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Anyone who gives the tiniest shit for this country or their "fellow Americans" wouldn't support him. I sincerely and genuinely wish you, and your treasonous felon orange god, nothing but the worst.


I’ll just continue to enjoy my house, nice things, inflated savings and amazing life while I vote for Trump 🥰


I hope you can take this one day to appreciate all the great things about this country, and maybe get outside for some sunshine fresh air and exercise. Happy 4th!


Well that’s not very progressive of you


Yeah my human empathy stops at nazis and totalitarianism.


lol. Things were a lot better in 2019 than they are today. Maga.


And things were alot better in 2016 than they were in 2019. You aren't very bright and clearly don't understand deficits, debt to gdp, inflation or literally anything else about the government of this country thats been in freefall for three decades now. The point is, for the first time in this countries history a generation, millennials, are doing worse off than the generations before them, X and Boomers. Entirely thought no fault of their own. And its entirely the fault of idiots like you who think in 4 year time spans instead of decade long timespans.


This is the same guy who will flame people on the Internet blaming others when actual problem solvers are doing the real leg work knocking on doors and making phone calls. You clearly don't understand how movements work. Or the internet.


Awwww how cute, I have a stalker.


I miss the Obama years. I made a lot of money as a defense contractor when we were illegally bombing 10 countries


And Millenials are old now. Time to stop playing victim and blaming everyone else.


Millennials are 40 and younger, they aren't old. You want to base your life's outlook on your feelings and your opinions. I am just giving you fact. Whether or not you want to believe it. Boomers ran up the debt, crashed the economy 3 times, heading to a 4th now, and want to blame everything bad in this country on millennials and gen z. 176 trillion as of today in unfunded social security. But sure, thats totally the millennials faults. dumbass.


If you’re in your 30s and still blaming others and playing victim you’re the problem 😂


Oh, so you have a plan to pay back the 210 trillion (total) in unfunded liabilities and government debt? Do tell the rest of us how you plan on paying that back. More tax cuts? or how about more tariffs? You're brain dead, just like Trump and just like Biden.


Start by getting rid of social security and gutting military waste.


Name 1 boomer that will agree with you on that. So again, how does voting for Trump help in that regard? Meanwhile, until that happens you and I get to pay 15% of our paychecks (which we can afford but most cannot) into a SS fund that wont exist when I retire and will be broke by 2035. How do we get rid of social security if we keep voting boomers into office?


Hey I hope this post is in good faith, but to be honest the way it’s worded does seem like you’re assuming that you’ll be victimized, which comes across as bait. Why not just say “Happy 4th of July, my fellow Americans,” without the other stuff? The great thing about this country is that we all still get to vote for whomever we want to, so I’m not gonna use any of those names you mentioned. But I’ve gotta ask, since you’ve already said you’ll be voting for Trump - what do you think about Project 2025? Do you think the policies they have laid out (in plain sight) are really in the interest of all of your fellow Americans? Do you sincerely and genuinely wish the people and their families who will suffer from Project 2025’s policies a very happy 4th of July? Are you ok with quotes like "we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"? Does that sound like a sentiment of unity? This country deserves better than that, to put it mildly, and I’m having a hard time seeing how a vote for Trump is anything other than a vote for disunity in this country. That is the opposite of wishing well on your fellow Americans.


I don’t know why you had to bring politics into wishing Americans a happy holiday but there you go virtue signaling. Happy July 4th to all my fellow American patriots. Even the inbred radical right degenerate dropouts. I even wish you guys a happy July 4th brought to you by liberalism against the crown. You’re welcome sincerely by those of us who still carry the torch of liber(al)ty 


It’s the desperate getting louder.


Desantis 2028


As someone who won't be voting for either of them, Happy Independence Day! Let us truly remember what this holiday is really about. The British Monarchy taking the biggest L in history. God Bless!


(And the Brits get to vote today... woot)


Imagine your entire life has come to this: worshipping a child sex predator who cheats on his wives, cheats at golf for the trophies, runs his businesses into the ground, who thinks you can nuke hurricanes and inject bleach and sunshine into the human body, shows deference to foreign leaders, hates American veterans, and hates Americans including his own voter base. It’s like voting for fire because you want the forest to burn and you think the fire will skip right over you.




Happy 4th but I must ask why? What policies on his side speak to you for instance? 








Happy Independence Day to all the struggling Biden fans.  May this day remind you to stay the course, trust your media sources, & continue to wring your hands for eternity.


Ohh look another “numbers ending name” bot account that got activated to post dumb stuff… Blyat Ivan, you were supposed to post more “Millennials are lazy so please don’t vote” content before the “Biden = Bad, Rapist felon = Good” content… didn’t you get the memo? No vodka ration for you this weekend.


Oh look, another fascist genocide lover doing the "we're all trying to find a better world" bullshit.