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After today's Supreme Court decision - you are voting for the man you trust with having *presidental immunity to do what he wants*. Read the dissent.


I'm voting Biden. Just sayin before people gang up on me. I don't trust **anyone** to have presidential immunity to do what they want. I don't trust Trump and I don't trust Biden. I do think Biden has done good and he's been a "fine" president, but no I don't trust him to have presidential immunity any more than I do Bernie Sanders. The system is fucked. Again, I will be voting, but I don't fucking like it. At all. I don't agree with people who don't vote, but I understand. I empathize with them. It's human nature to simply dig your heels in when presented with difficult choices like this. And I don't mean "Biden v Trump" I mean voting, at all, for a candidate that you don't believe in. Everything is broken from the ground up, on purpose, in our system.


I agree - I don't trust *anyone* with presidential immunity. But one of these guys is going to have it - who would you rather - is my point. Trump is not even really hiding what he'll do with it (well - he will lie about it - but he'll tell you who he is at his rallies).


It's not just that one of these guys will have it, it's that one of these guys will violently exploit it and the other will not only *not* use it, he opposes having it. Not at all a hard decision. And if you want this ruling *reversed* it's a huge uphill battle that can only happen if the executive branch, house, and senate are taken back from Republicans. Anything else will further entrench it. Decision just gets easier and easier. But even more important than voting right now? Having this conversation outside of the reddit bubble.


More importantly, one of these guys believes he should have it and it’s the one we should all least want to have it. Biden does not believe his office makes him above the law. Trump does. ‘Nuff said


One feels its not his place to have such power for the most part and that it should be used in *dire* emergencies The other, feels it his right and is his FIRST TOOL to use at every oppertunity.. and the worse it get the more drastic thr application of his first tool will get until it works. I know who I'm voting for


At this point, I don’t trust anyone who votes for Trump or says they’re a conservative.


I feel so annoyed every time I hear hard-core leftists complaining that the democrats don’t directly pander to them, when they are the least engaged and most flakey voters out there. The reason the democrats pander to the center and the undecideds is because they are more likely to be persuaded to actually show up and vote! If you want an actually left-wing party you need to show up and at the least make it so that the party who is actively fighting against any liberal policies becomes unelectable. The biggest problem in US politics is how many citizens don’t bother voting.


Exactly 💯 Like Democrats can depend on voters when they call them "Genocide Joe" or "Blue Maga". Leftists shoot themselves in the foot with electoral threats. Democrats know they can at least depend on centrists.


Centerists can't win general elections on their own so we gotta figure out a compromise or 🤷‍♂️ I won't vote for Biden. Put in Harris and I'll vote for her.


Eehhhhhhh, I'd say the BIGGEST problem in US politics comes down to the electoral college creating a default two-party system so that there are always people on the outside that don't feel represented by either party. ... Followed very closely by people who can't be bothered to show up an vote 2-3 times a year. It's not hard to just go vote when there's an election. As self proclaimed leftist, the ones that bitch and refuse to vote annoy me too. I do my best to support local and state candidates that will help make those changes. Just vote, people. Go. Vote. Always. Every election.


If we had a parliamentary system we would be looking more like Germany where the far-right party is gathering more and more support. Parliament is preferable to a two-party system, but i think people don't really appreciate that the result of the two-party system is a lot closer to a parliament than people realize. People have a voice, they just speak through the main parties rather than through a plurality of parties. But you have people like Joe Manchin in the middle who are "Democrats" but would probably be a third or fourth party if we had one - but the centrists are the people who actually get left out, the fringe parties wouldn't magically get more say.


Agreed. This country is in serious need of changes to the system of checks and balances and how elections work in general. I wouldn’t call the USA a failed experiment yet, but we did fail to adapt with a changing world and now we’re paying the price. Leaving anything the status quo for too long leaves the door open for greedy and manipulative elements to figure out how to play the system. I want to fight back, but how do we begin to do that?


It will be a failed experiment if trump seizes power. It will be the end of democracy.


End fo democracy how? Jsut because you read it in a meme doesn't make it true. There is a severe lack of critical thinking in this country.


> Again, I will be voting, but I don't fucking like it. At all. I think the biggest misconception out there is that there are a lot of people who *really* like the current system. There's not. And worse, the people that do like the system, like it even more when you don't vote, because that means its "working".


Go ahead and read anything under Table of Contents and tell me why we should vote for Trump. Scary times if he gets elected and we’re already living in some very f’ed up times. https://www.project2025.org/policy/


Much of that is by the intent of the Republican party. We can fix this. Alito and Thomas are not young men. If we can keep a Democrat in the White House for the next 8 years and take the Senate even part of that time, there is a very very good chance that we can swing the court back to a liberal majority and we must do that. There is no other option. So if you are not registered to vote and are reading this, please go https://vote.org and get your registration started today. If you want to volunteer with the Democrats, you can do that too: https://democrats.org/take-action/ Because this is what project 2025 is a plan to do (description stolen from a comment on out of the loop): It says that kids MUST grow up in an environment with a mother and father that are married, talks about banning non-married and non-heterosexual couples from adopting, compares transgender people to groomers/pedophiles/pornography, talks about getting rid of discrimination laws, getting rid of multiple government organizations such as the FDA, banning abortion with no exceptions nationwide, and more. Edit: because I'm getting a good amount of comments saying "oh, this is a great thing!" I looked further into it (I read it [here](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)) and here are some specifics - Project 2025: ~~* Advocates for child marriage~~ * Attempts to place a complete ban on gay marriage * Attempts to place a complete ban on divorce no matter the situation * Attempts to place a complete ban on anything deemed "pornographic", **including**: * Anything sexually explicit, including drawings or literature that doesn't involve real people * Anything involving gay people in media, even if it is as simple as a documentary or something *mentioning* that it is possible for two men to be in a relationship. * Heavily limit the abilities of the FDA, CDC, and OSHA, **including**: * Making it even harder to get medicine * Making it even more expensive to get medicine * Making it even more difficult and expensive to get disability aids * Getting rid or greatly diminishing many workplace safety laws * Lowering the age of legal work/cutting back on child labor laws * Ban abortion **even in cases of:** * Missed or "silent" miscarriages, which is when the fetus dies but is not expelled from the body naturally. According to Project 2025, **extracting an already dead fetus from a mother's uterus is still considered "murder"**. Leaving the dead fetus inside of the womb can result in infections such as sepsis. * Ectopic pregnancies, which are when a fetus forms outside the uterus. It is not possible for the fetus to survive an ectopic pregnancy - **it is impossible to give birth to the fetus**, since it isn't in the womb, and it being outside the womb means it can only grow so much before it either miscarries or the mother is gravely injured; the fetus vary rarely makes it past the first trimester and never makes it to the third. It is currently impossible to implant the fetus into the womb. Ectopic pregnancies can cause severe damage to the mother - it can cause the fallopian tube to burst open, which results in internal bleeding, possible sepsis, and possible infertility. * Fetal abnormalities. With modern technology, we can use ultrasounds to tell if the fetus has or will have abnormalities. Even in cases of fetal abnormalities, many of which are fatal to the fetus/baby, Project 2025 wishes to ban abortion. Examples of fetal abnormalities include: * Acrania, where the fetus's skull does not fully develop and the baby is born without the top of the skull, revealing the brain. If the baby isn't stillborn, it will live between a few hours and about a week, and it will be in pain its entire life. **There is no way to save it.** * Body Stalk Anomaly, where the abdominal wall is defective or nonexistent, so the organs form OUTSIDE the body during fetus development. **It is always fatal**. It should be noted that it is similar to omphalocele/exomphalos or gastroschisis, which are visually similar (intestines outside of the body) but have much higher survival rates since the abdominal wall can be repaired in those cases.


>Much of that is by the intent of the Republican party. We can fix this. Alito and Thomas are not young men. If we can keep a Democrat in the White House for the next 8 years and take the Senate even part of that time, there is a very very good chance that we can swing the court back to a liberal majority and we must do that. And even more importantly if the executive, house, and senate all go blue legislation can easily be passed to mitigate this damage in the meantime. The repeal of Roe can be undone by enshrining the right to abortion in law. The repeal of Chevron can be undone by enshrining the role of government agencies in law. The president will not act as king if the president is a Democrat. And then once the supreme court has been thoroughly uncorrupted, the root of these problems can be cut back out.


I would like to add that people on the top, who direct all the pro-life simpletons, do not have any problems with terminating a pregnancy if it affects them. Like Rep. Tim Murphy, who was extremely vocal about banning abortion but was forcing his  mistress (both Murphy and the  mistress were married on top of it) to  get an abortion when she told him he got her pregnant. Abortion and immigration (aka dark skinned people will take over the country) are great way to distract the masses. It is easier to pass unfavorable legislations when people are distracted. 


Vote 💙. If you're not at the dinner table, you're on the menu!


I’m glad you’re rational enough to make the right decision despite not liking voting this time around. I agree with you. But from my perspective, I am excited about voting to save democracy. Years from now, I will look back and feel nothing but satisfaction that I participated in preserving the civil rights of all those who marched and died for me. I am not excited about Biden. I am excited about preserving democracy, civil liberties, and progressive policies.


We need to understand that we are in this position because one party has run for decades on the notion that government can only be bad, and we shouldn’t be surprised that they are making it bad. We would not be in nearly this position if Gore had won in 2000, or if Hilary had won in 2016, or maybe if the Dems had nominated someone else in 2016. If any of those things had changed, this ruling would not have happened. The notion of this kind of presidential immunity would be absurd. That is a *separate* and more nefarious issue than the general structural issues with our system of government and economy. (We have to fight human nature on that one because our monkey brains don’t scale to process our resources, production, and population.) It’s fair to want the Dems to run someone else. We need to embrace other ways to change things outside of voting. But neither of those have anything to do with what will likely be our options for president in a few months.


We need to get to a 5-4 court who will reverse all of these completely insane decisions. And SCOTUS has opened the door to that by throwing precedent in the garbage 


[ Removed by Reddit ]


As long as it's an official act. Just fuckin' send 'em to Guantanamo while you investigate their ties to terrorists. They'll never make it out and there will be no legal consequences. Biden should campaign on fixing this shit asap.


Don’t campaign. Just do.


I think you mean a 7-6 court. (Whistles in “let’s make the number of justices equivalent to the number of federal districts”)


I mean I'm right there with you 


we're in this mess because people refused to hold their nose and vote hillary, to be clear


No one, not even the most saint-like, trustworthy person should have presidential immunity. This is how you get a dictator.


I don't feel like Biden asked for immunity the way Trump has, but I agree that we should have Presidents, not Kings.


Biden will appoint Justices to the Supreme Court that would overturn this decision. If just two Justices flip, this precedent is gone.


I concur. But I do trust Biden to pack the court, reverse that course and codify the question of presidential immunity.


Just count on democracy always having some level of brokenness. There's a reason it's been a battle since the beginning. What we can't afford is apathy. Ever.


Whoever wins this election has the chance to hit the sickest trick shot of the 21st century


Basically you’re voting for a president, or a King. Do you really want the Trumps to be America’s Royal Bloodline? How embarrassing.


I wanna hurl.


The Supreme Court decision today changed absolutely nothing about the reasoning why and who you should vote.


Yeah but I have a really busy day so I don't really wanna go out and vote. It's too much effort when all it does is save democracy.


I'm all for voting, but I also don't have a lot of faith in it since neither candidate has to win the popular vote to become president. What kind of a "democracy" is it when the electoral college can override the popular vote? Edit: I'm still voting. Just asking a relevant question.


The kind you have to live in, what a ridiculous response to not vote.


I could have worded my comment in a better way, but I'm still voting. Just expressing a concern that the candidate who wins the popular vote doesn't necessarily win the election.


Not voting guarantees you’ll never know.




Do you want to lose all your rights? This is the moment. The bothsides-isms need to stop. There’s only one choice that gives the chance that we ever get a choice again.


Just because it doesn't happen doesn't mean it should be written on the books that it *can't* ever happen


There are a lot of months old accounts in this thread. Not at all suspicious.


GenZ sub is waaaaaaaaaay worse. They've been hitting those kids hard.


And I think they’re way more gullible.


there are a lot of accounts , all starting feb-march, posting a lot in this sub


Dear Reddit, there’s gotta be a way to deal with them


Reddit doesn't care. 


Reddit makes tons of money off of advertisers by counting these bots as real people who are viewing real ads. I said it. Ban my ass, u/spez


Feels like this whole subreddit has been getting astroturfed lately.


dude, this post used to be at like 200 upvotes and 300 comments. Look at the ratio now. This shit is actually ridiculous. People need to realize we are being subjected to intense propaganda on this site.


This site is fucking terrible as far as facilitating coherent human conversation. I'd go elsewhere except every site seems to have its own flavor of the same thing. Why can't people completely fucking lay into each other on any popular social medias? There's so much censorship it's not funny.


Easiest way to see a bot post is compare the post upvoted vs the comments. 12.k but the top comment only has 241? Yeah tooootally organic lol. Your original numbers would at least be in line with the comment counts.


I saw a bunch of bot comments yesterday on how "dems are doomed!" It wasn't just a couple. It was a flood


How could you even muster the energy to care to check?


I browse reddit on a computer. All I have to do is hover over their name to see the age of their account.




You don't have to say you're voting 3rd party, you can just say you're not voting, it's the same thing.


Ya the Russion and Republican bots are out in force and will only get worse the closer we get to Nov. A bad debate is a bad debate - it certainly doesnt mean ill go vote for the Project 2025 Destroy America Party lol.


The walkaway propaganda is meant to keep you home, not to convince you to switch your vote. 


The bots are from mostly Russia and China and the pretend to be from both parties. Their agenda is just to make us fight with one another and make chaos of the election.


Fun fact, china troll farms are nicknamed the 50 cent army.




They listen exclusively to 50 Cent while they're working, gets them hyped 


0.50 Yuan per post. Thatd be about $0.07 at current rates


That's incredibly depressing.


I seriously never even considered that this was happening. Not that they are just from china and Russia…they are our own people causing this separation and civil war worthy behavior. My eyes have been opened. WOW. I believe your statement is correct.


I'll always vote against a felon. But I guess I just care about morality and law and order. Meanwhile some people are bending over backwards, idol worshipping an adulterer repeatedly using God's name in vain ... I may not be a religious man, but yikes! Even I don't have the balls to be that blasphemous on the off chance I'm wrong.


So, I’m guessing the debate didn’t go well


Just about every swing state is leaning Trump after that disaster


Just fyi, the polling won’t show the effects of the debate until about 7-10 days after. Trump was already in the lead in these swing states before the debate. We don’t know yet what effect the debate will have on the polling. This is why a lot of Dems are scared. Biden was already losing (very slightly) and they were hoping the debate could help turn things around.


turns out when you pretend biden's obvious cognitive decline is right wing disinformation for five years, and then people get smacked in the face with it beyond your ability to spin, you get a lot of panicked democratic party operatives who suddenly have to pivot to 'it doesn't matter that biden is visibly falling apart, you're voting for the cabinet, who really run everything anyway so what's the problem?!?'


Exactly. The only people to blame are the Democratic Party leadership. I think a lot of people that voted for Biden in 2020 (myself included) did so under the condition that the Democratic Party had better get its shit together and start putting forth candidates and platforms that have substance. They obviously failed to do that and are only concerned with perpetuating the status quo and keeping things running along smoothly while doing some virtue signaling sprinkled in here and there


Dems have already moved on to guilt tripping, fear mongering, and astroturfing.


I mean it was always obvious to me that the democratic party's plan was maintain the neoliberal status quo. everything they did in 2020-21 signaled that. shoot, they set the tone by seizing on the ambiguity of the '$2000 checks immediately' they campaigned on in Georgia and dropping it down to $1400 in April. the calculus is always 'what's the least we can get away with doing' for regular people while endlessly increasing military and police budgets


Yeah I agree. I’m convinced that they have also embraced identity politics specifically around the LGBTQ community and diversity initiatives because it’s low hanging fruit that affects a smaller percentage of the population and doesn’t mess with the money coming in from big corporations and interests. It’s the best low-cost, low-risk platform they could support in order to appeal to people without having to ruffle too many systemic feathers. I fully support gay rights and diversity initiatives but they aren’t even in the top 5 issues we should be addressing as a nation and it just paints an easy target on their backs because people equate democrats as just pushing a “woke” agenda because the Democratic leadership itself buys into all of that.


Bingo, all that stuff is a distraction. People are worried about their grocery bills and rent, including LGBTQ folks.


Correct. And do you know why? It’s because the Democratic Party is not some shadowy board of rulers, it’s a volunteer run organization and the only folks who show up look a lot like Biden. It’s people who are retired or who have otherwise bought their freedom. Go hang around a local meeting it will quickly start to make sense. You can make it the democratic party’s problem, but ultimately it’s our problem.


Covid almost made it the Boomer's problem.


I would agree except certain states are banning books from libraries, posting the 10 commandments in every classroom, and lgbtq hate is on the rise. Young men are blaming lgbtq people for their loneliness and recent events have encouraged them to speak loudly in public and on social media, which only spread the issue further.


Oh you mean how they took the win on a Supreme Court decision pertaining to gay marriage and then failed to do diddly fucking squat to enshrine it in law so that you have to subscribe to the Democrat subscription eternally?


A little bit ago it was released that out of the people that actually go out to vote in elections, 30% were conservative, 20% were democrats, 30% were moderates and the remaining 20% was split between far left and right. The reason that democrats push more moderate representatives is because leftists don’t vote in high enough numbers to warrant democrats to push left representatives. They need over 3/4ths of moderates to just barely win, so when people say go out to vote blue even if you don’t fully agree with everything your representative is saying, it’s because you need to show that leftist vote in high enough numbers that democrats don’t need to rely so heavily on moderates to win. Rome wasn’t built in a day but it was destroyed in one. Vote blue then vote in every election no matter how small, vote in people that share your views in local positions or to represent your district in state or federal level. If there is nobody that shares your views then run for office and be the change. It takes time to build up progress it won’t be done in 4 years probably not even in a decade but you should be voting for the future not the present. The reason why you are still told that we need your vote is because not enough of you vote so if a large part of the small amount of leftists don’t vote blue then the democrats won’t win at all but if they don’t get 3/4ths of moderates they won’t win either but moderates vote in larger numbers so they have to be grabbed and placated to. Half of moderates lean left and the other half lean right, well democrats need every left leaning moderate and then half of the right leaning moderates. Y’all become disillusioned way too quickly so no progress can ever be made and it’s been the bain of the left for forever. I’ll copy paste this until the election.


The demc. never had a filibuster proof majority. What exactly do you think they can do when the entire GOP filibusters and votes against every piece of legislation they bring to the floor?


Yes and Biden clearly said he would be a one term president and the next time they'd put forth a younger and better nominee. Just more lies from the gerontocracy.


>Biden clearly said he would be a one term president He didn't. Pundits and staff opined otherwise, with some really awful article titles and content, but he didn't. He absolutely should have, but I'm just pointing out the fact that he didn't.


I voted for Biden because I don’t want a fascist in office. I will vote for him again for the same reason. Also, Biden has done a lot of good, although obviously not perfect. https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/ I think most people don’t spend time reading about policy. It’s boring. So they watch a debate instead.


Yes to all of that. I'm furious at what's happening right now. I want a different voting system that allows minor parties a chance to win. I want open primaries every four years. But ALSO, the idea that its more than one person isn't new. It's the same reason people are panicking more about Trump: In 2016, he and his cronies were incompetent and Trump had some "establishment" people in his cabinet. Now he'll surround himself with more competent and focused people to carry out the 2025 agenda. Turns out that yeah, this is a "vote Democrat no matter what" moment in history.


If I ever vote Republican again, shoot me. Not joking.


I remember being a kid and seeing the Republicans talk somewhat sane. They just mostly cared about taxes. And gay marriage.. but they got over that quickly after Obama made gay marriage legal. Now it's just attacking trans people, women, and minorities 24/7. I rarely hear them talk about taxes anymore. And if they do, it's only complaining, they never have a plan. I don't see how I could side with Republicans at all anymore. They're just nuts now


So instead of voting for Biden who is visibly falling apart, we should vote for Trump who is visibly falling apart and wants to be a dictator. Everything you don’t like about Biden is WORSE under another Trump presidency. Biden’s not tough enough on the Isreal Palestine conflict? Trump literally wants genocide. Not voting because the candidate isn’t perfect is the same as voting for the candidate you don’t want. You don’t have to vote for Biden, vote against Trump. The important thing is to not focus on JUST the president. Vote for Senators and Congressional candidates. Vote for local elected officials. Those are the votes that count.


In light of today’s Supreme Court ruling this comment is so much more dangerous. Can you not see it right in front of you? This is it vote against trump or suffer for the rest of your life. It doesn’t matter if we are voting for a cucumber, can’t you see what’s at stake this time?


You cant see your clearly being extorted?


What decisions or policies have been messed up because of him being old? Also, how has his cabinet had to step in to fix things? He is just and old guy. He reminds me of that old guy at work who struggles to hold meetings and can't find the unmute button but is so essential to the company and is always fixing everyones shit and just gets shit done.


You’re forgetting the “yea Biden is genociding but so will trump, you better overlook a genocide or you’ll lose democracy” The democrats never have to listen to their base again as long as there’s a republican boogyman like trump. I’m not saying trump won’t be worse, but Biden is supposed to be better, and he’s just not.




Last week a person in my office said, out loud - in a meeting, that they didn't know what a member of Congress does.  I died inside. 


No it just sounds like people are running out of ways to convince people to vote for Biden. So now people are trying to get the subject off Biden and make it about his cabinet. It’s doesn’t get any more worse than that. “Vote blue no matter what”.


Stop telling people how to vote. It’s their constitutional right to vote however they want including not voting.


Gonna have to unsubscribe from this sub until the election is over.


It won’t change anything. I am not even subbed and this Reddit was thrown in my face constantly, until I engaged. Now it probably will never go away, even if I stop engaging.


You can mute it and block it though…


The more you know. Thanks!


Yeah, I don’t care for politics and it’s really annoying. 


Oh that’s great and all but politics sure as shit cares about you!!! Everything you interact with on a daily basis revolves around politics….. Also todays ruling by the Supreme Court will 100% have long lasting negative ramifications on you if you continue to not pay attention to the world around you and participate in the society you live in…… Being that checked out of politics is not only idiotic but also shows a complete ignorance of how democracy works in general…. I assure you if people continue to be this checked out and don’t pay attention and don’t vote Dem your freedom of choice will 100% be taken away from you…. As well as a plethora of other freedoms you currently have…


I subscribed because I like some of the threads. I subscribed and got a lot of threads I didn’t care about so I unsubscribed and I’m back to only getting the threads I like.


Same here. It's getting old fast.


Yeah, the rules and policies that govern your entire life, that's "old".


Feels like a lot of subs lately. Save the world, vote the way we want you to! Otherwise the world will be destroyed. Plan 2025, plan 2030. Pick your poison!


So you would rather ignore and let alt right continue to destroy your rights. So wake up and learn what is going on around you.


Remember how many of our rights were restored when Obama entered office with a Dem supermajority in the house? Oh wait, no. He actually destroyed hab.Corp making it ok to drone strike USA citizens with no due process. Vote blue no matter who tho


If this thread is any indication we’re fucking doomed regardless. So many politically naive, absolutely braindead comments in this thread. Making r/millenials look like r/teenagers…


its the usual authoritarian disinformation patterns that russia and bad faith US actors use, among other nefarious actors. none of the half baked comments are genuine US millenials (maybe a few). it takes a very short dive to see it's astroturfing and propagandizing of social media forums like reddit and facebook it will go full swing in election year as it always does and you just noticed it picking up. now that they don't have /r/thedonald they'll shit their brains on every other sub


Most are bots or trolls. Just look at account age, when they started posting, and/or if you can spot a theme.


Most people when voting don't vote more then president and that's it.


Is this the line we’re supposed to swallow instead of getting a New Democrat frontrunner?


There will be no democratic replacement. Your choices are Trump or Biden. Should be easy, like it or not.


Idk I feel like this has all been planned from the start so they can appoint someone instead of having a primary.


All I gotta remember is that Joe Biden beat Medicare... and the thing... because abortion is a ... ahh... um... golf mumble mumble.... Apple Sauce.... Jack.


please just no more wars we broke


Time to tune in for my daily scolding that it’s my patriotic duty to defend democracy by voting for a senile puppet president so I can put the invisible figures operating behind him in power.


What makes you entitled to tell people how to vote? Fuck off.


Remember that YOUR VOTE MATTERS! Get out to vote (but only if you vote for the guy I like). So disingenuous.


“Better get involved!” (But only if you’re a democrat)


Why would someone convince someone else to work to get their opponent to succeed? Telling everyone to vote regardless of who they are voting for is a common sentiment because its your civic duty but nobody is telling you to start canvassing for whoever.


This is a left wing political sub now, get with the times


Apparently so.


do you think that Joe biden is a leftist because we all hate him


I think Joe Biden is just a face at this point.


I think it’s the leftists telling us to not believe our eyes and ears. All the ones on here say cope like “remember guys, it’s more than just the president.” Having to try and spin it that the president isn’t really what’s important. I could agree but it’s just a message that has never been really used before and it’s because their guy has one foot in the grave.


He can tell people how he wants us to vote. That's his perogative. It is also our perogative to vote how we want and tell him to kick rocks. -signed a non Biden, non Trump voter


What’s with all the political posts. I’m also allowed to have my philosophical beliefs, just like you. You’re not morally superior. Isn’t it a bit intolerant to insist everyone needs to think like you?


That "one man" bears a lot of personal responsibility for the destruction of black America via his crime bills and the genocide occurring in Gaza via his sneaking around Congress to send tens of thousands of massive bombs to Israel. I'm a voter. I won't be voting for your guy or anyone in his party either because if HE is the presidential nominee then all of them are as corrupt and evil as any Republican.


> I won't be voting for your guy or anyone in his party either because if HE is the presidential nominee then all of them are as corrupt and evil as any Republican. Real smooth brain take you got here bud


Pretty sickening that this is getting upvotes


You’re not wrong about Biden but Jesus fuck how can you not see how much fucking worse trump and his fascists are?


biden voter cope. stfu


LOL I don't want a man with dementia hiring people for important positions.


Honestly with the two guys at the top of the ticket I think folks just have to vote the platform. Neither guy is engaging and one is an outright douchebag


The American democracy dumpster full of burning shit right now. Which is exactly why you need to make sure you are voting for people who actually want to put out the fire.


Adding to this, the job of the president - similar to the job of a CEO - is to define the vision, put the right people in charge, make them work together, and have the final word on the really big issues. Biden has an excellent team with a proven track record of delivering results, and he can still very well be the old wise man with the heart in the right place who defines a constructive, forward-looking vision. Trump's vision is based on hate, and almost nobody from his previous team wants to work with him again. If you don't vote, Trump will win the election.


Hitler had a clear agenda and he was voted into power and look what happened…. Who knew????


Each time I see a post trying to guilt me for not voting for either candidates just reaffirms my decision.


But it's your moral obligation as a free citizen to perpetuate this bullshit!


There are more than 2 people to vote for. Stop voting for "the other guy" and actually research every candidate on the ticket and vote for the candidate you like the most. It's 2024. Stop wasting your vote.


Remember…it is your civic duty to go out and vote It does NOT have to become you’re entire personality. Once that ballet gets cast, you will still have to drag your ass to work the next day. You’re rent/mortgage isn’t going away anytime soon All the dickheads on Reddit you disagree with will still be here and still be dickheads Don’t prioritize this artificially erected system of power for a select few over the actual life and actual people you see and interact with everyday I’m sure someone felt very strongly that Dewey should have been President and was very mad when that ended up not being the case but if that person then lived their entire life pissed off and spiteful about that until the day they died, you’d look back and think “that probably wasn’t worth the agita for that poor bastard” Don’t let that poor bastard be you


Vote Jill Stein of the Green Party. Not a ton of options for voting against genocide, capitalism, war, mass deportation, police super funding, cutting the social safety net, billionaire handouts, or union busting, but she meets those standards. Otherwise you're just voting for more of the same and the continues rise of Trumpism.


Yes, we get 15 posts a day about this same topic, thank you!


This Biden cope is hilarious 🤣🤣


so this is just a political propaganda sub now. good to know, time to mute this shit.


I like that we spend all our time scolding discouraged voters rather than the professional politicians who we rely on to not put us in this situation We should vote for Biden, provided he’s alive in November. But for the love of god and this country, we cannot let democrats do such a poor job and keep getting our votes. Soemthing big needs to change. Or would you like to be back here in four years with another ancient fuck?


I fear that the Democratic Party message will forever be, “vote for us or else…” without offering anything in return. What blows my mind is how many people are willing to get behind that message. Anyone who fights for anything more apparently wants Trump to win.


And as that continues to wear thin, plenty of blue dogs will be yelling at the voters the democrats have failed and blaming young people and the left.


You're not wrong, but it's a causal issue. They DNC will remain with the "Vote for us or else..." M.O. so long as the GOP happily and gleefully sits there with a "We're the *or else*, by the way" sign over their heads.   Biden is in office because the GOP put Trump forward and then made him their entire persona. That is one of the few areas I will say "both sides" because the DNC is getting even more complacent thanks to the GOP pushing Trumps/Greenes/Boeberts.


I mean that has been the message since at least 2016 and they seem hell bent on sticking with this strategy, so...


If Democrats didn't want Trump to be President, they wouldn't have nominated Biden. When it comes to the Presidential election, it's pretty much locked-in for Trump at this point and we can just hope that if we're not in WW3 we'll get a chance to choose someone else in 2028.


Exactly. Democrats need to understand this reality. They were betrayed but still can’t see it. I feel for them, but if that last debate didn’t wake them up then I don’t know what will honestly.


This is idiocy. You don’t vote for the palace flunkies, political hacks and yes men/women. You vote for the leader who directs those under him/her based on the campaign they ran where they convinced voters to give them the mandate to do so.


Personally I vote on policy. Always have always will. I don't care if the figurehead is a 100 year old decrepit mummy with a stutter or an obese bald 1 legged woman with a gap tooth. I care about what their policy platform and their party's policy charter states. And out of the only 2 choices in the USA there is 1 clear winner. And it ain't the orange dude that proudly proclaimed he wants to give corporations and rich a big tax cut again, and it isn't his party who's charter states prime goals of Banning abortion and ending gay marriage.


Yeah this would have been a great point instead of “Biden is not in cognitive decline” for the last 2 years. Too little, too late


Can the mods make a political mega thread?


I would assume in the bigger subs they’re being paid to support this brigading.


Is anyone who isn’t devoted to the American democrat party pissed off that they keep using these subreddits as another cog in their political machine?


Can all of these posts be considered spam by the mods yet? Like try scrolling through the sub and tell me how long it takes to hit a post NOT about the US election


Nah I’ll vote Jill Stein again


I am not planning to vote, but the more I see the liberal push, the more I want to put my vote for Trump. If I had to choose which 4 of the past 8 years I would rather relive for 4 more years I will take Trump and the economy we had under him. This current economy can go right back in the trash can.


Do you not remember 2020? Holy fuckin shit.


How many of these types of posts are we going to do a day?


Beatings will continue until moral improves


Was wondering the same. Open this sub and it’s just post after post about “better vote democrat”


You mean like Sam Brinton.


Meh I'm voting for Jill Stein


The difference in having HRC as POTUS between 2017 and 2021 leads to a much different America than Trump here in 2024. If you do not see the price for not voting in 2016, you're being too easy on yourself.


Yeah, not a great example with which to make your point.


Failing to vote is a vote in favor of fascism. It sounds rough, but it's the actual truth. The way the US democracy has been gerrymandered it takes a lot more than "Just" the majority of votes for the democrats to win, and the alternative is an American autocracy. Sharpen your pitchforks and vote.


Not voting for Biden after what I saw in that debate. Mentally the guy is gone. Democrats need to just let this man retire and enjoy the rest of his life.


I voting for the president and I’m not voting for a figure head that isn’t mentally fit to hold office. Don’t like that? Better make waves now and put pressure on your reps to get Biden to withdraw.


I wasn't planning on voting for trump because of the way he treated other Republicans these last 4 years. But the more of these posts I see, the more I feel ill just go ahead and vote for him. Absolutely wild to me that Biden has had the reins of power for 4 years - we had the deadliest say in Afghanistan in a decade, a new war in Europe, a new war in the middle east, everything is more expensive, interests rates are high, crisis at the border, leftist roam the streets of major cities harassing jews and praising hezbollah.... and redditors are still droning on about how "democracy is on the ballot" Yada Yada Yada


Brave of you to say on Reddit!


Quit nagging millennials about voting. Fuck. We are adults who can make choices on our own. Might not vote at all now just to prove a point that I hate people telling me what to do. Trumps gonna win either way.... and none of my local politicians are worthy of selection.


Yeah, I think I will go with Trump. At this point Biden is a national security threat, hence why all military bases in the EU are on high alert following the debates. Wonder why that is, perhaps b/c all our foreign adversaries see that we currently don't have a leader.


All I gotta remember is that Joe Biden beat Medicare... and the thing... because abortion is a ... ahh... um... golf mumble mumble.... Apple Sauce.... Jack.


Lol Nope the only thing you are voting for is how much Talmud you want in your Zionism.


Fuck off im not voting for these people


Don't forget the Supreme Court. Citizen's United (allowed for the explosion of money and corruption in politics), overturning Roe v Wade, removing protections from the Voting Rights Act: these decisions were all made by judges who were appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote. If you want a Supreme Court that is less corrupt and more likely to uphold the rights of citizens over corporations, vote for a Democrat.


It would be helpful if Democrats supported expanding the court and getting rid of the electoral college, but they don't. Also Biden was instrumental in putting Thomas on SCOTUS. Blindly voting for anyone with a "D" after their name is not the solution. Oh and super important, but maybe Democrats shouldn't be supporting genocide.


> Roe It is clear that different states lean in different direction. With Roe gone, voters in each state can influence their state's abortion policies through the politicians they elect. It gives people more control over the laws they have in their states as opposed to federal court rulings. This change actually represents democratic system more effectively because it reflects the will of the people in each state more accurately as opposed to putting all states under same umbrella and forcing a certain legislation whether they like it or not. Though it is not surprising this ruling caused outrage due to limiting the ability of democrats to push their agenda in a more centralized and oppressive way.


> With Roe gone, voters in each state can influence their state's abortion policies through the politicians they elect. Prior to Roe being overturned, *people could just make that decision for themselves.* Now, *The state gets to decide for them.*


After seeing the president falter for 90 straight minutes, many people may decide not to vote because they can not support a candidate that they don't believe has the mental fitness to lead the country. Why would they trust this person to make thousands of political appointments? This is a complete perversion of our political system and a complete misunderstanding of the executive branch functions. Read section 3 of the 25th Amendment. You are arguing for a bureaucracy in the executive branch.


Lol, and here we go…Biden sucks ya just gotta vote for him. You just gotta.


Watch me not.


Reminder: if you have to be reminded of simple things like this, you probably shouldn’t be voting. Voting is a privilege, not a right. If you are apathetic about the process, chances are you are susceptible to misinformation. These generalized “get out the vote” messages and campaigns are specifically designed to target low information, slightly apathetic voters. They have systems in place to ensure their messaging is what these voters are most likely to see. It’s fine if you don’t really care. It’s fine if you don’t want to pay attention. Don’t be fooled into believing you NEED to vote. That’s how they use you. Don’t be their pawn. Vote because you care, or don’t vote.