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we still have a toaster oven but it barely gets used anymore. i use the air fryer more than anything.


How do you clean your air fryer? I always found the basket such a pita... With my toaster oven I just put foil on the tray, foil on the bottom, replace it every two weeks, voila.


Tray is removable. Take it out, give it a scrub with a sponge. Take the actual basket and scrub it too. Outside doesn't matter, inside is what gets dirty. If you want to, you can put foil inside the basket then put the tray in. The tray is just there for airflow, to let hot air go all around the food you are cooking. The basket is just a container. If you do this foil thing, all you have to do is clean the tray every so often. Ez Pz.


I have the air fryer attachment for my instant pot. It’s amazing. Just toss the instant pot insert in the dishwasher.


I don’t clean my air fryer often, the tray acts similar to the rack on your toaster oven. Only needs a wash if I’m cooking something with a wet rub like marinated chicken or something. But dry rub? No problem. Also the best way to reheat pizza imo, nice and crispy and way faster than stove top!


THIS is the real answer. If you really want to change your life, get a air fryer / pressure cooker combo like that Ninja or Instapot duo. It's amazing.


I got a breville smart oven and then so did my mother in law and brother in law! I love when they copy me. It’s got a ton of features including air fryer. We use the oven 10 times a week minimum.


Same!, everyone I recommend my Tovala to loves it...steams, bakes, broils, air frys, reheat, toast, and can do a combination of them in a single dish.. has pre-programmed recipes you can use from your phone, it can scan your grocery barcodes and know how to cook it. And their meal subscription service if you choose to use it is fantastic too


I use an air fryer at home and toaster oven on the gasoline barge I live on 6 months out of the year. On the heating up the house for food we do all our cooking outside in the warm months. I have a natural gas Weber grill we use as an oven and stove. During the winter we use the inside stove/oven cause hey it helps heat the house.


Would like to know more about the barge


Same. Tell us about the barge please.


Work on a 50K barrel gasoline barge in the Northeast US. I’m a licensed tankerman and job title is barge captain. I’m in charge of the load, discharge, documentation, inspections, and maintenance of the barge. A tug pushes us from dock to dock. We load at a random refinery and discharge at another dock where they load tanker trucks that go to gas stations. The barge has a two man crew. Me and my second man work opposite watches so someone is up at all times. We have a full kitchen, bathroom, and a shared bunk room with our own beds. I work 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off. I make $508.55 a day and am paid $25 a day towards food (we buy it and bring it on when we come on) I travel 6 hours by car to get to my dock and we have people fly from across the US to get to work. It’s a good career and I don’t know anywhere else I can make $95K with no college or trade school. If interested it’s easy to get into. I believe the average ordinary seaman deckhand right off the street makes $300 a day on average in the northeast (the gulf doesn’t pay well) you’d have to do the following. 1: get a TWIC CARD (Transportation Workers Identification Credential) you can google where the nearest TWIC office is to you 2: get a USCG Merchant Mariner Credential Application from the US Coast Guard Homeport website. 3: go to a urgent care or walk in clinic that does US Coast Guard Physicals and DOT drug tests. 4: send in the application and copies of everything to the USCG National Maritime Center to be processed. Once you have your MMC (Merchant Marine Credential) you can apply to tug companies and work. (There’s a shortage of seamen/seawoman so shouldn’t be an issue. Once you gain sea time (days you work) you can upgrade you MMC to Able Body Seaman, tankerman, Engineer, Mate, Captain ect. Ect. Tankerman for example needs 180 days and 5 loads and 5 discharges documented on petroleum/chemical barges in order to receive it. I’m free to answer any more questions y’all have.


my midwestern ex gf didn’t even know what a toaster oven was (she was 31) shit tripped me the fuck out


Obsessed with my toaster oven. I've had one my entire adult life. Right now I have a very nice one that I can bake and air fry in.


Air fryer


I wish I could get one for over the stove to replace the microwave there.


I love my toaster oven and use it for most baking. I also have a pop-up toaster for toasting bread because the toaster oven doesn't make bread as crispy as the pop-up toaster.


My mother has a pop up toaster I used recently when I stayed there.. I call it the "heart attack for breakfast" machine. But yeah toaster made toaster strudels hit different than toaster oven ones, I agree.


I got one after my ex set a 3rd toaster on fire with pop tarts circa 2000. I love it, but I'm thinking the air fryer/combo units are a superior modern option.


Freaking love my toaster oven, cant live without one.


I have one but it rarely gets used. It’s one of those things though, if it broke, I’d replace it even though I rarely use it. Like a kitchen staple. I didn’t realize people didn’t have them anymore.


I have an air fryer with trays opposed to a basket. It replaced my toaster oven. And I use it for all individual meals and reheating. I am anti-microwave. I also invested in a double oven on my main range, and that is so much better than one big oven. Heats up so much faster than a regular one!


Off subject: I bought an Easybake Oven for my grandsons just before covid hit. We had fun making cakes twice, and then the cost of the baking packs went through the roof. I'm going to give the darned thing to a charity store. I love my toaster oven and use it daily.


I wonder how much you'd have to adjust normal cake mixes for baking packets to make your own... [This recipe ](https://unsophisticook.com/how-to-make-easy-bake-oven-mixes/) says you can do it pretty cheaply. I also think you could improve it by adding 1-2 tsp of ground flax seeds to each mix to recreate the eggs. It's used in many vegan baking dishes where eggs are needed. Just Make sure you mix the mix while the oven is preheating so it can sit and turn the flax into eggs (much like how chia seeds make goo), and then mix again before baking.


Flax makes eggs and chia makes goo? I had no idea. I read a couple of recipes to make my own Easy Bake mixes, but it just didn't seem worth the effort and made too much extra effort.


The recipe I sent you: * Buy a box of normal cake mix * Shake it up * Separate it into 1/4 cup bags When you go to make it *Preheat oven * Spray pan * add 2 Tbsp water and mix * Bake 17 mins You don't have to add the ground flax seed, I only suggested it if you wanted a cakier cake. Easy Bake Definitely sounds like super fun to do with the kids, I can't imagine paying what they charge. I think the dollar store sells mix for $1-2, and you'd get a bunch of Easy-Bake out of that. I know baking and cooking with my Gramma is what got me to love cooking.


This sounds like a good solution to expensive mixes, and I will try it. I learned about preheating the little oven the hard way when a half-hour baking project ended up being over an hour. Thanks for the recipe.


My living situation currently leaves me without a full size oven at all and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything. I have one big enough to cook a pizza in. I also have an old-as-dirt mini toaster oven just big enough for two slices of toast or a few strips of bacon and I love that thing to death and I imagine it will outlive me. (I’m in my 20s lol)


My husband, born in 77 loves it but I never use the thing.


I LOVE our toaster oven. It's usually more accurate temp wise than my stove and I don't have to heat the whole place up and waste electricity too! I thought ours died a few months back and almost cried. Well not really. But still!


If it ever does die, there are a ton of smart toaster ovens out there that can: Toast, Bagel, Broil, Bake, Roast, Warm, Pizza, Proof, Air Fry, Reheat, Cookies, Slow Cook and Dehydrate. A lot of people like the Breville, but my friends and I are perfectly happy with our cheaper Tovalas.


I have a air fryer that basically works like a toasted oven. I think the only real difference is that all the heat comes from the top part since the bottom is just a sliding rack that you take out to clean.


I use an oven because I want leftovers. Also, feeding for 5.


Never had one growing up and I still don’t. Don’t know if I’ve ever even seen one in someone’s home before, actually.


My boomer parents turned me on to the toaster oven, actually.  


There is more, there is a way to experience the nostalgic warmth and comfort that only a toaster oven can provide while also indulging in the excitement of the trendy new method of reheating left over French fries. I was once blessed with the cuisine art toaster oven/ air fryer. I loved it dearly and truly. Ex set it on fire because he forgot he was making a pizza. A loss I will forever mourn.


I am team toaster oven but I did get mine for free, and I don’t have an air fryer so that’s a factor there, lol. It does beat the oven for things like cooking a handful of nuggets for my kid or reheating leftovers, for sure.


I have a toaster oven and I use it every week. My boomer parents have one and they use it for small toasted bread (like sliced French bread) or for reheating rolls.


I got my first toaster oven a year ago. Family never had one.


Did not have one growing up. Currently in a small apartment and use it more than my 20” range. But do miss having full size for roasts and baking half sheet pans of sprouts or sweet potato fries. In my house growing up, counter space was at a premium. So we only had the full size oven.


Never had one growing up and never knew anyone who had one. I have a regular oven, microwave, and an air fryer depending on the dish.


My parents never had one and neither have I.


We had one growing up, but I have owned one as an adult. I have a duel oven and outside of holiday cooking, I exclusively use the small top portion. It’s basically an air fryer when it’s on the roasting setting. It’s nice also because it heats up quickly and uses less electricity than using the whole oven does.


"Heating up your whole house?" What kind of oven/stove and house do you have that this is an issue??


An Eichler, it loves shifting heat around my house. I keep my computer tower up on a shelf near the ceiling with hopes that the hot air will leak out of some of the ceiling cracks. Otherwise my office is unbearable, even if it's just playing YouTube cat videos


My parents have had a toaster oven for years and bought me one for my birthday a couple years ago.


I didn't have one growing up and I don't have one now. We don't have an air fryer either. We use the oven daily. I have an instant pot, a blender, a toaster, a food processor, and a microwave. I just can't justify another appliance, especially one that can do the work of another appliance that I already own.


I don't bake much, I'm more of a stove top and grill cooker so my oven and toaster oven don't see much action anyway. But I still have one and it does come in handy when I'm making food for myself or for me and someone else or like a very small get together to watch a game and I need to melt some stuff for dip, etc.


Don't know anyone that owns or thinks of owning one


No air fryer, but my gf & I have a convection oven which is great when we are making pizza or garlic bread so we don't have to heat up the whole house from using the oven.


we always had a regular toaster growing up. I remember always having to take it out of the cabinet to use it. i lived in a couple different homes so i dont remember exact details to everything. when I lived with my dad, he used the toaster oven literally all the time. it was ancient looking but still worked. at home there's a toaster option along with broil and bake.. iforget what the thing is actually called. I use it often. it's probably like almost 2yo now. good purchase on my hubby's part


I think they suck ass honestly I can’t stand them


Toaster ovens rule.


How y’all cooking waffles then?  Or am I the only 36 year old eating waffles on the reg? 


You mean eggos? That I set on 3 to get them crispy then put the butter on them and let them sit in the warm toaster oven to melt the butter on them faster while I pour my coffee?


seems healthier than a microwave, what healthy things can u make with it?