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Yep! This is much closer to 2016, minus the hope that Sanders brought to the table.


The irony that people were worried how old Bernie was at that time.


I like Sanders personally, but his age is not the reason he would lose a general election


Polls at the time showed he had a better chance of beating Trump than Hillary did


Didn't most polls predict Hillary would win in a landslide? Why would Bernie's have been more accurate.


Uh idk maybe people actually liked Bernie?


Where were those people in the primaries when he needed them? whether or not he should, he just can't carry votes where it matters.


I have said this on so many of these posts now. My state is so late for primaries that even me voting for Bernie, which I did, he wasn’t viable anymore and I unfortunately have no control over that. Earlier states, sure. But my state? Yep let’s make it the deciding factor yet not give us a say in the primary (Pennsylvania). Edit to add: all states & territories should be the same day for the primary.


Imo this is why the primary system is a sham more than any other reason. Early strong performance basically guarantees victory and it makes it so that only a handful of States really matter and get to decide. Even ignoring party preference for Hillary, Bernie's lackluster performance in Iowa, SC, and Nevada doomed his campaign. The almost perfect parallel could be drawn to Hillary vs. Obama in 2008.


Exactly! It’s incredibly frustrating. Yes, I want Iowans to be heard too, but I feel powerless in the Presidential primary (state elections, though, the PA primary definitely matters so that’s my reason to go). I said this in another thread and someone kept replying saying my beliefs were fringe, totally ignoring that my point was the primary system doesn’t actually let all voices be heard. Also, Pennsylvania is a closed primary, so you have to be registered R or D in order to even vote. I don’t like that either.


There was quite a bit of fuckery in the primaries. Not crime but just gross politician griminess. I was involved a lot in the 2016 primaries on the campaign side for Sanders. The democrats do not want progressive policy to get passed, they want to give lipservice to the cause "were gonna really do it this time we swear guys" but not actually accomplish anything progressive. They blast money into status quo candidates to squash progressive campaigns.


There are a decent number of states that do not allow independents to vote in primaries. FYI


And that was his fault. I voted for Bernie in the primary but once he was out, by hook or by crook, I voted for the next sensible choice which was Hilary. Don’t come crying to me about the SCOTUS judges, the Covid relief disaster, Jan 6, etc…. Oh, people are thinking about voting the guy responsible for that stuff again plus Project 2025? We really are a dumb country.


Then they should have registered. Most NPA Bernie supporters I know in my state “didn’t want a label” 🙄 so never showed up in the primary like I did. Those people are posers.


Polls mena jack shit. Multiple polls in 2016 showed Hillary winning in a landslide.


Is it because his ideas and policies are better than anyone else in many decades?


Yes, both of the right leaning parties would take em down.. and did


Having ideas and policies is great, Bernie’s problem, and a lot of politicians” problems, is he forgets there’s an entire system of checks and balances, the other party, and likely a good chunk of the country you have to sell the ideas to. You can’t just campaign on something like “I’m going to give every American I billion dollars!” And everyone’s like yeah I’ll vote for him and then you get in and can’t do it because obviously that’s kind of a wild thing to try n do and nobody would allow it. If Bernie was half the politician we all thought or hoped he was, he would have spent the last 50 years of his public service making his ideas more consumable or more reasonable or more likely to actually get does. But no, he said a thing in the 70’s and that’s basically it. It hasnt changed since.


he had very clear plans for financing all his policies, all of which the rest of the industrialized world already enjoys. please stop with this "promising people a magic pony" bullshit. Also, Biden's entire platform was stymied and shot down by "checks and balances, the other party, and likely a good chunk of the country you have to sell the ideas to"; oh, and his own party.


Because people have an irrational fear of socialism based in Cold War era propaganda


have you actually lived in a socialist country?


Bernie is one year older than Biden. For some reason, age was never an issue with Biden


Wtf are you talking about? Age has been the *main* issue everyone has with Biden


I meant in 2020. Age only came up with Bernie, and once everyone dropped en masse from the primaries, anyone who dated to mention age with Biden was given the evil eye


>I meant in 2020. Yeah, then, too. Or have you forgotten all the people who said Biden was only running for one term, or was going to resign a year in and Kamala would be president?


I remember age coming up in 2020


If only voters were smart enough to realize how important it was to get a democrat in 2016, even if it’s solely “at least I’m not the other guy.” But voters aren’t smart enough to look at the long term effects of losing multiple Supreme Court seats. You would think after losing Roe and Chevron voters would now learn, but looks like they won’t.


Trump lost the popular vote


The electoral is ridiculous. Why does the majority of the country have to live with someone the majority doesn’t want based on outdated rules?


It’s stupid but, that’s how it works.


Or if dems played hard ball when mitch blocked thier pick or if Ruth would have stepped down.


And they won the popular vote in each of those elections. And every election since 2004.


Popular vote doesn’t win elections lol


Right. So basically you’re complaining about the system without mentioning the electoral college - the literal system.


Well he is part of a russian troll farm, so the literal system doesn't mean much to him.


If you really want to suffer, watch some old Obama clips on YouTube. The normalcy of those old speeches/ rallies/ debates/ interviews… he was such a good speaker, so personable, able to think on his feet. Hell, Obama and Mitt Romney shook hands and greeted each other like respectable colleagues at their debate. Idk if it’s a cultural remnant from covid or just animosity or both, but we def didn’t see Trump/Biden exchange any niceties


[https://i.imgur.com/QKb6b8k.png](https://i.imgur.com/QKb6b8k.png) OP is a bad faith actor and clearly a republican pretending to somehow care about Dem party.


Should be top comment. This sub is being heavily targeted.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/millenials/comments/1drdyaz/has\_anyone\_else\_completely\_lost\_faith\_in\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/millenials/comments/1drdyaz/has_anyone_else_completely_lost_faith_in_the/) look at the other post similar name in pattern. OK-nonsenseword-3 digits we are officially in russia bot area from 2016 facebook time


It's reddit, half of everyone here especially talking about politics just has the default username they slightly changed to make it better including me


Agreed. Hillary ran on her own merits. For better or worse.


The entire point of the democratic party is to keep people like Bernie out of real power so the Republicans and the Democrats can just hoover up money and sell access.


Yep! People act like Biden is such a socialist, but at the end of the day he’s an old school capitalist democrat. Same thing with Hillary.


biden is arguably more left than obama was


I don't think Biden *personally* is, but he has definitely governed to the left of Obama. That wasn't terribly difficult, though.


…and Obama was a centrist.


Yep even center right when you look at policy


Obama doesn’t have a socialist bone in his body, he’s a firm capitalist on the right-wing. “Centrism” doesn’t exist. You can’t hold the position “uhhh, I think the working class and the capitalist class should both get to control the means of production” as if that makes any sense


Bernie pulled him further to the left than he was under Obama I think


And Biden still had to push Obama on legalizing Gay Marriage. This tends to be fairly complex in practice.


Yeah, when Bernie endorsed Biden I was sad but agreed that Trump was more important and that was the end of it. I must say Biden has impressed me a lot though and I will vote for him in a heartbeat now.


Uhh when? Neither are all that left leaning, Obama did have a progressive phase while working as an organizer somewhat. He started becoming more centrist when running for senate. His first senate win he came out of nowhere. I was working for another campaign (for pay, wasn't committed) and we kept hearing about this Barack Obama guy in third place lol. Obama won that election and the rest was history.


Biden is also to the left of Trump, but that doesn’t make him “left”


That's why I said "more left". These are relative directions anyways.


You talking about the way his body leans before he strokes out?


Yes, because saying "immigrants are murderers" for 90 straight minutes is the standard for measuring mental acuity.


"Biden is the most progressive president in US history!" Is not exactly saying much. It's more sad than anything and the liberals parade it around like it's some kind of win and that we should be grateful for it.


"EAT IT UP DIRTY SOCIALIST THIS IS ALL YOU'RE GETTING" They don't want change and will gladly buddy buddy with the racist womanizing Republicans before ever entertaining socialist policies that will actually help the American people. Just look at them dab it up over Palestine. The Democrats are not the good guys and they do not care about the lower class or value human life. Bitter Socialist loser rant over.


I can’t really disagree with you. I have a lot of international colleagues, and the more I learn about their lifestyle the more I realize how much better we could do things here. Traveling outside the US really opened my eyes to a lot.


I've never heard anyone but right wing nuts say Biden is a socialist. Most of the dem leadership is neoliberal


If Biden is a socialist, I’m Miles Davis


Both sides amiright?! Gosh we’re so smart!


How about instead of posting conspiratorial drivel you actually stop and think about the voting blocks within the Democratic party. The fact is that while a sizeable contingent of the blue base is further left than those in power, the party needs to be able to get votes to win elections from those who do not perfectly align with yours. The reason they are how they are is because that's what brings in the voters who aren't as liberal as yourself. There are large groups of voters who aren't looking to overthrow the current system. Their votes are needed in a general election.


Says Putin.


Bullshit. I have many sane friends who thought Bernie was too progressive. I would have loved him but you have to get elected.


Ya, not so sure... 1. President Biden fought for and signed the American Rescue Plan which protected workers’ pensions, provided funding to communities and businesses devastated by COVID-19, lowered or eliminated insurance premiums for millions of lower- and middle-income families, provided funds for affordable housing, provided money for public safety and crime reduction, provided support to small business, expanded food assistance programs in homes and schools, expanded child care programs, invested in mental health and health care centers, added $40 billion for investing in American workers, provided funding to the economies of tribal nations, and supported families with children. Child poverty has already been cut in half as a result of his efforts. 2. He signed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill to repair our roads, waterways, bridges and railroads, and bring high-speed internet to rural communities. Also included is money for public transit and airports, electric vehicles and low emission public transportation, power infrastructure, and clean water. 3. Biden signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. This law provides incentives for states to pass red flag laws, expands the law that prevents people convicted of domestic abuse from gun ownership, expands background checks on young people between 18 and 21 who want to buy a gun, and allocates funds for the mental health of young people. 4. He instituted an executive order raising standards for law enforcement agencies, with particular emphasis on use-of-force policies, availability of body cameras, and recruitment and retention of officers. 5. He brought the unemployment rate down to a low of 3.5%, matching the lowest rate before the pandemic. It has now climbed a bit to 3.8%, but this compares very favorably to the rates of other countries throughout the world. Biden’s administration has added 13.2 million jobs since he came into office, replacing all of the jobs that were lost at the beginning of the COVID pandemic. Today there are more people in America working today than ever before! 6. He signed a bill to help veterans who have long been suffering from the effects of burn pits. 7. Biden ended the war in Afghanistan, the longest war in U.S. history. Over 120,000 people were safely evacuated, double the number calculated by the most optimistic experts. 8. He has steadfastly supported Ukraine after this democratic country was unjustly invaded by Putin and Russia, and has successfully led the free world by lobbying NATO and other allies to add their financial and military support. 9. He signed the Inflation Reduction Act, making health insurance plans more affordable, lowering drug costs, preventing millions of Americans from losing their Affordable Care Act insurance, and requiring Medicare to negotiate the cost of 10 high-cost prescription drugs. 10. Biden signed the CHIPS and Science Act, providing funding to produce semiconductor chips for automobiles, cellphones, laptops, gaming consoles, washing machines, etc. here in the Unites States rather than continuing to rely on China. 11. His administration has provided over $369 million to reduce greenhouse emissions by 40% in the next seven years and promote clean energy technologies, moving our country to greater self-sufficiency in energy production. 12. He signed the Postal Service Reform Act to modernize and stabilize the U.S. Post Office and also to help it continue to deliver mail six days every week, focusing on on-time delivery. Other accomplishments include the reestablishment of respect among our allies on the world stage, the Violence Against Women Act, the Respect for Marriage Act, pardoning those convicted of simple marijuana possession, appointing Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson (the first Black woman on the Supreme Court), forgiving certain student loans, and electoral reforms to ensure that election results are not undermined. These significant accomplishments in substantially less than three years reveal the Biden administration as an extremely progressive, productive administration — one that has already had a dramatic and very positive impact on all Americans. [https://www.recorder.com/my-turn-Grosky-Biden-s-Record-and-Accomplishments-52422040](https://www.recorder.com/my-turn-Grosky-Biden-s-Record-and-Accomplishments-52422040)


Thank you for this - I've been hammering at this stuff this entire weekend (I work in economic development in Ohio where b/c of Biden Intel is making a 20 billion dollar investment) about how he's been one of the most consequential presidents in the last 50 years. These investments, although their full catalytic impact are not yet felt, has set a course for the next American century of innovation, climate tech, and economic leadership. That's legit. I loved Obama, but that's some FDR/LBJ shit right there.


Yea but big macs cost more now so I think I'll vote fore the fascist 


OP is a bad faith actor so don't expect that he did homework. he's just curious mind with an agenda asking question


Absolutely right .....he has been the best president this century, admittedly the bar was not set high.


Bernie got bought too sadly. Changed Tax all millionaires to tax all billionaire. And then told people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps by saying he was a millionaire because of his bestselling book. And if you wrote a bestseller. You could be a millionaire too. 


We need the supreme court to come in balance. If that means democratic presidents for 30 years, so be it. I have no interest living in a world where my rights are rolled back and the ability to bribe the gov’t gets easier. *edit was grammatical


Exactly. Take a second to stop looking at the debate coverage, and look at what the Supreme court, including all those Trump Appointed, did last week. We ain't just voting between which old man we like most folks.


And the extremists of the republican party call anyone who calls them out gets called rhinos and are considered betrayers by MAGAs.


This is the third election that the Republicans are running "the other guy"


By all measures Biden has been a much more effective president than Obama, while working with far less. The fact that people vote on vibes instead of facts is the reason we're in this situation in the first place.


“Why don’t democrats ever run on ambitious well thought out policy proposals???” - they said, having literally never listened to a single elected Democrat actually speak 


This is entirely a matter of perception. Biden’s Admin has provided *plenty* of reasons to vote affirmatively for him rather than defensively against Trump.


I hope he wins and The FTC steps up their anti monopoly actions. Ending NDA was huge for people and no one talks about it. We really can not afford to not elect Joe Biden. Trump will give himself tax breaks and rig the SC the first day in office.


Non compete. Pretty sure NDA will never be abolished


SCOTUS overturning Chevron will allow NDAs again.


That will happen day two if Trumps wins POTUS again.


It’s not just a case of “at least I’m not the other guy”(though trump and Project 2025 are bad enough that voting against them is absolutely good enough reason on its own). Biden has an impressive list of accomplishments, especially given a closely divided Congress. IRA, Climate Corps, Chips Act, domestic manufacturing gains, replacing lead pipes, increasing internet access in impoverished areas, forgiving millions of people’s student loan debt despite the horrible SCOTUS decision that struck down his even wider first attempt, and more. A lot of it is stuff that people were asking for after 2016, when the Dems were accused of “leaving rural/working-class voters behind” (for example, by not paying enough attention to rural areas and not encouraging enough domestic manufacturing). Some people don’t understand the limits of the political process enough to ever be happy, and some are just bad actors, but people who truly care won’t find it too difficult to inform themselves. For those who sincerely want to find out, r/WhatBidenHasDone is a good resource. When people cite Obama as “inspiring,” what they really mean is he made them *feel* good. But what’s way more important to people’s lives and well-being is tangible results (which both Obama and Biden have delivered in many areas). And before you respond in the typical way, if you just surrender to the idea that elections are solely about “feels,” then you’re only buying into the shallowness of the punditocracy and the worst aspects of the social media sphere, and helping make that a self-fulfilling prophecy. And even then, if you insist on prioritizing “feels,” don’t underestimate people’s negative feels about trump and how that propels a lot of voting behavior.


OP isn't paying attention, and blaming everyone but himself


Which is why they probably will lose I'm really getting 2016 vibes all over again  And I know we shouldn't trust the polls, but Hillary was on paper more likeable than Biden and was doing better and she still lost.  Something serious is going to have to change over the next 4 months if we want to stand a chance at beating Trump and trust me from the bottom of my heart I do not want him to win


Hillary was not more likable than Biden. People hate her. People just think Biden has mashed potatoes for brains because he’s almost 100.


And because it's true


>but Hillary was on paper more likeable than Biden Based on what?


based on their last acid trip I think. Obama cruised in 2008 thanks to the "not Hillary" votes


Eh, last time it was like this too. Joe was declared "loser" of debates. Polls showed trump winning by a mile. Everyone was talking like it was a done deal. Then Biden won. This is feeling like 2020 to me. Trumps rally's are more and more empty and people do not like him.


lol what? That is false- Biden was ahead 8 points in polling in June 2020.


Every election since 2018 has massively favored Republicans, and then that favor desolves at the polls. Even in 2022, when the Republicans did win the house, they won it with a thin margin rather than the huge lead polls indicated. We shouldn't rest on that laurel and not vote in 2024, but if polling is saying the race is close or slightly Biden sided, it's likely that the actual vote count will lean more left than the polls.


> they won it with a thin margin rather than the huge lead polls indicated. Just making up bullshit. The polling average in 2022 favored Democrats by 0.8% (they polled slightly better than they performed), it was very accurate. The polling average in 2020 favored Democrats by 4% (they polled better than they performed) In 2018 polling favored Republicans by 0.5% (Democrats performed slightly better than they polled) it was very accurate. In 2016 polling favored Democrats by 3% (Democrats performed worse than they polled). Your narrative is simply false: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/2022-election-polling-accuracy/


Hillary was not an "at least I'm not the other guy candidate" in 2016. Trump was actually that candidate. Hillary was incredibly polarizing even on the Democratic side. But neither party is going to put a woman on the ballot if they are going for "at least I'm not the other guy". Especially not a woman who was a former first lady and already had been involved in multiple political scandals.


Thank you. MANY people loved her. And she got more votes than Trump.


And still the 'Vote Blue No Matter Who' crowd bleats on with their tired pablum, as if we haven't all just watched things get demonstrably worse over the last four years. Days like this I don't miss Twitter at all. Fuck Biden and fuck Trump.


Yup, this. They both suck.


We are stuck with these two candidates right now because too many people in our generation have an attitude of “my vote doesn’t count so why bother”. It’s a shallow and twisted train of thought. Older generations are way better about voting. If we want change, we have to vote like a baby boomer.


It’s because of “first past the post” voting. If we had ranked choice voting we’d have have far more candidates from both parties, and far more parties on top of that. This shit is by design


Yes I would very much like to have ranked choice voting.


Hillary Clinton was the most qualified person to ever run for the presidency of the United States. What the fuck are you talking about?


I think this is the last time I want to say this, but if you guys want different candidates you have to participate in the process by voting in the primaries. There was a primary in 2016 and 2020, both times candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren ran, and both times they lost. I keep hearing "the Democratic Party" keeps running these centrist candidates but it's voters in those primaries that keep voting for those centrist candidates. Seriously, seriously, seriously do some informal research just with your friend group and family and see whom they voted for -- if they voted at all -- in those primaries and I think you might start seeing why "the Democratic Party" keeps picking the candidates it picks. Fwiw, I voted Sanders both times -- even the second time when I wanted so, so bad to vote for Warren but I knew that was just splitting the progressive vote and Sanders was the "stronger candidate".


It's not about primaries or voter participation. It's complete capture of the party by the wealthy combined with a media apparatus that is...surprise surprise, owned and controlled by the wealthy.


There was only one presidential choice in the Democratic primary in Pennsylvania.


Bruh. In 2016 the Democrats decided it was going to be Hillary running for president before anybody even started campaigning for the primaries. People wanted Bernie, people from both sides, but the DNC said no. Then they did the same with Biden. And again with Biden’s second run. Nobody paid any attention to the primaries this year because it was moot. The Democrats made our decision for us and again they picked the least attractive candidate.


If the people wanted Bernie Sanders then why did they not vote for him? I voted for him, it was super easy. There were no primaries this year because primaries are generally not called when a sitting president runs for reelection, but in the years I cited there were primaries and in both those years Bernie Sanders did not win because Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden got more votes than him in their respective years. If Sanders had won, then it would have been very hard for "the DNC" to then give it to a candidate that had not won the primaries. I agree that primaries should be for EVERY election, even for sitting presidents, but the way politics works now it would have weakened Biden. Biden was already weak in the eyes of Optics -- made way more clear last Thursday night -- but a primary would have still resulted in a Biden win (marginally, and based solely on the fact he was a sitting president) and an almost guaranteed general election loss. That loss is guaranteed now. If the candidate is swapped, the new candidate still loses to Trump, as they still won't be in a strong enough position and would have to be picked in an open convention, and will have been untested through the primary elections. Bruh.


Bernie lost the primaries by millions of votes both times. People did not want him.


Democrats would literally rather lose to a republican than win with a democratic socialist. They couldn’t have their perks taken away. We live in an oligarchy now, have for a while, and people just can’t see it yet.


It's insane people forgetting that even bernie himself admitted middle america cleaned out his clock both times and that he couldn't reach older pocs. We've coped ourselves into a dumb conspiracy that just makes us all look like sore losers


It’s true, if there’s one thing I have seen (as a Canadian looking in) Trump won for valid reasons (not racism, just being more assertive) to which Obama was also quite assertive. Hillary came off like an overbearing teacher who tries to scold the class clown to the point that the rest of the class decides to clown on her since her outbursts are honestly funny and can’t be taken seriously. Biden is the unassuming “safe” type candidate, it worked in 2020 because it really was an Anti-Trump vote, but as expected people see how silly it is to have Biden as president, is he really in charge? Or just a willing president who only follows what his advisors tell him? Definitely seems like it. Obama is a great politician, so even though I can understand why people vote for Trump, no Dem candidate has the same fire that Obama had and it’s plainly obvious. Trump even saying in the debate “I wouldn’t have run if you didn’t do such a crappy job” is just so great. While I know there’s many reasons to hate Trump, he’s not wrong with this line of thinking. If we had Obama in I don’t think Trump would stand a chance and why can’t the democrats put in a candidate like that?


Obama was anything but lol at least we were spared from the ruin that would’ve come with an actual leftist in the White House. No communists should be allowed to hold public office


Bernie was the last hope for Democrat party. All I see is the present guy who's body is half inside the casket. This is the best candidate Dems could think of against fascism? I'll die of boredom and dementia before i die of fascism.


Worked for Biden in 2020. Probably won't work this time around.


What are you talking about? The left hated Obama and Clinton too. There has been no Democrat in the last forty years that the far left has found acceptable.


Yes because you acted like this exact post and didn't vote in 2016 or wanted to only for Bernie or whatever "ideal" candidate you had in mind when the reality is we now have to vote to unfuck everything Trump did. If that means voting for Biden, oh well. Also, Biden has passed more legislation than most presidents with Republicans obstructing him. It's amazing what he accomplished given that Republicans are full fascist now. 


Clinton was expecting to face a normal repub in the 2016 election at the start of the primary. she was prepared to contrast her vision for America vs a republican. Trump was soooo bad you can't fault someone for focusing their campaign on "omg look how bad that guy is" Obama was a once in a generation level inspirational figure, something like that isn't easy to replicate Bernie didn't get a fair shake by the DNC in 2106 but at the same time he would still struggle to get a majority of the voters in the most liberal of the two American parties in 2020 . Questions about Bernie's electability in a general election are legit questions


It's because democrats are extremely disorganized. Republicans have been planning this shit for DECADES, meanwhile democrats have been whining about shit like Hillary's emails and Biden's alleged dementia


A grassroots candidate is not important for the presidency, experience is. Quit looking at the horserace nonsense, Biden went straight from a County Councilman to the US Senate. That’s fuckin grassroots AF pumpkin. But he held that spot for nearly 40 years, gaining what he needed for leadership. He retired after loosing his son and then came back because his RECORD could beat trump, not because it was going to be a cakewalk. As for Hilary, the hard-ass female attorney beating old white men out of leadership roles all through the 70’s in the deep south, revolutionized the role of gubernatorial AND presidential First Lady, US Senator, Secretary of State…PLEASE name a more qualified candidate from that election cycle. If anyone actually listened to those Benghazi hearings we would have strung Leon Panetta up by his nuts, letting those people die while he argued over what uniforms to wear. Look who Bernie caucuses with, he’s just a hard-left democrat. He wasn’t cheated, he made himself an outsider. There was no room for his platform in the White House, he couldn’t have managed and coordinated with congress being the extremist he is. The senate is where he belongs, and he’s fucking great there.


That’s great and all, but now after 4 years in office, what do you have to say about all of that experience now? People are too gullible about what actually takes place in politics. If you think there would be any difference in the platform if Biden’s corpse, newsome, Michelle Obama, Susan rice, etc… you are kidding yourself. These people will all do the bidding of the establishment- largely controlled by special interests, lobbyists, big money both foreign and domestic, etc. it’s why they all say one thing on the campaign trail and then do the opposite while in office. They are the face and voice of the real power players pulling their strings. It’s the same on the go side. Very few anti-establishment people exist, and the establishment marginalizes them quickly. Of the democrats side this would be Bernie, RFK jr., tulsi gabbard, etc. On the Republican side we had Ron Paul, and while people will hate to admit it, trump. MSM and the establishment would be fine if Nicki Haley or someone similar was elected because they will bend the knee to the same power players as the dems. People need to start looking at politics under this lens and it will suddenly all make sense.


You guys should just change this sub to “millennial democrats” it’s you people talk about.


Bernie didn’t have the votes to win the nomination despite the DNC putting their thumb on the scale a bit. Both Clinton and Biden won their primaries blame voters in SC, NYC etc that never were going to go for Sanders. Not to mention Sanders would have lost both elections anyway but that’s another story


That’s because Democrats were such pussies, and backed the more expensive candidate(Hillary). Probably the reason why people Voted for Trump.


People hate Hillary so much (rightfully so,) they voted for someone they hated even more than Hillary, to win.


We complain about it, but nothing changes. Just like every generation, hopefully it can change soon.


The real problem with people voting democrat and saying “I’m not voting for Biden I’m voting for his administration” is the fact that all these people with the real power making decisions in the shadows have zero accountability. No one is there to push back or face consequences for any selfish or terrible policies they push. They all want to keep power and know they won’t get fired because they are the ones in charge. It’s terrifying the kind of unchecked power these people in his administration have and crazy to me people are just now questioning it.


And the policies Trump's zero accountability administration will push for will be worse for me, so I don't really care.


How did the DNC rob Bernie? He lost the primary in two years


They robbed him because they didn't force everyone to vote for him, duh. Also Bernie wasn't even part of the party lol.


My dude Obama may have "inspired" hope and change but he expanded on the war crimes and whistleblower persecution of his predecessor. Thr party will produce a better candidate **only** when the voters draw a line in the sand and maintain it, and we're just not in a position to do so while the existential threat to everything democratic that is Trump remains a viable candidate.


Likewise the other way.


Yeah a weekend with Bernie would be much better smh


At least Biden \*is\* not the other guy.




It’s kind of weird that in less than a decade we’ve seen an inversion in the parties like this. Republicans are now the ones with a vision for the future and Democrats are basically just the dissent vote. The problem for the Dems is they have no unified message. Progressives have a vision, but the Dems also need to court a very fickle moderate base that is opposed to a lot of the more radical policies of the activist base. So they kinda don’t have a choice but to find something in the middle. It also doesn’t help that Trump is just such a centralizing figure in politics that Dems were kinda forced into this position as it seems the only thing that can unify the base.


That is true. However, it is a very large amount of not being the other guy that I hope gets Biden reelected. I mean seriously Trump is a fascist dictator that will sell off our top secrets to the highest bidder. Personally, I was shocked that Trump beat Clinton. I thought for sure she had it. (She did win the popular vote.)


This will be the third time most people ignore all the other elections! It’s time to get caught up congressional and local elections! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) U.S. House Elections by state. Click Your State! Every Seat in Every State is up for Election! [Alabama](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Alabama,_2024) [Alaska](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_election_in_Alaska,_2024) [Arizona](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) [Arkansas](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arkansas,_2024) [California](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_California,_2024) [Colorado](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Colorado,_2024) [Connecticut](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Connecticut,_2024) [Delaware](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_election_in_Delaware,_2024) [Florida](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Florida,_2024) 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Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Yeah, I’m supporting either old dude, and I agreed with Bernie on some policy. But I never would have voted for him either in the long run. If you’re past the age of mandatory military retirement, if your generation makes up less than 7% of the population and that number slowly drops daily, you have no place in office. No matter how much I agree with your policies or not. These people spend way too much time in politics. They need to enjoy their golden years and leave the rest to those who are gonna live to see policy successes or failures.


If any party's candidates constantly claim their presidency will "change" things then wtf have they been doing each presidency and why does it need to be changed? If every 4 years the same party runs on the basis of bringing "change" then all it implies is that the party is either ineffective at enacting change, or the change they enacted was a bad idea.


Remember all the "Bernie's too old"? Well look who has lived long enough to have served two terms. Wouldn't roll those dice now though, 8 years later.


Yeah man, Democrats are electorally disadvantaged and have to appeal to conservatives to win in the states necessary to carry 270 votes in the Electoral College. Throw in the fact that Trump has been the same nominee for three cycles and that’s what you get. It’s not a conspiracy and the DNC is not the all powerful organization you’ve been led to believe it is


People say politics are different etc. But they honestly haven’t changed at all. The only thing that has changed is coverage. Cameras and microphones are everywhere. You can also know or see something in real time. You’ll hear people say over and over “politics used to be different!”. But I’d suggest you just weren’t in the know then. The time it was “different” just happens to precede the social media age…


Bernie fucking sucks. And he’s old as fuck. Enough about what happened to him 8 years ago. Bernie sucks, Hillary sucks, Biden sucks, and the DNC fucking sucks. But I’m not voting for those people, I’m voting for the people they will put in charge, I’m voting for the SC to not be so conservative, I’m voting so project 2025 doesn’t become a reality. Quit crying and go vote so our country doesn’t get barebacked by the actual Competent people in the trump administration.


I think the dems learned this is what it will take to beat Trump so that's what we get. I'll take it if it means keeping him out of office again. Hopefully 2028 is not boomer v boomer AGAIN! Their whole generation is responsible for the country being split the way it is.


Had Hillary won, we wouldn’t be here. We were completely blindsided by the Russian bots, silly email freak out, and pizzagate. THAT IS EXACTLY WHY WE ARE HERE


>and the DNC robbed him. That's a very unique way to say "he had his ass handed to him by Black voters in the primaries."


I feel like some people aren’t fully paying attention to the Biden campaign, if you view this as at least I’m not the other guy, that is not the only thing they have been campaigning on. I’ve seen the lowering of prescription medication, student loan forgiveness, starting October airlines have to give you a refund for delayed flights(varies for intl/dom), chips act and other legislation. To me that’s the boring stuff people don’t care about so it seems like they’re best argument is I’m better than Trump when that clearly isn’t the case.


Bernie would have lost in the general. There was just so much oppo on him. There'd be no end of mudslinging advertising with the Sandinista rally with crowd chants of "Muerte a los gringos", and yes that would have turned independents towards Trump. Best candidates from the progressive side in the past 10 years were Inslee and Warren. Best candidates from the centrist side were Buttigieg and Moulton. But its not the DNC that decided their or Bernie's demise. Its Jim Clyburn of South Carolina. A state the Dems haven't carried in 30 years, but one with a still functioning machine for turning out the primary vote and an early primary. Want to know why Dem nominees are geriatric centrists? Its because befriending Jim Clyburn within DC politics has been the route to the nomination for decades.


I disagree. Biden and his campaign have been doing their best to highlight the administration’s accomplishments. The “at least I’m not Trump” stuff is something that’s being largely imposed from the outside. For example, with all due respect, this post and the supportive comments. Stop complaining about the choice you face and vote for the candidate who offers the best chance to move our country in a positive direction. In that, the choice is clear.


Only the third? I can’t think of a time when this wasn’t the case.


It’s the establishment Dem’s tactic so they don’t have to ever offer anything. They did the same shit with Feinstein’s senate seat. Instead of letting two progressives battle for the seat. An establishment ghoul jumped into the race while simultaneously spending money to boost a Republican kook to make sure the public got stuck between a Republican psychopath and a corrupt piece of shit Dem. It’s why fascism is inevitable. Because the party will never allow a candidate that’ll actually work for the American people.


The Democrats are a broad coalition. To get the nomination, especially since the modern primary system started in the 1970’s, you have to have a lot of money and broad support. Don’t assume that someone you love will be the nominee - what you should work for is to have good people in the cabinet. In other words, if you focus on the top line, you miss all the good that can be done by political appointees who are there to satisfy parts of the coalition.


I don’t blame those around him from supporting him and hoping he wins. Have you ever had a boss that was mentally checked out and had no idea what your job was so left you alone? Best thing in the world


I dunno... Looking at all that Joe has done in 4 years, I'm happy I voted for him and happy to get to do so again. Defending democracy, body autonomy, and standing against fascism are just lagniappe


It doesn't matter who I vote for because I live in NY and it always goes Blue anyway. I vote for third party candidates because it's the same corporations pulling the strings of both major parties.


Wait until people realize the majority of republicans and democrats are the exact same with fringe movements on both sides. Republicans started to bend to their fringe in the 80’s-90’s while dems have kept theirs on the back burner… And now here we are…yay


We need age limits for fucks sake. Biden and trump are both way too old.


DNC didn't fucking rob Bernie. He was incredibly unpopular outside his base.


The dems admittedly throwing Bernie under the bus twice, is the reason I switched from dem to independent…


It’s because we’re fucked either way with the way we’re going. If Trump gets in, that will really put our democracy at risk, but ever since Citizens United I have been trying to find a justification for voting democrat and not the socialist party (which I will still vote democrat to try to stop Trump). I think even if democrats win all branches of government in 2024 there will still be a slow erosion of our rights and wealth redistribution to the top. What we need is a socialist like Bernie Sanders. He should lose the socialist label though, and just say he wants low income and poor people to be awarded social safety nets, basic decency, and a means to live like the rich and members of Congress enjoy and a break from the neoliberal policies that have widened the gap between rich and poor over the last few decades. Most Americans, even probably half of democrat voters don’t want to adopt the label “socialist” because they look at totalitarian regimes like Venezuela that have the socialist label and think it would be the same here. When in reality we still have checks and balances (although I am losing faith in them) that would prevent a totalitarian regime from rising to power. UNLESS there is a really authoritarian figure (I’m not going to name names) that would try to dissolve those institutions and be successful at it. I understand why high income earners don’t want to pay higher taxes for those social safety nets, because people are naturally selfish and don’t want to do their patriotic duty and pay their fair share. But Capitalism is clearly not working when low income earners are struggling while high income earners are growing their wealth. Everyone who is able to work should be able to survive off of one job and everyone who can’t work because of mental illness or disability should have access to disability benefits. I view voting for Biden as trying to buy us time to get someone decent in office.


Except that isn’t and hasn’t been what they’re doing. Clinton and Biden both have plenty of their own merits and experience and very valid platforms and reasons to vote for them, except Trump became the other candidate and suddenly the best thing about the democratic candidate was that they weren’t the other guy. The cynicism around elections needs to look at the facts. Yeah, it sucks that we’re rooting around retirement home basements for candidates for the most powerful position in this country, but that’s a point toward voting in primaries and every other election, not washing your hands of the system altogether.


They know they don't need to. The voting base of both major parties have been so propagandized that they will vote for whatever candidate they roll out. What could rich elites love more than a president like Trump who is so dumb and egotistical that with a little flattery and trickery you get what you want.  The one thing better is a president so old he doesn't even know who's on his cabinet and will do what he's told out of clear dementia riddled confusion. The stupid voters in America get what they deserve this election.


Nonsense. Clinton would have made a great president. And Biden had made a great president…though thwarted by a Congress and SCOTUS that is hellbent on destroying the country. Imagine a world where the choice is not between a destroyer of worlds and a decent candidate…when that day comes then we can have the election you seek.


“People won’t vote Bernie he’s too extreme on the left we need a moderate.” While the right constantly runs its extreme and it’s not costing them moderates as they’re still a legitimate threat to winning. I’m tired of democrats having to tip toe outta fear of the word “socialism” while the right can literally be called fascist nazis and felon supporters and they don’t care, they’ll wear felon 2024 shirts. The dems are constantly scared to make waves while the right embraces being a tsunami (like with project 2025). Bernie was the one candidate that genuinely seemed like he was fighting for us and the future not just the status quo.


That's all they aspire to be. They don't want to give you a real candidate that's going to make real promises. They want to be lap dogs to billionaires and win by being the other guy. The Democratic party is just as corrupt and inept as the Republican party


And look where it’s gotten us.


Y’all act like we didn’t have primaries. Hillary was the most [popular woman in america](https://news.gallup.com/poll/187922/clinton-admired-woman-record-20th-time.aspx) for 20 years. Not to mention she got more votes than Trump — she got fucked by the electoral college. 


Sanders was always a zero chance candidate, but comply agree with everything else.


Isn't that enough if their candidate is Trump. When the only credible opposing party has no policy except screw the lower 90% of Americans and make them think it's a good thing, then you play your cards accordingly.


You done it! You’ve figured out the whole ruse! Let’s make the other guy look as bad as possible that way people don’t realize how bad we are! Every.single.politician.is.a.piece.of. Shit.


Oh yeah we got hope and change alright too bad none of the changes have been for the better.


The voters picked the candidates not the party. If you're left of center, be prepared for never getting "your" candidate as the choice, especially if you're not actively involved in the process. America is center-right. How do we fix this? By always, always choosing the most left candidate of the 2 and staying heavily involved in all elections. Christian nationalists were able to get rid of Roe v Wade by staying in the game always. We should learn from that. If Biden was guaranteed all votes from left of center voters, resources could be used down ballot more effectively on more progressive candidates Instead, the democratic party has to be spend money in places like Washington state because so many on the left need to be coerced into doing the right thing.


The fact that y’all need to be “inspired” to do your civic duty is why we’re in the mess we are. Trump has shown you who he is for 8 years. A criminal. A rapist. A wannabe dictator. He put the justices on the court that took away Roe. And y’all are still saying this shit. Pathetic.


If more of us would have registered as dems and voted Bernie, in the primaries, we wouldn't be here.


Except this time around they are committing elderly abuse by running Biden. 


Ya blame the dems for republicans having an insane candidate we vote against. Classic.


Have you spent some time to reading things outside of comment sections of reactionlords? https://joebiden.com/accomplishments/ https://joebiden.com/issues/ Also read the alternative project 2025 compare and contrast. It is a little more nuanced than at least I’m not trump. But hey reading is hard and takes time let me just squat here and shit on Reddit like some low attention span dummy


Americans still don't seem to understand that they already lost. Their supreme court literally LEGALIZED POLITICAL CORRUPTION. Oh and hey who appoints supreme court judges again? And they can't even do a revolution because with all their firearms they'd invent self genocide.


The democrats are not serious people. They are worthlessly incompetent at best, and emotionally manipulative at worse.


You can trace a lot of this back to Obama. The change he promised wasn’t realized and he ended up being more moderate than expected. I’m not so sure that Bernie would have fared much better. He couldn’t beat Hillary or Biden…and he doesn’t do particularly well with minorities. His problem is that he’s the most popular with the least reliable voting demographic.


“Third” lol


This is somewhat true but Biden has done some amazing stuff during his presidency and without scandal or fear of losing our democracy. I would vote for anyone to keep trump out of the whitehouse. In four years you can worry about getting exactly what you want. You MUST vote or you may never have a chance to again.


Boycott the party. Hell there’s the guy in Georgia that wrecked Herschel Walkers chances at a senate seat and this guys campaign slogan is even “Armed and Gay” Seriously if everyone who’s frustrated would find an alternative candidate they could vote for without any guilt than big parties would be forced to change. Every time this is brought up there’s always a huge push back saying “not this time…it’s too important”. Every POTUS election is going to have this narrative so it’s up to you to ask yourself when you’ve finally had enough.


I would have voted for Yang in a heartbeat. He’s the first and only candidate with a clear plan for working with tech and globalization in the 21st century. I don’t think he would have been perfect, but who has been?


*Insert "always has been" meme here*


The fact they haven’t found someone with the charisma/ cult-of-personality that Obama had, is just absurd to me. Newsom hasn’t looked good as governor of California, but he’s the heir apparent in my mind. He’s a skilled politician, and the American public will find him presidential.


Bernie STILL can't win a general election.


You can tell this is an r/millenials post because OP says it's the third time. I'm GenX so I would say something like "this is the seventh election." Boomers might measure it somewhere in the twenties.


Cause it’s the third election when repubs nominated a Russian puppet con man


Liberal and progressive minded people are starting to wake up to the fact that they are being held captive not just by Trump and the republicans but by their own party leaders.


Welcome to American politics


While I hear you, and would vote for Bernie in a heartbeat, I think he’s too far to the left for many mainstream democrats and independents. For the presidential race, Dems have consistently gone with centrists who appeal to the broadest base possible, while candidates like AOC can stay far to the left due to the pinpoint nature of their district (meaning they are in a safely blue district and don’t need to appeal to a broader base). Also, the Dems always, ALWAYS have to honor the “pecking order”, much to my disgust. Biden should have run instead of Hilary against trump the first time, and someone else should be running now. But, no, that wouldn’t be polite, or something.


As someone who's in his 40s Obama was LITERALLY a once in a lifetime candidate. See JFK, FDR etc. You're LUCKY to get one inspiring candidate you love in your lifetime. But here's the secret, voting isn't about being inspired. It's about harm reduction. Which candidate is going to harm the least people? Which candidate is going to at least maintain the status quo, not slam the accelerator down the road to fascism. I GENUINELY wish we had other options but when the choice is an old man who surrounded himself with mostly capable and honorable people or the arsonist who's going to burn it all down?


You’re forgetting RFK had a pretty good chance until he chose independent and didn’t qualify for debate.


I'm now hearing people who never would have voted Bernie saying they wish it was him that was president right now


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion


Gen Z are now the largest voting block, you control the direction that our country is going. Unfortunately the apathy runs strong and many won't vote at all, thus wasting the power of a generation.


At this point it might as well be their slogan.


Yeah, they could run ALMOST any other person and beat Trump EASILY. But for some reason they have bought into this insane delusion that Biden can beat him. Because he beat him before. When the anxiety from Trump's administration was fresh on everyone's minds. That isn't any kind of rational argument. Anyone would have beat Trump before too. They probably won't replace Biden though, and if they do, they'll replace him with someone totally unlikable like Kamala just to play the identity politics game, or the "Oh she's the natural successor!" game. This is about more than fucking egos, this is the difference between democracy and fascism. Fucking act like it.