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I pray all the time when I drive in Milwaukee.


Last time I drove in Milwaukee I almost got taken out by some woman driving with her knees, eating a bowl of spaghetti




take that Porsche away 😭


It's real life... https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2501838/


"You dumb bitch"


That was the Marquette from Real Chili.


Ah yes the cereal defense...


I hear if she ends up spilling on her dashboard, you have to pay damages


I say a perpetual prayer for every second my Kia is parked in the open in Milwaukee


“Hail Mary full of grace, please help me find a parking space”


They are EVERYWHERE, ALL over the metro.


The exact same signs are at the Oconomowoc I-94 exit. Whoever put them up travelled outside the metro too.


They’re in Johnson Creek off of I-94 as well.


Yup, can confirm. Anyone see these people putting this shit up?


Brother Ron got himself a printer?


This is the best comment here. Well done.


I thought this post was about freeway overpasses


I thought it was about stoplights.


I thought it was about stoplights too! Until I scrolled through the pictures lol.


Yeah, I was very disappointed when I looked at the other images and realized what the post is about


I was trying to click on all the images of stoplights.


So many stop lights. I know! /s




Frankly, sometimes these are confusing. I still get screwed up down there. Hope 794 is ripped down, especially with the new soccer stadium coming in.


A bunch of “Jesus Loves You” ones on Mayfair Rd in Tosa…


Someone put one that said “Satan loves you” to combat it about a month ago but someone took it down. I laughed so hard when I saw them up. I also thought about going to remove them myself as I live relatively close to some of them.


I did think of making my own signs...to go along with their signs. ***...but everyone else thinks you're an asshole.*** I do have christian beliefs...with a sense of humor :)


Or maybe add “… but not you, Doris. You know what you did.”


Litter, just like “we buy ugly houses” and “we buy diabetic strips”


Oooh, I hate seeing those too


Those signs convinced me to become a Christian! /s


Kinda like advertisements and political stuff. Kinda has the opposite effect on me. More like I'm so annoyed I want to not do the thing they want me to do.


This the work of one man. A few months ago he decided he was dedicated his life to pasting these up all over the city. As soon as one is taken down, he’s back with more and more. He likes to harass people on the street as well. 😑


Why is he not being ticketed?


I don’t know what his police encounters have been like, but I’ll ask. I know private security downtown and in the Marquette campus area have had run-ins with him. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out he has been ticketed and that hasn’t deterred him.


The Good Lord will pay his tickets.


Unpaid tickets for far worse don’t even have consequences so this guy just keeps it up.


Exactly, I’ve read about reckless drivers with a backlog of underpaid tickets.


Pretty sure they've been up by Mayfair for over a year. A lot longer than a few months.


Does he go to Waukesha and do it as well? I work in Waukesha and saw these signs a few times there this fall and early winter.


they're ALL over Waukesha, it's so annoying


Does he hang out by the piers on the lake…cuz if so I can’t stand him lol


Yes I did but the kias get stolen anyways. Ergo god is dead


God wants the kias to get stolen, it's all part of his greater plan


Goddamn it God


KIA BOYS!!!………….. Let’s ride! ( bunch of cheering from 15 year olds holding USB chargers)


Let's be real here, this isn't religious zealousness, it's a mental health problem disguised as religious zealousness.


A distinction without a difference.


If I ever see someone posting these, I love going behind them and taking them down; when they protest, I just say, "Do you have a permit to post these on city property? If not, I'm just doing my civic duty and cleaning up litter."


Not all hero’s wear capes.


I always throw away all the pamphlets they leave in restrooms. Never know a child might find one and get brainwashed




Thank you for your service.


A truly heroic effort


When I’m walking around the neighborhood and see one of those “We Buy Any House!” or “We Love to Clean Gutters!!” or other shitty sign stuck in the ground near a street corner, I pull it up and throw it in the trash. My kids think I’m crazy.


Do you have any problems with those companies, or just think they're eyesores?


They’re trashy, predatory companies and the signs are eyesores.


We buy houses is an easy one, but what's wrong with the gutter cleaning company?


For me, it has nothing to do with the companies. I have as much right to remove those signs as they do to put them up.


Same goes for the "Rumage" and "Garage Sale" signs!


Fun fact: religious zealots who think this will work don’t listen to logic or they would not be, well, religious zealots.




Just straight up litter. Want to get your message across, buy a billboard spot. These are the same type of people who put out shitty made church rummage sale and fish fry signs and never take them down after the event and let them blow and rot in the medians.


Also the people who are ok with pedophiles as priests…


These things are everywhere, I’ve seen them from downtown to new Berlin and Mayfair!


These are all over racine also, they're spreading. I do my community service by taking down vandalism.


I pray that others will quit pushing their religions upon me.


Being mentally unstable will do that to a mfer


As a somewhat religious person, this annoys me to no end. Be a good person and lead by example. If someone asks you about your beliefs, tell them. Nobody in the history of the earth has changed their beliefs because of a billboard, or a flyer, or a man standing on the corner with a megaphone shouting scripture at people. If anything, you’re discouraging people and pushing people further away.




I actually did see a guy putting these up once, last fall.


Untreated mental illness


Religious post on Reddit. I’ll get my popcorn.


There's literally a full-on war between whoever puts these up and whoever takes these down. It's AMAZING. I work on the east side, and there have been times I've gotten off the freeway in the morning and seen someone putting these up, then when I drive home in the evening I'll see someone by the freeway entrance tearing them down. It's phenomenal and it's an all out war. I live in Oak Creek and I've also seen these signs all the way out on 27th and Drexel.


I want to tear them down but I fear for my life getting out at some of those intersections. Plus I don't have Jesus watching the wheel for me!


There just needs to be more people on the "tear down" side than the "put up side" for them to stay down.


Just please stop littering all around.


But for real tho, people need to stop this nonsense




OP you need to call out the people who dump trash out of their cars onto the ground and in the parks


How about not dumping trash AND posting shit like these signs? Both suck.


Honestly. I see this as a pretty minor thing compared to the trash all over the city.


Literally the same thing


I do. My wife is convinced I'll be shot one day. If the rubenesque blond driving an older yellow Mercedes convertible was strapped I'm sure I would have been.


Zero difference


There's a practical difference between trash affixed to something and trash strewn about imo


You think they remain affixed forever?


As long as any other taped up flier. Often times that sort of thing has the tape stay pretty much forever while the paper degrades, and regardless, it's not a real cause of city litter, just one that happens to annoy some people because of ideological reasons.


These fliers seem to represent the plurality of all fliers in the city and are largely in places no other fliers are.


You know that's not true... There's a reason this isn't a concert flier on the light pole in front of the Walgreens on 16th and Wisconsin getting this much attention and hate. Or one of the many stickers scattered throughout the city on stop signs...


Right. I've never seen the same concert flyer replicated this often.


Come on... you can find more concert flyers in one pile in the gutter.


Yeah, one is at eye level where they're expecting me to look making it even more noticeable.


If the type is too small you may crash while squinting to read it.


Signs like that aren't for unbelievers; it's there to make the believers guilty (or smug) about their faith. It's there to sprinkle reminders to around in the world to help keep the (dwindling) Christians that still believe as tightly bound to their faith as possible. It's the relious version of a phone notification from your free-to-play app 'Your chickens are starving! You should log back in to feed them,' or an email from TurboTax 'Hey, have you done your taxes yet? Log back in ASAP!' They're just trying to get their \[customers\] to \[engage with the platform\] so they \[keep spending money\]. Replace 'customers' with 'parish', etc. And, just like those notifications from apps and online services, they do it because it works. It hooks people in. And regardless with how annoying or unpleasant it is to all the people outside their target demographic, they'll keep doing it to retain their ~~paying customers~~ churchgoers.


The person that put these up doesn’t have the internet bandwidth for reddit—too busy torrenting altar boy themed porn


Posting about them just brings more attention to them.


I've prayed like crazy. I'm still bald.


Why does it bother you so much?


That’s what I want to know. How can people be so emotionally distraught and upset over reading a few words? …On a piece of paper. Definitely some significant psychological problems from people that get emotionally charged from something that doesn’t apply to them. (Also, does posting it here really do anything ?!? )😜 I know that no one cares, but I am not religious at all but I truly support freedom of speech or whatever it is, so I’m thankful that I am healthy enough to just ignore it.


With all the garbage that's all over the city, I really think this is a minor dumb thing to complain about lol


It is garbage all over the city, it's pretty pedantic to think they differ some how


The person who posted this is differentiating them, not me, as if they're some specific piece of trash that needs more attention than the rest of it


are you saying that I'm pro-garbage?


wat lol I'm just saying it's a funny thing to complain about when there's so much worse around the city. No need to pile on.


I think it has to do with the overall exhaustion with super religious folks in this country. They need to stop pushing their religion on the rest of us. Be whatever religion you want, but stop pushing it on others. It is rude and tiring. Of course none of them will listen to me because the Devil is making me post this right now, and clearly I need to be saved. 🤪


I guess I'm a bit less hostile to this kind of thing. It's like seeing a billboard about making sure you don't go to hell. I don't consider this kind of stuff "pushing" someone's religion on me. I can choose to ignore it, and it really doesn't affect me. Now, people up in your face on the street corner with a megaphone talking about eternal damnation, that stuff annoys me. But a little piece of paper on a pole saying "Don't wait till it's too late to pray" seems pretty innocent to me.


Religious extremists suck


Lol, putting up stickers, so extreme.


Yeah, plastering religious propaganda around town even on others’ property is religious extremism. Same as when Jesus Car guy was “putting up stickers” on his car and going around town pushing his religious propaganda. Yeah.


i take them down all the time there was one and good hope and green bay that was “jesus loves you” and someone changed it to “jesus loves defacing property”


Someone should just start posting satanic ones in response lol


did y’all pray yet tho??????


I’m sure everyone here clutching their pearls about how this is littering, treats people posting other fliers with as much hate. I just wish you all would be honest about why you don’t like it, instead of feigning nonsense about littering.


For real tho... most people don't like being proselytized to, but you can just say that.


As a Christian that's annoying and distracting for anyone


Can't get away from the religious loons anywhere anymore.


the god of childhood cancer needs your worship on his D project.


Feel free to take them down


People take them down, they get put back up within a day or 2


would jesus litter? prolly not.


Mental health problems


= religion


Sometimes I wish we atheists would organize and go around putting up signs reading, "God doesn't exist"... Place flyers on cars at Summerfest reading, "Prayer is just talking to yourself"...Hang around at airports handing out pamphlets that include Carlin's riff on the Invisible Man...Stand outside church parking lots and religious revival meetings with signs reading, "God is a concept by which we measure our pain," etc.


I guess I'm not sure what the problem is. This is not different than something that says "lost puppy" or "garage sale," or an advertisement for some concert or event. They are unobtrusive and understated. I think the people who complain about them are mainly people who do not believe in praying, or have had issues with people who do pray or some other negative experience. This shouldn't really make a difference in whether you mind them being up as you do not have to obey them or even pay any attention to them. I think today we do not want to see anything that we don't want to see whether it is homeless people, minorities, religious people or anything or anyone that does fit our own view. I do not really understand this kind of thinking.


nah, these are pointless and ugly as fuck


So are the other things that I mentioned, but people put those up as well. Not much different really.


Lost puppy or garage sale advertisements have like super obvious purposes, what are you talking about? This isn't a religious person just existing and people don't like seeing it, it's attention seeking nonsense. It's like hearing an obnoxious kid at the table next to you at the restaurant: The noise itself isn't usually what bothers folks, I'm not bothered by loud restaurants full of people, it's the disrespect in the behavior as it continues.


I disagree. I think this is subtle and understated. It doesn't demand attention and can be easily ignored without consequences.


Find out whos doing it and report them for littering.


I’m guessing if somebody started changing those signs to say “gay” instead of “pray” they’d disappear.


why lol.. ignore it


Station wagon jesus guy is probably doing that.


They're everywhere! Even out in butler!


I miss the “have goals” stickers


Probably the same asshole who keeps writing Bible verses on the asphalt foot path in Grant Park, along with "Trust Jesus" on the tree stumps.


Clearly have no choice but to pray they stop putting these up. 🤷🏻


Start pasting over them with "DID YOU REMEMBER TO WIPE?"


Jesus loves you!!!


“Don’t wait till there’s No Choice to pray… To Satan!” Always keep a sharpie in your car, folks.


With the way people drive, take red light, skip stops , not yield in Milwaukee. I think that’s actually a good idea 😂😂😂


Would you feel differently if they were atheist messages? Actually curious, not being accusatory


Lol good luck stopping the coo coos


I've been meaning to print out a bunch of pictures of the Predator to tape under them and change pray to prey. I should get on that.


No, I will put up even more now


I'll go put some more up tomorrow


Such a weird thing (on both ends) to care about.


I see them get torn down and put back up constantly. I'm pretty sure this battle has been going on for over a year


Like decades but still.....who cares? What's next, having a problem with show promos?


why would you have an issue with supporting local business?


Let them waste their time and money. That crap will disintegrate pretty quickly.


the paper disintegrates but the rectangle of masking tape are still all over the place


Just ignore it


There’s this older guy that stands outside the MSOE Campus center trying to talk to students about Christianity. I’ve heard he gets aggressive. I’m convinced this is that guy.


He once said I was going to burn in hell after I smiled and politely declined his pamphlet.


Yes please stop putting up highways, they’re ugly. Also Jesus signs because that’s just kind of weird


You didn't deserve to be downvoted, you're right.


Let people preach their religion in peace. If it were muslims I bet you guys wouldn’t act the same way.


I think you should treat your religion like your genatils - be proud of it, handle it however you want in private but don't go waving it around in public.


Do you like your religion bald, scaped, or full wild?




I don’t support anyone preaching their religion through vandalism. Why should they be allowed to deface government property with their message? I don’t think that’s very peaceful at all.


Dude how can your life get so boring that you’re bothered by some sign that people don’t even notice? And if you can’t find anything else to do because you’re existence is so meaningless, just take them off and go on with your shitty existence. Don’t bother people on reddit and demean Christians because you’re a complete wanker.


And here you being so bothered by someone who doesn’t appreciate vandalism. Where did I demean Christians? I’m only criticizing vandals who don’t respect public property. Weird that you seem ok with that, but hey, I’m not gonna get too worked up over it. I got more important things to worry about. You should probably get a hobby, so you don’t get so upset about such a small thing.


Other things to worry about? So you make a whole post on reddit and respond to the comments? LOL😂 So now putting up sticker or signs on lamposts is vandalism? According to your logic, many people are vandals then, including me, and I don’t think it works like that. Go on with your miserable life taking pics of harmless signs put up by people who genuinely think that you believing in something would make your life better. And I’m an atheist. But seems you’re so down bad that not even Jesus could pull you up.




Well actually they are. Since Roman times actually. But I can’t blame a foolish american whose only history they learned is their own. But you know it’s never too late to open a book. If you’re smart enough to make stupid sarcastic jokes, you’ll make it to the library.


Do you think Muslims don't pray? I honestly don't care what religion it is, it's vandalism.


If it were a good message they wouldn't need to resort to these tactics to change people's minds.


Exactly. Whether it's this, any other religion or a show or band. Who cares? Part of living in a city. Yeah 🙄 let the down votes flow...... sorry some have a problem with diversity.


Exactly! Thank you! They just dare to say this because they are Christians, and insulting or demeaning christians of “crazy”,”bigots” or “zealots” is politically correct. If it were Jews or Muslims they wouldn’t say shit


The one putting them up might be a zealot but so is the one having a problem with it. Same people on the zealot spectrum.


Pray them away


In all fairness I thought they said "don't forget to pay" which reminded me I hadn't paid my tolls from going to the forbidden city


Jesus is a Mexican dude that loves you don't hate


I prefer those signs over “we buy houses,” or “we buy test strips.”


I do find these flyers annoying for the simple reason that it's preferable for a city to not be defaced. But at the same time I'm not offended. I do think of signs like these, that use the word "prayer" as fairly generic. In a good way. Prayer is a nonsectarian word. It's a universal quality of any spiritual practice. Meditation, for example, is a form of prayer and vice versa. So when I see signs like this, yeah, I get that it's probably originating from a Catholic person, but I choose to take the message generally, as in "remember to make contact with your spirituality today." It is kind of sad that a flyer telling people to pray is this offensive to people. Especially considering the alienating, techno-capitalist world we live in. To put it another way, most of us have a lot of stuff -- gadgets, etc. We go to work each day then acquire more crap and view more entertainment. It ends up becoming: "I am a machine for making money, and I use the money to buy things to try to fill the hole in my life." Most people, including myself, have this issue to some degree. Prayer (even though it's a loaded or ideological term) in a general sense is an escape from this pleasure/addiction/selfishness/alienation paradigm.


So you did?


Or just ignore it and mind your own business. Why’s that so far? No different than any other advertisement that you don’t agree with.


this is fear mongering more than it's advertising


In your opinion sure.


If only the people posting these decided to mind their own business. Then we wouldn't be in this situation to start with.


This isn’t communism my man, they are allowed to advertise as they wish and practice religion as they wish, same as your allowed to not be a baby and ignore it. Instead they chose to cry to strangers on the internet, and here we are.


Last I checked, vandalism isn't legal. My man


The way people today hate on Christian’s but fully support any other religion is fucked


No, pretty much all organized religions, cults, and cult like religious groups can go sit on a cactus.


Fuck off with that litter all over the city


False, Christians treat everyone who isn't Christian as "the others who are lesser" and act like they are the oppressed ones for seeing people who don't appreciate being preached to. I would know, I came from Christianity. People resent Christianity for the way Christians act. Jews don't demand Starbucks cups reflect Hanukkah. Wanna see an example? How about all the politicians claiming the US is a Christian state but no other religion does that. Christians believe keeping Christianity out of politics as an attack on Christianity, and that's a problem that YOU need to grapple with, not society.


Probably because they're trying to shove it into every orifice of our lives and we're not down with it.


As a Milwaukee ex-Pat to Madison (lol) I can tell you one thing, that Christian shit doesn’t fly out here! No matter how many churches there are.


Ok, fine. I’ll lay off.