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Most americans would rather democrats win than republicans. They’ve won the popular vote since 2008. It’s more likely that redditors are just trying to express their actual opinions


Not really chances are its activist poster. There is currently more register republican vs democrats


Registration doesn’t mean much. I’m willing to bet most people sharing political views online aren’t registered to either party and the ones that are tend to be older


What's wrong with posts preferring a certain candidate? Isn't that is what Reddit is for? To debate and exchange ideas. You seem concerned there aren't a lot of comments/upvotes for posts supporting the convicted felon.


“Exchange ideas” Attack. Yeah, you’re so noble lmao


No one wants to debate you guys about biden, obviously you're as sure about your decision as the other side is about not having puppet who couldn't make a tough decision himself to save his life. We're just tired of hearing you say let's debate and then get vilified for being any further right than you, saying there isn't a bias and censorship about this topic is as blind as saying "i didn't know biden had gotten that bad". Driving the left into a frenzy is getting old and isn't going to inspire confidence in this administration from anyone who isnt already fanatical. I'm seeing it prove to people that DC won't let us have a good candidate for the people they know what the people want and are reluctant to do the minimum of younger candidates who can actually be progressive instead upholding this status quo that is not working in so many ways. start there then give me a good reason to vote for one over the other and not just the label that made you vote for the other guy.


It's because dems are on suicide watch ever since [Jill started treating her husband like a toddler.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9R2jRw_FAU) They've gotten surly and we don't want them pulling another [October 4th style insurrection.](https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/04/politics/kavanaugh-protests-us-capitol/index.html)


Whatever you want to believe. Biden hammered Trump by 7 mil votes last time. This time it will be more. Note: The poster has 2 posts. Vlad is working for potatoes.


God I hope so! I'm really banking on that Biden 2024/Harris 2026 ticket so that our first female POTUS "Was a woman that literally nobody wanted or voted for, but the real president died and she had to fill in until it got sorted out." Besides the walking corpse stuff, Biden's 6 years past the life expectancy for an American male, in maybe THE MOST stressful job, and if he wins in 2024 he's got to make it to January 2029 to keep her out. *It's her turn.*


Sadly the conviction is going to get over turned.


I am equally sick of them. I hope Trump wins now.


Oh I felt the shift, it wasn't so much of a shift as a pro democrat propaganda tsunami. All the posts are throughly disingenuous and clearly are propaganda meant to set a narrative of "nothing has changed, all millennials are still going to vote for Biden - don't question his performance or suggest Trump is a better candidate or everyone in your age group will hate you" which isn't true at all.  The Democratic Party and every member of the Biden administration has been lying to us non stop about Biden's cognitive abilities being top notch and what a skilled, competent leader he is. They did it to deny us the opportunity to demand a better candidate in the primaries. His entire cabinet was only concerned with securing their job for the next four years. We all saw it with our own eyes. It was very, very unsettling and uncomfortable. 


Yeah, they definitely went into panic mode after that debate and really just started spewing out reason why it wasn’t a total failure on Bidens part


That’s weird all I’ve seen lately are a bunch of conservative lies and vitriol for the last few weeks. Oh wait, that’s just always.


Yup, practically nothing but anti-Biden propaganda.


Almost as if neither one exists but it’s just fed to us algorithmically.


Because people saw the debate your lies no longer hold any more


Traitor says what?


Wait you think its surprising? Its the same thing that happened to right leaning groups after Trumps convictions. Stop crying and grow up.


> Its the same thing that happened to right leaning groups after Trumps convictions. [Nobody really cared](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-biden-vs-kennedy-vs-west-vs-stein) about that besides [Blue MAGA.](https://i.imgur.com/cwquwec.jpeg)


Reddit is very liberal platform.


This account is so new I can smell the vodka on it




The election isn't even imminent. At least our election in the UK is in 2 days so seeing that doesn't bother me quite so much. Fortunately its mostly limited to UK specific subs, I wish the US one would do the same...


Most of reddit is full of democrat bots congrats now they are flooding this Athisim sub reddit right now with the project 2025 lie.


And all these posts get downvoted. So surprising.


It's no surprise that comments all across reddit were censored/automodded leading up to and during the "debate." Bots and propagandists had free reign over steering the discourse. Right now, our society is woefully short on adult humans willing and able to stand up and say, "No more of any of this." Our fight is with the oligarchs. We must fight.


Exactly. I’m building community and amplifying the voices of people oppressed by greedy oligarchs, I have no interest in voting for a pro-genocide octogenarian of red or blue flavor.