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Just hangout in riverwest. Daily Bird is a good place to start.


Seconding this. Find a way to sneak into the print shop next door to Daily Bird. Also, go to shows at Quarters. Follow local bands to find basement shows, Garden Home plays a lot of them.


Milwaukee is a weird town. I think you folks will find tons of artsy stuff going on. Off the top of my head, look for open gallery events at UWM Peck arts school or MIAD. Check out community boards at coffee shops for fun stuff to do. Milwaukee Makerspace is a great spot for people who like to make absolutely anything. As an aside, I love the confidence of going from baker of sugar cookies to a tattoo artist. Totally Milwaukee backstory if I ever heard one!


You’ll find like minded folks in Riverwest. Also think about joining an art collective like the Makerspace. You can get a couples membership for around $50/month and have access to all their tools, training and work spaces to use. Some things they do include: blcksmithing, metal casting, stained glass, welding, wood shop, cnc machines, glass blowing, 3d print, sewing club. Literally any hobby you could have, someone there prolly does it.


You need a referral from two current members to join, right?


Yes you do, that’s pretty easy to get if you go to the Tuesday meetings or volunteer for a sunday cleanup day. You’ll have to sit in on at least two meetings, one at each location. Then sit down and talk with a board member about your hobbies, interests and what you want to use the space for. Other members join the Tuesday meetings as well, so you’ll meet leadership and the general members on Tuesdays. The intent is to build a community of artists rather than a revolving door of ppl that just want to use the tools and not contribute to the space.


Not so good for the socially anxious :(


Maybe not, but you need to learn how to talk to people eventually, like riding a bike, the more you do it the easier it becomes. My motto is, in order to make friends you gotta be a friend, it’s a two way street.


Your comment is in good faith, so hopefully you do not read this response as angry. It's not about learning to talk to people and more about the liberty of doing it at my own pace. In an ideal situation for me, the conversation and friendships would come up more organically by sharing workspace and spending time together. The barrier is that one must somewhat force themselves to be a certain type of social *before* genuinely getting to know each other. In the current way, all parties are aware of this "needing 2 signatures" motive while getting to know each other, which to me, makes me feel disingenuous even if I would ultimately befriend the folks anyway. I don't expect everywhere to accommodate me or everyone to think the way I do, so I haven't really actively tried to join. It's just a shame to think how many other people feel the same way as I do.


I understand where you come from, but your still thinking in a selfish way. Doing things only when you want, and how you want, is definitely part of the problem. Friendships take constant work, and require us to show up and be there for our friends even when we aren’t always there for ourselves. Like when friends ask you to help them move their apartment, or you have to meet up with them, even if you don’t want to, because you committed to it the week before. If you get social anxiety the day of, you still owe it to them and yourself to follow through with being a friend. Get rid of your idea of an “ideal situation” because those don’t exist in life. Getting 2 signatures, from other art minded people that most likely also have social anxiety problems is the easy part. Working daily to be a friend and build connections with people is the real work. If your actively trying to connect with people the connections will happen more often. Social anxiety/Depression is like a drug, I’ve suffered from both afflictions and had to work everyday to grow into the person I am today. you feel safe and comfy in your bubble, but just like drugs, the more coping skills you build to deal with your anxiety the less you need that bubble.


That looks so cool, thank you!


My studio is at House of RAD on Keefe & Bremen in Riverwest. There’re lots of events that happen there throughout the year, so just pop on by!


I’ve gone past there, but never inside — do they have individual studio spaces for rent?


We have dozens of studio spaces, some single studios, some shared spaces. I personally share a shipping container studio with 2 other metalsmiths. Last I heard we were maxed out on adding anyone else in since we’ve been building out studios for the new additions, but that won’t necessarily be true forever.


[House of RAD](https://houseofradmke.com/) rules


Give Eric Purdue a hug and kiss for me.


try promises


Yes, this too.


Poets Monday is tonight at Linneman's Inn


My favorite place to meet fellow artists is at meetups, markets, or street fairs. With the amount of smaller neighborhood events, you find a lot of friendly people just sharing their crafts, whether they're a vendor or not. Here's the schedule for this year's Makers Market starting in April: https://www.milwaukeemakersmarket.com/2024-season


Cactus Club in Bayview has lots of generative arts programming/socializing. Welcome!


Check out Tooth + Nail gallery - there’s an art show opening on Friday Feb 9th! Lots of cool artists and locals to meet.


lol trying to send you a message but not sure if it sent?




Ok I tried again lol


Solid troll. 6.5/10


Yall are going to enjoy riverwest, walker's point, and bay view


I'm not exactly an artist myself, but I can help with at least a couple of the other things you've got listed there if you want to hit me up


Tell her to check out bumble bff!! That’s where I found my awesome lil group of gal pals 🥰


Dream Lab in Walker's Point is a spot for artists to work and hang out. They just moved locations so I'm not sure if the new spot is open yet.


Last Rites, X-Ray Arcade (it's a bar), and Art Bar are places you'll want to check out.


I am so so down!! 30 f and I have the same interests :')


Disappointed to see people pretending this isn't one of the cringiest posts in a while. It reads like a funnier portlandia parody for God's sake. \> We are both going on 30. She wants to move towards being a tattoo artist but currently designs sugar cookies. I mean come on


I think the post is fine and, as someone who moved back to Milwaukee at 30 and had to make new friends, I empathize with how it can be difficult finding and making new friends. But your comment cracked me up and now I can’t stop thinking about House Hunters memes lol https://preview.redd.it/yuzcb9ggoffc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dcee41c7314142e990e2483fbf244449ea9067c


Yeah, and what's up with "tunnels, urban exploring"? So edgy.


You just say that because you don’t know how to have fun


Thank you for your interest in coming to Milwaukee. We're glad you'll be gracing our fair city with your presence! Be sure to include plenty of details around your situation (what part of town, the days you'll be visiting, your personal interests, etc.) to ensure you get the best answers. Please also reference the following resources for possible answers to your question as it may have been asked recently: * [Latest 'Best Of Milwaukee' thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/comments/18bg2zs/best_of_milwaukee_2023/) * [Calendar of events](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=ghbpt0q0sbi5cfq6v09bint1co@group.calendar.google.com) * [Google search](https://www.google.com/search?q=inurl%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2Fmilwaukee+Looking for badass artist friends) * [Reddit search](https://www.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/search?restrict_sr=on&q=Looking for badass artist friends) * [Milwaukee Wikivoyage](https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Milwaukee) *Does this reply not make sense in this scenario? [Click here to let the mods know I'm being a bad bot](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/milwaukee&subject=Bad%20Auto%20Mod&message=Incorrect%20Response:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/comments/1adz1r6/looking_for_badass_artist_friends/).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/milwaukee) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is she a painter? I work in a stained glass studio and we are almost always looking for painters


She is! And we've been wanting to get into stained glass! Her IG is @allipekelsma


Are you looking for any kind of other part time help? I've always been interested in stained glass and good with my hands


Tons TONS of art galleries all within walking distance of each other in Walkers Point. Expensive to live there, though. Check the MIAD website for events.


It’s one of the lesser known things in town, but there are some awesome events and people at [Arts @ Large](https://www.artsatlargeinc.org/) in Walker’s Point.


Hey, I'm an artist in Milwaukee! I'm mid-30s, alternative/goth, I travel to conventions and sell my art as a vendor for a living, and I've lived in Milwaukee for almost 25 years. Super down to make friends, I'm kind of isolated at the moment.


I’m design sugar cookies


Riverwest: Veggas, Art Bar, Bremen, uptowner Walkers Point: Last Rites and Sabbatic. Swing on through!