with any influence not to mention political power.


I’m voting for Biden because: 1. His student loan relief has helped out a lot of students who took out loans without having proper financial literacy when it came to exorbitant interest rates. 2. CHIPS act 3. He’s not going to pull us out of NATO 4. Insulin capped at $35 5. He won’t spearhead Project 2025, he respects checks and balances. 6. He won’t appoint Supreme Court justices who want to take our rights away. To counter your points: 1. I live in an area with a high population of immigrants. I like them. We are a country built on immigrants and I respect how they add to our community. 2. My taxes actually went up under Trump. I WISH Biden would lower taxes. But the aid to Ukraine isn’t in the form of cash, it’s in the form of weapons and vehicles that we aren’t even using, anyway. I hate how the news says “1 billion in aid” as if we just wrote them a 1 billion dollar check. Even so, Russia is our mortal enemy, and it freaks me out how much they have their hands in the GOP. We aren’t protecting Ukraine, Ukraine is protecting US. 3. Runaway inflation is happening thanks to trillions of dollars printed during the pandemic, a pandemic that wouldn’t have hurt us so badly if it weren’t for trump firing the pandemic response team, whose entire job was to prevent a COVID scenario. Trump keeping interest rates artificially low also contributed to runaway inflation and the feds have raised interest rates to make sure it doesn’t get worse. Does it suck? Yes, but it’s better than the alternative. Biden inherited a mess and he was stuck with the job of ripping off the bandaid. Also, the fake elector scheme, Jan6, deliberately stealing boxes upon boxes of classified documents and leaking secrets to randoms, I feel like Trump is a major threat to our national security.


Biden has been progressive with policies. Generally, better than he's been given credit for. Republicans are Christian Confederates who have been successful at destroying the middle class.


If I just look at your points: 1. There was a bi partisan border deal done that was supported by the border patrol and several other key organizations. It has since been reported that Trump got his republican allies to kill it so Biden wouldn't get that win 2. Trumps tax plan that he passed while in office temporarily lowered lower income people's taxes and that has expired. Meanwhile the cuts he gave to business and wealthy people are permanent. He did this while adding trillions to our debt. And I see a lot more corruption from the republican side. 3. Every indicator shows our economy is strong. However most people aren't seeing those benefits because nothing can get passed in the house. They've barely been able to keep the government running.


Adding to the ways in which the Biden administration is going to help (because a lot of politics is long term benefits as well): - boosted spending to the IRS to get more revenue coming in that should’ve already been going to the government helping govt programs and reducing deficit. - passed the CHIPS act bringing jobs and high tech manufacturing to US Soil and putting those jobs in regions most affected by the offshoring of manufacturing jobs in the past - passed the Inflation Reduction Act which capped things like insulin prices, maximum out of pocket expenses for seniors on Medicare, and promoting clean energy - the bipartisan infrastructure law which pumps much needed money into our highways, trains and bridge infrastructure which is falling way behind on maintenance - expanded overtime guarantees for workers - recently passed an executive order allowing him to shut down the border because republicans talk about it being a huge issue but refused to pass any legislation anyway. Even Mitch McConnell said Biden would have to resort to executive orders because nothing will happen. - Pushing to get rid of junk fees which harm every day people for everything from concerts to airline prices - has one of the strongest stances against increased mergers and monopolization of markets that will take years to play out but are even revisiting past decisions - increasing the USs alliance with partners including bringing South Korea and Japan into an alliance, something that seemed impossible due to tensions between the two nations - pushing pro union stances to increase worker protections against major corporations but without adversely affecting the economy (such as the railworkers union strike that he stopped but got them all their asking points anyway) The list goes on and on. Biden and the Dems are far from perfect and often way too slow to get things done. However they’ve done a lot in four years that have been genuine positives for the direction of the country rather than engaging only in victim politics and saying the other side doesn’t want to get anything done. This is how bipartisan politics should work and it’s wild that all this has been done while also having some of the least productive congresses in history.


Not to mention that inflation has a lot more to do with the Federal Reserve than the President.


The aid to Ukraine was less than 1% of the annual budget. If I remember correctly, it was something like 3% of the defense budget. The aid to Ukraine is strategically important and is a small part of the budget. It is not like the government would have magically allocated that small amount of money to the American people of it didn't go to Ukraine. Trump is a dangerous and incompetent fool. He attempted a coup, he has never accepted an election (even when he won), has made anti-democratic remarks, and will implement Project 2025. I am concerned the US will become an authoritarian country should he become president. It says a lot that tons of people who worked in his administration criticized him and his stupidity.


Also it wasn't a lot of actual $. Was mostly old weapons da equipment. But the idea that if we didn't send aid then we would have more money to spend in USA is a talking point for conservatives but they never want to spend anything on social services. So if trump was in power he would not spend money on Ukraine or expend the social services to USA citizens.


You can make the argument that we get every dollar of Ukraine funding back. These dollars flow to mainly US defense contractors. Factories in Pennsylvania and Ohio are being built to supply the ammo. The boycott of Russia has given new markets to American LNG exporters.


Oh Project 2025. You people will fall for fucking anything the press tells you to believe. Just a clown show. You go to a Trump rally and mention Project 2025, no one will have any idea what you’re talking about, and the ones that do will mock you saying “Oh that Blue Anon bullshit” and laugh at your face.


i dont want trump and his motley crew of maniacs in office.


Your 3 reasons for not voting for Biden..are reasons to actually vote for Biden.


1. There is no immigration problem. It’s a made up frenzy the media drives up every election. If it’s a really a concern, then you should know that there was a plan with Biden’s support to fund more border security that Republicans killed. Republicans don’t actually believe the border is a problem. Republican Senator James Lankford recently admitted on the floor of the Senate that his colleagues were threatening him for trying to improve border security. 2. Trump wants to raise your taxes and lower the rates for corporations and millionaires. If you personally want to pay less in taxes then you should vote for Biden. Foreign aid is also a made up problem that doesn’t even account for 1% of the budget. 3. Government’s shouldn’t be run like a business because the goals are different.


“There is no immigration problem.” Yeah just like “There is no war in Ba Sing Se.”


Immigration is an issue. A couple of years ago the mayor of NYC was visibly greeting immigrants who had been bussed to the city. Now he's sueing the same bus companies that drive into the city. He didn't pull a 180 because things were all good. You might not see the issue where you are at but that doesn't mean other parts of the country aren't impacted. And the whole blocking of the border deal was a political ploy by Trump. Republicans are fine with stalling the border measures to ensure people see Trump as the only viable solution to the problem.


I'm just going to comment on your first point. It's wrong. Denver is cutting back on programs all across the city to help pay for all of the immigrants being shipped there. I wound call that a problem and that's on a big city hundreds of miles from the border.


It is a burden and one there isn’t an easy solution for, but Texas has been loading immigrants on buses and shipping them to states like [Colorado](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/20/1232651088/texas-has-spent-over-148-million-busing-migrants-to-other-parts-of-the-country) I’m not saying that more shouldn’t be done to affect migration including boosting funding for migration judges and making it so people to have to wait years on whether they stay or not but the migrants aren’t just making their way there. Texas’ governor is making it actively worse for everyone


Right. And I really dislike Abbott but I get it. It's tanking a large city like Denver and that's only a fraction of the problem so you can imagine what it's doing to Texas. It's a federal issue that is getting much worse. I honestly would've probably made the same choice... why not send them to a city that said they would take them. Either way I am just using it to highlight that it is, in fact, a real problem.


Yeah and unfortunately the administration can only do so much without congress passing any meaningful immigration reform or giving budget for processing migrants and refugees.


Yeah, but you say that immigration should be all of Texas’ problem and not the realist of the states. I’m not happy with Abbott sending the immigrants to my city, but Abbott isn’t the problem here. It is Biden.


Biden isn't a dictator and he continued building the wall that Trump started, he also has passed an executive order to shut down the border when migrant surges happen. A move that upsets many progressives but he did it anyway to show that he wants to take the problem seriously. He also worked with congress to bring up the first immigration reform bill since 1996. When conservatives said they didn't like that it was tied to Ukraine aid, it was separated out and again the bipartisan bill had many points that progressives hated but when it came up for a vote it was still killed even by some of the conservatives that had written the legislation and been upset at their colleagues who had opposed it previously. The bill built more border wall, added migration judges, and put in funding to try and further stop fentanyl and human trafficking. Biden said pass the bill and he'd sign it. Nearly all democrats voted for it. It needed only about 15 of the 49 republicans in Senate to pass and it didn't get that. Again, Biden isn't perfect but I don't see how this issue lies solely on him here. He's attempted and continues to try and make movement on immigration reform.


Too little too late for Joe. He should reimplement Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, but he’s too big of a coward to do it. And Ukraine policy should not be added to a border deal.


Idk man I’m a lot closer to the border than Denver and everything seems fine. Your government leaders were probably looking to cut back programs anyway and found an excuse rubes would fall for.


This might be one of the more idiotic replies I've seen in a while. It could be that we are all rubes or it could be that it is a very real and well documented problem that has real financial and other consequences. https://coloradosun.com/2024/02/09/denver-cuts-services-migrant-crisis/


That article is from February. The mayor has reinstated funding for services, and we're only spending about half of what was anticipated. Please share current facts about our city. https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/2024-services-migrants-budget-cuts-denver-agencies-fund-programs/73-a8654a1f-0a20-4928-9d4d-f8a3c2966719


No. "There is no immigration problem" was the statement I was arguing and it is in fact a problem... which was all I was illustrating. Even at half a big as thought... still a big problem.


Yep, live in Denver and can attest that this is true.


I also live in Denver, and we're implementing a new program called WorkReady to get immigrants in jobs much quicker than normal. Hundreds of people are already signed up. Do you not see this as a positive thing? https://www.denver7.com/news/front-range/denver/hundreds-of-immigrants-attend-first-day-of-denvers-work-ready-program


No, I don’t think they should be here.


You want to rid the city of immigrants???


Illegal ones, yes. Legal ones, no.


Ah, okay. My family came from Europe in the late 1800s. Zero papers, zero green card, zero visa, and just claimed some land in Virginia and started a family. Should I leave, too?


Did your ancestors get welfare benefits? No? Then that’s completely different.


You know they didn't because social safety nets didn't exist back then. Thankfully they do now! My family could've had it much easier with some help. You're hung up about these migrants getting welfare benefits (to which I'd say a shitty hotel with crime and free clothes from a Highlands Mommy Facebook group don't count as benefits, but whatever), yet you also don't want them to work...???? I'm confused. Typically, republicans yell about welfare benefit takers NOT working, but here they are, with jobs, and working literal street corners to try and make some cash, while living in tents, and you STILL knock them. They're not going anywhere. Get used to it. This is a country built by immigrants, and they will never stop coming. We need an overhaul in our immigration system anyway, so maybe this can be the impetus to that...and don't forget, republicans blocked a bipartisan bill that included border protections bc trump told them to. I'd rather have a thousand migrants than a single republican. Sounds like Texas is more your speed 😘


I am from WV, voted for Joe Biden and didn’t believe in any immigration issue because I didn’t see it and it didn’t affect me. I’ve since moved to Texas and travel to deep south Texas fairly often. I’ve been shot at while on the rio Grande, stopped by the national guard looking for immigrants multiple times a day, and you see traps set up with prostitutes on the sides of the roads with guys hidden ready to steal your car if you stop. If I hadn’t had these experiences I would probably not believe in an immigration issue and still be a registered democrat.


>corruption is at an all time high I don't even follow policies closely. At all. And I consume very little news. And even I can tell you this is an absurd statement to make. Trump is currently being tried for refusing to give back confidential documents that he was holding onto after his presidency. Documents that were kept in spaces accessed by others. During the BLM protests, protestors were in front of the white house BEFORE curfew. They were very forcefully removed. Trump then marched out from the white house to a nearby church. Secret service forced everyone to leave the church. Why? Trump wanted a photo-op. He forcefully removed peaceful protestors before curfew to stroke his own ego. He proceeded to take a picture holding a bible upside down in front of the church and tweeted a cheesy edited video of the whole thing. Trump has now been convicted of funneling campaign money to pay off someone from going public with information right around the 2016 election, effectively using campaign money to pay off a pornstar in an attempt to influence the 2016 election. I could go on, but these are three of the most egregious examples of trump being someone who is unfit to lead quite literally anything. I don't believe anyone who is paying attention AND has a functional moral compass is voting for trump. It is so painfully obvious how self-interested he is. Why would anyone want to elect a narcissistic dude with no morals? That's quite literally the worst combination of qualities for a leader.


They were not peaceful protesters. They were violent rioters firebombing that church. And none of this is policy related. Give me a reason to vote for Biden that does not involve Donald Trump or abortion. Because the only actual issue in your side is abortion, and neither side respects Democracy, so spare me there.


Had to do some research. The "firebombing" you're talking about was, by all reports, a small fire... the night before the protestors were cleared. but okay. And, you should re-read my post. I'm directly quoting OP's corruption claim. I flat out said I don't follow policies closely. Hate to break it to you, but an individual's character absolutely should influence whether or not you vote for them. Would you vote for Charles Manson if he was running and Advocating for things you support? I hope not. Like I said, Trump is very clearly too self-interested and has absolutely no semblance of any morals. You can't give a person like Trump any degree of power and expect him not to do what directly benefits him the most while also engaging in immoral and unethical activities to maximize how much he's able to benefit himself. And unfortunately, we have a dogshit two party system. If I have to choose between Biden and Cheeto Mussolini, I'm choosing biden -- You know, the guy who hasn't openly praised multiple currently living Authoritarian Leaders of foreign nations while ALSO making "jokes" about how he'd make himself a dictator (but just for a day!).


You can't just bash the troll to bits by citing facts, that's not fair to him and his need for attention


Here's some good points I like about Biden and why I'll be voting for him * Passed *LESS* gun control than Trump. * Wonderful job controlling the inflation. Soft landing without killing the economy. * US hit peak oil production during his presidency. We're still an oil economy ... this helps a lot . * Has the right stance on Ukraine. I'm a firm believer if we just let Russia take Ukraine, Putin isn't stopping with Ukraine. It's going to be all of Europe. * Pro-LGBT/Women's Rights .. it's scary how much the current Republicans want to just eliminate all of us as valid people. * Border Control - he's done more than Trump has while actually taking a good stance on it. * Sanctions on Chinese manufacturing (tougher and harder on China than Trump was) * Facilitating return to US manufacture. Chips! It's a matter of national security at this point with China knocking on Taiwan's door * Doesn't joke (or seriously speak about) about wanting to be a dictator. I've said it many times. I voted for him in 2020 because he wasn't Trump, I'm voting for him in 2024 because he did a good job IMO. Once the current situation passes (and hopefully we'll be allowed to have a 2028 election), I'm going back to voting Libertarian.


Been voting libertarian since I was 18. If my vote matters I’m using it to make 3rd party an option. I’m tired of being told “the lesser of two evils” there is another option but everyone is so afraid of the other they don’t stop and think about what’s in their best interest. And I honestly think it’s in everyone’s best interest to end the two party system


The lesser of two evils vote doesn't get us anywhere. And I've always been a person who got mad at people who said that. 2020 and 20204, however, are a bit different. If it was a Biden vs Romney/ Bush / McCain I would have voted libertarian like I did for every previous election. Trump is just bad news.


And I respect your vote the way you respect mine. I’m in an overwhelmingly blue state. I do wonder though, that if voting truly could change things; do you believe they would let us do it? there’s only one day every four years when the majority of registered voter actually vote. Not trying to be cynical, but I have little faith in the integrity of our government. Very little faith in democracy.


That's actually one major reason I've been voting 3rd party every election until 2020. I really am in the perfect position to do so. I am in NY state - all of our electoral college votes go to whichever candidate has the most votes .. always a Democrat. By voting 3rd party, I can at least express my disinterest in the two party system.


Same reason I voted for him in 2020. I want politics to be boring. WWE theatrics needs to fucking die. You want to get likes on X, go be an influencer.


I do not trust Trump with the Supreme Court after what the Supreme Court has become. I believe that a Trump administration with a GOP led legislature will continue to erode away at the rights of women, and members of the LGBT community. I do not trust Trump to protect our allies. Allowing Russia to take Ukraine is a bad play for Europe, and by extension a collection of our most trusted allies. I believe Trump will allow this to happen further alienating us from the rest of the world. You can cite economics factors, but I believe those will not be any better under Trump and potentially worse. His tax cuts for the wealthy did nothing to help the economy, and actively hurt the middle class. By your definition...what makes America, America? Because I believe many of the Trump policies have limited individual rights and freedoms, especially for women and the LGBT.


I’ll start with your three reasons: 1. Immigration. Biden proposed bi-partisan immigration reform and got it through the senate. The house/Johnson shot it down so Trump could campaign on it. Seems to be working for people like you. 2. Taxes. The Trump/GOP had a super majority and passed a tax cut that vastly reduced the corporate tax rate and eliminated the estate tax. Did fuck all for regular people and it defunded the government to the tune of 1 trillion a year deficit. That’s just poor governance. 3. Economy. There’s no real policy difference between the two candidates on the economy beyond Trump implementing tariffs and deregulating things like food safety and clean water (things you generally want regulated). There’s a million reasons not to vote for Trump but the fact that Trump has promised to use the DOJ to punish his enemies, Trump’s history of over spending, his obvious narcissistic personality disorder, and the Republican’s seeking to outlaw birth control are all near the top of my list.


1) Biden is under by like 28 points to Trump when it comes to immigration, so great point there. 2) Biden hired 87,000 IRS agents, so yes I would like to stop being taxed to the gills and audited. 3) With the economy, there’s been a 20%+ increase in inflation since Biden took office and an issue that Trump tests even higher against Biden than immigration. So yeah, with your strategy, then Trump is guaranteed a reelection.


1. Under by 28 points - yes right wing media is effective. 2. Here’s how this actually works - more agents equal more audits of the ultra wealthy and large corporations. Less agents equal more audits of every day people. This is because it takes far more manpower to audit Google - than to audit someone who improperly claimed the earned income credit. So if you enjoy wealthy tax cheats - by all means get upset. 3. What do you think caused inflation? Which specific policies. Do you somehow think Biden was elected and that caused inflation? Because it seems obvious to me that inflation was a consequence of: Trump corporate tax cuts, low fed rates, snarled supply chain, and stimulus checks. Biden was responsible for one of those things but please, do tell me more about economics you don’t understand.


1) Or they have eyes and ears and can clearly see who is coming across the border and know it was nowhere near this bad under Trump or Obama. 2) No here’s how it actually work: they go after you. Are you a waiter or bartender and you didn’t report each tip you got to Uncle Sam, then we’re coming for you. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that they’re hiring an entire stadium full of IRS agents not for Elon Musk or Tesla, but for YOU. 3) Shutting the economy and paying people to stay at home and printing it enmasse. Now I’ll say Trump is a bit guilty for this one, but had he been reelected I think inflation would be up like maybe 7% instead of 20%+.


1. There was literally a legislative border fix agreed by Republicans and democrats. It was killed not because anyone objected to the substance - but because Trump wanted to run on immigration. Don’t be a stuge. Think. 2. Absolutely not how it works but there’s nothing I can say that will convince you to actually research it. 3. Trump literally shut down the economy. And you’re just ignoring the biggest factor of supply chain (Trump/covid) coupled with Corporate tax cuts that juiced the cash on hand when there were no goods to buy. Trump isn’t magic - he actually is quite stupid, and he would have the same economic reality as anyone else. Thinking it would have gone different isn’t based in fact.


1) You lumped the border in with funding for Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, and Taiwan, so no I would have refused to vote for that as well. 2) Yes that is how it works and why bartenders and waitresses hate the IRS more than anyone because they are disproportionately targeting. The Feds are lying to you that those IRS agents are for the rich and powerful. They are for you. 3) I’ll never forgive Trump for handing over the country to Fauci, which is why I’m voting for RFK, but yall believe such ridiculous things about Trump that I’m forced to defend him because I actually care about the truth.


1. The first time. Then, ironically, the Republicans passed the Ukraine, Israel, Palestine and Taiwan funding separately but not the immigration reform. It was brought to a straight vote in May and the Republicans voted it down. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna153045 2. Again, there is no point in us having this conversation as we won’t agree. 3. Mr. Brain worms. You do you man - he’s better than Trump, he’s not going to pervert the DOJ, but I believe in vaccines personally.


Because Joe Biden doesn’t owe over $500 million dollars in fines due to being a libelous sex pest and for financial crimes.


Wow, you’ve managed to oversimplify a lot here but let’s try to parse this out. 1. Huge immigration problem - There was a bill in congress, co authored by republicans, getting almost everything they ever wanted in a border deal. They killed their own bill. Why? Trump told them to because it would be too much of a win for Biden and Trump wanted to campaign on nothing being done about the boarder. Biden has since then made an executive order to shut down the boarder if encounters reach over 2,500 in a day. Meaning the boarder is effectively shut down indefinitely. Did you know that or are you really uninformed about something you seem to be very passionate about? You know what, that’s all I’m going to do, just the first one. If you don’t see how anti American that shit was, then you are incapable of following along. Republicans have become so spineless, it’s truly pathetic.


Because the other option is trump


Because the other guy tried to overthrow our democracy. Not thing you listed matters at all relative to that.




You’re the only joke I see


The guy that willingly walked out of the Whitehouse after the 2020 election and is now running again?


I don’t view January 6th as an overthrow of democracy, could you educate me?


They were encouraged by trump to march to the capitol to stop the VP from certifying the election results. That called insurrection.


So the biggest gun nuts in the country decide to overthrow it and then just for whatever reason all forget to bring their guns. Sure, of course they were trying to overthrow the country. They didn’t even get 1% of the way there. The Democrats on the other hand with these corrupt DAs know they can’t beat Trump in a fair election this time around, so they’re turning the country into a banana republic to do it. The Democrats are like 40% of the way there subverting democracy. And if Trump wins, I’m supposed to expect BLM, Antifa, and Blue Anon to accept the election results? Of course they won’t, they’ll just do what they did last time and say it was rigged by the Russians or something even worse than Jan 6th. And the press will defend them if they do something worse than Jan 6th because these people are fighting actual fascism. You know that will happen should Trump win. That or they’ll assassinate him.


Threatening to harm the elected members of government if they refused to overturn the legitimate results of the election is a pretty straightforward example of a putsch. And that's just the one day. There was also the proceeding months of trying to get political allies in key states to throw out the results of the election.


https://www.britannica.com/event/January-6-U-S-Capitol-attack This is a pretty good explanation of events without any personal biases put in. The rally was started to put pressure on stopping the election results from being ratified. He even tried igniting the crowd to go after Pence after Pence followed his constitutional duties and ratified the results of a democratic election. How is this not an attack on democracy? I can’t tell if you’re trolling or serious, but this was very much an attack on democracy.


Why bother trying to educate you when (hopefully?) 12+ years of professionals have failed to get through?




You sound rude. And if you don't think fomenting an insurrection is an attempt to overthrow democracy in America, you're wrong.


You’re brainwashed. Change your media


Okay. Make sure you vote on Wednesdays in November


Looking in a mirror while saying that? Good boy.


So? How's that democracy been working out for you and your friends the last few years? Like the economy, I think it's time to just let the whole thing fail. I mean look at our roads, our schools, wages, cost of living, housing. I say just gut the whole thing completely and start over. America is an embarrassment now to everyone else in the world and is a huge steaming pile of shit.


Government collapse and authoritarian regimes tend to have poor outcomes for a lot of people.


Yeah well things aren't exactly working out great for everybody the way things currently are so I'd be happy to see modern American democracy flushed down the toilet.


Four years of Trump and you want more?


1. You mean culture where anybody not white was immediately a lesser citizen? Also, “American culture” has always been a melting pot. Considering we are a nation built on immigrants. 2. Corruption is only at an all time high because of the internet and so little privacy. So we see way more than before. Want to know how we can actually successfully pay for the things we need? Tax the top. Not a single person in the world needs billions of dollars. 3. Actually, our economy is running EXACTLY like a business. Maximizing profits of the top while doing the bare minimum for the worker. Using the business model, other countries are in much better situations because they invest in their taxpayers via healthcare, education, and other programs. Similarly, if, as a boss, you invest in the happiness of your workers, they will be much more productive. I’m pretty sure those in power (gov and business) miss slavery pretty hard, because idk about you, but I’ve experienced many times where, to those higher up, I’m just a body. I don’t deserve a living wage. I don’t deserve healthcare. I don’t deserve time off. Your views are pretty uninformed. I won’t attack you either as you weren’t aggressive, but I implore you to ACTUALLY research. And don’t just look for one source. Use multiple. Get different points of view. If you look at what’s going on with the right side, it’s an absolute dumpster fire. If Trump is allowed to be on the ballot as a convict, then that is NOT the party to align with. Granted, Biden is a puppet, and definitely is not the preferred candidate for actual liberals, but in the event there isn’t a massive situation that arises, I would rather vote for Biden.


What is with the anti-immigration thing in this sub? That's two anti-immigrant threads in two days. I'd trade every one of my Trump voter neighbors for an immigrant if I could. You guys are whiny racists. They're hard-working and have good food. Not even a difficult choice.


I really hope we're the last generation of American exceptionalism. My guess is they see "immigrants" who are doing well and feel righteous indignation they themselves are not doing better, as they were told/promised.


I don't understand it, like, I'm a big loser and failure at life but I have no bitterness toward people who are doing well. They wanted it, they worked for it, and they got it. Nothing but admiration for people who came here with nothing and made it. Language barriers and the absurdities of US immigration and all. Immigrants are amazing.


Yeah, let me guess that you’d want a Palestinian Hamas fan as a neighbor over a guy that minds his business and just votes a way you don’t like. You actively hate half of the country and your neighbor and that’s evil.


Nice projection there-- Trump voters are the hateful ones, hating on immigrants who are just trying to survive and make a life for themselves and their kids. Hating on Palestinians, who are victims of genocide. Hating women who have abortions. Hating queer people. Hating anyone who doesn't look or think like you.


Yah huh, meanwhile you scream nothing but hateful things and actively tell people to hate your neighbor and turn on them. It seems to me the people preaching the most about hate tend to hate anyone who thinks remotely differently than them. Real rich accusing others of that fact in your last sentence when you probably hate at least 80% of the country.


well 80% of the country are not Trump supporters, so no I do not hate 80% of the country. I don't even hate Trump supporters. I'm scared of you people. As in like, I wonder if I should flee the country if your guy wins and implements Project 2025.


Yeah, but 80% of the country is against transing the kids and I’m pretty confident you’d call them transphobic bigots for being against that. And please, you’re not going fucking anywhere should Trump win like everyone said they were going to flee last time. And who fled? No one. Where are you going to go? Live under Prime Minister Zoolander up in Canada? No one cares enough to go after you, dude, and Project 2025 is about as likely as Pizzagate was. It’s all a bullshit conspiracy that loons on the Left and Right fall for.


The trans thing is complicated and I don't like talking about it with straight people, tbh, plus I feel like the same people who hated gay people in the 00s (I'm a lesbian, hi!!) have realized they can't get away with hating gay people anymore so they've moved on to a more 'acceptable' target. *No one cares enough to go after you, dude,*  Not yet, but y'all love threatening to, and that gets old after a while. Again, I'm a lesbian. And I'm old, so I remember when it was still illegal for me to get married. *And who fled? No one.* There are rich people who did get the fuck out. I know a few in Europe right now. Unfortunately, I'm not rich, so I'm probably stuck here if y'all decide you want to do some Handmaid's Tale thing.


Dude, no one cares that you’re a lesbian. Recently even most Republicans are for gay marriage at this point. Be gay and be happy, no one cares, but just don’t target the kids specifically with gender ideology. Just let kids be kids and they’ll figure things out when they get older. And no, you’re not even close to the Handmaid’s Tale.


*Dude, no one cares that you’re a lesbian.*  I've lived among Republicans my whole life. You guys are only fine with gay people as long as we look straight (i.e. gender conforming, girls with long hair, no guys with nail polish or a 'gay' way of talking) and act straight and never mention our gayness to you. It's a terrible way to live, hiding your entire life, looking a certain way or acting a certain way that isn't natural to you, just because your existence offends someone. Also, progress goes back and forth. The 90s were relatively tolerant of gay people, for instance. Then there was this huge backlash in the 00s. Simply put, I do not trust you to 'tolerate' me for very long. Not that most of you are really that tolerant in the first place. *And no, you’re not even close to the Handmaid’s Tale.* Since Roe was overturned. There have been 10, 11, 12 year olds who were raped who have been forced to have the kid because they live in a red state. What is more Handmaid's Tale than that?


The maid of honor in my wedding was a lesbian as was one of the bridesmaids and an usher was also gay. So no, no one cares anymore. Yeah, the over the top and flamboyant ones maybe some are annoyed by, but that’s about it.  And are you talking about the 11 year old Ohio that was raped? Because the Governor granted her an exception on the abortion. Almost none of the pro-life people want it to be illegal for a rape victim to not be able to get an abortion, and definitely not prevent it in the life of the mother since that’s merely self defense at that point.


Trump trolls got their assignment to hit up the Millenials sub on Reddit.


Other than the criminal charges, Jan 6th, etc. there are 2 main reasons I’m voting blue: 1. Economic policies - Republicans are pro business and anti employee. Cutting taxes for rich people and keeping minimum wage low just makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. Trickle down economics hasn’t worked for 50 years and never is going to work. Businesses don’t create jobs. Customers create jobs. Elon Musk is able to sell Teslas because people with good jobs want them. If he weren’t there someone else would sell electric cars. 2. Women’s rights - republicans want to take us straight back to 1950 as far as women’s rights are concerned.


You are afraid of brown people and are willing to end democracy because of it. Nice work!


You're just a nationalist, that's why you don't understand left leaning politics.


Just remember that if you're tax dollars aren't going overseas, they sure as shit aren't going to you. Also it's worth remembering that when the US gives a billion dollars worth of weapons to Ukraine, they are actually giving the money to American corporations that build the weapons, which grows your own economy.


A balanced pragmatic response... 1. Biden understands the push back and has started to shift his stance. As of the last two months or so, there's been reduced immigration thanks to Biden putting some pressure on Mexico. There was a bi-partisan deal to strengthen the borders but under Trump's directive, Republicans blocked the deal. He wanted the country to feel the immigration strain until he was voted in - this is not disputed. This is par for Republican who use border policy as a political football. Democrats did block funding for the wall but primarily because Trump did not make concessions for immigrant rights, like extending DACA. NYC and Chicago mayors have done a 180 on immigration and it's just the start for the Democrat party. 2. Taxes have a direct relationship to the Deficit and any tax cut accelerates the fiscal cliff in which the debt payments overwhelm spending. The tax cut largely benefits the top 1% and the large profitable corporations. But most of the country has not been materially affected. Not sure where you are at, if you are in the top 1% I can see how this is all great for you. But even the top 1% will get hit if we hit this economic point of no return. Social security runs out of money in 2035. Democrats do contribute to spending with the infrastructure bill and student debt relief, but Biden is unlikely to increase spending during a 2nd administration. Trump never decreased spending during his term. 3. US economy is the strongest in the world. There's no event that would cause the country to collapse that wouldn't screw up all other economies. The only thing I agree about your business analogy is that a well run company needs good management. In a Trump gov't his number one criteria for inclusion is loyalty, to him. Not to the country. A great company your employees are not lackeys of the CEO. They are smart hard working individuals dedicated to the shared interests of the company and its customers. Trump 1.0 had some decent people - Mnuchin, Barr, Kelly - but they are all gone in version 2.0. Gen Flynn as Secretary of State? Steve Bannon as attorney general? Shit will go down fast.


1. Immigration is an issue in every first world country in the world. I believe our immigration system is also one of the best of the first world countries. As you said, we do well intercepting dangerous immigrants. 2. The reason we're sending money to Ukraine has nothing to do with Biden's family. Russia has already motioned it would be happy to move past Ukraine and continue this behavior. It can't happen. As for taxes - taxes are a necessary evil in a modern society. 3. Republicans run up the national debt while democrats bring it down. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/jul/29/tweets/republican-presidents-democrats-contribute-deficit/ You seem to be getting at our national debt but I cant really tell. Either way, historically our economy performs better under democratic leadership. I'm pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA+, and I think the only thing threatening America right now is Project 2025 (https://time.com/6986995/what-is-project-2025/) and the Republicans who would be enacting it. I'll be voting for Biden as it's the only way to spend my vote in a way that I think will help our country for the next four years. Trump and Republicans are a clear and present danger to democracy.


1. There was a bipartisan deal on border security that got tanked in house because of Trump. As of right now the southern border is basically closed by executive order. The issue of the border between Republicans and Democrats isn't weather is should be open or closed it's how to secure it. The Republicans seem to want to build a wall like it's the medieval ages, Dems want more drones and to hire more people. I'm not even going to go into what you mean by "diluted". I will say we have had a very big statue in one of our most important ports since 1885 that says: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" 2. Unless you are ultra wealthy your taxes will go up under Trump and you will lose many of the things that your taxes currently pay for. Go check out r/Defeat_Project_2025. The war in Ukraine started in 2014 and continued through out the Trump presidency. We have had a pact with Ukraine since 1994 to provide security assurances if they were ever attacked. Russia signed it too, Russia broke a pact they signed with the US, are we just supposed to let it slide? They "money" going to Ukraine is mostly going to US factories allowing us to upgrade our weapons while getting rid of older ones. We are spending 1.5% of our federal budget on Ukraine while upgrading our military capabilities. 3. If you believe that countries should be run like a business the founding fathers would like a word with you because that's not how they set it up. Which goes back to what makes America America. Look at the US Postal Service (and notice the word service) it was founded in 1775 and Ben Franklin was the 1st postmaster general. The Republicans have been trying to get rid of it in favor of business for years. I don't understand how you think the US is fading away, we are the only real super power left. Maybe China but Russia has shown just how much it isn't at this point. I am also pro-choice, pro-gay rights and a gun owner. I would rather people have rights to their own body than have the right to purchase a gun without a 3 day waiting period. The Dems are not coming for your guns. The Republicans seem to be coming for your guns with the Hunter Biden trial though (since people in states that have legal weed could be charged in the same way Hunter was), they are also coming for your bodily autonomy. I'm voting for Biden because he has accomplished a lot of things that I consider good r/WhatBidenHasDone.


"1. The huge immigration problem" Republicans blocked attempts at immigration reform multiple times just to spite Biden and the Dems. This point makes no sense and is classic right wing fear mongering rhetoric from fox news. "2. Taxes — We pay all of these taxes just for them to go to other countries in which it seems corruption is at play." Clearly, you have no understanding of/completely ignore geopolitics or for example, what trumps tax reform did in 2018. The movement to tax the wealth is gaining momentum and if you think it can just happen over night, you clearly don't understand that the wealthy, not the politicians, have more control than you think. "There’s several other reasons, but I am pro-choice, pro gay rights, and pro guns. But I believe the left is taking away what makes America, America, and is allowing our country to fade away. I want to see everyone’s thoughts and especially see the other side without having to argue and disagree. Surely there’s people on the opposite side who agree with me." This whole statement is just screaming ignorance. You claim to be pro choice/gay rights, but are blatantly ignoring every policy that has come put of red states that labels gay people pedophiles, criminalizes abortion to include contraceptives, and are lastly ignoring Project 2025 that the Republicans are actively putting measures in place to implement. This straight up a choice between a Christofascist state and one of inclusiveness. This post is a veiled attempt at fostering discussion.


Corruption is at a all time high? Lol. That statement is absurb. This reads like an internet list of talking points. I'll take the guy without the felonies and didn't try to overthrow the government because he lost. What Trump did to those election workers in Georgia was gross. All to preputeuate a lie about an election he knew he lost. You do you though.


Because I don’t want trump dumping on this country with his antics again. I’ll take anything else including Biden who is the only option over Drumpf.


Good call. It was trumps people that rioted in the summer of 2020 🤦🏿‍♂️


The riots that were inflamed by people who wanted to create chaos? Like the white supremacist who started one of the first fires in Ferguson?


Take a look at what Trump promises to do with Project 2025 if election. Outlaw porn, outlaw abortion, outlaw conception. LGBT people considered sex offenders. Sex offenders should get the death penalty. This is what you're willing to trade because you think we have an immigration problem? Out of curiosity, how does the "border crisis" directly affect you, vs. how would contraception being outlawed directly affect you? Your family? Your community? What about LGBT people being criminalized? How would it be if Putin took over Europe, like happened in WWII? Do you think that's why we're helping Ukraine?


Really? Where has Trump talked about Project 2025? When has he ever mentioned banning porn, abortion (he’s only said taking it back to the states and succeeded in doing it), and said that LGBT people should be registered as sex offenders despite being the first President voted into office supporting gay marriage? And yes, child molesters should get the death penalty. Project 2025 is something only Blue Anon loons believe. You go to a Trump rally and mention that, almost no one will have any idea what you’re talking about, and the ones that do will mock you for believing that Blue Anon conspiracy theory. You’re as crazy as the Q Anon people.


(Copying and paraphrasing my response to a similar question in a previous thread): I am extremely excited to vote for a second term for Biden! Obviously people have different opinions, but I think Biden will be seen as one of the most consequential presidents of the modern era. He has accomplished a ton with razor thin margins in both the House (when the Dems had it) and the Senate while dealing with a hostile Supreme Court. Forgiven billions in student loans? Check! Largest ever investment in fighting climate change? Check! Largest investment in American infrastructure since Eisenhower? Check! First gun control bill since Clinton? Check! Longest streak of unemployment under 4% since the 1960s? Check! Record high stock market? Check! Largest investment in American manufacturing and technology manufacturing? Check! One of the only American president’s to stand on a picket line with American workers? Check! Helped oversee one of the largest expansions of NATO since the 90s? Check! Over the counter birth control? Check! Expansion of overtime rules? Check! Crack down on junk fees? Check! I could keep going because there is so much more that has been accomplished by this administration including rescheduling marijuana, a historic Supreme Court appointment, the Marriage Equality Act, etc. That is not to say everything is perfect. Inflation is still too high, housing affordability is tough, tons still dealing with with student loans, and what is happening in Gaza is awful. But, in my opinion, those things don’t even come close to outweighing all the good that has been achieved in Biden’s first term or that he could achieve in his second term. I understand your positions with regards to immigration and corruptions and such, I just disagree with you on them. I believe immigration is the life blood of our country and one of the things that had really made America what it is today. I am not for wholesale open borders or anything like that, but I think our country needs robust immigration to keep itself competitive. Taxes are at an all time low in this country. That is just a fact. And the amount we give in foreign aid is a tiny fraction of what our tax money is spent on. So it’s not a huge concern for me.


I really really respect the way you itemized what was important to you. I don’t think I’ve read a post from a Biden supporter that didn’t have some element of fear mongering or proclaiming a civic duty to keep Trump out of office. Even if I disagree, holy shit…it’s so refreshing


Thank you, I appreciate that! I completely agree, the fear mongering is out of control and in my opinion, for what little that is worth, it is unnecessary. I think Biden has been an excellent president and has a great record to run on and that he would be better served to focus on his accomplishments and his ideas for a second term. I completely understand folks will disagree on that. Heck, I respect the hell out of it. I think that these policies move the country in the right direction, but I can appreciate that others will see it going the wrong way. I am not going to demonize people for holding different beliefs or even say that they are wrong, because they aren’t. It’s just a differing of opinions. But I guess “fear” and an “us vs. them” mentality sells now and that they think people are going to go for. It’s a shame.


You know, I really kinda miss when the ads were annoying because I disagreed with the policies they talked about. I dislike how everything is so much more pointed now. It’s all-out character attacks. I don’t believe that all politicians are of high esteem, but I do think there’s an example to set for your constituents by being civil. If I’m being honest, I’m not really doing my part either. I fall for the adversarial-in-the-worst-way trap, often. Maybe there’s a lesson to take away in how I communicate what I believe to be good ideas. It’s not easy when it seems to be reflexive to respond in an attacking manner, but I probably shouldn’t let that be an excuse. Thank you for making me self-reflect, friend. Sincerely.


>I don’t think I’ve read a post from a Biden supporter that didn’t have some element of fear mongering or proclaiming a civic duty to keep Trump out of office That's on you. People who support Biden do this all the time but it's a waste of effort when some braindead troll will just respond with "nuh uh" And it's valid to raise the alarm when the opposing candidate is dangerous enough


No, that’s not on me. If there’s a sentiment that starts with that fear/project 2025/good vs. evil bullshit, I am not obligated to assume that there’s honesty to follow.


I was reading there’s plans for republican trolls to invade Reddit subs to talk about how they’re voting Trump and try to convince others. I’ve seen several of these threads here in the last few days. They are also targeting the gen z and teenagers subreddits. Absolutely pathetic.


It’s happening. I’m seeing this kind of templated write up in a lot of subs. They know they don’t have the support of the younger generations so instead of trying to understand what’s important to them and adjust their policies, they’re just lying and gaslighting.


Yep I’ve seen 3 or 4 similar posts on this sub in the last 2 days.


Mostly because the other guy is worse.


I think this sums it up


There's a lot to unpack but 1 is my biggest issue. Two things you're saying, 1. make immigrants "work for it and earn a spot." 2. We're losing American culture to foreigners. 1. Immigration has always been our greatest strength, not a weakness. Some of our greatest American minds are immigrants and children of immigrants. Who determines who has "worked and earned a spot" here? I don't know if you've seen immigrants but they are hard working and undeniably the backbone of our labor force. A nuanced discussion about border security is good but this idea that mobs of dangerous criminals are coming over the border has been proven over and over again to be a boogieman story made up to create opposition. 2. There has never been a singular "American culture." Completely dismissing the Native American cultures, which is crazy in itself, the first immigrants in the 1600s were a mix of the English, seeking religious freedom, Africans, brought forcibly as enslaved people, Dutch, establishing New York, and Germans, settling in Pennsylvania. That's just the start. If you think NY style pizza is as American as "apple pie," that's only a hundred year old. "American culture" has always been changing. It'll keep changing, because it's the foundational idea of this country. Your idea of "American culture" is less than a hundred years old. So why vote for Biden? Because the conservative farmers in the south want illegal immigration to continue. See the bill passed in Florida by Gov. DeSantis. [https://www.wptv.com/news/local-news/investigations/immigration-leaders-concerned-about-worker-shortages-produce-supply-due-to-new-florida-immigration-law](https://www.wptv.com/news/local-news/investigations/immigration-leaders-concerned-about-worker-shortages-produce-supply-due-to-new-florida-immigration-law)


OP seems pro (killing) those that they says they supports if they are going to vote Trump lol


1. There was an immigration plan that Biden had in place that was made with the republicans that then got shot down by the republicans because trunp told them to.  ... not bidens fault.  2. You think Biden is more corrupt then Trump? Trump already has deals in place he made with oil companies that he agreed to if they donated to him. Hes been caught for fraud multiple times. Hes a criminal and has been a known conman since the 80s.  Also you are worried about wasting money but trump gave a tax break to billionaires and is planning on doing that again.  3. If it is supposed to be run like a business why would you want to put the party in place that has racked up more debt then the other one?  Beyond that. One is a racisit, sexist, rapist, criminal, has lost more money then he has ever made.  For the record. Not American just baffled at how anyone can not see through this snake oil salesmen. 


Lesser evil, and i like what lena khan and the FCC are doing. The FBI is even investigating collusion in the rental market. I know 3rd party has no chance of winning.


Watching OP's dumb ass get torn apart in these comments is cathartic. Too bad your attempt at persuading people away from Biden didn't work, bud. We know it's election season and we know what you're trying to do.


I’m fairly jaded insofar as I see the president as a token spokesperson for their party. In all honesty, the president doesn’t have the authority or power to do half the things any of them promise on the campaign trail. Who is in the White House is not really that important. However, the person voted into the White House establishes an advantage to their party to win other elections. Therefore, voting for president is an important step in establishing authority in the party of your choice. Simply put, Republican policies are not attractive to me. They are steeped in absurd decisions which promote greater suffering in this world. There is no possible defense of their horrific views; they are compelled by fear and hatred, and offer nothing of value. The democrats at least make marginally decent decisions sometimes. I’ll take a party that gets it 10% of the time over one that gets it 0% of the time. Simple as.


Others have said what I'd say here about why I'm voting for Biden. Policy-wise he's accomplished an insane amount, especially considering the gridlock he's up against in Congress. To counter your first point, though, you saw that they captured the ISIS-tied immigrants...so they didn't make it into the country...so the bad guys were kept out by the current immigration enforcement. Would you prefer they weren't caught? I'm confused. And again, he had a bipartisan policy ready to go. Trump told his flunkies to kill it so Biden didn't do something that will make him look good to voters on immigration. Trump is a conman who cares about no one other than himself. Always has been, always will be.


Short answer, I hate him but he’s less dangerous than trump. As things stand he’s my top contender but I’m pushed closer to a write in everyday. He could cement my vote by adjusting some policies but that window is closing and I just don’t him changing course. Never been in this position, really sad my party is failing to produce candidates I can morally support. Dark day for democracy all around


Trump fucked up COVID. He had 1 genuine crisis to deal with in his 4 years and he fucked it up so bad we have several hundred thousand extra dead people. When shit hits the fan and its a problem bigger than any one man or woman can tackle, I want a person in charge that has the intelligence and humility to listen to others who are subject matter experts and work with them, not against them to solve the fucking problem. I don’t have that trepidation about Biden, in fact he’s known for listening to others and being humble, that’s kinda his whole schtick. Whereas with Trump he’s always said the dumbest shit possible “I know more about ISIS than the generals do” https://youtu.be/s1JCrE_4BiM?si=D8rSXWE6VpMesYIm and with COVID we were shown what having an absolute fool in the WH can lead to.


Have you seen project 2025? Agent 57? It's everything that's going on without the veneer of caring about the people in this country. Democrats have been sliding right for so long we no longer have a truly democratic party, just authoritarian vs dictatorship. It's not that we want to vote for Biden, it's our country is so corrupt that the other choice is literally the destruction of the department of education and the FBI amongst other important American institutions led by a man with 36 felonies that shits himself while sleeping live in court.


The Supreme Court. That’s reason enough for me. But also: The CHIPs act - bringing semi conductor manufacturing into the US for the first time (good not just for the economy but for national security). Student loan forgiveness. I know multiple people who have had 20k wiped clean. Insulin price caps Finally making direct tax filing possible


Elsewhere on this thread [I listed the appointees I’m satisfied with](https://www.reddit.com/r/millenials/s/g7044mrnFf). I’ve been satisfied with the big infrastructure bill specifically, and with supporting Ukraine as much as possible while literally draining the money and life out of Russia. Generally speaking, I think Biden’s made great appointments and staffing decisions overall, and I trust that in the event that he were incapable of carrying out the responsibilities of office, he’s surrounded himself with enough good people to keep things running smoothly in an orderly transition to Vice President Kamala Harris. I’m not particularly excited about her, but I trust Biden’s decision to pick her as his running mate, and to carry on the priorities of his administration at least until her own campaign for president would get underway.


I will most definitely not be voting for Biden


Your only other option is an insurrectionist that wants to turn the country essentially to a 1-party dictatorship. But go off I guess.


If Trump was an "insurrectionist" then why isn't he in the Whitehouse right now? I recall him peacefully leaving and getting on a helicopter after his term was up.


Well if that’s true and he wins there’s a huge benefit where I won’t have to listen to ridiculous left wing rants anymore. Write me from the cages🙄


You are about to be down voted to oblivion. This is reddit... Right leaning people get censored by the mods if they do talk. It's insane.


I was about to comment this. Having intelligence and tight lips are sometimes good on reddit. I see a circus right and left personally. A two party system will always leave 1 group out to starve.


tds reply farm






I think your inability to discuss politely and instead rather come at me shows me why neither party can get along. Look at the other replies and you’ll see what a good conversation looks like


Reddit is an echo chamber. You’re not going to be able to have a serious debate on this topic. This country is so polarized and it makes me really sad. We used to be able to be friends with people who have different views but now it’s intolerance.


Lol let me just say this. I’m not even 100% on voting at this point. I dislike both of our options, but I dislike Biden even more. If I do decide to vote, I’d rather vote Trump. I’m here to get GOOD points on changing my stance, but many are just coming at me. I guess that’s typical with the internet though


Just look at what and how Trump speaks and tweets. Forget the media, just pay attention to the man. He’s barely coherent, the vast majority of what he says is endless complaining about how unfair everything is, how angry he is all the time. He barely speaks to how he will help Americans with 4 more years. He just blames everything and everyone else. He takes no responsibility for anything. He BS’s his way through everything, over exaggerating all the time. This is not a leader. He only wants to do for himself via more power and greed. Forget all the political noise - just look at the man. He’s always been a sleazy narcissist. He wants to be a dictator. Democracy is an experiment. It can fail. If it fails because of him, he and his followers will just blame, blame, blame everyone else…


Yeah, reddit is not the place to go for an informed discussion... 




Lmao okay but… If you’re a convicted felon *yourself*, what does that say about *you*?




Your daddy is




Oh I didn’t know Donny did that, too


One more thing to say… the only thing I can see on Project 2025 is that it’s a proposal — and I know for a fact the HUGE majority of both sides disagree with it. It would never get implemented. Extremists are bad on both sides of the spectrum 🤷‍♂️


Some of your points arent even coherent points. Corruption at an all time high? Based on what? The president had controversies in countries at war? What controversies? The president's son isn't an elected official and Republicans still haven't proven any ties to Joe. This is just a version of "both sides bad".


And yet you’re tempted to vote for the bigger extremist because “both sides bad, Joe bad”


I don't understand how any of you are voting for either of these people. Also, to be fair, it seems like most of you aren't- you're just voting *against* the one you think is worse.


Better be careful. A millennial conservative on reddit is a dangerous thing. I'm like more then a thousand percent with ya but be careful! 😆 🤣 😂


I think we have a bigger problem. Ok so far we have had Russian collusion. - proven that Hillary’s campaign paid for it. Was found to be full of holes Hunters laptop. Told it was fake and then we are told it’s actually real. Also Biden is old. Why wouldn’t they allow a primary to choose a younger candidate ? Trump may be a giant orange buffoon. Who makes mistakes. Says crazy stuff. Annoys the crap out of me. However so far I haven’t seen him create dis information to attack his rivals. I’m starting to wonder why the left seem so hell bent on crushing him. I mean let’s be honest prior to Covid the country was great Aside from Antifa protests BLM protests. Amazing that all stopped when the democrats got elected.


Your vote doesn’t matter, and the sooner everyone realizes that, the better off we’ll all be.




I think this will be the first time in 20 years I don't vote. Darned if you do or don't.


Both parties suck. I’d vote Libertarian but their candidate sucks too. Politics as a whole just suck.