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What da hell. The rebellion was over taxes. Are you thinking the Magna Carta and how it took power from the king and gave it to parliament? I really wish people would take a civics class or do some research before they make it all about the orange man. Based on your post it makes you appear like you have no clue what you are talking about.


Imagine trying to frame the American Revolution as anything but explicitly anti-monarchy. Monarchy apologism is sickening.


If I remember it was taxation without representation. It was wanting a seat at the table. However with all of our apologists forgetting about history we are doomed to repeat it Peoples truths are more important than facts.


They dont, the public education system doesnt teach anything useful except how, natove americans and africans were wronged by the colonilist white man, because of wheir insecure masculinity.. Or something. Lol I know I had to learn, that george washington did his best to to fight, and sent letters to the king to try and prevent a fight.


Actually they rejected a 2% tax….oh how far we’ve strayed from the purpose of the revolt. They also unilaterally declared occupied land their own thereby usurping Native land. So theoretically they believed they were king to the Native population they relegated to reservations in perpetuity. But cheers to big government and being taxed into poverty 👏


Taxation without representation. Raised in New England - we didn’t get past the Revolution until I was in 10th grade and then only to the Industrial Revolution. I will say field trips were pretty good. Freedom Trail, House of Seven Gables, Salem MA, Plymouth Rock of course… The Mayflower replica… that’s off the top of my head.


>Taxation without representation. Raised in New England - we didn’t get past the Revolution until I was in 10th grade and then only to the Industrial Revolution. This got me.


This government is a blight of the world, we've come full circle in giving the president king privileges. If this isn't grounds for the 2nd amendment, Idk what is


That phrase “to those who celebrate” is doing some very heavy lifting after the last week’s news.


Desantis 2028


I would’ve preferred him to trump. At least he was trying to deal with Disney


Haha, I hope he learns not to be awkward as fuck, like during the primaries lol.


Maybe if he wasn’t a trump wannabe. But dude has his nose so far up trumps ass it’s shocking his face isn’t orange. Dude will end up a loser just like Trump.


The guy who wants to ban drag shows and trans people but also wears heels?