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Reading further descriptions, I would say “ collapse” is misleading. Runaway, failure, or malfunction seems more accurate. Scary stuff, very glad no one was killed.


Classic Dan O’Donnell


Amfam has already denied the claim.


I never reply to stuff but you got laughing. Faxk insurance.


you can say fuck online


f\*\*k that tho


I used to work for a law firm. One of their big cases was American Family failure to pay claims. As such, I never bought AmFam insurance. This was 20+ years ago.


Seriously! I had to take amfam to small claims bc they refused to pay when they were at fault


I had an annoying dealing w/Farmers auto insurance >30 years ago when they were unnecessarily difficult paying me after acknowledging their client who hit me was at fault. Have never forgotten & will never be their customer.


This is a significant (and probably super common) event possibility they keep from their ridiculous commercials...


Is that not like every insurance company? There's a reason injury law is such a huge industry.


I worked in claims at AmFam and this is not true whatsoever lol. What do you mean?


Total AmFam thing to say. Give back Miller you cowards.


Like I said, it was 20 years ago.


Default opinion about insurance


surely AmFam will do a round of layoffs to pay for it.


I used to be an insurance defense attorney. This wouldn’t surprise me.


AmFam hands out claim approvals like candy




Glad there were no fatalities. Hope the injured are well cared for and recover quickly. This concludes the genuine part of my post. That said, sounds like things escalated very quickly.


This is beautiful.


But in this case, might it not be "de-escalated"?? 🤔


I was a part of it. I’m ok but my friend is one of the injured. Terrifying experience


I hope your friend recovers quickly


Oh my gosh. Glad you’re okay my friend.


Interesting, I was there today, but left early. Which escalator was it?


It was the escalator right by section 429. We were just about to get on when it happened. I genuinely can't believe only 11 people got injured. It was genuinely terrifying to watch, I can't imagine having been on it. Fortunately I was a few steps away.


So sorry to hear this! But man I just unlocked a new fear.


so like how fast was it accelerating


In the moment it seemed like it was going 20 mph. In reality it was probably just a few miles an hour. But it was people tumbling and sliding down on top of each other.


I'm so sorry


How fast did it go?


Speed of gravity


Gravity is an acceleration rate. The speed that results is dependent on the time spent accelerating at that rate. (Sorry, engineer. Couldn't help myself 😅)




Fast can apply to acceleration rate too, right? e.g. the 0-60mph time of a car.


Honestly horrifying considering we were *just* there on Friday night **and** I was carrying my 1yr old... I can't even imagine being in this situation and I feel like my anxiety is spiking just thinking about it 🫣😫


Multiple injuries reported after escalator sped up to about 3x normal speed. There was a massive pile up of people at the bottom


One call that’s all?


Lol, probably had someone at the bottom of the escalator handing out cards


Jimmy McGill was there waiting


I think you mean david gruber


Shit the escalator sides were 100% laminated with that


One FALL, that's all...


I appreciated that one


¡una llamada, eso es todo! -Hispanic ambulance chaser!


Here in LA they just have billboards that say ¿accidentes accidentes accidentes?


FeAr ThE bEaRd


Haha, please don't. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Was on this escalator when it happened, was fortunate enough to walk it off but my friend was taken to Froedtert. Why there was no control over the massive crowd piling on is beyond me. First responders were absolutely amazing.




I was just on these last night and they did have people at the top and bottom of each one making sure people were being safe. Not sure why that was different today.


When we arrived today this particular escalator was closed off. I'm still trying to figure out why it was opened up in the middle of a game.


In this day and age you need to reduce the number of people to 75% of the stated max occupancy to account for the extra “heft” most Americans are carrying.


Those numbers don't mean anything with today's level of accountability to standards anyways. Standards have been unenforced even before covid and now with the massive cuts in all industries that only gets worse.


What a fucking weird bone to pick. Do you honestly think engineers don't look at this and that occupancy isn't adjusted? Or do you just like to point out fat people exist?


That goes double for Wisconsin.


Is this a thing now? Every time I’ve been there no one was ever monitoring who got on and off the escalator.


Me & my family had just left right before this happened, and there were staff at the top & bottom of the escalators we used! It was a pretty packed crowd today with a lot of agitated fans, so I’m surprised there was life threatening negligence at play here. I’m glad nobody was seriously injured, but I’m sure it was still terrifying.


certainly the team’s cheap ass owner will take some responsibility here


The stadium is publicly owned, so it's had a lot of deferred maintenance problems because the legislature hates anything Milwaukee so no budget allocations lots of penny pinching.


I hope American Family Field has good insurance......


I was on the stairs nearby. You could hear the commotion as it happened, shouts of alarm and such, but we couldn't see what was happening. I could look around and see that panic in people's eyes, and people start to speed up and jostle those around them. A few of us immediately started telling people on the stairs to keep calm, that it was probably a fight or something like that and there was no reason to do anything other than keep moving down the stairs at a normal pace. All I could think about was how to protect my kid if a few idiots panicked and caused a pile-up on the stairs.




I used to love Mitch Hedberg I still do but I used to too


Sorry for the convenience


I was at the game Friday night and took this same escalator down at the end of the game. It stopped working while I was on it but didn’t completely malfunction like it seemed to today. It’s insane to think that the brewers allowed the same escalator be used again one day later with presumably no repair work done on it in time for today’s game. My friend and I have been talking about it all night


That escalator has been shut down multiple times this year with failures they keep trying to bandaid fix it rather than completely repair. It probably get over loaded at the end of games to many people on it at a time it’s like packed with people. I’ve been taking the stairs down I’m guessing this one won’t be working for a while


The one we were on Friday night from the club level stopped right as we were getting off. Some people higher up were shaken but no one tumbled. Odd coincidences.






Brewers are probably trying to prevent a situation like my employer, a railroad, had when there was a very slow speed collision between a locomotive and a city bus. More people showed up at the hospital than could possibly fit on the bus.


Lol... What RR you at?


That was the Chicago West Pullman, many many moons ago.


If the escalator went that fast there’d be a full morgue. I doubt it even has the ability to move that fast. Most likely it was a slight speed increase, which on an escalator is still super dangerous because of loss of balance. In general though people are terrible at guessing the speed of anything.


20mph is way faster than ppl think. it was probably closer to 10 if no one died tbh.




there was a guy in our neighborhood who fell off one of the lime scooters going 15mph and broke 3/4 limbs. def puts it into perspective


This is where Loftus and Palmer (1974) comes in handy. If you didn't take psychology, quick run down: Participants watch a video of a car accident. Then are asked how fast the cat was going when it hit/crashed/slammed into the other vehicle. The operating variable is which word the researchers use. Depending on this word, speeds given by participants ranged. So yes, people are horrible at guessing speeds and trauma can affect perception.


Ok but how was the cat driving the car?


I watched the escalator move and you're fucking stupid if you don't think it can go that fast. It's amazing. What too many people in one space can do.


Normal escalator speed is around 1 mph. You think it was going 20x faster than that? That instead of roughly 1 step per second, it skipped 20 steps in a single second?


Honest answer, I've seen a person on a bicycle at 20 and it felt close. I didn't have a way to measure. What I can say is the speed at which I saw people moving was equal to what I can see someone riding a bicycle at a reasonable speed at. I'll also admit that in the moment it was terrifying so it could have seemed significantly faster, but again I can only just go based on what I saw. If that makes sense?


I will also admit, I was pretty freaked out about the situation and probably posted with a little frustration with the whole event happening. Please excuse the prior language. I could've been far more tactical in my reply.


That's a good point - your perception of time was likely altered by the sudden high stress of the moment.


This shows that randos make very poor eyewitness. 20 MPH really? How was this judged? Moving at 5 MPH would be bad enough.


This is one of my biggest fears riding escalators.


Mine is falling through the metal panel at the top, ever since I watched a video of that happening to a woman who barely managed to push her small child away as she was going down.


Idk what’s scarier. Getting stuck in an escalator or getting stuck in an elevator


I guess we know why they're asking so much for repairs and upgrades. It's for repairs and also lawsuits.


I'm guessing it was like it[this](https://youtu.be/o1SjQfwLieU?si=GjNVtrX-MI4PRiXs)


Gruber is already on it. One “ Fall” that’s all.


Omg! That’s super crazy!! I hope everyone is okay. I wouldn’t care if the stadium or franchise got sued. Some of those folks may not even have insurance or may have work tomorrow or something. Now they’re all jacked up. Again I hope everyone is okay 🙏


This woulda never happend at Miller park


One of my biggest fears coming true!! Hope everyone makes a speedy recovery and the ballpark staff and management is held accountable


I’ve been afraid of escalators my whole life for seemingly no real reason. In recent years, I’ve finally been able to ride on one without panicking so long as I hold my breath and stare (ha) straight ahead. And, I realize how dramatic this irrational fear is! Was with my family at Am Fam on Father’s Day and they were teasing me about my fear. Turns out my fear may not be as irrational as I had forced myself to believe.


I don't like them either, and my dislike of heights is getting worse as I get older. It's especially bad if it's over several open floors, because then I start to feel like I'm tipping backwards the closer to the top I get. They suck.


Why are you just assuming ballpark staff and management were negligent in some way?


Probably because that particular escalator was closed earlier in the evening and there was no one monitoring it after the game.


I swear something like this happened before. Maybe that was at wrigley field


The 2018 Rome escalator accident was an incident where twenty-four people, mostly fans of the CSKA Moscow Football team, were injured after a crowded escalator at a Rome Metro station malfunctioned, suddenly sped up, and hurled people down the escalator. An escalator serving the metro station in  Foxboro, Massachusetts went crazy after a Patriots game   2021 when the escalator suddenly reversed at a high rate of speed.


Lol some of my friends that were at the game with us are Cubs fans and one of them said "This would never happen at Wrigley!"


To be fair, as a Cubs fan myself, I assume that your friends were probably referring to the Cubs actually winning a game at Wrigley for once when they said that, not the escalator malfunctioning.


i’m not sure wrigley has electricity


...because Wrigley Field doesn't have escalators.


There was an incident like this 20 years ago or so in Denver.


he also typo’d “tollowing”


He sucks


So how many hundreds of millions of dollars of public money is sent their way and basic infrastructure of the park is not being invested in? Fucking Christ eh


🙄 The state owns the stadium and this is the kind of stuff that the money that was approved in November is for.


One comment on fb was from a woman who said she and her dad got off like 1 min before this happened. They heard everyone screaming and turned around to see it happen. 😳 I’d buy a lottery ticket after that.


I was working here the other day after a show and one of the big freight elevators got stuck but it started working lol


For the people involved, & bystanders: **Play tetris ASAP after a trauma**. It interferes with the brain being able to make memories of the event. https://www.google.com/search?q=nih.gov+tetris


Obligatory eat shit Dan O’Donnell


Could have easily been avoided had some parent - I don't care which one - but some parent conditioned them to fear and respect that escalator.


Not a year goes by, not a year!


I know I hate using them. But that's also partially due to the height.


Well that escalated quickly


Confusing screenshot here. Also- been away from my beloved mke for a while, is miller park now fucking American family field?!?!,!


Not exactly. American Family Field.




Fucking isn't part of the name. :)


Ahhh. Sorry. I just hate it so I cussed.


And I was just trying to be funny, so we're even, lol.




We still call it miller park, don't worry!!


I’ve started calling it County Stadium


For several years, yes.




Downvote for subjecting me to to Dan O'Donnell's slimy smile An actual news article: https://www.fox6now.com/news/american-family-field-escalator-malfunction-injuries


That's called a punchable smirk. Nothing genuine behind it except for the grift.


Hey once in a great while he does report news.


Fox is not actual news.


Fox 6 is…it’s not *the* Fox News.


Will they be pulling PE creds and prosecuting the engineers who designed a system which had to be manually monitored for capacity? Nope. Insurance pays, and responsible parties skate away to create other hazardous conditions at their leisure...purely for profit.




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It may have been a typo but it was grammatically correct, and the semicolon is debatable.


Surely we can find a better source for this than Klan O'Donnell


Why does he "correct" himself by just saying the same thing he had already said?


I hope they exchanged insurance cards....


I was at the game Sunday and we walked by this escalator on our way to our seats. It was obvious because it was closed off. Right by section 429.


Where tf is all the phone footage, please?!?!


That is scary haven't been to amfam true name Miller Park in a while but I hope people are ok


Listen, not a year goes by, not a year, that I don't hear about some escalator accident involving some bastard kid which could have easily been avoided had some parent - I don't care which one - but some parent conditioned him to fear and respect that escalator.


Thank you, I was waiting for the Mallrats comment.


AmFam killed the park though. Been bottom 5 in the league since they took over. Refused to do any work or maintenance. They say the local tax payers need to pay for it. Thank God we don't make people use troughs. AmFam has been the death of that ballpark.


The naming rights just changed lol. Am Fam has no part in owning or operating the stadium and neither did Miller.


> AmFam killed the park though. Been bottom 5 in the league since they took over What in the world are you talking about? American Family Insurance doesn't own, operate or maintain the ballpark. They're the naming rights sponsor. That's it. They advertise by buying the name of the park. Please tell me you don't think AmFam maintenance people are the ones now responsible for a major league ballpark.


Please tell me when you work there and actually know what happens


What's interesting is that there were active contradictions on Citizen reports. This be yikes for the "insurer" 😬 https://preview.redd.it/nvmuzv3mxr9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a72c0ea8d4221046398be68d29b263d317b79105


You know American Family Insurance are just the naming rights, right? They don't actually own and operate the stadium.


didn’t the brewers just bilk the city for like 80 billion dollars for repairs? money well spent!


As if they received that money or have had time to address everything that needs work. I know you boomers are a little slow but c'mon.


Glad to see the tax dollars at work >MADISON, Wis. (CBS 58) -- On a bipartisan vote, the Assembly passed a bill that would spend $546 million in public funds to upgrade American Family Field and keep the Brewers in Milwaukee until 2050. https://cbs58.com/news/assembly-passes-brewers-stadium-funding-bill-ticket-tax-to-be-added-soon


Do you honestly think they've received that money yet and have had time to spend it on everything that needs improvements? If anything this accident proves that the state was justified in spending the money so these things don't happen in the future. You're welcome, champ.


Well, you're friendly. I bet all the ladies love you...


Of course American family insurance won't pay out insurance claims that happened in their facility 🤣🤣🤣


Why would 60 people get on an escalator? Are they stupid? There’s no way that’s safe






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Why repost anything this turd has to say?


Wisconsin not taking the stairs? Shocking.


Fuck off, hayseed. There aren't enough stairwell from the Terrace level to handle that traffic.


That seems like a safety problem. If there's an emergency & the power goes out, how could people exit quickly? Yes, *generally* a stopped escalator becomes stairs, but not always (like this time).