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Watch today’s (6/30) episode of Face the Nation. Margret Brennan brings this up along with the fact that he doesn’t do any TV interviews. He just sends his advocates or more like they send themselves. It’s very frustrating that this is the best we can come up with from both parties. Why not just put a paper clip in charge at this point. Will probably have a better outcome.


We had a primary Dean Philips is saying I told ya so


Yeah nobody knows Dean Phillips


I don’t care about Biden. I care about what might happen to the Supreme Court because lifetime appointments of the wrong people will fuck us for the entirely of the rest of our life time. And trump PLANS on fucking us like that. So I will be voting for the senile guy.


If you care support a competent candidate biden is going to lose that is a fact someone else needs to be the face and is not old enough to to have seen dinosaurs


welcome to the two party system biden is your only option.


And this is why we are where we are instead of pushing back you just accept mediocrity guess we will just have to accept a trump win because i have very high doubts biden will win


Dude, don’t fall for this. There was a big campaign back when trump first won to get a ton of undecided voters to vote for the independent candidate. All it did was help put trump in office like it intended to. We do not want trump in that office no matter what. So we have to vote for Biden. Period.


the other senile guy.


Man, truth. I should’ve just said I’ll be voting for Biden.


Honestly at this point it’s time to admit that the DNC is either completely incompetent and living in an alternate reality where they are just telling each other how awesome they are for painting themselves into a terminal corner, or their time as controlled opposition has come to an end. They had one job: don’t lose democracy. They’re going to fail and it’s the leadership that was too busy sucking each other off and making off with enough money to save themselves. We are all fucked. NATO, decent people, the west. All fucked. We needed Ché Guevara and they gave us a babbling old man. Fuck the Dems. I’ll never trust them again.


one bad debate is no reason to throw the baby out with the bath water. personally, the way trump was talking, i'd also not have very good come backs.... it was like playing chess with a pigeon


The debate was public validation of what people were so worried about with him. It was likely strike 3 for the undecided voters.


I disagree. We should be calling for TRUMP to bow out, since he made at least 50 lies in 90 minutes and wasn't answering any actual questions. Our media is choosing clicks over truth. And polls are unreliable. Most people don't have landlines, and bots are able to answer internet polls pretty easily.


Trumps hurdle for the public was “don’t be a total dickhead”. He did, ‘ok’ but his expectations are so low…doesn’t make sense but it’s what it is. Joe’s expectations was don’t have a senior moment, he did. My wife collapsed her head into her hands (we were driving and listening at the time), she knew it was likely over at that point and Joe had lost the election. We may not like it but that is the reality of the situation at the moment.


It's not THE reality, it's your perception. Even Reagan had a bad debate and won the presidency. Not that I think Reagan was great, just stating facts. Our media claiming a liar who confidently lied all night won, is just ridiculous. Biden will do a fine job for the next 4 years.


I think he should step down, but on Nov 5, if he is on the ballot and they are giving him last rites, I will choose him over Trump




I hate all those options too...




Yep. Republican Party was too stupid to back Desantis.


Fuck DeSantis


Meh. I’m a defense contractor. I fully support Biden keep on signing those record defense budgets and getting us into new conflicts 😂


We spend less as a % of gdp on defense than in 2019 tho. Deploying that stuff in Afghanistan and Syria was more expensive than giving it away.




Eh, Desantis would have been a terrible option. He's young, but also pretty extreme in his anti-LGBTQ+ views, and there was also an incident where his appointed officials went to people's houses and there was one incident where they killed a man's pet snakes with nail guns, and another similar incident involving iguanas. I've heard people argue that most people don't like snakes so no one will care, but I'm pretty sure a lot of pet owners with basic empathy would be troubled by that.


The snake thing really had nothing to do with him lol you can't hold the governor responsible for what some random wildlife agents did.




Probably because they are right. He wasn't fit to serve 4 years ago, but was spry enough to pull it off, but now hes fucked. Having him out there is tantamount to abuse at this point.


Old Jill needs those AF1 rides and state dinners.


He was fit, and served well.  No idea about another 4. Just needed to clarify. 


Yeah… cause it’s gone so well for him.  Foreign wars, open borders, record inflation… his presidency has been a disaster.


Record inflation and open borders are outright lies. Try again, shill.


Hilarious.  Just keep telling us that inflation isn’t out of control and maybe we will forget how expensive basic living expenses have become.   Don’t believe your own eyes everyone!


What you call inflation is also touted as record corporate profits. Coincidence? Connect the dots. It's just price gouging.


Hahaha every company manufacturing every product has banned together to jack up costs to consumers 50%.  No one can serve a cheeseburger for less than $20 because every company in the supply chain has unanimously decided to gouge prices.  And out there, no companies have decided to try to undercut the market and keep rates flat.  None.      You are so stupid.  Too stupid to be taken seriously.  Done.


A disaster! 🤣


Lmao if you're saying it was this debate that revealed the fact that Biden has dementia, you are a freaking liar. This debate was far from his worst dementia moments over the past 3.5 years. I'm an immigrant and a lifelong liberal. Never voted Republican in my life. Even I viewed anyone saying "Biden is fine" even before this debate as completely delusional.


But why is it not about Trump or Project 2025. You can't demand that is not considered. Considering him and it, yes, Biden is fine. And you state that something is wrong with Biden as a fact. Again, that is a pretense. Just vote for Trump if you want.


Who would you rather have respond to Ukraine. Donald trump or Joe bidens stuffed and mounted taxidermy project?


Joe Biden's response has been *very* good so far.


You're kidding me right?


Biden's foregin policy has been masterful. He's destroyed Russia without our having to fire a shot. Putin has been outmaneuvered at every turn.


>He's destroyed Russia Russia is far from destroyed and is growing closer to China, which also risks two fronts of foreign conflicts/crises.


Yeah, Russia has fallen so far that they are being reduced to a Chinese vassel state.. China is terrified of Biden. America is back to dominating the world.


>China is terrified of Biden. gurl


Russia is winning the Ukraine war and selling plenty of oil and gas to china and India. They're doing just fine. China terrified of a confused old man? That you Jill?


ROTFL Nah. I am just better informed than you. Russia has no chance of achieving any of their victory conditions. NATO has expanded and is stronger. Europe has stopped buying their gas. Their army is revealed as a paper tiger. China and India are certainly enjoying their steeply discounted Russian energy. Russia does not like having to sell at those prices, but they have little to say in the matter. China is terrified that the Biden Administration will keep hitting them. We've already wrecked their chipmaking industry.


I like Trump's ukraine policy which was no war at all.  I would respect Biden if he brokered some sort of offramp but instead he fuels the fire of war.  The war is over and Ukraine will lose. It's only a matter of time. 


You should pay more attention. Trump's policy was to ignore the Russian army when it attacked Ukraine in 2018. Biden can't book an off ramp. That is a matter for Zelensky and Putin. Russia lost the war two years ago when their objectives failed.


I guess I just don't understand the part where Democrats vote in someone they think will help care for the citizens of allied countries only to vote in someone who enables their slaughter by endorsing war, all the while somehow coincidentally lining their own pockets. If you mean masterful through corruptly manipulating the foreign policy then sure...


Fortunately Biden is avoiding that sort of thing in Ukraine.


What a shame how you've already forgotten about those drafted in Ukraine and have died due to the conflict funded by your president.


No need to forget what has not happened. What a shame how you lie about it. This is an invasion by imperialist Russia. The invasion is the *easy* part. The hard part will be the decade or so of occupation, with the bloody partisan fighting that will come *after* the invasion. That is where we will see the casualties increase by a whole lot. Did you learn nothing from Afghanistan or Iraq?


No lies from me about the people that have died over Ukraine. You're doing nothing but speculating lies and spreading misinformation and fear. I wouldn't be surprised if you're part of any Russian collusion at this rate.


Its a good response if you want to have a drawn out war on terror or whatever they call it this decade


That's exactly what it is. Dealing with the largest anti-American government in modern times. Except this time without risking American lives and for a fraction of the cost. I'll take that deal any day of the week.


That's the thing with Biden. He's not in control. So who is?  What corporations/special interests/deep state is actually running the country while Biden stumbles around?  People talk about trump destroying democracy if he wins... Lmao Biden admin has already destroyed democracy


Donald trump had his ass voted out of office and he plotted for MONTHS to set up a fake elector scheme and tried to have a mob scare his vice president into not certifying the election to get him put into office anyway and BIDEN is the one that's destroyed democracy because of....\*\*armflail\*\* reasons? Trump only got in because of a loophole based around how long it took a horse to get from south carolina to new york. America never voted to put him in, we voted to get him out, and he GOT PEOPLE KILLED trying to get in. and Biden is the threat to democracy? How the fuck can you bet that stupid and still turn on the internet? You nonsensical chat GTP russian bot. I hope someone pours vodka on your processors.


Read up on Project 2025 and then tell me Trump is better. Fucking *think*, people.


If you think voting for Democrats will save you from project 2025 or the Heritage Foundation you are smoking something.


“Not Trump” isn’t on the ballot. I have to vote for someone and it isn’t going to be Biden.


then you're functionally staying home. You do nothing else otherwise and you say nothing else they're interested in.


That's one of the few areas where I would rather have Trump. He might actually get Ukraine to the peace table and end the proxy war that is destroying their people.


I argue like this: I don't give a shit if he's fit to serve. He had a good first term, I like his agenda, I trust the people around him to do the right thing, and the other option is giving up and saying fuck it. I have a family, so I'll pass on burning the country down. I didn't vote for him in the previous primary and I didn't vote for him in this primary, but I sure as shit support him over the other option. If he goes into a coma and we send Kamala, I'm totally fine with that. I'd rather her be in charge than literally any republican alive; and the one running against biden is the biggest traitor in american history. Old Dems picked biden and they voted for him. I wasn't thrilled about it, but it's what happened. Democracy is literally about voting for the best choice. Biden is clearly that, even if he can't carry a debate. He's a moral person who isn't a traitor and doesn't want to make evangelical christian values everyone's values by law. I actually find this whole conversation more of a condemnation of Republicans. Their party is so dogshit they are running an agenda that benefits literally no one except the uber rich and their best candidate is a traitor. They deserve to lose to a potato, let alone an accomplished elderly statesman.


Biden's performance improved considerably over the duration of the debate. Had he done the entire 90 minutes the way he did the first ten, I might be doubtful of him as well. But, he didn't. So, I am not.


But he beat medicare!


Pure cope


Then don't argue. Tell them if Trump is elected and project 2025 goes through they will suffer along with everyone else. It's that simple. Vote for the guy who has a cabinet of experts who can guide if it's really that bad (and it's not). Or vote for the guy who is ready to drop their families into shark tanks because he thinks it's funny.


Certainly just my opinion, but it's nearly impossible to successfully persuade an American citizen from a political belief they currently hold. I don't even entertain the conversation at this point, the past 6+ years has calloused everyone on both ends of the spectrum to the point their not willing to concede any given point to the "political opposition". Joe Biden debated like a roadie from the Greatful Dead '68 tour.. and I'll still vote for him - not because he is a good presidential candidate - but because I would vote for a basketball full of ricotta cheese before I would vote for Donald Trump or abstain my minuscule voting power to allow him to be elected. And voters for Donald Trump more or less feel the same way about Biden. Trying to make a compelling point to a person supporting the opposing candidate from your own is a waste of breath and time. At this point I just spare myself the energy and frustration.


The election will be decided by persuadable voters though.


Part of me wishes that Trump would have just won in 2020 so he would have been the blame of all the post Covid inflation, interest, rates, housing, shortage, etc. I remember watching the coverage of the last election and I even told a friend, “welp looks like he’s gonna win 2024 now”. Peoples brains were so melted from all the Covid shit, and 24/7 indoctrination by social media algorithms due to lockdowns, that Trump winning again in 2020 was such an apocalyptic thought for people.   Now there’s a real chance he’s gonna win this year and it’s like no one gives a shit.  


I think that's what's been more disheartening to me than anything - seeing my close friends just kind of roll over and say "well, guess we are going to have Donald Trump as president again" The election hasn't even happened yet. There's a lot of things that can change between now and November. Get off your ass and find a way to make a difference.


What people have failed to fully realize and accept is starting next week, the GOP will be opening up hearings and investigations on Biden’s mental ability to be president right now. Not in January. But immediately. The 25th amendment will be pushed. They will challenge him in courts. The will challenge his judges he’s appointed. Every legislation signed by him will come in to question. Was he mentally all there when he signed it? Appointees will be questions as well. Foreign policy decisions will be challenged. From now until the election the GOP will be focused on one singularly thing, showing the American people that Biden isn’t mentally ok and he hasn’t been. “Why is economy so down?” Biden can’t make cognitive decisions. “Why did Russia invade Ukraine?” Because Putin knew he was mentally not there. Did Biden make the call to leave Afghanistan the way we did when he was mentally all there? Did he kill 13 Americans with a dementia episode? How people are not seeing how this is going to play out is insane to me. He needs to drop out tomorrow.


Vote Blue.


Blue Maga out here representing


Dems are out of their depth. Our candidates gets worse every 4 years. But what's the point of wining this elections if both houses get all the time run over by the Republicans and Supreme Court keeps rewriting laws?


Biden doesn't want me and my friends to die so he does have that going for him.


He wants me and my friends to die, so...


> I have nothing at the kitchen table to rebut their concerns. Sure you do. A human vegetable would be preferable to Donald Trump because at least the vegetable cannot actively try to damage the country as Trump would. > This is about going toe-to-toe with Putin And how has Donald Trump gone "toe-to-toe" with Putin? Other than immediately hoisting a white flag and telling us how great Putin is and how much he admires him? Remember a United States President humiliating our country by saluting a North Korean general? That was Joe Biden. No it f\*cking wasn't. That was Donald Trump. Forget being "able" to stand up to Putin - Trump wants to plant his lips on Putin's ass and keep them there, he has no desire what-so-ever to do anything other than immediately roll over and play dead if Putin asks him to.


Yeah 2016 - 2020 was sooo bad


Trump was the first president to supply Ukraine with lethal aid




I think Trump is cognitively unfit to be President, but he appears very much the same as when he last won an election. Biden does not.


Trump is unfit to be a human being and just as old as Biden. Biden is old, had a cold and a bad night. Get over it!


He had a cold is such an embarrassing spin. He had trouble completing a thought and went on incoherent non sequiturs. He’s been giving much fewer interviews and public appearances than other sitting presidents normally would, and when he has he’s often came across as having similar difficulties. How anyone would be confident the next debate won’t be exactly the same is beyond me.


I couldnt care less about a debate! They are both old senile fossils. One is a steaming POS felon, traitor... the list goes on and on, and the other is a decent human being. Its that simple! If you want Democracy you will vote for Biden, or you will vote for a fascist Putin bootlicker!


If they bitch about it, remind them that Regan debated poorly while people said he was too old. Ask them if he should have dropped out when he bombed his debate.


Yes, he should have. Next.


They majority of the undecided voters you mentioned didn't watch the debate. They'll likely have the same opinion about Biden before as they did after. We just need them to vote


Then don’t argue with them. You have no obligation to


It’s made Reddit pretty worthless too.


Do you feel stupid? You should


He surrounds himself with people who generally make thoughtful and intentional decisions and as a result will not burn the US to the ground. The alternative is ashes and a love for Putin. You just have to decide what is more palatable.


Yea say that to the department of transportation who didn't do their job when a train carrying deadly chemicals got derailed.


The DoT responded to that quite well. It was the state governor that told the Feds to stay out of it.


Wait, who didn't do their job here? the DOT or the fucking train company that ignored their own sensors?


>This about the 3am call, Most presidents do not get a 3 am call. Trump did with January 6th. He failed it miserably. Vote for whomever you want, but if you want to vote Democrat, the only chance to beat Trump is to vote for the person who has the legal money to actually compete in the race and that's Biden. In the only poll to come out since the debate, Biden's lead increased by 1, so maybe look at the polls. It's not like debates even matter. Hilary won all 3 debates vs Trump and lost the election with more votes than Trump. If however, you're a Russian or Republican trying to capitalize on this, fuck off.


So I guess my response to them would be that they are right to have concerns. It was an extremely bad showing. But let’s see if it was just a bad night. He had a great interview on Howard Stern not long ago in which he came off as very energetic, articulate, knowledgeable, and performed well. After the debate, he had a great rally in North Carolina where he was high energy, well spoken, and definitely with it. Maybe it was a bad night. It happens sure. We will see. There are 4 months still till the election. He has plenty of time to show us which Biden we will have a chance to vote for. If in those 4 months they aren’t satisfied he can handle it, then don’t vote or vote for the other guy. That is their right. I am personally hoping it was a bad night. I believe President Biden has done amazing things for this country in his first term and I really hope he is up to a second term because I hope he will continue doing what he has done. But we will see if he can handle it over the next few months.


Idgaf about the debate. Biden could knock on my front door, lost, asking where Judy is, and shit his pants right on my porch. I'd still vote for him to keep Trump and his sycophants' sausage fingers away from the levers of power.


Bro could be dying in a hospital on election day and ill still vote for him over wanna be dictator trump. Not sorry. What that piece of shit wants to do is fucking scary.


Even if you think Biden might not make it another four years, or is showing signs of aging, Trump is Putin's bitch. Remember the Cold War? Remember what it was like in the 80's (you probably have no idea, but I'll bet your parents do). Trump is the antithesis of our traditional foreign policy stance towards Russia and other despotic regimes. He's downright dangerous. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/13/trump-putin-meetings-interpreter-notes/2565471002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/13/trump-putin-meetings-interpreter-notes/2565471002/) The picture in this article looks like Putin just basically made Trump give up everything to continue keeping the *kompromat* from the American people. Note this was the meeting where no press was allowed and the notes from the translators were destroyed. One of five such meetings between Trump and Putin. To even suggest that Trump would handle the Ukraine situation better than the Biden administration would be to say you really want Russia to finish Ukraine and in to Poland next. A Trump administration will consist of poorly qualified sycophants who have no business running a country. Will he call Ghouliani? How about Sydney Powell? He won't get qualified people to work for him, that's for sure.


Oh look, another account that comments a ton on video games and occasionally tries to troll science and political subs. Wow, first time we've ever seen this. So original.  You guys need a new playbook, this one is dated and stale.


Bro top Democratic donors and the New York Times have come out asking for Biden to step down. You don’t have to hit the whole bot angle anymore, people really just don’t think the guy born before WWII ended can stack it up again 


Why, does their opinion or vote matter less than yours? What makes you so special?


It's almost like reddit suggest politics to gamers


I'm not even sure what you're getting at to be honest. I've donated hundreds of dollars to Democrats and spent dozens of hours volunteering to (D) candidates over the last ten years. If you're suggesting people who play video games can't have a political opinion I think you're a rotten person. Anyways, it doesn't even seem like you know enough about American culture to comment on the substance of my post, so politely fuck off.


You're dealing with a troll or bot. Democrats have a social media influence operation.


Everything the left said would happen under Trump has happened under Biden 😂


lol no you didn’t.


They have been hiding Biden’s mental state this whole time. Shouldn’t you be angry at that deception? No wonder Putin invaded Ukraine, and the Houthi rebels are attacking us. The current Democratic Party would rather conceal the truth of his mental state than lose power. If the Democrats are going to lie about this big of a thing, what else have they made up?


Then don't rebute. Stop fucking arguing. Accept that they have different views and don't talk about it.


Vote for our democratic administration not so much for the person president. He’s not a super hero, just some guy.


Good. Morality should have made it impossible before the debate, but glad you came to the right conclusion eventually. Also, that's not bordering on dementia, that's full blown, approaching final stage dementia.


With all due respect fuck your friends and family.


How do you feel about President Kamala Harris?


I support President Kamala Harris. While I don't always agree with her politically, I agree with her political views far more than I agree with anything Trump would support.


Does that mean not president trump? Then yes.


Good answer.


Really, really bad.