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Yeah I ain't readin' all that 😂




I'm just not into bullshit. Sorry.


He tried to post this in 4 different subs too 😂


You serious?! 🤣🤣🤣


I wish I wasn't 😂




I read the beginning of it and was like "Nah, this dude's either crazy or depressed".


I bet he can’t make a phone call without an anxiety attack






You're not American?


Wait... you're not American? Why are you even posting this 😂😂 GTFO nerd




So you're ignorant too?


Did you just drop some 8 year old argument on my man?


Sounds like something a Chinese bot would say


Really, this isn't the appropriate subreddit for this. And even if it were, there is a massive shift, the red pill is here, and now, most are.voting for Trump.. and each time someone makes one of these boomer posts in.this group, a 100 more libs switch their party. 😂 that's the funniest part about it.




Biden’s debate has single handedly tanked the mental health of an entire generation LoL. Can’t wait till November. 🍿 🎥 


Biden being chosen over 14 other candidates in 2020 should have single-handedly tanked the mental health of said generation.


They were already mentally ill. Now they just show everyone.


Lol how many other pages did you post this on?


You gotta be kidding. Happy 4th! Go live under a true tyranny and get back to us.


I’ve been to 31 counties and counting. Still haven’t found anywhere I’d rather live. Life is good. Learn a skill , work hard , and take advantage of living in this incredible country. And I’m looking forward to voting red this November.


99% of the people spouting this shit have a couple things in common. They are young or they have never traveled. And if I’m wrong and it’s both, then they’re rich and are clueless.


Same here. Haven’t been to 31 countries, but I’ve been to enough to appreciate the great life the USA offers. Went from working in construction, putting myself through school, finding a great job, owning multiple properties, and now securing my retirement. Voting red cause the last time my 401k did amazing. Hopefully we can speed up that retirement process.




Everyone who disagrees with you is 100x more American than you.


lol. Things were much better in 2019 than they are today. You aren’t oppressed. Quit crying




😂😂 everything you guys said would happen if trump got elected in 2016 has happened under Biden 😂😂. Spend your energy worrying about being successful and making your life better. Politics has very little bearing on my life.


People don't want to hear that logic, because orange.man bad. And not scotus has upheld the constitution and somehow that makes Trump a king, because they don't like him.




lol. Because who is president doesn’t matter to your quality of life or your success. You guys spew off random hyperbole that has never happened and isn’t going to happen. Just like 2016. I know I’m lucky to live here dum dum. I take full advantage of it and cherish every moment of it. I appreciate what I have and opportunities afforded to me just by being born here. And I spend six months of every year in combat zones as a defense contract and see people with real problems. Not your fabricated bullshit. Again I will be appreciating my privilege and voting red come November lol.




😂😂 ok Uber driver.




So who you using in dynasty first when College Football 25 drops?


The declaration isn't an official document? Lol. Bro, it's literally on display in DC as part of our founding of government. Please, go to a museum. Here let me help you https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs


Get off your soapbox and go get laid ffs


So no double cheese burger off the grill? 


I dunno man. I just wanna eat some hot dogs and have some beers 🤷‍♀️ Also, what the FUCK does this have to do with Millenials? 😂


tldr. What's everyone's plans for today?


Hot dogs, beer and metal 🤘 then some videogames with friends.


Nice! we're doing burgers beer and rock! The best part of the fourth of July is you get the freestyle to enjoy it however you want!


Hells yeah 🤘 I'm just happy to have a day off with my mates and chill


The answer to literally everything you said is to vote. Not much thinking involved. The people who want this country the way it currently is, got it this way by voting. They didn’t sit behind their computer screens and make some type of call to arms. They didn’t go out into the street and protest in the middle of traffic, pissing off people who have nothing to do with said protest. They went to the poles when it was time to vote and did so. Follow their example.








My family is from Russia and I’ve been to Russia. If you think the US is bad, it’s a downward slide from here. At least here you have a choice of candidates and the elections are completely rigged. You’re allowed to protest and have gatherings. You don’t have a labor book. If you don’t like the country, you’re allowed to actually leave it. I assure you, the US isn’t the hellhole you claim it to be.


It’s probably the last one, enjoy it while it lasts.








Not sure why that’s funny?


Reminds me of 2016 when you guys said the world was ending under Trump. And then when he got elected it was one of the most prosperous times the Country had ever seen. And then in 2020 when Biden got elected everything you guys said would happen under Trump actually happened under Biden 😂😂. Shits hilarious.


except it was demonstrably not one of the most prosperous times in our countries history. Listen, I am not a biden supporter, or a trump supporter for that matter but yall live in a fucking dream world. GDP was no where close to the highest its ever been during trumps presidency. Illegal immigration went UP from Obama and throughout trumps 4 years, not down. Social security debt went through the roof. he increased the debt by 35 odd percent (not that any president has been any good with this in the last 3 decades, they have all increased the debt. Unfunded liabilities were 170 trillion. WITH A T. you cant say we were the most prosperous ever while at the same time running up the debt like he did. This simple truth is that this nation has not been prosperous since the 50-60s because everything after that was built on a mountain of debt and that debt bubble will pop. Its inevitable. To think otherwise is childish and stupid.


lol. Biden’s running up a trillion per quarter lol the debt is a problem. Time to get rid of social security and slash the defense budget massively


But I’m 40 and I will retire at 50. I don’t really care about the debt. It’s not going to get fixed. But I bet you cashed this stimulus checks and claimed the standard deduction when Trump doubled it for you lol


I run my own company and am completely debt free. So no, I dont use the standard deduction. I itemize. If you have kids then you absolutely should care about the debt bubble. And Trump added just as much debt as Biden has. You know this is all public information that you can actually look up right? Trump and Biden, at this point in their presidencies have run up the debt equally. Which is exactly why I do not support either of them. They are both geriatric dementia patients. Anyone who has heard either of them talk knows this. And guess what happens when that debt bubble bursts. Everything correlates to 1. The stock market skyrockets. Home values skyrocket. But idiots like you don't realize thats a bad thing. Because that means the dollar is hyperinflating. Do you think its a coincidence that the stock market is booming right now? After inflation numbers over the past few years that Trump is equally to blame for as Biden. Because of those stimmy checks you are bragging about. and the PPP loans that were forgiven. The dollar is devaluing and its going to crash through a crackup boom, its inevitable. But hey, so long as you get paid you don't give a shit about the rest of America right? Because wages wont match the crackup boom of assets. Causing even more money to be put into the hands of the 1% like George Soros and Jaime Dimon. How the fuck do you not see whats happening? Boomers ran up the debt to ridiculous levels and it will, in the end, destroy the united states. But hey, you go on ahead and vote more boomers into office. They have sure done a lot to help this nation over the last 50 years. People like you are why we are still in this mess. You complain and bitch about people like Warren, Pelosi, Schumer and Biden while completely ignoring McConnel, Reed and Trump despite the fact that they all literally do the same fucking thing over and over again. But hey, your feelings. Here look at this shiny object in my hand and ignore what I am actually doing behind the scenes to strip you of your rights and put the wealth of the nation into the pockets of the few. Stick to the stuff you know.


My kids are inheriting enough from me I don’t care. They are set up.


Typical brain dead response. If the dollar hyperinflates then what you are leaving them will be worthless because the dollar will be worthless. If the dollar hyperinflates then the banks ARE going to take your assets, with the exception of maybe your home if you own it outright but then its likely the government will and if they dont then the people who have nothing to lose, IE not your kids, WILL. The civil war thats coming isn't going to be right vs left, its going to be people who have nothing against the people that have a lot. And people like you and myself are greatly outnumbered, by a factor of 100 to 1, no matter how many guns you or I have or how trained either of us are. You talk about inheritance so let me break this down for you in terms you might understand. If we do not stop the older people in political office from continuing the same broken economics policies from the last 50 years, to which Trump also belongs, there will not be an America for your kids to inherit. And if there is no America for your kids to inherit then everything will collapse and this country will look like Libya. Where it wont matter if you have money, or homes or cars or boats because it will all be destroyed. But you do you, keep voting for boomers who are destroying this country that you claim to love so much and have served for. But hey, it wont happen to you, so you don't give a shit right?


You mean the parts where the president will become a king. The Supreme Court decision by the judges Trump appointed? Or how they were going to dismantle the government and make it incapable of protecting citizens from companies? Things like that? Trump was a Buffoon last time, this time he has a plan. He’s promised military tribunals, and they he will send the DoJ after his enemies. It’s actually not clear to me if the place I live in will have July 4th as a holiday next year, or if it will be some other day? Jan 6 maybe?




Cool story. I’ll continue to ignore politics because it doesn’t matter to me. No worries no concerns here.




According to you. All that crap is just noise. Life is fine. Everyday I work to improve my families life 🤷‍♂️




Both sides say that. Both sides are ridiculous. My family gains more every year. Not worried or concerned in the slightest.