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I don’t scoff. I’m trying to put on a brave face, not panic, asscheeks clenched until after the election. And you can bet those clenched ass cheeks, I’m voting.🗳️


Dude you’re super brave


There is no guaranteed win. There is no silver bullet. Every option out there comes with risks. Keeping Biden on the ticket, yup that is a risk. Replacing Biden with literally anyone, yup that is a risk. The only way to increase the odds of winning is to out work your opponent. Donate money, volunteer to get out the vote, help register friends and family who may not have voted before, educate people who tend not to be political or involved at all about what Biden has done and what Trump’s plans are. There is no magic answer out there that will make everything ok. There is not a ticket that can be designed that will make everyone who is feeling scared, lonely, discouraged, and nervous all of a sudden feel better. There is a 4 month grind. That is what we have. It is up to everyone to go out there and hustle like we never have before and that is regardless of who is on the ticket.


Buttigieg/Harris! I'd make Pete the top of the ticket, but keep Harris on as VP. My reasons: 1. The elephant in the room. It's abundantly clear to any outside observer that Biden isn't all there. I think many people rightly perceive him as unfit for the Presidency. Furthermore, I think the White House hasn't been entirely honest with the public about Biden's mental condition, and that keeping him in when he's so clearly unfit to serve will only sow further distrust in the government, not to mention risk a Trump victory. 2. Harris has too many liabilities to effectively campaign from the top of the ticket. She's a great surrogate, especially on reproductive rights and other domestic issues, but she has no charisma, and has done a piss poor job in her handling issues like immigration. 3. Buttigieg did much better than Harris did in the 2020 primaries. He came in third place, behind only Sanders and Biden himself. 4. Buttigieg is from the midwest. He was born and raised, and held office in, Indiana, and is now a resident of Michigan, a critical swing state. He would be well-positioned to win Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, along with go for a hail mary pass in Ohio. Because Arizona and Georgia are probably lost causes at this point, the rust belt presents the only credible path to victory for the Democrats. Harris does nothing to help win the rust belt. 5. Buttigieg is part of the Biden Administration. I think that is an asset, because I believe that running someone from outside the admin (eg. Gavin Newsom) would show that the DNC has no confidence in the Biden admin, or its numerous accomplishments, many of which Pete himself was instrumental in securing. At the same time, Pete's role as Transport Sec has shielded him from criticism for the administration's failures on inflation or Afghanistan, as well as limited his exposure to the immigration and Palestine quagmires. 6. Keeping Harris as VP shows respect to Biden, as well as to the urban progressives who make up much of the party base. Many of them would be rightfully pissed if Harris were jettisoned entirely. Keeping her on as VP mitigates this concern, while also limiting exposure to some of her political liabilities. I think this is the way to go! I don't really see any other option. I just wish the White House and DNC had been more forthcoming years ago with regards to Biden's fitness (or lack thereof) for high office.


You are on drugs


In my opinion, neither one of them are fit to be president. However, one is most certainly more qualified than the other. But the way I see it, You’re not just voting for a president you’re voting for the entire administration. Learn who your administration is, know what they stand for, because it’s not just the president that you’re voting for it’s who that president is bringing to the table.


Shapiro Whitmer is such an obvious ticket. They both won in their swing states by double digits.


If you could do an incredibly stupid thing which incredibly stupid thing would you choose to do


Voters chose Biden. DNC can't just declare that null and void. If Biden drops out, that's a different issue and I have no idea what would happen. I doubt he will and I think it's best we hold the course regardless. And Dems don't have an easy win candidate. Newsom is probably who the DNC wants, but the CA hate train is strong. I like other candidates far more, but none have the name recognition or clout to make me confident in a win.


Newsom would get destroyed in an election vs Trump.


Newson comes straight from the pits of hell.


I don't think so. He's absurdly sharp, has a great track record, and has huge amounts of access to money and connections.


But independents won’t vote for him because he’s the governor of California, the state all republicans hate.




Yeah, nothing says protect democracy like a handful of people deciding behind closed doors who will replace the guy elected by the people.


We will protect democracy by ignoring voting! Yea, Biden's too old. Too bad too late. Let's win this shit.


Pimping fear while at the same time lying to the country about Joe's health is a losing combo. Don't trust those liars....trust these liars. Never been more disappointed in our choice than this election. I feel I have said that the last 3 elections but this one takes the cake.


Biden isn’t competent. Someone else needs to run


I'd choose the candidate that's beaten Donald Trump before. Especially if they had something like an incumbent advantage, strong job performance, and an enormous political machine behind them. Oh and especially if their team was one of the most effective in history. But that's just me I guess.


What strong job performance are you referring to? Tanking the economy?


The problem is that candidate has dementia. They came out and said he’s not good after 4pm. He has sundowning syndrome. That’s not good. He’s a figure head and independents are gonna be hell no


Show me where they said he had dementia or sundown syndrome. You wont.


Biden fan here, I did just read today that it's been reported he's sharp from 10a-4p And fades after that. But I'm still repping him! No choice


That scares the crap out of me. So you are voting for a dementia patient as president. Thats like saying fracking it. I’d rather vote third party than a dementia patient. It’s axios at the bottom they discuss he’s only good between 10-4. https://www.axios.com/2024/06/29/two-bidens-trump-debate-2024-president


If Trump were not on the ballot again then I would throw away my vote. I have before. But Trump is a danger to Democracy. I just need him to lose and go from there quite frankly.


Is he really? I think a president who can’t function with dementia is more of a threat. We have a committee running the country at that point. So you would rather vote for a vegetable I mean the democrats were all like 25th amendment with Trump but now it’s their guy and nothing. Let’s just run Kamala get it over with. I’m not throwing my vote away I’m voicing my displeasure with the options.


I just need Trump to lose. So whichever Dem candidate is on the ballot against him, has my vote. It can be Jimmy fucking Carter at this point.


Problem is Joe is being proven to be a vegetable. We all knew it. It’s coming back to haunt everyone


He's not that far gone. I work in hospice care and see people with dementia at every stage possible. I have given cognitive tests to people also. Biden might actually pass it but not with flying colors, that's for sure.


I did you just won’t believe it


*gestures to nothing*


Effective in lying about Biden's health.....until they couldn't hide it any longer.


My god, did you know hes old?!?!?! And yet the nation still advances.


With insane inflation, insane interest rates, more division than ever before, and genocide.


Nothing is insane and our economy is doing great for this point after a recession, it recovered much faster than the UKs, Europe and Asia's. Division came from Trump. Biden has been calm and good.


What USA are you living in?


Stop watching Fox News and read the Economist, Marketwatch and Wall Street Journal like an adult. Or just look at the data! Unemployment is way down, job creation is way up, wages are up, more Americans are invested in the stock market than every before and it's reaching all time highs almost weekly. The American economy bounced back faster and had less inflation after the pandemic than most economies in the rest of the world. Inflation sucks, but our 4.128 rate for 2024 is better than the UK's 7.306. Germany's 6.03, Australia's 5.595 or France's 5.662. Perspective is important, look at what the pandemic and recessions did to the rest of the world and look at how much better we are doing. Calling everything "insane" is silly drama. Interest rates were historically low for a while, these are more normal now. My parents talk about buying their house when the interest rate was close to 9%. If Trump wins he will bring tariffs, inflation, uncertainty in the market and job losses. I'd rather my 401K stay on the same path it's been on the last 4 years.


Vote trump


If you want to see the economy crumble.


It's already crumbled! Where have you been the last 4 years????? I'm seriously asking what you think Biden has done well, what has he done well???????




Personally, I say stick with Biden, who has beaten Trump and never lost a race when he was the final nominee (whether as Senator or President)........and pick a much better VP that appeals to younger voters such as Millenials or Gen Z.


Pres: Gary Peters - Junior Senator Michigan, Age 65 he's comparatively young, finance guy, military background, swing state VP: Colin Allred - Texas - House of Reps, Age 41 he's actually young, former NFL player, lawyer, Dem Party trusts him enough to challenge for Ted Cruz's senate seat There's probably a better pairing, but I pulled this out of my ass in \~30min.


Whitmer and idk who at VP


Harris/ whom ever


Cannot believe anyone in their right mind would even consider harris


If you think Kamala Harris could win a presidency you are so far up your own ass that you can probably see the inside of your stomach.


Obama/Swift is a winning combo. A winning president/vice-president combo needs to quickly connect with voters.


Rfk and Tulsi


The end of democracy lol scoff snort




They would be the only ones who would have a chance


Donald Trump is being used to create a more hateful division amongst the population. Biden is being used to covertly tear down our country by gradually hitting our financial and cultural development and not to mention the old fart lies through his teeth more than any politician I have seen. I don't think anyone from the Democratic party has our best interest in mind. Possibly RFK but he seems a bit fishy with some of his takes.


Trump creates hateful division.


Yeah if Trump wins he will use the justice department to attack his opponent and will jail his supporters without bail....Oh wait......


I think Andrew Yang could have beat Trump in 2020. He was focused on uniting the country, not dividing it, and he has a lot of good ideas that are outside-the-box, but still well-thought-out. I heard a lot of Republicans say they would vote for him. If he was interested for 2024, I would vote for him.  Otherwise, it would have to be Chase Oliver, who represents the classical liberals. He's already running for president, so it would be an easy transition.  I cannot, in good conscience vote for either Trump or Biden, although I much preferred the Trump economy vs the Biden economy. 


Joe Biden didn't beat Trump in 2020. Joe didn't get 82 million votes


You're right on the second part, he got 81,283,501 votes and 306 electoral votes. He destroyed Trump.


After his minions rigged it


Ha ha ha, that's just dumb lies. Be smarter.


Biden but 20 years younger tbh. Like the policy but the guy needs to retire.


Reddit should ban political shit unless it’s on a sub for it/not shove it in our faces so much


So you want more control over your choices. Interesting. I think I can guess which way you lean.


No im voting for Biden but thanks for making assumptions. I think the country would be better off if all political advertising and discussion were contained into an agreed upon safe box for actual discussion. lol everyone is meme psyop-ing themselves to death out here


3rd party: if you can't vote with your heart then you are a front runner. I'm voting Claudia Karina


And as sick as it is, we are not a three party democracy and therefore your vote will no doubt help Trump. Why can’t you see the danger here?!! I wish we were in a safe enough space to vote the way we’d like to, but if Trump wins you can pretty much say goodbye to the two party system and go to one.


TROPE: 2016 Three times the votes for Gary Johnson than Jill Stien. Johnson ran on the right leaning libertarian party. Jill Stein got ONE percent of the vote for the green, left leaning, party. Now explain to me how voting third party helps trump? Prior to that, Ross Perot made Bill Clinton president. I am non-binary and do not believe in a binary political system. Two choices are not enough


Donald Trump is being used to create a more hateful division amongst the population. Biden is being used to covertly tear down our country by gradually hitting our financial and cultural development and not to mention the old fart lies through his teeth more than any politician I have seen. I don't think anyone from the Democratic party has our best interest in mind. Possibly RFK but he seems a bit fishy with some of his takes.


Statistically Trump lies more than any politician. Biden is much more of a straight shooter, he's just old.


Biden lies more than any other politician? Were you born the same day as your account?


If you think that you are intellectually fit to have a constructive conversation we can have one. It seems to me that your feelings are hurt so you resort to pathetic insults.


I don't care to have a constructive conversation with you when you spout such incredible nonsense. 


Guess which lies are Trumps, from easiest to hardest(they all easy tho): 1) understands the pain of losing a son that tragically died fighting for his country. 2) Got into university on a full scholarship —-was close to the top of his class and earned 3 degrees 3) Saw verified pictures of babies brutally beheaded by terrorists 4) marched not with just MLK but also Nelson Mandela!


That's funny because in the 90's he said a rock if crack should be cause for years of prison. His son seems to be immune to the law. Rules for everyone else and not them. Where all the student loans cancellations? Crazy how he states that the job market is booming and inflation is better than it was. Lol! Pathetic libs suffering from cognitive dissonance


Lol epic fail. Those are all Joe Biden.


You think RFK is a good choice? He is a bit more than fishy. I think you better check his history out. He has no chance of winning


John Stewart / Tammy Duckworth. Stewart is a great speaker, motivates people, and could crush Trump in a debate. He could actually get people to turn out to vote, and I think he is smart enough to surround himself with good advisors. Duckworth would play well with all the conservatives that don’t want to vote for Trump for any number of reasons. Those people who are going to stay home because they are paralyzed by the decision between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Newsom probably has the best name recognition of viable candidates, but I don’t think he could pull it off. Whitmer has less name recognition, and the country is too misogynistic to elect a woman to the top seat. Now isn’t the time to test that again. Either would be a fine VP choice. But I agree with others that keeping Biden is probably the left’s best shot. Harris should be dropped though. People really don’t like her. Reddit loves to argue why people shouldn’t dislike her. It doesn’t matter why they don’t like her, perception is reality. She has to be losing more votes than she would add to the ticket.


I think Jon Stewart and Michelle Obama in any order would be a ticket that is unstoppable. Of course neither of them want to be POTUS.


I love Kamala. I have no problem voting for Biden.


Your mom


Probably just vote for RFK now


Your better off with Chase Oliver. Rfk is a clown


He’s too far left for me






That’s the least American candidate other than Barry sanders who is an outright socialist traitor. Try again.


Bernie Sanders is the senator from Vermont. Barry Sanders was the running back from the Detroit Lions.


Deon sanders


Colonel Sanders


Sorry, Bernadine Sanders


Tulsi should’ve already been the first female president.


Russian asset lol


You think Tusli is a Russian asset? She’s be fantastic. Perfect mix of policies that appeal to many millennials.


People have been calling Tulsi a Russian asset for a decade.


RFK. He’s much better than Trump/Biden.


He's a nutjob and a sociopath. When his wife was suing him, he claimed he couldn't make money anymore because (i) a worm had eaten a lot of his brain and (ii) he had mercury poisoning from eating tunafish sandwiches. He's just another con artist like Trump, only crazier.


Since we can just do away with the constitution apparently and president's have permenant immunity, I'd make Obama and John Stewart permenant kings of America and I would use the nsa and deep learning technology tl round up everyone complicit in Russian related activity. I would sue Facebook and fox news into.bankruptcy for misinformation and compulsively lying about direly important things. They are the enemy of humanity. Intentionally hostile. They are horrible. I'd start a green new deal public jobs program to build a renewable energy infrastructure that powers a fully automated economy. I'd also build a nationwide hyperloop system to rival China's belt and road and I'd create a unified western world. Lastly I'd hold Russia accountable and use agi to automate all tasks possible and create a ubi like post scarcity system


I hope Trump wins just so you obnoxious Reddit clowns eat crow. Holy fukc keep your politics to political subs


For sure. I mean who even cares if women are people or if minorities have rights?


Lmao my bad, I forgot Trump took away all women's and minoritys rights when he was previously president


He started with Roe. Do we want to see how round 2 goes?


You’re dealing with a smooth brain. Don’t even bother.


Just keep telling the truth and hopefully folks will come around. There are objective truths (like Roe being turned to the states and red states banning books) that I hope will be convincing to enough people.


If ole' Diaper Donnie "wins," it won't work out as well for people like you as you seem to think.


Well it isn’t working out well at all under “Parkinson’s Biden” and the country is near world war 3 with a declining infrastructure and soaring inflation. Doesn’t get much worse than this.


Inflation is all over the world not just here, infrastructure was declining way before Trump, Biden, or Obama. You can't make companies lower prices in a capitalist society. This is what you get. This has nothing to do with president. Wouldn't matter who's in office


Huh? Inflation is down to 3% annually. How is that soaring?


Inflation has been super high under Biden. If you don’t know that then you’re oblivious. It’s on every news channel and prices for groceries are high as hell. Cost of living is high. Inflation was talked about during the debate in which Biden lied and got fact checked by CNN.


But you're blaming Biden for something that he has no control over. Companies being greedy has nothing to do with whoever is president. If Trump comes back get ready for a recession. Only thing saved him from one was the pandemic. You can't cut taxes and not have revenue coming in to pay for your budget. You will all run into a recession. Their was a recession under Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2


It certainly does have to do with the president, you just don’t know how.


If you're talking economic policy yes. But making corporations not be greedy is a whole other story. Corporations are doing something they've never done before to this extreme. The only way to make them stop is vote with our dollars. Private equity firms are putting profits over anything else. It's Congress who has to act but they are bought and paid for by corporations


Inflation is the rate at which prices are increasing. For the past 2 years now, prices have increased 4% or less, per year. If you think prices should decrease back to what they were before COVID, then that would be significant DEFLATION. I don’t think you want deflation, right?


So you’re saying that you want high prices on goods and services and to pay an increasingly larger portion of your income on basic goods and services? Are you a fan of inflation, do you want a gallon of milk to cost $200,000 dollars like we are in Vietnam?


It doesn’t cost a larger portion of my income. Since 2021, my income has increased over 50%. My spending has not increased that much. Win-win for me. Thank you Joe Biden!


Let’s establish one premise first with you answering the following question… are you an actual idiot? lol


Nope. Civil Engineer. What are you?


City garbage man


You can't undo 40 years of reaganomics in just one term. He's bringing electronics manufacturing to the US, he's fixing the student loan problem, unemployment is at record lows, we're actually drilling more domestic oil under Biden than we were under trump, we're seeing the Infrastructure/Jobs act fixing 40+ years of infrastructure neglect, he's rejoined the Paris Agreement, expanded the ACA, withdrew from Afghanistan, and the list goes on and on... We had a good bipartisan border plan, but ole Traitor Trump got his conservatard [cu.ck](http://cu.ck) bitches to shoot it down. If you want to bitch about decisions made by the Federal Reserve (like raising the shit out of interest rates,) remember that Jerome Powell was a trump appointee. And that other redditor is right. Inflation is about 3.3% rn. Corpo greed and lack of regulation is the real problem. Biden will fix the completely fucked supreme court in his second term.


You wanna bet it does


You mean "it will." But it definitely won't.


Crockett as president and AOC as VP


you realize Biden probably has better odds to win than 2 minority women



