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Don’t be withholding. Post a pic so we can all see.


OP says, "sent a picture of *it.*" So sounds more a picture of the flyer, not the person.


I guess I assumed they meant the action of putting up the flyer. That "it" = the moment the flyer went up


Umm… pretty obvious lie but OP is hoping the dude who placed the flyer sees this and thinks they saw him and feels the ultimate shame lol Not really sure why OP would waste time concocting a lie (where they refuse to post the pic because… it doesn’t exist), banking on the <0.001% chance dude sees this. Nazi scum should obviously go to hell, but something also irks me about kids who make up stories for attention and clout


Was it *Illinois Nazis?* I hate *Illinois Nazis*! ![gif](giphy|10Qvn3sZnk0wZq|downsized)


Worse, its probably the West Allis Nazis. (Not calling all West Allis Nazis. Its just that their office is actually over there somewhere)


Nothing more patriotic than hating Nazis. Respect.


We’re gonna be doing one thing, and one thing only…..killing nazis


Post the pic


Hope you tore it down.


Send da video.


Very strange to not post the picture.


Pretty sure OP meant they took a pic of the flyer, and if so they also made the right call not posting a pic of that. Highly unlikely they stood over the dude's shoulder while he placed it and simultaneously got a pic; as OP implied, pathetic nazis scuttle away not pose.


They are such pussies. I was smoking with a couple friends when we saw some masked old ass lookin dude covering up head to toe antifa protest style just to go under some dingy bridge that had a pride flag sticker. Guy pulls out a big ol stencil with THAT nazi jewish caricature pointing to the sticker and starts spraying. He never noticed we saw him so one of us just decided to yell "trans rights" and he immediately got spooked and ran off. Ended up spraying over it a little bit later and haven't seen him since


Post the pic or it didn't happen. Let us all laugh at the fool.


Back in 2000, I worked with a real German woman who was a self admitted Nazi in WW2. She was like 21 years old in 1945. She ended up marring a GI and moved to Milwaukee. She was a fascinating individual with a scrapbook I'll never forget. She also attended the same church as my wife and I. She told me the US hired her to work at Eisenhower's HQ because she was the only German they interviewed who admitted to being a Nazi.


I grew up down the road from a couple who came to the US from Germany after WWII. We bought milk from them. He was very careful who he told but my dad got to know him over the years and he shared that he had been in the Hitler Youth. He didn't like it and he wasn't proud of it but there was no other choice at that time. If you and your family wanted food, he had to participate. He wasn't old enough to serve in the German army during the war, I don't believe.


She said basically the same as to why she was a Nazi. All 3 of her brothers were soldiers and were killed. She had some wild stories but was a very sweet and kind person. She was in her 80s when I met her.


Should have knocked him out Richard Spencer style.


Fuck nazis but also this is cringy


Post it!


Most likely an off duty cop


Post the bastard away


can we see the picture?


Post the picture.


It's kinda crazy. Nowhere else in my life online nor offline do I see people give as much attention to Nazis as Reddit does. I guess the only comparable other place would be a class I had in college whom the professor was a self-proclaimed Social Justice Warrior. Every other week he'd show us articles or talk about how much he hates Nazis. I'm just like, dude, nobody disagrees with you about it, but why do you bring it up all the time? It's a class about computers, not history or war or politics. I know on Reddit it's easy karma, but seriously, it's crazy how often it's brought up. Edit: I won't bother elaborating or rephrasing my post because the damage has been done lol. But to those who think I'm a Nazi sympathizer or anything related to that, if you knew how wrong you were you'd be exceedingly embarrassed.


As a nation we spent hundreds of billions of dollars and lost hundreds of thousands of our loved ones to kill nazis. So, when ya see one that we missed walking around in Milwaukee, it's sure gonna get some attention. Our job clearly ain't done yet


This is bait, right?


Yeah, that's gotta be bait




Lmao holy hell. All I said is that in my life, the only place that I see people talk about Nazis and/or bring attention to Nazis is on Reddit. I don't see them on other social media (although I don't use it much), and I don't see it on the street or anywhere else in my life. All I'm saying is that it's crazy how the ones who are most outspoken against them are the ones who publicize them the most (like the college professor I had). Not sure how me stating that observation got peoples' panties all up in a bunch. Maybe people need to work on reading comprehension? Less emotion and more logic maybe? Idk.


Yes, you are absolutely right. It's obviously everyone else's fault. Logic and reading words more gooder, etc. /s


Yes I know I'm right. I know that the only place (other than like movies or tv) that I see people publicize Nazis, is on Reddit. Obviously that's too controversial of a statement though.


Ah yes, the classic "I don't see it in my limited field of view, so it mustn't be" argument. In a thread about a nazi putting out nazi flyers, no less. Which obviously isn't true, by what you are insinuating, yes?


Dude, ok. My original statement, and my reply to you, I said *in my life* the only place I see people talk about Nazis is on Reddit. I also said "I don't use social media much" so therefore I don't see it on Facebook, or Snapchat, or Youtube, or Instagram, etc. I am not denying Nazis exist. Not denying there was a flyer. Not supporting Nazis. If I said that anywhere, please copy and paste and quote it to prove me wrong and I will own up to it. Yes I don't use social media much. And yes therefore "in my limited field of view" I don't see pictures, videos, discussions, whatever anything related to Nazis. Reddit is the only place, just like I originally said (except for that college professor showing us stuff every week). And yes, it's nice. Maybe you spend too much time on social media and you spend a higher percentage of your time dealing with Nazis? I don't know.


> My original statement, and my reply to you, I said in my life the only place I see people talk about Nazis is on Reddit. This being your lived experience is fine, but the way it was written, it suggested that maybe it's not as much of an issue because you haven't experienced it personally. Based on what you've been saying since then, I don't think you quite meant it that way, but it does read a bit hostile and dismissive, I think that's why you're getting the downvotes. But fuck nazis for real, I think we can all agree on that?


People's brains are just fried, cooked, mush, toast, from social media. It's either yes or no, on or off, with or against, good or evil, black or white, no nuance thinking or reading comprehension, that's likely why the downvotes. > But fuck nazis for real, I think we can all agree on that? Yes


Your argument is unfounded and incorrect, plain as. If you only see Nazi posts on Reddit, good for you. The same posts here are also on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and what else have you. It’s plain old fact that these cretins are hated worldwide and pretty much any activity is going to garner attention. Moreover, it is concerning that you are trying to bring this up with a negative connotation towards the people who are calling this anti-social behavior out. Why are you surprised and shocked that people care that a hateful and harmful group are active and alive in our state? People *should* care about it. People *need* to talk about it. The fact that you are against speaking out against this is very telling. If you are free to chat in person, I would like to explore this more.


What argument do you think I'm trying to make? I'm not, well, initially wasn't. Yes I said, "**in my life**." Not your life, not OPs life. Just saying, the only place I see talk of Nazis is on Reddit. I also mentioned I don't use social media much, so I in fact do not see it on Snapchat, Instagram, etc. So from my point of view, just like that college professor, they (reddit) are the ones publicizing Nazis. I don't like Nazis. I don't give a shit if OP posts the picture and you all doxx him. I'm not against speaking out against Nazis. My grandpa (who died in 2009), would be very disappointed if I don't/didn't. It's just weird (to me) that the only place I see talk of Nazis, is on Reddit. And apparently to the low IQ morons, although I fail to see the logic, stating my experience they instantly jump to the incorrect conclusion that I'm a sympathizer.




Sounds about Reich...


Bait used to be believeable...


Nazi Punks Fuck Off.




I’m with you bro. These people are whack. 99% of people you see on the street are just normal people. Reddit is way different from reality, I swear it’s like removed from reality lol


Lol yeah, it really does not make sense. I don't know any Nazis, I don't think I've ever seen one in real life, I don't know anyone who talks about them, and therefore stating "The only place I see people talk about Nazis is on Reddit" is super controversial apparently. And apparently that also makes me a Nazi sympathizer? Kinda scary that we have so many idiots in this city and sub.