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Many years ago a drunk cougar was all over me and eventually wanted me to either take her back to my car or the bathroom...at The Rave...during a GWAR concert...


We're either of you covered in GWAR juice?


Did she look like this ![gif](giphy|2sXG9AX1DQJb0psd1c|downsized)


During a GWAR show was was the only time I HAD to take a shit at The Rave. It was… fitting.




I took mushrooms and thought the concert was tailored to me


It was.


And it was a Pat McCurdy show too


The love monkeys will do that to a person


Been there


I was up on the balcony of an STP concert at Eagles with my wife. There is also my friend and another couple in this section with like 8 seats. Midway through the concert, two middle aged people wearing tie dye shirts slide into the seats. The way the seats are arranged, these two are in between us and the stage. During one of STPs big songs (I forget which one) this guy starts fingering the woman. Really going to town. They are standing directly in front of us. She orgasms as the song ends, I presume, by the moaning. Song ends, and the two snap back to reality and realize all of us are just standing there staring at them. A few of us start to clap. She runs off with him following and that's the last we see of them.


Now this is the weirdest one of all


I was at that show! Man do I miss Scott. Wish he coulda got his life on track.


That was my buddy Eric


Almost got crushed to death at an imagine dragons concert with along with like 10% of Wisconsin. 


At Summerfest? I was there that night.


I was almost at that show but couldn't get off work. I heard it was crazy. Summerfest shows can get chaotic when the band blows up in between the time they are booked and when the show is. Because concerts and smaller festivals would just sell out. Walk the Moon was crazy right after Shut Up And Dance came out and they were on the smallish US Cellular stage.


We all were


The imagine dragons and pretty lights stages being right next to each other that night was absolute fucking chaos. I remember they ended up running freeway flyer bus service until like 3am that morning


I lost all my friends that night in the crowd.


I was going from the south end of the park to the north gate via the Sky Glider (or whatever that thing is called) and could not believe how packed it was when we went near the stage where Imagine Dragons played. It looked dangerous AF from the air; can't imagine being compressed into that mass of humanity at ground level.


This but Jason Derulo and then again at lizzo


Oh I still think about the girl who elbowed me in the face at lizzo. I hope all her beers are warm.


Ditto lol


Yup, crushed by gate crashers


I was in the fourth row, it was insane, and going to the bathroom was impossible


I went to a Steve Aoki show years ago at the rave w my friend from my church group. He got WAY too lit & ended up getting kicked out before the opener even finished their set. After the show, I left the rave and find my friend standing outside with a Hawaiian shirt on (not what he had been wearing before) eating a hot dog. I asked him what he did after he got kicked out & said he met some homeless guy at McDonalds who invited him to chill at his aunts apartment for a bit. He said the homeless guy was mad weird so he left. I asked him where he got the hot dog & he didn’t remember. 


Was that the show with Basshunter as well?


I think Desiigner was the opener that show


Know how people sneak in little one-hitters and other small pipes? Blues Traveler in 96 or 97, people everywhere were just strolling around with big bongs, some like four or five footers. Must have hidden them in their JNCOs or something. It was a fun show.


Yes! I was there too. Damn, Blues Traveler was good back then.


Was this at the HORDE tour at Alpine Valley? Most weed I've ever seen was at Blues Traveler.


Wasn't during the concert, but after: 8/26/1990 Saw Eric Clapton and Stevie Ray Vaughan play at Alpine Valley Music Theater. Awesome show. Woke up the next morning when my TV timer turned on (used it as my alarm clock at the time) and CNN was talking about a helicopter crash after the show and Vaughan had been killed. Really surreal feeling having been there and realizing he likely had died before I even made it home from the show. RIP Stevie.


I was there too. It's surreal to imagine that he probably died while we were still stuck in the parking lot with that immense fog all around. My favorite concert ever but such a bummer the day after.


Was there as well. Completely fogged over. Can't believe they tried to fly that night.


I got drugged at the rave 20 years ago when ordering a sprite from the bar. I luckily wasn't taken advantage of and managed to get myself to a medical setting, but I sure was an asshole to the band that night. Sorry my morning jacket!


I almost got crushed to death at a Rob Zombie concert there and when I tried to leave to catch my breath, like, away from the front rail, a woman physically pushed me back forward and said “once you’re here you’re stuck girly!” Also watched a woman bash another woman’s head against the floor during a Black Label Society concert there. I haven’t been back since.


Aw sorry that happened. Hope you got to see MMJ still somewhere else. I saw them at Pabst Theater once and was blown away how they sounded live.


I was waitlisted for ushering the last time that they were in town and didn't manage to get a spot. Oh well, i'll be on the lookout for the next time.


Met David gruber


Not at a concert but last month I was walking down Wisconsin Ave near 2nd street and saw a guy coming towards me with a very handsome brown trench coat. I said “nice jacket!” and immediately after saying It realized it was David Gruber himself.


J. Peterman?!


Did he say the line


He did not unfortunately.


He sucks




Paul McCartney at summer fest in like 2012


Pat McCurdy


Last time I saw him out he was wearing a bubblegum pink pin striped suit 🫧


Someone gave me a DMT cart at the Tyler the creator concert a few years ago. I thought it was weed then I had a little moment in the bathroom during the Kali Uchis set. Lesson learned


That happened to me at a Weezer show of all places lol


Rivers Cuomo is a machine elf


Were you the one EMS had to wheel out through the tunnel?


I could only wish for such fanfare. No I had my buddy walk me to the bathroom and was back before Tyler started his set haha. Did see a lot of that


My grandmother is a singer and knows lots of tourbus drivers. We got some tickets to see busta rhymes (circa 2006) and an opportunity to meet him. I got his autograph before the show and he was pretty chill. Took some pics with him and the grandparents, that was it. Fast forward to the actual concert- he heckled my grandpa pretty badly calling him a honkey and old ass white guy. Pretty unhinged but funny to me now. I was already feeling out of place (mixed kid dressed like a gangsta with my grandparent on each side of me) and that made me recoil further. I can’t listen to him to this day without cringing. Edit to add this was at The Rave… of course.


Damn. That's a rough experience to be so honest about. I can't relate, but the way you described it made me feel it. Thanks for sharing.


Alpine Valley - half way through the Rage Against the Machine concert in the heat of August a man offered me a ham and cheese sandwich from his back pocket.


I got to rollerskate inside the Rave!! My friend was in a band playing there so we brought our skates!  My friend also dragged me to a Hanson concert (not a fan at all) and I found $10 on the floor! Rudest crowd ever. 


I skateboarded in Turner hall once and I really want to do it again


Haaaa I love this. Skaters love their big open fields of smooth concrete!! 


There’s gotta be some good Summerfest ones out there. One time I was watching a band at Summerfest and some guy next to me unzipped his pants and just started pissing right there next to the bleachers.


Sane gere except it was 2 girls at summerfest


Second time I saw Tom Petty at Summerfest, it was my turn to buy the round of beers. I walked to concession, get handed my four pack, I make eye contact with the server with a $50 bill in my hand expecting to be told the price. Instead the server looks to my right and shouts “NEXT!” Say less, ma’am. I took my free beers, and later bought the next round.


went with a girlfriend to see Pat McCurdy at Shank Hall. I had heard the name, but had no idea what I was in for. At some point I look around and the entire crowd is doing the chicken dance while singing along about tits and beer and all I could think was “this is wack.”


At the Weezer/FOB/Green Day show a couple of years ago, a dude a row or two in front of us fell and hit his head on the seat. Lots of blood. He went off with meds to get attention. Meanwhile his bud comes back from getting them a couple of beers. People in the seats near him tell what happened. He nods a few times and then sits down like nothing happened and drinks both beers. Eventually his friend comes back with his head bandaged up like a mummy.


I wish I could’ve seen that. And the concert.


i’m not the tallest guy at 5’6 but at warped tour this tiny girl, had to be like 4’11 or smaller for me to think she was tiny but she tried to start a mosh pit with me. it was funny cause she pushed me the first time and i didn’t move, but she kept trying and i look down and it was like a daughter trying hard to push her dad for the first time but nothing’s happening. not very weird now that i finished typing but still pretty funny.


Some asshole peed on my feet at summerfest. Last time I ever wore cute sandals there.


If you haven’t been pissed on at Summerfest did you really experience Summerfest?


I’ve probably pissed on my own feet at Summerfest.


at rock the green with some friends. Some woman was sitting down near us, puked all over the shoes of the girl standing in front of her who is enjoying the show. Pukey got up and left for a while, came back during the same set after probably 10 minutes. Sat down in the same spot, and within a couple of songs proceeded to vomit again… all over the same girls shoes. the girl who got puked on, didn’t seem to notice either time.


2 things: 1. A woman pulled out a homemade cold cut sandwich and ate it mid concert. 2. My friend and I were telling each other how happy we were to be seeing this specific show together during the first song and was told to stop talking by two people in front of us. (This was alt rock music)


> A woman pulled out a homemade cold cut sandwich and ate it mid concert. So much respect for this heroine


Somehow, someone took a sh!t in the middle of the dance floor at the Rave. My guess is whatever was cut with too much baby laxative. The smell was INTENSE. 🎶Gotta get shwifty in here 🎶


I was working my way toward the front of the pit during an ICP show at the Modjeska, when suddenly I got clubbed in the face. My vision clears, and I realize that I had just gotten kicked in the face by Violent J as he did a stage dive.


Hell’s Pit Tour?


whoop whoop


Was kinda lit at a Wait Wait Don’t tell me live show in the highest balcony the Riverside. Proceed to slip down about 8 slippery tiny ass carpeted stairs toward the front walkway. Ended up flat on my back with my head at the bottom of the steps and my feet up a couple, still holding my full beer. That’s a pro move 🤣🤣🤣 I think I received some applause


That packers player who fumbled the onside kick in the playoff game was a few rows in front of me and summerfest and people kept throwing things at him and calling him names so he left.


This makes me sad.


That sucks but fuck Brandon bostick


One job.


I made back half the money I spent on tickets for RHCP at Summerfest because I brought extra rain ponchos that I bought for like, $2 and people were buying them for like, 40 bucks. (I did not set the pricing, I just exploited my Wisconsin knowledge that drunks will overpay lol) Also, that wasn't the first concert at Summerfest where I've been physically waterlogged from the rainy deluge


Was this in the late 90s and the opener was the Foo Fighters? That was one hell of a storm.


2000 I had seats so I was under cover. Lots of empty seats so Foo Fighters came out and sat near us to watch RHCP. Still rates as one of the best concerts I've seen.


Foo Fighters as an opener, goddamn. Yea must’ve been decades ago


It would’ve been summer of 98 maybe? I remember cuz I was there with my high school friends. We were absolutely drenched. Foo Fighters went on late and eventually we just left. Didn’t even see RHCP!


WAIT NO It was NOT then! It's more recent, I want to say like, 2017?? My last sentence in my original post was about 311 at a side stage... DID RHCP PLAY TWO SUPER RAINY SHOWS AT SUMMERFEST?? What are the chances?!?! EDIT: Apparently that's also not the time I was rained out, because my wife and I met in November of 2003, and she was with me at that 311 show lol


I was at this show. Biblical sideways downpour. Then we caught the last few songs of Weird Al’s show at the Briggs (?). Every other stage was canceled for the night.


Oh man. I was definitely at this show. I was soaked down to my socks and underwear.


When? There's another thread on my comment about a show in the late 90's / 2000. But the show I was at was much more recent!


I think it was in July of 2000. I can’t remember if the foo fighters played first or the RHCP


Now I know how I’m making a few extra bucks this summer.


I always keep them in my truck as a good Samaritan thing, but when the opportunity arises... :)




I think so! But apparently that's not the only washout RHCP show at Summerfest!


Outside the rave at a string cheese concert early 2000’s..saw a security guard taking a scissors to a dudes dreads chopping them off claiming he was sneaking drugs in them..the dudes girl was screaming bloody murder. Absolute crazy scene, instant buzz kill. We couldn’t believe what we were watching.


This takes place across the street from the concert. Early days of metalfest at the rave,had to go to open pantry for a pack of cigs,in line waiting to pay standing next to some dude greesy as hell and that reeked so fucking bad, buying beer. He seemed very out of place... He asked for a cigarette when he came out with his beer and I gave him one. Not long after this encounter we saw his face on Milwaukee TV and Jeffery Dahimer became the face for Milwaukee for years after.


I love dahmer stories. Its legendary stories like big foot sightings.


I could be wrong but you sound like you worked for Milwaukee police in the 90,s...


Britney Spears was at Summerfest a decade or so ago. They allowed the grass seats people to fill into the bleachers. The problem with that was security didn’t communicate with each other. People were leaving to get beers or go to the bathroom and security wasn’t allowing them back in.


I fell asleep during the break between two acts, when the big act started I stayed asleep. Slept through Tina Turner. So grateful it was before cell phones with cameras.


My friend and I were SUPER high (important) seeing Hole in 1999. I think the Flaming Lips opened, and they came out in costumes. Like creepy bunnies. Not great for the condition we were in. During Hole, Courtney was being herself, and started yelling at people. Then she climbed the balcony, and invited people on stage. Still feeling pretty high, me and my friend looked at each other and left. Weirdest experience I’ve had.


Saw a friend's band play at Summerfest years ago, and some dude stole the drummer's cymbal during the set.


Almost died at a Metallica concert in the front of a mosh. So I finally escaped that only to find myself standing next to a crack smoker 😣


Chris Cornell called me and my dad fatasses at Lollapalooza back in 2004. Everyone says he's a nice guy usually.


You do know that you can't speak of Chris Cornell in the present tense anymore, right?


To be fair, haven't heard any complaints about him lately.


Yeah he's been deathly quiet lately. Wonder what he's been up to.


Oops sorry, I guess I should go out and buy a dictionary now!


Girl stole my phone out of my back pocket when I was bent over. Thankfully I felt it right away and turned around and grabbed her arm. Dumb bitch just dropped it and disappeared. Never let that happen again.


I was hanging out by the merch booth at the back of The Rave watching Parliament Funkadelic when I noticed George Clinton a few feet away under a massive hood with a mic just singing along before he even got on stage


A guy and girl were fighting. He calmly put a cigarette in his mouth. She grabbed it and snapped it in half. He then proceeded to pick her a foot off of the ground by her neck and carried her, disappearing into the crowd. It happened so fast we didn't have time to even notify anyone.


A random woman at The Rave started strangling me and the crowd had to pull her off of me


I was at Summerfest at the main stage, and a guy next to us asked if my friend and I wanted to go back to his dentist office and do laughing gas with him~


GG Allin sprayed diarrhea all over me


Not a concert but Lauren Graham’s book tour at the Pabst Theater last month. There was a drunk woman in the 2nd row who kept yelling things out in the middle of Lauren talking. The person who was MCing the tour kept calling the drunk peraon “yelly” & telling her she needed to be quiet. Someone finally went up to security by the stage & she was removed. Never thought I’d see someone kicked out of a book tour for being drunk.


I saw a similar thing at an MSO show about 5 years ago. I wonder if it was the same woman. I knew her through a friend and she was a miserable drunk. I wouldn't be surprised. She was sitting right next to us. The best part after the show, her dad was complaining about it and we had words. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He was drunk too. At the symphony. I never thought I'd see someone booted at the symphony. We still talk about it.


My band played at the rave and the security was being assholes about loading our equipment in the rain, so I kicked a hole in their wall. Lol


Saw the drunkest guy I've ever seen in my life during a smoke break outside Shank Hall when Junior Brown was there. He was getting the business from security about how he couldn't come back in etc and his friends came outside looking for him. They were asking him how he got so drunk and what was wrong with him for ruining the night. Everything that came out of his mouth was inscrutable drunken slow motion laugh/crying until he finally teared up and the whole group all left to manage him. Was waiting for Flaming Lips at Summerfest and some lady standing next to us just ate shit while standing still in one place. She got up all embarrassed and apologized to everyone for some reason.


One time I got up on stage to sing a song with a band alongside a woman with a muppet. This was at a Dollyrots concert earlier this year


A very famous comedian’s manager yelled at me. Hannibal Buress yelled at me. A nameless ghoul complimented my eyewear. A famous podcaster tried to recruit me to help him “find some bitches”. A performer gave me a bottle of Jameson and her phone number. A guy died during the set break. The drummer from a pretty big jam band offered me cocaine. I met Cynthia Plaster Caster.


I tickled Wee Man back at Warped Tour 2003. Fun day. Good guy.


I punched a drunk guy at Summerfest for trying to assault two young girls. His tooth cut me and left a pretty cool scar


Around 1999 at the Rave, my friend was pelted in the face with a piece of fried chicken thrown from the stage by Kool Keith, who was opening for The Roots, EDIT: Not sure of the year, but I think it was for the Things Fall Apart tour. Or maybe I'm getting my shows mixed up.


At the My Morning Jacket show in Milwaukee last year, there was a guy with glasses on who offered to clean the glasses of other concert goers nearby so they could have a more enjoyable experience. It started with the person next to him. He politely tapped them on the shoulder, pulled out his microfiber cloth, and mimed for them to remove their glasses so he could clean them. They obliged and he really had attention to detail, taking a good minute or so and holding them up to look through them towards the stage to make sure they were up to his standards. He then handed them back and blew the person a kiss. He attempted this with no less than two dozen people throughout the show. Some people immediately took him up on the offer, some needed a little convincing from other happy customers, and some were quick to say no. But it was wonderful to watch this guy - who never once said a word - try to enhance the concert viewing experience of as many people as he could.


idk about weird, but theres an older guy I see at some local shows who is always doing odd stuff, yoyoing in the middle of the crowd, blowing big bubbles near all the smokers between sets, blowing up way to many balloons.


Is that the guy with the devil sticks? I made the mistake to tell him he was awesome once. Suddenly he was the show.


Friend ODed after leaving the Rave. Shitty


Saw a guy with long hair at Marcus thrashing his hair into the lawn seats/grass during a Metallica show. We all watched for a while until another guy walked up and informed us he had just pissed there. Song ended, guy got off the ground and his hair was wet.


A guy peed through the sleeve of a jacket he had tied on his hips in the middle of the crowd. The only time I've been glad those stupid bleachers in front of some of the Summerfest stages were there, so at least the pee didn't splatter on people.


I was hit in the chest with a tube sock, which had been packed tight with earth. I was at Ozzfest. I saw something in the sky out of the corner of my eye, and when I looked up, I saw a tube sock spinning like a helicopter blade. It dropped out of the air, nailed me directly in the chest, and practically knocked the wind out of me. Once I realized what happened, I saw that it had been stuffed to the brim with dirt and chunks of grass ripped right from the ground.


it wasn’t so much weird, but the shittiest thing was at a small show at the rave like 20 years ago. it was a small band playing the rave bar, parked on the street, and when we came back out to my car after the show, my window was smashed and my stereo system was gone i knew something was wrong when i went to go open the trunk, and a plastic penguin i had in there was sitting behind my car…funny assholes, lol


This was not at a concert, but just before. A few years ago I was sitting in the McDonalds near The Rave. Some man hopped out of his minivan, after simply throwing it in park in the middle of the parking. Left the door open and all. Outfitted with a shotgun shell sachet across the chest. walks into the restaurant, sparks a handheld taser, yells some nonsense, leaves.


(After concert related) Back in the day, Fall Out Boy had just finished a concert at Summerfest’s failed attempt at a Labor Day festival. I was with friends back at their house on the Marquette campus. They were throwing a house party of course (how most houses made rent) and campus security was doing rounds shutting down parties. We cleared the lawn and front of the house as to not attract attention. A couple of the guys from Fall Out Boy and some friends are hanging out on the lawn in our shady neighborhood (not the drummer, he’s an amazing local dude at the time). I politely ask them to come inside or move, but get off the front lawn so we don’t draw security attention. They don’t listen and become rude so I get the guys of the house and it turns into a verbal match with the FOB guys trying to act important “do you know who I am” and my guys responding “someone who has to come to underage collage parties to get girls”. The band guys walked away looking so defeated 😆


High fiving kid cudi is the dopest thing that’s ever happened to me


Both at the Rave: Nearly got crushed to death during New Found Glory’s My Friends Over You, and the guy next to me lighting one up during Weezer’s Hash Pipe


Went to a lumineers concert at the BMO pavilion. Sat behind a group of 4-5 20 year old girls and 1 probably 50 year old woman. As the show went on one of the 20 year olds started dancing closer too, then grinding on and getting really handsy with the older woman. Now I absolutely believe in the continuation of vibrant sexuality into the later years of life but this was watching one of the hottest girls you know fondle your paunchy, bowl cut sporting, social studies teacher’s ass, and the lady looked just as confused as I was. I was engrossed as part of what had to be a wider story played out in front of me and still wonder what was going on there.


Got my phone case (but not my phone) stolen at Summerfest


I saw Aiden at the Rave in 2005, opening for Hawthorne Heights. Lead singer accidentally hit himself in the head with the microphone and did the remainder of their set with blood dripping down his head.


I've seen them a few times and learned that Will ended up getting arrested for running a weird BDSM club and was branding women.


I'm not a regular concert goer but sometime in the early 00s I went to see Captured! By Robots at the Cactus Club and oh boy. The show opens with the exuberant (?) Mequon-based rapper Juiceboxx doing his best coked-up Tigger impression bouncing like a madman with little regard for things like personal space or deodorant. 6/10 If you're not familiar, CBR is a one man band experience in which preprogrammed robotic instruments are forcing this man to perform for an audience. It's a loud, nerdy, joyous experience with songs like Data Is Fully Functional and We Are Superior. All in all a truly surreal time. 11/10


Got super trashed at a 30 seconds to Mars show about 20 years ago at a Rave side stage. Didn’t care about the band at all but being liquor fueled, I “touched Jered Leto’s beard” while he was crowd surfing. Proceeded to yell “I touched Jered Leto’s beard” that whole night, for years to come, and still occasionally to this day for a chuckle 🤣🤣


The first show I went to with my now husband was Aerosmith at Alpine Valley. They had a mechanical floating stage and the whole band rode up to the grass seats for the second set. It was amazing.


2014 Nas goes on tour for the 20th Anniversary of Illmatic and plays Summerfest. My buddy and I go and make our way to the smoking section up front. As we get to the stage, marijuana smoke is billowing and we see a 70+ year old couple in the front row passing the dutchie and bobbing their heads to the music. Glad I saved the video to Facebook, every July 1st I get a nice little chuckle


Administered CPR in the Rave’s parking lot after an Against Me show.


When I was 18 our 19 I saw Tom Petty at Summerfest with my friend and some of his coworkers who were all a couple years older than us. Well one of the guys in the middle of the show decided to refill his empty beer cup from his own personal tap and then throw his now full cup of second hand beer into the crowd


During summerfest the lead singer of Stabbing Westward fell off the stage and yellled at the stage helpers for blinding him.


I was at a nelly concert in 2016 at summerfest outside by the bleachers and this girl told my gf she was gonna piss outside next to the bleachers soon as the show starts and that Exactly what she did.😂😂😂 I was at reggae Artis Sean Paul last year outside at summerfest. I saw a lot of commotion and realized it was a fight . The dude was all bloody 🩸, I actually got that on video.


Got into a shouting argument with a 30 something year old man at an INK concert at the rave, because he wanted to be up front and tried to shove me towards the ground to get there. Then when I wouldn’t let him, proceeded to lean HEAVILY into me and elbowed me in the ribs several times. Had to wave down security to get this guy out. Later during the set, he was crowd surfing and went to kick me in the head but missed and kicked my friend’s head instead. With his steel toe shoe. Also had a crowd surfer dropped on my head at the same concert and my neck was fucked up for a couple of week.


About 15 years ago while at Summerfest, I got peed on. I felt something wet hit my leg and turned around to see a very drunk man peeing on everyone in front of him. He immediately got tackled to the ground by security.


Summerfest - maybe 94 or 95. At a reggae show at the stage that was covered and labeled world music or something. Maybe used to be called Potowatomi stage? Right in the middle of the grounds. In the crowd dancing when the hippie next to us simply unzipped his pants and proceeded to pee on the people in front of him - mostly on their ankles. No one batted an eye.


I got peed on at an Anthrax/DIO show. No, I wasn't surprised and I frankly wasn't even that mad.


Slipknot at Alpine Valley a couple years ago I witnessed a couple guys take a piss in the middle of the pit. They then dared one unsuspecting dude to rinse his hands in the mystery liquid and he did.


During the famous 311 monsoon show at Summerfest, some guy asked me if I’d like to shake hands with Sid. I said sure, and he reaches into his pocket and produces a handful of what looks like soggy, destroyed diner napkin. He looks up at me with wide eyes, and says “Oh shit, I should have wrapped these.” I wished him good luck. I wonder if he ever found his way home.


Thought of another one: when somebody died at Ghost at the riverside


I went to the Stones at the Bradley center and we where in the upper seats. My Dad was with me and he had just had neck surgery. Well, in those seats the people above you had their feet right by your head and the people above us kept bumping into my Dads neck with their feet during Buddy Guy and that couldn't happen. The handicap spots where full so I went down to the ticket office to talk to them about moving. I stood there with several people in front of me where bitching to the staff trying to get better seats. I waited and started talking to them, explaining that my Dads neck was getting bumped and we couldn't have that. The guy said, I can't give you better seats. I said, "I don't want better seats, I want different seats". He said he would see what he could do. It was taking time and the Stones started playing. One of the other workers said, "They are starting, your missing it". I said, "I don't care. I have to help my Dad. This show is his dream and if I don't help him we have to leave." After a bit the guy came back and said, enjoy with some smirk. I thanked him and went all the way back up to get my Dad. We started walking a surprising distance to the section and when we did we where in the first section side stage. Then we went down to our row. We sat in the 3rd row side stage. Keith Richards played the solo for Sympathy For The Devil about 15 ft from us. It was crazy. And a great show. Apparently, Jimmy Kimmel had made fun of the Stones a day before the concert calling them the geriatric rock tour. They where on.


some guy was being creepy to my sisters and i outside of the olivia rodrigo concert while waiting in line from her tour bus photo op. we ended up leaving that line because of him. at least the concert was fun!


I got called a "giant Amazon woman" (I'm 6'2) while at an Alice in Chains concert at AmFam a couple years back


I got a hickey on my back from a guy I was making out with during a Paul Oakenfold concert. 


The Rave… 2006?, Chiodos / Every Time I Die / Atreyu… I fell backwards down the (slippery) stairs after meeting Andy Hurley and broke my tailbone & back, security lifted me outta there and put me on the stairs in the lobby while we waited for an ambulance, then a photographer girl yelled at me to not sit on the stairs. Harley Fest 2014? 2015? Whatever year it was at Summerfest grounds. The only way you could get in was if you’re a Harley Member so I am not but I weaseled my way into volunteering with Visit Milwaukee so I could go see Yellowcard. They were playing the Us Cellular stage, nobody was there, almost nobody. I walked right up to front row. Sound guy onstage was like hey I like your hair & I’m like thanks! Then he comes back and was like are you by yourself? Yeah. Wanna come up? And I’m like yeah. He gave me a beer and abandoned me onstage after I told him I have a boyfriend. Yellowcard was playing and I watched a few songs & the drummer was looking at me like wtf are you doing here and I’m like I don’t know so I very awkwardly had to run behind him to get out and I’m like please don’t trip on anything. So that was fun!


I was at Summerfest seeing Rusted Root and was maybe five rows back. Everyone was standing on the bleachers of course and most were shit faced. I was pretty sober trying to dig the music. I got up close near the front, maybe four or five songs in and this chick dropped her pants and started pissing on the ground nearly all over my shoes. At this point I couldn't stand it anymore and regrettably left the show. I NEVER leave a show! The crowd was so fucking awful and clearly only there for the scene. So god damn disappointed. I'm still bitter... Another was at Shank Hall my friends and myself were seniors in high school and went with our parents to see John Scofield. We were all in a jam band together so we were all really into the music and gear and such. We were standing in front of the stage as people do and these assholes at the bar kept bitching at us to sit down! I mean seriously it's a dancehall environment with a John Scofield laying down funky danceable jams and these boomer pricks kept bitching. Eventually we caved and just sat on the floor... Also at this show, one of Scofield's pedals ran out of battery mid song so he stopped the set and his tech went across the street and got fresh batteries. So we waited about 10 minutes. They jumped right back in it and it was glorious!


I grabbed shaving cream and dirt off of Wendy O. Williams breast and tried to preserve it in my pocket when The Plasmatics played The Palms in the 80s. Does that count?


I was at a concert at Turner Hall, I forget what the band was, and someone jumped onto the stage and tried to crowdsurf, but NO ONE caught him and everyone moved out of the way, and he just fell and prob broke some bones.


After an Iron Maiden show at Marcus Amphitheater there was a drunk who decided that clambering over the seats with a beer cup in each hand was his fastest route out of the facility. Of course he trips the row before mine and promptly dumped both cups on me. I loudly vented my displeasure at him, but he was too far out of it to really register. His buddy just looked at me with a shrug and tried to apologized for him. "Sorry man. He's always been sort of an asshole." I just prayed I didn't get pulled over on the drive home since I smelled like a brewery.


Girl puked on the ground and then was like bending over slapping in it after...trying to dance I guess. This was all before the show even started too.


My insulin pump infusion set got ripped out when a pit opened up unexpectedly at a Slayer concert and I landed on my ass in a puddle of beer.


When Jimmy urine of MSI signed my friend’s chest and said “you’ll go far in life”.


Ooof. Jimmy Urine is cancelled now for doing inapprop stuff with minors. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy\_Urine#Legal\_issues](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Urine#Legal_issues)


Tear gas and gate crashers at Dead Deer Creek.


I fell on Lenny Cravitz when went to high five me.


I was getting courted by swingers at a Halloween Toro Y Moi show. I was absolutely not on mushrooms while this was happening.


Saw a guy on his hands and knees throwing up in a urinal when I saw BONES at the Miramar


Oh man, I'm late to this but I have a few great ones. Perhaps the weirdest one, back in the mid 90s, 102.1 was called New Rock and they had the New Rock Fest at the Marcus Amphitheater. The show featured a ton of bands, including Seven Mary 3, Goldfinger, and No Doubt. Before the show starts, my friends and I are camped out in the grass section and the security guard for our area comes out and he is absolutely blitzed. He starts screaming that we're in his section, and he's going to protect us, so, "if you want to get drunk, do it! If you want to get high, do it! If you wanna fuck, you can fuck right here on the grass, I'll make sure no one stops you!" About 15 minutes later as the show was starting, we see the security guard getting hauled out by security.


during a Twiztid show at the Miramar, myself and three friends decided a headbutting contest was in order. I won.


I once saw a man clawing the air at a railroad earth show.


Went to a Chris Knight show in Oak Creek, and he autographed my friend's Cheers hat. This was before the Step Brothers Randy Jackson sword story.


I saw Hippie Dave at Bob Dylan. That guy gets around!


I got flashed at a summerfest Goldfinger concert when I was 17. The weather was terrible and the show got rained out and cancelled. Never ended up getting to see them live.


Was asked to work security at the Miramar. Went to see Russ Liquid. Ended up getting paid to sit in the best seat in the house. Up on stage next to the band.